Nursing Theories Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The theory/practice gap has long been highlighted as one of the biggest problems hindering the advancement of nurse sciences and nursing students. This problem however has never been explored nor proved to be present within the Tunisian... more

The theory/practice gap has long been highlighted as one of the biggest problems hindering the advancement of nurse sciences and nursing students. This problem however has never been explored nor proved to be present within the Tunisian nurse bachelor degree. Thus we aim to explore the existence of this gap in the Tunisian nurse education program through the technique of simple hand washing.This study is a cross-sectional descriptive study, recruiting cohort of randomly chosen nurses (n=70), over the span of 6 months. Both a survey questionnaire and an observation grid were used, one was to test the nurse's knowledge of the simple hand washing technique the other to evaluate the execution of the technique.Only 10% of our population were able to correctly name the different recommended steps needed to execute the technique in question. Only 8.6% were able to successfully answer the entire survey questionnaire. 67.1 % of the observed nurses failed to execute the technique in accordance with the recommendations for it .Our study proved the existence of the theory/practice gap within in the curriculum of the high institute of nursing of Tunis, at least when it comes to hand hygiene, which calls for further examination of the problem and immediate intervention.

COVID-19 pandemic represents a challenge not only to frontline health professionals, who introducing nursing services but also to nursing academics in nursing education. Clinical simulation is a valuable tool for teaching and learning in... more

COVID-19 pandemic represents a challenge not only to frontline health professionals, who introducing nursing services but also to nursing academics in nursing education. Clinical simulation is a valuable tool for teaching and learning in nursing education especially in this crisis. Aim: The study aimed to identify the perceived nursing students' satisfaction and self-confidence towards the elements of clinical simulation design and educational practice during the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A quantitative descriptive cross-sectional design was utilized. The study was conducted at the nursing department, College of Applied Medical Sciences affiliated to the University of Hafr Al-Batin. This study involved 118 nursing students who were enrolled in different levels of academic years. The questionnaire involved three instruments; the Simulation Design Scale, Educational Practices Questionnaire, and Student Satisfaction / Self-Confidence in Learning Scale. Results: The findings revealed that around half of nursing students had a low level of satisfaction with simulation activity and the highest percent of them had a high level of self-confidence for managing the simulated situations. Conclusion & Recommendations: The study findings reflected that the use of simulation in presence of design elements and educational practices' features is a typical solution for clinical nursing education to promote students' satisfaction and self-confidence in learning. The study recommended incorporating virtual clinical simulation and other adaptive digital learning methods as a teaching strategy in nursing curricula, as well as encouragement the nursing colleges to allocate budget for purchasing equipment and high fidelity patient simulation manikins.

“Illness works to deform and distort all the meaning and value one gives to one’s life” (Ahlzén, 2011, p.325). A feeling of terminal loss is experienced within the physical body as chaos floods the brain. Even language is incapable of... more

“Illness works to deform and distort all the meaning
and value one gives to one’s life” (Ahlzén, 2011, p.325). A feeling
of terminal loss is experienced within the physical body as chaos
floods the brain. Even language is incapable of fully addressing
the internal tension that comes with illness, because it strives
to make articulate the unpresentable or the abject. This review
is directed towards analysing the experience of embodiment
in illness, one’s relation to the self and to others, all within
a particular context such as a place of constraint (hospital)
or exchange (museum). The mediation between care and art
practice, in fact, allows for the emergence of similar states
that fluctuate between closeness and distance and between the
unpresentable and the presentable as they enter in a process of
dialogue. Such states allow the nurse and the artist to engage
freely with the Other in a space defined by the intensity of
the present moment and its assimilation through the path of
narrativity. An empathic audio-visual tool called Sanctuary
was created to serve a narrative, the ill person’s narrative. It
is presented in the form of a visor which allows the viewer to
enter a ‘bunker-like’ space. An empathic encounter with the
self, aims to be triggered through the process of participation in
the artwork. The play of tension within a restorative, sheltering
space is followed with planned empathic dialogue between the
nurse and the ill person.

