Public Policy Analysis Research Papers (original) (raw)
A mass transit system not only improves passenger mobility, but also affects the level of economic activities (e.g., working and shopping). Thus, changes wrought by mass transit service planning can heavily influence regional economic... more
A mass transit system not only improves passenger mobility, but also affects the level of economic activities (e.g., working and shopping). Thus, changes wrought by mass transit service planning can heavily influence regional economic growth. The planning for mass transit requires a careful consideration of conflicting goals (e.g., better utilization of fleets vs. transit services, improved passenger services vs. increased operating expenses, revenue increases vs. tax or fare hikes), and these pose a number of problems for policy decision makers. In particular, given the public’s growing concerns over government budget deficits, the continuous underutilization of mass transit systems can increase public scrutiny concerning the increased investment in mass transit services. To find ways to better utilize mass transit systems across the state of Ohio and thus make the best use of state/federal/municipal government funds and taxpayers’ monies, this paper aims to evaluate the operational efficiency of the current mass transit system relative to benchmark standards and then identify the leading causes of mass transit inefficiencies. To achieve these goals, this paper analyzes the past three years of time-series data regarding 24 urban mass transit agencies in Ohio using window data envelopment analysis (DEA).
Se la struttura sociale assume un volto sempre più frammentato e quasi disarticolato, il ruolo delle istituzioni rappresentative non può più essere quello di imporre politiche, ma deve divenire, invece, quello di discutere le politiche,... more
Se la struttura sociale assume un volto sempre più frammentato e quasi disarticolato, il ruolo delle istituzioni rappresentative non può più essere quello di imporre politiche, ma deve divenire, invece, quello di discutere le politiche, in modo che la visione collettiva su di esse possa effettivamente maturare. La democrazia rappresentativa oggi non è solo questione di voti e di elezioni, è anche capacità di interrogare, di consultare, di discutere pubblicamente, di sorvegliare e correggere. La tutela degli interessi durevoli richiede allora al Parlamento, come sede della rappresentanza nazionale, di diventare una struttura di conoscenza capace di individuare le priorità, di imputare le responsabilità, di misurare i risultati prodotti e di creare un senso di continuità volto a pacificare e coordinare le ragioni di oggi con quelle di domani. La valutazione delle politiche pubbliche è lo strumento che può accostare le istituzioni rappresentative a un’efficace tutela degli interessi durevoli: attraverso funzioni valutative l’organizzazione pubblica può cercare di essere un fattore di rigenerazione della società non perché impone decisioni, ma perché innesca un costante processo di autoapprendimento in cui il decisore politico assume il ruolo di immettere la conoscenza nel sistema istituzionale e renderla oggetto di un vero allargamento egualitario.
The book points out that rural regions need proper attention at the global level concerning solid waste management sector where bad practices and public health threats could be avoided through traditional and integrated waste management... more
The book points out that rural regions need proper attention at the global level concerning solid waste management sector where bad practices and public health threats could be avoided through traditional and integrated waste management
routes. Solid waste management in rural areas is a key issue in developing and transitioning countries due to the lack of proper waste management facilities and services. The book further examines, on the one hand, the main challenges in the development of reliable waste management practices across rural regions and, on the other hand, the concrete solutions and the new opportunities across the world in dealing with municipal and agricultural wastes. The book provides useful information for academics, various professionals, the members of civil society, and national and local authorities.
Achieving sustainable mobility requires change to the reasons for travel and the ways in which we travel: where, when, why and how. Voluntary Travel Behaviour Change consistently delivers successful outcomes valued by the community well... more
Achieving sustainable mobility requires change to the reasons for travel and the ways in which we travel: where, when, why and how.
Voluntary Travel Behaviour Change consistently delivers successful outcomes valued by the community well in excess of the costs of implementation. These have been well-documented, so why the requirements for ‘pilot/demonstration projects’ as a pre-requisite for mainstream programs that rarely seem to eventuate?
Why the arguments about details of statistical proof – tests that conventional transport planning paradigms would often fail? Why the published reports and papers that ignore the evidence and in some cases present erroneous data? Why is it so difficult to correct the public record when such errors are published? Why are errors perpetuated even when corrections and rebuttals are published – do we need a new paradigm for publication of professional and technical research?
