Philosophy of Sports Research Papers (original) (raw)

Резюме. Проследявайки тенденциите във визуалните изкуства в Германия, Франция и Италия в периода 1918 – 1936 г. и поставяйки ги на философски анализ, можем да разберем по какъв начин тялото на спортиста се естетизира и се превръща в... more

Резюме. Проследявайки тенденциите във визуалните изкуства в Германия, Франция и Италия в периода 1918 – 1936 г. и поставяйки ги на философски анализ, можем да разберем по какъв начин тялото на спортиста се естетизира и се превръща в машина за печелене на символен капитал за тоталитарните режими. Този период е и свидетелство за възхода и установяването на пропа-гандата. Тази тенденция се оказва стабилна и доминантна десетилетия по-къс-но, когато визуалните изкуства продължават с пропагандна цел да представят образите на спортистите-машини. В периода между двете световни войни в хуманитарните науки се забеляз-ва един стремеж да се обясни каква грешка в прогреса довежда до най-уни-щожителната до този момент Първа световната война. Освалд Шпенглер в " Залезът на Запада " (1918) вижда проблема в културата, която, превърнала се в цивилизация, вече няма своята живителна сила. Нидерландският филолог и философ Йохан Хьойзинха в " Homo Ludens " (1938) вижда проблема в стана-лата прекалено сериозна игра, в абсолютизирането на победата и желанието за трупане на материални блага, в изкривената житейска философия, която вижда смисъла в надмощието над другите, а не във взаимната игра. Появява се психоанализата на Зигмунд Фройд и Карл Г. Юнг и всички търсят отговор на въпроса защо прогресът доведе до това динамитът да се използва за убий-ства, а не за строенето на тунели, какво накара хората на Модерността да се впуснат в най-кървавите и варварски войни в историята на човечеството. Вероятен отговор на въпроса може би трябва да се потърси в отношението към човека, в естетизирането на телесността в този период и във възприятие-то на героичното. Акцентът на тази статия е върху естетизирането на тялото на спортиста като пример за това как тялото започва да има амбивалентна функция (Grigorov, 2015). Двойствената му функционалност е резултат от

The Body-machine from Michael Phelps to Oscar Pistorius discusses in retrospection the utilitarian view about the body that should be productive. From a utilitarian perspective, the body is not personal belonging but is separated from the... more

The Body-machine from Michael Phelps to Oscar Pistorius discusses in retrospection the utilitarian view about the body that should be productive. From a utilitarian perspective, the body is not personal belonging but is separated from the human and transformed into a working machine. This view about the body raises many ethical problems especially for people that are not so productive such as handicapped people. Evidence for this can be found in professional sport. This process is essential for athletes. In the early 20 th century the athlete's body-machine was produced for the needs of professional sport. Those new athletic body-machines have become very important because they produced symbolic capital for their countries. The products, achievements, and especially the Olympic medals of athletes fulfill the nationalist agenda which, in Europe, was especially influential in that period. Athletes' achievements from international sport competitions produce symbolic capital in a similar way to archeological artifacts or the works of " national " writers. The gold medal and the world record can stimulate national dignity and consolidate people from a certain community. Top athletes are very famous and can become decision makers. However, very often this symbolic capital serves the purposes of state propaganda. Such examples are provided in this paper. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the inhumane practice of using athletes as gold producing machines rather than letting them develop fully their human potential.

Book reviewed: Sport and character – reclaiming the principles of sportsmanship, by C. Clifford and R.M. Feezell (2010) Human Kinetics Champaign Illinois. Involvement in sporting activity may only lead to sporting character (?) – a... more

Book reviewed: Sport and character – reclaiming the principles of sportsmanship, by C. Clifford and R.M. Feezell (2010) Human Kinetics Champaign Illinois.
Involvement in sporting activity may only lead to sporting character (?) – a curious juxtaposition for real life.
Reviewing Sport and Character: Reclaiming the Principles of Sportsmanship has been both an interesting and frustrating assignment. Unfortunately, it seems reasonable to report at the outset that a higher degree of frustration has been experienced from reading this book than any serious interest which might have been generated from this otherwise very absorbing and philosophically challenging area of discussion in sport.

