Roman Republican Numismatics Research Papers (original) (raw)

"This paper treats all available coins found in the ancient town of Kabyle in Thrace – dating from the Late Hellenistic period to the time of Trajan. They originated from the site itself – both as stray finds before the start of regular... more

"This paper treats all available coins found in the ancient town of Kabyle in Thrace – dating from the Late Hellenistic period to the time of Trajan. They originated from the site itself – both as stray finds before the start of regular excavations in 1972 as well as afterwards from the controlled digs (altogether 35 coins). The second part of this study deals with the contemporary coins from the hinterland of Kabyle – Yambol and its district (66 coins in all), at present all kept in the Regional Historical Museum at Yambol.
Kabyle in south Thrace was a flourishing Thracian and early Hellenistic town (fig. 1, plan) as early as in the mid-4th century BC (Danoff 1967, col. 39; von Bredow 1999, col. 128; Archibald 2004, 893-894), re-founded as a Macedonian colony under Philip II. During the first half of the 3rd century it has been the seat of the local Thracian rulers Skostoces and Spartocos. During the same period the mint of Kabyle struck intensive series in bronze (Драганов, Попов 1983, 18-39; Draganov 1993) and rare silver tetradrachms of Alexander type (with the civic symbol ‘statue of Artemis Phosphoros’) and in the name of the Celtic chieftain Cavarus (Gerassimov 1958, 273-277; Draganov 1984, 94-109; Price 1991, nos. 882-889; Draganov 1993, 75-86).
What is known about the history of Kabyle before the Romans is very scarce and fragmentary. The town was not in good condition at the arrival of M. Terentius Varro Lucullus’ army in 72 BC (sources: Salust., Hist. frg. 3. 51 and 4. 18; Liv., Per. 97; Florus, 1. 39; App., Illyrica 5. 30;, Festus, Brev., 9. 2-4), Orosius, 6, 3. 4; and Jord., Rom. 221; comments in Жуглев 1966, 245; Велков 1993, 130). Sometime between AD 127 and 136 under Hadrian a military camp (castra) of cohors II Lucensium was established here, well attested in a series of Latin inscriptions (Velkov 1989, 247-250; Велков 1991, 3-17, nos. 4-5, 12-15, 18-19), but the adjacent settlement by the camp indeed had no civic status or territory (Velkov 1978, 433-439; Велков 1991, 17; Боянов 2008, 212–213).
Until now, no coins of the Late Hellenistic or early Principate period are published from Kabyle. The only exception is a single uncial as of Augustus, found along with other late Roman coins in basilica no. 1 (Димитров 1982, 160, no. 10). Nonetheless, the regular archaeological excavations at Kabyle produced a substantial coin assemblage which would greatly expand our knowledge when studied. After a detailed examination and review of the museum holdings in the Yambol museum, the following picture emerged.
A summary list of the Republican issues is given in table 1 (nos. 1-12). One could envisage the following observations: The site of Kabyle produced no less than 12 silver coins of this period: 8 denarii, 3 quinarii and 1 cistophoric tetradrachm (fig. 3, cat. no. 11). So far this is the largest extant numismatic assemblage from a Thracian site of the 2nd–1st century BC. The reasons for the presence of Republican quinarii from Kabyle are considered; and a plausible historical interpretation is offered.
Coins from the early Principate are listed in table 2 (nos. 13-35). Table 3 (nos. 13-17) and the next paragraphs discusses five aes coins (two halved) – asses of Augustus for Asia, struck at Ephesus in ca. 27-23 BC (type RPC I, 2235), all from regular excavations. A possibility that the Augustan coins may reveal a Roman military presence (before Hadrian) on site is considered.
Further, the review of all extant contemporary coins found in the region of Yambol follows – cat. nos. 36-101 (table 4). It includes 9 Republican issues, 1 ‘Dacian’ imitation of Republican denarius, and 52 early Principate issues. A matter of particular numismatic interest is a plated tetrobol of Massalia in Gaul from the period 121–82 BC (cat. no. 40 = Depeyrot 1999, type 47), sadly without known provenance. Stray coins are mapped (fig. 3) so they clearly indicate the settlement pattern along the Tundzha/Tonzos middle course in early Imperial era.
The extant coin evidence of Kabyle from the period under study features a regular and stable coin supply. In fact, it presents a strong proof that life and activities at the site of Kabyle were not interrupted (as some authors argued, contra Попов 2005, 611).""