Process Safety Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Risk is defined as the probability of a specific adverse event occurring within a specific period, while Quantitative risk assessment (QRA) is the development of a quantitative estimate of risk based on engineering evaluation and... more

Risk is defined as the probability of a specific adverse event occurring within a specific period, while Quantitative risk assessment (QRA) is the development of a quantitative estimate of risk based on engineering evaluation and mathematical techniques by combining estimate of incident consequences and frequencies. In view of the increase in the use of railways as the mode of transportation for hazardous materials throughout the world, the associated risk analysis should be taken into concern. In this study, the failure frequency of the transportation of ammonia from the Petronas fertilizers Kedah (PFK) plant in Gurun (Northern part of Peninsular Malaysia), to the Chemical Company Malaysia (CCM) fertilizer's facilities in Port Klang (South-western part of Peninsular Malaysia) was evaluated by incorporating the human error assessment. The study highlighted the importance of human error contributions in the failure frequency analysis and its impact on the selected failure scenarios. Besides, it also shows that the application of the human error assessment and reduction technique (HEART), which is a useful human reliability analysis tool, should be used in parallel with the fuzzy arithmetic approach to reduce the uncertainties involved in the estimation of human error probabilities, and hence, to reduce the likelihood of incorrect risks estimates being assessed. The results suggested that the commonly applied approach in quantitative risk assessments, which only consider equipment failures in the failure frequency estimations, are clearly an underestimate of the potential causes of failures leading to hazardous material releases, and hence, the calculated risks based do not reflect the actual risks. © 2008 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Process Saf Prog, 2009

Researchers and practitioners are giving significant attention to Industry 4.0 due to its numerous benefits to manufacturing organizations. Several aspects of Industry 4.0 have been studied in the literature. However, studies on the... more

Researchers and practitioners are giving significant attention to Industry 4.0 due to its numerous benefits to manufacturing organizations. Several aspects of Industry 4.0 have been studied in the literature. However, studies on the challenges for implementing Industry 4.0 in manufacturing operations have received less attention. To address this gap, this study identifies a set of challenges (framework) for implementing Industry 4.0 in manufacturing industries. This framework is evaluated in the leather industry of Bangladesh aided by a novel multi-criteria decision-making method named Best-Worst method (BWM). The findings of the study showed that ‘lack of technological infrastructure’ is the most pressing challenge that may hurdle the implementation of Industry 4.0 whereas ‘environmental side-effects’ is the less among the challenges that may hinder implementation of Industry 4.0 in the Bangladeshi leather industry. This result may help decision makers, industrial managers and practitioners in the Bangladeshi leather industry to realize the actual challenges confronting them when attempting to implement Industry 4.0 and focus their attention on how to address these challenges to pave ways for a successful implementation of Industry 4.0.

Benzene is the simplest hydrocarbon that belongs to the class of organic compounds also known as aromatics. The chemical formula, C6H6, represents its ring-like structure, in which all six carbon atoms share the same number of electrons... more

Benzene is the simplest hydrocarbon that belongs to the class of organic compounds also known as aromatics. The chemical formula, C6H6, represents its ring-like structure, in which all six carbon atoms share the same number of electrons and the carbon-to - carbon connections are intermediate between single and double bonds (Carey, n.d.). Benzene is a colourless liquid that has the smell of 'sweet gasoline' at room temperature. Benzene boiling point and freezing point temperature is at 176.2 degrees Fahrenheit and 41.9 degrees Fahrenheit respectively. Benzene is a highly flammable and carcinogenic chemical. It occurs as a component of crude oil, naturally, and there are other several methods to produce it.

Compilation of my answers for tutorial.

Site Safety Awareness Process Safety Training Confined Space Entry Hazardous Substances In Refineries Hazards of Air and Oxygen Hazards of Electricity and Static Electricity Hazards of Nitrogen and Catalyst Handling Hazards of... more

Site Safety Awareness
Process Safety Training
Confined Space Entry
Hazardous Substances In Refineries
Hazards of Air and Oxygen
Hazards of Electricity and Static Electricity
Hazards of Nitrogen and Catalyst Handling
Hazards of Steam
Hazards of Trapped Pressure and Vacuum
Hazards of Water
Hotel Fire Safety
Liquid Hydrocarbon Tank Fires
Safe Handling of Light Ends
Safe Furnace and Boiler Firing
Safe Tank Farms and (Un)loading Operations
Safe Ups and Downs for Process Units
Control of Work

On February 16, 2007 a massive propane release occurred at the Propane Deasphalting Unit (PDA) of the Valero–McKee Refinery near Sunray, Texas. The resulting vapor cloud ignited, burning four workers, destroying the PDA, and causing... more