This is the first book to examine emotion in sport from a philosophical perspective, building on concepts developed by ancient Greek and modern philosophers. How is Aristotle’s concept of catharsis applied to sports? How about power... more

This is the first book to examine emotion in sport from a
philosophical perspective, building on concepts developed
by ancient Greek and modern philosophers. How is
Aristotle’s concept of catharsis applied to sports? How
about power as advanced by Nietzsche, or existentialism as
discussed by Kierkegaard? Emotion in Sport explores the
philosophical framework for the expression of emotion and
relates it to our psychological understanding, from the
perspective of athlete and spectator. A useful read for
students, researchers, scholars, and practitioners of sport
sciences, philosophy, and psychology.

Most game studies research on ethics and games examines the ways games encode, express, and encourage ethical reflection and ideas through their systems, mechanics, and representational elements. However, not much attention has been paid... more

Most game studies research on ethics and games examines the ways games encode, express, and encourage ethical reflection and ideas through their systems, mechanics, and representational elements. However, not much attention has been paid to the ethical aspects of games as/when they are played by more than one player. In this article we use literature from the philosophy of sports to discuss how competition can be framed as an ethical activity and how doing so allows us to examine commonly used value-laden terms such as ganking, spawncamping, and trash talking. We propose the idea of the ideal moral competitive game: a game in which the best moves or plays are coincidentally those that result in the best possible degree and type of challenge for my opponent. From this baseline we then articulate a preliminary ethics of play, centered on competition that can be productive for examining and understanding the ethics of inter-player interactions.

The aim of this study is to be able to discover methodological similarities between the emergence of new tactics in the context of tactical changes in football history and the theory of paradigm shifts related to scientific revolutions in... more

The aim of this study is to be able to discover methodological similarities between the emergence of new tactics in the context of tactical changes in football history and the theory of paradigm shifts related to scientific revolutions in the philosophy of science. In this context, it has been argued that whether the changes in football tactics can be regarded as paradigmatic changes or not, taking into consideration certain points, and the question of whether the changes in football tactics can be handled as paradigm shifts in the scientific framework, and it has been analysed whether changes in soccer tactics can be handled as paradigm shifts in the scientific framework. The work's philosophical framework is based on the views of Thomas Kuhn on the philosophy of science in his work titled "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions". The paradigm shift in this context is explained in detail through the concepts such as the anomalies in the paradigm, the period of scientific crisis and the scientific revolution. In the second part of the work, it is examined whether the methods (tactics) created to gain success in the football can be taken as paradigm in detail through examples in football history. As a result, it has been shown that football tactics can be regarded as paradigms and tactical changes can be regarded as paradigm shifts. With this study, it was expected to open a new discussion area about the evaluation of sport - especially football - through philosophy.

Ultramarathons are very popular among active citizens in Bulgaria, and this popularity cannot be understood as just fashion. I believe that there is a deeper social cause behind this phenomenon, namely the presence of a subculture. The... more

Ultramarathons are very popular among active citizens in Bulgaria, and this
popularity cannot be understood as just fashion. I believe that there is a deeper social
cause behind this phenomenon, namely the presence of a subculture. The present
study aims to describe the significance of this subculture, and how it is functioning in
Bulgaria in the XXI century. Of particular interest is the way in which the subculture
occurs, the values and worldviews of the participants as well as their class belonging.
This subculture is a micromodel in which we can see more clearly social changes
and attitudes in the dominant culture. I have paid special attention to gender relations
within the group, with the idea of finding out whether it exhibits the same sexists
attitudes toward women that are observed in the dominant culture of contemporary
Key words: Philosophy of Sport, Gender, female sport, ethnology, subculture,
long-distance running, sport

The Subjectivity of the body is the main theme of this paper, which would be compared and analyzed with the concept of the body as the object. It was implemented as a reconstruction philosophical base of sports science. The " tree " of... more

The Subjectivity of the body is the main theme of this paper, which would be compared and analyzed with the concept of the body as the object. It was implemented as a reconstruction philosophical base of sports science. The " tree " of sports science will re-root based on these result.

Alfred Archer recently argued that there is good reason to think that sporting supererogation exists. In the present paper, I take a closer look at Archer’s two key cases from association football and his arguments in favour of positing... more

Alfred Archer recently argued that there is good reason to think that sporting supererogation exists. In the present paper, I take a closer look at Archer’s two key cases from association football and his arguments in favour of positing that there is a sporting supererogation phenomenon or realm that needs to be reckoned with. I argue that his project fails and that the notion of ‘sporting supererogation’ as championed by Archer should be rejected.

