PRODUCTION ENGINEERING Research Papers - (original) (raw)
As filas são interligadas com a rotina de várias pessoas sendo caracterizadas de forma não agradáveis. Pessoas entram em uma fila para descontar um cheque em banco, para pagar compras em um supermercado, para comprar ingressos em um... more
As filas são interligadas com a rotina de várias pessoas sendo caracterizadas de forma não agradáveis. Pessoas entram em uma fila para descontar um cheque em banco, para pagar compras em um supermercado, para comprar ingressos em um cinema e outras situações e para entender melhor esse fenômeno, é necessário um estudo sobre a Teoria das Filas. De acordo com Prado (2014, p. 14), o estudo das filas se iniciou em 1908 com uma abordagem matemática, em Copenhague, através do dinamarquês Agner Krarup Erlang, que trabalhava em uma companhia telefônica estudando problemas de redimensionamento de centrais telefônicas. Contudo, logo após a Segunda Guerra Mundial houve a aplicação desta teoria para outros problemas de filas...
Fault diagnosis of industrial machineries become very much important for improving the quality of the manufacturing as well as for reducing the cost for product testing. In modern manufacturing scenario, a fast and reliable diagnosis... more
Fault diagnosis of industrial machineries become very much important for improving the quality of the manufacturing as well as for reducing the cost for product testing. In modern manufacturing scenario, a fast and reliable diagnosis system has turned into a challenging issue in the complex industrial environment. In this work, the diagnosis of gearbox is considered as a mean of health monitoring system by used lubricant. The proposed methodology has been performed on the basis of wear particle analysis in gearbox at offline stage. Possible wear characterization has been done by image vision system to interpret into soft computing techniques like fuzzy inference and neural network mechanisms. Basically, the maintenance policy has been taken with the help of fuzzy expert system, which has been described in the present work.
Introducción En el 2017, en Ecuador, se inauguró el plan denominado la "Gran Minga Agropecuaria" (GMA), que le posibilitaría al país alcanzar el desarrollo integral de los sectores agrícola y pecuario. El beneficio de establecer políticas... more
Introducción En el 2017, en Ecuador, se inauguró el plan denominado la "Gran Minga Agropecuaria" (GMA), que le posibilitaría al país alcanzar el desarrollo integral de los sectores agrícola y pecuario. El beneficio de establecer políticas para que la producción de las Unidades de Producción Agrícola (UPA) pudieran acceder a los mercados implicaba repensar no solo sus dinámicas productivas, sino que también las fases de sus procesos administrativos, de los productores vinculados a la agricultura familiar campesina. Esta política de desarrollo rural se planteó como una estrategia que desplegaba el buen vivir en la zona rural de Ecuador, además de garantizar la soberanía alimentaria nacional, desarrollar lo económico-productivo, con proyecciones de generar empleos e ingresos dignos en los sectores rurales y diversificar la producción para la exportación. Implicó un proceso de transformación de las UPA, de fincas sin procesos administrativos concretos a verdaderas empresas agropecuarias que permitan dinamizar la economía y garantizar la estabilidad de sus formas de vida. Si bien, la literatura científica de los últimos años ha realizado importantes aportes para comprender el desarrollo de las UPA, así como de las características y problemáticas de la economía rural, ésta se ha centrado en analizar las estrategias desplegadas por granjas con modelos empresariales agrícolas dentro de países desarrollados, otro grupo de estudios se han enfocado en las problemáticas y tensiones experimentadas en el contexto de los negocios agrícolas. A nivel latinoamericano, distintas publicaciones han analizado los factores, herramientas, procesos y estrategias que han permitido la transformación de la agricultura familiar en negocios agroalimentarios. (Alvarado, J. Almeida, J. Vélez, G. Cornejo, D. 2020. pp 2,3). Desarrollo Para llevar a cabo la investigación, se utilizó la técnica del estudio exploratorio mediante el trabajo de campo, bajo un enfoque mixto, que recurrió a variables de naturaleza tanto cualitativas como cuantitativas. La investigación se realizó en una localidad de la provincia de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. Esta zona era de gran interés para los investigadores, debido a que desde hace
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a surge of demand for medical supplies and spare parts, which has put pressure on the manufacturing sector. As a result, 3D printing communities and companies are currently operating to ease the breakdown... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a surge of demand for medical supplies and spare parts, which has put pressure on the manufacturing sector. As a result, 3D printing communities and companies are currently operating to ease the breakdown in the medical supply chain. If no parts are available, 3D printing can potentially be used to produce time-critical parts on demand such as nasal swabs, face shields, respirators, and spares for ventilators. A structured search using online sources and feedback from key experts in the 3D printing area was applied to highlight critical issues and to suggest potential solutions. The prescribed outcomes were estimated in terms of cost and productivity at a small and large scale. This study analyzes the number and costs of parts that can be manufactured with a single machine within 24 h. It extrapolates this potential with the number of identical 3D printers in the world to estimate the global potential that can help practitioners, frontline workers, a...