There appear to be disparate standards of ‘proof’ required for different approaches to sustainable mobility. Some are simply seen to be a ‘good thing’ with little supporting evidence; others are made to jump through complex hoops – and, even when they do so, still may not be accepted.
This paper documents and analyses some issues of travel behaviour change acceptance and non-acceptance, using Individualised Marketing as a case study, with reference to both behavioural theory and practical experience.
This phenomenon is not unique to travel behaviour change, but is so pervasive in this field that it is important to understand why it happens and, to the extent possible, correct the public record.
This book has its origins in the challenges of introducing upper-division undergraduates and beginning graduate students to the field of policy studies. Advanced survey courses in public policy are a standard curricular component of... more
This book has its origins in the challenges of introducing upper-division undergraduates and beginning graduate students to the field of policy studies. Advanced survey courses in public policy are a standard curricular component of graduate programs in political science, public administration, and other fields, and similar courses are increasingly common for upper-division undergraduates. The field of public policy, however, is so broad, diffuse, and balkanized that imposing order on it from an instructor's perspective-let alone from a student's perspective-can be a difficult and frustrating undertaking.
El Sistema Nacional de Prevención, Atención, Sanción y Erradicación de la Violencia contra las Mujeres (el Diagnóstico) fue instalado el 3 de abril de 2007 y desde entonces se ha mantenido en operaciones, con distintos niveles de avance y... more
El Sistema Nacional de Prevención, Atención, Sanción y Erradicación de la Violencia contra las Mujeres (el Diagnóstico) fue instalado el 3 de abril de 2007 y desde entonces se ha mantenido en operaciones, con distintos niveles de avance y orientaciones. Así, a once años de su instalación y en el marco del cierre de la actual administración federal, la CONAVIM ha determinado la necesidad de realizar el Diagnóstico Estructural de dicho Sistema Nacional con el fin identificar las fortalezas y áreas de oportunidad de este órgano colegiado, y generar evidencia que permita sustentar recomendaciones y propuestas de mejora; así como orientar el diseño de un plan de trabajo idóneo para coadyuvar a la coordinación efectiva de sus integrantes en los tres niveles de gobierno y con ello mejorar el logro de sus objetivos.
El Diagnóstico ha sido desarrollado con un alcance estratégico. Es decir, toma en cuenta las funciones sustantivas y principales objetivos de las instancias que integran el Sistema Nacional, por lo que se enfoca en el análisis de las estrategias o procesos de toma de decisiones conjuntas y la forma en que, en su caso, se articulan las acciones de las diversas instancias. Adicionalmente, el análisis se realizó con un enfoque integral considerando las distintas dimensiones que componen el Sistema Nacional y un análisis causal como medio para explicar los resultados obtenidos hasta la fecha y emitir recomendaciones para que éstos mejoren en el futuro. Finalmente, para asegurar la orientación determinística del estudio, se planteó una metodología de investigación mixta, lo que permitió evaluar las dimensiones de manera objetiva y sistemática.
Large-scale studies such as Programme for the international assessment of adult competencies (PIAAC) are currently the most influential variant of literacy research. PIAAC is undergoing a process of regional expansion towards countries... more
Large-scale studies such as Programme for the international assessment of adult competencies (PIAAC) are currently the most influential variant of literacy research. PIAAC is undergoing a process of regional expansion towards countries located in the geographical south. Based on the finding that large-scale studies can create stereotypes about social groups, this contribution examines the extent to which this danger also exists with regard to countries and regions. For doing so we suggest the term southering. Southering brings together the discourses about the South with the concept of othering, introduced by Said (1978). The presentation of the results as tables and world maps can result in exposing countries of the South to a pronounced deficit perspective. The contribution does not pursue the goal of questioning the legitimacy of international studies. Rather, we would like to point out the necessity of exercising due care in the interpretation of corresponding study results.