The philosophy of education interprets, discusses and cri tici-zes various educational policies and strategies. One of the important missions of modern education is the development of critically thinking citizens possessing general... more

The philosophy of education interprets, discusses and cri tici-zes various educational policies and strategies. One of the important missions of modern education is the development of critically thinking citizens possessing general culture, intellect and reflexivity of thought. Quality education presupposes the establishment of conditions for the development of these important educational characteristics through the teaching of humanities and social sci-en ces and their improvement and enrichment in the research aspect. This artic le aims to acquaint Bulgarian intellectual community with a relatively new philosophical direction, such as the philosophy of sport and to clarify the meaning and mission of this philosophy in the broader field of philosophy of education.

Este artículo defiende que las narraciones míticas griegas deben tener un papel importante en la enseñanza de la filosofía del olimpismo. Se mostrará, primero, que el olimpismo, como ideología, surgió de los mitos y como mito en sí mismo.... more

Este artículo defiende que las narraciones míticas griegas deben tener un papel
importante en la enseñanza de la filosofía del olimpismo. Se mostrará, primero, que el
olimpismo, como ideología, surgió de los mitos y como mito en sí mismo. Para ello,
ofreceremos un análisis del concepto de mito centrándonos en su dimensión existencial.
Segundo, mostraremos que el deporte actual aún se asienta en las narraciones míticas
griegas ya que está fundado en ciertos valores que ya se encontraban en los mitos antiguos.
Con ello, se mostrará la relevancia que tienen las narraciones míticas para la enseñanza de
la filosofía del olimpismo.

The aim of this study is to be able to discover methodological similarities between the emergence of new tactics in the context of tactical changes in football history and the theory of paradigm shifts related to scientific revolutions in... more

The aim of this study is to be able to discover methodological similarities between the emergence of new tactics in the context of tactical changes in football history and the theory of paradigm shifts related to scientific revolutions in the philosophy of science. In this context, it has been argued that whether the changes in football tactics can be regarded as paradigmatic changes or not, taking into consideration certain points, and the question of whether the changes in football tactics can be handled as paradigm shifts in the scientific framework, and it has been analysed whether changes in soccer tactics can be handled as paradigm shifts in the scientific framework. The work's philosophical framework is based on the views of Thomas Kuhn on the philosophy of science in his work titled "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions". The paradigm shift in this context is explained in detail through the concepts such as the anomalies in the paradigm, the period of scient...

Trabalho apresentado no seminário "Competências e Formação do Treinador".

In this article, I consider Bernard Suits’ Utopia where the denizens supposedly fill their days playing Utopian sports, with regard to the relevance of the thought experiment for understanding the sports we currently play and have played.... more

In this article, I consider Bernard Suits’ Utopia where the denizens supposedly fill their days playing Utopian sports, with regard to the relevance of the thought experiment for understanding the sports we currently play and have played. I argue that the thought experiment is irrelevant for understanding our current and past sports, i.e. human sports. I identify two views on games and sports in Utopia; the strong view of games and sports in Utopia is that game and sport playing would be inevitable in Utopia; the weak view of games and sports in Utopia is that game and sport playing in Utopia is possible. Whereas the strong view is obviously false, the weak view can be defended. However, this means that it is underdetermined whether there at all will be sports in Suits’ Utopia and this in itself throws seriously doubt upon the viability of the thought experiment vis-à-vis human sports. Furthermore, while human and potential Utopian sports will share the same internal purpose of winning sport competitions, they will have widely differing external functions or purposes since they are part of radically different circumstances. Human sports are born out of the non-Utopian circumstances of the human condition and fulfil our needs for competition and domination, whereas Suits’ Utopians would have no such needs, and the way in which they would potentially engage in their sports would be quite foreign to us. On closer inspection, when we think seriously through the circumstances in which Utopian sports would operate and how human sports function in the non-Utopian state of affairs we call our world, we find that the former do not to any relevant degree inform us about the latter. Suits’ Utopia provides no guide for thinking about human sports.

