Sociology of Education Research Papers (original) (raw)

The university is often celebrated as a site for critique where intellectual laborers, protected by academic freedom, may address the pressing social issues of their time and thus contribute to public opinion and to the advancement of... more

The university is often celebrated as a site for critique where intellectual
laborers, protected by academic freedom, may address the pressing social
issues of their time and thus contribute to public opinion and to the
advancement of knowledge. As the public university increasingly adopts
neoliberal practices, however, such as shifting its governing power to private funders and by emphasizing its marketable versus non-marketable benefits to wider society, critical university studies (CUS) argues that academic freedom—the bedrock of the U.S. university system—is under threat. This project contributes to CUS scholarship by examining how academics who are committed to advancing social justice and who actively engage with broad audiences, experience the protection of academic freedom while employed at U.S. public universities. Are faculty members who publicly critique systemic injustice protected by academic freedom? More specifically, using in-depth interviews, I inquire: 1) What are the motivations for, and experiences of scholars when exercising their academic freedom in politically controversial ways? 2) To what extent do economic, racial and gendered politics, as well as faculty members’ institutional status impact public universities’ commitment to academic freedom? I draw on 31 in-depth interviews with publicly-engaged
scholars from three Research One public universities who reflect a diverse range of academic ranks and disciplines as well as racial and gender positionalities in order to better understand what it is like for those who consistently take stands on controversial political issues. This project reveals that, in general, academic freedom is a stratified freedom drawn across academic-rank lines, reflecting the racial and gender hierarchies of larger society. This research argues that while the culture of the academy encourages conformity rather than ethical risk-taking, the university is still a space of edifying possibilities. By examining the effectiveness of academic freedom and the commendable dissidence of activistscholars, this dissertation aims to contribute to higher education accountability
efforts that seek to reinforce the academy’s connection to, and responsibility for the public that it is tasked to serve.

In contemporary classrooms, it is crucial for teachers to have a thorough understanding of sociological issues in education. Understanding Sociological Theory for Pedagogical Practices addresses sociological theory, highlighting its... more

In contemporary classrooms, it is crucial for teachers to have a thorough understanding of sociological issues in education. Understanding Sociological Theory for Pedagogical Practices addresses sociological theory, highlighting its relevance to policy, curriculum and practice for the pre-service teacher education student. The book explores a range of sociological issues related to diversity, disadvantage, discrimination and marginalisation, contributing to the preparation of future teachers for work in a range of educational contexts. It seeks to dispel the traditional ‘one-size-fits-all’ notion of education, encouraging future teachers to think critically and reflexively in terms of creating a welcoming and equitable student environment through knowledge, inclusion and understanding. Understanding Sociological Theory for Pedagogical Practices is an invaluable resource for primary, secondary and early childhood pre-service teacher education students as they prepare to navigate the ...

The termination of parental rights of parents with mental disabilities is a growing and crucial issue. In 2010, an estimated 45.9 million adults in the U.S. had experienced a mental illness in the past year. This represents 20% of the... more

