Religious Fundamentalism Research Papers - (original) (raw)

In 1985, Abilene Christian University was rocked by a controversy over the alleged teaching of evolution by two biology professors. The two-year conflict was an existential crisis for the university, which relied on students and donations... more

This review essay on Jewish "traditionalism" (Hasidism, musar, Orthodoxy,etc.) argues that, notwithstanding a past tendency among historians to magnify secularist trends within modern East European Jewry, several new works suggest a... more

This review essay on Jewish "traditionalism" (Hasidism, musar, Orthodoxy,etc.) argues that, notwithstanding a past tendency among historians to magnify secularist trends within modern East European Jewry, several new works suggest a revitalization of traditionalism in the region during the modern era.

A brief biography and exploration of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's Messanic Theology.

This article seeks to demonstrate both the importance of expertise and scholarship in framing a religion’s claim of legitimacy in law, and how expertise can be harnessed by a religious group to gain this legitimacy. From a broad overview... more

This article seeks to demonstrate both the importance of expertise and scholarship in framing a religion’s claim of legitimacy in law, and how expertise can be harnessed by a religious group to gain this legitimacy. From a broad overview of the consequences of religious status in law, the article analyses the tests used to attribute the status, to show the crucial role that their application affords to experts and scholarship. It then argues that new religious movements, and Scientology, are ideal case studies to illustrate the importance of scholars and scholarship. Scientology is indeed the only major religion to have emerged in the twentieth century and is unique in that it has, over this period, gained, lost, re-gained, and grappled with ongoing challenges to its status in law. The article then illustrates these issues with an analysis of two key periods from Scientology’s history: its ultimately successful fight to gain tax-exempt status in the United States in the 1980s, and its response to modern-day challenges to this status. Both periods illustrate, in different ways, how Scientology has recognised the power of expertise and scholarship, and sought to harness it to frame its claim of legitimacy in law.

De een zijn droom is de ander zijn dood is een zoektocht naar de bruikbaarheid van utopisme als een analytisch concept binnen onderzoek naar de politieke islam. De scriptie legt zich specifiek toe op het ontrafelen van het verband tussen... more

De een zijn droom is de ander zijn dood is een zoektocht naar de bruikbaarheid van utopisme als een analytisch concept binnen onderzoek naar de politieke islam. De scriptie legt zich specifiek toe op het ontrafelen van het verband tussen utopismen en het legitimeren van geweld, met behulp van het werk en denken van de belangrijkste denker van de Egyptische Moslimbroederschap, Sayyid Qutb. De politieke filosofen Karl Popper en John Rawls hadden ogenschijnlijk tegenstrijdige ideeën over het concept utopisme, maar in deze scriptie voer ik aan dat hun theorieën samen tot nieuwe inzichten kunnen leiden wat betreft de creatieve en destructieve kwaliteiten van utopisme. Met behulp van dit analytische tweespan, worden Qutbs kritiek op de status quo, zijn wens om de verwezenlijking van een islamitische wereldorde en zijn legitimering van geweld in de naam van God, onder de loep genomen en verklaard. Hieruit volgt dat Qutbs absolute overtuiging in de almacht en eenheid van God, in samenwerking met zijn idee dat de Koran een eenduidige betekenis uitdraagt, een islamitische wereldorde zowel realistisch als wenselijk maakt. Zijn hyperfocus op dit vaststaande einddoel en op de juiste weg ernaartoe, spelen een belangrijke rol in zijn goedkeuring van gebruik van geweld tegen actoren die dit proces belemmeren.

Resumo: O Boko Haram é um dos vários grupos fundamentalista islâmico presentes no continente africano, mas recebe destaque pela quantidade de mortes que causou a população da Nigéria e dos países vizinhos. Com sua formação, alterou de... more

Resumo: O Boko Haram é um dos vários grupos fundamentalista islâmico presentes no continente africano, mas recebe destaque pela quantidade de mortes que causou a população da Nigéria e dos países vizinhos. Com sua formação, alterou de modo significativo à geopolítica da região, sendo considerado o grupo terrorista mais sanguinário atualmente. Sua aparição e desenvolvimento remetem ao contexto de formação do estado nigeriano e da consolidação do islã na região do Sahel, dessa forma, para se entender o funcionamento do grupo e por que age de forma tão violenta devem ser analisados seus pilares de formação e de que forma estruturam seu projeto de poder na Nigéria, o país mais rico do continente africano, mas com um dos maiores índices de corrupção do mundo.