The goal of this paper is to explore the perception of Kosovo's citizens of the severity of tax evasion relative to other crimes and abuses. Perception of tax evasion may somewhat clarify the degree of rebelliousness with the tax laws.... more
The goal of this paper is to explore the perception of Kosovo's citizens of the severity of tax evasion relative to other crimes and abuses. Perception of tax evasion may somewhat clarify the degree of rebelliousness with the tax laws. Using data from a self-administered survey and a personnel structured interview, the results of mean and comparative analysis will be examined to show where the tax evasion is ranked in Kosovo in the list of fifty listed crimes. Studies, conducted about the perceptions of tax evasion as a crime, have suggested that the tax non-compliance environment has been created from the perception of the taxpayers towards tax evasion as a non-serious crime. Consequently, the degree of non-compliance with the tax laws could be explained somewhat by the perception towards the tax evasion. And, it is obvious that the public's perception of the severity of a crime has important implications for society. [1] However, those studies are inconclusive in explaining the variability of the perceptions towards tax evasion as a crime. Despite that fact that these researches conducted on this area in US, Australia, and Malaysia are a few, a study about the perception of tax evasion in Kosovo does not exist. Evidence on tax evasion perception found in the developing countries may not be generalized to the context of Kosovo because of the differences in the environmental factors such as economy, business, culture, and regulations. Consequently, differences in the environmental factors are expected to cause differences in the perception. The results of this study should be useful to business and government representatives in Kosovo and elsewhere in the Balkans or wider.
- by Robert McGee and +1
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- Economic Sociology, Political Sociology, Law, Criminal Law
For a decade, public controversies about pesticides use for agricultural purpose have been rising concomitantly to a kind of public trial of industrial system of food provision in France (Veillerette 2002 ; Veillerette, Nicolino 2007),... more
For a decade, public controversies about pesticides use for agricultural purpose have been rising concomitantly to a kind of public trial of industrial system of food provision in France (Veillerette 2002 ; Veillerette, Nicolino 2007), though pesticide have had a real effect for the blossoming of the "French green fuel" and have been used from the 1930's without any contest (Jas, 2007). In order to respond to public health risk and environmental risk, European Union had recently confirmed a turn in the regulation of the expertise of active substances and of the sustainable use of pesticide. This turn starting in the early 2000, has accompanied a shift in the public attention towards risk in food an environment, which is much anchored today in the EU parliament. Both at the European level and the national level, authorities have the obligation to watch towards the practices of pesticide uses from the laboratory to the fork, one could say. In France, this European regulatory framework has been enforced but largely kept at a distance from the national agenda, which has been set with the "Grenelle de l'Environnement" (a national participatory political agreement on a set of goals for environmental policy).
Theoretical literature suggests that insecurity is harmful and as a matter of fact, hinders investment . However, there is lack of consensus in empirical evidence as a number of studies have discovered positive assoc iati n, against... more
Theoretical literature suggests that insecurity is harmful and as a matter of fact, hinders investment . However, there is lack of consensus in empirical evidence as a number of studies have discovered positive assoc iati n, against negative association by some others. This study was embarked in response to earlier call for explicit investigation of the empirical impact of insurgency on the flow of forei gn technology in Nigerian economic space. To this e nd, BHRM (proxy for Boko Haram, insurgency) was introduced i n the framework of a combination of Internalization hypothesis, Industrial organization hypothesis and Eclectic par adigm approaches to foreign technology modeling. An equilibrium relationship was established in the analysis that f ollowed. The result of the ECM model was consistent with earlier findings, as it reveals that insurgency exerts a ma ssive upward push on inflow of foreign technology i n Nigeria. This happens to be the case, as investors decisions were hing d ...
Background: Local government as the sphere of government that directly impacts the lives of communities must create a milieu of interacting with communities in terms of planning, execution and the monitoring and evaluation of the success... more
Background: Local government as the sphere of government that directly impacts the lives of communities must create a milieu of interacting with communities in terms of planning, execution and the monitoring and evaluation of the success or failure of its programmes. Local government has a moral and a legislative duty to involve communities thereby extending and deepening democratic and accountable government processes.Aim: This study aimed to analyse how democratic and accountable governance can assist in creating sustainable processes of involvement of its communities. Local government is government’s main contributor to the socio-economic growth and development, not only of a country but more so, its people. The article emphasises improvement in the current processes of community involvement in strategic planning and the execution of such plans in general and at the city of Ekurhuleni (COE) in particular. It further aims to indicate to the city that its processes are not taking i...
