Roman Jakobson Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Although the first world, as seen through the lens of academia, seems to be prospering, and the third world has found its own place in the postcolonial intellectual order, the post-cold war world of semi-peripheries in East and Central... more
Although the first world, as seen through the lens of academia, seems to be prospering, and the third world has found its own place in the postcolonial intellectual order, the post-cold war world of semi-peripheries in East and Central Europe (ECE) has largely disappeared from the discourse of Comparative Literature. It sometimes appears as a convenient intellectual counterpoint or is included in postmodernist or postcolonial narratives; in both cases, however, it doesn’t convey regional specificity or allow local voices to speak. Both strategies – core and postcolonial – expropriate the semi-peripheral realm of second-world non-places.
A Case in Russian Formalism: The Exemplification of Roman Jakobson's Theory of the Metaphoric and Metonymic Poles Roman Jakobson's (1896-1982) identification of the metaphor and metonymy are seen as two fundamental factors in the... more
A Case in Russian Formalism: The Exemplification of Roman Jakobson's Theory of the Metaphoric and Metonymic Poles Roman Jakobson's (1896-1982) identification of the metaphor and metonymy are seen as two fundamental factors in the development of language. The development of language involves selection and combination; to form a sentence words are technically selected and are later combined according to the rules of that particular language. Metaphor corresponds to the selection axis of language through substituting a word by another based on similarity. Metonymy, on the other hand, corresponds to the combination axis of language through substituting an object by one of its parts like effects, causes or adjectives. Jakobson classifies two types of aphasia based on a bipolar function of language; the similarity disorder and the contiguity disorder1. In the similarity disorder, the patient Amireh 1 1 In a similarity disorder, the power of combination helps in making grammatical sentences, but mistakes are made with content words. The patient cannot recognize words without content because only combined sequences are meaningful. In a contiguity disorder, the defect is in the production of speech due to the loss of the capacity to words. Metaphor is alien to the similarity disorder and metonymy to the contiguity.
Nel saggio “Formalisme et Langage Poétique” uscito nell’estate del 1976 su "Comparative Literature" e incluso come capitolo di Mimologiques. Voyage en Cratilie, pubblicato da Seuil nello stesso anno, Gérard Genette esamina alcuni concetti... more
Nel saggio “Formalisme et Langage Poétique” uscito nell’estate del 1976 su "Comparative Literature" e incluso come capitolo di Mimologiques. Voyage en Cratilie, pubblicato da Seuil nello stesso anno, Gérard Genette esamina alcuni concetti cardine del formalismo russo sul linguaggio poetico, con particolare riguardo alle posizioni di Roman Jakobson. In queste pagine Genette affronta e decostruisce la nozione jakobsoniana di funzione poetica mostrandone l’ambivalenza teorica in instabile equilibrio fra convenzionalismo linguistico e insistiti richiami alla motivazione del segno, con una decisa predominanza della seconda. Degno di attenzione è inoltre l’uso, sia pur parco, di voci quali assiologia, valore, valorizzazione. Qui infatti andrà a parare il discorso di Genette, che non mostrerà certo di compiere sconfinamenti in territori alieni alla teoria,storia e critica letteraria, e purtuttavia esprimerà perplessità e interrogativi che scandagliano in profondità – ma con discreta nonchalance filosofica – non soltanto la portata etica e ideologica delle vicende della poetica novecentesca bensì anche le intricatissime e robuste radici e inflorescenze della valorizzazione del medesimo, della tendenza, cioè, ricorrente lungo i secoli nella riflessione letteraria, retorica, linguistica – e nella storia del pensiero tout court – ad annullare la distanza fra segno e oggetto, tra forma e realtà, del desiderio insomma di schiacciare la relazione in confusiva indistinta identità.
General Principles of Iconicity in Language tens zeitweise alle möglichen Bedeutungen und Konnotationen der beteiligten Wörter und Wortverbindungen, ihre affektiven Besetzungen. ' 2 Lyons (1994) offers an additional explication of... more
General Principles of Iconicity in Language tens zeitweise alle möglichen Bedeutungen und Konnotationen der beteiligten Wörter und Wortverbindungen, ihre affektiven Besetzungen. ' 2 Lyons (1994) offers an additional explication of the term 'relatedness' on page 22, volume I. 3 For an explanation of the term 'act of reference' see below. General Principles of Iconicity in Language 5 Our translation; orig.: 'Иконические (недискретние, пространственные) и словесние (дискретние, линейние) тексты взаимно непереводимы, выражать "одно и тоже" содержание они не могут в принципе.' 6 The untranslatability of one 'text' into another becomes clear in certain forms of aphasia; some aphasia experts run into trouble by carrying out so-called 'transcoding' (as both semioticians and psycholinguists call translations between semiotic spheres); see e.g. Koll-Stobbe 1985. 7 Our translation; orig. in Russian: 'Поэтому на смыках их соположения возрастает неопределенность, которая и есть резерв возрастания информации. ' 8 Our translation; orig. in Russian: 'единство различных языков устанавливается с помощью метафор. ' 10 This information comes from Mr Lakoff 's personal homepage. 11 Our translation; orig. in Russian: 'Структура семиосферы асимметрична. Это выражается в системе направленных токов внутренних переводов, которыми пронизания вся толща семиосферы. Перевод есть основной механизм сознания. Выражение некоторой сущность средствами другого язы ка-основа выявление природы этой сущности. А поскольку в большинстве случаев разные языки семиосферы семиотически асимметричны, т.е. не имеет взаимно однозначных смысловых соответствий, то вся семиосфера в целом может рассматривается как генератор информации. ' lets us form (i.e. formulate) reality, and the iconic sphere is an internal medium that allows us to do so. After understanding reality iconically, we can express our insights in several ways, including through translation into the symbolic sphere, i.e. into written texts or natural speech (the result of which means that metaphor acquires an 'epistemological function'-see next chapter). Insofar as the 'cosmologic' sign of the iconic sphere does not permit arbitrariness based upon a separation of the signifier (vehicle) from the signified (tenor), and thus represents (means) what it is (shows) (see Hickethier, 2003: 81-93), 12 it does matter what a specific cosmologic image is composed of or what it signifies. Expressing such an image entails thinking the world in a specific way; by using it subtly, moving within a specific 'world . Iconic and Symbolic Thought