The termination of parental rights of parents with mental disabilities is a growing and crucial issue. In 2010, an estimated 45.9 million adults in the U.S. had experienced a mental illness in the past year. This represents 20% of the adult population. More than five million children in the U.S. have a parent with a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression. Courts and child welfare systems too often assume that a parent is not amenable to treatment and is a danger to his or her child when strong symptoms of mental turmoil surface. Some studies report that as many as 70 to 80% of mentally ill parents have lost custody. Public systems are overwhelmed by this matter in an era of shrinking resources for such systems. However, often parents with mental health needs are willing to accept treatment, are able to participate in programming, and are worthy of regaining custody.
• There are gaps in federal and state law on this issue. The federal Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) requires that state child welfare agencies and courts make “reasonable efforts” towards family reunification before the termination of parental rights (TPR) can take place. However, federal statutes and case law provide little guidance to states about what “reasonable efforts” means, and states have been left to interpret that concept individually. Many state statutes even enable a “bypass” of the “reasonable efforts” standard when “clear and convincing” evidence allegedly shows that a parent's mental condition cannot be changed. Many states likewise place unjust, statutory and common law time limits on family reunification efforts in TPR cases.
• Gaps in legal scholarship are also evident here. Legal scholars have begun to discuss the inadequacy of reunification services for mentally challenged parents, the tenuous link between mental health services and child welfare agency action, the need for enhanced attorney and child welfare worker preparation in this arena, and a need for cultural competence in reunification services. Others have even suggested that there be a rebuttable presumption in favor of family reunification. However, those discussions lack a sound theoretical basis and a practical application of solutions.
• As is featured in previous work of this author, a new theoretical framework of Family Systems Theory-- which is utilized in clinical behavioral health and human rights arenas-- must first be applied. Under this theoretical framework, the vague and outdated “best interests of the child” standard, which is a legal standard used exclusively in family law cases, must be replaced with a more sound standard of “holistic family wellbeing.” Vulnerability Theory can add credence to this theoretical framework.
• The discussion of reunification services for families featuring parents with mental disabilities should then be conducted utilizing Family Systems Theory and a legal standard of “holistic family wellbeing.” Under these circumstances, the “family integrity” defended by our highest courts through the “reasonable efforts” provision should be upheld through the delivery of highly effective family reunification services. The application of Family Systems Theory ultimately requires reform in the law, service delivery, and professional practice. State and federal legislators must revisit the “reasonable efforts” standard, to include specific statutory language about the types of reunification services required and the need for flexible timelines. Courts, child welfare agencies, and service providers need to deliver proven reunification services and coordinated mental health treatment. In specific court cases, attorneys for the parent(s), the child(ren), and the state should focus on “holistic family wellbeing” utilizing collaborative family law and alternative dispute resolution, while advancing the agency of their clients. Child welfare workers and practitioners likewise require training in advanced methods of conflict resolution and clinical practice. These recommendations can ensure more effective family law practice and more successful family - serving systems.

L’educazione, la pedagogia e l’intervento sociale godono di brutta fama fra i sinti. Ne hanno sperimentato il lato violento, forzatamente assimilazionista. I sinti sono un «popolo resistenza» che è stato capace di fronteggiare i... more

L’educazione, la pedagogia e l’intervento sociale godono di brutta fama fra i sinti. Ne hanno sperimentato il lato violento, forzatamente assimilazionista. I sinti sono un «popolo resistenza» che è stato capace di fronteggiare i dispositivi rieducativi predisposti nei loro confronti, sebbene con enormi costi personali. Nei mille rivoli dell’intervento sociale, tuttavia, è possibile scorgere anche altre pratiche educative che hanno accompagnato questi gruppi, sostenendone l’emancipazione e l’autodeterminazione. Le iniziative raccontate in questo «inserto» mostrano una modalità tutta diversa di concepire il rapporto fra potere ed educazione. Il primo articolo riassume i principali assunti della «pedagogia zingara» che si è sviluppata negli anni ’60 a partire dalle interpretazioni della «crisi» dei gruppi sinti dovuta all’industrializzazione delle campagne. Nonostante la pervasività delle modalità «ri-educative» esercitate nei confronti dei sinti, l’articolo mostra anche come le pratiche pedagogiche siano andate via via differenziandosi, prendendo distanza da concezioni discriminanti. Pur non essendo superate le forme di intervento di stampo assistenziale e segregante, gli ultimi anni hanno visto fiorire una pluralità di forme di accompagnamento educativo all’insegna del sostegno alle capacità degli individui e dei gruppi. Il secondo articolo racconta un caso emblematico: l’équipe di educatori di una cooperativa di Trento che, riconoscendo le difficoltà e le contraddizioni del proprio intervento con i sinti, ha deciso di intraprendere un percorso di ripensamento delle proprie pratiche. Questa capacità riflessiva ha portato il gruppo ad approfondire la pedagogia freiriana e scoprirne i potenziali fecondi ed euristici. Il terzo articolo approfondisce perciò questioni di metodo e di approccio di Paulo Freire, e segnala i principali insegnamenti che l’esperienza trentina con i sinti consegna al sapere pedagogico. Nel «bazar» di questo numero Mattia Civico riflette sul modo con cui la politica locale si è messa in interazione con i sinti per pensare una legge a loro tutela. L’inserto si conclude con un dialogo su una seconda esperienza: quella del servizio di sviluppo di comunità del Comune di Venezia. Anche in questo caso la dimensione dell’apprendimento è stata centrale per intraprendere percorsi di mediazione con il territorio, di empowerment e di miglioramento delle condizioni abitative. La conflittualità che ha caratterizzato gli anni più recenti ha spinto gli operatori a una maggiore comprensione delle strategie che i sinti adottano per dare senso al contesto in cui vivono.