Conceptual Models of Nursing familiarizes students with a broad range of nursing models and their roles in global nursing practiceA detailed overview of nursing theory development familiarizes new students and reorients graduate students... more

Conceptual Models of Nursing familiarizes students with a broad range of nursing models and their roles in global nursing practiceA detailed overview of nursing theory development familiarizes new students and reorients graduate students to the field.The focus on all major nurse theorists provides students with an accessible all-in-one reference book.Demonstrations of how models and theories can be applied to nursing practice helpstudents understand the development and evaluation of the theoretical base for advanced nursing practice.NEW: Chapters written by nurse scholars from several countries provide a perspective of how nursing is conceptualized in other countries and give voice to a community of scholars that extends beyond the borders of the United States. Thirteen countries are represented to help future nurse scholars everywhere in their quest for scientific excellence.NEW:A holistic presentation of models encourages nurses to think conceptually. Several holistic models described in the text are strength-based nursing, personhood, health as harmony, and interpersonal caring.¿ NEW: Culture is emphasized as a major influence on the understandings that guide nurses both in knowledge development and professional practice. Some chapters present unique models that are specifically derived from the history and culture of nursing in that country, while others have described the application of existing models that were developed in the United States.Consistent analysis of each model allows students to compare models for usefulness in research, education, and practice - See more at:

Teorias de Enfermagem - Os fundamentos à prática professional. Julia B George. 4a edicao. Artmed

ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Adanya tuntutan masyarakat yang sangat tinggi terhadap kualitas pelayanan kesehatan. Sebagian pasien memutuskan untuk kembali berkunjung ke rumah sakit salah satunya ditentukan oleh kualitas pelayanan keperawatan.... more

ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Adanya tuntutan masyarakat yang sangat tinggi terhadap kualitas pelayanan kesehatan. Sebagian pasien memutuskan untuk kembali berkunjung ke rumah sakit salah satunya ditentukan oleh kualitas pelayanan keperawatan. Tujuan: diketahuinya hubungan kualitas pelayanan keperawatan rawat inap dengan proses pengambilan keputusan pasien untuk memilih Rumah Sakit. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian survey analitik dengan rancangan penelitian Cross Sectional. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 185 sampel. Pengambilan data melalui kuesioner dan dilakukan padaa bulan bulan Maret-April 2018. Uji statistik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis hubungan antar variabel menggunakan uji Fisher Exact dan Chi Square, dengan α = 0,05 dan CI = 95%. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara kualitas pelayanan keperawatan dilihat dari tangible (p value = 0,008), Responsiveness (p value = 0,000), assurance (p value = 0,000), empathy (p value = 0,001), perawat terhadap proses pengambilan keputusan pasien untuk memilih Rumah Sakit. Sedangkan untuk reliability (p value = 0,082), perawat didapatkan tidak ada hubungan dengan proses pengambilan keputusan pasien untuk memilih Rumah Sakit. Saran: Rekomendasi penelitian ini adalah perlu upaya peningkatan kualitas pelayanan keperawatan yang dilakukan oleh pihak rumah sakit seperti melakukan pelatihan klinis rutin dan berkala untuk perawat pelaksana di ruang rawat inap tentang jenjang karir perawat. Kata Kunci: Kualitas pelayanan keperawatan, Proses pengambilan keputusan pasien, Memilih Rumah Sakit ABSTRACT Background: There is a high demands from hospital consumens towards the quality of health services. There are many reasons for patient decision to return to the same hospital such as the quality of nursing service. Objectives: This study aims to determine the relationship of the quality of inpatient nursing care with the patient's decision making process to select Hospital. Method: This research is analytic survey with cross sectional study design. The number of samples in this study as many as 185 samples. The instruments of this study was set of questionnaires and data collection was conducted in March-April 2018. The statistical test used to analyze the relationship between variables using Fisher's Exact test and Chi Square, with α = 0.05 and CI = 95%. Results: The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the quality of nursing services with four aspects such as tangibles (p value = 0,008), Responsiveness (p value = 0,000), assurance (p value = 0,000), empathy(p value = 0,001) nurses on patient decision making process to select Hospital. Meanwhile, there is no significant relationship between reliability (p value = 0,082) with decision process patient to choose Hospital. Suggestion: This study recommendations that the hospital need to improve all the quality aspects of nursing services for example conducting regular and periodic clinical training for nurses in the inpatient ward of the careers path of the nurse.