Drawing on Roman Jakobson's study of aphasia, I first analyze how Jakobson's description of metaphor derives from his concept of the dominant, and demonstrate how that juncture pertains to Shoshana Felman's discussion of metaphor in The... more
Drawing on Roman Jakobson's study of aphasia, I first analyze how Jakobson's description of metaphor derives from his concept of the dominant, and demonstrate how that juncture pertains to Shoshana Felman's discussion of metaphor in The Scandal of the Speaking Body. When Felman relates metaphor to the paternal, and the paternal to metaphor, she suggests that metaphor may be how the very conditions of authority and authorization are articulated. Metaphor thus turns out to coincide with a political function of language, to be observed at its most critical in modernity, in the intersections of literature, philosophy and psychoanalysis. It is with this in mind that I proceed to analyze the Croatian novel in the 1960s and its emphatic use of metaphor, taking Antun Šoljan’s A Brief Excursion as a specimen story. I argue that metaphor colonizes Šoljan’s narration so consistently that the novel assumes for itself the position of sacrifice, demanding that metaphor be addressed in terms of a theology. It is almost as if it took a theology of metaphor for the Croatian novel to process its modern condition. // U predavanju polazim od metafore kako je opisuje Roman Jakobson; potom Jakobsonov opis stavljam u relaciju prema njegovu shvaćanju dominante, te prema metafori kako joj pristupa Shoshana Felman u studiji Skandal tijela u govoru. Prema Felman, upravo metafora najčišće upućuje na uvjete ovlaštenja, autoriteta i očinskoga u jeziku. Metafora bi zato u krajnjem izvodu bila politička funkcija jezika, a ta se funkcija osobito jasno pokazuje usporede li se diskursi književnosti, psihoanalize i filozofije. Tu konstelaciju uzimam kao polazište za analizu hrvatskoga romana u 1960-ima, koji pokazuje izrazitu sklonost prema metafori ili se prema metafori nastoji odrediti ; nije nevažno što u Marinkovićevu Kiklopu, jednome od najglasovitijih romana desetljeća, metafora ima status dominante. Šoljanov Kratki izlet još je simptomatičniji, jer se nastoji konstituirati oko čiste metafore, ili kao čista metafora, čime se roman stavlja u položaj žrtve a za pripovijedanje se zahtijevaju uvjeti žrtvovanja. Ako to upućuje na stanovitu teologizaciju metafore u hrvatskome romanu 1960-ih, pokazuje se da je teologija metafore hrvatskome romanu bila okvir da domisli uvjete vlastite modernosti.
Kapitola se pokouší sumarizovat Jakobsonovu strukturální sémiotiku, a to na základě kritické úvahy o konceptu znaku a komunikace a jejich vzájemných vztazích. V první části se věnuje Jakobsonovým názorům na koncept znaku, aspektům jeho... more
Kapitola se pokouší sumarizovat Jakobsonovu strukturální sémiotiku, a to na základě kritické úvahy o konceptu znaku a komunikace a jejich vzájemných vztazích. V první části se věnuje Jakobsonovým názorům na koncept znaku, aspektům jeho univerzality, obecným principům, které ji podkládají, ale také roli, kterou hrají v Jakobsonově kritice arbitrárnosti, a způsobům jejich začlenění do deskripce a klasifikace sémiosféry. V druhé části se věnuje postavení kódu a zprávy v Jakobsonově modelu komunikace. Pokouší se v kontextu matematického modelu komunikace poukázat na inspiraci, kterou z něj Jakobson čerpá, ale zároveň naznačit rozdíly, které Jakobsonovu pozici definují jakožto pozici sémiotickou. Pokouší se oba aspekty Jakobsonovy strukturální sémiotiky chápat jako fundamentální, v Jakobsonově díle ale spíše implicitní pilíře, na nichž jsou postaveny Jakobsonovy výklady veškerých lingvistických a literárních fenoménů.
Comparison of Saussure's "cross hairs model" and Jakobson's "Prague Prism model".
One of the less obvious contributions of Saussure is his role in establishing modern communications theory. The sender-message-receiver (SMR) model of communication was developed by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver (1949). Within the... more
One of the less obvious contributions of Saussure is his role in establishing modern communications theory. The sender-message-receiver (SMR) model of communication was developed by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver (1949). Within the humanities, it is Roman Jakobson's version of the SMR model which is most influential. Jakobson's model creates a methodology for considering such complexities as the sender's intentions, the context of transmission, metalinguistic codes, the transmission medium, and the relation to the referent. Despite the complexity of Jakobson's model, it is still bound by the assumption that perfect communication can be achieved through the full recovery of contexts. The most thorough and powerful critique of what's often called the " transmission model " of communication is found in Jacques Derrida's " Signature Event Context " (1988). Derrida's critique begins by demonstrating " why a context is never absolutely determinable " (3). In place of context, Derrida proposes the notion of " dissemination " in which a text is radically adrift of the conditions of its utterance or reception. At face value, Saussure's " speech circuit " model represents an early and underdeveloped model of communication. As if often the case, however, a closer reading of the Cours reveals something far more radical and profound. Closer attention to Saussure's speech circuit model reopens many questions in communication theory, and in associated fields such as literary theory, cultural studies, and semiotics.