Simulation games have been utilized as an educational tool in order to complement the traditional teaching methods. They have been widely applied in the teaching of different subjects such as business management, nursing, and medicine.... more
Simulation games have been utilized as an educational tool in order to complement the traditional teaching methods. They have been widely applied in the teaching of different subjects such as business management, nursing, and medicine. This paper proposes a new simulation game which simulates a production system that consists of a set of machines, conveyors, and other components.
— Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) with particulate reinforced in the form of hybrid composites are commonly used in many applications where the component deals with wear and breakage. These types of components can have unbalanced faults or... more
— Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) with particulate reinforced in the form of hybrid composites are commonly used in many applications where the component deals with wear and breakage. These types of components can have unbalanced faults or corrupted faults. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the different mechanical properties like fracture toughness behavior and wear behavior of the metal matrix composite. It has been reported that various types of metal particulate fillers have been used as reinforcing fillers in metal matrices, but the use of metal powders for this purpose has not been thoroughly studied. In this study, a new class hybrid reinforced aluminum alloy composite material was developed using nickel / copper metal powder filler. Further the effect of weight percentage of copper and nickel particulates on different mechanical properties of Al 5083 / Cu / Ni / matrix composite have been analyzed. The results show that among all the MMCs produced, MMC with 2 wt% Ni and 2 wt% Cu hardness and 2 wt% Ni and 2 wt% Cu has the highest tensile strength and flexural strength. It can be concluded that because of their higher tensile strength these MMCs are widely used in a variety of industrial and engineering aerospace, new and wear applications.
Overall equipment effiiency (OEE) measures the ratio of how much of a product or part is being made defect-free versus how much could be made according to the equipment’s design. A machine or process that has an OEE of 100 percent is... more
Overall equipment effiiency (OEE) measures the ratio of how much of a product or part is being made defect-free versus how much could be made according to the equipment’s design. A machine or process that has an OEE of 100 percent is producing at its maximum designed capacity with zero defects. Three metrics – availability, performance and quality – make up OEE. When real output is lower than expected, practitioners can find opportunities for improvement in all three of these factors and take actions that maximize the current process capabilities, fix problems and improve productivity.
Despite the independency of companies in a supply chain as a network of separated business units which produce altogether the value for final customers, companies are dependent on resources and information of other members of the supply... more
Despite the independency of companies in a supply chain as a network of separated business units which produce altogether the value for final customers, companies are dependent on resources and information of other members of the supply chains. To manage the use of resources and information, supply chain management plays a major role to coordinate independent companies by using the coordination mechanisms. According to the literature of supply chain management, some mechanisms largely use the information shared by members to achieve an optimal solution and some others are based on minimum level of information sharing. Planning based on minimum level of information sharing could increase the complexity of supply chain management and the complexity is ever higher when number of independent members in a supply network augments. This research addresses the problem coordination in a supply chain with more than two partners, while the information in a private element, which is not exchang...
The challenge of modern machining industries is mainly focused on the achievement of high quality in terms of surface finish, high productivity, work rate, economy of machining in terms of cost saving and increase the performance of the... more
The challenge of modern machining industries is mainly focused on the achievement of high quality in terms of surface finish, high productivity, work rate, economy of machining in terms of cost saving and increase the performance of the product with reduced environmental impact. Machining of hardened steel is particularly common in bearing and automotive industries. The new achievement in machine tools technology and use of new cutting tools provide the opportunity to take loads from hardened steel through process such as lathing. So, the need to find optimal control factor and percentage of contribution by the process parameter is considered important to achieve product with desired quality. In this paper, Effect on machining parameter such as Speed, Feed, Depth of cut on output machine responses like Material Removal Rate(MRR),Machining time, Tool wear and Surface roughness is studied using Taguchi method.
