Special Education Teachers Research Papers (original) (raw)

Il tema della formazione degli insegnanti è al centro della riflessione pedagogica, visto il ruolo che la professionalità docente gioca, oggi più che mai, all’interno delle prospettive di promozione delle diversità e della partecipazione... more

Il tema della formazione degli insegnanti è al centro della riflessione pedagogica, visto il ruolo che la professionalità docente gioca, oggi più che mai, all’interno delle prospettive di promozione delle diversità e della partecipazione attiva di tutti e di ciascuno.
Prendendo le mosse da tali consapevolezze, il volume passa in rassegna le questioni fondamentali della formazione docente, in particolar modo dell’insegnante specializzato sul sostegno, per rifondare nuove coordinate per la co-costruzione di contesti di classe inclusivi.
Puntando sul binomio scuola-diversità quale valore primario in cui docenti di classe e di sostegno possono ritrovarsi, l’autore vuole puntare i riflettori su percorsi ricerca e di metariflessione in relazione ad alcune dimensioni della professionalità docente, da quelle più generali a quelle motivazionali e identitarie.
Il testo, in tal senso, presenta un questionario di ricerca volto ad indagare tali complesse dimensioni della professionalità docente per disegnare un ritratto fedele delle caratteristiche significative e di senso dei futuri insegnanti in formazione.
Nel complesso, il volume offre una prospettiva pedagogico-formativa che tiene conto della necessità di costruire Sistemi Formativi Integrati volti alla promozione di docenti inclusivi.

Jedním z nejdůležitějších principů inkluze a inkluzivního vzdělávání je poznání, že všichni žáci mají nějaké nadání, které může být přínosem pro ostatní. Příspěvek prezentuje dílčí výsledky výzkumného šetření realizovaného v rámci... more

Jedním z nejdůležitějších principů inkluze a inkluzivního vzdělávání je poznání, že všichni žáci mají nějaké nadání, které může být přínosem pro ostatní. Příspěvek prezentuje dílčí výsledky výzkumného šetření realizovaného v rámci projektu „Škola pro všechny: Inkluze jako cesta k efektivnímu vzdělávání všech žáků“. Projekt byl zaměřen na zvyšování otevřenosti škol v oblasti inkluze, přispěl ke zlepšování vzdělávací praxe formou zvyšování kompetencí škol v oblasti inkluzivního vzdělávání prostřednictvím metodické podpory pedagogických pracovníků při práci s heterogenní skupinou žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami a rozšířením školního poradenského pracoviště o nové pozice. Klíčová aktivita 4 „Podpora školních poradenských pracovišť“ byla orientována na problematiku poradenských pracovníků ve školách. Výzkumné šetření bylo realizováno na sedmi základních školách ve třech krajích České republiky.

• Student caseload can have a major impact on the workload of special education teachers (SET). • The number of students a SET has on his/her caseload determines the amount of time that the teacher spends completing paperwork and... more

• Student caseload can have a major impact on the workload of special education teachers (SET).
• The number of students a SET has on his/her caseload determines the amount of time that the teacher spends completing paperwork and attending various meetings, which can diminish actual instructional time.
• This descriptive study examined the policies for all fifty states to determine which states have specific policies or guidelines about special education caseloads and how those policies are similar or different.
• Specific policies about caseload were found for 20 states.
• Each varied widely, using different combinations of factors to determine caseload.

This study investigated special educational needs (SEN) teachers' (n = 29) assessment practices and the accuracy of their ratings of the students' (M age = 12.75 years, n = 55) skill levels in reading fluency and reading comprehension.... more

This study investigated special educational needs (SEN) teachers' (n = 29) assessment practices and the accuracy of their ratings of the students' (M age = 12.75 years, n = 55) skill levels in reading fluency and reading comprehension. Teachers rated their sixth grade students' fluency and comprehension on a three-point scale, and the students were also tested in group tests. Results showed that SEN teachers used several assessment practices simultaneously but mostly relied on observations. The correlations between the teacher ratings and the test scores were significant but moderate in fluency and weak in comprehension. Only two thirds of low-performing students having difficulties in fluency or comprehension were identified. Additionally, identification of students with typical reading comprehension was inaccurate.