In this article, I first address the ethical considerations about football and show that a merito-cratic-fairness view of sports fails to capture the phenomenon of football. Fairness of result is not at centre stage in football. Football... more

In this article, I first address the ethical considerations about football and show that a merito-cratic-fairness view of sports fails to capture the phenomenon of football. Fairness of result is not at centre stage in football. Football is about the drama, about the tension and the emotions it provokes. This moves us to the realm of aesthetics. I reject the idea of the aesthetics of football as the disinterested aesthetic appreciation, which traditionally has been deemed central to aesthetics. Instead, I argue that we should try and develop an agon aesthetics where our aesthetic appreciation is understood as involving and being embedded in our engagement in the game. The drama of football is staged but not scripted. The aesthetics of competitions like football matches-the agon aesthetics-lies in engaging in the conflict that a competition is, while being aware that the conflict is not over ordinary world or everyday life issues, but unnecessary and invented for the very purpose of having a conflict to enjoy.

Enhancement is a basic principle of modern sport. Their increase of achievement is usually attributed to the sportsmen’s natural assessment, their health, their training methods and their employment. In contrast, increase in output by... more

Enhancement is a basic principle of modern sport. Their increase of achievement is usually attributed to the sportsmen’s natural assessment, their health, their training methods and their employment. In contrast, increase in output by pharmacological means is outlawed. The modern medical techniques created a whole range, by which sportsmen are supported. Consequently, sometimes difficult decisions with concrete medications develop. It is not always clearly to be differentiated whether something is a pharmacological interference, which serves the therapy or leads however to the outlawed increase in output. At present Enhancement is in discussion, a phenomenon, which is related to doping in sports, but which concerns achievement-increasing use of medicines not only in sportsmen.

Abstract Purpose: This paper examined ethic and institutionalization of code of professional practice in the Kano State school sports system. These codes of ethics include commitment to athletes, player, public, profession, employment... more

Competitive games are zero-sum games; would be sports zero-sum practices? Aurel Kolnai said that game players exhibit an odd volitional posture that turns games into paradoxes. Bernard Suits disagreed. In zero-sum games, says Suits,... more

Competitive games are zero-sum games; would be sports zero-sum practices? Aurel Kolnai said that game players exhibit an odd volitional posture that turns games into paradoxes. Bernard Suits disagreed. In zero-sum games, says Suits, conflict is intentional. It cannot be paradoxical, because each player aims one identical goal, but rather two different personal goals. Nevertheless, Kolnai has a point, since players fall into a predicament if they seriously adopt the attitude of playing games with their internal aims of winning them. In the extent that games continue to be non-seriously played, they do not represent predicaments for agents. But if an agent decides to take some game seriously, her attitude becomes behaviorally paradoxical. The reason is that competitive games are zero-sum activities. But with sports it is different. Being institutionalized social practices, sports offer persistent possibilities of winning. Differently from what happens in the case of mere ludic enterprises, organized competitions allow a better distribution of wins; and in a long-standing involvement in the practice, sportsmen can accumulate good results in the long run. Sports seem to be an evolved solution for a basic human predicament: the impossibility of attaining happiness and personal fulfillment by means of mere ludic enterprises.

The late Zhou of China and the Classical age of Greece both saw great impetus in intellectual thought and were marked by intense warfare. Being closely linked to warfare in antiquity, sports was a vital, commonplace activity whose jargon... more

The late Zhou of China and the Classical age of Greece both saw great impetus in intellectual thought and were marked by intense warfare. Being closely linked to warfare in antiquity, sports was a vital, commonplace activity whose jargon and practices naturally informed philosophical discourses. One can thus observe convergences between athletics and ethics in texts which took shape in these times and places, a phenomenon which I shall refer to as "athl-ethics". In this paper, I separately examine and then compare athl-ethic phenomenon in Mencius and in the Nicomachean Ethics. Both texts are rife with sports metaphors which I regard as a thin form of athl-ethicism. Sports, however, did more than inspire useful analogies. Physical training and competition were considered potential occasions for nourishing and practicing virtue generating thicker forms of athlethicism.