- by Ram Kumar Barathan and +1
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The corrosion of AA6061 after natural aging at different temperatures and different medium was investigated. The aim of this work was to determine the effect of quenching mediums and temperature on the microstructure and the corrosion... more
The corrosion of AA6061 after natural aging at different temperatures and different medium was investigated. The aim of this work was to determine the effect of quenching mediums and temperature on the microstructure and the corrosion behavior of AA6061.The samples conditions were; As received, natural aged (490, 530,570°C mediums of quenching water, oil).The microstructure was investigated by optical microscope. The mechanical properties were investigated by hardness test. The corrosion behavior was investigated by immersion test in acidic pH = 2 and alkaline pH = 12 and neutral PH = 7 chloride solutions.The result showed that the corrosion rate of the alloy was (0.013925865mm/y) for as received AA6061 and (0.011938369, 0.012006523mm/y) for solution temperature 490°C and quenching medium (water, oil) respectively, (0.011127151, 0.012188457mm/y) for solution temperature 530°C and quenching medium (water, oil) respectively, (0.0117488, 0.011751153mm/y) for solution temperature 570°C and quenching medium (water, oil) respectively in acidic salt solution.In neutral salt solution the corrosion rate was (0.002266478 mm/y) for as received AA6061 and (0.002597958, 0.002677378 mm/y) for solution temperature 490°C and quenching medium (water, oil) respectively, (0.002415756, 0.002819388mm/y) for solution temperature 530°C and quenching medium (water, oil) respectively, (0.002952099, 0.003644528mm/y) for solution temperature 570°C and quenching medium (water, oil) respectively.In alkaline salt solution the corrosion rate was (0.029565995mm/y) for as received AA6061 and (0.022907954, 0.025419624mm/y) for solution temperature 490°C and quenching medium (water, oil) respectively, (0.03025972, 0.031595412mm/y) for solution temperature 530°C and quenching medium (water, oil) respectively, (0.027642156, 0.032702518mm/y) for solution temperature 570°C and quenching medium (water, oil) respectively.
— Designing an efficient Distributed Database System (DDBS) is considered as one of the most challenging problems because of multiple interdependent factors which are affecting its performance. Allocation and fragmentation are two... more
— Designing an efficient Distributed Database System (DDBS) is considered as one of the most challenging problems because of multiple interdependent factors which are affecting its performance. Allocation and fragmentation are two processes which their efficiency and correctness influence the performance of DDBS. Therefore, efficient data fragmentation and allocation of fragments across the network sites are considered as an important research area in distributed database design. In this paper presents an approach which simultaneously fragments data vertically and allocates the fragments to appropriate sites across the network. Bond Energy Algorithm (BEA) is applied with a better affinity measure that improves the generated clusters of attributes.
The move from fossil fuel to clean energy has become the focus of the 21 st century, to suplement the energy needs of the world which have been on the increase. This research tackles the challenge of energy inadequacy by designing and... more
The move from fossil fuel to clean energy has become the focus of the 21 st century, to suplement the energy needs of the world which have been on the increase. This research tackles the challenge of energy inadequacy by designing and fabricating electric generator for micro-power plant using locally sourced materials. The design of the 5.5kW induction generator involved the application of recycling technique on the discarded scrap motor. Discarded electric motor after cleaning was redesigned and rewound to give an electric power output of 5.5 kW. The generator was tested under load and no load conditions. The outcomes showed that the generator can adequately carry a load of 2.3 kW when operated at speed ranging between 2300 and 2400 pm. The output voltage ranging between 150 V and 190 V, while the ouput current was in the range 6.07A and 6.35A. Higher load carrying capacity, 5.0 kW was achievable at the rotory design speed, 3000 rpm with the maximum voltage and current limits, 239.6 V and 10.467 A, respectively. The 3-phase induction generator was able to sustain higher power output, 5.0 kW of the design capacity.
Laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing is used for demanding applications in industries such as aerospace. However, machine-specific, optimized process conditions and parameters are required to assure consistent part quality. In... more
Laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing is used for demanding applications in industries such as aerospace. However, machine-specific, optimized process conditions and parameters are required to assure consistent part quality. In addition, differences in supplied powder can cause variation in the mechanical properties of the final parts. In this paper, the variability in mechanical properties of 316L stainless steel produced with two different laser powder bed fusion machines from two different powder batches was studied by producing an identical set of tensile and impact toughness test specimens. The samples were subjected to stress-relieving, solution annealing and hot isostatic pressing to assess the effectiveness of standardized heat-treatments in reducing variation in the mechanical properties of the built parts. Porosity, microstructure, tensile properties, and impact toughness of the specimens were measured to study the effect of changing the material, machine, and heat treatment. The maximum differences observed between the studied machine-powder combinations were approximately 7% for tensile properties and approximately 20% for impact toughness. HIP reduced the variability in all other studied properties except elongation. All the specimens fulfil the minimum requirements set in ASTM F3184-16 for AM 316L.
Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM) is the process of material removal from a workpiece by the application of a high speed stream of abrasive particles carried in a gas medium from a nozzle. The material removal process is mainly by erosion. The... more
Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM) is the process of material removal from a workpiece by the application of a high speed stream of abrasive particles carried in a gas medium from a nozzle. The material removal process is mainly by erosion. The AJM will chiefly be used to cut shapes in hard and brittle materials like glass, ceramics etc. the machine will be automated to have 3 axes travel. The different components of AJM are Horizontal motion module (X-Y Table), Vertical motion module (Z- motion), Vibrator, dehumidifier, Pressure Regulator, and Dust filter etc. The different components are selected after appropriate design calculations. In this project, a model of the Abrasive Jet Machine is designed using CAD packages like AutoCAD, CATIA etc taking into consideration of commercially available components. Care has been taken to use less fabricated components rather than directly procuring them, because, the lack of accuracy in fabricated components would lead to a diminished performance o...
Tailored Heat Treated Blanks (THTB) are blanks, which exhibit locally different material properties optimized for the succeeding sheet metal forming process. The distribution of the material properties is obtained by a local, short-term... more
Tailored Heat Treated Blanks (THTB) are blanks, which exhibit locally different material properties optimized for the succeeding sheet metal forming process. The distribution of the material properties is obtained by a local, short-term heat treatment. As a result of the optimized property gradients in the sheet metal's plain, THTB allow enhancing the forming limits significantly. The research work covered in this paper focuses on THTB made out of aluminum alloys. The article presents the microstructural mechanisms due to a short-term heat treatment as well as design principles for the heat treatment layout for THTB made out of AlMgSi alloys and ultra-fine grained (UFG) aluminum alloys produced by the Accumulative Roll Bonding process.
Hậu cần (Logistics) và sản xuất là một bộ phận chức năng gắn liền hoạt động kinh doanh của doanh nghiệp. Nhiều chuyên gia và học giả cân nhắc logistics và sản xuất là quá trình tạo ra “giá trị”. Chúng tôi nhận thấy rằng số lượng các... more
Hậu cần (Logistics) và sản xuất là một bộ phận chức năng gắn liền hoạt động kinh doanh của doanh nghiệp. Nhiều chuyên gia và học giả cân nhắc logistics và sản xuất là quá trình tạo ra “giá trị”. Chúng tôi nhận thấy rằng số lượng các nghiên cứu đề cập đến “giá trị” trong lĩnh vực chúng tôi đang đề cập tăng nhanh trong 10 năm trở lại đây. Do đó, nghiên cứu này nhằm tìm hiểu ý nghĩa của “giá trị” trong lĩnh vực logistics và sản xuất thông qua việc phân tích các bài báo khoa học uy tín. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy định nghĩa “giá trị” còn rời rạc, mang tính chủ quan, thiếu chặt chẽ. Tuy nhiên, kết quả gợi ý một lượng lớn thuật ngữ “giá trị” đề cao triết lý hợp tác và khả năng ứng biến trong thời đại mới.
