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The Institute of Philosophy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences announces: International Conference "Horizons Beyond Borders. Traditions and Perspectives of the Phenomenological Movement in Central and Eastern Europe" June... more

The Institute of Philosophy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences announces:

International Conference "Horizons Beyond Borders. Traditions and
Perspectives of the Phenomenological Movement in Central and Eastern

June 17–19, 2015, Budapest, Hungary

Plenary Speakers (all confirmed): Michael Gubser (James Madison
University), George Heffernan (Merrimack College), Marci Shore (Yale
University), Nicolas de Warren (KU Leuven)

Further Invited Speakers (all confirmed): Jakub Čapek (Prague), Istvan M.
Feher (Budapest), Ferenc Hörcher (Budapest), Maija Kūle (Riga), Ivan Landa
(Prague), Balazs M. Mezei (Budapest), Victor Molchanov (Moscow), Karel
Novotný (Prague), Csaba Olay (Budapest), Robin D. Rollinger (Prague) , Inga
Römer (Wuppertal), Wojciech Starzyński (Warsaw), Adam Takacs (Budapest),
Petr Urban (Prague), Mihaly Vajda (Budapest)

Sessions on "Roots," "Figures," "Beyond Borders," "Beyond Politics," "New
Phenomenology from CEE," as well as Plenary Lectures "In Memoriam Krzysztof
Michalski" and "László Tengelyi" Memorial Sessions.

The program contains 64 presentations by scholars with primary affiliations
in 30 cities of 16 countries.

Detailed program:


Venue Map, Travel Information etc.:

Scientific Advisory Board: Ivan Blecha (Palacký University, Olomouc),
Cristian Ciocan (Institute for Philosophy “Alexandru Dragomir”, Bucharest),
Ion Copoeru (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca), Andrzej Gniazdowski
(Polish Academy of Sciences), Balazs M. Mezei (Pazmany Peter Catholic
University, Hungary), Karel Novotný (Faculty of Humanities, Charles
University of Prague / Academy of the Sciences of the Czech Republic),
Csaba Olay (ELTE University, Budapest), Wojciech Starzyński (Polish Academy
of Sciences), Jaroslava Vydrová (Slovak Academy of Sciences), Michal Zvarík
(Trnava University).

Chair of the Organizing Committee: Peter Andras Varga (Institute of Philosophy, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,).

Secretary of the Organizing Committee: Witold Płotka (University of Gdansk, Poland).

Director of Host Institute: Ferenc Hörcher.

The conference is free and open to everybody. No prior written registration
is required.