Nutritional Epidemiology Research Papers - (original) (raw)

AIMS: To determine the association between anthropometric parameters and systemic arterial hypertension and to identify the best anthropometrics predictors of this disease in afro-descendant women from remaining quilombo communities.... more

AIMS: To determine the association between anthropometric parameters and systemic arterial hypertension and to identify the best anthropometrics predictors of this disease in afro-descendant women from remaining quilombo communities.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with quilombola women from Alagoas State. Blood pressure, anthropometric parameters (body mass index, waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, waist-to-height ratio, conicity index, body fat), sociodemographic variables, smoking and parity were investigated. The associations between anthropometric parameters and systemic arterial hypertension were investigated using Poisson regression with robust variance adjustment. The ability of these parameters to predict the presence of systemic arterial hypertension was analyzed using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves.
RESULTS: A total of 1,553 women, aged between 20 and 59 years, were evaluated. The prevalence of systemic arterial hypertension was 35.8% and that of overweight was 48.5%. The presence of systemic arterial hypertension was associated with body mass index, waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, waist-to-height ratio, and body fat, even after adjusting for age, socioeconomic class, and smoking status. From the ROC curves, the following cutoff points were found: body mass index ≥26.2 kg/m², waist circumference ≥81.6 cm, waist-to-hip ratio ≥0.84, waistto-height ratio ≥0.54, conicity index ≥1.20 and body fat ≥35.4%. Body fat, waist-to-hip ratio and waist-to-waist ratio were equally able to predict systemic arterial hypertension.
CONCLUSIONS: All indicators of global obesity and those of central obesity, except for the conicity index, were associated with systemic arterial hypertension in this sample of Afro-descendant quilombola women. Percentage of body fat, waist-to-hip ratio and waist-to-height ratio were the best anthropometric predictors of systemic arterial hypertension. These measures had equal, albeit low, discriminatory power for the presence of systemic arterial hypertension in this population.

Investigar la prevalencia y los factores asociados con el sobrepeso y la obesidad en niños menores de 5 años en el estado de Alagoas, al noreste de Brasil. Diseño: Estudio poblacional transversal. El estudio se basó en 1.115 niños con una... more

Investigar la prevalencia y los factores asociados con el sobrepeso y la obesidad en niños menores de 5 años en el estado de Alagoas, al noreste de Brasil. Diseño: Estudio poblacional transversal. El estudio se basó en 1.115 niños con una edad promedio de 24,7 meses (DE ± 16,8), de los que el 51,7% eran niñas. El estado nutricional se clasificó según el IMC / edad. El score > + 1 and ≤ +2 z identificaba a los niños con sobrepeso y aquellos con un score > + 2 z a aquellos con obesidad, en función de la referencia estándar de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Para identificar las variables asociadas con el sobrepeso y la obesidad se realizó un análisis de regresión de Poisson. Resultados: La prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad fue del 23,9% y del 7,8%, respectivamente, del 33,8% en las niñas y del 29,4% en los niños. Tras el ajuste, la renta per cápita igual o superior a 2,5 veces el salario mínimo, la edad de 6 a 23 meses y el sobrepeso y la obesidad maternos seguían asociándose positivamente con el sobrepeso/obesidad. Por otro lado, se observó una asociación negativa entre el peso al nacimiento bajo o insuficiente con el sobrepeso/ obesidad infantil. Conclusiones: Los resultados muestran una prevalencia similar de sobrepeso y obesidad a la de otros estudios en este país para los niños menores de 5 años, alertando de una posible alteración del crecimiento y desarrollo del niño.

The Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF) is an overall indicator of undernutrition composed of stunting, underweight and wasting. A cross sectional study was conducted in an urban area (Haldia) of Purba Medinipur District,... more

The Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF) is an overall indicator of undernutrition composed of stunting, underweight and wasting. A cross sectional study was conducted in an urban area (Haldia) of Purba Medinipur District, West Bengal, India, to assess the effect of socioeconomic factors on CIAF among 621 (307 boys; 314 girls) children aged 3-12 years. Body height (cm) and weight (kg) were recorded using standard procedure. Selected socioeconomic and demographic information were recorded using pre-structured schedule. The NCHS reference values were used to calculate Z (<-2SD) scores for the three conventional indices namely underweight, stunting and wasting, and finally, to derive CIAF. Data were analyzed using chi-square test and binary as well as stepwise multiple logistic regression analysis. The CIAF showed a high prevalence of 47.66%. Sex specific prevalence was higher among girls. Low monthly per capita income (Odds ratio, OR = 2.1; p< 0.001) and households having two or less number of rooms (OR = 1.55, p < 0.001) were independently associated with higher risk of anthropometric failure (AF). Factors having a direct impact on earnings which provide basic infrastructure for a healthy livelihood seemed to be the major predictor of AF among children.

Seasonal variation in nutritional status among young children has been described in rural populations, but in few urban settings. We examined seasonality in 7 years of nutritional surveillance data from an urban shanty town near Lima,... more

Seasonal variation in nutritional status among young children has been described in rural populations, but in few urban settings. We examined seasonality in 7 years of nutritional surveillance data from an urban shanty town near Lima, Peru, where childen O-35 months old were measured at intervals of 45 months. We compared nutritional status by month, using generalized estimating equations to account for the intercorrelations among measurements of the same person at different times. The periodicity of the seasonal variation was found to fit a model in which the month of the year was sine-transformed, and this sinetransformed model was used to examine possible interactions with age? sex and year of examination. A total of 38 626 measurements was available from 11 333 children. In late winter, mean weight-for-height was an estimated 0.38 Z score higher than in late summer. The seasonal effect occurred at all ages, in both sexes, and in each year of surveillance. The amplitude was greatest for children 6-23 months old. The summer trough in weight-for-height was lower in 1989 than in other years; children who experienced this summer low had lower mean height-forage in subsequent years. The seasonal variation in nutritional status may be related to differences in dietary intake! or to the higher prevalence of bacterial diarrhoea in summer than in winter. The more marked drop in weight-for-height in 1989 and subsequent trough in height-forage may be related to political and economic changes than adversely affected food access in Peru.