Afghanistan's future will continue to be defined substantially by Islamabad's mischief. Unless Pakistan is compelled by the international community to end its support to the Taliban and other extremist formations in Afghanistan, the... more

Afghanistan's future will continue to be defined substantially by Islamabad's mischief. Unless Pakistan is compelled by the international community to end its support to the Taliban and other extremist formations in Afghanistan, the prevailing troubles can only escalate.

In order to map out the extent to which the interplay between professional creationist and anti-creationist organizations in the United States determines the state of the creation/evolution debates, I shall proceed in three steps. First,... more

In order to map out the extent to which the interplay between professional creationist and anti-creationist organizations in the United States determines the state of the creation/evolution debates, I shall proceed in three steps. First, I will present an example that characterizes the way in which professional creationism works in the United States. Second, I will review some key aspects of the history of professional creationism and anti-creationism in America. Third, I will present a sociological model that helps explain why creationism in the United States has developed in the way it has. This model is based upon the theory of social fields as developed by Pierre Bourdieu. Its main function is to make visible the way in which professional creationists and anti-creationists are attuned to each other with regard to their arguments, strategies, and the concepts they apply to Interpret their own actions and those of their opponents.

This paper proposes and illustrates a framework for analysis of the recent events in Middle Eastern and North African countries (the so-called Arab Spring) by bringing into dialogue recent theoretical advances in democratization theory... more

This paper proposes and illustrates a framework for analysis of the recent events in Middle Eastern and North African countries (the so-called Arab Spring) by bringing into dialogue recent theoretical advances in democratization theory with the comparative-historical literature on the political development of the MENA region. We advocate two analytical shifts from conventional approaches in the analysis of the Arab Spring: first, reconsider the temporalities of democratization processes; second, focus on struggles over specific institutional arenas rather than over the regime as a whole. The former recommendation draws attention both to the strategies used by key actors in the political, economic, and civil society spheres, and to the historical legacies that built the influence and resources of these actors over time. The latter allows us to consider the institutional safeguards for old elites that are likely to be included in the post-authoritarian regimes emerging in the region. Even though some of these safeguards are clearly anti-democratic, historical examples show that they do not necessarily preclude democratization. Indeed, in some cases, their introduction might be necessary to achieve democratic openings in other arenas. We illustrate these theoretical points with reference to the case of Egypt.

CLICK LINK TO READ FULL ARTICLE: Kenneth Howard argues in his paper, "The Religion Singularity," that institutional Christianity has experienced and will continue to experience an increase... more

Kenneth Howard argues in his paper, "The Religion Singularity," that institutional Christianity has experienced and will continue to experience an increase in the number of denominations and individual worship centers, which, along with a slower increase in the number of Christians in the US, will make institutional Christianity unsustainable in its current form. While there are, no doubt, many reasons why this religion singularity has or will take place, this paper examines the role of cultural cognition on the trends reported in Howard's article. Cultural commitments and values, such as group membership and identity, influence the position individuals take on a variety of religious and political topics, which can then lead to polarization on these issues within the broader society. While we might expect that religious affiliations play an important role in determining a person's political views, this article seeks to identify whether the reverse is also true, namely the extent to which political views affect an individual's religious affiliation. This article reviews research that suggests the increasing political polarization in the United States over the past few decades has contributed, along with other factors, to the religion singularity reported by Howard.