This study uses the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to explore the factors that impact special education teachers’ acceptance and actual use of technology. TAM is used as the foundation for generating the hypothesis and developing the... more

This study uses the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to explore the factors that impact special education teachers’ acceptance and actual use of technology. TAM is used as the foundation for generating the hypothesis and developing the conceptual framework for the study. Twenty-four (n=24) special education teachers in a private school in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) participated in this study by answering an electronic questionnaire that included items related to Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Attitudes Towards Usage, Behavioural Intention to Use, Access to Technology, Job Relevance, Self-Efficacy, Time, and Actual Usage. Preliminary findings indicate that special education teachers have positive attitudes towards the use of technology. Self-efficacy, time and access to technology were found to significantly impact actual use of technology. The research results provide initial insights on special education teachers attitudes towards using technology in their practice as well as the factors that may facilitate or hinder their actual use. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.

En Cataluña, el alumnado con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) escolarizado en escuelas inclusivas recibe apoyo por parte del servicio de apoyo intensivo para la escolarización inclusiva (SIEI), bien en las aulas ordinarias, o bien en... more

En Cataluña, el alumnado con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) escolarizado en escuelas inclusivas recibe apoyo por parte
del servicio de apoyo intensivo para la escolarización inclusiva (SIEI), bien en las aulas ordinarias, o bien en un aula específica.
No obstante, para los maestros supone un reto acoger al alumnado con TEA, pues se deben desarrollar numerosas estrategias
metodológicas: utilizar una apertura y un cierre claros, dar ejemplos, utilizar un lenguaje concreto, presentar la información de
manera oral con apoyo visual, propiciar actividades de interés y anticipar, por citar algunas. Dada su gran variedad, el objetivo del
estudio es identificar qué estrategias metodológicas se usan con los alumnos con TEA en el aula regular, y si difieren de las usadas en
el aula SIEI. Se desarrolló un estudio cualitativo y descriptivo a partir de la observación en las aulas y entrevistas con una muestra
de dos escuelas de educación primaria. Los resultados muestran que ambas escuelas utilizan múltiples estrategias, aunque algunas
no se contemplan, por ejemplo, la generalización. Además, cuando hay un aula SIEI, se tiende a situar al alumno con TEA fuera del
aula regular, donde el maestro de apoyo mantiene el rol de tutor. En cambio, dentro del aula regular, el maestro de apoyo destina
su tiempo al alumno con TEA de bajo funcionamiento; mientras que los alumnos con TEA de alto funcionamiento reciben apoyo
por parte de los iguales. Finalmente, se observa la necesidad de desarrollar programas formativos para todo el profesorado para
fomentar una mayor inclusión.

This book purposefully connects practice to research, and vice versa, through the use of deeply personal stories in the form of autoethnographic memoirs. In this collection, twenty contributors share selected tales of teaching students... more

This book purposefully connects practice to research, and vice versa, through the use of deeply personal stories in the form of autoethnographic memoirs. In this collection, twenty contributors share selected tales of teaching students with dis/abilities in K-12 settings across the USA, including tentative triumphs, frustrating failures, and a deep desire to understand the dynamics of teaching and learning.The authors also share an early awareness of significant dissonance between academic knowledge taught to them in teacher education programs and their own experiential knowledge in schools. Coming to question established practices within the field of special education in relation to the children they taught, each author grew increasingly critical of deficit-models of disability that emphasized commonplace practices of physical and social exclusion, dysfunction and disorders, repetitive remediation and punitive punishments. The authors describe how their interactions with children and youth, parents, and administrators, in the context of their classrooms and schools, influenced a shift away from the limiting discourse of special education and toward becoming critical special educators and/or engaging with disability studies as a way to reclaim, reframe, and reimagine disability as a natural part of human diversity. Furthermore, the authors document how these early experiences in the everydayness of schooling helped ground them as teachers and later, teacher educators, who galvanized their research trajectories around studying issues of access and equality throughout educational structures and systems, while developing new theoretical models within Disability Studies in Education, aimed to impact practices and policies.