Objective: To estimate dietary habits and other factors associated with inadequate blood pressure (BP) control in hypertensive patients adherent to antihypertensive drug treatment assisted by a Brazilian Family Doctor Program (FDP).... more

Objective: To estimate dietary habits and other factors associated with inadequate blood pressure (BP) control in hypertensive patients adherent to antihypertensive drug treatment assisted by a Brazilian Family Doctor Program (FDP). Design: A cross-sectional study. Setting: FDP units, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Subjects: We included data from both male and female participants aged $20 years. Participants completed a standardized questionnaire containing questions related to demographics, socio-economic factors, comorbidities and lifestyle, as well as a validated FFQ and eleven additional qualitative questions to investigate dietary habits. Food items were divided into sixteen groups. Medical consultations were performed, BP measurements were taken, blood and urine samples were assessed and anthropometric and nutritional status was evaluated. Results: Individuals with inadequate BP control presented higher BMI values (prevalence ratio (PR) 5 1?027, 95 % CI 1?009, 1?045) and also consumed more meat (PR 5 1?091, 95 % CI 1?022, 1?165), which are potentially modifiable variables. Higher levels of serum creatinine (PR 5 1?894, 95 % CI 1?241, 2?892) were also associated with inadequate BP control, as were skin colour (white). After inclusion of the Na excretion index, which is an indirect measure of salt intake, a slight decrease was observed in the PR for meat, which resulted in loss of statistical significance.

Objective: To analyze food habits and nutritional status in indigenous people. Methodology: Study of prevalence of two communities with different patterns of food acquisition: dependency of rainforest resources (Atausí) and farmers with a... more

Objective: To analyze food habits and nutritional status in indigenous people. Methodology: Study of prevalence of two communities with different patterns of food acquisition: dependency of rainforest resources (Atausí) and farmers with a degree of acculturation (Nusidó). The usual daily intake (24 hours recall and nutrient analysis) and nutritional status by anthropometry (height-age, height-weight and IMC) were studied. Ethnography of foods was undertaken. Results: the traditional dietary ideal (hunting, fishing and harvesting), is not sustainable due to the low productivity and the socioeconomic conditions. The prevalence of deficiency in daily intake (Atausí > Nusidó) is high: energy 73,2%, proteins 36,6%, folic acid 34,2%, calcium 93,0%, vitamin A 61,4% and zinc 75,7%. Chronic under-nutrition appeared in 68,9% (0-10 years), and short stature in 77,1% (10-19 years), overweight in 45% (adults). Both communities have greater under-nutrition than the national level and the community more dependent on forest (Atausí) has worse nutrition outcomes. Conclusion: Current dietary habits do not guarantee the coverage of food requirements and have influence on undernutrition, along with other factors that increase food insecurity of Embera indigenous compared to the general Colombian population.

Makanan sebagai sumber protein, karbohidrat, lemak, vitamin, dan mineral sangat diperlukan bagi kesehatan fisik, pertumbuhan, dan mengatur proses metabolisme. Makanan yang berkualitas, aman dan menarik dapat diperoleh melalui perlakuan... more

Makanan sebagai sumber protein, karbohidrat, lemak, vitamin, dan mineral sangat diperlukan bagi kesehatan fisik, pertumbuhan, dan mengatur proses metabolisme. Makanan yang berkualitas, aman dan menarik dapat diperoleh melalui perlakuan yang tepat pada setiap tahapan produksi, mulai dari persiapan, pengolahan, penyimpanan, pemasaran dan penggunaannya. Makanan yang tidak aman jika dikonsumsi dapat menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan bahkan berakibat pada kematian (Suryana, 1994, dalam Sundari, 2013). Undang-undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1996 menyatakan bahwa kualitas pangan yang dikonsumsi harus memenuhi beberapa kriteria, diantaranya adalah aman, bergizi, bermutu, dan dapat dijangkau oleh daya beli masyarakat. Aman maksudnya mencakup bebas dari cemaran biologis, mikrobiologi, kimia, logam berat, dan cemaran lain yang dapat mengganggu, merugikan dan membahayakan kesehatan manusia (Mudjajanto, 2014). Dalam Islam dikenal dengan istilah makanan halalan thayyiban. Makanan halalan (halal) yaitu makanan yang tidak diharamkan, dan tidak menyalahi hukum syari`at Islam untuk dikonsumsi sesuai Al-Qur'an dan sunnah nabi. Makanan yang baik atau dalam istilah agama thayyiban yaitu baik dari sudut pemenuhan kebutuhan gizi bagi tubuh, pengolahan makanan baik, dan bahan campuran yang baik. Saat ini, Industri pangan di Indonesia telah berkembang dengan pesat, ditandai dengan munculnya industri kecil dan industri rumah tangga yang 1

La epigenética estudia los procesos de expresión géni- ca que no requieren de la modificación de la secuencia de AdN, es decir, se ocupa de las diferentes trayectorias que un genotipo puede tomar a lo largo del desarrollo del organismo.... more

La epigenética estudia los procesos de expresión géni- ca que no requieren de la modificación de la secuencia de AdN, es decir, se ocupa de las diferentes trayectorias que un genotipo puede tomar a lo largo del desarrollo del organismo. Estos mecanismos están implicados en procesos biológicos básicos como la diferenciación celular o la selección sexual, en el desarrollo de enfermedades complejas como el síndrome de Rett y en trastornos psiquiátricos como la esquizofrenia y la depresión, entre otros. Los estudios epigenéticos están proporcionando evidencias de que los eventos ambientales y los factores psicosociales pueden modificar el epigenoma.