Abstrak Tindak Pidana Terorisme merupakan sebuah perjalanan panjang dari sebuah perang yang pada akhirnya akan berkepanjangan. Adanya konsep fundamentalis islam dan Insurgensi serta kesalahan pemikiran dalam pendefinisian lone wolf... more

Abstrak Tindak Pidana Terorisme merupakan sebuah perjalanan panjang dari sebuah perang yang pada akhirnya akan berkepanjangan. Adanya konsep fundamentalis islam dan Insurgensi serta kesalahan pemikiran dalam pendefinisian lone wolf merupakan sebuah keberhasilan dari kegiatan terorisme dalam memotivasi ideologi, melakukan perekrutan, dan juga melakukan publikasi atas apa yang sudah dilakukan. Dengan memahami konsep fundamentalis islam, maka kita dapat memahami bagaimana sebuah ajaran yang seharusnya murni mengajarkan sebuah jalan yang lurus pada umatnya, menjadi sebuah tindakan radikal yang dilakukan oleh para terorisme saat ini. Elemen psikologis yang menjadi tujuan utama dari kegiatan terorisme untuk mengambil simpatik masyarakat dan menjadikan perbuatan mereka sebagai sebuah pembenaran di jalan Tuhan. Dengan memperkenalkan konsep bai'at dalam mengimplementasikan khilafah islamiah, merupakan langkah yang diambil dalam mewujudkan tujuan dari insurgensi yang membutuhkan perjuangan akan sebuah perang yang panjang.

Informationen über sogenannte ‚LGBT-freie Zonen‘1 in Polen lösten 2019 ein gewaltiges Medienecho und eine internationale Welle der Empörung aus. Mit dem Begriff sind Beschlüsse von bis zu 97 Lokal- und Regionalregierungen (Gemeinden,... more

Informationen über sogenannte ‚LGBT-freie Zonen‘1 in Polen lösten 2019 ein gewaltiges Medienecho und eine internationale Welle der Empörung aus. Mit dem Begriff sind Beschlüsse von bis zu 97 Lokal- und Regionalregierungen (Gemeinden, Landkreisen und Wojewodschaften) gemeint, die meist entweder unter dem Titel‚ Resolution gegen LGBT-Ideologie‘ (‚Resolucja przeciw ideologii LGBT‘) oder als
‚Regionale Familienrechtscharta‘ (‚Samorządowa Karta Praw Rodzin‘) verabschiedet wurden. Mittlerweile (Juli 2020) betreffen dementsprechende Beschlüsse Bewohner_innen von über einem Drittel des Landes (Pająk/Gawron 2020). Dieser Beitrag zeigt den politischen Kontext dieser Beschlüsse auf und analysiert den jüngsten Konfliktverlauf (2019-2020) – inklusive der Präsidentschaftswahlen
von Juli 2020. Erklärt werden soll, warum in so vielen Regionen und Ortschaften Polens Deklarationen verfasst wurden, die sich gegen eine vermeintliche ‚LGBTIdeologie‘ richten, und weshalb LGBTQ* zum Gegenstand der Auseinandersetzung wurde. Zudem wird gefragt, inwiefern heutige politische Dynamiken auf längerfristigen Konfliktverläufen und länger zurückliegenden Ereignissen beruhen. Die diskursanalytische Betrachtung der Argumentationsweisen, mit denen zwischen 2019 und 2020 die LGBTQ*-feindlichen Beschlüsse begründet wurden, erfolgt anhand einer umfangreichen Analyse öffentlich zugänglicher Beschlusstexte, offizieller Stellungnahmen, Medieninterviews, Videoaufzeichnungen von Debatten und Pressekonferenzen sowie Webseiten der involvierten Konfliktparteien.

Incidents that have a fatal impact on civilians have historically had a long-lasting impact on the psyche of those who witnessed it. The politicized September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States has been the most significant... more

Incidents that have a fatal impact on civilians have historically had a long-lasting impact on the psyche of those who witnessed it. The politicized September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States has been the most significant historical event of the 21st century, with major global consequences. The ongoing threats of terrorism the 9/11 incidents initiated have transformed public attitudes, socially and politically, and impacted the way people have related to one another both within the United States and globally. This paper critically examines the (i) enduring lessons learned 20 years after the tragic incidents of 9/11; (ii) global psychological response to 9/11 from a cultural-historical perspective; (iii) the broader social and socio-political impacts; interplay between identity politics, national security concerns and risks, prejudice, exclusion, and religious intolerance the events have triggered within the United States and globally; and how social media, fast information, and fake news have influenced critical thinking globally. The paper particularly explores how 9/11 could potentially impact an individual's propensity for religious fundamentalism and prejudice and intolerance towards those who are unfamiliar.

