Scandinavian Studies Research Papers - (original) (raw)

2021, Scandinavian Studies

M elancholy seems to be ingrained in the human condition. Yet in his 1915 seminal article "Mourning and Melancholia" (1984), Sigmund Freud does not include case studies but rather a literary example-the eponymous character of... more

M elancholy seems to be ingrained in the human condition. Yet in his 1915 seminal article "Mourning and Melancholia" (1984), Sigmund Freud does not include case studies but rather a literary example-the eponymous character of Shakespeare's Hamlet-when he is to depict a person suffering from the condition. Although Shakespeare represents Hamlet as both mad and brilliant, Freud discusses melancholia only as a pathological phenomenon. Hence, Freud blurs the line between the disorder and the cultural phenomenon. Since the late nineteenth century, however, there has been a tendency to reserve the term "melancholy" for the cultural phenomenon and "melancholia" for the disorder (Radden 2003, 37). The discrimination probably stems from psychiatry gaining authority from the mid-nineteenth century on. Emil Kraepelin-by the early twentieth century a leading clinical psychiatrist-appears to have been the first to apply the term "depressive states" to include various types of melancholia (Davison 2009, 48) and to give a scientifically convincing argument for the union of mania and melancholia into a single psychosis (Oppenheim 1991, 314). From a cultural perspective, melancholy is a historical phenomenon that is artistically and philosophically represented in an array of illustrious works, with Ancient Greek tragedies, such as Sophocles's Ajax and the pseudo-Aristotelian Problem 30.1 among its very first manifestations. The word "melancholy" is derived from the Ancient Greek word for black bile. This body fluid was believed to constitute melancholy as


The Unst Boat Song, a form of weather-prayer by Shetland fishermen, enjoys a certain amount of kudos among the people of Shetland as a traditional song of some apparent antiquity. The song has achieved much fame as the only traditional... more

The Unst Boat Song, a form of weather-prayer by Shetland fishermen, enjoys a certain amount of kudos among the people of Shetland as a traditional song of some apparent antiquity. The song has achieved much fame as the only traditional Shetland song in Norn, a dialect of Old Norse once spoken in Shetland, Orkney, and parts of Northern Scotland.


In der Geschichte des dänischen Films lassen sich von der Stummfilmzeit bis heute immer wieder innovative Pionierarbeiten finden, aber auch erfolgreiche Serien, skurrile Komödien und skandalträchtige Psychodramen. Zu Beginn des 20.... more

In der Geschichte des dänischen Films lassen sich von der Stummfilmzeit bis heute immer wieder innovative Pionierarbeiten finden, aber auch erfolgreiche Serien, skurrile Komödien und skandalträchtige Psychodramen.
Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts gehörte Dänemark zu den größten und international bedeutendsten Filmnationen. Experimentelle Stummfilme, in denen Jagd auf echte Tiere gemacht wird, prägten die ersten Jahrzehnte ebenso wie abendfüllende Romanzen, Science-Fiction- und Katastrophen-Filme. Doch Qualität und Erfolg führten dazu, dass Regisseure und Schauspielerinnen nach Deutschland, Frankreich oder in die USA gingen, um Weltstars zu werden – wie die legendäre Asta Nielsen in den 1910er Jahren. Die Geschichte des dänischen Films muss daher inter- oder transnational nachvollzogen werden. Der Band erläutert diese Geschichte in ihren Grundzügen von 1896 bis in die Gegenwart und stellt bedeutende Filme und Serien, ihre Entstehungskontexte wie auch ihre Regisseurinnen und Regisseure vor, u. a. Benjamin Christensen, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Lars von Trier und Susanne Bier.


Tak 8 2 Materiale og metoder 9 2.1 Oliering af aeg 9 2.2 Dispensationer og indrapportering 9 2.3 Opmåling af indsendte hoveder og vinger 10 2.4 Ringmaerkning af unger 10

2025, Scandinavian Journal of History

This article presents and analyses an eighteenth-century Algerian folk poem (malḥūn) about the 1770 Danish-Norwegian bombardment of Algiers, referred to in Algerian sources as ‘The Poem of the Bomb’. By reading this poem in conjunction... more

This article presents and analyses an eighteenth-century Algerian folk poem (malḥūn) about the 1770 Danish-Norwegian bombardment of Algiers, referred to in Algerian sources as ‘The Poem of the Bomb’. By reading this poem in conjunction with other previously overlooked late eighteenth-century Algerian sources, namely Ibn Ruqayyah al-Tilimsānī’s The Radiant Flower Regarding the Attacks of the Infidels on Algiers and al-Sharīf al-Zahhār’s Memoire, I aim to highlight the importance of engaging with these neglected non-European and non-Eurocentric sources that offer the Algerian perspective on the 1769–1772 Danish-Algerian War and the 1770 bombardment of Algiers. Furthermore, in addition to analysing the poem’s use of Romance loanwords associated with corsairs and piracy, I draw comparisons with an older Algerian folk poem, ‘My Corsair Has Won a Booty’, about the Algerian-Ottoman siege of Malta in 1565. Finally, through a comparative examination of the glorified portrayal of the Ottoman Dey Muḥammad Bāchā and the Turkish military oligarchy in ‘The Poem of the Bomb’ and the anti-Ottoman sentiment prevalent in Maghribī Arabic and Tamazight folk poetry lamenting the French conquest of Algiers in 1830, I shed light on what I see as a significant textual and discursive shift in the representation of Ottomans and Turks in Algerian and North African history, literature, and culture.

