PISA and TIMSS Result Research Papers (original) (raw)
Literacia de leitura é a capacidade de um indivíduo compreender, utilizar, avaliar, refletir e de se envolver na leitura de textos escritos, com a finalidade de atingir os seus objetivos, de desenvolver os seus conhecimentos e o seu... more
Literacia de leitura é a capacidade de um indivíduo compreender, utilizar, avaliar, refletir e de se envolver na leitura de textos escritos, com a finalidade de atingir os seus objetivos, de desenvolver os seus conhecimentos e o seu potencial e de participar na sociedade.
Nas últimas duas décadas as tecnologias alteraram o modo de ler.
Ler em formato digital exige o domínio de novas competências, portanto, uma revisão do conceito de literacia de leitura.
Segundo os dados do PISA, as raparigas e alunos de contextos socioeconómicos favorecidos tendem a apresentar uma maior probabilidade de alcançarem elevados níveis de desempenho a leitura.
No entanto, os resultados do PISA mostram ainda que, embora os alunos que lêem ficção apresentem uma maior probabilidade de alcançar elevados níveis de desempenho, são os alunos que lêem uma grande variedade de materiais que têm um desempenho particularmente elevado a leitura.
O PISA 2018 mostra que leitores fortes tendem a ler livros em papel ou equilibrar o seu tempo de leitura entre o formato papel e o digital. Ao mesmo tempo, leitores mais fortes tendem a ler notícias com mais frequência em dispositivos digitais ou equilibrar o seu tempo de leitura entre o formato papel e o formato digital.
Por outro lado, a maioria dos alunos com elevados níveis de desempenho a leitura também lê textos mais longos para a escola e lê diferentes tipos de textos, incluindo livros de ficção, como romances ou contos, e textos com diagramas e gráficos.
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- PISA and TIMSS Result, Leitura
This special issue brings together scholars who are working on new aspects of the intersection and implications of globalization, privatization, and marginalization. While globalization's relationship to education has been of great... more
This special issue brings together scholars who are working on new aspects of the intersection and implications of globalization, privatization, and marginalization. While globalization's relationship to education has been of great interest to scholars (e.g., Dale, 1999; Green, 1997; Rizvi & Lingard, 2009; Steiner-Khamsi, 2004; Verger, Novelli, & Kosar-Altinyelken, 2018). While the relationship between globalization and various forms of privatization has received significant attention (e.g., Adamson, Astrand, & Darling-Hammond, 2016; Ball, 2009, 2012; Carnoy, 1999; Mohamed & Morris, 2019; Robertson, Mundy, Verger, & Menashy, 2012; Verger, Lubienski, & Steiner-Khamsi, 2016), we seek to extend scholarship in these areas by examining the current connections and continuing consequences of both globalization and privatization for marginalization in/through education, as well as the ways in which the latter (marginalization) creates opportunities for the former (globalization and privatization). Exploring the relationships among globalization, privatization, and marginalization is vitally important for scholars not only because they are related in multiple yet, we argue, insufficiently understood ways, but also because their relations have real consequences for education policy and practice and for the exacerbation of marginalization itself in and through education. As the introductory essay for the special issue, this article (a) presents a framework for understanding the connections among globalization, privatization, and marginalization in relation to education; (b) distills, visually presents, and expands upon the dialectical connections evident “in” and “through” the cases that make up the special issue; and (c) emphasizes a number of lessons for the globalization-privatization-marginalization nexus.
This open access book compares and contrasts the results of international student assessments in ten countries. The OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) released the results of its 2018 assessment in December 2019.... more
This open access book compares and contrasts the results of international student assessments in ten countries. The OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) released the results of its 2018 assessment in December 2019. This book reflects the debates that typically follow the release of these results and focuses on the causes of differences between countries. Such causes include continuous decline in one country, improvement combined with increasing internal inequalities in another country, or rapid improvement in spite of an outdated curriculum in yet another.
In addition, the book discusses a number of general questions: Is knowledge outdated? Are computers taking over and replacing teachers? Are schools killing creativity? Are we adequately preparing the next generation? Are schools failing to educate our kids? The book starts out with a summary of PISA’s evolution and PISA results, and an explanation of the major factors that play a role in changes in countries’ results. The next ten chapters are devoted to ten specific countries, offering a summary of data and an explanation of the major drives for changes in education results for each one. Each chapter includes a short description of the country’s educational system as well as the impact of PISA and other ILSA studies on the country’s educational policies. The chapters also include a timeline of policy measures and main hallmarks of the country’s educational evolution, discussing the impact of these measures on its PISA results. A final reference chapter explains what PISA is, what it measures and how. While highlighting the 2018 results, the book also takes into consideration previous results, as well as long-term initiatives.
This book gathers the contribution of well-known and respected experts in the field. Specialists such as Eric Hanushek, for the US, Tim Oates, for England, Montse Gomendio, for Spain, Gunda Tire, for Estonia, and all other contributors draw on their vast experience and statistical analysis expertise to draw a set of rich country lessons and recommendations that are invaluable for all of those who care about improving a country’s education system.
If citing, it is advised that you check and use the publisher's definitive version for pagination, volume/issue, and date of publication details. And where the final published version is provided on the Research Portal, if citing you are... more
If citing, it is advised that you check and use the publisher's definitive version for pagination, volume/issue, and date of publication details. And where the final published version is provided on the Research Portal, if citing you are again advised to check the publisher's website for any subsequent corrections.