Este artículo estudia el papel del programa de educación compensatoria en la construcción y gestión del fracaso escolar en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Basándose en un trabajo etnográfico, revela las luchas alrededor de los alumnos... more

Este artículo estudia el papel del programa de educación compensatoria en la construcción y gestión del fracaso escolar en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Basándose en un trabajo etnográfico, revela las luchas alrededor de los alumnos considerados "difíciles", condicionadas por ideologías pedagógicas, recursos, esquemas de percepción docentes y lógicas profesionales. El dispositivo, estigmatizado y asociado a alumnos "disruptivos" y a un trabajo pedagógico duro, incide negativamente en las expectativas y vivencias de docentes y estudiantes, y muestra una escasa capacidad para compensar las desventajas escolares. Más que compensar desigualdades sociales, gestiona la heterogeneidad social por medio de la segregación y la exclusión interior.

Abstract: In this paper, we outline a number of features of an interdisciplinary and pluralistic approach to economics. As a suitable example of how an interdisciplinary cooperation can unfold, we focus attention on the relations between... more

Abstract: In this paper, we outline a number of features of an interdisciplinary and pluralistic approach to economics. As a suitable example of how an interdisciplinary cooperation can unfold, we focus attention on the relations between institutional economics and psychoanalysis. In the first ...

How do we socially negotiate what is seen or not seen in an institution? This dissertation posits the idea that educational institutions reproduce social exclusions and inequalities both through verbal exchanges and through practices of... more

How do we socially negotiate what is seen or not seen in an institution? This dissertation posits the idea that educational institutions reproduce social exclusions and inequalities both through verbal exchanges and through practices of looking; it aims to apply some theoretical frameworks from the field of visual studies to the study of discourse and subjectivity in the context of higher education. The first part of this dissertation summarizes some of the general currents within the field of sociology of education on the study of the “hidden curriculum,” and, drawing on Foucault’s understanding of disciplinary power, proposes a theoretical approach based in three axes of analysis – i.e., the technical capacities, the systems of communication, and the relationships of power. Following this approach, the second part of this dissertation presents a case study at the University of Guelph. Autoethnographic methods, visual methodologies and qualitative interviews are combined to collect data that are examined according to the defined axes of analysis. Different pedagogical approaches that draw from art education and critical theory are offered to address the non-verbal processes identified within each axis of analysis: “invisible pedagogies” deal with the discursive aspects of the pedagogical settings; “pedagogies of touch” address the role of affect and the body in the reproduction of discourse; and “performative pedagogies” are used to address power relations and to allow for multiple subject-positions in the student-teacher relationship. All of these approaches draw on concepts currently being used in curriculum studies, the aim of this dissertation being to contribute to the development of critical perspectives in relation to the role of the visual in educational research.