Este trabajo estudia la conveniencia recíproca del establecimiento de puentes disciplinares entre la enfermería y la filosofía cristiana (y entre sus respectivas instituciones educativas). Para ello se realizó una lectura crítica de... more

Este trabajo estudia la conveniencia recíproca del
establecimiento de puentes disciplinares entre la enfermería y la
filosofía cristiana (y entre sus respectivas instituciones
educativas). Para ello se realizó una lectura crítica de textos de
filósofos como Odo Marquard, José Ortega y Gasset y Michel
de Certeau (entre otros), y de enfermeras/os dedicados a la
filosofía de la enfermería. Se parte de la pregunta acerca de si
es posible una vinculación entre enfermería y filosofía cristiana,
para después valorar si es conveniente que los profesionales
que cuidan incorporen herramientas filosóficas a su bagaje
profesional. Finalmente, se propone una vía de acción que
identifica a la Universidad como un magnífico espacio de
encuentro entre las dos disciplinas, y que considera que la
filosofía en general (y en particular la filosofía cristiana), así
como las instituciones que la cultivan, pueden ser los cauces de
una sabiduría imprescindible para la enfermería.
This paper analyses the mutual benefits of building bridges
between nursing and Christian philosophy (and between both
disciplines' teaching institutions). In order to achieve this goal, a
number of philosophical texts authored by Odo Marquard, José
Ortega y Gasset and Michel de Certeau among others, and
nursing texts focusing on philosophy, were reviewed. The
research emerges from the idea that a link exists between both
nursing and Christian philosophy, and assess whether nursing
professionals ought to include philosophical tools to their
practice. Finally, the University is proposed as a magnificent
meeting place between both disciplines. Additionally, it is
suggested in this paper that philosophy in general and Christian
philosophy in particular, and the institutions devoted to their
study, may very well be an excellent way to channel the
advancement of this branch of essential nursing knowledge.

In 1978 Barbara Carper published ‘Fundamental patterns of Knowing in Nursing’, a paper much cited in the nursing literature. Jacobs-Kramer and Chinn (1988) modified the patterns to produce a model for further clarification. However, the... more

El pasado mes de Agosto en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia la Dra. Marie-Luise Friedemann presentó la conferencia "Importancia de la formación de Investigadores para el desarrollo de enfermería, como ciencia y profesión" en esta, se... more

El pasado mes de Agosto en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia la Dra. Marie-Luise Friedemann presentó la conferencia "Importancia de la formación de Investigadores para el desarrollo de enfermería, como ciencia y profesión" en esta, se resaltaba la relación existente entre teoría práctica e investigación a partir del desarrollo del Marco de Organización Sistémica y se presentó un ejemplo de la formación de investigadores en el Minority Health International Research Training de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad Internacional de Florida. Esta entrevista fue posible gracias a la gentileza de la Dra. Friedeman al aceptar la solicitud informal del dialogo luego de una pequeña y amena conversación junto a Nelly Garzón Alarcón.

Hospitalization is an unpleasant moment in the life of a person, both for the patient himself for his entourage. Despite the skills of caregivers, care provided in hospital can be painful, disturbing, annoying and unpleasant. Nurses must... more

Hospitalization is an unpleasant moment in the life of a person, both for the patient himself for his entourage. Despite the skills of caregivers, care provided in hospital can be painful, disturbing, annoying and unpleasant. Nurses must study and apply all means to make the most comfortable possible care. The presence of a person close to the
bedside during the realization of care may be, in certain circumstances, one of these means. The current trend is to dismiss rather close by making them leave the room especially in the medical and surgical wards. Yet some studies demonstrate that the presence of a loved one can be beneficial in the course of care of a sick person. Some services such as pediatrics or retirement homes already have long adopted the approach of integrating family in patient care, with positive results. Certain constraints bound to the wards as the number of patient, care of making or the lack of personnel do not still allow to integrate the close friends into the care of the patient. However, the survey conducted during the preparation of this work indicates that nurses are willing to accept the presence of loved ones if circumstances permit.

Nursing professions is used to be considered following a physician’s order but after the ‎arrival of nursing theories that are based on model of patient care was essentially biomedical and ‎focus on treating diseases than the patient. The... more

Nursing professions is used to be considered following a physician’s order but after the ‎arrival of nursing theories that are based on model of patient care was essentially biomedical and ‎focus on treating diseases than the patient. The move towards theory based practice has made ‎nursing career more valuable. A nursing theory is a collection of assumptions, concepts, ‎definitions that derives from nursing model and plan useful phenomena by planning relationships ‎between concepts. Jean Watson’s theory is known as human caring that is element of the ‎developmental model, branch of the living tree of nursing theories by Charlotte Tourville and ‎hypothesis that there is maturation towards orderly purpose‎

The current descriptive cross-sectional study aimed to assess participants' knowledge and their attitudes toward first aid, as well as, to find any significant relation for teachers socio-demographic characteristic with their knowledge... more

The current descriptive cross-sectional study aimed to assess participants' knowledge and their attitudes toward first aid, as well as, to find any significant relation for teachers socio-demographic characteristic with their knowledge and attitudes regarding first aid. Therefore, by using SPSS a simple random sample of thirty governmental primary schools were selected, and then 302 primary school teachers were selected randomly. The result showed that 287 (95%) of participants had total fair knowledge and only 15 (5%) of participant teachers had poor knowledge, besides no one of them had good knowledge. With regard to teachers' attitudes towards first aid, the results showed that 282 (93.4%) of the teachers commonly had a positive attitude toward first aid. With respect to the relation of participants� socio-demographic data with their knowledge levels no significant association was determined but for monthly income. The final conclusion and summary of the study showed unsatisfactory knowledge about first aid in spite of teacher retaining a good general knowledge about the goals and benefits of first aid, thus the establishment of mandatory training sessions for teachers at the beginning of each academic year is intensely recommended. It is worth mentioning, that despite the teachers' positive attitudes towards first aid, an observed weakness in their responses about attitude for medical conditions that obligates providing first aid noted, which seems due to lack of knowledge and awareness about these situations where it can be improved through first aid programs and educational sessions or at least through health bulletins.
Keywords: Knowledge, Attitudes,Primary School Teachers,First Aid.

Nursing theories and models although have emerged a few decades in nursing developed countries, they have not attain extensive usage in all clinical settings worldwide. Some authors have strongly argued that it is impractical for... more

Nursing theories and models although have emerged a few decades in nursing developed countries, they have not attain extensive usage in all clinical settings worldwide. Some authors have strongly argued that it is impractical for practitioners to practice without a model, as models encourage a questioning approach and enable the delivery of high standard nursing care. The article utilising theories of change analyses a proposed model for the application of Orem's self -care deficit theory and Roper, Logan and Tierney model into clinical practice. The process of change has been considered crucial for the development of the profession and its successful management with the introduction of innovations into clinical practice is expected to contribute to the advancement and transformation of the healthcare

The biopsychosocial model is among the most influential frameworks for human-centered health improvement but has faced significant criticism-both conceptual and pragmatic. This paper extends and fundamentally restructures the... more

The biopsychosocial model is among the most influential frameworks for human-centered health improvement but has faced significant criticism-both conceptual and pragmatic. This paper extends and fundamentally restructures the biopsychosocial model by combining it with sociotechnical systems theory. The resulting biopsychosociotechnical model addresses key critiques of the biopsychosocial model, providing a more "practical theory" for humancentered health improvement. It depicts the determinants of health as complex adaptive system of systems; includes the the artificial world (technology); and provides a roadmap for systems improvement by: differentiating between "health status" and "health and needs assessment", [promoting problem framing]; explaining health as an emergent property of the biopsychosociotechnical context [imposing a systems orientation]; focusing on "interventions" vs. "treatments" to modify the biopsychosociotechnical determinants of health, [expanding the solution space]; calling for a participatory design process [supporting systems awareness and goal-orientation]; and including intervention management to support the full lifecycle of health improvement.

In December of 2014, an anonymous working group under the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a draft of the first-ever federal recommendations regarding male circumcision. In accordance with the... more

In December of 2014, an anonymous working group under the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a draft of the first-ever federal recommendations regarding male circumcision. In accordance with the American Academy of Pediatrics’ circumcision policy from 2012 - but in contrast to the more recent 2015 policy from the Canadian Paediatric Society as well as prior policies (still in force) from medical associations in Europe and Australasia - the CDC suggested that the benefits of the surgery outweigh the risks. In this article, we provide a brief scientific and conceptual analysis of the CDC’s assessment of benefit vs. risk, and argue that it deserves a closer look. Although we set aside the burgeoning bioethical debate surrounding the moral permissibility of performing non-therapeutic circumcisions on healthy minors, we argue that, from a scientific and medical perspective, current evidence suggests that such circumcision is not an appropriate public health measure for developed countries such as the United States.