Many smart manufacturing / production engineers fail to get good jobs because they don't succeed in interviews. Why? They never respond meaningfully and convincingly on the spot. Why? Two reasons: First, their preparation involves only... more
Many smart manufacturing / production engineers fail to get good jobs because they don't succeed in interviews.
They never respond meaningfully and convincingly on the spot.
Two reasons: First, their preparation involves only 'technical topics'. Second, they are not aware of their own talking style and likeability.
This brochure is about world's first Mechanical Engineering Interview Simulator & Trainer. It provides infinite number of mock interviews with recording and training features.
In this work optimization of turning parameters for turning Ti-6Al-7Nb Titanium alloy has been investigated by orthogonal array along with Grey relational analysis coupled with principle component. Parameters such as surface roughness,... more
In this work optimization of turning parameters for turning Ti-6Al-7Nb Titanium alloy has been investigated by orthogonal array along with Grey relational analysis coupled with principle component. Parameters such as surface roughness, tool wear, roundness, material removal rate, temperature and power consumption are considered as performance characteristics of the turning process. By orthogonal array eighteen experiments are carried out in the CNC machine by considering cutting environment, cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, nose radius, tool coating type and insert shape angle as turning parameters. From the grey relational grade the optimum turning parameters were predicted. Also the influence of individual turning parameters is carried out by Analysis of Variance. From the largest value of grey relational grade parameters , cutting environment: wet, feed rate : 0.08 mm /rev, cutting speed: 100 m/min ,insert angle: 80 0 , nose radius: 0.4 mm, tool coating type : TiAlN and depth of cut:0.4 mm are found to be better turning parameters levels. About 11.3 % enhancement of grey relation grade value is achieved when compared to initial parameter grey relational grade value.
Jidoka is one of the main pillars of the TPS. The TPS is presented as a house with two pillars. One pillar represents just-in-time (JIT), and the other pillar the concept of Jidoka. Take away any of the pillars holding up the roof, and... more
Jidoka is one of the main pillars of the TPS. The TPS is presented as a house with two pillars. One pillar represents just-in-time (JIT), and the other pillar the concept of Jidoka. Take away any of the pillars holding up the roof, and the entire system will collapse. Take out quality, and there is no TPS. Jidoka is a principle of building quality for customers—not inspecting quality. Building quality mean making it right the first time. If you are making defective products or using unacceptable quality standards and filtering these defects out through an inspection system, there is no building quality—and no Jidoka. You are just catching the mistakes made in the manufacturing process. This cost a lot of money and resources and puts the business at risk.
The traditional method used in India, for the separation of copra and shell from partially-dried split coconuts, is labour intensive. To overcome this problem, a power operated coconut de-shelling machine was designed and developed. A... more
The traditional method used in India, for the separation of copra and shell from partially-dried split coconuts, is labour intensive. To overcome this problem, a power operated coconut de-shelling machine was designed and developed. A coconut de-shelling machine comprising of cutter with belt drive. Performances test analysis conducted show that the machine de-shelled the fruits without nut breakage and also that its average de-shelling efficiency and capacity are 90% and 195 coconut per hour. The result of the performances test carried out showed that the machine shelling efficiency increased with the increased the speed All materials used in the fabrication of this machine are of standard specification and locally sourced. The estimated cost of producing one unit of the machine is twenty four thousand nine hundred (Rs.24, 900). The machine also eliminated dependency on the epileptic public electric power supply in our rural areas which constitutes the major obstacle in the use of ...
Modular product architectures are used by many firms today to achieve a high degree of product differentiation whilst reducing cost through economies of scale. At the same time, the firms are increasing architecture lifetimes to 10 years... more
Modular product architectures are used by many firms today to achieve a high degree of product differentiation whilst reducing cost through economies of scale. At the same time, the firms are increasing architecture lifetimes to 10 years or more, which brings up new challenges for the development process. Uncertainties regarding future product features need to be anticipated when designing the architecture to minimize modification efforts. Nevertheless, existing approaches for designing modular product architectures are mainly based on static requirements and thereby neglect the dynamics of the market that influence future product features. This paper aims at presenting a method utilizing Scenario-Planning and simulations in the product range planning process to determine future product features and their uncertainties as a basis for the product architecture design. Possible feature specifications are derived from product environment scenarios and linked to the factors influencing the scenarios, to calculate their expected values and deviations.
