Spacecraft Engineering Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This brief paper is to explain one of my ideas relating to deep space propulsion. This paper explains what I call the "Nuclear Thermal Pulsejet Engine" and how we can use vacuum of space to cool a small nuclear reactor down for future... more

This brief paper is to explain one of my ideas relating to deep space propulsion. This paper explains what I call the "Nuclear Thermal Pulsejet Engine" and how we can use vacuum of space to cool a small nuclear reactor down for future nuclear powered spacecraft.

In this paper, a comprehensive comparison of two robust estimation techniques namely, compensated closed-loop Kalman filtering and open-loop Kalman filtering is presented. A common problem of data loss in a real-time control system is... more

In this paper, a comprehensive comparison of two robust estimation techniques namely, compensated closed-loop Kalman filtering and open-loop Kalman filtering is presented. A common problem of data loss in a real-time control system is investigated through these two schemes. The open-loop scheme, dealing with the data-loss, suffers from several shortcomings. These shortcomings are overcome using compensated scheme, where an accommodating observation signal is obtained through linear prediction technique-a closed-loop setting and is adopted at a posteriori update step. The calculation and employment of accommodating observation signal causes computational complexity. For simulation purpose, a linear time invariant spacecraft model is however, obtained from the nonlinear spacecraft attitude dynamics through linearization at nonzero equilibrium points-achieved off-line through Levenberg-Marguardt iterative scheme. Attempt has been made to analyze the selected example from most of the perspectives in order to display the performance of the two techniques.

This article summarises the current challenges related to legal obligations and restrictions associated with the use of chemicals, directly affecting space industrial sector. It also highlights issues surrounding the obsolescence of... more

This article summarises the current challenges related to legal obligations and restrictions associated with the use of chemicals, directly affecting space industrial sector. It also highlights
issues surrounding the obsolescence of materials and processes, which are indirectly linked to the restrictions in use, but often have a serious impact on the space industry. Methods for risk assessment and means for the mitigation of risks associated with material and process obsolescence are described in the article. The most relevant substances under restrictions are discussed in detail. Lastly, the evolution in waste management, as well as some implications of the UK withdrawal from the EU are additionally analysed.

Distributed Satellite Systems (DSS) provide a promising solution in increasing the sustainability of both the space and terrestrial environment through responsive Earth Observation (EO) and Space Domain Awareness (SDA) operations. To... more

Distributed Satellite Systems (DSS) provide a promising solution in increasing the sustainability of both the space and terrestrial environment through responsive Earth Observation (EO) and Space Domain Awareness (SDA) operations. To exploit the advantages of DSS mission architectures, a technical evolution is required from the deliberative methodologies of traditional ground station operations to approaches that are more suited to autonomous, reactive space mission architectures. At its core, this transition is directly reflected in the design, and development of new, more autonomous Mission Planning Systems that adopt the Adaptive Multi-Agent System (AMAS) framework. With a view towards trusted autonomy, this paper explores the required evolution towards a more supervisory role of future ground station operations. In doing so, this paper provides an initial analysis of a conceptual goal-based distributed space-based SDA application within the Observe Orient Decide and Act (OODA) decision loop framework.

This review attempts to bring together the published data and analysis related to the effect of low earth orbit (LEO) atomic oxygen (AO) interaction with spacecraft materials. The basic interaction mechanism of AO with spacecraft... more

This review attempts to bring together the published data and analysis related to the effect of low earth orbit (LEO) atomic oxygen (AO) interaction with spacecraft materials. The basic interaction mechanism of AO with spacecraft materials and quantification of its effect on materials performance are briefly discussed. After providing a list of materials susceptible to the LEO environment, the paper focuses on the degradation mechanism of various spacecraft materials. Particular emphasis is given to the protective mechanisms for AO-susceptible materials and development of AO-resistant materials for long-term LEO spacecraft applications. Ground-simulation testing requirements and their present status are reviewed briefly. The need for further research is emphasized.