The controversies and discussions sparked by the Russian Formalists are important to review today because many of the same issues are still current. The most well-known exchange occurred in the early 1920s between Leon Trotsky and Victor... more
The controversies and discussions sparked by the Russian Formalists are important to review today because many of the same issues are still current. The most well-known exchange occurred in the early 1920s between Leon Trotsky and Victor Shklovsky, between a high government official of the Soviet regime and a leading member of the Society for the Study of Poetic Language. Was the discussion a harbinger of future Soviet policies? Interestingly, some of the objections voiced by government officials, at the time charged with overseeing cultural policy, are reflected in modern-day conceptions of Russian Formalism. An important question to consider is why a theory in poetics should have stirred the heated debate, about questions of ideology and art, in the first place.
This article explores the question of historicity in the anthropology of Claude Levi-Strauss from the viewpoint of his relationship to the Jakobsonian functionalist epistemology of linguistics. Faced with the difficulties of contemporary anthropology in theorizing the structure/event couple (American diffusionism vs. English functionalism), Lévi-Strauss finds resources in linguistic functionalism to think about the articulation between synchrony and diachrony in symbolic structures (kinship, totemic systems, mythology). Nevertheless, the concept of the symbolic unconscious that Lévi- Strauss constructed on this basis implies a series of displacements of the functional framework which require further study.
The book was published by "Logos" in Berlin in 2018. — The reason for the theoretical sketch was the metaphorical model of conceptualism, alias the cognitive theory of metaphor: at least with this theory, metaphor itself has become a... more
The book was published by "Logos" in Berlin in 2018. — The reason for the theoretical sketch was the metaphorical model of conceptualism, alias the cognitive theory of metaphor: at least with this theory, metaphor itself has become a metaphor, and the classical, rhetorical metaphor has been sidelined. Kesslers book not only criticises existing theories of metaphor, but also develops from them a discursive synthesis that seeks to rehabilitate the classical metaphor as an everyday pragmalinguistic phenomenon. For this purpose, the nature of thought, the mental lexicon, predication and word semantics are also covered.
Ivi, p. 22. («Якобсон-это связующее звено во всемирном путешествии идеи структуры: Москва-Прага-Копенгаген-Париж-Гарвард-Москва»). 11 id., O nekotorych smyslach raboty filologa [Su alcuni sensi del lavoro del filologo], infra, p. 152. 12... more
Ivi, p. 22. («Якобсон-это связующее звено во всемирном путешествии идеи структуры: Москва-Прага-Копенгаген-Париж-Гарвард-Москва»). 11 id., O nekotorych smyslach raboty filologa [Su alcuni sensi del lavoro del filologo], infra, p. 152. 12 Ibidem. 13 patrick sériot, Structure et totalité. Les origines intellectuelles du structuralisme en
В тридцатых годах в Праге состоялась настоящая встреча феноменологии и структурной лингвистики, о которой в частности свидетельствует позиция занятая Романом Якобсоном по этому вопросу, а так же лекция прочитанная Эдмундом Гуссерлем в... more
В тридцатых годах в Праге состоялась настоящая встреча феноменологии и структурной лингвистики, о которой в частности свидетельствует позиция занятая Романом Якобсоном по этому вопросу, а так же лекция прочитанная Эдмундом Гуссерлем в 1935 году в Пражском Лингвистическом Кружке, по специальному приглашению ее членов. 1 И, если сам факт данной встречи доказан и уже давно хорошо известен, то его влияние и последствия для дальнейшего развития структурной лингвистики (и даже феноменологии) все еще не до конца понятны. 2 Вторая мировая война, которая сначала оборвала контакты между представителями пражской и немецкой интеллигенции, а затем разрушила динамичную и многонациональную научную семью первой чехословацкой республики, в действительности ознаменовалась значительной цезурой в истории структурализма, и способствовала быстрому распространению совершенно разных взглядов на его центрально-европейский период развития. Таким образом, встречаются мнения защищающие идею, что феноменология и структурализм имеют мощную и продуктивную генетическую связь. 3 В своих знаменитых исследования трудов Якобсона, с которыми соглашался и Ян Паточка, 4
Der Titel des Themenhefts – Bachmanns „Ein Wildermuth“. Kulturtechniken, Medien und Recht –führt in nuce zur inhaltlichen und theoretischen Ausrichtung dieser Ausgabe von Sprache und Literatur 48,2 (2019). Bachmanns Erzählung,... more
Der Titel des Themenhefts – Bachmanns „Ein Wildermuth“. Kulturtechniken, Medien und Recht –führt in nuce zur inhaltlichen und theoretischen Ausrichtung dieser Ausgabe von Sprache und Literatur 48,2 (2019). Bachmanns Erzählung, veröffentlicht im Erzählband Das dreißigste Jahr (1961), zählt sicherlich zu den von der Bachmann-Forschung vernachlässigten Werken der Autorin. Das Ziel des Themenheftes darin, die Verbindung zwischen Recht und Literatur sowie den Zusammenhang zwischen Techniken der Wahrheitsfindung und Medien und Dingen des Rechts zu untersuchen.
