Snake venoms Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Why a randomized double blind controlled study is missing ? Why we don’t have impartial independent truly scientific studies ? How an InVitro , claim of the manufacturer will constitute sufficient proof of effectiveness . As always ,... more

Why a randomized double blind controlled study is missing ? Why we don’t have impartial independent truly scientific studies ? How an InVitro , claim of the manufacturer will constitute sufficient proof of effectiveness . As always , world play is substituted for actual effectiveness. What studies confirmed , the variations in nature & quality of venoms of snakes of the same species , but existing at geographically / regionally different locations ?
How come everyone involved at the top are high ranking freemasons , british agents , and many non scientists.
A major reason for death from a snakebite is fear.
When they say polyvalent antivenoms are only 25% effective ( while that too is actually not proven ) , how come its being administered extensively & promoted as if it is well proven ??
Detoxified ( how a detoxified venom is useful in creating immunity / resistence creating antivenom , since we are trying to create immunity / resistence against toxicity? what processes make it detoxified ? ) venom collected from 10’s of 1000’s of snakes of the same or different species ( for mono / poly valent ) injected into horse or certain other animals to make them immune / resistant to those venoms , then their blood is processed to make antivenom – the theory says . How it is confirmed , these animals develop immunity / resistence to venoms – which study proves that ? How can polyvalent antivenom be effective at all , since the quantity of each will be much lesser than the quantity in monovalent? What about cross interactions between venoms , when put together – nullifying or even creating altogether different substance which could be dangerous or useless? Is it proven scientifically ? If at all , the particular animal becomes immune / resistant , what proof do we have to claim that the blood represents the immunity / resistence? If at all the blood represents immunity / resistence , how do we isolate purified , immunity / resistence carrying material from that blood ? How do we identify / know that , a particular factor is the one carrying immunity / resistence ? What about the person taking the so called antivenom getting infested with the diseases of that animal? . What about the health issues because of foreign bodies injected into human bodies? . What is the meaning of purification ? How it is made certain , that the so called purified antivenom is really safe , since we don’t know almost anything about what constitute blood? what processes make purified antivenom?

Even when there is , supposedly, randomized double blind control studies , proving the effectiveness & safety of medicines , we see them creating havocs and the products being recalled / banned for their previously unforeseen dangers and uselessness . Since we don’t have any such studies in the cases of antivenom , what confirms the usefulness & safety ?
If death occurs after antivenom vaccine , how to confirm the cause of death –caused from venom or antivenom ??
Antivenom comes from the same people / gang that brought us , unproven virus & preventive vaccines & who claimed elephentiasis is caused by certain kinds of mosqitos & bcg is effective treatment for tuberculosis – All Fraudulent , Baseless.

What data do we have on snakes , its actions ? when the bad effects of antivenom is confirmed / certain , grave , cab even cause death in many cases , do we have any credible truly scientific record proving the usefulness ? when death / complications occur , how do we identify the causes ? fear , effects of antivenom ? how the interpretation / confirmation by the medical cartel /mafia to be trusted ? what data do they have to substantiate their claims ?

More than 95% of the snakes are Non venomous . Of the venomous ones , they will not be venomous all the time. Even when their fangs are full , mostly they give DRY bites , meaning they bite without injecting venom , seems like they don’t want to waste their venoms unnecessarily .

Are we talking about truly scientific treatment , in the sense we perceive what science to be or it is modern day witchcraft ?? How much of science is scientific ?

What authority do the medical doctors , ascertaining / confirming these treatment to be truly scientific / useful , really have . Do they study the concepts in deapth or they are just executives ? Why do we see even the very young doctors with just the basic medical degrees being so assertive on everything medical ( many a times even on non medical ) ? are they knowledgeable at all ?
Indian medical association is a member of world medical association , which has the top most pharma giants run by rothschilds , as their corporate partners . how genuine their intentions will be . bill gates & his wife run the whole show for queen of England & rothschilds . They are Commanders of British Empire & Padma Vibhushan .
Bill Gates & his father – prominent in Planned Parenthood ,which kills millions of unborn children all over the world & recommending post birth abortion, up to one year after birth ( one of the prominent agent of which is Vegan Peter Singer ). Planned Parenthood, a branch of British Eugenics Society , the utmost racist ,depopulation promoting outfit.