Rockets and Satellites Research Papers (original) (raw)

One of the most important and spectacular events in the history of space exploration was the first Moon Landing of 1969. Safe from the ravages of erosion, agriculture, industry or the expansion of human settlement, the greatest threat to... more

One of the most important and spectacular events in the history of space exploration was the first Moon Landing of 1969. Safe from the ravages of erosion, agriculture, industry or the expansion of human settlement, the greatest threat to the site of this momentous event - Tranquillity Base - is likely to be from a meteor impact. However, with the advent of space tourism and commercial space travel, the site of humankind's first visit to a celestial body may come under threat of a different kind - that of souvenir hunters and miners. In this paper, the historical background to the Apollo programme is outlined and the sequence of events that made up the Apollo 11 mission, which conducted the first Moon landing, is described before concluding with a consideration of the heritage conservation issues of Tranquillity Base.

A conquista do espaço sideral esteve ligada pelas últimas décadas ao emprego de máquinas custosas e pesadas. A despeito do fato desta área não ter donos, todavia, o número de atores capazes de efetivamente se lançarem a uma empreitada... more

A conquista do espaço sideral esteve ligada pelas últimas décadas ao emprego de máquinas custosas e pesadas. A despeito do fato desta área não ter donos, todavia, o número de atores capazes de efetivamente se lançarem a uma empreitada dessa natureza era de apenas alguns poucos. A crescente dependência da humanidade em relação à tecnologia espacial fez com que cada vez mais se buscassem alternativas que permitissem facilitar a exploração do espaço em um contexto de congestionamento das órbitas mais baixas e orçamentos em declínio no pós Guerra Fria. Desta forma, projetos de satélites menores, até então negligenciados, voltaram a chamar a atenção de países e agências espaciais ao redor do globo. Com o advento do modelo cúbico de produção satelital tinha-se um catalisador perfeito para potencializar o uso desses artefatos em missões até então reservadas para seus irmãos de maiores proporções. O reaparecimento de pequenos satélites em novas bases técnicas trouxe questões interessantes à tona, pois permitiu que países marginalizados da arena espacial, ou com dificuldades para nela se afirmarem, pudessem desenvolver e lançar os seus próprios experimentos, provendo-lhes maior autonomia tecnológica. O Brasil se insere nesse quadro. Podem os cubesats ajudar países que, a exemplo do nosso, possuem programas espaciais sitiados por dificuldades financeiras e organizacionais? Quais as mudanças estruturais que esses objetos são capazes de suscitar no seio da indústria espacial que podem vir a ser benéficas para nações em desenvolvimento? Como se inserem no quadro maior de um programa espacial ambicioso que almeja um dia competir com aqueles já estabelecidos? Existe alguma política, no que tange ao Brasil, que visa tornar perene a sua construção? Estas são questões às quais este trabalho irá se dedicar no intuito de compreender se o que temos em mãos é uma tecnologia niveladora ou se os pequenos satélites, apesar do efeito positivo testemunhado, constituem apenas mais um elemento dentro de uma intricada trama de atores e tecnologias que necessitam de manejo adequado para surtirem efeito.

In 2011, a satellite accidently detected that antimatter was created by thunderstorms. This antimatter consisted of positrons – the antiparticles of electrons. This fact, along with prior investigations and experimentation with High... more

In 2011, a satellite accidently detected that antimatter was created by thunderstorms. This antimatter consisted of positrons – the antiparticles of electrons. This fact, along with prior investigations and experimentation with High Voltage and Nuclear Fusion apparatus, led to an interesting conclusion, here deduced. That a simple electric antimatter rocket is viable within current technology and a simple model rocket pulse engine could even be made from components available to a hobbyist. I base this investigation on all available data that I had access to, together with my knowledge and particular experience gained from many years of experimentation in addition the principle that: — Electrical storms are a natural particle accelerator and that NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope had detected beams of antimatter produced above thunderstorms on Earth, therefore by the laws which creates these natural physical systems, could be duplicated with equipment that we already have great experience with. The first question that has to be asked is, 'is the Antimatter generated in Lightning a byproduct of total power, potential difference, amperage or some other factor?' To answer this question, I begin by listing all known data and facts about lightning and natural positron creation by lightning, as a list of referenced facts shown below.