- by Rupert Gaderer and +1
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- Law and Literature, Michel Serres, Michel Foucault, Bruno Latour
Abstract: The Human Science of Communicology culminates several disciplinary developments, largely viewed as singular constitutions and foundational to differential attitudes about the nature and function of philosophy and science in... more
Abstract: The Human Science of Communicology culminates several disciplinary developments, largely viewed as singular constitutions and foundational to differential attitudes about the nature and function of philosophy and science in apposition (triadic relation) to human embodiment. In more familiar terms, the idea of Culture stands in contrast to the idea of Science, because there is a measured distinction between what human beings express and what they perceive. In Modernity, we know this apposition (Human–Culture–Science) as the emergence of (1) the distinct cultural disciplines (expression of human embodiment) over against the (2) the distinct scientific disciplines (perception of physical nature). Ernst Cassirer explores this problematic in The Logic of the Cultural Sciences (1942) where he distinguishes Culture as the perception-of-expression and Science as the perception-of-objects. Cassirer’s thematic explication is to be found in The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms (1923–1996) where his semiotic phenomenology of human communication is articulated in detail such that Science is bracketed by Culture. In Cassirer’s terms of symbolic forms, we can distinguish the semiotic distinction among (1) the Perception of Expression (Culture) where (a) Myth (Langage) and (b) Knowledge (Parole) contrast with (2) the Perception of Objects (Science) in the form of (c) Speech (Langue) and (d) Art (Discours). Symbols are constitutive of social semiotics (sensuous expression) and the intersubjective phenomenology of human embodiment (intuitive expression) in the tradition of Immanuel Kant and Edmund Husserl.
O presente trabalho é um ensaio com a finalidade de observar o processo codificador da imagem e as formas de articulação de sentido, em um conjunto de anúncios publicitários do passado, e das inferências que são possíveis a respeito da... more
O presente trabalho é um ensaio com a finalidade de observar o processo codificador da imagem e as formas de articulação de sentido, em um conjunto de anúncios publicitários do passado, e das inferências que são possíveis a respeito da história e do contexto de onde foram extraídos. A fundamentação teórico-metodológica vincula-se ao conceito de funções da linguagem conforme enunciado por Roman Jakobson, e a inferência principal do estudo é de que os perfis encontrados em cada função são reveladores de práticas e maneiras de pensar úteis para a compreensão sobre a história de uma época.
Roman Jakobson (1896-1982) is a Russian linguist. He was born in Russia and was educated there, too. In 1920 he had to migrate to Prague, where he stayed until 1939. From that year onwards the era of sorrow and confusion began for him... more
The notion of the "phatic" is less a single empirical object than two tangled threads of inquiry, separable into communion phaticity and contact phaticity. The former sense is a shorthand for "small talk" aimed at building relations... more
The notion of the "phatic" is less a single empirical object than two tangled threads of inquiry, separable into communion phaticity and contact phaticity. The former sense is a shorthand for "small talk" aimed at building relations rather than imparting information. The latter sense captures the extent to which signs are oriented toward communicative contact. Recent work on the phatic demonstrates that people the world over have elaborate ideologies about the significance of contact. Reflecting on such ideologies helps explain why scholars so often entangle contact and communion phaticity and clarifies the big questions at phaticity’s core.
Gérard Genette Le structuralisme et la critique littéraire
The paper uses Roman Jakobson’s conceptual framework to study the development of communication of children. It sets out to explain how cardinal functions of verbal messages – referential, emotive, conative, phatic, metalingual and poetic... more
The paper uses Roman Jakobson’s conceptual framework to study the development of communication of children. It sets out to explain how cardinal functions of verbal messages – referential, emotive, conative, phatic, metalingual and poetic – understood in terms of Jakobson’s communication model – progressively differentiate during children’s language acquisition. The differentiation of these functions is apparent
in changes in children’s use of language, as it corresponds to the gradual formation and adoption of various linguistic structures in the development of speech. Children’s acquisition of the use of grammatical subject and predicate, corresponding to the appearance of specifically metalingual speech, among other linguistic structures, is related to children’s adaptation to the linguistic environment. The article relates differentiation of metalingual and poetic functions to the development of children’s thinking using the example of crib talk.
The main aim of this brief and purposely radical essay is to investigate further possibilities for empirical research in natural classification of semiosis (signs as wholes). Before introducing emon – a missing term in the taxonomy of... more
- by Kalevi Kull
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- Semiotics, Emotion, Taxonomy, Biosemiotics
The book tells about the destiny of historicism during the period when it had been definitely denied as an unsubstantiated scholarly approach belonging to the early 20th c. and when the literary historiography of structuralism had been... more
The book tells about the destiny of historicism during the period
when it had been definitely denied as an unsubstantiated scholarly
approach belonging to the early 20th c. and when the literary
historiography of structuralism had been defining its new methods.
The subject of research is the idea of literary history in the frame
of reference of Russian Formalism and the Prague Linguistic Circle.
“The Garden of Literary History” is a metaphor used by Alexander
Veselovsky in 1870, when he analyzed the methods of French and
German positivists.