Pivdenmash (Yuzhmash), the Ukrainian Dnipropetrovsk industrial giant, one of the World leaders in space and missile industry during Soviet times is on the verge of bankruptcy. In August 2015, all accounts of Pivdenmash could be frozen. If... more

Pivdenmash (Yuzhmash), the Ukrainian Dnipropetrovsk industrial giant, one of the World leaders in space and missile industry during Soviet times is on the verge of bankruptcy. In August 2015, all accounts of Pivdenmash could be frozen. If this happens, this means no orders or contracts, not a single hope for survival

Many technologies related to space exploration are currently being discussed. Electrokinetic propulsion systems are offered mainly for microsatellites. Electrical type of propulsion drives are planned to adjust the orbit of satellites,... more

Many technologies related to space exploration are currently being discussed. Electrokinetic propulsion systems are offered mainly for microsatellites. Electrical type of propulsion drives are planned to adjust the orbit of satellites, since their operating time is not limited by the fuel on board. The most widely known works were made by Thomas Brown (Brown Thomas Townsend) that was presented in his patents 1927-1965 [1]. The controversy about the ionization of air in asymmetric capacitors was stopped after convincing tests in a vacuum. It works with high voltage source. The driving force is not related here without an ion wind reactive effect. In this article Alexander V. Frolov offered new desing for low voltage source that is more effective technology than previous one.

This document details the procedure of calculation of orbital perturbation due to gravitational harmonics by simulation of various orbits at different altitudes and inclinations to the earth's equatorial plane. The orbits were first... more

This document details the procedure of calculation of orbital perturbation due to gravitational harmonics by simulation of various orbits at different altitudes and inclinations to the earth's equatorial plane. The orbits were first simulated and data of position and velocity was collected. The data was then analysed by another program to calculate the perturbations. Runge – Kutta fourth order method was used to simulate the orbits. The orbits were assumed to start from the perigee position which lied on the longitudinal plane containing the point of vernal equinox. The perturbations obtained were analysed w.r.t inclination of orbits and eccentricity of the orbits. The order of magnitude of the perturbations obtained were analysed w.r.t altitude. The earth was assumed to be symmetrical in all other terms.

Many fields including the aerospace industry have shown increased interest in the use of plastics to lower the mass of systems. However, the use of plastics in space can be challenging for a number of reasons. Ultraviolet radiation,... more

Many fields including the aerospace industry have shown increased interest in the use of plastics to lower the mass of systems. However, the use of plastics in space can be challenging for a number of reasons. Ultraviolet radiation, atomic oxygen and other phenomena specifically associated with space cause the degradation of polymers. Here we show a path towards creation of space-grade components by combining additive manufacturing (AM) and atomic layer deposition (ALD). Our method produced ALD Al2O3 coated thermoplastic parts, suitable for space applications. The highlight of this work is a significant reduction in outgassing, demonstrated using residual gas analyzer (RGA) sampling. Compared to uncoated parts, the ALD-Al2O3 coating decreased the outgassing of polyether ether ketone (PEEK), acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), polycarbonate (PC) and nanodiamond-doped polylactide (ND-PLA) by 46%, 49%, 58% and 65% respectively. The manufacturing method used in this work enables the use of topology optimization already in the early concept creation phase. The method is ideally suited for spacecraft applications, where the volume and mass of parts is critical, and could also be adapted for in-space manufacturing.

For most satellite missions, it is essential to decrease the satellite angular velocity. The Β algorithm is a common algorithm to stabilize the spacecraft by using magnetorquers. Controlling the satellite using the magnetorquers is part... more

For most satellite missions, it is essential to decrease the satellite angular velocity. The Β algorithm is a common algorithm to stabilize the spacecraft by using magnetorquers. Controlling the satellite using the magnetorquers is part of the attitude control subsystem detumbling mode. Due to the oscillating disturbances in the space environment, the required initial conditions needs analysis. As a consequence, the satellite stays in Β detumbling mode for the entire operation. In detumbling mode, the spacecraft oscillates around its spatial axes. The purpose of this paper is to extend the Β algorithm with a disturbances compensation module and to achieve a reduction of satellite's angular velocity. The developed algorithm could reduce satellite's angular velocity up to 10-11 degree. 1. Introduction The success of a space mission depends on sophisticated attitude control subsystem (ACS). As the ACS can only be activated if the spinning about the satellite's own axes remains within certain boundaries, uncontrolled oscillation should be minimized, even if a precisely determined orientation is not required for the particular mission. Due to the increasing importance of small and very small satellites such as CubeSat satellites, which are mainly operating in a low earth orbit (LEO) under a relatively strong earth magnetic field, the relevance of magnetic attitude control systems has also grown [1, 2]. This is pushed by magnetorquers' low prices, their space saving assembly, and the independence of propellant. Therefore, they are often the only actuators in CubeSat missions. They are integrated inside the solar panels to obtain the necessary electrical power [3]. The Β law, a purely magnetic control scheme, was originally proposed in [4]. Since then, this control law has been adopted as the primary detumbling solution in small satellites such as Pico Satellite Solar Cell Testbed-2 (PSSCT 2) [5] and T-SAT1 [6]. While the aforementioned studies present satisfactory detumbling performances, the initial conditions are difficult to estimate in real applications. The tuning factor, for instance, is generally chosen based on trial and error experiments. However, the initial factor chosen may not reject the oscillating disturbances effectively, and the control law may fail in case the disturbances change. Therefore, the satellite is not detumbled effectively. The aim of this work is to present a novel yet convenient Β algorithm to subside the effect of oscillating disturbances in the space environment. The study presents a solution to control the current by a pulse width modulation (PWM) signal and proposes a gain factor function to obtain the optimum torque to reject the disturbance. The method has been simulated and tested further on a CubeSat to validate the feasibility of the proposed scheme. The paper is organized as follows: the conventional and the novel Β algorithms are introduced followed by the description of the mission and the strategy. The validation procedure using the CubeSat and the obtained results are presented later followed by the simulation results. The conclusion describes the findings of the study.