their needs, wants and feelings. These nonverbal behaviours are involuntary or reflexive responses to the sensations the individual is experiencing internally (e.g. experiencing pain, hunger or thirst) and/or in response to what is... more

their needs, wants and feelings. These nonverbal behaviours are involuntary or reflexive responses to the sensations the individual is experiencing internally (e.g. experiencing pain, hunger or thirst) and/or in response to what is happening externally in their environment (e.g. hearing a loud bang, suddenly being moved or touched). The individual is dependent on the communication partner (i.e. parent, teacher, peer) to recognise, interpret and respond to their behaviour. Over time, by consistently responding to the individual's behaviour, the individual may realise that performing a particular behaviour can affect communication partners and their environment. Additionally, to help the individual understand what is happening in the environment, they are dependent on the communication partner to use of a predictable and a consistent approach when interacting with them (Ware 2016). There are a number of factors that can block, distort or interfere with the individual's ability to participate equally in the two-way communication process as a sender or receiver of a message. Some of the factors include: • Responsiveness factor-As mentioned previously, the individual's communication behaviours are often subtle, nonconventional and inconsistent. This can often result in the communication partner having difficulty with recognising, interpreting the meaning of the behaviour and responding to those behaviours consistently. Consequently, it can lead to the individual feeling that they cannot change or influence the environment. This can lead to 'learned helplessness' (Guess, Benson, & Siegel-Causey, 1985). Learned helplessness results in a progressive reduction or cessation in attempts to engage with objects and people. In addition, the individual may develop

The number of young children with developmental disabilities seems to be escalating in Singapore. This is accompanied by a corresponding increase in the number of early intervention centers to cater to the learning and educational needs... more

The number of young children with developmental disabilities seems to be escalating in Singapore. This is accompanied by a corresponding increase in the number of early intervention centers to cater to the learning and educational needs of these children with special educational needs. Early intervention is crucial in the early years of a child’s developmental stages as it can minimize the effects of young children who are at-risk or diagnosed with developmental disabilities, thereby enhancing the potential for independence in adulthood. While there has been an abundance of published studies in early intervention, most of them are done in the Western and European countries. Research in early intervention for young children with special educational needs is scarce in Singapore. With the increased prevalence and awareness of young children with special needs, attention is very much warranted in early intervention. Hence, this paper provides an overview of early intervention, its service delivery models, importance, and finally the benefits so that parents whose child with special needs can gain a better understanding of early intervention.

Individuals with special needs require support in acquiring various academic and social skills and mathematical skills are one of the most important skills in which individuals with special needs need to acquire in order to maintain their... more

Individuals with special needs require support in acquiring various academic and social skills and mathematical skills are one of the most important skills in which individuals with special needs need to acquire in order to maintain their daily lives. Current approaches in education emphasize the importance of integrating technology into special education classrooms in order to increase achievement and facilitate learning and various technological tools are used in teaching mathematics to individuals with special needs. Therefore, special education teachers need to be competent in using technology in teaching mathematics and aim of this study is to determine the views and recommendations of special education teachers on technology use in teaching mathematics to students with special needs. Qualitative research method was used in the study. A total number of 15 special education teachers working at special education institutions in North Cyprus participated in the study. A semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers was used to collect the data. Data of the study were analyzed using content analysis method through constituting themes based on the answers of special education teachers. According to the results, special education teachers think that they are competent in using technology in teaching mathematics. Results are provided and discussed with reference to relevant literature. Finally, implications for special education practices and recommendations for further research are also presented.

İsviçreli psikolog Jean Piaget'nin hayatına kısa bir bakışın ardından çalışmaları olan genetik epistemoloji, bilişsel gelişim kuramı ve ahlak gelişimi teorilerine değinilmiştir. Eserleri üzerine herhangi bir yorum yapılmadan sadece... more

İsviçreli psikolog Jean Piaget'nin hayatına kısa bir bakışın ardından çalışmaları olan genetik epistemoloji, bilişsel gelişim kuramı ve ahlak gelişimi teorilerine değinilmiştir. Eserleri üzerine herhangi bir yorum yapılmadan sadece isimleri aktarılmıştır.

My Virtual Assistant Information System (MAVIS) served as a virtual assistant in special education. It includes basic lesson such as alphabet, numbers, animals, reading and a dictionary that enables teachers and student in a special... more

My Virtual Assistant Information System (MAVIS) served as a virtual assistant in special education. It includes basic lesson such as alphabet, numbers, animals, reading and a dictionary that enables teachers and student in a special education class sustains learning. Games and Videos are additional features of the system which caters supplementary tool in learning and bridges the gap between the traditional and modern learning. The system is created for the innovative learning schemes for Special Education Services which aim to have an innovative learning facility that could easily sustain the attention of a child and make learning fun and easy. The system (1) act as a Teacher Assistant in giving lessons mandated by teachers, (2) help teachers in providing educations, (3) catch students curiosity in learning. Based on the evaluation results the system evaluated rated 4.58 with a descriptive meaning of Excellent.