2021, Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi dergisi

Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Güneydoğu Anadolu'da yer alan Urfa şehri ile ilgili Osmanlı dönemindeki arşiv belgelerini tespit etmek, sınıflandırmak ve bu belgeleri bölümler halinde değerlendirmektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Cumhurbaşkanlığı... more

Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Güneydoğu Anadolu'da yer alan Urfa şehri ile ilgili Osmanlı dönemindeki arşiv belgelerini tespit etmek, sınıflandırmak ve bu belgeleri bölümler halinde değerlendirmektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Cumhurbaşkanlığı Osmanlı Arşivi'nde elektronik ortama aktarılan belgeler incelenmiş ve Urfa tarihi ile ilgili olanlar tespit edilerek çalışmaya aktarılmıştır. Bölümler halinde açıklanmış olan bu belgelerde Urfa'nın idarî, sosyal, kültürel, askerî, dinî ve ekonomik yapısı hakkında birçok önemli bilgi yer almaktadır. Çalışmanın diğer bir amacı da Urfa kent tarihi araştırmalarında yararlanılabilecek birincil elden kaynakları tespit etmek ve bu kaynakları araştırmacıların bilgisine sunmaktır. Urfa tarihine yönelik daha önce bu tür bir çalışma yapılmadığı için araştırmanın alanda bir boşluğu dolduracağı düşünülmektedir. Çalışmanın başında Urfa ile ilgili kitap ve tez çalışmalarına kısaca değinilmiş ve daha sonra Cumhurbaşkanlığı Osmanlı Arşivi'nde Urfa ile ilgili kaynaklar bölümler halinde açıklanmıştır.


Lecture to be hold at the Centre for Nordic and Old English Studies ​at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Silesia in Katowice.​ The meeting will be held on Friday, March 21st, 2025, ​at 17:00 CET (Warsaw Time).​ The meeting... more

2025, The reinforcement of European ‘Trumpism’ – on the verge of a ‘new’ Europe?

The Transatlantic relationship is on the verge of a highly unusual structural transformation that has the potential to change the outlook of both the European and international security architectures. Shaped by NATO, an alliance between... more

The Transatlantic relationship is on the verge of a highly unusual structural
transformation that has the potential to change the outlook of both the European and international security architectures. Shaped by NATO, an alliance between the United States and Europe to guarantee mutual security and avoid the outbreak of war, the relationship is facing a stern test that has been exacerbated by the intensification of ‘mediation’ discussions being held on the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Thomas Brochard, Honour and the Duel in the Scottish Highlands, 1550-1660 ([Vienna], 2025), ISBN: 978-3-200-10334-4 Copies of the booklet are available at Inverness Library, the University of St Andrews Library, in the National Library... more

2023, Literature Study

This book provides an introductory exploration of Norse mythology, focusing on its gods, goddesses, and the major myths that shaped ancient Scandinavian and Germanic cultures. It delves into the roles of prominent deities such as Odin,... more

This book provides an introductory exploration of Norse mythology, focusing on its gods, goddesses, and the major myths that shaped ancient Scandinavian and Germanic cultures. It delves into the roles of prominent deities such as Odin, Thor, Freyja, and Loki, as well as the significance of their myths in explaining natural phenomena, human conditions, and societal values. The book also examines how Norse mythology influenced ancient religious practices and its ongoing relevance in modern literature, art, and popular culture. By analyzing key stories such as Odin's quest for wisdom and the final battle of Ragnarök, the work highlights the cyclical nature of life and the interplay between order and chaos. Furthermore, the study emphasizes how Norse myths continue to resonate today, shaping contemporary creative expressions and cultural identity, particularly in Scandinavian regions. Through this synthesis, the book contributes to a deeper understanding of Norse mythology's impact across time.


In varieties of English, the combination of would and rather (also: sooner/as soon/as well) can be followed not just by a bare infinitive (as in they would rather leave) or by a finite clause (they would rather (that) I (would) leave),... more

In varieties of English, the combination of would and rather (also: sooner/as soon/as well) can be followed not just by a bare infinitive (as in they would rather leave) or by a finite clause (they would rather (that) I (would) leave), but alsobyan infinitivewithanaccusative subject (as in they would rather me leave), which can even be coreferent with thematrix subject (Iwould ratherme leave). This short paper focuses on this AcI-infinitival construction. It shows that the infinitival clause is a fully clausal complement of rather, capable of harbouring sentential negation and constituting a local binding domain for its subject, whose accusative is not an assigned case. The paper closes on some remarks about the evolution of this construction, against the background of the form and distribution of the subjunctive. Sentences of the type in (1) feature a degree-modified dispositional adjective or adverb (rather, sooner, as soon, as well) followed by a bare infinitival clause with an a...