The term "poetic grammar" refers to the formal patterns that distinguish poetic registers from other modes of speech: for example, patterns in meter and rhyme schemes. For many poetic traditions, function is also a distinguishing feature:... more
The term "poetic grammar" refers to the formal patterns that distinguish poetic registers from other modes of speech: for example, patterns in meter and rhyme schemes. For many poetic traditions, function is also a distinguishing feature: epic poetry is a vehicle for heroic lore, for instance, and liturgical hymns convey entreaties to gods. Thus, poetic genres are characterized in terms of patterns in sound or typical topics; connections between form and function are most often left unexplored. My dissertation examines relationships between traditional formal "structuring devices" and the quite heterogeneous functions of a selection of hymns from the Rig Veda, the most ancient of Indic liturgical texts and one of considerable self-conscious poetic intricacy. Working in the traditions of interdisciplinary poetics pioneered by such figures as Roman Jakobson and Mikhail Bakhtin, and building on the insights of historical linguistics, I will explore how the phonological, grammatical and lexical patterns that comprise formal structuring devices are used to shape a discourse, and to further specific rhetorical goals of the Rigvedic poet Vasiṣṭha, among other speakers.
An introduction to Roman Jakobson's semiotic phenomenology of human communication.
FROM THE BACK COVER: What is the essential nature of meaning? . . . . . This book answers by examining interpretive theories from the past and present. It finds that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the... more
FROM THE BACK COVER: What is the essential nature of meaning? . . . . . This book answers by examining interpretive theories from the past and present. It finds that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the Reformation, a struggle that reaches crisis proportions in the 20th century. On the one hand, this crisis is mollified by Heidegger's hermeneutical phenomenology, which argues that we are always already in a meaningful relationship to the objects of the world. On the other hand, this crisis is exacerbated when phenomenology, structuralism, and aesthetic theory directly make meaning into an object of study. . . . . . . . . These historical developments culminate with the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, whose non-hermeneutical phenomenology delimits a cause of meaning said to be closely linked to the core of subjectivity. Intriguingly, Lacan's work reveals meaning to be sexual in nature. By integrating his notion of sexual difference with his work in discourse theory and topology, this book demonstrates how the subject's struggle with meaning can be suspended.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Broadly speaking, the majority of books on Jacques Lacan focus on the earlier periods of his career. They also tend to target the psychoanalytic clinical community, or else discuss his work in various political, social, and cultural contexts. But in almost all cases these books refrain from a detailed exegesis of his actual texts. They instead prefer to comment on his theoretical apparatus as a whole before turning to its practical implications. . . . . . This book positions itself against this grain. Firstly, it closely analyzes some half-dozen key Lacanian texts. This analysis is organized under a single thematic – the question of meaning – in order to advance the reader's understanding of the trajectory of Lacan's thought across his entire career, as well as to promote the book's thesis that the field of meaning can be suspended. Accordingly, an initial chapter takes up the hermeneutical tradition from Flacius onward. This is then supplemented by a chapter which surveys phenomenological, structuralist and aesthetic theories of meaning and their differing methods of textual analysis. Together these two chapters provide a unique context for the sustained analysis of Lacan's texts which begins in the third chapter, an analysis that forms the bulk of the book's content. This contextualization potentially widens the book's appeal to any scholar wishing to explore his relationship to those textual objects he interacts with on a daily basis. And because this book assumes the reader has little to no familiarity with Lacan, the reader will find patient explanations of the basics of his theories before slowly being led up to the more difficult theories of his late years. Again the argument is that Lacan has something to offer all scholars. His work is not just reserved for psychoanalysts. . . . . . It is with his late theories that the serious student of Lacan will find the book's most original contribution. For in the fourth chapter a detailed account is provided of how Lacan derived his infamous formulae of sexuation from Aristotelian logic. These formulae are then extensively discussed against the backdrop of interpretive theory and textual analysis, showing how these formulae capture much more than just the difference between the sexes. Strikingly, this difference is also found to run through meaning itself, something the final chapter aims to demonstrate. It does this by amalgamating three key components of late-Lacan: sexuation, discourse theory and his use of topological spaces. This amalgamation is a first in the literature. But this amalgamation is not just useful in demonstrating the book's thesis. It further suggests how seemingly divergent aspects of late-Lacanian theory can be made to work together.
The paper looks back to Jakobson’s definition of poetry as formulated in his “What is Poetry?” and “Linguistics and Poetics”. It begins with a polemic essay written by Petr Fidelius that criticized Jakobson’s functional approach to poetry... more
The paper looks back to Jakobson’s definition of poetry as formulated in his “What is Poetry?” and “Linguistics and Poetics”. It begins with a polemic essay written by Petr Fidelius that criticized Jakobson’s functional approach to poetry for its reliance on a specific attitude of the reader. Is an artistic status of a text determined by its author’s intention (as Fidelius believes), by properties of an artifact (as, according to Miroslav Červenka, is suggested in Jakobson’s later reformulation of the poetic function), or by a recipient’s attitude? These questions are discussed in view of several key studies asking “What is Art?” (Shklovsky, Beardsley, Goodman, etc.). In conclusion, the author of the paper emphasizes the present signifi cance of Jakobson’s conception of poetry that, despite the fact that it does not provide us with a universal defi nition of what is art, continues to give us very stimulating answers to a question that might be even more important: “What does art do?”