Η συγκεκριμένη εργασία στόχο έχει να διερευνήσει με ποιους τρόπους και για ποιους λόγους οι εκπαιδευτικοί γενικής και ειδικής εκπαίδευσης παρεμβαίνουν στις συγκρούσεις των συνομηλίκων με ή δίχως αναπηρία κατά τη διάρκεια των διαλειμμάτων.... more

Η συγκεκριμένη εργασία στόχο έχει να διερευνήσει με ποιους τρόπους και για ποιους λόγους οι εκπαιδευτικοί γενικής και ειδικής εκπαίδευσης παρεμβαίνουν στις συγκρούσεις των συνομηλίκων με ή δίχως αναπηρία κατά τη διάρκεια των διαλειμμάτων. Το θεωρητικό
πλαίσιο αξιοποιεί τη βιβλιογραφία για τις κοινωνικές σχέσεις των μαθητών, την κουλτούρα των συνομηλίκων και την κοινωνική επάρκεια των μαθητών με ειδικές εκπαιδευτικές ανάγκες. Στην έρευνα συμμετείχαν 38 εκπαιδευτικοί δημοτικών σχολείων οι οποίοι κλήθηκαν να απαντήσουν σε ένα ερωτηματολόγιο με κλειστού και ανοιχτού τύπου ερωτήματα. Τα δεδομένα αναλύθηκαν με τη χρήση του στατιστικού προγράμματος Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι όταν οι εκπαιδευτικοί παρεμβαίνουν στις διαφωνίες των συνομηλίκων, κατευθύνουν τους μαθητές να επιλύσουν τη σύγκρουση με τη βοήθειά τους χωρίς να τους ζητήσουν να λύσουν μόνοι τους τη διαφωνία, όπως θα έπρεπε να συμβαίνει. Τις περισσότερες φορές παρεμβαίνουν κατά τη διάρκεια μιας σύγκρουσης αφού έχει εκδηλωθεί σωματική ή/και λεκτική βία,
χωρίς να το έχουν ζητήσουν οι μαθητές. Στόχοι της παρέμβασής τους είναι να διακοπεί η σύγκρουση, να λυθεί η διαφωνία και να βελτιωθούν οι σχέσεις των μαθητών. Οι εκπαιδευτικοί θεωρούν ότι η παρέμβασή τους συνήθως λύνει άμεσα την αιτία που προκαλεί τη σύγκρουση, παρόλα αυτά φαίνεται ότι δεν προβληματίζονται ιδιαίτερα για τον τρόπο που παρεμβαίνουν στις διαφωνίες των μαθητών, αφού oμολογούν ότι σε ένα παρόμοιο περιστατικό στο μέλλον θα παρενέβαιναν με τον ίδιο τρόπο. Τέλος, από τους εκπαιδευτικούς διαφεύγουν περιστατικά συγκρούσεων στα οποία εμπλέκονται μαθητές με αναπηρία, διότι συχνά τα παιδιά αυτά εξαιτίας της δυσμενούς κοινωνικής τους θέσης και της χαμηλής κοινωνικής τους επάρκειας εκδηλώνουν απόσυρση από μια σύγκρουση, με συνέπεια αυτή να διακόπτεται σύντομα πριν την εκδήλωση σωματικής βίας και ο εκπαιδευτικός να μην προλάβει καν να την αντιληφθεί.
Λέξεις κλειδιά: συγκρούσεις, παρεμβάσεις εκπαιδευτικών, κουλτούρα συνομηλίκων, κοινωνική επάρκεια, μαθητές με ειδικές εκπαιδευτικές ανάγκες
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the ways in which and for what reasons general and special education teachers intervene in peer conflicts with or without disability during breaks at school. The theoretical framework utilizes the literature on students' social relationships, peer culture and social competence of students with special educational needs. The research involved 38 primary school teachers who were asked to answer a questionnaire with closed and open-ended questions. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The results showed that when teachers
intervene in peer conflicts, they direct students to resolve these with their help without asking them to resolve the disagreement on their own, as it should be done. Most often they intervene during a conflict after physical and/or verbal violence has occurred, without the students asking for it. The goals of their interventions are to stop the conflict, to resolve the disagreement and to improve the students' relations. Teachers believe that their interventions immediately solve the cause of the conflict. However, they do not seem to be particularly concerned about how they intervene in students' disagreements, as they admit
that in a similar incident in the future they would intervene in the same way. Finally, teachers ignore conflicts involving students with disabilities. It happens because these children, due to their unfavorable social status and low social competence, often withdraw from a conflict. As a result of it, conflict is stopped soon before the onset of physical violence and the teacher does not even manage to notice it.
Key words: conflicts, teacher interventions, peer culture, social competence, students with special educational needs