A reflection on the similar therapeutic mechanisms of Pfizer's new COVID-19 antiviral pill 'Paxlovid' and the medicinal flavonoid Rutin - also known as 'Vitamin P' - including a brief consideration of its repurposing for use against... more

A reflection on the similar therapeutic mechanisms of Pfizer's new COVID-19 antiviral pill 'Paxlovid' and the medicinal flavonoid Rutin - also known as 'Vitamin P' - including a brief consideration of its repurposing for use against SARS-CoV-2. Online version of the original article, appearing as a supplementary essay in Volume II of the hardback format of 'AVD: The Anti-Viral Diet' (4th Edition; 2022).

Background and Objective: Hot and cold temperatures significantly increase the risk of death in many regions of the world. Different measures of temperature, including minimum, maximum and apparent temperature, have been used in previous... more

Background and Objective: Hot and cold temperatures significantly increase the risk of death in many regions of the world. Different measures of temperature, including minimum, maximum and apparent temperature, have been used in previous research. Which temperature measure is the best predictor of mortality is not known. Methods: We used mortality data from 106 cities in the US NMMAPS study (years 1987-2000). We examined the association between temperature and mortality using Poisson regression and fitted a non-linear spline for temperature. We examined five measures of temperature, the effect of including relative humidity, and various degrees of freedom for the temperature spline. The best model was defined as that with the minimum absolute residual. The residuals were calculated using crossvalidation. Results: Maximum temperature was selected as the best temperature measure the most often (40 cities in the Ն65-year age group), and apparent temperature the least often (8 cities in the Ͻ65-year age group). Maximum temperature was the best measure in 10 out of 12 months in both age groups. Geographically, maximum temperature was the best measure in cold regions, and minimum temperature in warm regions. Humidity was important in almost every city in the Ն65 year age group. The seasonal variation in humidity showed a surprising peak in usefulness in winter. Conclusion: Apparent temperature is no better than standard measures of temperature in predicting mortality. Maximum temperature was generally the best measure in cold climates and minimum temperature in warm climates. Humidity is an important predictor of mortality in the elderly and its effect should be estimated separately from temperature.

Aim: Malnutrition in the form of under-nutrition is still a major public health problem in developing countries of sub-Saharan Africa including Nigeria. This study compares the nutritional status of under-five children and their mothers... more

Aim: Malnutrition in the form of under-nutrition is still a major public health problem in developing countries of sub-Saharan Africa including Nigeria. This study compares the nutritional status of under-five children and their mothers in rural and urban areas of Anambra State Nigeria. Methodology: This was a comparative cross-sectional study carried out in one urban and two rural local government areas of Anambra State, Nigeria namely Awka South, Dunukofia and Anaocha respectively. A total of 657 mother-child pairs were selected from eligible households using the multistage sampling technique. Data on household food security was obtained from the mothers using semi-structured, interviewer-administered questionnaires while anthropometric measurements were carried out on the children and their mothers using weighing scales and height boards. Results: The overall prevalence of stunting, wasting and underweight among the under-five children in this study were 15.1%, 18.1% and 10.4% respectively, and the proportions were higher in the rural area than in the urban. The prevalence of stunting (height < 152 cm) in the mothers was 7.9% in the rural area compared to 9.1% in the urban area. Majority of the women were overweight (BMI ≥ 25.0), more in the urban (69.3%) than in the rural (59.2%). Ezeama et al.; EJNFS, 5(3): 190-201, 2015; Article no.EJNFS.2015.018 191 Conclusion: This study confirmed that under-five under-nutrition remains a serious public health problem in Anambra State, Nigeria. In order to reduce child morbidity and mortality to which malnutrition contributes significantly, concerted effort must be made by the government to improve child and maternal nutritional status by directing attention to improving household food security through developing and implementing policies that improve the livelihoods of the population.

Objetivos. Evaluar la implementación del programa de suplementación universal con multimicronutrientes "Chispitas ® " en la región Apurímac a través de la cantidad y calidad de sobres consumidos y su relación con la anemia, en niños de 6... more

Objetivos. Evaluar la implementación del programa de suplementación universal con multimicronutrientes "Chispitas ® " en la región Apurímac a través de la cantidad y calidad de sobres consumidos y su relación con la anemia, en niños de 6 a 35 meses. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio transversal usando un muestreo multietápico en el 2010. Se consideró como anemia a los valores de hemoglobina ajustados por altitud menores de 110 g/L. El consumo de multimicronutrientes se categorizó en: menor de 30; de 30 a 59, y 60 o más sobres. La calidad del consumo fue adecuada cuando la madre refería que el niño consumía toda la comida con el suplemento. Se calculó las razones de prevalencia (RPa) ajustadas por regresión de Poisson. Resultados. Se incluyó 714 participantes, 25,3% vivía en hogares pobres y 59,2% en extrema pobreza; 52,6% residía a más de 3000 m de altitud. La prevalencia de anemia fue de 51,3% (IC95%: 47,1-55,4%), 5,4% no recibió la intervención; 60,3% consumió 60 o más sobres y 49,0% los consumió en forma adecuada. No se encontró asociación entre la cantidad de sobres recibidos o consumidos y la anemia (p<0,05). Aquellos niños que consumieron el suplemento en forma adecuada tuvieron menor prevalencia de anemia que aquellos que no lo hicieron (RPa: 0,81; IC95%: 0,68-0,96) Conclusiones. No basta con entregar o consumir la cantidad necesaria de los multimicronutrientes, sino asegurar que el proceso de consumo sea adecuado para lograr una reducción de la prevalencia de anemia, aspecto que debe ser trabajado para mejorar esta intervención.