Jakobson was a seminal figure in criticism. He brought language to the forefront of literary practice. Previously, for both Romantic-style expressive criticism and the older modes deriving from mimesis, language had been a means of... more
Jakobson was a seminal figure in criticism. He brought language to the forefront of literary practice. Previously, for both Romantic-style expressive criticism and the older modes deriving from mimesis, language had been a means of conducting substance; its mesh was not the stuff of literature itself. Jakobson insisted literature was a subset of language. By "language," notably, he did not mean "a language." If an utterance correlating literature to language had been made in the nineteenth century, it would have on doubt referred to a particular language, privileged as a repository of authenticity in the mode of a Herder. Jakobson meant all language, as such. In this he followed Saussure and also the American linguist William D. Whitney (1827-1894) who, in his momentous 1870s debate with the German scholar Friedrich Max Müller (1823-1890) advocated the nonorganic, non-imitative, systematic aspect of language. Jakobson followed Whitney and Saussure in being less interested in the origins of language(s) than in language's structural composition. Even more, it was that language existed as an entity, not that languages were spoken by people, that was the hinge of this tradition. Grammar was not just a prelude to the exposition of metaphysics, as it had traditionally been. Metaphysics, and all other fields of inquiry, were conducted from within grammar and took advantage of a specifically grammatical diapason of possibilities.
In this paper I explored three aspects of oral discourse: prosody, oral language and memory, poetic function. Looking to the role of prosody in oral discourse, I pointed out that the intonation shows in a very clear way the supremacy of... more
In this paper I explored three aspects of oral discourse: prosody, oral language and memory, poetic function. Looking to the role of prosody in oral discourse, I pointed out that the intonation shows in a very clear way the supremacy of semantics over grammar and that oral language is essentially a phonic-acoustic technology that we use to share our social experience. A proper valuation of its sound and musical implications is basic to understand how oral discourse becomes a meaning maker and a knowledge agent.
Then I addressed the relation between oral language and memory and I illustrated the phonic-acoustic facilities and the mnemotechnical media used by oral cultures to help the transmission of their knowledge.
Finally I examined the dynamics of orality in Western culture following the fundamental analysis by Eric Havelock, scholar of classical age, on oral tradition and on Greek poetry. Discussing his observations I found an unexpected substantial parallelism concerning the poetic function between his historical vision and theoretical vision of the famous linguist Roman Jakobson. In the first half of sixties both have dealt with relation between poetry and poetic function. And both explained that poetic procedure, as distinguished from poetry, is a technology of oral language by means of which oral cultures realize mnemonic tools to pass on their tradition. The two scholars, independent of each other, discussed this topic in conceptually close terms and they went so far as to adopt very similar definitions of the phenomenon although inspired by distinctly separated paradigms.
- by Franco Fanelli
- •
- Poetry, Poetics, Intonation, Linguistics
Per un altro verso, è possibile riscontrare divergenze notevoli 7 : PARTE PRIMA. RICOSTRUZIONE STORICO-FILOSOFICA 26 6 In realtà troviamo delle oscillazioni sia tra i sensibili comuni che tra le qualità primarie. Per quanto riguarda i... more
Per un altro verso, è possibile riscontrare divergenze notevoli 7 : PARTE PRIMA. RICOSTRUZIONE STORICO-FILOSOFICA 26 6 In realtà troviamo delle oscillazioni sia tra i sensibili comuni che tra le qualità primarie. Per quanto riguarda i primi, Aristotele una volta include nella lista "l'unità" (De anima, II, 425a) e in un'altra no (ivi, 418a). Per i secondi, Locke (1694, p. 134) parla prima di "grandezza, figura, struttura e movimento", poi di "solidità, estensione, figura, numero, movimento" (ibidem). Anche in seguito la lista non manifesta stabilità: mentre il termine "struttura" non crea grossi problemi poiché probabilmente sinonimo di "solidità" (cui si alterna costantemente: ivi, pp. 138, 141), l'enumerazione di Locke perde la nozione di "numero" (ivi, p. 138) per poi riacquistarla subito dopo (ivi, p. 140); trova la nozione di "situazione" (ivi, p. 141), per smarrirla nella stessa pagina (ibidem). 7 Di solito la critica non sottolinea il rapporto tra le due classificazioni. Se lo fa, ne afferma la sostanziale identità (cfr. ad es. Mackie, 1976, pp. 28-32; Marks, 1978, pp. 11-14).
Под стилем лингвистической теории мы понимаем особенности рассмотрения языковых объек тов и исследовательского инструментария. Различие в стилях даже при значительной концептуаль ной близости может привести к несовместимости теорий.... more
Под стилем лингвистической теории мы понимаем особенности рассмотрения языковых объек тов и исследовательского инструментария. Различие в стилях даже при значительной концептуаль ной близости может привести к несовместимости теорий. Рассмотрение позиций различий между концепциями поэтического языка (речи) Романа Якобсона и Виктора Виноградова демонстрирует, что, несмотря на многочисленные точки соприкосновения и сходство исходных концептуальных по зиций, разница стилей -синтетического у Виноградова, аналитического у Якобсона, -с неизбежно стью приводит к столкновению подходов. Системный (структурный) подход для Якобсона -это путь абстрагирования и выделения неких «чистых» абстрактных сущностей. Напротив, Виноградов, постоянно говоря о «структурах», понимает под ними все более укрупняемые «единоцелостные» об разования -вплоть до «литературного направления взятого во всей полноте его признаков».
Saussure taught that the whole of language consists in oppositions. Trubetzkoy provided a detailed classification of the phonological oppositions and added – together with other linguists – the concept of neutralization. In privative... more
Saussure taught that the whole of language consists in oppositions. Trubetzkoy provided a detailed classification of the phonological oppositions and added – together with other linguists – the concept of neutralization. In privative oppositions, one of the members (the marked, intensive and embraced one) is the positive member. The other member (unmarked, extensive and embracing) is called negative, zero or neutral. Concerning the application of these categories to phonology – e.g. /t/~/d/ – as well as to grammar – e.g. «masculine»~«feminine» – and to semantics – e.g. day~night –, Coseriu claims that the law of non-contradiction does not apply to this field. A thorough examination of the different instances will show that the law of non-contradiction does apply there. Coseriu's assertion results from terminological problems which can be solved by means of logic.