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U radu analiziramo primenu osnovnih, komplementarnih i suportivnih postupaka u proceni, edukaciji i u terapijsko-rehabilitacionim tretmanima sa učenicima u ustanovama za obrazovanje i vaspitanje, sa kojima se ostvaruje poseban oblik... more

U radu analiziramo primenu osnovnih, komplementarnih i suportivnih postupaka u proceni, edukaciji i u terapijsko-rehabilitacionim tretmanima sa učenicima u ustanovama za obrazovanje i vaspitanje, sa kojima se ostvaruje poseban oblik vaspitno-obrazovnog defektološkog rada, a to je korektivni tj. preventivno-korektivni rad. Analiza je izvršena na osnovu rezultata istraživanja primene osnovnih, komplementarnih i suportivnih postupaka u preventivno-korektivnom radu koji individualno sprovode defektolozi. Istraživanje je sprovedeno kvalitativnim anketiranjem, anonimno, tokom januara 2015. godine, na uzorku od 37 defektologa, članova Društva defektologa Vojvodine. U istraživanju je korišćen anketni upitnik kreiran za ove potrebe, koji je ispitanicima distribuiran elektronskom poštom. Korišćenje osnovnih, komplementarnih i suportivnih postupaka u proceni sposobnosti učenika iskazalo je 89,19% ispitanika, dok u svakodnevnom radu (edukativnom, terapijskom, rehabilitacionom) takve postupke koristi 91,89% ispitanika. Iako istraživanje pokazuje da u svom radu defektolozi češće koriste osnovne defektološke dijagnostičke, edukativne i terapijsko-rehabilitacione postupke od komplementarnih i suportivnih postupaka, oni se još uvek ne koriste u dovoljnoj meri u defektološkom korektivnomradu u vaspitno-obrazovnim ustanovama. S druge strane, s obzirom na široko indikaciono područje za primenu komplementarnih i suportivnih postupaka, primetna je njihova niska zastupljenost u korektivnom radu defektologa.
Ključne reči: korektivni rad, defektolog, komplementarni postupak, suportivni postupak, obrazovanje i vaspitanje, tretman

Deaf students have different abilities from students who have the ability to hear a lesson at school. Barriers to hear experienced by students with hearing impairment can affect the language, academic, and social skills of deaf students.... more

Deaf students have different abilities from students who have the ability to hear a lesson at school. Barriers to hear experienced by students with hearing impairment can affect the language, academic, and social skills of deaf students. Deaf students can still obtain information from other senses that are still functioning, such as the senses of sight, touch, taste and smell or of residual hearing that still exist. In the world of education, one way to overcome this obstacle is by making multimedia based learning materials which consider the principles of learning for learners with hearing impairment; a series of development of the elements of audio, visual, and digital technology to facilitate the learning activities of deaf students so that the passion, quality, and achievement of deaf students can be improved.

This study aims to: (1) describe the implementation of science teaching deaf children in class XI, and (2) describe and analyze the use of visual media in science teaching deaf children in class XI. This study used a qualitative... more

This study aims to: (1) describe the implementation of science teaching deaf children in class XI, and (2) describe and analyze the use of visual media in science teaching deaf children in class XI. This study used a qualitative descriptive method. Source of research data are teachers, students and principals. The technique of collecting data used was interviews, documentation and observation. SLB research sites in Sukoharjo district, which includes SLB ABCD YSD Polokarto, SLB Hamongputro Jombor B-C, B-C SLB YPALB Langenharjo and SLB ABC Tawangsari. The data were analyzed through data reduction, data display and draw conclusions. Conclusions are presented in the form of narrative text form field notes. The results showed that (1) the implementation of science teaching deaf children in class XI SLB Sukoharjo still using conventional methods with students to make a note of the material presented (2) the use of visual media in science teaching deaf children in class XI SLB Sukoharjo regency is still minimal because it only uses media images and text books provided in the school.