The book presents the results of an evaluation of the investment of regional policy in digital technologies in Southern Italy schools in the seven years 2007-2013. The study had three main purposes: to understand how digital technologies... more
The book presents the results of an evaluation of the investment of regional policy in digital technologies in Southern Italy schools in the seven years 2007-2013. The study had three main purposes: to understand how digital technologies made available to schools were used, to estimate the effects of this policy on students’ learning, and to identify the contexts in which digital technologies were best exploited. The research team employed three different techniques to collect data in order to answer these questions: a survey conducted to a large sample of teachers, the visit of 48 schools (randomly selected, but representative for geographical area and type of school), and a statistical analysis of the relationship between increase of technological equipment in schools and pupils learning performances. The results show that on average ICT use in southern Italian school is still a discontinuous activity: only a small share of teachers uses ICT routinely, and several practical and or...
The aim of this work is to test the hypothesis about the influence of students’ socio-economic status (SES) on their school achievement. Many studies, including PISA results, reveal positive correlation bet-ween students’ SES and their... more
The aim of this work is to test the hypothesis about the influence of students’ socio-economic status (SES) on their school achievement. Many studies, including PISA results, reveal positive correlation bet-ween students’ SES and their educational outcomes meaning that students with higher SES in average have higher school achievements as well. This paper is based on the assumption that the influence of students’ SES on their educational outcomes is mediated by school anxiety and intrinsic motivation, and by formative assessment done by teacher. This hypothesis implies that the influence of SES would be annulled by introducing mediating variables in the structural model. Data analysis has been done on PISA 2009 data, which is collected on representative sample of Serbian students in the secondary education, counting 4843 students in total. The results show that three mediating variables explain small part of SES effect. Among these mediating variables, the most influential mediator is school anxiety – students with lower SES, in average have higher level of school anxiety, which consequently lowers their educational outcomes. Apart from that, students’ SES does not influence significantly intrinsic motivation for school learning, which means that all students, no matter of their SES, can be motivated for school learning. Finally, the analysis revel that there is a positive correlation between SES and formative assessment done by teacher, but this correlation is very low, which means that high school teachers manage to apply encouraging practices toward all the students, no matter of their SES. Observed results suggest that, apart from the factors studied in this paper, there are some other which mediate educational outcomes.
Il volume raccoglie i risultati di un’indagine valutativa sugli investimenti della politica regionale in tecnologie digitali nelle scuole del Sud Italia, nel settennio 2007-2013. L’obiettivo è quello di capire cosa hanno fatto le scuole... more
Il volume raccoglie i risultati di un’indagine valutativa sugli investimenti della politica regionale in tecnologie digitali nelle scuole del Sud Italia, nel settennio 2007-2013. L’obiettivo è quello di capire cosa hanno fatto le scuole con le tecnologie di cui si sono dotate, stimare gli effetti che ha avuto questa politica sui livelli di apprendimento e far emergere i contesti in cui le tecnologie sono state meglio utilizzate e sfruttate.
Background: the model question that will be present in the PISA 2021 exam, with the insertion of knowledge related to programming logic in the test that re-analyses mathematical literacy, may not effectively assess the students' potential... more
Background: the model question that will be present in the PISA 2021 exam, with the insertion of knowledge related to programming logic in the test that re-analyses mathematical literacy, may not effectively assess the students' potential mathematical knowledge, as students are led to solving the question by using the data presented in its statement. Objectives: to analyse a model question that will be present in the new form of evaluation of PISA 2021 regarding the insertion of integrated programming logic with the different literacies. Design: we assume a qualitative study, with exploratory and explanatory research, when it incorporates elements of two investigative designs: bibliographic and documentary research. Setting and Participants: the study was developed based on model questions from PISA 2021 provided by the OECD. Data collection and analysis: the question of PISA 2021 is organised with increasing difficulty and the analysis observes how we understand that the result of questions of a programming logic nature in the Mathematics assessment is moving towards the insertion of a new literacy in the assessed role: Digital Literacy. Results: we highlighted three levels of knowledge of programming logic, with emphasis on the imperative paradigm, used for the design of resolution: recognition of patterns, structures of logical controls and representation by variables. Conclusions: we conclude the students need to be able to assess and use the information critically if they want to turn it into knowledge, recognising patterns and inferring a critical position as to its consequences, aspects that cover what we understand as Digital Literacy.
Γιατί όλοι μου λζνε να γίνω γιατρόσ;»* Η δυςτοπία του PISA Στισ 6 Μαρτίου 2014, θ Στζγθ Γραμμάτων και Τεχνϊν του Ιδρφματοσ Ωνάςθ προκάλεςε δθμόςια ςυηιτθςθ με τίτλο «Το ςχολείο του αφριο -μια ανάγκθ του ςιμερα» και προςκεκλθμζνουσ τον... more
Γιατί όλοι μου λζνε να γίνω γιατρόσ;»* Η δυςτοπία του PISA Στισ 6 Μαρτίου 2014, θ Στζγθ Γραμμάτων και Τεχνϊν του Ιδρφματοσ Ωνάςθ προκάλεςε δθμόςια ςυηιτθςθ με τίτλο «Το ςχολείο του αφριο -μια ανάγκθ του ςιμερα» και προςκεκλθμζνουσ τον Φινλανδό κακθγθτι ςτο Ρανεπιςτιμιο του Harvard, Pasi Sahlberg, και τον ομότιμο κακθγθτι των Ραιδαγωγικισ από το Α.Ρ.Θ. Γιϊργο Τςιάκαλο. Στθ ςυηιτθςθ ςυμμετείχα προςωπικά με ςφντομθ τοποκζτθςθ. Συντονίςτρια ιταν θ Χριςτίνα Κουλοφρθ, κακθγιτρια Νεότερθσ και Σφγχρονθσ Ιςτορίασ ςτο Ράντειο Ρανεπιςτιμιο.