Considering that sci-fi from the Weimar Republic engendered films such as Fritz Lang's FRAU IM MOND (DE 1929) the topic of space flight seems surprisingly almost non-existent during the period under National Socialist rule. In this... more

Considering that sci-fi from the Weimar Republic engendered films such as Fritz Lang's FRAU IM MOND (DE 1929) the topic of space flight seems surprisingly almost non-existent during the period under National Socialist rule. In this article, Anton Kutter's WELTRAUMSCHIFF I STARTET (DE 1936/40), a rare and now almost forgotten example of a sci-fi film of this era, will be analyzed. The close relationship between technical development of rocket science and fascist film policy will be shown as one of the reasons for the lack of space-flight-films in the Third Reich. For the first time, documents of the private archive of the son of the director will be presented. The article closes with the unusual history of perception of WELTRAUMSCHIFF I STARTET: The American television show THE SPACE EXPLORERS (USA 1958) utilizes elements of the film and therefore was a contribution to the popularization of spaceflight during the space age.

Resumen (see English Abstract below) El lanzamiento de cohetes para el estudio de la atmósfera ha sido una actividad rutinaria durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Una de esas pruebas se produjo el 22 de abril de 1966. Un cohete Rubis... more

Resumen (see English Abstract below)
El lanzamiento de cohetes para el estudio de la atmósfera ha sido una actividad rutinaria durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Una de esas pruebas se produjo el 22 de abril de 1966. Un cohete Rubis lanzado desde la base francesa de Hammaguir con dos cargas de sustancias químicas, produjo nubes de ionización en la atmósfera que fueron vistas desde varios puntos de Europa. En este trabajo, hemos reunido varios testimonios y comparado la información de variables como la elevación, distancia, dirección y tamaño aparente, con respecto a la trayectoria del cohete y las nubes. Con ello, revisamos la falibilidad de la observación humana. También mostramos y explicamos un avistamiento OVNI en Nuevo México (EE. UU.) coincidente en fecha, pero no relacionado.
Rocket sounding of the atmosphere was a usual activity during last half of 20th century. One such test was done on April 22nd, 1966. A Rubis rocket launched from the French base of Hammaguir released two loads of metallic chemicals, producing ionizing clouds in the atmosphere that were seen from several points across Europe. This work gathers most of those sightings and compares reported variables like elevation, distance, direction, and apparent size against the calculated trajectory of the rocket and clouds. The fallibility of human observation is reviewed. A coincidental but unrelated UFO sighting in New Mexico (USA) is also presented and explained.

In this study, orbital calculations of meteorological satellites (HIMAWARI - NOAA-19) at two different altitudes were performed. Two different trajectory types as ground constant orbit and low altitude orbit were discussed. A single... more

In this study, orbital calculations of meteorological satellites (HIMAWARI - NOAA-19) at two different altitudes were performed. Two different trajectory types as ground constant orbit and low altitude orbit were discussed. A single launcher type was selected and the trajectory provided by the launcher was determined using the USER MANUAL of this launcher. Then, ΔV values required for transfer of satellites to mission orbit were calculated using Hohmann Transfer Method. The inclination values of the mission trajectories and transfer trajectories, and the period of completion of the task trajectories of both satellites were calculated based on the orbital height. As a result of this study, it was observed that the values obtained were the same as the actual values of the satellites. Due to the difference in the altitude of the two satellites, the required ΔV values during the transfer were found to be variable. It was determined that the reason for the change of periods of the satellites was the change of orbital altitudes of the satellites. It was learned that the ground constant orbit has a simultaneous period with the earth and therefore is located at a fixed point relative to the earth, low-altitude trajectory has a period of about 1.5 hours and it is scanned the whole earth by rotating with the close axis to the polar axis.