Access to credit has been considered as one of the main problems that SMEs have to deal with in order to survive and keep growing. This document describes a system dynamics model based on the case of a mediumsized manufacturing firm... more
Access to credit has been considered as one of the main problems that SMEs have to deal with in order to survive and keep growing. This document describes a system dynamics model based on the case of a mediumsized manufacturing firm located in Colombia. The model integrates operational and financial aspects of the firm, including variables associated with trade credit and bank's credit. A sensitivity analysis is made in order to find high leverage variables. The results obtained indicate that operational and financial policies, when applied alone, are not sufficient to solve the firm's stagnation problem. An appropriate combination of access to credit, credit conditions, and adequate operational and financial policies, might be the best way to deal with the complex problem of SMEs survival and growing. KEYWORDS System dynamics, Access to credit, SMEs. RESUMEN El acceso al crédito se considera como uno de los mayores problemas que deben afrontar las Pymes para su supervivencia y crecimiento. Este documento describe un modelo de dinámica de sistemas basado en el Acceso al crédito y límites del crecimiento en Pymes: una mirada a través de la dinámica de sistemas SISTEMAS & TELEMÁTICA
How many people in the automobile industry, manufacturing industry, and electrical industry can truly say that they have not heard about JIT? Not many. Just in Time (JIT) has been a very popular operation strategy partly because of its... more
How many people in the automobile industry, manufacturing industry, and electrical industry can truly say that they have not heard about JIT? Not many. Just in Time (JIT) has been a very popular operation strategy partly because of its success in Japanese industry. Various benefits for example, inventory reduction, improved in operation efficiency and faster response. JIT implementation can involve a series of incremental steps and missteps, before the desired outcome is achieved. Customer has focus on product quality, product delivery time and cost of product. Therefore, success full implementation of JIT is vital to many industries. JIT implementation improves performance through lower inventory levels, reduced quality cost and greater customer responsiveness. This paper will examine the roll of a company’s resource. This paper present a literature review on a small manufacturing that altered its resources configuration from a producerconsumer relationship separated by a buffer, t...
This paper presents an approach to assembly planning in the early phase of product development. The product specification, workstation, environment, equipment and tools are not fully known in the early stage of product development. When... more
This paper presents an approach to assembly planning in the early phase of product development. The product specification, workstation, environment, equipment and tools are not fully known in the early stage of product development. When comparing product variants at this stage there is a lack of data that affects the efficiency of the manufacturing process. It is therefore necessary to apply methods useful in processing incomplete and uncertain data. The main indicator which helps in comparing different product variants is manufacturing time standard. This papier is focused on assembly tool selection which is one of important data influenced assembly time. Based on the proposed algorithm and case study, a tool selection method using a decision tree induced from a training set with reduced uncertainty is presented.
Direct Metal Deposition (DMD) builds metallic parts layer by layer directly from the CAD data. The process has been widely used in manufacturing, part repairing/coating and metallic rapid prototyping. However, success of this technology... more
Direct Metal Deposition (DMD) builds metallic parts layer by layer directly from the CAD data. The process has been widely used in manufacturing, part repairing/coating and metallic rapid prototyping.
However, success of this technology depends upon the final quality of the components produced, which in fact strongly dependent upon various parameters such as laser power, beam diameter, scanning speed, powder mass flow rate, etc. this paper presents a review on the DMD process, its parameters and influence of the parameters on final characteristics of the components.
Production System Analysis & Italian Transport Companies; A briefly endeavor to modeling, Production System Analysis & Italian Transport Companies; Modeling; Problem Tree; Table of Agents; DM's; Production Functions (PF's); Table of... more
Production System Analysis & Italian Transport Companies; A briefly endeavor to modeling, Production System Analysis & Italian Transport Companies; Modeling; Problem Tree; Table of Agents; DM's; Production Functions (PF's); Table of Resources; Work Sequence; Layout; Information Pattern; Organization Chart; Make-span (MS); Standard Time; Key Performance Indicator (KPI); Prof. Agostino Villa; Politecnico di Torino; Student: Sajjad Khaksari;
Assembly lines are very important part of production industry, to increase the efficiency of the present assembly lines, lean manufacturing techniques have to be applied like kitting method, kitting method is able to bring down few of the... more
Assembly lines are very important part of production industry, to increase the efficiency of the present assembly lines, lean manufacturing techniques have to be applied like kitting method, kitting method is able to bring down few of the problems. To get the full benefits one has to apply kitting properly.