Although reading comprehension is accepted as a skill that needs to be developed specific to the Turkish course, reading is an "intermediate disciplinary skill" and a skill that needs to be developed in other courses, and research has... more
Although reading comprehension is accepted as a skill that needs to be developed specific to the Turkish course, reading is an "intermediate disciplinary skill" and a skill that needs to be developed in other courses, and research has shown those students who do not have reading skills cannot be successful in other courses. In this study, reading comprehension questions in 5, 6, 7 and 8th-grade Turkish textbooks taught in secondary schools in the period of 2019-2020 were examined according to the reading skills proficiency levels in PISA. Reading comprehension questions in the textbooks were examined through 8 levels in 2015 and 2018 PISA reading proficiency levels. Following to the results of the research, 0.5% of the questions in the textbooks are 1c, 36.5% are 1b, 18.9% are 1a, 28% are level 2, 10% are level 3, 4.9% are level 4, 1% are level 5 and it was concluded that 0.1% was at level 6. It is noteworthy that reading comprehension questions in Turkish textbooks are most concentrated at levels 1b, 1a and 2, and that these results are in line with Pisa's (2018) reading proficiency results in Turkey. In the research, it was suggested that reading comprehension questions in Turkish textbooks should be removed from knowledge level and formed from the types of questions in which high-level thinking skills will be employed to direct the use of knowledge in daily life.
Este artículo analiza a los estudiantes costarricenses identificados como "resilientes" en la evaluación PISA 2009; y los compara con sus pares que, a pesar de tener un nivel socioeconómico similar, obtuvieron malos resultados en esta... more
Este artículo analiza a los estudiantes costarricenses identificados como "resilientes" en la evaluación PISA 2009; y los compara con sus pares que, a pesar de tener un nivel socioeconómico similar, obtuvieron malos resultados en esta prueba. El artículo muestra que las diferencias en el rendimiento podrían estar asociadas con el uso de mejores estrategias para comprender la lectura, el gusto personal por esta práctica, y la actitud del estudiante hacia el centro educativo.
Educational Quality: Global Politics, Comparative Inquiry, and Opportunities to Learn
Finlandiyalı ortaöğretim öğrencileri, ilki 2000 yılında yapılan PISA sınavında büyük başarı elde etmiştir. Finlandiya'nın Pisa başarısının altında yatan unsurlar; çok amaçlı pedagoji, öğrencilerin kendi ilgileri ve boş zaman etkinlikleri,... more
Finlandiyalı ortaöğretim öğrencileri, ilki 2000 yılında yapılan PISA sınavında büyük başarı elde etmiştir. Finlandiya'nın Pisa başarısının altında yatan unsurlar; çok amaçlı pedagoji, öğrencilerin kendi ilgileri ve boş zaman etkinlikleri, eğitim sisteminin yapısı, öğretmen eğitimi, okul uygulamaları, Fin kültürü olarak özetlenebilir. Çeşitli yönlerden örnek uygulamalarla incelenen Finlandiya Eğitim Sistemi ve Öğretmen Eğitimi, ülkemizin Pisa sınavlarındaki problemlerine yararlı çözüm yolları sunmaktadır.
Na Colômbia, o uso de testes padronizados determina os processos educativos. Diretores, professores e estudantes em geral, reconhecem a subordinação da prática educativa à frente dos testes externos estabelecidos pelo governo colombiano.... more
Na Colômbia, o uso de testes padronizados determina os processos educativos. Diretores, professores e estudantes em geral, reconhecem a subordinação da prática educativa à frente dos testes externos estabelecidos pelo governo colombiano. Esta situação vem sendo assumida de forma submissa, sem uma clara posição crítica, que por sua vez poderia estar gerando efeitos contraproducentes em crianças e jovens estudantes colombianos. Este ensaio é uma análise crítica com base nos princípios educacionais de Paulo Freire. Compreender a avaliação padronizada como uma prática educativa que revela certo tipo de relação do homem com ele mesmo e com o mundo, dentro de uma concepção de educação "bancária" como uma tentativa sectária que fomenta o ato passivo de transferência de informações em detrimento da construção ativa do conhecimento. Isso faz com que a avaliação seja uma prática desumana, de domesticação dos seres humanos, constituindo, portanto, um ato de violência. Desta forma, poderíamos começar a sugerir que a avaliação deve se tornar um ponto de encontro para que sujeitos interajam através do diálogo, mediados por um objeto cognoscível. Procurando assim, fazer da avaliação um processo mais humano e democrático. Palavras-chave: Avaliação, violência, conhecimento, humanização. Resumen En Colombia el uso de las evaluaciones estandarizadas ha condicionado los procesos educativos. Los directores escolares, estudiantes y docentes en general reconocen la subordinación de la práctica educativa ante las pruebas
Este artículo analiza a los estudiantes costarricenses identificados como “resilientes” en la evaluación PISA 2009; y los compara con sus pares que, a pesar de tener un nivel socioeconómico similar, obtuvieron malos resultados en esta... more
Este artículo analiza a los estudiantes costarricenses identificados como “resilientes” en la evaluación PISA 2009; y los compara con sus pares que, a pesar de tener un nivel socioeconómico similar, obtuvieron malos resultados en esta prueba. El artículo muestra que las diferencias en el rendimiento podrían estar asociadas con el uso de mejores estrategias para comprender la lectura, el gusto personal por esta práctica, y la actitud del estudiante hacia el centro educativo.