The VSAT LINK analysis is done for calculating link margin analysis using turbo-c program. This article describes various parameters such as satellite name and transmission and reception parameters and the total link analysis. This... more

The VSAT LINK analysis is done for calculating link margin analysis using turbo-c program. This article describes various parameters such as satellite name and transmission and reception parameters and the total link analysis. This particular VSAT is used in AIRDEFENCE applications. I. INTRODUCTION Link margin calculation is an important for the best use of receiving signals from satellites which are in GEO SYNCHRONOUS orbits. In this paper the TX and RX parameters, and satellite parameters are described and link margin is calculated by hand calculation and also a turbo –c program is executed for calculation of C/N (CARRIER TO NOISE) up link and down link AND Eb/No is also calculated. Also the following is the new VSAT LINK DESIGN CALCULATION FOR L-BAND communication.

AT FIRST glance, it looks like something a clever kid might build with a toy engineering kit – a shoebox-sized metallic box sitting on stubby legs. But in reality, this box is a tiny Adelaide-built satellite, painstakingly constructed... more

AT FIRST glance, it looks like something a clever kid might build with a toy engineering kit – a shoebox-sized metallic box sitting on stubby legs. But in reality, this box is a tiny Adelaide-built satellite, painstakingly constructed with technical precision and scientific expertise. In coming weeks it is scheduled to orbit Earth at the rocketing speed of 7.5km/sec, or 27,000km/h, beginning a new age of Australian extraterrestrial exploration.

On 11 May 2022, India observed National Technology Day to commemorate a significant and landmark event in its long and illustrious path of technological advancements. The celebrations honour the professionalism, contributions, and... more

On 11 May 2022, India observed National Technology Day to commemorate a significant and landmark event in its long and illustrious path of technological advancements. The celebrations honour the professionalism, contributions, and achievements of Indian engineers, scientists, and technologists who are responsible for the country's development trajectory through epochal technological and scientific breakthroughs. This year also marks the commemoration of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, an exemplary time in India's rich history of people, culture, and achievements. ITCA is delighted to dedicate this issue of TIP, titled "Space Intelligence: The Future is Now," to this momentous occasion.

In the last years the Space Science community was confronted to a continuous increasing interest in Martian missions, extra-solar planet search and multi-satellite missions. The presented T.I.P.O. mission is a proposal for a research... more

In the last years the Space Science community was confronted to a continuous increasing interest in Martian missions, extra-solar planet search and multi-satellite missions. The presented T.I.P.O. mission is a proposal for a research program dedicated to study, by space borne interferometric methods, the radio emissions generated in the atmospheres and magnetospheres of planets, both solar and extra-solar.

Fifty years after Apollo 11, it’s time to revisit the laws of space.

The present work deals with the calculation of wall heat fluxes over the small ballistic reentry Brazilian vehicle SARA (acronym for Satélite de Reentrada Atmosférica). The results of the present investigation will be used in the future... more

The present work deals with the calculation of wall heat fluxes over the small ballistic reentry Brazilian vehicle SARA (acronym for Satélite de Reentrada Atmosférica). The results of the present investigation will be used in the future to size the thermal protection material that will have to be added to the SARA configuration in order to guarantee the integrity of the vehicle during its flight. Experimental data such as altitude and velocity of the vehicle were calculated at different positions of the launch trajectory at Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço (IAE). Numerical simulations of the compressible flow over the ballistic vehicle are performed in order to correctly compute the heat transfer at the wall. The flight trajectory data are used as boundary conditions for the numerical simulations. During the portion of the trajectory of interest here, the Mach number ranges from 0.5 to 7.8, and the altitude from 0.5 km to 56 km. For all simulations performed in the present work, the dimensionless distance of the wall of the first mesh cell is less than one. Therefore, one mesh was created for each position along the launch trajectory, because the mesh is dependent on the Reynolds number. The numerical results are used as a reference to validade engineering calculations of the SARA heat transfer rates. At this point, the plans for the sub-orbital SARA capsule flight are such that it will fly without any wind tunnel validation of the heat fluxes here determined.

Note that this paper was published in the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, vol. 60(1) (2007), pp. 3-8.