The study assessed the incidence of iatrogenic malnutrition (also known as physician-induced or hospital induced malnutrition) in patients on enteral nutrition in the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Ituku-Ozalla, Enugu. A sample... more

The study assessed the incidence of iatrogenic malnutrition (also known as physician-induced or hospital induced malnutrition) in patients on enteral nutrition in the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Ituku-Ozalla, Enugu. A sample of twenty patients (60% male and 40% female) was studied.The result showed that the elderly (55%) and children(15%) were the most affected. Assessments revealed that about 35% of the patients were malnourished. The causes of malnutrition included non-compliance to feeding time, delay in referring patients to the dieticians by physicians and underlying nutritional related diseases such as dysphagia(35%), renal diseases (15%) and sepsis(15%). Effects of malnutrition in patients included paleness, anaemia, oedema, wasting, susceptibility to diseases, and in severe cases death. Recommendations have been made to reduce the incidence and prevent the harsh effects of malnutrition in hospitalized patients.

"The proximate, functional properties, In-vitro multi enzyme protein digestibility and amino acid composition of velvet tamarind (Dalium guineense) pulps were evaluated. The ash, moisture, crude fat, crude fibre, crude protein and... more

"The proximate, functional properties, In-vitro multi enzyme
protein digestibility and amino acid composition of velvet
tamarind (Dalium guineense) pulps were evaluated. The ash,
moisture, crude fat, crude fibre, crude protein and carbohydrate of
the velvet tamarind (Dalium guineense) pulp were: 4.63%, 8.22%,
5.80%, 7.15%, 24.3% and 49.9% respectively. The water and oil
absorption capacities were: 238% and 162% which makes the pulp
exhibit a high water retention capacity. The least gelation
concentration was 17.0% while the foaming capacity and stability
were: 43.5% and 62.2% respectively. The in-vitro protein
digestibility was 66%. Glutamic acid was the most concentrated
amino acid with the value of 14.8 mg/g crude protein while
histidine (2.12 mg/g crude protein) was the least concentrated
amino acid. The % total essential amino acid with histidine was
34.2% while the % total essential amino acid with histidine was
60.8%. The calculated isoelectric point was 0.54 while the
predicted protein efficiency ratio (P-PER*) was 2.62."

Maternal and child undernutrition is highly prevalent in developing countries, resulting in substantial mortality and increased overall disease burden. In general, Body Mass Index (BMI) is the most appropriate, inexpensive and... more

Maternal and child undernutrition is highly prevalent in developing countries, resulting in substantial mortality and increased overall disease burden. In general, Body Mass Index (BMI) is the most appropriate, inexpensive and non-invasive tool to determine the nutritional status. The WHO cut-offs are provided for -1, -2 and -3 standard deviations (SD) for BMI-for-age and <-2 SD is classified as “thinness”. A cross-sectional study was conducted in two areas (Haldia municipality and Desopran block) of Purba Medinipur of West Bengal, India. A total of 576 boys aged 3-12 years participated in this study. A pre structured schedule was prepared for data collection. Height (cm) and weight (kg) of the participants were measured. SPSS version 16 was used for data screening and analysis. WHO Anthro Plus 1.0.4. and WHO Anthro 3.2.2. software programmes were utilized for assessment of nutritional status. Overall, 220 (38.19%) participants were nutritionally thin. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression were used to determine probable risk factors for thin boys. Multiple logistic regression showed that under nourished mother (Wald χ2 = 8.75, p<0.01) and low birth weight (Wald χ2 = 16.02, p<0.001) were very important risk factors for thinness.
Keywords: India; Body mass index; Bengalee; Boys.

Abstract—Distance Learning in Population Issues (DLPI) is a distance education program offered by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in collaboration with Central American Population Center of University of Costa Rica (CCP-UCR) and... more

Abstract—Distance Learning in Population Issues (DLPI) is
a distance education program offered by United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA) in collaboration with Central
American Population Center of University of Costa Rica
(CCP-UCR) and Mauritius Institute of Health (MIH) of the
Mauritius Ministry of Health & Quality of Life.
The program consists of 7 courses on population and health;
participants receive materials and tutoring over the Internet
(email and other means of communication, 40 hours of
participation). Tutoring can be in English, Spanish or
French, according to preference of participants. Since 2005,
external partners and UNFPA are collaborating in this
program. Program administration is located in Central
America, management at UNFPA headquarters and
tutoring at both Central America and Africa. Participants
register online from many countries worldwide, registration
from 104 countries were received last year.
The program is offered in 8-week periods for 7 courses and
organized in 4-5 yearly terms. Each course is either tutored
by an English-French spoken tutor or by an English-
Spanish tutor.
Results show a mean completion rate of 61,3 ± 7 with a
median of 61,2 in 2005-2011. Participants evaluate course
tutoring and administration after it finishes. Evaluation
results are anonymous and participants comments are
submitted to each tutor in order to know what worked well
and what did not in the course.
DLPI is an ongoing experience of inter institutional
collaboration between an international cooperation
institution (UNFPA) and external partners (higher
education and health public institutions) which contributes
to continued education of workers.
Index Terms—Distance Education, Distance Learning,
Training Support, Capacity Building.

Maternal education plays a central role in children's health and nutrition. Living conditions and socioeconomic status are linked with mother's education, which in turn determines the health and development of a child. The Composite Index... more

Maternal education plays a central role in children's health and nutrition. Living conditions and socioeconomic status are linked with mother's education, which in turn determines the health and development of a child. The Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF) is a single indicator that reflects overall rate of three conventional indices of undernutrition: underweight, stunting and wasting. The study was under-taken among 621 rural Bengalee children (308 boys and 313 girls) aged 3-12 years from the Purba Medinipur district of West Bengal, India. Height (cm) and weight (kg) were recorded and NCHS standard values used to calculate z-scores (<-2SD). The same data were used to calculate CIAF as an indicator of 'anthropometric failure' (AF) or undernutrition. The prevalence of AF among the children was 59.40%. Chi-squared analysis was employed to evaluate the significance of differences in the prevalence of CIAF between the sexes and the association between nutritional indicators and socioeconomic parameters in the two sexes. Multiple binary logistic regression (MBLR) analyses (including the forward stepwise method) were also performed. Odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were used to assess the risk of having AF. Results showed that mother's education was significantly associated with undernutrition (AF) controlling for the other factors considered. A very high prevalence of undernutrition is persisting in this region of India despite national nutritional supplementation programmes being operational. More attention to the improvement of living conditions and hygiene, and more particularly the education of women, in this population might be effective in attaining improved child growth and health.

Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) is an alternative anthropometric measurement to assess undernutrition but a universally accepted cutoff is yet to be established. The objectives of the present study are to determine whether the proposed... more

Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) is an alternative anthropometric measurement to assess undernutrition but a universally accepted cutoff is yet to be established. The objectives of the present study are to determine whether the proposed sex-specific global cutoffs are suitable across several tribes in India. This cross-sectional study was conducted among nine tribal populations in India (1046 males, 1087 females). Weight, height and MUAC values were obtained, and body mass index (BMI) was calculated. The BMI cutoff (<18.5 kg/m 2) was used to determine chronic energy deficiency (CED). The ROC Curve analyses of binomial logistic regression for MUAC versus CED revealed optimal cutoff point of MUAC as 23.8 cm (in males) and 21.8 cm (in females). MUAC cutoffs were similar in females, relative to males, in all tribes. Males with MUAC<24cm and females with MUAC<22 encompassed significantly higher numbers of CED than those with MUAC≥24 and ≥22 cm, respectively (χ 2-value males: 254.9, p<0.001; females: 493.60, p<0.01). A single cut off point of MUAC may not be universally applicable for diverse populations and both sexes as well. It seemed that there is no alternative than to undertake further validation studies in various populations before using the MUAC cut off to identify undernourished or CED condition.

Introduction: The three conventional indices were insufficient to measure overall prevalence of child undernutrition and hence it was proposed to construct a Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF). Objectives: To evaluate the... more

Introduction: The three conventional indices were insufficient to measure overall prevalence of child undernutrition and hence it was proposed to construct a Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF). Objectives: To evaluate the overall burden of undernutrition using CIAF in primary school children of a rural area in West Bengal, India. Method: A cross sectional study was carried out among 618 children (304 boys and 314 girls) from Government aided primary schools of Bali Gram

The tribal population in India, as per 2011 census is 104.3 million, constituting 8.6% of the total population. Overall, 89.97% of them live in rural areas. Nutrition has been a major health issue in India for centuries. Chronic hunger... more

The tribal population in India, as per 2011 census is 104.3 million, constituting 8.6% of the total population. Overall, 89.97% of them live in rural areas. Nutrition has been a major health issue in India for centuries. Chronic hunger and under-nutrition are the worst tribulation of the poverty that still plagues millions of tribal households in India. The objective of this study was to assess the anthropometric characteristics and nutritional status of the population. The present cross-sectional study was carried out at 2 blocks (Debra and Dantan II) of Paschim Medinipur District, West Bengal, India. A total 392 adults (Female= 207; Male= 185) Ho tribal people were included in this study. The mean (SD) value of height (cm), weight (kg), mid-upper arm circumference [MUAC (cm)], body mass index [BMI (kg/m 2)] was higher among males 159.

Background: Although a sizeable portion of India’s population (13%, over 110 million) is elderly (aged > 55 years) very little information exists on their levels of adiposity and central body fat distribution. Aim: The present study seeks... more

Background: Although a sizeable portion of India’s population (13%, over 110
million) is elderly (aged > 55 years) very little information exists on their levels of adiposity
and central body fat distribution.
Aim: The present study seeks to investigate age and sex variations in adiposity and central
fat distribution among urban elderly Bengalee men and women.
Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional study of 410 (210 men and 200 women) elderly (> 55
years) urban Bengalee Hindu individuals resident in Calcutta, India, was undertaken utilizing
various measures of adiposity and central fat distribution.
Results: There existed signi®cant sex di€ erences in various anthropometric variables and
indices. Age had signi®cant negative association with most variables and indices in both
sexes. In general, the associations were much stronger in men. Regression analysis demonstrated
that age had signi®cant negative e€ ect on height, sitting height (SH), weight, body
mass index (BMI), minimum waist (MWC), maximum hip (MHC) and mid upper arm
(MUAC) circumferences and triceps skinfold (TSF), in both sexes. Age also had signi®cant
negative impact on conicity index (CI) in men.
Conclusions: The present investigation revealed that there is a signi®cant inverse age trend in
adiposity among urban elderly Bengalee Hindus. Moreover, there existed sex di€ erences in
the e€ ect of age on various anthropometric measures.

Background: To inform researchers about the methodology and results of epidemic estimation studies performed for COVID-19 epidemic in Iran, we aimed to perform a rapid review. Methods: We searched for and included published articles,... more

Background: To inform researchers about the methodology and results of epidemic estimation studies performed for COVID-19 epidemic in Iran, we aimed to perform a rapid review. Methods: We searched for and included published articles, preprint manuscripts and reports that estimated numbers of cumulative or daily deaths or cases of COVID-19 in Iran. We found 131 studies and included 29 of them. Results: The included studies provided outputs for a total of 84 study-model/scenario combinations. Sixteen studies used 3-4 compartmental disease models. At the end of month two of the epidemic (2020-04-19), the lowest (and highest) values of predictions were 1,777 (388,951) for cumulative deaths, 20,588 (2,310,161) for cumulative cases, and at the end of month four (2020-06-20), were 3,590 (1,819,392) for cumulative deaths, and 144, 305 (4,266,964) for cumulative cases. Highest estimates of cumulative deaths (and cases) for latest date available in 2020 were 418,834 on 2020-12-19 (and 41,475,792 on 2020-12-31). Model estimates predict an ominous course of epidemic progress in Iran. Increase in percent population using masks from the current situation to 95% might prevent 26,790 additional deaths (95% confidence interval 19,925-35,208) by the end of year 2020. Conclusions: Meticulousness and degree of details reported for disease modeling and statistical methods used in the included studies varied widely. Greater heterogeneity was observed regarding the results of predicted outcomes. Consideration of minimum and preferred reporting items in epidemic estimation studies might better inform future revisions of the available models and new models to be developed. Not accounting for under-reporting drives the models' results misleading.