Powerpoint file presented at a workshop of the WISE conference in Qatar on November 5, 2014. Workshop Description: Students studying in Arabic must progress at a pace comparable to other countries. Performance in international... more
Powerpoint file presented at a workshop of the WISE conference in Qatar on November 5, 2014.
Workshop Description:
Students studying in Arabic must progress at a pace comparable to other countries. Performance in international comparative tests, such as TIMSS, PIRLS, and PISA has improved over time, but accelerated progress is possible. To forge ahead, it is wise to heed the advice of memory research. There are some little known and sometimes counterintuitive variables to explore. What are the prerequisites that will make students effortlessly process information written in Arabic and make good decisions fast?
Participants will be challenged to push the frontiers of curricular possibility. They will examine test samples and even take a test in a strange language. They will consider some textbooks and think how learning functions can be optimized through them. They will similarly consider other overlooked variables that could enhance comprehension. The workshop may become a springboard for coordinated research on variables that will speed up information processing among young Arab students and improve performance in higher levels of education.
uticaj i efikasnost mera afirmativne akcije sprovedenih u protekle ~etiri godine. U oblasti zdravstva analiziran je i uticaj mera koje su namewene najsiroma{nijem stanovni{tvu sa fokusom na romskoj populaciji. Kako bi kompletirali sliku o... more
uticaj i efikasnost mera afirmativne akcije sprovedenih u protekle ~etiri godine. U oblasti zdravstva analiziran je i uticaj mera koje su namewene najsiroma{nijem stanovni{tvu sa fokusom na romskoj populaciji. Kako bi kompletirali sliku o tome koliko su efikasne mere koje dr`ava sprovodi za one najsiroma{nije, ura|ena je i detaqna analiza uticaja nov~anih nadoknada koje stanovni{tvo Srbije dobija (MOP i de~ji dodaci). Predmet analize bio je i efekat materijalnih subvencija na koje su mala i sredwa preduze}a imala pravo u proteklom periodu, kao i efekat mera koje je Vlada realizovala za podsticaj razvoja poqoprivrede. Rezultati koji su dobijeni u procesu analize uticaja politika i mera, predstavqeni su relevantnim Vladinim institucijama, civilnom dru{tvu i zajedni~ki su dogovoreni daqi pravci delovawa. Na ovaj na~in, omogu}eno je da rezultati analiza direktno uti~u na definisawe mera za poboq{awe `ivota najsiroma{nijih gra|ana Srbije u narednom periodu. Sam proces utica}e na izgradwu kapaciteta vladinih institucija za redovno analizirawe uticaja mera javne politike i uspostavqawe kontinuiranog procesa, kojim se isti~e posve}enost stvarawu demokratske i odgovorne vlade. Finalne verzije pomenutih analiza dostupne su na sajtu www.prsp.sr.gov.yu. Tim potpredsednika Vlade za implementaciju Strategije za smawewe siromaštva 3
Le service d’étude de l’Appel pour une école démocratique (Aped) a réalisé une analyse autonome et originale des résultats de l’enquête PISA 2012. Ses enseignements sont présentés ici. Il en ressort que la Belgique est, avec la France, le... more
Le service d’étude de l’Appel pour une école démocratique (Aped) a réalisé une analyse autonome et originale des résultats de l’enquête PISA 2012. Ses enseignements sont présentés ici. Il en ressort que la Belgique est, avec la France, le pays d’Europe occidentale dont l’enseignement est le plus inéquitable. C’était le cas depuis longtemps pour la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. Mais récemment la situation de l’équité s’est fortement dégradée en Flandre et en France. On découvre également que la Flandre est le système éducatif où l’écart entre élèves autochtones et allochtones est le plus important (même à origine sociale identique). Et celui où les performances scolaires sont le plus étroitement liées au niveau d’étude des parents.
Notre étude montre que ces inégalités sociales ou liées à l’immigration sont avant tout le résultat de puissants mécanismes de ségrégation. C’est en Flandre que les élèves issus de l’immigration ont la plus grande probabilité d’être confinés dans des écoles « ghettos ». En Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et en France, les taux de redoublement sont parmi les plus élevés d’Europe occidentale et l’impact de l’origine sociale sur la probabilité d’un redoublement y est particulièrement criant. Sélection précoce, quasi-marchés, réseaux concurrents et polarisation sociale des établissements scolaires caractérisent les systèmes d’enseignement de Belgique et, dans une mesure croissante, de France.