Since the beginning of the space age, the main actors in space exploration have been governmental agencies, enabling a privileged access to space, but with very restricted and rare missions. The last decade has seen the rise of space... more

Since the beginning of the space age, the main actors in space exploration have been governmental agencies, enabling a privileged access to space, but with very restricted and rare
missions. The last decade has seen the rise of space tourism, and the founding of ambitious private space mining companies, showing the beginnings of a new exploration era, that is based on a more generalized and regular access to space and which is not limited to the Earth’s vicinity. However, the cost of launching sufficient mass into orbit to sustain these inspiring
challenges is prohibitive, and the necessary infrastructures to support these missions is still lacking. To provide easy and affordable access into orbital and deep space destinations, there is the need to create a network of spaceports via specific waypoint locations coupled with the use of natural resources, or In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU), to provide a more economical solution.
As part of the International Space University Space Studies Program 2012, the international and intercultural team of Operations and Service Infrastructure for Space (OASIS), proposes an interdisciplinary answer to the problem of economical space access and transportation. This
report details the different phases of a project for developing a network of spaceports throughout the Solar System in a timeframe of 50 years. The requirements, functions, critical
technologies and mission architecture of this network of spaceports are outlined in a roadmap of the important steps and phases. The economic and financial aspects are emphasized in order to allow a sustainable development of the network in a public-private partnership via the formation of an International Spaceport Authority (ISPA). This report highlights the improvements in technology and international cooperation that are necessary to develop a network that is able to satisfy the needs of its users. The approach includes engineering,
scientific, financial, legal, policy, and societal aspects.
Team OASIS intends to provide guidelines to make the development of space transportation via a spaceports logistics network feasible, and believes that this pioneering effort will
revolutionize space exploration, science and commerce, ultimately contributing to permanently expand humanity into space.

Towards the objective of mankind's push towards outer space, the paper explores possibilities and studies scenarios and criteria required for taking on this challenge. This paper firstly takes into account a set of buildings which occur... more

Towards the objective of mankind's push towards outer space, the paper explores possibilities and studies scenarios and criteria required for taking on this challenge.
This paper firstly takes into account a set of buildings which occur in current terrestrial scenarios and analysed “what” makes them such successful solutions to that harsh climate. The next step is an analysis of a design proposal: That proposed by NASA AMES Studies of 1976. Extrapolation of all factors considered in this design to a typical design of a lunar outpost. The final step concludes by consulting experts of the field, trying to find out the factors and considerations missed.
The entire process will culminate is an analytical study of the above-referred data, and will effectively be a Comprehensive study for the design of a functional, self-sufficient, comfortable and architecturally relevant Moon based settlement.

A world ship is a concept for manned interstellar flight. It is a huge, self-contained and self-sustained interstellar vehicle. It travels at a fraction of a per cent of the speed of light and needs several centuries to reach its target... more