Religious fundamentalism drawing from biblical texts and/or natural law has had a considerable impact on Eastern European politics, notably on issues concerning women. This paper addresses the misuse of biblical texts that perpetuate... more

Religious fundamentalism drawing from biblical texts and/or natural law has had a considerable impact on Eastern European politics, notably on issues concerning women. This paper addresses the misuse of biblical texts that perpetuate gender stereotypes and negative views on women, as well as religiously tinted discourse inspired by essentialist understandings of human nature, endorsing women s subordination and legitimising domestic violence. Conservative Eastern European ecclesiastic leaders and civic groups use this discourse to defend traditional gender roles and the traditional family, even at the cost of accepting violence against women, out of fear of the so-called gender-ideology. This fear determined ecclesiastic circles and civic groups, like the Polish Bishops Conference and the Romanian Coalition for Family, respectively, to oppose the ratification of the Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and gender violence.

The purpose of the article is describe the philosophical analysis of the issue of fundamentalism, focusing on its theoretical aspects, not analyzing existing movements labeled “fundamentalist”. The crucial part of analysis will be the... more

The purpose of the article is describe the philosophical analysis of the issue of fundamentalism, focusing on its theoretical aspects, not analyzing existing movements labeled
“fundamentalist”. The crucial part of analysis will be the way of understanding and defining the issue, and presentation of the conclusions from those elements, using the perspective of political philosophers such as Cornel West, John Gray, Michael
Walzer or Slavoj Żiżek. The interpretation axis of this issue will help to expose not only the differences in understanding and implementing fundamentalist ideologies, but also to point out the problems with such ideologies and the role of utopian element in fundamentalism. This article will highlight the essential characteristics of fundamentalists, such as the element of belief (not necessary religious belief devoted to the
afterlife and supreme beings) and the totality of professed ideological system (or even the “absoluteness”). The author will also raise the question of two extreme forms of fundamentalism: extreme isolationism and radical proselytism (also ideological proselytism) and the reason for both forms.

ისლამური ფუნდამენტალიზმი, რომელიც ხშირ შემთხვევაში ტერორიზმთან ასოცირდება საერთაშორისო უსაფრთხოებს ერთ-ერთ გამოწვევად მიიჩნევა. XX საუკუნის 70-იან წლებში განვითარებულმა მოვლენებმა ნათლად დაგვანახა, რომ რელიგიას ჯერ კიდევ მნიშვნელოვანი... more

ისლამური ფუნდამენტალიზმი, რომელიც ხშირ შემთხვევაში ტერორიზმთან ასოცირდება საერთაშორისო უსაფრთხოებს ერთ-ერთ გამოწვევად მიიჩნევა. XX საუკუნის 70-იან წლებში განვითარებულმა მოვლენებმა ნათლად დაგვანახა, რომ რელიგიას ჯერ კიდევ მნიშვნელოვანი როლი გააჩნია საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობებში და იგი სხვადასხვა ფორმით ახდენს გავლენას მსოფლიოში მიმდინარე საერთაშორისო და რეგიონულ პოლიტიკურ პროცესებზე. საკონფერენციო ნაშრომში მიმოხილული და გაანალიზებული იქნება ისლამურ ფუნდამენტალიზმსა და ტერორიზმს შორის არსებული კორელაცია. ნაშრომში ყურადღება გამახვილდება სუნიტურ ისლამში ჰანბალიტური მაზჰაბის საფუძვლებზე ჩამოყალიბებულ ისლამური ფუნდამენტალიზმის საყოველთაოდ ცნობილ ფორმებზე, როგორებიცაა: ვაჰაბიზმი და სალაფიზმი. თემის ფარგლებში ვისაუბრებთ ჯიჰადის ადრეულ და თანამედროვე გაგებაზე. ასევე, ნაშრომში განვიხილავთ ერაყისა და ლევანტის ისლამურ სახელმწიფოსა და ბაათისტებს შორის არსებულ ალიანსზე. საკონფერენციო ნაშრომის დასკვნით ნაწილში შევეცდებით შევაჯამოთ ისლამური ფუნდამენტალიზმისაგან და ტერორიზმისგან მომავალ საფრთხეები და გამოწვევები, რომლებიც საფრთხეს უქმნის მსოფლიო მშვიდობასა და უსაფრთხოებას.
საკვანძო სიტყვები: რელიგიური ფუნდამენტალიზმი, ისლამური ფუნდამენტალიზმი, საერთაშორისო ტერორიზმი, ერაყისა და ლევანტის ისლამური სახელმწიფო.
Islamic fundamentalism, which is often associated with terrorism, is considered one of the challenges to international security. Developments in the 1970s have made it clear that religion still plays an important role in international relations, and that it influences global and regional political processes in various ways around the world. The conference paper will analyze the interrelatedness of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. The paper focuses on well-known forms of Islamic fundamentalism based on the Hanbali school in Sunni Islam, such as Wahhabism and Salafism. Within the topic, I will be discussing the early and modern understanding of jihad. Also, in the paper, I will elaborate on the alliance between the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and the Ba'athists. In the concluding part of the conference paper, I will be summarizing the threats and challenges posed by Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism that threaten world peace and security.