The article employs exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) to evaluate constructs of economic, cultural, and social capital in international large-scale assessment (LSA) data from the Progress in International Reading Literacy... more
The article employs exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) to evaluate constructs of economic, cultural, and social capital in international large-scale assessment (LSA) data from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2006 and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009. ESEM integrates the theory-generating approach of exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and theory-testing approach of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). It relaxes the zero-loading restriction in CFA, allowing items to load on different factors simultaneously, and it provides measurement invariance tests across countries not available in EFA. A main criticism of international LSA studies is the extended use of indicators poorly grounded in theory, like socioeconomic status, that prevent the study of mechanisms underlying associations with student outcomes. This article contributes to addressing this criticism by providing statistical criteria to evaluate the fit of well-defined sociological constructs with the empirical data.
The objective of this study is to classify the comprehension questions in the Turkish and Korean textbooks according to the cognitive levels and to compare the results of the PISA reading section between South Korea and Turkey and to... more
The objective of this study is to classify the comprehension questions in the Turkish and Korean textbooks according to the cognitive levels and to compare the results of the PISA reading section between South Korea and Turkey and to research whether comprehension studies in the textbooks are among of the factors which
stimulate the PISA results. The teaching tools of Korea, the top country in PISA results, will provide significant findings for Turkey which is under the average of OECD. For that reason, the aim of the study is to compare the questions at the end of the text in the Turkish and Korean textbooks with the PISA results. The research was conducted with document analysis technique, which is one of the qualitative research methods. The
questions at the end of the text on randomly selected themes were categorized according to the objectives in the reading literacy framework for PISA in the analysis. The findings were compared with the results of the distribution of the reading questions of PISA 2009 and PISA 2009 reading subscales. As a result of the
comparison, it found that the rate of questions, representing the level of access-retrieve was 36% in the Korean textbook sample while it was 50% in Turkish textbook sample; and the rate of questions, representing the level of integrate-interpret was 47% in the Korean textbook sample while it was 27% in Turkish one; the rate of
questions, representing the level of reflect-evaluate was 17% in Korean textbooks while it was 23% in the Turkish textbooks. When we analyzed the weights of the questions in the reading literacy framework for PISA, these rates were mainly in parallel with the rates of the questions in the Korean textbook sample. We encounter with the basic questions with access-retrieve more in the Turkish textbooks. Accordingly, it was
concluded that Turkish students may get low scores in the reading activities that they were not accustomed to the predominantly high level thinking ability questions in the assesment framework of reading literacy for PISA.
Keywords: Reading comprehension, PISA, Korean textbook, Turkish textbook
Grouping students in terms of ability and aptitude is assumed to be advantageous, given that high-performing students may be stimulated more while low-performing students may be supported more. However, studies on ability grouping often... more
Grouping students in terms of ability and aptitude is assumed to be advantageous, given that high-performing students may be stimulated more while low-performing students may be supported more. However, studies on ability grouping often provide mixed results. Additionally, although ability grouping is a common practice in the Philippines, it has not been empirically investigated with a nationally representative dataset. Drawing on the Philippine data in PISA 2018 which contained responses from 6952 students nested in 180 schools, we found that students in schools that practice ability grouping did not perform any better than those in schools that did not engage in ability grouping. More importantly, schools which practice ability grouping had greater academic inequalities among students. Similar academic inequalities were also more prevalent for urban and more advantaged schools while less prevalent for private schools. Taken together, these results suggest the need to attend to sources of inequalities among students in a school, and to reconsider assumptions for the supposed benefits of ability grouping.
Tanulmányunkban arra vállalkozunk, hogy bemutassuk a közép-európai térség PISA 2009 vizsgálatba bekerült egyházi iskolásainak néhány jellemzőjét. A volt szocialista országokban az egyházi iskolák sajátos helyzetben vannak, hiszen az... more
Tanulmányunkban arra vállalkozunk, hogy bemutassuk a közép-európai térség PISA 2009 vizsgálatba bekerült egyházi iskolásainak néhány jellemzőjét. A volt szocialista országokban az egyházi iskolák sajátos helyzetben vannak, hiszen az állam által központilag irányított szekularizáció szinte minden egyházi intézményt bezáratott. A ’90-es évektől Közép- Kelet Európában a rendszerváltozás után megkezdődött az egyházi iskolák meg/újra alapítása, hiszen a térségben egy-két különleges kivételtől eltekintve, nem léteztek csak állami iskolák. Ekkor az egyházi iskolák voltak a civil (nem állami) szektor egyetlen képviselői. Mára néhány országban a szektor megközelítette, vagy valamicskével meg is haladta az öt százalékos határt, eredményeiről, megítéléséről, előnyeiről és hátrányairól pedig a szakirodalomban is egyre gyakrabban olvashatunk (Pusztai 2009a; Standfest - Köller – Scheunpflug 2005; Dronkers – Róbert 2005; Dronkers – Avram 2009).
Bir ülkenin eğitim sisteminin mevcut durumundan daha etkili olmasının ve dünya çapında başarılı sonuçlar vermesinin kısa vadede gerçekleşemeyeceği açık olmakla beraber, uluslararası arenada öğrencileri başarılı olan ülkelerin bu... more
Bir ülkenin eğitim sisteminin mevcut durumundan daha etkili olmasının ve dünya çapında başarılı sonuçlar vermesinin kısa vadede gerçekleşemeyeceği açık olmakla beraber, uluslararası arenada öğrencileri başarılı olan ülkelerin bu başarılarının altında yatan etkenlerin detaylı şekilde incelenmesi yararlı ipuçları verebilir.