Na primeira parte desta dissertação, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura sobre o impacto do estado nutricional na saúde do idoso, sobre a adequação do IMC como indicador do estado nutricional de idosos, bem como uma revisão de artigos... more

Na primeira parte desta dissertação, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura sobre o impacto do estado nutricional na saúde do idoso, sobre a adequação do IMC como indicador do estado nutricional de idosos, bem como uma revisão de artigos disponíveis sobre o estado nutricional e segurança alimentar de populações quilombolas.

"AFTER THIS SURVEY of literally dozens of ingredients exhibiting well-evidenced anti-viral effects against a broad spectrum of human viruses, it seems appropriate to return to a topic that forms an integral part of any discussion of viral... more

"AFTER THIS SURVEY of literally dozens of ingredients exhibiting well-evidenced anti-viral effects against a broad spectrum of human viruses, it seems appropriate to return to a topic that forms an integral part of any discussion of viral illnesses-that of 'Immunity'. This word has been heard a great deal over the past couple of years as it has been one of the aims of science to provide human beings globally with immunity from the SARS-CoV-2 virus-one that has caused disease and death for millions of people at all corners of the Earth..." - Read the entire essay 'Anti-Virality & Immunity' from 'AVD: The Anti-Viral Diet' (2022) [Project Lead, Edouard d'Araille] here at - With kind permission of the publishers LIVING TIME™ Books. Copyright © LTB™ 2020-21.

Purpose: Nutritional status of children is of paramount interest of all health surveys world-wide. Anthropometry is an important parameter for assessing nutritional status of children of growing age. Severe and acute undernutrition can be... more

Purpose: Nutritional status of children is of paramount interest of all
health surveys world-wide. Anthropometry is an important parameter for assessing nutritional status of children of growing age. Severe and acute undernutrition can be easily assessed using anthropometry. To assess the nutritional status using Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF) among 2-5 years of “Angawadi” children of Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 502 children (268 boys and 234 girls) aged 2-5 years
from 30 anganwadi centers in Bilaspur District, Chhattisgarh. Data were collected after obtaining verbal consent from the parents of children prior to commencement of measurement. The statistically significant value was considered at p< 0.05.
Results: The result shows that the overall 42.3% of the children (boys: 45.9%; girls: 41.5%) reported no anthropometric failure (Group A). In total 56.17% showed anthropometric failure (Group
B-Y). Similarly, more girls (58.5 %) than boys (54.1 %) were
undernourished. The sex combined mean difference in weight and height was observed statistically significant at (p< 0.001) level. Conclusion:
The result shows that the children under study are in critical situation.

Introduction: Dysmenorrhea is one of the commonest disorders of menstruation afflicting women of reproductive age. It is a cause of lost time from school and work among such women. Objectives: This study was carried out to determine the... more

Introduction: Dysmenorrhea is one of the commonest disorders of menstruation afflicting women of reproductive age. It is a cause of lost time from school and work among such women. Objectives: This study was carried out to determine the perception of dysmenorrhea and its effect on school activities among senior secondary school students in Nnewi-North Local Government Area, Anambra State. Methodology: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study in which information was elicited from 215 senior secondary school students selected by multi-stage sampling technique. Results: The predominant age group of respondents was 15-19 years. Among the 215 students, Original Research Article Egenti et al.; ISRR, 4(2): 1-8, 2016; Article no.ISRR.26487 2 203 had attained menarche but only 143(70.4%) experienced dysmenorrhea. Also 143 perceived menarche as a normal pain that came with menstruation while 60 regarded it as a sign of some abnormality in the body. Menstrual pain led to impaired concentration in class among 56 (39.2%) of student, missing school/classes by 10(7%) students, and not participating in games by 12 (8.4%) student. However, 25(17.5%) of respondents saw a doctor for their pain, while the rest resorted to self-medication and other non-pharmacological means of pain relief. Conclusion: The prevalence of dysmenorrhea was high among the students and it affected several school activities adversely. However, several wrong practices have been adopted by majority of the students to tackle their condition. Recommendation: A proper orientation on dysmenorrhea should be given to parents and teachers of students at the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) meeting to enable them address properly, all matters related to this condition.

IMPORTANCE This study used longitudinal data to examine potential associations between hours of television viewing and sleep duration in children. OBJECTIVE To examine the association between hours of television viewing and sleep duration... more

IMPORTANCE This study used longitudinal data to examine potential associations between hours of television viewing and sleep duration in children. OBJECTIVE To examine the association between hours of television viewing and sleep duration in preschool and school-aged children. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Longitudinal, multicenter study among birth cohorts in Menorca, Sabadell, and Valencia from the Spanish Infancia y Medio Ambiente (environment and childhood) project. The study sample included 1713 children (468 from Menorca, 560 from Sabadell, and 685 from Valencia). EXPOSURE Parent-reported child television viewing duration measured in hours per day at 2 and 4 years of age in Sabadell and Valencia and at 6 and 9 years of age in Menorca. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Parent-reported child sleep duration measured in hours per day at 2 and 4 years of age in Sabadell and Valencia and at 6 and 9 years of age in Menorca. RESULTS In cross-sectional analysis, children with longer periods of television viewing reported at baseline (1.5 hours per day) had shorter sleep duration. Longitudinally, children with reported increases in television viewing duration over time (from <1.5 to 1.5 hours per day) had a reduction in sleep duration at follow-up visits. Results were similar when examining television viewing duration as a continuous variable, with each 1 hour per day of increased viewing decreasing sleep duration at follow-up visits (β = −0.11; 95% CI, –0.18 to −0.05). Associations were similar when television viewing duration was assessed during weekends and after adjusting for potential intermediate factors (child executive function and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms) and confounders (child physical activity level, parental mental health status, maternal IQ, and maternal marital status). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Children spending longer periods watching television had shorter sleep duration. Changes in television viewing duration were inversely associated with changes in sleep duration in longitudinal analysis. Parents should consider avoiding long periods of daily television exposure among preschool and school-aged children.