Enhancement is a basic principle of modern sport. Their increase of achievement is usually attributed to the sportsmen's natural assessment, their health, their training methods and their employment. In contrast, increase in output by... more

Enhancement is a basic principle of modern sport. Their increase of achievement is usually attributed to the sportsmen's natural assessment, their health, their training methods and their employment. In contrast, increase in output by pharmacological means is outlawed. The modern medical techniques created a whole range, by which sportsmen are supported. Consequently, sometimes difficult decisions with concrete medications develop. It is not always clearly to be differentiated whether something is a pharmacological interference, which serves the therapy or leads however to the outlawed increase in output. At present Enhancement is in discussion, a phenomenon, which is related to doping in sports, but which concerns achievement-increasing use of medicines not only in sportsmen.

The Southeast Asian Games has been negatively politicised since the 1950s. It has sported a complex interplay of colonialism, decolonisation, nationalism, geopolitics, patronage and capitalism. Repurposing it for the well-being of... more

The Southeast Asian Games has been negatively politicised since the 1950s. It has sported a complex interplay of colonialism, decolonisation, nationalism, geopolitics, patronage and capitalism. Repurposing it for the well-being of individual athletes and the regional sporting culture is long overdue. Yet, to depoliticise sports toward positive purpose necessitates collective political action.

Taidoissa opitaan ja myös opetuksessa siirretään tietorakenteita, jotka ovat osin tiedostamattomia. Kun taitoja siirretään kulttuurista toiseen, ne sopeutetaan oman kulttuurin tuttuihin tietorakenteisiin, jolloin taidoista usein... more

Taidoissa opitaan ja myös opetuksessa siirretään tietorakenteita, jotka ovat osin tiedostamattomia. Kun taitoja siirretään kulttuurista toiseen, ne sopeutetaan oman kulttuurin tuttuihin tietorakenteisiin, jolloin taidoista usein kadotetaan niiden olennaisia piirteitä. Kuvaan artikkelissa taidon "tietoteoreettisen rakenteen" käsitteen. Samalla nostan esiin myös kehon esiymmärryksen muodot, joita monissa idän kontemplatiivisissa perinteissä viljellään, mutta jotka jäävät länsimaisessa viitekehyksessä ilman huomiota.

Through history, numerous events have taught us that the beliefs we once thought to be certainties were in fact mistaken, due to a lack of information. Still, in many occasions we tend to fall into the same cycle, believing that this time... more

Through history, numerous events have taught us that the beliefs we once thought to be certainties were in fact mistaken, due to a lack of information. Still, in many occasions we tend to fall into the same cycle, believing that this time around we are actually on the right side of things, and that our newly acquired knowledge is a part of the progression to the betterment of humanity. The present research simply intends to present an example from the popular world of sports that shows how little we actually know about some of the simplest of things, and how one single case is enough to disregard decades of assumed scientific certainty. This interdisciplinary approach to Usain Bolt's case only attempts to shed some light in our ignorance, and specially in our pretentious assumptions regarding human knowledge.

Argumentoin, että Williams oli väärässä ensimmäisen varoituksen protestissaan, mutta oikeassa vaatiessaan sukupuolittuneiden käytäntöjen kriittistä tarkastelua. Jatkokommentissani tarkennan, että tenniksen säännöt eivät tunnusta... more

An evaluation of Ronald Dworkin's liberal egalitarian views.

Alfred Archer recently argued that there is good reason to think that sporting supererogation exists. In the present paper, I take a closer look at Archer’s two key cases from association football and his arguments in favour of positing... more

Alfred Archer recently argued that there is good reason to think that sporting supererogation exists. In the present paper, I take a closer look at Archer’s two key cases from association football and his arguments in favour of positing that there is a sporting supererogation phenomenon or realm that needs to be reckoned with. I argue that his project fails and that the notion of ‘sporting supererogation’ as championed by Archer should be rejected.

بازتاب‌هایی بر بازی فوتبال در سایه‌ی جام جهانی روسیه ۲۰۱۸

Plato recounts the myth of Gyges (Republic), forefather of King Croesus, who served the then archon of Lydia. Gyges found a magic ring that gave him the ability to become invisible to others. Wearing the ring, he went to the palace, made... more

Plato recounts the myth of Gyges (Republic), forefather of King Croesus, who served the then archon of Lydia. Gyges found a magic ring that gave him the ability to become invisible to others. Wearing the ring, he went to the palace, made the queen his lover, killed the king and took his riches. Thus, the shepherd, with the help of the ring, annihilated the king and took the throne himself.