On February 16, 2007 a massive propane release occurred at the Propane Deasphalting Unit (PDA) of the Valero–McKee Refinery near Sunray, Texas. The resulting vapor cloud ignited, burning four workers, destroying the PDA, and causing significant knock-on damage to adjacent pipe racks and equipment.The US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) investigation determined that water trapped in a piping dead-leg froze during cold weather, cracking a 10″ diameter liquid propane line, and causing the initial release when warmer weather returned. The CSB identified dead-leg identification and management, freeze protection, emergency isolation capability, and structural steel fire protection as key issues contributing to the incident.Two near-misses were associated with this incident; the release of over 2.5 tons of chlorine from containers adjacent to the PDA, and the inability of workers to access manual deluge valves protecting a nearby LPG storage sphere, which was impacted by the fire.The CSB made recommendations to Valero, the American Petroleum Institute, the McKee Refinery, and the United Steelworkers and their local. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Process Saf Prog 2010

Suboptimal pH and high nitrogenous compounds content in metal industry wastewaters often make using traditional biological treatment methods problematic. It is too early to draw conclusions as to the best technology by comparing novel... more

Suboptimal pH and high nitrogenous compounds content in metal industry wastewaters often make using traditional biological treatment methods problematic. It is too early to draw conclusions as to the best technology by comparing novel processes such as OLAND, CANON, SHARON, and ANAMMOX and so on, owing to the fact that most of these new processes are still to be fully tested at pilot and commercial scale. Therefore, it is worthwhile to review the novel nitrogenous compounds removal processes and to look at their potential for use in biological treatment of inorganic wastewaters with reference to the metal industry. The biochemical reactions and enzymes involved in each step of the nitrification and denitrification processes, microbiology of each process, different technologies such as OLAND, CANON, SHARON, ANAMMOX and their operational requirements in evaluating the application of the nitrification–denitrification process to metal industry wastewater are discussed in this review.

Analysis on the Deepwater Horizon event on professional ethics perspective.

Past accident analysis (PAA) is one of the most potent and oft-used exercises for gaining insights into the reasons why accidents occur in chemical process industry (CPI) and the damage they cause. PAA provides invaluable ‘wisdom of... more

Past accident analysis (PAA) is one of the most potent and oft-used exercises for gaining insights into the reasons why accidents occur in chemical process industry (CPI) and the damage they cause. PAA provides invaluable ‘wisdom of hindsight’ with which strategies to prevent accidents or cushion the impact of inevitable accidents can be developed.A number of databases maintain record of past accidents in CPI. The most comprehensive of the existing databases include Major Hazard Incident Data Service (MHIDAS), Major Accident Reporting System (MARS), and Failure and Accidents Technical Information Systems (FACTS). But each of these databases have some limitations. For example MHIDAS can be accessed only after paying a substantial fee. Moreover, as detailed in the paper, it is not infallible and has some inaccuracies. Other databases, besides having similar problems, are seldom confined to accidents in chemical process industries but also cover accidents from other domains such as nuclear power plants, construction industry, and natural disasters. This makes them difficult to use for PAA relating to CPI. Operational injuries not related to loss of containment, are also often included. Moreover, the detailing of events doesn’t follow a consistent pattern or classification; a good deal of relevant information is either missing or is misclassified.The present work is an attempt to develop a comprehensive open-source database to assist PAA. To this end, information on about 8000 accidents, available in different open-source clearing houses has been brought into a new database named by us PUPAD (Pondicherry University Process-industry Accident Database). Multiple and overlapping accident records have been carefully eliminated and a search engine has been developed for retrieval of the records on the basis of appropriate classification. PUPAD doesn’t aim to replace or substitute the well established databases such as MHIDAS and MARS but, rather, aims to compliment them.► A novel database covering over 8000 records of accidents in the chemical process industry is presented. ► A comparison indicates that the new database can complement the existing ones and help reduce the uncertainties associated with past accident analysis. ► The novelty and widespread utility of the work justifies its publication in the journal.

Brine purification process of GHCL did not meet the specification of electrolyzer in the context of excess hydroxide ion (OH-). The electrolyzer, anolyte tank and dechlorination tower tank faced serious corrosion. This paper describes an... more

Brine purification process of GHCL did not meet the specification of electrolyzer in the context of excess hydroxide ion (OH-). The electrolyzer, anolyte tank and dechlorination tower tank faced serious corrosion. This paper describes an innovative method adopted to meet the electrolyzer's specification of excess OH-. This method consists of an innovative HCl dosing system added to purified brine tank. After adopting this method corrosion of electrolyzer, anolyte tank and dechlorination tower tank has been decreased in a noticeable rate. Also some chemical dosings have been reduced.

The design of attacks for cyber physical systems is critical to assess CPS resilience at design time and run-time, and to generate rich datasets from testbeds for research. Attacks against cyber physical systems distinguish themselves... more

The design of attacks for cyber physical systems is critical to assess CPS resilience at design time and run-time, and to generate rich datasets from testbeds for research. Attacks against cyber physical systems distinguish themselves from IT attacks in that the main objective is to harm the physical system. Therefore, both cyber and physical system knowledge are needed to design such attacks. The current practice to generate attacks either focuses on the cyber part of the system using IT cyber security existing body of knowledge, or uses heuristics to inject attacks that could potentially harm the physical process. In this paper, we present a systematic approach to automatically generate integrity attacks from the CPS safety and control specifications, without knowledge of the physical system or its dynamics. The generated attacks violate the system operational and safety requirements, hence present a genuine test for system resilience. We present an algorithm to automate the malware payload development. Several examples are given throughout the paper to illustrate the proposed approach.