Okulların ve öğrencilerin başarılarının sürekli izlenmesi, çeşitli reformların yapılması, sınıf mevcutlarının düşürülmesi, yeni dersliklerin açılması, fırsat eşitliğinin sağlanması, okulda demokrasinin tesisi, kültürel, sanatsal, spor ve el becerileri derslerinin ve seçmeli derslerin arttırılması, öğretmen adanmışlığı, öğretmen eğitimi ve meslek içinde yetiştirilmesi, öğretmen otonomisinin yeterliklerinin yükseltilmesiyle arttırılması, öğretmen performans değerlendirme sistemi oluşturulması, öz değerlendirmeler yapılması, aksiyon planlarının hazırlanması, yeni okulların yapılması, eskilerin yeniden düzenlenmesi, okul temelli yönetim ile öğretmenlerin güçlendirilmesi, kendi müfredatlarını genel çerçeve içinde belirleyen öğretmen düşünmesini de işe koşan anlayışın öne çıkarılması yaklaşımlarının uygulanması vasıtasıyla alınan sonuçlar dikkat çekmektedir.
Müfredat reformlarıyla dünyaya öncü olmak vizyonunu güden ülkelerin aldığı sonuçların yüz güldürücü olması önemli bir araştırma, üretme ve takibin ürünüdür. Uluslararası başarıyı hedefleyen müfredat programları hazırlanması, bunun toplumun tüm unsurlarının tartışmasına açılması, başarılı öğretmenlerin düşük başarısı olan öğrencilerin bulunduğu okullarda görevlendirilmesi, öğretmenden öğretmene yardım konusunda ve başarılı okul müdürlerinin dezavantajlı bölgelerdeki okul müdürlerine mentorluk uygulamasının yaptırılması başarı kazanmakta önemli stratejiler olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Ülkemiz geleceğini oluşturacak çocuk ve gençlerimizi stratejik hedeflere göre eğitmek, gelişmiş ülke kriteriyle karşılaştırmak ve alınan sonuçları değerlendirerek ilerleme yollarını aramak hayati önemde görünmektedir. Son yıllarda üstün başarıları görülen Çin (Şangay), Güney Kore, Finlandiya, Singapur, Kanada, Yeni Zelanda, Japonya, İngiltere Eğitim Yönetimi sistemleri pek çok ruh, felsefe, araştırma, teori, uygulama ve izleme sistemlerini içinde barındırmakta ve eğitimde başarı için çalışan ülkelere ilham verebilecek bir durumda görünmektedir. Bunların detaylı şekilde incelenmesi, taklit edilmeksizin araştırma konusu yapılarak irdelenmesi, ülkemiz eğitim yönetimi sistemine yararlı öneriler sunabilecek bir çalışma sahası olarak değerlendirilmektedir.
López, V., Ascorra, P., Bilbao, M. A., Oyanedel, J. C., Moya, I. & Morales, M. (2013). Capítulo publicado en: Ministerio de Educación de Chile (ed.) Evidencias para Políticas Públicas en Educación. Selección de Investigaciones Concurso... more
La valutazione del grado di efficacia dei sistemi educativi e più in generale la misurazione degli output di sistema (tramite la valutazione delle competenze raggiunte dagli studenti) costituiscono da alcuni decenni temi di grande... more
La valutazione del grado di efficacia dei sistemi educativi e più in generale la
misurazione degli output di sistema (tramite la valutazione delle competenze
raggiunte dagli studenti) costituiscono da alcuni decenni temi di grande interesse e,
allo stesso tempo, di preoccupazione per tutti gli attori dell’education e che a diverso titolo ne sono coinvolti.
Obiettivo di questo capitolo è illustrare come la valutazione sia andata configurandosi
come tecnologia di potere (Lascoumes 2004) nel governo delle politiche educative, a
livello internazionale e nazionale. Si illustrerà quindi la sua rilevanza per una riflessione
sulla depoliticizzazione, tenendo conto che nel caso specifico dell’education si osserva
chiaramente una complementarità fra la politicizzazione delle pratiche valutative
(fondate su di un’ampia gamma di tecniche e tramite infrastrutture globali) e alcuni
esiti di depoliticizzazione dell’azione pubblica.
In tal senso le pratiche di valutazione su larga scala (e le loro ricadute applicative a
livello locale) possono, in prima battuta, essere considerate come un processo di
“politicizzazione” di un sapere tecnico (che si basa su un frame generale molto chiaro e che trova nell’ “economicizzazione” delle politiche educative il suo principale tratto
Proprio questo processo, in seconda battuta, produce forme di depoliticizzazione reattiva dell’azione pubblica tanto di tipo "governmental", quanto "discursive".