Opava was regarded as one of the most important points on the route of Poles to Italy, led by Rome, or to Vienna. Poles came to the capital of the Opava and Těšín Silesia for very different reasons. Honoured moments were stays by kings... more

Opava was regarded as one of the most important points on the route of Poles to Italy, led by Rome, or to Vienna. Poles came to the capital of the Opava and Těšín Silesia for very different reasons. Honoured moments were stays by kings (Henry III of Valois in 1574 and John III in 1683) and members of the royal family (Prince Sigismund Jagiellon in 1501-1505 and Queen Maria Kazi miera d' Arquien Sobieska in 1698). An important group of newcomers were students, mainly from the aristocratic stratum, who chose the Jesuit college as their place of education. In addition to them, teachers belonging to the Society of Jesus, who temporarily taught at the college, were also an important group. In addition to them, numerous Poles crossed Opava -secular officers and clergymen, heading for Rome for devotional purposes, to obtain indulgences and on diplomatic missions to the papal court. Others were heading for Vienna to settle important matters before the Emperor. In the view of Old Polish travellers, Opava was a city of beautiful and large churches, which was supposed to indicate the piety of the inhabitants. In addition, they tried to illuminate the social relations and economic position of the town. An important part of the experiences were those related to the hardships of travel and dissatisfaction with the customs officials. However, the travellers spoke positively about the hospitality of the inhabitants, the facilities and activities of the post office and the possibility of communicating with the population in Polish. Probably issues of Slavic affinity caused a small group of Poles to decide, for various reasons, to settle in Opava and the wider region. Some of them chose to emigrate to Opava in the wake of the political and military unrest in the Republic between 1704 and 1710 and during the outbreak of the Bar Confederation in 1768.

2025, Intermedial Subjectivity in Patricia Lockwood’s No One Is Talking About This

This article explores the intermedial and gendered dimensions of Patricia Lockwood's No One Is Talking About This, situating the novel within the emergent genre of the "internet novel" and examining how its narrative form reflects and... more

This article explores the intermedial and gendered dimensions of Patricia Lockwood's No One Is Talking About This, situating the novel within the emergent genre of the "internet novel" and examining how its narrative form reflects and critiques the disjointed experience of digital media consumption. The novel's intermedial form, which functions both as a stylistic choice and as a commentary on the affective experience of being online, reflects the hypertextual quality of digital interactions while also probing the complexities of mediated subjectivity. The article argues that Lockwood's novel not only captures the disembodied, ironic texture of social media but also actively engages in a critical interrogation of how such a medium shapes the self, especially for women. The protagonist's fragmented identity, formed through viral tweets and online interactions, highlights the pervasive influence of digital media in constructing contemporary subjectivity. As the novel progresses, it disrupts its initial ironic detachment by foregrounding the embodied, often painful realities of the protagonist's life offline, particularly through her family's personal crisis. This shift is read as a "glitch" in the text, revealing moments where the narrative breaks from its intermedial form and critiques the limitations of digital irony and disembodiment. Drawing on theories of digital media, feminist critique, and intermediality, the article ultimately reads the significantly intermedial texture of Lockwood's novel as a model of hybridity that reflects on the nature of digital media in contemporary life, illustrating how narrative forms can both reflect and resist the gendered dimensions of power and disempowerment in the digital age.

1961, The Church That Jesus Built by D. N. Jackson

This sermon by D. N. Jackson will surprise some, challenge others and there will be those that will reject it out of hand without thought or study. An honest comparison of scripture will challenge those desiring the truth of God's Word.

2023, Litteraturens tilgange (Hans Retizels Forlag, 3. udg.)


A review of the 2021 exhibition "Unheard Of" for the online Icelandic contemporary art publication A joint exhibition by sound artists Erik DeLuca & Þóranna Dögg Björnsdóttir, Unheard Of was curated by Becky Forsythe & Ana... more

A review of the 2021 exhibition "Unheard Of" for the online Icelandic contemporary art publication A joint exhibition by sound artists Erik DeLuca & Þóranna Dögg Björnsdóttir, Unheard Of was curated by Becky Forsythe & Ana Victoria Bruno, and was installed 21 August - 3 October 2021 in Kling & Bang, Reykjavik.

Baltic Hospitality from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century

On the medieval Baltic Rim, foreign merchants staying in town for their trade were usually called “guests.” This linguistic connection between otherwise very different languages raises the question of whether, and how far, the medieval... more

On the medieval Baltic Rim, foreign merchants staying in town for their trade were usually called “guests.” This linguistic connection between otherwise very different languages raises the question of whether, and how far, the medieval coastal societies around the Baltic Sea may have shared common conceptions of trade hospitality and securitization of foreign presence. This paper departs from a critique of the German/Catholic chroniclers’ guest-perspective division of the Baltic people into hospitable and unhospitable communities and argues that trade hospitality was an ambivalent enterprise that was never unconditional and always negotiated between the guests and their hosts. Indeed, from the latter’s perspective, treaties with foreign merchants raised the question of the level of safety they were prepared to provide. This meant considering not only in which ways they could benefit from their openness, but also to what extent they were ready to commit themselves toward the stranger...