Children with mild mental disability have limitations to their intelligence and competency. It affects their capability in doing activity of daily living (ADL). Therefore, then, they depend on others and feel difficult to be independent... more

Children with mild mental disability have limitations to their intelligence and competency. It affects their capability in doing activity of daily living (ADL). Therefore, then, they depend on others and feel difficult to be independent individuals. Self-development learning is given to solve it. Where self-development learning in school, followed by professional teachers in their specific fields and using relevant strategy, method, and guidelines, is expected that children are able to do their activity of daily living independently, minimally for their simplest and personal activity of daily living. On the other hand, at least, they only rather need help from others. Therefore, then, the children do not depend on others and they can live independently.

In this study, the purpose was to examine Kuwaiti special education teachers’ attitudes toward autistic students in the Autism School in Kuwait. This research study is divided into two parts: Introduction (the problem statement, the... more

In this study, the purpose was to examine Kuwaiti special education teachers’ attitudes toward autistic students in the Autism School in Kuwait. This research study is divided into two parts: Introduction (the problem statement, the purpose statement, the research questions, definition of terms), and Procedures (using a case study in research, the role of the researcher, data collection procedures, methods for verification, outcome of the study and relation to theory and the literature). The researcher analyzed data from interviews of two special education teachers who work in the Autism School in Kuwait.

National policy mandates have placed greater accountability on districts and schools to improve the outcomes of every student, including students with disabilities. Teacher evaluation systems that accurately identify effective teachers... more

National policy mandates have placed greater accountability on districts and schools to improve the outcomes of every student, including students with disabilities. Teacher evaluation systems
that accurately identify effective teachers and their impact on student learning have resulted in
the widespread design and implementation of new teacher evaluation systems. Nevertheless, limited exploration related to the evaluation of special education teachers exists. Using a
qualitative, multi-case study research design, we sought to gain insight into the perceptions and experiences of special education teachers and administrators to better understand (a) the
relationship between teacher evaluation and teacher effectiveness; (b) the ways in which
educators approach the challenges of applying teacher evaluation systems for special education teachers; and (c) the ways in which teacher evaluation processes support the professional
growth and development of special education teachers. The challenges involved in evaluating special education teachers with a uniform teacher evaluation protocol instrument are presented.
The need to be able to accurately appraise special education teachers within an inclusive
classroom setting, apply criteria from the observation protocol to special education students, and lack of appraisers’ knowledge of the roles and expertise of special education teachers were
identified. Recommendations for improvement are provided.

The present study intends to inspire special education teachers to envision ways in which to use evidence-based metacognitivist instructional strategies with a higher effect size than 0.4 in inclusive education schools. These... more

The present study intends to inspire special education teachers to envision ways in which to use evidence-based metacognitivist instructional strategies with a higher effect size than 0.4 in inclusive education schools. These evidence-based instructional strategies included: study skills, concept mapping, and reciprocal teaching. Recommendations are presented to address intensive professional development and workshops for special education teachers.

This recent study has aimed at identifying the special educational services available in Jordan governorate during the period between 2015 and 2016. The study involved data collection related to the services available in 294 special... more

This recent study has aimed at identifying the special educational services available in Jordan governorate during the period between 2015 and 2016. The study involved data collection related to the services available in 294 special education centers in all Jordan governorates which are divided in 14 provinces areas. To achieve the purpose of this study a special tool was built by the researcher and a group of experts in order to judge the answer of individuals from different specialized areas in the field of special education in Jordan Kingdom. Data were obtained from the web site of the Higher Council for Individual with Disabilities in Jordan (HCD, 2016); also, a group of students in my college had interviewed the principals of these special education institutions. Data were analysized by using SPSS (Version 21). Results indicated that some severe physical therapy is present in all governorates but speech and language therapy is not available in Al tafeelah governorate. However support service and integration is present in all governorates except Madaba governorate. Finally, the study confirms that there is a shortage in special education in most of the Jordanian governorates. Furthermore, this type of service is needed to be studied in details. This study is not enough. The type of all program included in the service should be yet explored and evaluated. Results indicated that there was significant correlation between disability and the service available in Balqa, Amman which means that the services provided meet the needs of the disability of Population (P<0.05). Also, results indicate that there was correlation between governorate and institutionalization. Though, Amman governorate provides the highest level of institutionalization services. And there was marginal significant correlation between the governorate and the early intervention services (p = 0.058). Also, there was significant correlation between governorate and physiotherapy services. Though, Amman has the highest indicators. Support service was significant in Amman, Irbid, Zarqa, Mafraq, Balqa. In general, there was a significant correlation between service provided by special education centers and the type of disability.