- by Simona Colarusso and +1
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- Sociology, Education, Sociology of Education, Education Policy
PISA (Uluslararası Öğrenci Değerlendirme Programı) OECD tarafından düzenlenen bir eğitim projesidir. Üç yılda bir uygulanan bu proje 2000 yılından bu yana OECD ülkeleri başta olmak üzere dünyada yürütülmektedir. Türkiye PISA’ya ilk defa... more
PISA (Uluslararası Öğrenci Değerlendirme Programı) OECD tarafından düzenlenen bir eğitim projesidir. Üç yılda bir uygulanan bu proje 2000 yılından bu yana OECD ülkeleri başta olmak üzere dünyada yürütülmektedir. Türkiye PISA’ya ilk defa 2003 yılında katılmıştır. PISA, zorunlu eğitimini tamamlamış 15 yaş grubu öğrencilerin okulda edindikleri bilgileri günlük hayatta ne kadar kullanmaya hazır olduklarını ölçmeyi hedefler. PISA’daki okur-yazarlık kavramı geleneksel kullanımından uzaklaşmış ve öğrencilerin çeşitli durumlarda problemleri çözebilme potansiyeli manasında kullanılır olmuştur. Bu çalışmada PISA’da okuma becerisini ölçmek için kullanılan metin türleri ve Türkçe öğretim programlarında yer alan metin türlerini karşılaştırmak amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla doküman inceleme tekniği kullanılarak PISA raporları ve Türkçe öğretim programları incelenmiştir. Türkçe öğretim programlarında, metin türleri için üç temel çatı başlık olduğu görülmektedir. Bunlar: öyküleyici metinler, bilgilendirici metinler ve şiirdir. PISA’da ise metinler; metin formatı ve metin türü olarak iki kategoriye ayrılmıştır. Metin formatı dört kategoriye ayrılmıştır: sürekli (continuous), süreksiz (non-continuous), karma (mixed) ve çoklu (multiple) metinlerdir. PISA’da süreksiz metinler formatında yer alan ve daha çok görsel okumayı hedefleyen bilgi levhaları, çizelge ve grafikler, tablolar, diyagramlar, haritalar, sertifikalar, makbuzlar/fişler ve formlar gibi türlerin Türkçe öğretim programlarında yer almadığı görülmektedir. Sonuç olarak Türkçe öğretim programlardaki metin türlerinin ve onların alt türlerinin PISA’daki metin türlerine göre daha sınırlı ve daha genel olduğu görülmektedir.
- by Sümeyye Konuk and +3
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- PISA and TIMSS Result, Text Types
Using a multilevel analysis with data from PISA 2012, we find that the differences in financial literacy of 15-year-old students are explained by both individual and school characteristics. This paper finds that the financial education... more
Using a multilevel analysis with data from PISA 2012, we find that the differences in financial literacy of 15-year-old students are explained by both individual and school characteristics. This paper finds that the financial education is positively related to students’ financial literacy scores when it is taught as a cross-curricular subject and as part of business or economics courses, and to a lesser extent as part of mathematics and as an extracurricular activity. Also, math and reading abilities, and holding a bank account and a prepaid debit card, contribute positively to the development of financial literacy, while financial unfamiliarity contributes negatively.
This article aims at identifying characteristics of high-achieving students in mathematics in the Nordic countries, using data from student questionnaires in PISA 2003 and PISA 2012. A deeper understanding of the backgrounds, beliefs,... more
This article aims at identifying characteristics of high-achieving students in mathematics in the Nordic countries, using data from student questionnaires in PISA 2003 and PISA 2012. A deeper understanding of the backgrounds, beliefs, attitudes, and learning strategies of these students can hint to factors important for the teaching and learning of mathematics.
Abstrak. Literasi matematika, kemampuan seseorang dalam merumuskan, menerapkan, dan menafsirkan matematika ke dalam berbagai konteks telah menjadi isu penting dalam survei internasional PISA dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini. Sebuah... more
Abstrak. Literasi matematika, kemampuan seseorang dalam merumuskan, menerapkan, dan menafsirkan matematika ke dalam berbagai konteks telah menjadi isu penting dalam survei internasional PISA dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini. Sebuah kerangka telah dirancang oleh dewan pelaksana PISA sebagai landasan dalam mengembangkan konsep literasi matematika sekaligus menyusun soal PISA beserta profilnya untuk digunakan pada survei tahun 2012. Dalam tulisan ini, peneliti menyajikan proses pengembangan soal berbasis literasi matematika dengan menggunakan kerangka PISA 2012 sebagai rujukan utama. Soal dikembangkan dengan alur formative evaluation, yang terdiri dari tahap self evaluation, one-to-one, expert review, small group, dan field test dengan melibatkan 8 ahli dari pakar PMRI, 2 ahli dari tim PISA Australia, dan 67 siswa SMA usia 15 tahun di kota Palembang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan soal yang dikembangkan memenuhi kriteria valid dan praktis berdasakan analisis hasil one-to-one, expert review, dan small group dan mempunyai efek potensial berdasarkan analisis field test yang menunjukkan keterlibatan siswa secara aktif dalam memunculkan indikator kemampuan dasar matematika yang disebutkan oleh kerangka PISA. Kata Kunci: pengembangan soal, literasi matematika, kerangka PISA 2012, kemampuan dasar matematika.
Pendidikan dewasa ini menjadi salah satu hal vital yang menentukan kemajuan suatu bangsa dan negara. Semakin baik pendidikan di suatu negara, semakin maju pula negara itu. Sumber daya manusia dikelola dengan baik melalui pendidikan.... more
Pendidikan dewasa ini menjadi salah satu hal vital yang menentukan kemajuan suatu bangsa dan negara. Semakin baik pendidikan di suatu negara, semakin maju pula negara itu. Sumber daya manusia dikelola dengan baik melalui pendidikan. Pendidikan yang baik tentu tidak terlepas dari adanya rancangan kurikulum yang baik dan mumpuni, yang dirancang sesuai dengan karakter masyarakat di setiap negara. Untuk mengevaluasi sejauh mana kesuksesan sebuah kurikulum yang menciptakan pendidikan yang baik, maka muncullah sebuah program yang dinamakan PISA yang mengukur kemampuan dan pengetahuan siswa usia 15 tahun di setiap negara. PISA adalah singkatan dari Programme Internationale for Student Assesment yang bertujuan untuk mengukur prestasi literasi membaca, matematika, dan sains. PISA diadakan setiap 3 tahun sekali. Hasil terakhir PISA di tahun 2015 menyatakan bahwa negara Singapura, Hongkong, Macau, Taiwan, dan Jepang menjadi top 5 negara dengan hasil literasi terbaik.