This research is focused on a supply chain management (SCM) of a manufacturing industry. In this present work, the SCM model consists of suppliers who provide raw materials to the manufacturing plants, warehouses/distribution centres and... more
This research is focused on a supply chain management (SCM) of a manufacturing industry. In this present work, the SCM model consists of suppliers who provide raw materials to the manufacturing plants, warehouses/distribution centres and customer zones/retailers. Finished goods are shipped to various distribution centres using a particular mode of transportation, and finally to customers. A mixed integer, multi objective optimization model which simultaneously minimizes total cost through the supply chain, carbon dioxide emissions from trucks and manufacturing plants, and incidence rates during plant operations was formulated to create a sustainable supply chain. The model was solved by applying weights using the Analytic hierarchy process and using the branch and cut optimization algorithm of the Cplex solver, which combines the advantages of a pure Branch and Bound Scheme and the Gomory Cutting Planes. The model was tested with data from the case study. The outcomes from the optimization runs showed that environmental considerations can be taken without a huge effect on the Supply Chain costs. The objective cost function value minimizing total cost was ₦232, 615,300 while that of environmental and social objectives were 22.343 tonnes of CO2 and 5.68 respectively. The results obtained from this study indicated a successful supply chain management which minimized the total costs, CO2 emissions and incidence rates, thereby solving the conflicting problems created by the objective functions.
The occurrence of tool vibrations in the micromilling process is undesirable because of its negative influence on the quality of microstructures. Due to the small dimensions of the undeformed chip parameter, the influence of the cutting... more
The occurrence of tool vibrations in the micromilling process is undesirable because of its negative influence on the quality of microstructures. Due to the small dimensions of the undeformed chip parameter, the influence of the cutting edge on the chip formation and on the regenerative effect seems to be larger than in macrodimensions. Within this paper the results of an experimental investigation with micro end-milling cutters (d = 1 mm) are presented. Additionally, the influences of the cutting edge radius, the corner radius, and the feed per tooth on the tool vibration trajectories, the process forces, and chatter and its causes are discussed.
Flow rate prediction is of prime importance for effectively managing and maintaining well productivity. Optimum flow rate prediction can prevent water/gas coning, sand entry, surface equipment problems and avoid formation damage due to... more
Flow rate prediction is of prime importance for effectively managing and maintaining well productivity. Optimum flow rate prediction can prevent water/gas coning, sand entry, surface equipment problems and avoid formation damage due to imposing of excessive drawdown to reservoir. One of the most common wasy to achieve these goals is by controlling flow rate using wellhead chokes. The aim of this paper is to develop a new empirical Gilbert type correlation which is a function of flowing wellhead pressure, gas-liquid ratio and wellhead choke size. To achieve this, data from 1300 experimental production tests under multi-phase critical flow conditions from 120 Iranian offshore oil wells were used in a non-linear regression analysis. According to our results, predicted oil flow rates from new correlation are in excellent agreement with the observed data. Our results are also more accurate compared to those obtained from conventional methods. Furthermore, the accuracy of the proposed correlation was validated by cross plotting of synthetic and field data. The new correlation has an average relative deviation (ARD) of -0.18% and average absolute deviation (AAD) of 20.73%. The dataset covers a wide range of choke sizes (12/64 to 92/64 inches) and PVT parameters. Therefore, it is applicable in many Middle Eastern offshore oil wells mounted on satellite platforms where difficulties arise while performing productivity tests.
It is a text book on the mathematical theory of production control. It is written in Hungarian.
ZADCO owns more than 500 wells operating in UZ, UA & ST fields to contribute in achieving the production targets as set by the Shareholders. To ensure that wells operate as designed for their assigned life (or greater) with all risks kept... more
ZADCO owns more than 500 wells operating in UZ, UA & ST fields to contribute in achieving the production targets as set by the Shareholders. To ensure that wells operate as designed for their assigned life (or greater) with all risks kept as low as reasonably ...