Bu makalede son dönem Türk úiirinin önemli úairlerinden biri olan øsmet Özel'in "Bir Yusuf Masalı" adlı úiirini yapısalcılık açısından çözümlemeye çalıútım. Öncelikle yapısalcılı÷ın felsefi kökenleri ve temsilcileri üzerine bilgiler... more
Bu makalede son dönem Türk úiirinin önemli úairlerinden biri olan øsmet Özel'in "Bir Yusuf Masalı" adlı úiirini yapısalcılık açısından çözümlemeye çalıútım. Öncelikle yapısalcılı÷ın felsefi kökenleri ve temsilcileri üzerine bilgiler verdim. Daha sonra øsmet Özel'in úiiri üzerine yapısalcılı÷ın temel dinamiklerinden yola çıkarak çözümlemelere gittim. Bir Yusuf Masalı adlı úiirden örneklem alıntılarla yapısalcı bir okuma yapabilmek için anabölüm, altbölüm, zaman birimleri, anlam birim, uzam boyutu, dil-söz, gösterge, gösterilen, gösteren, de÷er, dizim,dizge, ça÷rıúım, eúsüremli, artsüremli, karúıtlıklar, biçim ve konu bütünlü÷ü gibi yapısal dilbiliminin kavramlarını kullanarak úairin en temelde neyi amaçlamıú oldu÷unu göstermeye çalıútım. Abstract: In this article I tried to make a structuralist analyse of "Bir Yusuf Masalı" the poem of øsmet Özel, who is one of the important poets of Turkish. Firstly I gave some information about the philosophical origins of structuralism and representatives of structuralism. Secondly, I did some analysis via the basic dynamics of structuralism about øsmet Özel's poem. To make reading, I tried to demonstrate what have his basic intend of poet with using the structural linguistic concepts, which are principial part,
The point of departure of this study is a seemingly trivial question: how did “code” come to designate a key concept of linguistics and semiotics? It is generally held that the term migrated from information theory to linguistics in the... more
The point of departure of this study is a seemingly trivial question: how did “code” come to designate a key concept of linguistics and semiotics? It is generally held that the term migrated from information theory to linguistics in the early 1950s, and accordingly it followed its own path in the study of language and other semiotic systems. In that way, a new semiotic concept emerged.
This deceptively straightforward answer gives rise to some crucial questions. First, how did the migration of a technical term give rise to a linguistic concept? Was the new term adopted simply as a fashionable alternative label for a well-established concept (e.g. Saussure’s langue)? If not, how can we account for a concept formation solely in terms of terminological shifts? Moreover, how did a semiotic concept emerge out of a linguistic concept of code?
The present study will seek to address for the first time these questions in an attempt to shed new light to the emergence and early development of the semiotic concept of code, focusing on the work of the key figures (Eco, Jakobson, Lévi-Strauss) in this neglected episode of the history of concepts in the humanities and social sciences.
Lotman explicitly affirms that his methodological wager is an attempt to join the formal- -structural paradigm of Roman Jacobson and the contextual-dialogical paradigm of Mikhail Bakhtin. Lotman conceives the structure of the text as... more
Lotman explicitly affirms that his methodological wager is an attempt to join the formal- -structural paradigm of Roman Jacobson and the contextual-dialogical paradigm of Mikhail Bakhtin. Lotman conceives the structure of the text as heterogenous just because it is at least dually coded, while semiosis is exactly the process of this inner hybridization, which has a creative potentiality. My paper will examine the dual coded structure of Lotman in the light of early Kristeva distinction between semiotic and symbolic function. I will examine the influence of Lotman in Kristeva’s works in the context of the 60ies.
Baseado em uma visão estruturalista, o desenvolvimento linguístico é explicado via traços distintivos por Jakobson (1972−1941), em sua obra Child Language Aphasiaand Phonological Universals, na qual ele enfatiza um caráter inato e... more
Baseado em uma visão estruturalista, o desenvolvimento linguístico é explicado via traços distintivos por Jakobson (1972−1941), em sua obra Child Language Aphasiaand Phonological Universals, na qual ele enfatiza um caráter inato e universal dos traços hierarquizados na aquisição fonológica. Assim, um indivíduo adquiriria, durante seu desenvolvimento, uma sequência de contrastes sonoros regidos por leis fonológicas. Jakobson, ao longo da sua obra sobre aquisição fonológica, explora dados infantis de 15 línguas 4 ,os quais, não coletados por ele, são oriundos de publicações de outros autores. No estudo, o autor buscadescrever e analisar os dados alémde propor um modelo sobre o percurso fonológico inicial. Ele focaliza a aquisição dos contrastes fonológicos no intuito de mostrar que o sistema linguístico da criança está sob a influência de leis que regulam a ordem da aquisição das oposições. Segundo Jakobson (1972), o sistema fonológico da criança seria o resultado de uma organização interna do input e a produção da criança. O autor, com base na observação de dados, entende a aquisição fonológica como uma cadeia de aquisições sucessivas interligadas pelas leis de implicação, segundo as quais a presença de B implica a de A, o que significa que B não pode emergir se A não estiver presente; por exemplo, a presença de consoantes velares implica a presença de labiais e dentais (ou alveolares), fricativas implicam oclusivas e vogais nasais implicam consoantes nasais.
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more
This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of sexuation integrated with his work in discourse theory and topology.