A Modern Perspective 1 | P a g e
Chile has maintained a limited industrial policy for nearly three decades. Policy resilience during the 2000s and 2010s is especially puzzling given the political and economic context: three Socialist-led administrations; the retreat of... more
Chile has maintained a limited industrial policy for nearly three decades. Policy resilience during the 2000s and 2010s is especially puzzling given the political and economic context: three Socialist-led administrations; the retreat of the Washington Consensus; resource abundance from the commodity boom; and the decline of the so-called economic ‘miracle’. We present the first comprehensive analysis of industrial policy in post authoritarian Chile (1990–present) and show the significant political influence of business actors with a preference for limited state intervention in the economy as a mechanism of policy reproduction.
O Plano Nacional de Educação: PNE 2014-2024 prevê, como Meta 11, triplicar as matrículas da educação profissional técnica de nível médio e que, pelo menos, 50% da expansão da oferta seja no segmento público. No entanto, além de a proposta... more
O Plano Nacional de Educação: PNE 2014-2024 prevê, como Meta 11,
triplicar as matrículas da educação profissional técnica de nível médio e que, pelo menos, 50% da expansão da oferta seja no segmento público. No entanto, além de a proposta original do plano prever a duplicação das matrículas no período, o ano de 2013, estabelecido como Linha de Base do PNE, apresentou expressivo aumento de matrículas decorrentes do Programa Nacional de Acesso ao EnsinoTécnico e Emprego – Pronatec, o que levou a um aumento de 76% entre a meta proposta e a aprovação, de fato, da meta. O presente trabalho analisa o contexto de definição da meta 11 pelo Congresso Nacional, e o posicionamento apresentado pelo MEC frente à alteração realizada pelo Parlamento.
Washington, DC. has many of the most progressive and trans inclusive non-discrimination laws in the nation, yet transgender, transsexual, trans-spectrum (henceforth ‘trans’) and gender-non conforming residents continue to experience... more
Washington, DC. has many of the most progressive and trans inclusive non-discrimination laws in the nation, yet transgender, transsexual, trans-spectrum (henceforth ‘trans’) and gender-non conforming residents continue to experience devastatingly high rates of poverty, under- and unemployment, employment discrimination, and health disparities. As a means to address these issues, members of the community, academics, activists, and volunteers worked together to develop a needs assessment survey that could directly document the issues facing trans and gender non-conforming residents of Washington, DC. Now completed, this survey, the “Trans Needs Assessment Survey,” is, to date, the largest city-based, trans-specific needs assessment in US history, with over 500 participants. In addition to documenting a significant portion of the Washington, DC population (roughly 602,000 in 2013), the process of developing and implementing this survey integrated redistributive justice models of social action and applied academic work, providing fiscal and professional growth opportunities to members of the trans and gender non-conforming community—in particular trans women of color— in Washington, DC. All funds raised in assistance of this project were funneled directly to those trained to collect surveys, while those with academic and professional
affiliations donated labor and expertise. We, the coalition of activists, academics, and community members that came together to do this work, directly attribute the success of this survey to these public and redistributive justice models and implore those making use of this data to employ these same models in their own work.
- by Elijah A Edelman and +1
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- Health Sciences, Gender Studies, Queer Studies, Sex and Gender
There is a growing literature in neuroethics dealing with cognitive neuro-enhancement for healthy adults. However, discussions on this topic tend to focus on abstract theoretical positions while concrete policy proposals and detailed... more
There is a growing literature in neuroethics dealing with cognitive neuro-enhancement for healthy adults. However, discussions on this topic tend to focus on abstract theoretical positions while concrete policy proposals and detailed models are scarce. Furthermore, discussions appear to rely solely on data from the US or UK, while international perspectives are mostly non-existent. This volume fills this gap and addresses issues on cognitive enhancement comprehensively in three important ways: 1) it examines the conceptual implications stemming from competing points of view about the nature and goals of enhancement; 2) it addresses the ethical, social and legal implications of neuroenhancement from an international and global perspective including contributions from scholars in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America; and 3) it discusses and analyses concrete legal and policy options tailored to specific domestic contexts.
Part I focuses on conceptual issues arising from the use of cognitive neuroenhancement technologies in the social milieu and clinical context. These comprise the ethical concerns of direct-to-consumer-marketing of cognitive enhancement drugs; the extents to which personal choice should be publicly protected; concerns about fairness, social pressure to enhance, the use of cognitive neuroenhancement in psychiatry; etc.
Part II provides analysis from an international perspective. This section addresses the normative issues and cultural values, along with an analysis of empirical data on public attitudes on cognitive enhancement and/or prevalence in various countries around the world.
Part III examines the regulatory options available to policy makers to allow a responsible use of cognitive enhancement. These public policies are applied to concrete neuroenhancement technologies and evaluated for their legitimacy and effectiveness in regulating consumption and demand.
To the best of our knowledge this volume will provide a unique collection of essays from a multidisciplinary and international perspective on cognitive neuroenhancement. As such it will benefit both the academic community and relevant policy makers by offering a comprehensive, easily accessible resource for comparative research on the topic.
Examining previously unexplored links between neurochemistry and public policy.
This article analysis Governments and interest group’s intermediation of employment interest under neo-corporatism to understand young third-country immigrants’ transition to work in Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland. Existing research... more
This article analysis Governments and interest group’s intermediation of employment interest under neo-corporatism to understand young third-country immigrants’ transition to work in Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland. Existing research pointed to neo-corporatism that emphasize large interest group organization cooperates with each other and with public
authorities in interest intermediation to reconcile competing group’s interest with the public, but the governance leads to inequality. Although neo-corporatism involves regulatory weakness, there is still little research in Central Eastern European (CEE) countries explaining Government and interests’ group intermediation of employment interest under neo-corporatism to understand young third-country immigrants’ transition to work. Based on a qualitative cross-national case-oriented research approach with fewer-country comparison, documents, published and unpublished scholastic texts are collected and analysed by a document and content analysis technique to fill in this gap. The findings show that exchange interaction, industrial restructuring, and compliance monitoring instruments are a major perceived influence in neo-corporatism governance with a lack of public value accountability that may impair the reconciliation of social dispute when looking at issues such as young third-country immigrants and socioeconomically disadvantaged groups in interest intermediation setting. The study demonstrates certain decentralised multilevel corporatist governance similarities but dissimilarities from the country’s institutional context. The outcome points to regulatory administrative devices to manage interest group’s crisis and young vulnerable people’s employment opportunities. This is relevant to bureaucratic accountability and deliberate democracy, but the risks to democratic deficit, competitiveness, political inequality, and inefficiency in the complex policy implementation process may impair ethnic minority people’s belongings, jeopardize public the trust, and hampered open democratic values.
Historia de las políticas públicas de educación en Bogotá desde 1940 a 2007. El capítulo se divido en dos apartados las "Políticas públicas de educación, 1940-990: hacia la cobertura total" donde se reflexiona sobre la cobertura, la... more
Historia de las políticas públicas de educación en Bogotá desde 1940 a 2007. El capítulo se divido en dos apartados
las "Políticas públicas de educación, 1940-990: hacia la cobertura total" donde se reflexiona sobre la cobertura, la infraestructura, la cualificación docente, el funcionamiento de las instituciones y los currículos. El segundo apartado las "Políticas públicas de educación, 1990-2007: buscando la calidad" observa las políticas de educación desde los planes de desarrollo de cada alcaldía. En las conclusiones se plantea que el gran reto de Bogotá consistió en integrar la totalidad de la población en edad escolar a los servicios educativos prestados en la ciudad, por lo menos en los niveles de preescolar, primaria, secundaria y media vocacional. La cobertura en educación primaria constituyó una preocupación durante las décadas de 1940 y 1950, mientras que en secundaria y media vocacional adquirió relevancia durante las décadas de 1960 a 1980, situación impulsada por el discurso de desarrollo económico, vigente para la época, que consideraba la educación una de sus piezas angulares. Es interesante que el primer nivel de educación –preescolar– fue considerado como obligatorio a partir de 1994, situación que en parte respondió a las prioridades establecidas para el sector oficial de la educación a nivel nacional.