The chapter outlines the historical background to Sputnik 1’s launch and its Cold War impact before discussing the material culture of the earth’s first artificial satellite. It concludes with the plea that the international community... more

The chapter outlines the historical background to Sputnik 1’s launch and its Cold War impact before discussing the material culture of the earth’s first artificial satellite. It concludes with the plea that the international community will recognise the value of maintaining the collective cultural heritage of early space exploration both in situ and shared between museums so as to make it increasingly accessible to the public. The alternative is to allow it to become destroyed due to neglect or to make way for development, or even to become completely commodified and thus available only to collectors of space memorabilia. The recent fiftieth anniversary commemorations of the Space Age and/or Sputnik 1 may act as a catalyst to preservation and conservation but it can also encourage greater commodification – two competing interests that will no doubt come into conflict in the years ahead.

Fluid Dynamics can provide the basic modeling equations of rocket on flight, but this equations doesn't always has analytical solutions. Due to this, it is proposed to use a methodology that can solve the aerodynamics modeling problems... more

Fluid Dynamics can provide the basic modeling equations of rocket on flight, but this equations doesn't always has analytical solutions. Due to this, it is proposed to use a methodology that can solve the aerodynamics modeling problems without any analytical technique, using a tool that is known by the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The ANN is a relative new field of study on computer science and many areas of applied mathematics with directly applications on simulations additionally ANN are computational models inspired in nervous system of living beings [1]. They have the capacity of acquisition and maintenance of knowledge (based in information) and can be defined as group of units of processing, characterized by artificial neurons, who are interconnected by a huge amount of interconnections (artificial synapses), represented by vectors. A rocket launch is a complex and multivariable problem, which involve many types of partial and ordinary differentials equations. The goal of the research is to use Euler Method (EM) and the ANN to obtain parameters that got stability and efficiency to the rocket simulation, as a first sight, the Perfect Vertical Flight Equation was discretized in Finite Difference Method. For this purpose, the grid was simulated on the Forward-Time Centrad-Space (FTCS) scheme [2] with one thousand grids points. In addition, the consistency, convergence and stability were secured by the Courant number of 0.45, for a time step of 0.01 seconds and a space step in 0.05. Some of the drags coefficients and others parameters were obtained by constructing a virtual geometrical prototype on RockSim© software that supply the initials and contour conditions. Finally, the architecture of the layer to the ANN were defined in a conjunct with seven neurons organized in a topological arrangement consisting by the input layer, the unknown layer and the output layer with the sigmoidal function as the activation function of the system, moreover this model were developed in a MatLab© toolbox (nftool). The output correlation parameters came from the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, as consequence the input data were a matrix contain the discrete values of velocity and high of the rocket obtained in the EM. Those data were implement in a column matrix with a normalization process. Therefore, the ANN was training to find the interpolation curve for each parameters required. Those curves were the altitude of the rocket as a function of the attack angles and the exhaust velocities of the fuel. In summary, without the ANN to determine those curves, it would be necessary to construct a prototype for different angle and velocity. Under those circumstances, the simulation showed a solid correspondence between experimental flights and the EM architecture. For the ANN the normalized errors were 3.45 percent, some of these results are under submission process on the Elsevier Journal called Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.

This paper goes into the details of what makes the Indian space launch vehicle extraordinarily cheap and efficient.

A number of points are brought up below for pondering and possible discussion. We should not regard our physics as the one and only reality. What is described below may seem like science fiction, but should not be brushed off as... more

A number of points are brought up below for pondering and possible discussion. We should not regard our physics as the one and only reality. What is described below may seem like science fiction, but should not be brushed off as inconsequential.

This article explores the co-productive relationship of national space programs and regional security orders. Building on the concept of sociotechnical imaginaries, it will be shown how envisioned sociotechnical futures shape and are... more

This article explores the co-productive relationship of national space programs and regional security orders. Building on the concept of sociotechnical imaginaries, it will be shown how envisioned sociotechnical futures shape and are being shaped by national space programs and security considerations. in India, Japan and South Korea. Adding to literature in science and technology studies (STS) and international relations, I introduce a focus on mutuality as an important feature in the development of sociotechnical imaginaries of space programs and regional security, arguing that foreign countries figure prominently in national imaginaries in at least two ways. First, the (imagined) capabilities of other countries in the region become securitized by policy-makers, invoking future threats to national security and are used to justify an either explicit (as in Japan and South Korea) or implicit (as in India) blurring of boundaries between civilian and military space policies. Second, and relatedly, they serve as stabilization for techno-political identity formations especially during times of instability and shifting regional power orders, thereby framing space programs vis-à-vis the nation-state and its particular security concerns. Moreover, I argue that paying attention to the epistemic and imaginative underpinnings of technology development and global politics is a promising way to understand how visions of desirable "security futures" are enacted through the formation of space programs and vice versa.