Background: Definitions and assessment methods of fussy/picky eating are heterogeneous and remain unclear. We aimed to identify an eating behavior profile reflecting fussy/picky eating in children and to describe characteristics of fussy... more

Background: Definitions and assessment methods of fussy/picky eating are heterogeneous and remain unclear. We aimed to identify an eating behavior profile reflecting fussy/picky eating in children and to describe characteristics of fussy eaters. Methods: Eating behavior was assessed with the Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire (CEBQ) in 4914 4-year olds in a population-based birth cohort study. Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) was used to identify eating behavior profiles based on CEBQ subscales. Results and discussion: We found a "fussy" eating behavior profile (5.6% of children) characterized by high food fussiness, slowness in eating, and satiety responsiveness in combination with low enjoyment of food and food responsiveness. Fussy eaters were more often from families with low household income than non-fussy eaters (42% vs. 31.8% respectively; Χ 2 (1) = 9.97, p < .01). When they were 14 months old, fussy eaters had a lower intake of vegetables (t [3008] = 2.42, p < .05) and fish (t [169.77] = 2.40, p < .05) but higher intake of savory snacks (t [153.69] = −2.03, p < .05) and sweets (t [3008] = −2.30, p < .05) compared to non-fussy eaters. Also, fussy eaters were more likely to be underweight at 4 years of age (19.3%) than non-fussy eaters (12.3%; Χ 2 (1) = 7.71, p < .01). Conclusions: A distinct fussy eating behavior profile was identified by LPA, which was related to family and child characteristics, food intake, and BMI. This behavior profile might be used in future research and the development of interventions.

Objetivos. Identificar los factores asociados al cumplimiento del control de crecimiento y desarrollo (CRED) del niño menor de 1 año, en establecimientos de salud del Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) de Amazonas, Loreto y Pasco, Perú, de enero... more

Objetivos. Identificar los factores asociados al cumplimiento del control de crecimiento y desarrollo (CRED) del niño
menor de 1 año, en establecimientos de salud del Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) de Amazonas, Loreto y Pasco, Perú, de
enero a diciembre de 2012. Materiales y métodos. Estudio de casos-controles pareados. Se definió como caso al niño
que no completó 11 controles CRED hasta cumplir 11 meses de edad, y como control, aquel niño con 11 controles CRED
para la misma edad. La relación entre cada factor con el cumplimiento del CRED se estableció mediante la prueba
de McNemar (p<0,05) y como medida de fuerza de asociación el odds ratio (OR) para muestras pareadas (IC 95%).
Resultados. Siete factores, luego del control de diversas variables, están asociados significativamente al cumplimiento
de los controles CRED. El factor común, en las tres regiones, fue que se dejó de atender alguna vez al niño; lo que
se asoció, de tres a cinco veces, con la chance de no cumplir los controles CRED en Loreto y Pasco, mientras que en
Amazonas se presentó un efecto opuesto (OR 0,58; IC 95% 0,41-0,81). Conclusiones. Existen factores relacionados
con el cumplimiento del CRED en niños menores de un año que varían según región. Uno de los principales obstáculos
identificados son las múltiples funciones que deben desarrollar los profesionales que laboran en CRED, por lo que se
pierden oportunidades de atención al niño; en tal sentido debe garantizarse la dotación suficiente de personal e inculcar
permanentemente el buen trato que debe brindarse a los pacientes.
Palabras clave: Crecimiento y desarrollo; Cobertura de los servicios de salud; Salud del niño; Servicios de salud del niño (fuente:

Los embera son amerindios adscritos a la familia lingüística Chocó, ocupan el tercer lugar en importancia demográfica entre los pueblos indígenas de Colombia y aunque se conocen pocos estudios sobre su estado nutricional, se reconoce que... more

Los embera son amerindios adscritos a la familia lingüística Chocó, ocupan el tercer lugar en importancia demográfica entre los pueblos indígenas de Colombia y aunque se conocen pocos estudios sobre su estado nutricional, se reconoce que poseen problemas de seguridad alimentaria y de viabilidad agroproductiva (1).

This study was carried out to investigate the characterization of guava flavour extract produced from local and improved guava cultivar suitable for use in concentrate for flavoring juices, beverages and confectionery products using... more

This study was carried out to investigate the characterization of guava flavour extract produced from local and improved guava cultivar suitable for use in concentrate for flavoring juices, beverages and confectionery products using simple distillation technique. The physical properties of the flavor extract were determined and statistically analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science tool to separate mean that were statistically significant (p<0.05). The percentage flavor yield of the guava flavor condensate extract was higher (22.40%) for improved cultivar guava that the local variety (18.20%). The visual color of the flavor extract of the two cultivars was colorless with both having strong detectable flavor. The pH values are 5.45 and 6.23 for local and improved variety respectively. The density values are 0.98 and 1.00g/ml, specific gravity values are 1025 and 103 for local and improved cultivar respectively with similar viscosity values 2710mPa-s. , There was no significant (p<0.05) difference in the physical attributes of the two cultivars of guava flavor extract in terms of density, specific gravity and viscosity. However, significant difference exit (p<0.05) for the values of pH and flavor yields. Hence, extraction of flavor from guava suitable for concentrate used in confectionery products such as; candies, yogurt, beverage drinks, cookies and biscuits should be encouraged and industrialized. For higher yields of flavor and economic benefits, improved guava cultivar would be a better option for guava flavor concentrate production.

Zinc deficiency is a health problem in many communities especially among adolescents because of pubertal growth sprout. This investigation was carried out to determine the epidemiology of zinc deficiency in junior high school students in... more

Zinc deficiency is a health problem in many communities especially among adolescents because of pubertal growth sprout. This investigation was carried out to determine the epidemiology of zinc deficiency in junior high school students in Tehran City in 1997. This cross-sectional study was performed on 881 students (452 males and 429 females) with the mean age of 13.2±1.0 yr, who were selected by multistage random sampling method. Plasma, erythrocyte, and hair zinc levels were assayed by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Anthropometric and demographic characteristics were measured and recorded on a questionnaire. Dietary intakes were evaluated by a 24-h recall method. Zinc deficiency was defined as having at least two indices from indices of erythrocyte, plasma, and hair zinc below 10 µg/mL, 100 µg/dL, and 125 µg/g of hair, respectively. The results showed that zinc deficiency prevalence was 31.1% (confidence interval: 28–34.4%). Zinc deficiency was 65%, 49%, and 1.3% based on plasma, erythrocyte, and hair zinc levels, respectively. The mean ± SD for plasma, erythrocyte, and hair zinc concentration, height-for-age, as well as weight-for-age Z scores were 95.2±17.7 µg/dL, 10.3±2.3 µg/mL, 239.4±54.4 µg/g, −0.40±0.92, and 0.12±0.91, respectively. As for dietary intake compared with the RDA, 50% of the subjects consumed less than 50% of their requirement for zinc RDA based on a 24-h dietary recall. Zinc intake in subjects was 7.5±3.7 µg, that in boys was higher than in girls. Correlation coefficients between zinc status indices were very weak. There was neither a linear nor nonlinear relationship between biochemical parameters and nutritional zinc intake. It is concluded that almost one-third to one-half of the subjects would be considered zinc deficient.

Thinness is a major underlying problem among tribal preschool children in the developing countries including India. To assess the prevalence of low body weight/ thinness based on age and sex specific new international BMI (proposed by... more

Thinness is a major underlying problem among tribal preschool children in the developing
countries including India. To assess the prevalence of low body weight/ thinness based on age
and sex specific new international BMI (proposed by Cole et al.2007) cut-off points, among
2-5 years tribal preschool children of West Bengal, India. A total 643(328 boys and 315 girls) tribal preschool children were studied from 36 villages using the stratified random sampling method. Commonly used indicators, that is, height, weight, and BMI were used to evaluate the nutritional status. The present study revealed that the nutritional status of the studied tribal
preschool children was poor with a very high rate of thinness in boys and girls (69.5% and 69.2%, respectively). Significant age differences in mean height, weight and BMI (p= <0.001) among boys and girls were observed. The results of the present study clearly indicate that the nutritional status of these children is unsatisfactory. Very high prevalence of thinness was present among the pre-school children and this was indicative of major nutritional deprivation. The
proposed values may be useful in evaluating growth and nutritional status of tribal preschool children. It may also be used for comparisons with other ethnic groups.

El tema es el proyecto "Capacitación y actualización de profesionales en el campo de población y salud". A propósito de las prácticas de transferencia de conocimiento desde una institución de educación superior universitaria a... more

El tema es el proyecto "Capacitación y actualización de profesionales en el campo de población y
salud". A propósito de las prácticas de transferencia de conocimiento desde una institución de
educación superior universitaria a profesionales que laboran en temas de población y salud. Esta
modalidad de educación continua innova tanto el proceso educativo como la gerencia y la
administración para contribuir a las actividades que realizan los profesionales que atienden
poblaciones vulnerables en distintos países.

In the 1960s, the recorded dietary pattern of Southern European 25 populations was typical of the traditional Mediterranean diet. However, diets have been rapidly changing. The aim of the current work was to primarily examine the extent... more

In the 1960s, the recorded dietary pattern of Southern European 25 populations was typical of the traditional Mediterranean diet. However, diets have been rapidly changing. The aim of the current work was to primarily examine the extent by which present

Hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia were significantly associated with CO among adults with normal BMI [23]. Increased age, urban residence, less walking per day, more time spent on television and being married were all associated... more

Hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia were significantly associated with CO among adults with normal BMI [23]. Increased age, urban residence, less walking per day, more time spent on television and being married were all associated with having CO

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), and dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethylene (pp′DDE) are persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic environmental pollutants with potential neurotoxic effects. Despite a growing body of... more

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), and dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethylene (pp′DDE) are persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic environmental pollutants with potential neurotoxic effects. Despite a growing body of studies investigating the health effects associated with these compounds, their specific effects on early neuropsychological development remain unclear. We investigated such neuropsychological effects in a population-based birth cohort based in three regions in Spain (Sabadell, Gipuzkoa, and Valencia) derived from the INMA [Environment and Childhood] Project. The main analyses in this report were based on 1391 motherchild pairs with complete information on maternal levels of organochlorine compounds and child neuropsychological assessment (Bayley Scales of Infant Development) at age 14 months. We found that prenatal PCB exposure, particularly to congeners 138 and 153, resulted in impairment of psychomotor development (coefficient = −1.24, 95% confidence interval= −2.41, −0.07), but found no evidence for effects on cognitive development. Prenatal exposure to pp′DDE or HCB was not associated with early neuropsychological development. The negative effects of exposure to PCBs on early psychomotor development suggest that the potential neurotoxic effects of these compounds may be evident even at low doses.