Porthan-Seuran tarkoituksena on edistää H.G. Porthania ja hänen aikaansa käsittelevää oppi-ja kulttuurihistoriallista tutkimusta. Seura järjestää seminaareja ja luentotilaisuuksia, joissa Porthania ja hänen aikaansa liittyviä ilmiöitä... more

Porthan-Seuran tarkoituksena on edistää H.G. Porthania ja hänen aikaansa käsittelevää oppi-ja kulttuurihistoriallista tutkimusta. Seura järjestää seminaareja ja luentotilaisuuksia, joissa Porthania ja hänen aikaansa liittyviä ilmiöitä muistellaan, pohditaan ja arvioidaan. Tätä toimintaa voi luonnehtia historian käytöksi. Käsite kytkeytyy viime aikoina käytyyn keskusteluun historian käytöstä ja väärinkäytöstä. Historian käyttö voi olla ideologisista, moraalisista tai pedagogisista syistä kumpuavaa, ja se liitetään usein muistokulttuuriin. Friedrich Nietzsche erotti teoksessaan Von Nutzen und Nachteil der Historie für das Leben (1874) kolme tapaa käyttää historiaamonumentaalisen, antikvaarisen ja kriittisen. Kriittinen tai tieteellinen historian käyttö hyödyntää historiantutkimuksen periaatteita: lähdekritiikkiä sekä faktojen kyseenalaistamista ja uudelleentulkintaa.

The book Migration and Identity in Nordic Literature focuses on migration as it has manifested itself in literature and culture in the nineteenth, twentieth and early twenty-first centuries in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and... more

The book Migration and Identity in Nordic Literature focuses on migration as it has manifested itself in literature and culture in the nineteenth, twentieth and early twenty-first centuries in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland. Since migration almost always leads to a disturbance of identity and creates a potential for conflicts between individuals, as well as between groups of people, the authors have chosen to examine the theme of migration in relation to the questions of identity, both national and individual. The present monograph therefore concentrates on such cases of disturbance, disruption and hybridization of identity, as they are represented in literary works linked to the European North. The book will be of interest to all readers who are interested in issues such as xenophobia, racism, nationalism, cosmopolitism, globalization, cultural transfer, cultural hybridity, multiculturalism and multilingualism.

2024, Viking Dynasties: The Royal Families of Lejre and Uppsala Between Archaeology and Text, ed. Tom Christensen, John Ljungkvist & Neil Price, Jutland Archaeological Society Publications Vol. 127, 2024 [here on, the author's original Swedish text is uploaded, while an English translation...

This is the original Swedish text of the work, which has been published in Esnglish translation (by Charles Phillimore) under the title "The Uppsala Kings. Narrative - Tradition - Reality" in Viking Dynasties: The Royal Families of Lejre... more

This is the original Swedish text of the work, which has been published in Esnglish translation (by Charles Phillimore) under the title "The Uppsala Kings. Narrative - Tradition - Reality" in Viking Dynasties: The Royal Families of Lejre and Uppsala Between Archaeology and Text, ed. Tom Christensen, John Ljungkvist & Neil Price, Jutland Archaeological Society Publications Vol. 127, 2024.

2025, Greenland: The Strategic Center of the High North

Growing competition in the Arctic Circle is putting Greenland's strategic position on the public agenda. The Arctic island, which is under Danish sovereignty, is vital to American interests given the military presence of Russia and China... more

Growing competition in the Arctic Circle is putting Greenland's strategic position on the public agenda. The Arctic island, which is under Danish sovereignty, is vital to American interests given the military presence of Russia and China and the nearby shipping lanes. These interests are leading to secret understandings between Denmark and the US.


Område Area Schaktdjup Berörda FU-schakt Anläggningar/indikationer Åtgärd Kommentar A 250 m 2 2,2 m IX, X Brandlager, stolphål, lösfynd Schaktövervakning, kartering B 50 m 2 1,6 m XI Stensättning, brandlager, benkoncentrationer... more

Område Area Schaktdjup Berörda FU-schakt Anläggningar/indikationer Åtgärd Kommentar A 250 m 2 2,2 m IX, X Brandlager, stolphål, lösfynd Schaktövervakning, kartering B 50 m 2 1,6 m XI Stensättning, brandlager, benkoncentrationer Slutundersökning, kartering Utvidgning av schakt C 65 m 2 0,8 m XIII, XIV Brandlager Slutundersökning, kartering Utvidgning av schakt Bilaga 5

Le XIII e siècle est reconnu par les historiens comme l'âge d'or de l'encyclopédisme médiéval de l'Occident latinophone 1 . Il ne serait pas exagéré de dire que l'Europe septentrionale, centrale et orientale a, au cours du même siècle,... more

Le XIII e siècle est reconnu par les historiens comme l'âge d'or de l'encyclopédisme médiéval de l'Occident latinophone 1 . Il ne serait pas exagéré de dire que l'Europe septentrionale, centrale et orientale a, au cours du même siècle, connu elle aussi son propre encyclopédisme « historique » qui a essayé de relier l'histoire nationale à une perspective universelle. En Europe de l'Est, la littérature byzantine fut activement traduite du grec vers le slave. Cependant, cela n'a pas conduit à une réécriture du « grand récit » de l'histoire nationale, présenté dans le Récit des temps passés, la première chronique de l'Europe de l'Est compilée à Kyiv au début du XII e siècle 2 . Les nouvelles connaissances historiques ont davantage servi d'exempla pour évaluer les événements du XIII e siècle 3 . En Pologne, lorsque Maître Vincent commença sa Chronica Polonorum au début du XIII e siècle 4 , le grand récit avait déjà été forgé au début du XII e siècle par l'auteur des Gesta Principum Polonorum, généralement appelé Gallus Anonymus 5 .