NCP for inaffective breathing patern from nurses lab .com

Multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) are conventionally recommended in mental health care literature as an important way to offer holistic treatment provision to patients. This study aims to explore multidisciplinary teamwork in contemporary... more

Multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) are conventionally recommended in mental health
care literature as an important way to offer holistic treatment provision to patients. This
study aims to explore multidisciplinary teamwork in contemporary mental health
settings, particularly what aids and hinders the process of multidisciplinary teamworking,
and the social work contribution in such teams. In order to attain an in-depth
exploration of these phenomena, a single case study design was employed. Within this
design, data were generated through semi-structured interviews and structured
observation of a mental health MDT in Ireland. These data were analysed using
interpretative phenomenological analysis. The research highlights how the concept of
mental illness is contested within this MDT, with the medical model dominant within
an environment of fluid working arrangements. Professional role blurring and
stereotyping were found to impact the division of labour on this team, with role
negotiation found to be an integral part of retaining a professional’s practice identity.
This research raises concerns for social work’s capacity to function within mental
health MDTs in Ireland, and highlights ways in which social work educators might
respond in order to empower Irish social workers to meet the challenges of mental
health multidisciplinary teamworking.

Introduction: Benjamin Franklin once wrote that failing to have a plan is planning for failure. These wise words echo as true today as they did over 200 years ago. "Failing to PLAN is planning to FAIL" Just like an architect who makes... more

Introduction: Benjamin Franklin once wrote that failing to have a plan is planning for failure. These wise words echo as true today as they did over 200 years ago. "Failing to PLAN is planning to FAIL" Just like an architect who makes elaborate and detailed blue prints before building any structure or work of art. Nurses' use Nursing Process - a patient centered, problem-solving approach, goal oriented method of caring, that enables the nurse to provide care in an organized scientific manner. Material & Methods: a quasi-experimental, one group pre-test, post-test design was adopted to measure the effectiveness nursing process in providing quality nursing care to cardiac patients in selected hospitals of Gwalior.The study was conducted on 200nurses who were providing care to cardiac patients in cardiac patients. Data was collected from October 2014 to December 2014.A structured questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge about nurses about cardiac disease, Knowledge of nursing process and use of nursing process by nurses in providing care to cardiac patients. And aPlan Teaching Program (PTP) was prepared to provide pertinent information about the same. Results: The data revealed that, there is significant difference in mean of pre-test score (3.815) and mean of post-test score (5.67) of nurses about use of nursing process in providing quality patient care. Major findings of study revealed that Plan Teaching Program (PTP) is effective in enhancement of nurses’ knowledge.Use of nursing processbynurses about quality patient careto cardiac patient was significantlyassociated with qualification of nurse. Conclusion:
After the detailed analysis of this study shows that effective use of nursing process help in providing quality patient care to cardiac patients, that could also be used for other disease also in hospital as well as community setting.

Florence Nightingale's Environmental Theory of Nursing Nightingale's environmental theory of nursing, considered the first documented concept of nursing as well as the foundation of the modern practice, has changed the field through an... more

Florence Nightingale's Environmental Theory of Nursing Nightingale's environmental theory of nursing, considered the first documented concept of nursing as well as the foundation of the modern practice, has changed the field through an emphasis on restoring the normal health status in the healthcare delivery process (Hegge, 2013). Born in 1820 in Florence, Italy, Florence Nightingale was an English religious enthusiast, statistician as well as social reformer. According to Hegge (2013), Florence is considered the founder of the scientific and educated nursing of the contemporary world. During the Crimean

Multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) are conventionally recommended in mental health care literature as an important way to offer holistic treatment provision to patients. This study aims to explore multidisciplinary teamwork in contemporary... more

Multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) are conventionally recommended in mental health
care literature as an important way to offer holistic treatment provision to patients. This
study aims to explore multidisciplinary teamwork in contemporary mental health
settings, particularly what aids and hinders the process of multidisciplinary teamworking,
and the social work contribution in such teams. In order to attain an in-depth
exploration of these phenomena, a single case study design was employed. Within this
design, data were generated through semi-structured interviews and structured
observation of a mental health MDT in Ireland. These data were analysed using
interpretative phenomenological analysis. The research highlights how the concept of
mental illness is contested within this MDT, with the medical model dominant within
an environment of fluid working arrangements. Professional role blurring and
stereotyping were found to impact the division of labour on this team, with role
negotiation found to be an integral part of retaining a professional’s practice identity.
This research raises concerns for social work’s capacity to function within mental
health MDTs in Ireland, and highlights ways in which social work educators might
respond in order to empower Irish social workers to meet the challenges of mental
health multidisciplinary teamworking.

