Scottish Gaelic Studies Research Papers (original) (raw)
Inthe third volume ofJohrr Francis canrpbell's major collecrion of scottish Caelic folkmles from thc nineteenth century, Poputar Tateiaf the wtst Highl,tnis, rhc morif olrhe Loarhly Lady (D7J2 in Sdth Thompson's nrorif classificarioir... more
Inthe third volume ofJohrr Francis canrpbell's major collecrion of scottish Caelic folkmles from thc nineteenth century, Poputar Tateiaf the wtst Highl,tnis, rhc morif olrhe Loarhly Lady (D7J2 in Sdth Thompson's nrorif classificarioir sysn:m) appcar:; in the story sumnrarised below:l Fionn M,rc Cumhaill and his h,and arc passing a rvild and snor*y rrighr on Bcinn Eudainn in Ircland when rhey areipproiched around midnishibv an uncouth lemale w.irh hair down ro'her hiels who knocks on Firrn"n'rr'ltor asking him 'to let her in under rhe border of his covcring'. Vihen Fionn comments on her hideoru appcarancc and sends her arvay shlc gives a scrcarn and apprc'aches Oisean, askirig rhe same favour, and he iikcwi"se remarks on her bizarrr: appearance wirh rhe,same derail and sends her awai', g.ving rise to asecondscream. Diarmaid,howt:ver,aftcrrrertinghelnrLhcsar,,c-ob*.ivarions, i.vires her in. oncc under the covering shc rela-tcs her srory, sayine rhar sht: has spenr scven veani 'travelling orer dccrn rnd sea' tnd juri'ie rEar enrin, rirne. has nor spenr one-single nighr.: After warnring herself bcide rhe fire. nruch to the distasre of the Ferri-an band, they rcriri and she asks ro .o*i, under Diarmaid's blanker. Diarmaid .n,n*.ni, on hcr boldness bur asrees" tucking a lold of ir bcrween rhem, and beFore long he qlances n"., ,o"find himsellbeside'the finesr drop oFblood rhrr ever wis, f.Jm rhe begihnins of the universe dll the end of thc world', Hc imnrediarely sunrmons-the Filnn and on v-c,,ving her rhey agree rhar shc has beconrc 'rhc mosr beaureorr woman rh.rr man evcr saw'. She awakens shorrly thereafrcr, asking Diarmaid where he worrld likc a castle ro [.e brrilr, and when he r,cxr awakeni she show, him a fine casrle on the spor he ha.l specified above Beinn Eudainn. Diarmaid asla her ro go rhcre wrth hirn, anC she agree\ on rhe condition rhar he never say ro her thiee rimes how he had foundler. . . A-frer.rhree^days in rhe casrle, rvhich is equipped dorvn ro thc lasr derail including a he rd for rhe geesc, Diarmaid bqiins'to'rniss his comrudes arrd soes ro find them, enrrusring rhe woman rvirh-rhe carc of his fernale grcyho;nd and her rhrec pups. 'l'hJFeinn u,elcome Di;rrmaid, bur in rhe m.r,iri*. hau. beg.uq 19 harbour ill-vrill toward him on account oftheir own losr opportunities and rheir enry of his good fortune. Consequentlv rvhilc l)iarm:rid is away Fionn approaches rhe woman, reqrrcsring .,ne o[ the ttups, which she hands over withour quesriorr, giving Fionn his chorce of rhern. l)iarmaid rerurns and Fdin/Fianna and OiseanlOisin are uscd inrerchangeablr.