Long version of the english summary of : JEUNESSE C. (2024) Contribution à l’étude des fondements théoriques des recherches archéozoologiques sur la préhistoire récente européenne et procheorientale. Un détour par la Nouvelle-Guinée et... more

Long version of the english summary of :
JEUNESSE C. (2024) Contribution à l’étude des fondements théoriques des recherches archéozoologiques sur la préhistoire récente européenne et procheorientale. Un détour par la Nouvelle-Guinée et son apport pour la compréhension des systèmes d’élevages néolithiques et protohistoriques, Gallia Préhistoire [En ligne], 64 | 2024, mis en ligne le 12 novembre 2024, consulté le 20. URL : http:// ; DOI :

2014, Tidskrift för politisk filosofi

Mămăligă Ilie, conferențiar doctor în drept Prezenta lucrare este examinată în corespundere cu Codul cu privire la ştiinţă şi inovare a RM (nr.259-XV din 15.07.2004 M Of. al RM nr.125-129(1479-1483)) cu modificările ulterioare, Legea RM... more

Mămăligă Ilie, conferențiar doctor în drept Prezenta lucrare este examinată în corespundere cu Codul cu privire la ştiinţă şi inovare a RM (nr.259-XV din 15.07.2004 M Of. al RM nr.125-129(1479-1483)) cu modificările ulterioare, Legea RM nr. 139 cu privire la dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe din 02.07.2010 cu modificarile ulterioare, ţinând cont de următoarele exigenţile: actualitatea problemelor prezentate, relevanţa,scopul şi obiectivele temei abordate, prezentarea ideilor principale, a citatelor relevante şi comentarea lor,valoarea aplicativă a lucrării,concluzii şi recomandări . Studiu dat este fundamentat pe metodologia cercetării, inclusiv pe procedee tehnice şi metodele aplicate in cadrul acestei opere,precum:1)analiza si sinteza politico-diplomatică, care studiază perioada interbelică a sec.XX în lume, în Europa şi în România, evoluţia ei; 2) metoda logică (inductia si deductia),opiniile diversilor actori politici, savanţi din domeniu, cercetatori stiintifici despre concluzile lor;3) metoda comparativă care se refera la concluziile si opiniile diferitor diplomati,savanţi,oameni de stat asupra situaţiei politice din perioada interbelică (sec.XX) şi perioada sec.XXI in Romania, Europa si in lume; 4) metoda analizei sistemice care studiază ramurile, instituţiile, lucrarile din domeniul acestei opere politico-diplomatice;5) metoda analizei dinamice (retospectivă şi perspectivă) pentru elucidarea fenomenelor politico-diplomatice, corespondenţă diplomatică, a României cu alte state (URSS, Cehoslovacia, Franţa,Marea Britanie, Italia, Germania) în perioada interbelică; 6) metoda cantitativă şi calitativă care contribuie la sistematizarea şi evidenţa corespondenţei diplomatice şi a informaţiei ştiinţifico-politice redate în operă;,7)metoda sociologică care cuprinde observaţii, opinii, sondaje,publicaţii cu privire la redarea practică ale evenimentelor politice din Romania si din lume in ziarele romanesti si cele străine in perioada interbelica, la acea vreme;8) cognitivă care cuprinde cunoaşterea elementelor şi categoriilor folosofico-politice şi juridice ale diplomaţiei româneşti la nivel european si global; 9) genetică,10) tehnologico-informativă, 11) statisitcă redă cu claritate prin cifre şi alte date dezvoltarea polticii externe şi internaţionale a lui Tutulescu in vederea mentinerii pacii in Europa si in lume;12) empirică bazată pe experienţa practicii de politică externă a Românei, a Europei şi a lumii etc.

2000, Íslenskt þjóðsagnasafn

An overview of folklore studies in Iceland until ca. 1997.

2025, Iesu quadragenariae - Traduzione e versione metrica

Autore ignoto
Almeno X secolo
Traduzione e versione metrica di Salvatore Savaglia

This paper is a reading of the Earthseed novels by Octavia Butler, also known as the Parable novels, and Millennium, aka the globally bestselling Girl with the Dragon Tattoo novels, by Swedish journalist Stieg Larsson. Both series are... more

This paper is a reading of the Earthseed novels by Octavia Butler, also known as the Parable novels, and Millennium, aka the globally bestselling Girl with the Dragon Tattoo novels, by Swedish journalist Stieg Larsson. Both series are critical texts from nation-states that have been considered exemplary transitional models, and I read both as emblematic of a speculative turn in contemporary cultural production and criticism. Reading them together shows how the speculative turn has formed across existing disciplines and geo-political sites; reading them together as part of this Inter-Asia volume situates such a transnational assessment of the West as a difficult, contradictory speculative project within the post-Cold War world of Pax Americana. I argue that both series unpack the idea of the liberal West by connecting narratives of dis/empowerment for female protagonists to the historical trajectories of fascistic white supremacism and racial capitalism. Both series are of interest to this in-between Inter-Asia project to the extent that their open-ended SF narrative elements unravel both speculative futures for neoliberal presents and speculative pasts for the Cold War construction of the liberal.