A world ship is a concept for manned interstellar flight. It is a huge, self-contained and self-sustained interstellar vehicle. It travels at a fraction of a per cent of the speed of light and needs several centuries to reach its target star system. The wellknown world ship concept by Alan Bond and Anthony Martin was intended to show its principal feasibility. However, several important issues haven’t been addressed so far: the relationship between crew size and robustness of knowledge transfer, reliability, and alternative mission architectures. This paper addresses these gaps. Furthermore, it gives an update on target star system choice, and develops possible mission architectures. The derived conclusions are: a large population size leads to robust knowledge transfer and cultural adaptation. These processes can be improved by new technologies. World ship reliability depends on the availability of an automatic repair system, as in the case of the Daedalus probe. Star systems with habitable planets are probably farther away than systems with enough resources to construct space colonies. Therefore, missions to habitable planets have longer trip times and have a higher risk of mission failure. On the other hand, the risk of
constructing colonies is higher than to establish an initial settlement on a habitable planet. Mission architectures with precursor probes have the potential to significantly reduce trip and colonization risk without being significantly more costly than architectures without. In summary world ships remain an interesting concept, although they require a space colony-based civilization within our own solar system before becoming feasible.

While large-scale research and development initiatives are reshaping the future of aviation and space operations, avionics systems are becoming cyber-physical and progressively evolving into a variety of autonomous, intelligent and... more

While large-scale research and development initiatives are reshaping the future of aviation and space operations, avionics systems are becoming cyber-physical and progressively evolving into a variety of autonomous, intelligent and closed-loop human-machine systems. This article provides the IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS) Avionics Systems Panel (ASP) views on avionics systems evolutionary pathways, with an identification of key research challenges and industry-focused innovation opportunities. The ever-increasing density of air traffic and the rise of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are prompting a rapid evolution of Communication, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) and Avionics (CNS+A) technologies that will provide unprecedented enhancements in terms of safety and efficiency, thus unleashing additional airspace and airport capacity. Several of the underlying CNS technologies have already hit the market, while other more advanced capabilit...

The paper presents an overview of heat pipes, specially used in different space missions. Historical perspectives, principles of operations, types of heat pipes are discussed. Several factors have contributed to the present state of Art... more

The paper presents an overview of heat pipes, specially used in different space missions. Historical perspectives, principles of operations, types of heat pipes are discussed. Several factors have contributed to the present state of Art heat pipe science and technology leading to the development of loop heat pipes, micro and miniature heat pipes and micro loop heat pipes. The advancement of heat pipe for hypersonic cruise vehicles, loop heat pipes with higher conductance in 10K range, heat pipe switches for temperature control of the spacecraft electronics are highlighted.

Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), sensing and computing technologies have led to the development of new promising concepts for the safe and efficient operation of Distributed Space Systems (DSS) in near-Earth orbits. The... more

Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), sensing and computing technologies have led to the development of new promising concepts for the safe and efficient operation of Distributed Space Systems (DSS) in near-Earth orbits. The combined use of these technologies allows higher levels of autonomy in small satellite constellations or clusters, facilitating a more responsive and resilient approach to Space-Based Space Surveillance (SBSS), both in terms of data collection and data processing. This article presents an innovative DSS mission management approach exploiting multiple heterogeneous space platforms capable of autonomously calculating attitude and orbit raising manoeuvres to maximise mission efficiency and minimise the risk of collision with resident space objects. Furthermore, it addresses the development of reactive mission planning capabilities and lays foundations for introducing predictive system functionalities, by adopting heuristic multiple-direct-shooting trajectory optimisation algorithms based on the particle swarm technique. These functionalities provide DSS with higher levels of autonomy and support the introduction of new mission concepts while mitigating the threats of the space environment. The first verification case study addresses the problem of an orbit raising manoeuvre for debris collision avoidance, where the thrust activation and vectoring angle profiles are optimised to achieve the orbital semi-major axis increment which reduces the probability of collision to an acceptable level. An inversedynamic method is employed in the second case study, which addresses an optimal attitude reorientation problem for initial debris tracking. Typical attitude constraints and forbidden pointing zones are considered, highlighting the suitability and general applicability of the proposed DSS functionalities for the intended SBSS mission.

In recent years Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) have received an increased amount of interest as a target for human exploration. NEOs offer scientifically interesting targets, and at the same time function as a stepping stone for achieving... more