ISBN: 978-958-717-124-2
Este capítulo, que está dirigido a las autoridades fiscales y ambientales de las diversas ramas, niveles y sectores de gobierno de los países de América Latina, tiene por objeto promover un debate acerca de lo que en gran parte de la... more
Este capítulo, que está dirigido a las autoridades fiscales y ambientales de las diversas ramas, niveles y sectores de gobierno de los países de América Latina, tiene por objeto promover un debate acerca de lo que en gran parte de la región se percibe como una creciente distancia entre aspiraciones y logros en materia de desarrollo ambientalmente sostenible y, al mismo tiempo, ofrecer un marco conceptual para explicar ese fenómeno.
« Tournant délibératif », « impératif participatif » : aujourd’hui, nombreux sont les citoyens, décideurs et chercheurs qui voient dans la participation un moyen d’approfondir et de revitaliser le processus démocratique. Cependant, les... more
« Tournant délibératif », « impératif participatif » : aujourd’hui, nombreux sont les citoyens, décideurs et chercheurs qui voient dans la participation un moyen d’approfondir et de revitaliser le processus démocratique. Cependant, les dispositifs concrets qui visent à associer à un même processus (de connaissance ou de décision) des parties prenantes aux intérêts divergents relèvent encore largement de l’expérimentation. Qu’est-ce qui fait le succès ou l’échec d’une expérience participative ? Selon quels critères l’évaluer ? Comment concevoir des dispositifs qui « tiennent » ?
Davantage qu’une défense des mérites de la participation, cet ouvrage en propose une mise à l’épreuve, à travers une série de retours d’expériences. Centrés, d’une part, sur l’exploration de controverses et, d’autre part, sur l’évaluation de politiques publiques, les chapitres décrivent les défis méthodologiques auxquels des chercheurs ont été confrontés pour intégrer des publics hétérogènes au processus de décision et faire émerger des représentations essentielles à la compréhension de phénomènes politiques et sociaux. L’ouvrage invite ainsi à une meilleure appréhension de cette aventure participative passionnante mais incertaine, à travers des approches de chercheurs partageant une expérience et une culture méthodologique commune.
Why does the state sometimes provide welfare and sometimes not? Why is it able to promote competition on some occasions and not others? We argue that a critical variable in this process is the way the state thinks. State capacity is also... more
Why does the state sometimes provide welfare and sometimes not? Why is it able to promote competition on some occasions and not others? We argue that a critical variable in this process is the way the state thinks. State capacity is also a product of the relationship between bureaucratic or technocratic elite and political will. We demonstrate this conjecture by exploring the political economy of welfare under the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPIM) in West Bengal. We empirically demonstrate that CPIM in West Ben-gal has shifted its ideology from welfare to trickle down. The paper argues for the salience of ideation within the state and the kinds of synergies that exist between the bureaucracy and the political class in the implementation of such policies. The failure of CPIM in West Bengal can be likened to a tipping point evident in the gradual evolution of trickle-down economics over redistribution as an ideology of governance.
Many argue that the composition of a school or classroom-that is, the characteristics of the students themselves-affect the educational attainment of an individual student. This influence of the students in a classroom is often referred... more
Many argue that the composition of a school or classroom-that is, the characteristics of the students themselves-affect the educational attainment of an individual student. This influence of the students in a classroom is often referred to as a peer effect. There have been few systematic studies that empirically examine the peer effect in the educational process. In this research, we examine the peer effect with a unique data set that includes individual student achievement scores and comprehensive characteristics of the students' families, teachers, other school characteristics, and peers for five countries. The data allow an examination of peer effects in both private and public schools in all countries. Our analysis indicates that peer effects are a significant determinant of educational achievement; the effects of peers appear to be greater for low-ability students than for high-ability students. The finding is robust across countries but not robust across school type.