2022, Scandinavia: An International Journal of Scandinavian Studies

Johan Ludvig Heiberg was Hegel's most important Danish student. He attended Hegel's lectures in Berlin in 1824 and, upon his return to the Kingdom of Denmark, embarked upon an active campaign to disseminate Hegel's ideas, which he took to... more

Johan Ludvig Heiberg was Hegel's most important Danish student. He attended Hegel's lectures in Berlin in 1824 and, upon his return to the Kingdom of Denmark, embarked upon an active campaign to disseminate Hegel's ideas, which he took to have great relevance for his age. The article demonstrates that Heiberg is inspired by Hegel's critical account of his time. Moreover, it shows that, although he disagreed with Hegel's view of the role of philosophy vis-à-vis the crisis of the age, he refrained from criticising Hegel's account explicitly. This serves as the occasion, at the end of the article, for some reflections about the complexities of the history of reception. While Heiberg is known as the leading Hegelian in Denmark during the age, he paradoxically departs from Hegel on the key issue of the concept and role of philosophy.

2022, Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook

This article provides an introduction to Johan Ludvig Heiberg's "On the Principle of the Beginning of History" from 1843. The Danish poet, playwright and critic attended Hegel's lectures in Berlin in 1824 and returned to Copenhagen a... more

This article provides an introduction to Johan Ludvig Heiberg's "On the Principle of the Beginning of History" from 1843. The Danish poet, playwright and critic attended Hegel's lectures in Berlin in 1824 and returned to Copenhagen a convinced Hegelian. He spent the next two decades pursuing a campaign to spread the word about Hegel's philosophy in the Kingdom of Denmark. His little-known article on history draws substantially on Hegel's Lectures on the Philosophy of History, which had been published by Heiberg's acquaintance Eduard Gans in 1837 as a part of the complete works edition of Hegel's writings. Kierkegaard makes Heiberg's article the object of criticism in The Concept of Anxiety and a draft of Prefaces. In the former he claims that Heiberg's occupation with the beginning of world history trivializes the issue of sin. In the latter he charges Heiberg with plagiarism. The present article introduces Heiberg's article and gives an account of Kierkegaard's criticism.

This paper explores the (non)representational aesthetics and politics of Serpent Rain, a 2016 Black feminist fi lm inspired by the recovery of a Danish-Norwegian slave ship. Despite ample historical evidence, Scandinavia's involvement in... more

This paper explores the (non)representational aesthetics and politics of Serpent Rain, a 2016 Black feminist fi lm inspired by the recovery of a Danish-Norwegian slave ship. Despite ample historical evidence, Scandinavia's involvement in the transatlantic slave trade remains an underdiscussed topic; when the history is broached at all, it tends to be relegated to a distant 'dark chapter' already overcome. I argue that Serpent Rain rejects this binary of erasure vs. contained representation in its treatment of slavery, enacting instead another type of (non)representation that moves beyond "the limits of most available narratives to explain the position of the enslaved" (Hartman and Wilderson 2003, p.184). Taking its meandering and associative form from Serpent Rain's experimental aesthetics, this article draws on Black feminist theory-particularly Christina Sharpe's In the Wake-to argue that the fi lm unsettles visual and ontological certainty to dramatize the repetitive structure of racial capitalism and its ongoing reiterative violence, from the sunken slave ship to the ongoing extraction of oil on indigenous land. Ultimately, the fi lm makes us question not only the hegemonic mediation of the enslaved, but also the orthography of the (white) human and the seeming serenity of Norwegian oceanic landscapes.

2020, Studia UBB Philologia

This study aims to show the controversies encountered in the early period of Henrik Ibsen’s Hungarian reception (up till 1895). The Norwegian author and his dramas are deeply rooted in the local cultures, and, we can also gain insight... more

I denne artikel påviser jeg sammenhængen mellem Otto Rank som var elev hos Freud og Henrik Ibsens "Et dukkehjem"

EINLEITUNG UND ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die Schriften des italienischen Philosophen Giorgio Agamben gehören schon seit geraumer Zeit zu den wichtigsten Theorien, die problematische Entwicklungen in modernen Gesellschaften als eine Form der... more