This article explores conceptual connections between nursing and spirituality and advocates for a progressive spiritualization of nursing. It explains why the spiritual holistic metaparadigm of love, communion, and gift is deeply related... more

This article explores conceptual connections between nursing and spirituality and advocates for a progressive spiritualization of nursing. It explains why the spiritual holistic metaparadigm of love, communion, and gift is deeply related to the holonic nursing metaparadigm of care, relationship, and practice. Individual and collective intentions and cultural values are the main channels of interaction between the nursing and the spiritual paradigms. Finally, the article argues that spirituality influences nursing in both education and practice by, among other things: (a) providing meaning and purpose; (b) promoting cohesion in health communities; (c) fostering respect for ethics; (d) stimulating innovation; (e) encouraging leadership; and (f) illuminating the workplace.

Clear role definition is essential for directing the focus of nurse education and several studies have attempted to define the role of the mental health nurse (MHN). These, however, came to the conclusion that mental health nursing was... more

Clear role definition is essential for directing the focus of nurse education and several studies have attempted to define the role of the mental health nurse (MHN). These, however, came to the conclusion that mental health nursing was difficult to articulate. The aim of this study was to understand how, during their transition to first level registration, mental health student nurses (MHSNs) perceived the role of the MHN. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 MHSNs during the last 6 months of their transition to MHN. Transcripts were analysed using a qualitative approach based on grounded theory. Six key themes were identified, five of which were defined mental health nursing roles. The sixth theme related to non-therapeutic intervention on the part of some MHNs. Several areas of concern were identified. First, MHSNs expected to conduct more psychologically based interventions than were achievable in practice. Second, emphasis on drug administration can lead to a conflict of interest in the nurses’ advocacy role with patients. Third, MHSNs sometimes observed poor role models in their placements, which could have a negative impact on the way in which future MHNs view the role of the MHN.

Nursing knowledge stems from a dynamic interplay between population-based scientific knowledge (the general) and specific clinical cases (the particular). We compared the " cascade model of knowledge translation " , also known as "... more

Nursing knowledge stems from a dynamic interplay between population-based scientific knowledge (the general) and specific clinical cases (the particular). We compared the " cascade model of knowledge translation " , also known as " classical biomedical model " in clinical practice (in which knowledge gained at population level may be applied directly to a specific clinical context), with an emergentist model of knowledge translation. The structure and dynamics of nursing knowledge are outlined, adopting the distinction between epistemic and non-epistemic values. Then, a (moderately) emergentist approach to nursing knowledge is proposed, based on the assumption of a two-way flow from the general to the particular and vice versa. The case of the " placebo effect " is analyzed as an example of emergentist knowledge. The placebo effect is usually considered difficult to be explained within the classical biomedical model, and we underscore its importance in shaping nursing knowledge. In fact, nurses are primarily responsible for administering placebo in the clinical setting and have an essential role in promoting the placebo effect and reducing the nocebo effect. The beliefs responsible for the placebo effect are: (i) interactive, because they depend on the relationship between patients and health care professionals; (ii) situated, because they occur in a given clinical context related to certain rituals; and (iii) grounded on higher-order beliefs concerning what an individual thinks about the beliefs of others. It is essential to know the clinical context and to understand other people " s beliefs in order to make sense of the placebo effect. The placebo effect only works when the (higher-order) beliefs of doctors, nurses and patients interact in a given setting. Finally, we argue for a close relationship between placebo effect and nursing knowledge.

Nurse's disobedience in documenting the nursing care is still a problem in various hospitals in Indonesia including Palembang, which impacting on quality of nursing services provided. This research aims to know relationship the role of... more

Nurse's disobedience in documenting the nursing care is still a problem in various hospitals in Indonesia including Palembang, which impacting on quality of nursing services provided. This research aims to know relationship the role of supervising and mentoring head room with nurses in carrying out compliance documentation of nursing care in Islamic Hospital Palembang. This research used the approach of cross sectional with 63 samples of nurses with their nursing care documentation. Proportionate sample retrieval technique of random sampling. Analysis of univariate data using independent variable mean further categorized. The dependent variable was analyzed using standard 80%. Analysis bivariate test using chi square. The results showed no relationship with compliance supervised the head nurse in the documentation of the completeness of the records document of nursing care. Expected role of mentoring the head room can be optimized with the head of the room gives the opportunity to add the knowledge related nursing care through training.