Part I places this study into context by examining scholarship from the established fields of hermeneutics, phenomenology, (post)structuralism, aesthetic theory and psychoanalysis in order to extract out their respective theory of meaning. These theories reveal that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the Reformation and reaches near crisis proportions in the 20th century. On the one hand this crisis is mollified by the rise of Heideggerian-Gadamerian hermeneutical phenomenology which questions traditional epistemological approaches to the text using a new ontological conceptualization of meaning and a conscious rejection of methodology. On the other hand this crisis is exacerbated when the ubiquitous nature of meaning is itself challenged by (post)structuralism's discovery of the signifier which inscribes a limit to meaning, and by the domains of sense and nonsense newly opened up by aesthetic theory. These historical developments culminate in the field of psychoanalysis which most consequentially delimits a cause of meaning said to be closely linked to the core of subjectivity.
Part II extends these findings by rigorously constructing out of the Lacanian sexuated formulae a decidedly non-hermeneutical phenomenological approach useful in demonstrating the sexual nature of meaning. Explicated in their static state by way of an account of their original derivation from the Aristotelian logical square, it is argued that these four formulae are relevant to basic concerns of textual theory inclusive of the hermeneutical circle of meaning. These formulae are then set into motion by integrating them with Lacan's four discourses to demonstrate the breakdown of meaning. Finally, the cuts and sutures of two-dimensional space that is topology as set down in L'étourdit are performed to confirm how the very field of meaning is ultimately suspended from a nonsensical singular point known in Lacanian psychoanalysis as objet a. The contention is that by occupying this point the subject frees himself from the debilitating grip of meaning."
olhar esteve presente, se-gundo Sébastian Charles, em todos os períodos da história humana. Este autor nos diz, no livro Tempos Hipermodernos, que "a condenação do presente é sem dúvida (...) a crítica mais co-mum apresentada pelos... more
olhar esteve presente, se-gundo Sébastian Charles, em todos os períodos da história humana. Este autor nos diz, no livro Tempos Hipermodernos, que "a condenação do presente é sem dúvida (...) a crítica mais co-mum apresentada pelos escritores, filósofos e poetas, e isso desde épocas imemoriais. Platão já se preocupava com o definhamento dos va-lores". Podemos até dizer de um modo menos cuidadoso que, às vezes, um olhar condenatório é sintoma de inadequação ao presente, sinal de idade, talvez. Desta forma, conhecendo os riscos de um possível olhar recriminatório, faremos aqui um breve estudo do funk enquanto fenômeno contemporâneo extremamente popular nas úl-timas décadas. Para isto, optamos por analisar a música, a letra e o pensamento presentes no funk Ô Xanaína, do cantor funkeiro Mc Lan. Esta música foi publicada em 10 de janeiro de 2017 no canal Legenda Funk do YouTube no qual músicas do gênero funk de diversos Djs e Mcs são publicadas diariamente. E no momento de escrita desta matéria, prestes a completar O funk hoje é um fenômeno que, queira-mos ou não, faz parte da vida de muitas pessoas. E "só" este simples fato já o torna um interessante objeto de pesquisa. Contudo, a marca bruta desta manifestação cultural afasta muitos intelectuais da iminência de qualquer contato analítico com suas letras e ritmos. As-sim, temos um cenário um tanto injusto em relação às discussões a respeito do funk: os intelectuais, com preparo e repertório, prefe-rem olhar para outros objetos, deixando espaço para os valentes leigos (ou livres-pensadores) que despontam com suas opiniões pouco em-basadas-e mais "embrasadas", isto é, embria-gadas, na linguagem do funk-, via de regra moralistas. Conclusão: nos momentos que se fala do funk presenciamos com frequência opiniões condenatórias e inconsistentes em suas argumentações. Por outro lado, há o fato de que, por ve-zes, mesmo nas discussões intelectuais, uma abordagem severa pode ser apenas o ancestral olhar apocalíptico-para fazermos referência ao célebre livro Apocalípticos e Integrados, de um ano da publicação, esta música já possui mais de 26 milhões de acessos. No que diz respeito aos elementos musicais de Ô Xanaína, parece-nos que a organização dos parâmetros sonoros (altura, duração, in-tensidade e timbre) tem origem na semântica e na prosódia da letra, logo é preciso olharmos este dois objetos juntos, apesar de podermos abstraí-los. Assim sendo, podemos simplificar toda a letra da seguinte maneira: Ô Xanaína (verso este repetido diversas vezes com variação de vogais) Xanaína, você não vai encostar hoje no pis-cinão de Ramos? Xanaína, tá querendo sentar na tromba? Só quer sentar na "
Note that all of my own citations of Jakobson's Selected Writings follow the bibliographical system that can be checked online or in Stephen Rudy's Roman Jakobson 1896-1982: A Complete Bibliography of His Writings (Google Books). I have... more
Note that all of my own citations of Jakobson's Selected Writings follow the bibliographical system that can be checked online or in Stephen Rudy's Roman Jakobson 1896-1982: A Complete Bibliography of His Writings (Google Books). I have omitted the publication dates of the volumes of SW as they crowd the discussion unneccessarily with numbers, not to mention that their publication dates are a bit confusing (some later volumes were published at an earlier date than earlier ones), and some have been reprinted, published online, etc. with varying dates. When looking up citations to Jakobson check the online resource or published bibliography and take into consideration that I'm referring to thei r republications or English translations in Selected Writings only, and not the original places of publication and languages. The reader may also benefit from the knowledge that Selected Writings is sold on De Gruyter's 2 webpage and every chapter has a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) code, e.g.