EINLEITUNG UND ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die Schriften des italienischen Philosophen Giorgio Agamben gehören schon seit geraumer Zeit zu den wichtigsten Theorien, die problematische Entwicklungen in modernen Gesellschaften als eine Form der Biopolitik kritisch analysieren. Dabei diagnostiziert er das zunehmende Entstehen von rechtsfreien Räumen, die er als die Ausbreitung eines Ausnahmezustandes deutet, in dem Individuen einer souveränen Macht hilf-und rechtslos ausgeliefert sind. Diese Entwicklung rechtsfreier Räume bringt er in Verbindung mit dem Konzept des Lagers, das er als Materialisierung eines biopolitischen Ausschlussprozesses deutet. Sein Konzept des Lagers stellt Agamben ganz bewusst in Beziehung zu den Konzentrationslagern des Nationalsozialismus: die NS-Rassenpolitik ist in Agambens Denken die extremste Ausprägung einer Biopolitik, deren grundlegende Mechanismen für ihn auch heute noch in liberalen Demokratien wirkungsmächtig sind. Darum ist es ein naheliegendes Unternehmen, zu versuchen, die NS-Rassenpolitik genauer im Lichte der Agambenschen Theorie zu lesen. Das vorliegende Buch gliedert sich dabei in drei Kapitel, die zum einen aus einer kritischen Lektüre der Theorien G. Agambens bestehen. Zum anderen werden die Ergebnisse dieser Lektüre dann durch historische und geistesgeschichtliche Analysen ergänzt und kommentiert. Im ersten Kapitel "Giorgio Agambens Theorie der Biopolitik" wird zunächst Agambens Theorie kritisch hinterfragt. Dabei wird genau geklärt, welche Rolle dem KZ und der NS-Rassenpolitik im Werk Agambens zukommt. Das nationalsozialistische KZ ist in Agambens Werk nicht nur dort präsent, wo er in seiner Argumentation auf die NS-Biopolitik expressis verbis verweist. Man gewinnt vielmehr den Eindruck, dass das Konzentrationslager der Nationalsozialisten auch immer als eine Art Schatten in seinen Texten anwesend ist, der den Schrecken jener extremsten, mörderischsten Form einer Biopolitik unscharf heraufbeschwört. Diese unscharfe Präsenz hat wohl zum einen ihren Grund in Agambens Ethos: seine Texte zum Ausnahmezustand und dem Lager sollen als Warnung davor dienen, dass eine solche, mörderische Biopolitik auch in den modernen Andreas Kraft Die Biopolitik des Nationalsozialismus 2 Gesellschaften wieder politische Wirklichkeit werden kann. Der Schrecken der NS-Biopolitik ist so gesehen der Hintergrund, vor dem sich sein Denken als Warnung formuliert. In seiner polemischen Kritik an der Theorie Agambens schreibt Niels Weber über das Lager als Paradigma des abendländischen Raums: "Dieser Raum ist 'paradigmatisch' das KZ. Eine größere Extension der Begriffe ist kaum denkbar. Agamben ist kein Geschichtsrelativist, denn er relativiert überhaupt nichts; es verhält sich umgekehrt: Alle politische Geschichte steht im Banne des deutschen KZ." 1 Zum anderen erfüllt diese schattenhafte Präsenz des nationalsozialistischen KZ in den Werken Agambens noch eine zweite, problematischere Funktion: sie ist -von Autor bewusst intendiert oder nicht -ein rhetorisches Mittel, das einen blinden Fleck in seiner Theorie verbirgt. Eine genauere Analyse zeigt, dass in den Schriften Agambens die Beziehung von Bann und Gewalt überraschend unscharf bleibt: es ist weitgehend unklar, wie die Gewalt zum Tode und der Bann miteinander zusammenwirken. Agamben begnügt sich mit der Beschreibung einer juridischen Struktur des doppelten Ausschlusses eines Banns: der ausgeschlossenen homo sacer ist weder dem weltlichen noch dem sakralen Recht unterworfen: "Der Protagonist dieses Buches ist das nackte Leben, das heißt das Leben des homo sacer, der getötet werden kann, aber nicht geopfert werden darf." 2 Doch diese Darstellung suggeriert, dass der Bann nur die Möglichkeit anbietet, Gewalt ungestraft auszuüben. Damit wäre der Bann nur eine Ermöglichungsstruktur: Gewalt und Mord wären somit selbst nicht integraler Teil des Banns. Exemplarisch ist dies dort zu sehen, wo er am Beispiel eines Polizisten im "Hotel Arcades in Roissy" -einem Hotel am Charles de Gaulle Flughafen, in dem Flüchtlinge in einem rechtsfreien Raum gehalten wurden -das Handeln der souveränen Macht kommentiert: Dieses 'Lager' ist ein Raum des Banns, "in dem die normale Ordnung de facto aufgehoben ist, in dem es nicht vom Recht abhängt, ob mehr oder weniger Grausamkeiten begangen werden, sondern von der Zivität und dem ethischen Sinn der Polizei, die da vorübergehend als Souverän agiert." 3 1

2021, Editorial Nits Blanques

Primera traducció d'una novel·la islandesa al català.

2025, Conference tThe symbolism of protohistoric cantoned crosses in Europe

The symbolism of protohistoric cantoned crosses in Europe « Paroles d'auteurs de la Société des Auteurs Savoyards » presented by Pascal Pannetier at Polyèdre in Seynod 74600 France Various more or less cruciform symbols appeared in... more


(1) goal to point out that privativity is also a key issue beyond melodic representation: a. in the procedural communication between morpho-syntax and phonology b. in the representational communication between morpho-syntax and phonology... more

(1) goal to point out that privativity is also a key issue beyond melodic representation: a. in the procedural communication between morpho-syntax and phonology b. in the representational communication between morpho-syntax and phonology c. in the exchange of information among different cognitive systems Conclusion: massive evidence for privativity in grammar and other cognitive systems The workshop should rather have asked whether the non-privative project is still worth pursuing. ==> everybody is privative today, even regarding melody.