Since the turn of the millennium there has been a clear rise in the implementation and research of mindfulness across primary, secondary and postsecondary education. These implementations, however, hardly constitute a uniform phenomenon.... more

Since the turn of the millennium there has been a clear rise in the implementation and research of mindfulness across primary, secondary and postsecondary education. These implementations, however, hardly constitute a uniform phenomenon. They reflect a variety of framings, modalities and educational aims, as documented in hundreds of peer-reviewed papers. To date no overarching review has provided an empirically-based mapping of this multifaceted and rapidly developing discourse. This paper offers a first-of-its-kind map of mindfulness in education based on the 447 peer-reviewed papers published between 2002 and 2017 that constitute this academic discourse, applying grounded theory methodology. The research reveals an exponential rise in the amount of publications over years, with a complex discourse that evolves from seven different framings of the practice, applied to nine different educational domains and through various types of implementation. It maps this complexity and outlines two main patterns that reflects this discourse to date: a) Mindfulness in education, which comprises mostly of outsourced, secularized interventions aimed at improved mental-physical health, social-emotional learning and cognitive functions. b) Mindfulness as education, which is a more transformative strand characterized by contemplative pedagogy in higher education and sporadic whole-school implementations. Overall, in the studied period mindfulness has been moving from near-anonymity toward the mainstream; however, this discourse reflects a nascent phase given that it is only beginning to critique itself. Furthermore, its two patterns reflect a split discourse that is challenged by the practice's psychological-secular framing and its Buddhist framing.

Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.

L’indagine tenta di approcciare l’esperienza vissuta nel corso della prima fase di lockdown da parte dei diversi attori coinvolti nell’emergenza educativa, con la consapevolezza che ciascuno di essi guarda al sistema scuola con obiettivi,... more

L’indagine tenta di approcciare l’esperienza vissuta nel corso della prima fase di lockdown da parte dei diversi attori coinvolti nell’emergenza educativa, con la consapevolezza che ciascuno di essi guarda al sistema scuola con obiettivi, interessi, problemi e prospettive radicalmente diversi, se non conflittuali e talvolta inconciliabili. L’indagine cerca di comprendere quali sono state le principali criticità e le strategie di intervento adottate, da parte dei diversi attori coinvolti nella Didattica a Distanza, nel corso dell’emergenza. L’intento è quindi quello di dare voce al sentire e all’agire di quanti hanno vissuto, ciascuno dalla sua specifica prospettiva, la “trincea a‑temporale, a‑spaziale e a‑materiale” della Didattica a Distanza, con l’intento di ricostruire, dal di dentro, le traiettorie sempre dinamiche e cangianti che si muovono tra i vincoli del contesto e la ricerca degli adattamenti soggettivi.

Recension de l'ouvrage collectif : Sébastien Fleuriel, Jean-François Goubet, Stéphan Mierzejewski, Manuel Schotté (dir.), Ce qu'incorporer veut dire, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, coll. « Épistémologie des... more

Recension de l'ouvrage collectif :
Sébastien Fleuriel, Jean-François Goubet, Stéphan Mierzejewski, Manuel Schotté (dir.), Ce qu'incorporer veut dire, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, coll. « Épistémologie des Sciences Sociales », 2021, 270 p., ISBN : 978-2-7574-3240-2.

Dans le courant des années 1980-1990, le processus de massification de l’enseignement supérieur s’est traduit par une forte augmentation des flux d’entrants dans l’enseignement supérieur. La croissance constante des taux de réussite au... more

Dans le courant des années 1980-1990, le processus de massification de l’enseignement supérieur s’est traduit par une forte augmentation des flux d’entrants dans l’enseignement supérieur. La croissance constante des taux de réussite au bac depuis les années 1980 (26 % d’une génération en 1980, 63 % en 1995 et 77 % en 2014) est notamment due à une progression de la réussite des bacheliers technologiques et professionnels, ce qui, du même coup, a entraîné une augmentation de l’entrée de ces « nouveaux étudiants » dans l’enseignement supérieur. Ces évolutions quantitatives ont eu des conséquences sur la structuration et l’organisation de l’enseignement supérieur, avec une transformation « qualitative » des flux d’entrants et des orientations. S’est ainsi opérée une translation des processus de sélection scolaire, le type de baccalauréat obtenu devenant l’opérateur de la sélection dans l’entrée vers l’enseignement supérieur.