Fundamentalistischen Haltungen wohnt eine eigene Überzeugungskraft inne. Ihr wird nachgegangen und im Zusammenhang mit ausgeblendeten Fragen der abendländischen Neuzeit aufgezeigt. Ein Exkurs widmet sich dem "Heiligen Krieg", seiner... more

Fundamentalistischen Haltungen wohnt eine eigene Überzeugungskraft inne. Ihr wird nachgegangen und im Zusammenhang mit ausgeblendeten Fragen der abendländischen Neuzeit aufgezeigt. Ein Exkurs widmet sich dem "Heiligen Krieg", seiner fehlerhaften Anwendung auf Bibel und Koran sowie seine Wiederentdeckung durch deutsche Militärs während des Ersten Weltkrieges.

Crítica perenialista da organização parareligosa de origem espanhola Opus Dei.

The newly-adopted Code of Ethics of the Canadian Association of Social Workers (2005a) includes in its preamble: The Code of Ethics does not specify which values and principles are most important and which outweigh others in instances of... more

The newly-adopted Code of Ethics of the Canadian Association of Social Workers (2005a) includes in its preamble:
The Code of Ethics does not specify which values and principles are most important and which outweigh others in instances of conflict. Reasonable differences of opinion exist among social workers with respect to which values and principles should be given priority in a particular situation (p.2).
This article explores the implications of the Code’s openness to the “reasonable differences of opinion” clause with particular attention to groups of people who might be identified as “fundamentalist.” This article argues that recent trends in immigration and religion will require the social work profession to reflect on how it can remain committed to anti-oppressive practice while at the same time making room for the perspectives of those belonging to religiously orthodox groups. A multiple pluralities approach which recognizes humans’ narrative character is suggested as one way to resolve potential conflicts.

Alors que l’islam devient un objet instrumentalisé dans le débat public et le champ médiatique, l’apport des sciences sociales et de l’Histoire permet de déconstruire cet état de fait pour y introduire de la rationalité et de la... more

Alors que l’islam devient un objet instrumentalisé dans le débat public et le champ médiatique, l’apport des sciences sociales et de l’Histoire permet de déconstruire cet état de fait pour y introduire de la rationalité et de la complexité devenues rares mais d'autant plus nécessaires pour tous.

This paper examines fundamentalist Christian education in the rural United States and the ways in which it allows for an increase of neoliberal education policies. Both forces are pushing an agenda that devalues critical thought, public... more

This paper examines fundamentalist Christian education in the rural United States and the ways in which it allows for an increase of neoliberal education policies. Both forces are pushing an agenda that devalues critical thought, public institutions, and democracy in general. It begins with a look at the ways in which fundamentalist Christians have been able to take power in rural areas, and then examine the forms of education they are providing, with a critical analysis of three different homeschool providers as well as looking at several examples of Christian influence on public schools.