La Legge di Bilancio 2018 ha confermato ulteriormente l’intenzione del governo uscente e, in generale, delle forze politiche di proseguire il cammino verso l’implementazione di politiche pubbliche favorevoli all’Industria 4.0. Fino ad... more
La Legge di Bilancio 2018 ha confermato ulteriormente l’intenzione del governo uscente e, in generale, delle forze politiche di proseguire il cammino verso l’implementazione di politiche pubbliche favorevoli all’Industria 4.0. Fino ad oggi è stata utilizzata soprattutto la leva fiscale per stimolare gli investimenti nei macchinari di nuova generazione e aumentare il tasso di automatizzazione dei processi produttivi all’interno del tessuto industriale italiano. Attraverso strumenti quali l’ammortamento e il credito d’imposta l’attenzione del Governo si è concentrata sul facilitare l’accesso ai macchinari ed ai software necessari a porre le basi per costruire fabbriche intelligenti e fattori meccanici di produzione interconnessi fra di loro. Questa strategia nazionale sembra aver funzionato solamente in modo parziale. Gli investimenti, come previsto, sono aumentati sensibilmente rispetto agli anni della crisi economica, tuttavia sono rimasti legati al mero rinnovamento del parco macchine. Ad oggi, sono rimasti esclusi da questo stimolo positivo due fattori fondamentali affinché le PMI italiane possano entrare pienamente nel mondo dell’Industria 4.0: la formazione e le competenze.
L’obiettivo di questo articolo è duplice. Da un lato viene sottolineata l’importanza delle competenze e della formazione del capitale umano in un contesto industriale 4.0. Dall'altro viene svolta un'analisi del Piano Industria 4.0 implementato nel 2016 dal Governo Italiano e dell'impatto che ha avuto sulle imprese italiane, in particolare per quanto riguarda la questione delle skill.
Over the last 15 years, the government of Ontario, Canada began seeking ways to deliver and expand higher education in a more cost effective and sustainable manner through the introduction of two major policy goals: greater institutional... more
Over the last 15 years, the government of Ontario, Canada began seeking ways to deliver and expand higher education in a more cost effective and sustainable manner through the introduction of two major policy goals: greater institutional differentiation and the expansion of student pathways. This paper will attempt to determine the compatibility of these two policy goals through a review of the relevant literature to determine if the policies are aligned from an efficiency and effectiveness, and public policy perspective. It will also identify a number of policy levers used in Ontario that may affect the extent of diversity and student pathways through document analysis, to assess their compatibility by making a limited use of the field of organisational theory as a lens to place the policies into context. It will also examine the extent to which various institutional types in Ontario have been engaged in student mobility and will compare and contrast the various strategies used to satisfy these public policy goals through textual analysis to highlight current successful institutional strategies that can be used by other jurisdictions. It will conclude with some key observations that the authors feel are necessary for either policy goal to succeed.
- by Pierre G Piché and +2
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- Diversity, Public Policy Analysis, Student Mobility, Ontario
This paper examines the impact of living in ethnic enclaves in different parts of a metropolitan area on low-skilled Latino immigrants' employment accessibility. It does so by comparing the employment status and commuting times of Latinos... more
This paper examines the impact of living in ethnic enclaves in different parts of a metropolitan area on low-skilled Latino immigrants' employment accessibility. It does so by comparing the employment status and commuting times of Latinos living in and out of ethnic neighborhoods in central city, inner-ring suburbs, and outer-ring suburbs in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. Using the 2000 Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS), this paper finds that central-city residents tend to have both lower employment probability and longer commutes. The enclave effect is much muted and a spatial mismatch effect evident in these areas. But in the suburban areas, while as likely to work as non-enclave counterparts, enclave residents tend to commute longer to jobs, suggesting the importance of ethnic networks in these enclave neighborhoods. Further distinguishing Latino immigrants by gender shows that women are more enclave-disadvantaged than men.
There is a long lineage in neighbourhood research that has underpinned sustained academic and policy interest in the UK centred on understanding how spatial ‘clusters’ of neighbourhood-based deprivation might be destabilised. This has... more
There is a long lineage in neighbourhood research that has underpinned sustained academic and policy interest in the UK centred on understanding how spatial ‘clusters’ of neighbourhood-based deprivation might be destabilised. This has seen the privileging of composite indices in the analysis of deprivation which have been criticised for fostering a common perception that deprived neighbourhoods are homogeneous in terms of their compositions and underlying structures. Such indices have also been criticised for being ineffective at capturing temporal change, providing only static snapshots of deprivation at particular points in time. This paper focuses on patterns of deprived neighbourhood change in the Greater Manchester city-region between 2001 and 2007. It develops a typology of neighbourhood change that is triangulated with three complementary typologies capturing the socioeconomic and demographic compositions of deprived neighbourhoods; the functional roles played by deprived neighbourhoods in redistributing population through migration; and the spatial contexts in which deprived neighbourhoods are located. The analysis reveals that an over reliance on static indices to measure deprivation has long-served to conceal complexities in the way that deprived neighbourhoods change, owing to their variable structures and contexts. It illustrates the danger that lies in treating all deprived neighbourhoods in the same way.