This paper reports a follow-up study of 11 mental health nurses (MHNs) (from an original of 14) who were interviewed about their perception of the role of the MHN while they were still mental health student nurses (MHSNs). These... more

This paper reports a follow-up study of 11 mental health nurses (MHNs) (from an original of 14) who were interviewed about their perception of the role of the MHN while they were still mental health student nurses (MHSNs). These participants perceived the MHN to perform a variety of roles, implementing ward administration, offering physical and psychological interventions, administering drugs and teaching. However, some MHNs were reported to function outside the boundary of professional practice in the form of alleged malpractice, non-involvement or negative approach to care. This study addresses the research question: ‘how is the role of the MHN perceived after MHSNs have made the transition to MHN?’. The aim of the study is to examine whether nurses have changed the perception of their role having had 6-month post-registration experience. This information will inform the training of MHNs and identify possible problems with the way in which the function of the mental health nurse is organized. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 MHNs at least 6 months post registration. Transcripts were analysed using a qualitative approach based on grounded theory. Analysis of the interviews with post-registration MHNs produced four main themes: transition, role ambiguity, lack of support and a theory–practice gap. Our conclusion is that there was no drastic change to participants’ pre- and post-registration perception in that the role of the MHN is ambiguous by virtue of their engagement in a variety of tasks. However, post-registration participants were more able to articulate rationales for their role vis-à-vis the practical realities of the clinical areas.

The biopsychosocial model is among the most influential frameworks for human-centered health improvement but has faced significant criticism-both conceptual and pragmatic. This paper extends and fundamentally restructures the... more

The biopsychosocial model is among the most influential frameworks for human-centered health improvement but has faced significant criticism-both conceptual and pragmatic. This paper extends and fundamentally restructures the biopsychosocial model by combining it with sociotechnical systems theory. The resulting biopsychosociotechnical model addresses key critiques of the biopsychosocial model, providing a more "practical theory" for humancentered health improvement. It depicts the determinants of health as complex adaptive system of systems; includes the the artificial world (technology); and provides a roadmap for systems improvement by: differentiating between "health status" and "health and needs assessment", [promoting problem framing]; explaining health as an emergent property of the biopsychosociotechnical context [imposing a systems orientation]; focusing on "interventions" vs. "treatments" to modify the biopsychosociotechnical determinants of health, [expanding the solution space]; calling for a participatory design process [supporting systems awareness and goal-orientation]; and including intervention management to support the full lifecycle of health improvement.

Many healthcare finance mechanisms involve transferring uncertain costs to healthcare providers in lieu of fixed payments or global capitation. Global capitation violates basic principles of risk management through insurance.... more

Many healthcare finance mechanisms involve transferring uncertain costs to healthcare providers in lieu of fixed payments or global capitation. Global capitation violates basic principles of risk management through insurance. Risk-theoretic analysis of capitation shows that risk disaggregation forces efficient providers to become inefficient insurers. Risk-assuming providers face lower profitability and increased exposure to operating losses, and must reduce patient benefits. Global capitation causes inefficiency, increases healthcare costs, and threatens patient-provider relationships. INTRODUCON Among their recommendations for building more efficient healthcare finance systems, Arrow et al. suggested as the first one "different payment mechanisms, such as bundled or global payments and capitation."(1) Similar insurance risk transfers occur in the prospective payment systems, diagnosis-related groups, global payment programs, and episode-based payment programs. In this article, all insurance risk transfer mechanisms are referred to generically as global capitation (also known as professional caregiver insurance risk). Efforts to compare global capitation and fee-for-service models are difficult because they rarely exist apart in otherwise identical settings. Confounding variables in different sites and spillover effects in the same sites leave most research inconclusive at best.(2-6) This article addresses the inefficiency of global capitation by comparing the operating characteristics of small and large insurers. Global capitation usually involves large risk-transferring entities (e.g., managed care organizations, insurers, Medicare, or Medicaid) passing insurance risks to many smaller insurance risk-assuming provider organizations, such as physician practices, hospitals, long-term care facilities, or home health agencies.(7-15) Hence, the viability of global capitation hinges on whether large and small insurers are equally profitable, are subject to equal risks of operating losses, and share equal probabilities of insolvency. Comparing performance The harms that global capitation cause are always most severe at the level of a single provider and a single financial evaluation period. The smaller the insurer or the shorter the evaluation period, the more inefficient it becomes. Small

IBD is an overarching term that defines severe digestive disorders such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis Comment on this article Women with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) need more advice about pregnancy in order to make... more

