Simulasi Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Soybean Glycine max (L.) Merrill var. Willis is one of the food crops and has become a staple in Indonesia. With the development of current technology soybean plants begin to be simulated in 3D using the Groimp application based on the XL... more
Soybean Glycine max (L.) Merrill var. Willis is one of the food crops and has become a staple in Indonesia. With the development of current technology soybean plants begin to be simulated in 3D using the Groimp application based on the XL System, to prove the growth simulation conducted research, using organic fertilizer and urea fertilizer in different treatments. This study aims to determine the effect of fertilization with liquid organic fertilizer on plant productivity. Fertilization treatment treatments are: P1 (3 ml organic fertilizer / 1 liter of water / Afternoon), P2 (3 ml of organic fertilizer / 1 liter of water / Morning), P3 (2 g urea fertilizer / 1 liter of water / Afternoon), P4 (2 gr urea fertilizer / 1 liter of water / morning). The parameters observed were plant height, stem length, number of branches, number of leaves. The data obtained are entered and calculated using ANFIS after the training process, the smallest error is obtained and from there the selection of plants will be simulated in 3D. The results showed that fertilizing with urea fertilizer can increase soybean crop productivity compared to using Liquid Organic fertilizer. In the study found etiolation of plants, plants moved to a more spacious place on the 28th day apparently did not have a significant effect on plants that should have aged soybeans flowering at 35-40 days turned out not to flower, so it is expected that season crops should be planted on the season for maximum results and environmental conditions must be considered. Index Terms-3D, ANFIS, Glycine max (L.) Merrill var. Willis, Groimp, XL System. Abstrak-Kedelai Glycine max (L.) Merrill var. Willis merupakan salah satu tanaman pangan dan sudah menjadi kebutuhan pokok di indonesia. Dengan berkembangnya teknologi sekarang ini tanaman kedelai mulai disimulasikan dalam bentuk 3D menggunakan aplikasi Manuscript Groimp yang berbasis XL System, untuk membuktikan simulasi pertumbuhan dilakukan penelitian, menggunakan pupuk organik dan pupuk urea pada perlakuan yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemupukan dengan pupuk organik cair terhadap produktivitas tanaman. Perlakuan dosis pemupukan yaitu : P1 (3 ml pupuk organik/1 liter air/Sore), P2 (3 ml pupuk organik/1 liter air/Pagi), P3 (2 gr pupuk urea/1 liter air/Sore), P4 (2 gr pupuk urea/1 liter air/Pagi). Parameter yang diamati yaitu tinggi tanaman, panjang batang, jumlah cabang, jumlah daun. Data yang diperoleh dimasukan dan dihitung menggunakan ANFIS setelah proses training didapat error terkecil dan dari situlah pemilihan tanaman akan disimulasikan dalam bentuk 3D. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemupukan dengan pupuk urea dapat meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman kedelai dibandingkan dengan menggunakan pupuk Organik Cair. Pada penelitian didapat tumbuhan mengalami etiolasi, tanaman dipindah ke tempat yang lebih lapang pada hari ke 28 ternyata tidak memberi pengaruh signifikan terhadap tanaman yang semestinya umur kedelai sudah berbunga pada umur ke 35-40 hari ternyata belum berbunga, sehingga diharapkan tanaman musim memang harus ditanam pada musimnya agar hasilnya maksimal serta kondisi lingkungan harus diperhatikan. Kata Kunci-3D, ANFIS, Glycine max (L.) Merrill var. Willis, Groimp, XL System.