שיפור מעמדן של נשים חרדיות בשוק העבודה תקציר: נייר זה דן בדרכים להתמודד עם אי מימוש הפוטנציאל של נשים חרדיות בשוק העבודה אשר מתבטא בפריון תעסוקתי נמוך. מהניתוח עולה כי ניתן לשפר את מדדי התעסוקה שלהן על ידי חיזוק המסוגלות התעסוקתית שיביא... more
שיפור מעמדן של נשים חרדיות בשוק העבודה
נייר זה דן בדרכים להתמודד עם אי מימוש הפוטנציאל של נשים חרדיות בשוק העבודה אשר מתבטא בפריון תעסוקתי נמוך. מהניתוח עולה כי ניתן לשפר את מדדי התעסוקה שלהן על ידי חיזוק המסוגלות התעסוקתית שיביא לקידומן בשוק העבודה. לשם כך, מוצע לפתח ולהפעיל תכנית תעסוקה לנשים חרדיות עובדות אשר מטרתה לפתח את ה'כישורים הרכים' של העובדות על ידי העמקת ההיכרות עם עולם העבודה, שיחות עם מעסיקים/ות וסימולציות מצבים הלקוחים מעולם העבודה. במקביל, מומלץ להעניק מענק לימודים לצורך השלמת כישורים קשים/מקצועיים הנדרשים לקידום ייעודי. התכנית מיועדת להתקיים במסגרת מרכזי ההכוון החרדיים הפרוסים ברחבי הארץ ונמצאים תחת אחריותו של הממונה על התעסוקה במשרד הכלכלה.
Even though several papers about the impacts of minimum wage increases on employment have been published in the last decades, the debate is still ongoing among economists, policymakers, and the general public. Many recent papers have... more
Even though several papers about the impacts of minimum wage increases on employment have been published in the last decades, the debate is still ongoing among economists, policymakers, and the general public. Many recent papers have focused on the potential disemployment effects of the minimum wage regarding teenagers and restaurant workers since both groups present high rates of current minimum wage employment and job offerings. In this paper, I use Monte Carlo simulations with a broad set of data-generating processes and estimation strategies to assess the validity of various methodological strategies and assumptions often encountered in the corresponding literature. Simulation results show that the distributed lag specification with unit-specific time trends and leaded values of the minimum wage, in first-differences, produced less biased estimates for most of the generating processes. This preferred specification is then used to estimate the impacts of minimum wage amendments on youth employment in Canadian provinces between 1990 and 2018. Estimation results demonstrate that the long-run impacts of minimum wage hikes on employment in Canada are likely to be small and statistically insignificant, even for low-skilled young workers. Moreover, my results demonstrate that the standard fixed effects estimator generally used in former studies is likely to identify spurious relationships between minimum wage and employment levels. Results from the preferred specification are robust to both potential reverse causality biases and yearly "strong" real increases in minimum wage levels.
This Research Paper analyses the impact on individuals and the economy of the current gaps and barriers in EU action in the area of Equality and the Fight against Racism. To analyse the impact, this Research Paper reviews the current... more
This Research Paper analyses the impact on individuals and the
economy of the current gaps and barriers in EU action in the area of
Equality and the Fight against Racism. To analyse the impact, this
Research Paper reviews the current legal framework in the area to
identify the most prominent gaps and barriers for each protected
ground of discrimination: sex, race and ethnicity, religion and belief,
sexual orientation, age and disability, as well as horizontal gaps and
barriers that cover all the protected grounds. The Research Paper
then assesses economic and non-economic impacts on individuals
and society of those gaps and barriers. Finally, it identifies and
analyses possible options for addressing those more prominent gaps
and barriers.
- by Nathalie Meurens and +2
- •
- European Law, Non-discrimination, Gender Equality, European Union