El presente trabajo examina las diferencias en el desempeño académico entre alumnos de escuelas argentinas públicas y privadas. Para ello utiliza los resultados de los exámenes estandarizados PISA en Argentina llevados a cabo en los años... more
El presente trabajo examina las diferencias en el desempeño académico entre alumnos de escuelas argentinas públicas y privadas. Para ello utiliza los resultados de los exámenes estandarizados PISA en Argentina llevados a cabo en los años 2009 y 2012. Estos exámenes evalúan a alumnos de 15 años en las áreas de Matemática, Lectura y Ciencias, además de recopilar información sobre el alumno, su entorno y la escuela a la que asiste. Los estudiantes que asisten a escuelas privadas logran (en promedio) resultados en las pruebas PISA significativamente más altos que sus equivalentes en escuelas públicas, tanto en 2009 como en 2012. Este trabajo encuentra que en el 2009 esta diferencia puede explicarse por asimetrías en los recursos educativos entre los dos tipos de escuelas. Sin embargo, en 2012 la brecha en términos de recursos se reduce considerablemente, mientras que la diferencia en resultados persiste. Se encuentra evidencia que sugiere que esta persistencia se debe a que las diferencias en composición socioeconómica del alumnado entre tipos de escuelas permanecen inalteradas entre los años 2009 y 2012. Esto sugiere que la diferencia en desempeño promedio entre escuelas privadas y públicas a aspectos socioeconómicos que afectan a los mecanismos de selección entre tipos de escuela y que determinan efectos de pares diferentes y constantes.
Using newly available data from the Trajectories in Education and Careers Study, the first longitudinal study on a representative sample of high school students in Russia, we examined the importance of investments in human and cultural... more
Using newly available data from the Trajectories in Education and Careers Study, the first longitudinal study on a representative sample of high school students in Russia, we examined the importance of investments in human and cultural capital on students’ mathematics and reading standardized examinations, as well as on the likelihood of matriculation into a selective institution of higher education. Studying mathematics and the Russian language on one’s own for more than a year was positively and significantly associated with standardized scores and with an increased likelihood of matriculating into a selective university. A higher number of books at home was also associated with an increased likelihood of matriculating into a selective university. The findings are discussed within the particular institutional context of the Russian educational system.
This paper examines the phenomenon of educational policy transfer in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is argued that our age has witnessed a phenomenon of “the accelerating transnationalization of policy norms and practices” (Peck and... more
This paper examines the phenomenon of educational policy transfer in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is argued that our age has witnessed a phenomenon of “the accelerating transnationalization of policy norms and practices” (Peck and Theodore 2010: 169) across national borders as states seek models and exemplars for their own educational development. A variety of mechanisms has been postulated for the apparent „movement‟ of policies from an originating context, and their adoption in other national environments labelled with terms such as: 'Policy Borrowing'. These mechanisms are sometimes advocated as a “shortcut to desired outcomes and results” justified by the impetus provided by the “global pursuit of competitive performance and the discourse of the knowledge economy” (Aydarova 2012:15). This paper asks: What policy influences are manifest in the UAE context?The metaphors of scapes, networks and flows are 'appropriated' from the work on mobility developed by Urry (2000)allowing for a more fluid and accommodating frame to describe and analyse the influence of policies from other contexts on the UAE. Ball (2012) counsels that policy transfer research methods and sensibilities be more attuned to movement and owe less to structure and place. The mobility construct applied to policy flows embodies a comprehensive view of transfer and influence from one context to another as movement of “people, objects, capital and information across the world” (Hannam, Sheller, and Urry 2006: 1).Policy transfer, discourse and influence can be „carried‟ by various vectors with the focus on the enabling role of technologically facilitated globalized mobility with its inherent alacrity.
In 2009, Malaysia decided to take part in Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) for the first time. PISA is an international survey that is conducted by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) which... more
In 2009, Malaysia decided to take part in Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) for the first time. PISA is an international survey that is conducted by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) which aims to provide information regarding performances in education across countries, particularly in Reading, Mathematics and Science through a special assessment. PISA is conducted every three years for groups of 15-year-olds in both OECD and non-OECD countries. Unfortunately, Malaysia showed poor performance in PISA 2009, as it was ranked the bottom third in the overall ranking. This indicates that Malaysian secondary education students are lacking in terms of higher order thinking skills (HOTS). The outcome of PISA 2009 has left a significant impact to Malaysia Ministry of Education (MOE) in improving the current national education system. In 2011, the MOE has launched Malaysia Education Blueprint which put greater emphasis on HOTS. This concept paper utilizes literature review for data collection. It will specifically discuss (1) various approaches outlined by the MOE in implementing HOTS in secondary education, (2) the ongoing progress as well as (3) the feedbacks from the stakeholders on the implementation of HOTs.