Come ormai da tradizione – il Centro studi Archivio Bergamasco cura una rivista dal 1981, dapprima col titolo di «Archivio storico bergamasco», dal 2007 di «Quaderni di Archivio Bergamasco» – anche questo fascicolo, di ben 345 pagine,... more

Come ormai da tradizione – il Centro studi Archivio Bergamasco cura una rivista dal 1981, dapprima col titolo di «Archivio storico bergamasco», dal 2007 di «Quaderni di Archivio Bergamasco» – anche questo fascicolo, di ben 345 pagine, offre ai lettori una aggiornata e documentata informazione storico-culturale, archivistica, bibliografica, con contributi che coprono un ampio e ricco repertorio di argomenti, vario per cronologia, contenuti, momenti e aspetti di vita individuale e collettiva.

As diferentes sociedades que compunham a Antiguidade Clássica ficaram conhecidas por negar voz aos grupos femininos. Porém, as suas literaturas, principalmente as produções gregas e latinas, dedicaram centenas de páginas às suas... more

As diferentes sociedades que compunham a Antiguidade Clássica ficaram conhecidas por negar voz aos grupos femininos. Porém, as suas literaturas, principalmente as produções gregas e latinas, dedicaram centenas de páginas às suas impressões sobre as mulheres. Não por acaso, a primeira formulação da diferença entre os gêneros pode ser encontrada em uma narrativa mitológica -A Teogonia, escrita por Hesíodo. Nos séculos que precedem a introdução da escritura na sociedade arcaica grega, a tarefa de transmitir de geração em geração a memória cultural de seus diferentes povos era própria da mitologia . Assim, não é surpreendente que o momento da divisão dos gêneros e a consequente classificação das mulheres como seres inferiores seja acompanhado pela criação de personagens femininas de destaque nas principais produções literárias da época, como é o caso de Pandora na Teogonia, de Helena na Ilíada, de Penélope na Odisseia e de Ártemis em Hipólito. Nesse sentido, as produções literárias podem funcionar como um documento histórico para o estudo de gênero nas sociedades gregas antigas. Como afirma a historiadora italiana Eva Cantarella: Ainda que não verdadeiras, de fato, as situações que os poetas descreviam deveriam ser em qualquer caso verossímeis, os diversos personagens deveriam se comportar segundo regras e convenções sociais reais, a moral que inspirava os seus atos deveria ser aquela que a poesia, quase que de forma institucionalizada, ensinava e transmitia. A sociedade descrita na Ilíada e na Odisseia, para concluir, é o espelho da sociedade grega nos séculos entre o fim da civilização micênica e o século VIII a.C: e a condição feminina que esses poetas imaginavam descrevia a condição das mulheres que viveram naqueles séculos. Ainda no contexto dessas produções literárias, insere-se o aspecto da religiosidade grega que, não constituindo um setor à parte daquele social, possui valiosa utilidade para a análise das mentalidades individuais dos que viviam, respectivamente, nos séculos VIII a.C e V a.C. Porém, é na própria religiosidade e, mais especificamente, nos sacrifícios e cultos, que os grupos tradicionalmente excluídos poderiam encontrar alguma participação: as mulheres, apesar da segregação, exerciam importantes funções religiosas e eram os rituais os momentos nos quais elas eram vistas em público , participando de forma direta, sendo o mais famoso aquele

2021, Valtioneuvoston kanslia


Norwegian author Karl Ove Knausgrd's six-volume, 3600-page autobiographical novel, My Struggle, has been widely hailed for its heroic exploration of selfhood, compulsive readability, and restless experimentation with form and genre.... more

Norwegian author Karl Ove Knausgrd's six-volume, 3600-page autobiographical novel, My Struggle, has been widely hailed for its heroic exploration of selfhood, compulsive readability, and restless experimentation with form and genre. Knausgård and the Autofictional Novel explains why. Across four chapters, Claus Elholm Andersen shows how Knausgård confronts, challenges, and rejects the symbiotic relationship between novels and fiction, particularly via a technique of "auto-fictionalization."


Denna uppsats utgar fran oversattningen av texter hamtade fran den tyska webbplatsen Gastlandschaften, Rheinland-Pfalz. Del A omfattar avsnitten Rheinland-Pfalz – abwechslungsreich und unvergesslich och Urlaub in Rheinland-Pfalz och... more

Denna uppsats utgar fran oversattningen av texter hamtade fran den tyska webbplatsen Gastlandschaften, Rheinland-Pfalz. Del A omfattar avsnitten Rheinland-Pfalz – abwechslungsreich und unvergesslich och Urlaub in Rheinland-Pfalz och utgors av saljande information om regionen Rheinland-Pfalz. Del B bestar av bokningsvillkor, Gastaufnahme- und Vermittlungsbedingungen, och sekretesspolicy, Datenschutzerklarung. Efter analys av texterna enligt den modell som presenteras i Vagar genom texten (Hellspong & Ledin 1997) har oversattningen analyserats och kommenterats. Vad galler Del A har arbetet koncentrerats kring hur narhet mellan sandare och mottagare i den oversatta texten kan skapas. Dels har overforing av egennamn undersokts, dels har metoder for tilltal diskuterats. I Del B ligger fokus pa klarhet. Fragan om hur synliga aktorer, informativa rubriker och verbal stil kan gora en text mera lattillganglig star har i centrum for diskussionen.

2017, Vagant 1-2

Review of Cultural History of the Avant Garde in the Nordic Countries volume 3