Resumo A partir das distinções estabelecidas por Hannah Arendt entre as esferas privada, pública e social o trabalho pretende identificar alguns reflexos derivados das formas de ingresso no sistema educacional. Utilizou-se o ensino... more

Resumo A partir das distinções estabelecidas por Hannah Arendt entre as esferas privada, pública e social o trabalho pretende identificar alguns reflexos derivados das formas de ingresso no sistema educacional. Utilizou-se o ensino superior como lócus de análise, valendo-se dos conceitos de habitus, campo, capital cultural e capital social, criados por Bourdieu, para compreender as formas de constituição dos grupos na esfera social. A partir de uma análise bibliográficas guiada pelo método dialético, se alcançou a compreensão de que a distribuição das matrículas universitárias repete os excludentes moldes da esfera social, privilegiando a concentração dos capitais cultural e social. Abstract/Resumen/Résumé From the distinctions established by Hannah Arendt between the private, public and social spheres the work intends to identify some reflexes derived from the forms of entry into the educational system. Higher education was used as a locus of analysis, using the concepts of habitus, field, cultural capital and social capital, created by Bourdieu, to understand the forms of social groups in the social sphere. From a bibliographical analysis guided by the dialectical method, the understanding was reached that the distribution of university enrollments repeats the exclusive molds of the social sphere, privileging the concentration of cultural and social capitals.

This paper presents a frame work for hardware acceleration for post video processing system implemented on FPGA. The deblocking filter algorithms ported on SOC having Altera NIOS-II soft core processor.SOC designed with the help of SOPC... more

This paper presents a frame work for hardware acceleration for post video processing system implemented on FPGA. The deblocking filter algorithms ported on SOC having Altera NIOS-II soft core processor.SOC designed with the help of SOPC builder .Custom instructions are chosen by identifying the most frequently used tasks in the algorithm and the instruction set of NIOS-II processor has been extended. Deblocking filter new instruction added to the processor that are implemented in hardware and interfaced to the NIOS-II processor. New instruction added to the processor to boost the performance of the deblocking filter algorithm. Use of custom instructions the implemented tasks have been accelerated by 5.88%. The benefit of the speed is obtained at the cost of very small hardware resources.

This study focuses on urban school children in Bhopal city of Madhya Pradesh who came from diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds, adjusting and negotiating with each other within the school spaces. The primary objective of the... more

This study focuses on urban school children in Bhopal city of Madhya Pradesh who came from diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds, adjusting and negotiating with each other within the school spaces. The primary objective of the study is to explore social relationships and adjustment among urban school children in Bhopal. For the present study, 300 respondents were selected from two Govt. Secondary schools of Bhopal by using stratified random sampling. Both primary and secondary methods of data collection were used. The study is based on a descriptive research design. The results show that through strong social values of the school, strong social relationships and personalities can be developed among school children. Social values also are beneficial for making adjustments among urban school children, especially those who are newcomers to the school.

The main goal of this study is to verify the effects of cultural capital on students' performance in an official test applied by the Brazilian government, as part of the National Assessment of Basic Education (Saeb). The data set used is... more

The main goal of this study is to verify the effects of cultural capital on students' performance in an official test applied by the Brazilian government, as part of the National Assessment of Basic Education (Saeb). The data set used is from 2003 and involves 52.434 students. The standard test is applied every two years in the fields of mathematics and languages. A questionnaire is applied along with the test in order to measure the student's characteristics as well as their families' profile. The question of this research is: what is the impact of cultural capital on student's performance in the Saeb test? The theoretical approach is based on the work of Pierre Bourdieu. As contributions of Brazilian scholars the study includes the ideas of Nelson Silva and Carlos Hasenbalg and Carlos Ribeiro. The model of study considered the students' grades in the Saeb test as the dependent variable and the cultural capital as the main independent variable. The descriptive analysis was used as well as regression models in order to obtain the effect of the independent variables over the dependent one. The preliminary and main results show that there is significant association between levels of cultural capital and student's performance in the Saeb test. Specifically, there is a significant and positive correlation between parents' education, computer ownership, access to internet and newspaper reading with the performance in the Saeb test.