Qual a origem das instituições do Programa Espacial Brasileiro e em que bases o mesmo se encontra após mais de meio século das primeiras ações visando construir no país um setor de aeronáutica e espaço? Para responder tais questões é... more

Qual a origem das instituições do Programa Espacial Brasileiro e em que bases o mesmo se encontra após mais de meio século das primeiras ações visando construir no país um setor de aeronáutica e espaço? Para responder tais questões é preciso resgatar o contexto e os atos de criação das instituições de interesse, bem como as contribuições que as mesmas deram ao longo dos anos para o desenvolvimento de ações aeroespaciais legitimamente brasileiras. Infelizmente não é possível contemplar todos os pontos da mesma forma, portanto, procurou-se focar naquilo visto como essencial: as instituições, sua organização, sua relação com a Missão Espacial Completa Brasileira - momento crucial da odisseia nacional rumo ao espaço - e os resultados obtidos, assim como a análise do que significam para o Brasil. O texto é dividido em duas partes que logram cobrir os tópicos propostos, sendo orientado pela hipótese de que existem falhas em todo o processo que impedem a existência no país de uma agência coordenadora eficiente e de um programa espacial pleno, pois perene. As conclusões cimentam o entendimento sobre a temática, oriundo da pesquisa executada.

This report discusses in detail the market forces surrounding the space launch industry and the emergence of a new class of rockets brought about to specifically serve the launch demands of small satellites. The report follows the... more

This report discusses in detail the market forces surrounding the space launch industry and the emergence of a new class of rockets brought about to specifically serve the launch demands of small satellites. The report follows the innovation hierarchy matrix introduced in the IE 590 course, from levels 0 to 4, as hypotheses are made about different market forces and innovations are pinpointed that have the best chance of adding value and leading to success in the space industry as a whole, and more specifically in the small satellite and small satellite launch market. Four primary innovations were pinpointed as having the greatest chance to add value and leading to success, including the rise of small satellites, the subsequent emergence of a dedicated class of small satellite launch vehicles, the outsourcing of and reliability and cost optimization of rocket engines for these launchers, and additive manufacturing as a primary manufacturing method for these engines.

Could the Day of Archaeology have started in a more appropriate manner for a space archaeologist specialising in orbital debris? Last night, while I was on my way home from a conference dinner at the National Wine Centre in Adelaide,... more

Could the Day of Archaeology have started in a more appropriate manner for a space archaeologist specialising in orbital debris? Last night, while I was on my way home from a conference dinner at the National Wine Centre in Adelaide, observers in the eastern states of Australia were mesmerised by a flaming ball that streaked through the sky. Was it a meteor? Was it a piece of space junk? (To date, no-one has suggested it was a UFO).

Elon Musk's company SpaceX has broken another record, by launching one rocket carrying 143 spacecraft and satellites beyond Earth's atmosphere. Experts are excited by the achievement, which has been made possible by the small size of... more

Elon Musk's company SpaceX has broken another record, by launching one rocket carrying 143 spacecraft and satellites beyond Earth's atmosphere. Experts are excited by the achievement, which has been made possible by the small size of modern satellites. Some are no bigger than a shoe box.

This is the formal decree of summons to trial following the lawsuit by Ciufolini (one of the two) against me for the case of the blog "20centesimi". The trial is still in progress.

The Sea Launch SA has successfully launched the EUTELSAT 3B satellite from at its ocean-based Launch Platform Odyssey. This marks the completion of Sea Launch’s first mission in 2014, its third for Eutelsat, one of the world’s leading... more

The Sea Launch SA has successfully launched the EUTELSAT 3B satellite from at its ocean-based Launch Platform Odyssey. This marks the completion of Sea Launch’s first mission in 2014, its third for Eutelsat, one of the world’s leading satellite operators, and its 36th mission overall. The Zenit-3SL rocket (designed by the Pivdenne (Yuzhnoye) Design Bureau, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine)