Reconfigurable Hardware Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This paper proposes a new algorithm for solving the Boolean satisfiability (SAT) problem. On the basis of this algorithm a software/reconfigurable hardware SAT solver was designed, implemented and compared to a similar realization of the... more

This paper proposes a new algorithm for solving the Boolean satisfiability (SAT) problem. On the basis of this algorithm a software/reconfigurable hardware SAT solver was designed, implemented and compared to a similar realization of the Davis-Putnam-like method. The satisfier suggested uses an application-specific approach, thus an instance- specific hardware compilation is completely avoided.

A large number of reconfigurable hardware technologies have been proposed both in academia and commercially (some of them in their first market steps). They can be roughly classified in three major categories: a) Field Programmable Gate... more

A large number of reconfigurable hardware technologies have been proposed both in academia and commercially (some of them in their first market steps). They can be roughly classified in three major categories: a) Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), b) integrated circuit devices with embedded reconfigurable resources and c) embedded reconfigurable cores for Systems-on-Chip (SoCs). In this chapter representative commercial technologies are discussed and their main features are presented 1 .

In recent years, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FP-GAS) have become sufficiently capable to implement com-plex networking applications directly in hardware. By using hardware that can be reprogrammed, network equipment can dynamically... more

In recent years, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FP-GAS) have become sufficiently capable to implement com-plex networking applications directly in hardware. By using hardware that can be reprogrammed, network equipment can dynamically load new functionality.. Such ...

Abstract. Elliptic Curve Public Key Cryptosystems (ECPKC) are be-coming increasingly popular for use in mobile appliances where band-width and chip area are strongly constrained. For the same level of secu-rity, ECPKC use much smaller key... more

Abstract. Elliptic Curve Public Key Cryptosystems (ECPKC) are be-coming increasingly popular for use in mobile appliances where band-width and chip area are strongly constrained. For the same level of secu-rity, ECPKC use much smaller key length than the commonly used ...

In this paper, we present the results of the first phase of a project aimed at implementing a full suite of IPSec cryptographic transformations in reconfigurable hardware. Full implementations of the new Advanced Encryption Standard,... more

In this paper, we present the results of the first phase of a project aimed at implementing a full suite of IPSec cryptographic transformations in reconfigurable hardware. Full implementations of the new Advanced Encryption Standard, Rijndael, and the older American federal standard, Triple DES, were developed and experimentally tested using the SLAAC-1V FPGA accelerator board, based on Xilinx Virtex 1000 devices. The experimental clock frequencies were equal to 91 MHz for Triple DES, and 52 MHz for Rijndael. This translates to the throughputs of 116 Mbit/s for Triple DES, and 577, 488, and 423 Mbit/s for Rijndael with 128-, 192-, and 256-bit keys respectively. We also demonstrate a capability to enhance our circuit to handle the encryption and decryption throughputs of over 1 Gbit/s regardless of the chosen algorithm. Our estimates show that this gigabit-rate, double-algorithm, encryption/ decryption circuit will fit in one Virtex 1000 FPGA taking approximately 80% of the area.

Due to the emergence of portable devices that must run complex dynamic applications there is a need for flexible platforms for embedded systems. Runtime reconfigurable hardware can provide this flexibility but the reconfiguration latency... more

Due to the emergence of portable devices that must run complex dynamic applications there is a need for flexible platforms for embedded systems. Runtime reconfigurable hardware can provide this flexibility but the reconfiguration latency can significantly decrease the performance. When dealing with task graphs, runtime support that schedules the reconfigurations in advance can drastically reduce this overhead. However, executing complex scheduling heuristics at runtime may generate an excessive penalty. Hence, we have developed a hybrid design-time/runtime reconfiguration scheduling heuristic that generates its final schedule at runtime but carries out most computations at design-time. We have tested our approach in a PowerPC 405 processor embedded on a FPGA demonstrating that it generates a very small runtime penalty while providing almost as good schedules as a full runtime approach.

Implementation of RNS addition and RNS multiplication into FPGAs (Extended Abstract) Luiz Maltar CB, Felipe MG França, Vladmir C. Alves and Cláudio L. Amorim COPPE - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Caixa Postal 68511, Postal Code... more

Implementation of RNS addition and RNS multiplication into FPGAs (Extended Abstract) Luiz Maltar CB, Felipe MG França, Vladmir C. Alves and Cláudio L. Amorim COPPE - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Caixa Postal 68511, Postal Code 21945-970, Rio de Janeiro ...

This chapter introduces the reader to main concepts of reconfigurable computing and reconfigurable hardware. Different types of reconfiguration are discussed. A detailed classification of reconfigurable architectures with respect to the... more

This chapter introduces the reader to main concepts of reconfigurable
computing and reconfigurable hardware. Different types of reconfiguration are
discussed. A detailed classification of reconfigurable architectures with respect
to the granularity of their building blocks, the reconfiguration scheme and the
system level coupling is also presented.

Evolvable hardware (EHW) is a set of techniques that are based on the idea of combining reconfiguration hardware systems with evolutionary algorithms. In other word, EHW has two sections; the reconfigurable hardware and evolutionary... more

Evolvable hardware (EHW) is a set of techniques that are based on the idea of combining reconfiguration hardware systems with evolutionary algorithms. In other word, EHW has two sections; the reconfigurable hardware and evolutionary algorithm where the configurations are under the control of an evolutionary algorithm. This paper, suggests a method to design and optimize the synchronous sequential circuits. Genetic algorithm (GA) was applied as evolutionary algorithm. In this approach, for building input combinational logic circuit of each DFF, and also output combinational logic circuit, the cell arrays have been used. The obtained results show that our method can reduce the average number of generations by limitation the search space.

This paper presents a reconfigurable hardware architecture for Public-key cryptosystems. By changing the connections of coarse grain Carry-Save Adders (CSAs), the datapath provides a high perfor- mance for both RSA and Elliptic Curve... more

This paper presents a reconfigurable hardware architecture for Public-key cryptosystems. By changing the connections of coarse grain Carry-Save Adders (CSAs), the datapath provides a high perfor- mance for both RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). In addi- tion, we introduce another reconfigurability for the flip-flops in order to make the best of hardware resources. The results of FPGA implemen- tation