Se indaga el sentido de la conferencia de Sloterdijk “Normas para el Parque humano” así como las polémicas por ella suscitada. Se realiza un diagnóstico de la capacidad crítica del humanismo tradicional. En el marco del naufragio del... more

Se indaga el sentido de la conferencia de Sloterdijk
“Normas para el Parque humano” así como las
polémicas por ella suscitada. Se realiza un diagnóstico
de la capacidad crítica del humanismo tradicional. En el
marco del naufragio del humanismo como escuela y
utopía domesticadora humana -marco en el que
Sloterdijk reclama una revisión genético-técnica de la
humanidad- se indaga ¿qué criterios pueden
establecerse para normar las inevitables luchas por los
derechos de la crianza humana? ¿Quiénes y sobre qué
bases debieran hoy detentar el derecho a la crianza?
¿Cómo determinar quiénes son los que educan y los que
son educados? Se proponen nuevos caminos que
tienen en la mediación de la técnica su formulación
discursiva y sus orígenes en las disidencias que, desde
la propia tradición filosófica, reducían la estancia del
hombre en el mundo a su expresión leída y escrita.

O Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem) é atualmente a principal prova de acesso ao ensino superior no Brasil, contando desde 2013 com uma regra que estabelecia que redações de candidatos que desrespeitassem os direitos humanos receberiam... more

O Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem) é atualmente a principal prova de acesso
ao ensino superior no Brasil, contando desde 2013 com uma regra que estabelecia que
redações de candidatos que desrespeitassem os direitos humanos receberiam nota zero. Por meio de decisão judicial, respondendo à ação movida pela associação escola sem partido, essa norma foi retirada em 2017. Neste artigo examino os avanços e retrocessos da questão dos direitos humanos no Enem, apontando que a retirada deste item avaliativo representa um esvaziamento do sentido sociopolítico da escola, que se
relaciona a outros retrocessos nas políticas públicas.

TVÅ SIDOR AV SAMMA MYNT? Tabell 2. Söktryck efter namn på folkhögskolan, Ht 2009 Folk-Antal Antal N Profiler Söktryck St. d högskola sökande platser(medelvärden) Fridhem 450 25 1 Jazz 18, 0 Skurup 340 20 1 Jazz 17, 0 Billströmska 230 20 1... more

TVÅ SIDOR AV SAMMA MYNT? Tabell 2. Söktryck efter namn på folkhögskolan, Ht 2009 Folk-Antal Antal N Profiler Söktryck St. d högskola sökande platser(medelvärden) Fridhem 450 25 1 Jazz 18, 0 Skurup 340 20 1 Jazz 17, 0 Billströmska 230 20 1 Blandad 11.5 Furuboda ...

Background Social capital, defined as the people one knows and the resources available through that network of people, has been a key variable in research examining the participation of women and underrepresented minority students in... more

Background Social capital, defined as the people one knows and the resources available through that network of people, has been a key variable in research examining the participation of women and underrepresented minority students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This study focuses on two types of social capital: instrumental (concrete advice and resources) and expressive (emotional support and encouragement). The analysis of interviews with 55 White women and women and men underrepresented minority engineering undergraduate students shows how the instrumental and expressive social capital received from parents influenced their students’ declaration of and persistence in the engineering major. Within this analysis, we considered students’ transition to adulthood and the corresponding expectation that parents would still provide support but allow their children to independently determine their own paths. Results Participants shared the advice they received...