In recent years Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) have received an increased amount of interest as a target for human exploration. NEOs offer scientifically interesting targets, and at the same time function as a stepping stone for achieving future Mars missions. The aim of this research is to identify promising targets from the large number of known NEOs that qualify for a manned sample-return mission with a maximum duration of one year. By developing a baseline mission design and a mass estimation model, mission opportunities are evaluated based on on-orbit mass requirements, safety considerations, and the properties of the potential targets. A selection of promising NEOs is presented and the effects of mission requirements and restrictions are discussed. Regarding safety aspects, the use of free-return trajectories provides the lowest on-orbit mass, when compared to an alternative design that uses system redundancies to ensure return of the spacecraft to Earth. It is discovered that, although a number of targets are accessible within the analyzed time frame, no NEO offers both easy access and high incentive for its exploration. Under the discussed aspects a first human exploration mission going beyond the vicinity of Earth will require a trade off between targets that provide easy access and those that are of scientific interest. This lack of optimal mission opportunities can be seen in the small number of only 4 NEOs that meet all requirements for a sample-return mission and remain below a on-orbit mass of 500 metric Tons (mT). All of them require a mass between 315 and 492 mT. Even less ideal, smaller asteroids that are better accessible require an on-orbit mass that exceeds the launch capability of future heavy lift vehicles (HLV) such as SLS by at least 30 mT. These mass requirements show that additional efforts are necessary to increase the number of available targets and reduce on-orbit mass requirements through advanced mission architectures. The need for on-orbit assembly also becomes apparent, as availability of a HLV alone does not provide sufficient payload capabilities for any manned mission targeting NEOs.

This paper aims at providing a feedback on the ISL performances of several missions with CNES implication, among which the Rosetta and Philae mission, (ESA/DLR/CNES project) from the separation to the final lander transmission on the... more

This paper aims at providing a feedback on the ISL performances of several missions with CNES implication, among which the Rosetta and Philae mission, (ESA/DLR/CNES project) from the separation to the final lander transmission on the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet nucleus. CNES specified and procured the equipment and was responsible of the ISL operations during the cruise and after separation. This paper presents an analysis of the Rosetta/Philae mission events on the basis of the available ISL telemetry and compares the results to the reconstructed trajectory. Information like the Philae rotation speed during bouncing or multipath interferences due to the local environment can thus be deduced. This Rosetta-Philae ISL equipment was already used by NASA for the Impactor-Solar Orbiter link of the Deep Impact mission which explored the comet 9P/Tempel in 2005. In the same way, CNES is involved in the Mascot ISL procurement, part of the Hayabusa-2 mission (JAXA/DLR/CNES). Equipment characteristics and first in-orbit performances measurement will be also developed in this paper. Finally, this paper will describe the CNES/ESA S-band TT&C equipment development for nanosatellite, used as input to start the development of next generation miniaturized ISL transponder. This equipment will be provided with meter-class ranging accuracy and multiple access techniques for a network of at least four nodes, like one orbiter and three landers. This development will be described in the paper, including the architecture at system and equipment levels, the specific used algorithms and typical link budgets for the case of an asteroid exploration mission.

In this Thesis an overview on the state of the art of direct drive architecture for Hall Effect Thrusters (D2HET) is given. Direct and indirect advantages are examined in relation with different kinds of missions, and two parameters,... more

In this Thesis an overview on the state of the art of direct drive architecture for Hall Effect Thrusters (D2HET) is given.
Direct and indirect advantages are examined in relation with different kinds of missions, and two parameters, related to thruster duty cycle and thruster power fraction, are defined in order to assess a qualitative estimate.
As an experimental campaign is to be conducted on a 5 kW Hall Thruster in high thrust and high I sp regimes, a setup for the experiment is proposed and the D2HET system has been simulated in first approximation to assess its behaviour.
A photovoltaic plant has been designed in accordance with the experiment requirements, and a code has been developed to define the final architecture.
The simulation has been functional to the definition of the critical components used in the filter.

While it is well established that the first and critical pillar of an economically viable and reliable Planetary Defense architecture is timely detection, it is also clear that until such time observatories and networks with enough... more

While it is well established that the first and critical pillar of an economically viable and reliable Planetary Defense architecture is timely detection, it is also clear that until such time observatories and networks with enough capability and redundancies are fully functional, the threat of a small, low albedo short warning period “city killer” type impactor appearing along a terminal trajectory is still possible. This is also a reason the IAA/PDC group continues to build awareness and refine impactor exercises. In the United States, the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) is also fully aware that certain aspects of Planetary Defense may be still inadequate and that we need to be prepared for recovery options in the aftermath of such a natural disaster brought on by an extraterrestrial impactor.