The oil and gas industry has been beset with several catastrophic accidents, most of which have been attributed to organisational and operational human factor errors. The current HFACS developed for the aviation industry, cannot be used... more

The oil and gas industry has been beset with several catastrophic accidents, most of which have been attributed to organisational and operational human factor errors. The current HFACS developed for the aviation industry, cannot be used to simultaneously analyse regulatory deficiencies and emerging violation issues, such as sabotage in the oil and gas industry. This paper presents an attempt to improve the existing HFACS investigation tool and proposes a novel HFACS named the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System for the Oil and Gas Industry (HFACS-OGI). Result found the HFACS-OGI system to be suitable for categorising accidents, following the analysis of 11 accident reports from the US Chemical Safety Board (US CSB). The HFACS-OGI system moreover revealed some significant relationships between the different categories. Furthermore, the results indicated that failures in national and international industry regulatory standards would automatically create the preconditions for accidents to occur.

Proses Güvenliği halen bir yönetim sistemi standardına sahip değil. Dünyada bileşen sistemi öneren çok önemli kuruluşlar var. OSHA, AIChE, ILO vb. Biz AIChE üzerinden bir sistem önerisi yaptık. Bunu KMO Proses güvenliği komisyonu ile... more

Proses Güvenliği halen bir yönetim sistemi standardına sahip değil. Dünyada bileşen sistemi öneren çok önemli kuruluşlar var. OSHA, AIChE, ILO vb. Biz AIChE üzerinden bir sistem önerisi yaptık. Bunu KMO Proses güvenliği komisyonu ile rehber dokümana da dönüştürdük.

Implementasi Program SHE PT. Wijaya Karya Non Crucible ESF-4 Sampai dengan Pelaksanaan Milestone Switch On adalah penerapan prosedur keselamatan kerja yang menjamin keselamatan para pekerja, Equipment dan proses yang berlangsung sampai... more

Implementasi Program SHE PT. Wijaya Karya Non Crucible ESF-4 Sampai dengan
Pelaksanaan Milestone Switch On adalah penerapan prosedur keselamatan kerja yang
menjamin keselamatan para pekerja, Equipment dan proses yang berlangsung sampai
dengan pelaksaanaan Milestone Switch On Furnace.
Kata Kunci :
Implementasi menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia adalah pelaksanaan atau penerapan
Milestone menurut Haidi Barasa (2015) adalah suatu bagian item pekerjaan yang dibuat seolaholah
menjadi temporary finish atau selesai sementara atas sekelompok atau serangkaian
pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang menjadi bagian dari schedule besar.

At approximately 1:20 p.m. on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 a series of explosions and fire occurred at the BP Texas City oil refinery during the start-up of an isomerization (ISOM) process unit. Fifteen workers were killed and about 170... more

At approximately 1:20 p.m. on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 a series of explosions and fire occurred at the BP Texas City oil refinery during the start-up of an isomerization (ISOM) process unit. Fifteen workers were killed and about 170 other people were injured. Many of those killed were working in or around office trailers located near a blowdown drum and stack open to the atmosphere. The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) found that because of problems that began during the ISOM process unit start-up, a sudden, geyser-like release of flammable hydrocarbon liquid and vapor discharged from the atmospheric vent stack. This release created a flammable vapor cloud, which ignited, causing as many as five explosions and fire in and around the ISOM unit. CSB identified multiple possible ignition sources in and around the blowdown drum area, including idling vehicles; however, the exact ignition source remains unknown.CSB deployed a team of investigators to BP Texas City to conduct a root-cause investigation immediately after the incident. This team examined blast patterns to determine the explosion origin; reviewed the design of the isomerization unit equipment; and examined plant safety and operating procedures, past accidents, maintenance procedures, and oversight and inspection. Investigators also reviewed the adequacy of applicable regulations and industry standards for the placement of temporary structures such as trailers in refineries. This article presents the preliminary findings from the CSB investigative team regarding the technical and underlying causes of the incident and discusses three urgent recommendations issued by the CSB stemming from the BP incident. © 2006 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Process Saf Prog, 2006

Crude oil and related petroleum products are major fossil fuels for the supply of energy globally. Floating Roof Tanks (FRTs) are used for storing crude oil after production to ensure product stability before product export, but FRTs are... more

Crude oil and related petroleum products are major fossil fuels for the supply of energy globally. Floating Roof Tanks (FRTs) are used for storing crude oil after production to ensure product stability before product export, but FRTs are susceptible to lightning strikes. Lightning is a major threat to operational safety in crude oil storage terminals, particular in the tropics with a very high number of thunderstorm days per year (Td/yr). Protect ing crude oil storage tanks against the high-energy lightning current with a continuing current charge of 200 Coulomb requires the design and implementation of a purpose-specific lightning protection system. An evaluation of the probability of a lightning strike to a FRT using the dynamic electro-geometrical model (DEGM) was performed using numerical techniques. The results for the cases considered show that the total probability of a direct strike to the circular tip of the tank shell at its topmost height varies from about 85% to 99% depending on the dimension of the tank and the position of the floating roof within the tank.