IBD is an overarching term that defines severe digestive disorders such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis Comment on this article Women with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) need more advice about pregnancy in order to make informed choices about their pregnancy. A research project that documented the experiences of 22 women and found that some had decided not to have children, or restrict their family size, and many women feared the consequences of pregnancy. 'It is desperately sad that women are opting to remain childless because they are unable to get an accurate picture of the risks they face,' said Anna Madill, a supervisor of the research. 'If they have access to that information, they may make an entirely different choice. The healthcare system needs to make sure that women living with IBD have access to all the facts necessary to make a fully informed decision.' Participants were concerned that they would pass down the condition to their children as well as worried that they would be unable to cope with a small child during periods when their condition would flare-up. IBD is an overarching term that defines severe digestive disorders such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, both of which can cause severe stomach pains, weight loss, and recurring diarrhoea. There is no cure for IBD and people living with the condition will experience periods of stability, with no symptoms, and then periods of flare-ups which be debilitating and affect quality of life. In the UK, 1 in 250 people have the condition and its incidence is increasing. The researchers, from the University of Leeds, made three films featuring participants describing their experiences of living with, being pregnant with, and being a mother with IBD. 'One of the main points to emerge from the study is that learning to live with a chronic illness has helped the women prepare for motherhood,' added Ms Madill. 'These women coped well with becoming parents.'

By examining the knowledge used in the conduct of practice, the knowledge required for practice can be shown to be completely reducible to science, ethics, and logic. Consequently, all notions of a practice theory in nursing are likely to... more

By examining the knowledge used in the conduct of practice, the knowledge required for practice can be shown to be completely reducible to science, ethics, and logic. Consequently, all notions of a practice theory in nursing are likely to represent some combination of these kinds of knowledge. As a result, no need for a practice theory exists.

Methodology The research activity is meant to rely on both the secondary and primary data sources that have to inform its findings, discussion, and conclusions. In the same regard, the emphasis is laid on various aspects including... more

The research activity is meant to rely on both the secondary and primary data sources that have to inform its findings, discussion, and conclusions. In the same regard, the emphasis is laid on various aspects including extraneous variables, instruments, the reliability of the generation of the instruments and the description of the intervention framework. Another item on the methodology is the analysis of the data collection procedures.

Fecha de recibido: 3 de septiembre de 2009. Fecha de aprobado: 4 de junio de 2010. Cómo citar este artículo: Pineda R. Teoría, práctica e investigación en enfermería: Marie-Luise Friedmann en conversación con Rafael Pineda Perdomo. Invest... more

Fecha de recibido: 3 de septiembre de 2009. Fecha de aprobado: 4 de junio de 2010. Cómo citar este artículo: Pineda R. Teoría, práctica e investigación en enfermería: Marie-Luise Friedmann en conversación con Rafael Pineda Perdomo. Invest Educ Enferm. 2010; 28(2): 282-285

Caring is directed toward a variety of things. One of them is thought to be the concept of " family caring " aimed at families. This study attempts to clarify family caring and develop Family Care/ Caring Theory (FCCT), with the aim of... more

Caring is directed toward a variety of things. One of them is thought to be the concept of " family caring " aimed at families. This study attempts to clarify family caring and develop Family Care/ Caring Theory (FCCT), with the aim of implementing it in conjunction with an existing family nursing theory, the Concentric Sphere Family Environment Theory (CSFET). In Japan and in Hong Kong, family ethnography (including formal interviews) was conducted. As a result, the item " family health care nurses and their colleagues " was added to the family external environment of the CSFET. In the family environment, evidence was obtained to the effect that the family system unit is cared for by the nursing professional, and conversely the family system unit cares for the nursing professional, in a circular transaction. Observing the two-dimensional plane formed by the structural distance and functional distance, family caring assumes a structure of concentric circles, and according to transactions, the structural distance and functional distance between the nursing professional and family system unit are gradually approached, and through deepening of mutual trust maintain an appropriate distance. Moreover observing the three-dimensional space-time continuum which is created through addition of the temporal distance, family caring forms a heli-cal structure. As transactions are repeated along the temporal axis, the family system unit's self-actualization of other individuals and the self-actualization of the nursing professional are realized. Through these processes, a family care/caring relationship is reinforced and established. This is the concept of FCCT. Through future utilization in clinical settings this will be empirically substantiated, and it will be necessary to continue making creative corrections and revisions. Keywords Family Caring, Family Care/Caring Theory (FCCT), Concentric Sphere Family Environment Theory