Requirements are known as a key element in the success of a system and its development: they define what a system is expected to do; more generally, they establish the boundaries of the problem to be solved. During elicitation a... more

Requirements are known as a key element in the success of a system and its development: they define what a system is expected to do; more generally, they establish the boundaries of the problem to be solved. During elicitation a categorization template is usually employed in order to ensure completeness. The same categories are used during design in order to ease the understanding of the designers with respect to what needs to be achieved. In order to harmonize this process space agencies have standardized categorization models based on their heritage, being the ones developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) widely used. However, these categorization models present a major flaw: they do not fulfil the partition criterion. As a consequence, these categorization models facilitate the existence of overlapping requirements, which increases the necessary effort to manage and control requirements and increase the probability of inconsistent information. In addition, both models have been defined following a designer-perspective, i.e. requirements are organized according to design needs or attributes, and consequently they facilitate the elicitation of design-dependent requirements, which constraint (reduce) the solution space without satisfying new needs. The reduction in size of the solution space increases the difficulty to find better solutions and the time required to explore the solution space for a satisfactory solution. As a result, affordability is threatened. Would it be then possible to classify requirements differently so that they facilitate the elicitation of constraint-free specifications, thus promoting system affordability? The present research tests categorization models that fulfil the partition criterion as alternatives to traditional models and proves how they can support the elicitation of design-independent requirements for space systems and the identification of self-imposed constraints that do not support the satisfaction of new needs, or in other words, that maximize the solution space for a given amount of needs.

This paper describes a testable amendment to the general theory of relativity. The actual abstract contains two equations, so it cannot be properly displayed here per interface limitations. Download the paper to read the... more

This paper describes a testable amendment to the general theory of relativity. The actual abstract contains two equations, so it cannot be properly displayed here per interface limitations. Download the paper to read the abstract.

This paper describes the design of the International Space Station US Control Moment Gyroscope attitude hold control system and operational mode for use during contingency Orbiter Repair Maneuver operations. For this operation, the... more

This paper describes the design of the International Space Station US Control Moment
Gyroscope attitude hold control system and operational mode for use during contingency
Orbiter Repair Maneuver operations. For this operation, the attitude control system was
designed to maintain stable attitude control of the Station-Orbiter stack while the Shuttle
Remote Manipulator System performs the repositioning of the Orbiter. The operational
mode was designed to minimize Orbiter motion relative to the Station during attitude
maneuvers and rate damping. This paper first reviews the design issues, then presents the
design methodology, and concludes with flight data and simulation results, which verify the

An accurate forecast of flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) initiation requires precise measurements of the magnetic energy buildup and release in the active regions of the solar atmosphere. We designed a new space weather mission that... more

An accurate forecast of flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) initiation requires precise measurements of the magnetic energy buildup and release in the active regions of the solar atmosphere. We designed a new space weather mission that performs such measurements using new optical instruments based on the Hanle and Zeeman effects. The mission consists of two satellites, one orbiting the L1 Lagrangian point (Spacecraft Earth, SCE) and the second in heliocentric orbit at 1AU trailing the Earth by 80 (Spacecraft 80, SC80). Optical instruments measure the vector magnetic field in multiple layers of the solar atmosphere. The orbits of the spacecraft allow for a continuous imaging of nearly 73% of the total solar surface. In-situ plasma instruments detect solar wind conditions at 1AU and ahead of our planet. Earth-directed CMEs can be tracked using the stereoscopic view of the spacecraft and the strategic placement of the SC80 satellite. Forecasting of geoeffective space weather events is possible thanks to an accurate surveillance of the magnetic energy buildup in the Sun, an optical tracking through the interplanetary space, and in-situ measurements of the near-Earth environment.

Saturn has been a source of interest and fascination for centuries. Besides its rings, one of the most spectacular planetary features seen in the solar system, Saturn has several moons that present a potential habitable environment.... more

Saturn has been a source of interest and fascination for centuries. Besides its rings, one of the most spectacular planetary features seen in the solar system, Saturn has several moons that present a potential habitable environment. Some of these moons have liquid water or an impressive atmosphere worth studying in-depth. This particular interest in Saturn led to a mission conducted by the biggest interplanetary unmanned probe ever built: the Cassini-Huygens mission. Once inserted into Saturn’s orbit in 2004, the scientific instruments on board Cassini, particularly the Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS), have collected an impressive amount of data leading to many new scientific discoveries. The only other mission to ever study Saturn was Voyager. Equipped with the Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer and Radiometer (IRIS), considered a state of the art instrument in the seventies, Voyager was able to collect fascinating but insufficient data about Saturn. Cassini’s role was to perform an in-depth study based on the data collected by Voyager. This study is a comparison between the results of the two spectrometers, with the purpose to demonstrate that the Cassini spectrometer generated much more data and results than the Voyager spectrometer.