This is a chronicle of a remedial programme implemented to address the learning problems of children with communication disorder in a location in Lagos State. The report presents the history of educational programme of the community,and... more

This is a chronicle of a remedial programme implemented to address the learning problems of children with communication disorder in a location in Lagos State. The report presents the history of educational programme of the community,and the nature of the intervention which includes the policy framework with which the intervention was packaged, the staffing involved, parental involvement, the integration of the programme into the regular school and the curriculum of the programme. The report also provided information on the success recorded in the programme and suggestions for its sustenance

Psychologists, therapists and other professionals that are concerned in the wellbeing of all creation are in the business of promoting and maintaining good health. The paper titled “Management of Autistic Children’’ discussed how Autistic... more

Psychologists, therapists and other professionals that are concerned in the wellbeing of all creation are in the business of promoting and maintaining good health. The paper titled “Management of Autistic Children’’ discussed how Autistic individuals and their parents can be helped with the emotional and psychological problems they are passing through. The paper highlighted the concept of Autism, its obvious characteristics in communication, social development and repetitive behaviour. Furthermore, it discussed how best to improve the management of Autistic individuals. The roles of parents and guidance Counsellors in the management of Autistic Children were highlighted. It was recommended that there should be testing of Autistic individuals to ascertain the particular learning style he/she is best suited for. Individual counseling of parents of the affected ones would also be of great help and encouragement to them.

This study aims to determine effects of the use of Cooperative Integrated Reading And Composition (CIRC) methods to enhance reading comprehension ability of visually impaired students in the 3 rd grade of SLB A YKAB Surakarta. This... more

This study aims to determine effects of the use of Cooperative Integrated Reading And Composition (CIRC) methods to enhance reading comprehension ability of visually impaired students in the 3 rd grade of SLB A YKAB Surakarta. This research used experiment method with one group posttest pretest design. The subject is given treatment in the form of the application CIRC method in reading comprehension learning for four sessions, with duration for 60 minutes for each session. The effectiveness of CIRC method will be proved by the differences of the test result between pretest and posttest of reading comprehension. The population in this research are 5 visually impaired students in the 3 rd grade of SLB A YKAB Surakarta. The entire population was also sampled simultaneously. The data collection technique is test by using short answer question. The data was analyzed using a statistical analysis nonparametric Wilcoxon signed rank test through SPSS program version 20. Based on statistical analysis, the mean score of the posttet is higher than the mean score of pretest, namely 81,316 for posttest and 68,656 for pretest. Non-parametrik statistical analysis also indicated that score of Z =-2,032 and P = 0,042. Thus, the hypothesis CIRC method was effective to improve reading comprehension ability of visually impaired students in the 3 rd grade of SLB A YKAB Surakarta can be accepted. It can be concluded that CIRC method has positive effect on reading comprehension ability of visually impaired students in the 3 rd grade of SD SLB A YKAB Surakarta.

The purpose of this study was to examine the opinions of in-service and pre-service special education teachers on the undergraduate special education programs, field competencies, and their own professional competence. Participants’... more

The purpose of this study was to examine the opinions of in-service and pre-service special education
teachers on the undergraduate special education programs, field competencies, and their
own professional competence. Participants’ suggestions for improving undergraduate special
education programs and in-service training programs including topics they need for their own
professional development were also obtained. The study designed as a survey model included 107
special education teachers and 160 seniors in the undergraduate special education programs of 4
different universities. The data were gathered using an information form and the Special Education
Teacher Program Field Competencies Scale which were developed by the researchers. Results
showed that the teachers who graduated from an undergraduate special education program perceived
themselves and their teaching education more sufficient than both subject matter teachers
and teachers with a special education teaching certificate. Teaching academic skills, classroom
management, teaching speech, and language skills and autism were the topics on which the majority
of participants found themselves inadequate and requested in-service training. Extending
the duration of the practicum, spreading it over the whole duration of the program, and making
the courses more field-oriented were the most frequently suggested changes by the participants
to be made in the undergraduate special education programs. Based on the results of the study,
implications for practice were discussed.

The fact that there are children with hearing impairment have difficulties such as limitations in the ability to hear, but also have the potential for hearing impaired children need to be optimized, one of which is the ability to hear. To... more

The fact that there are children with hearing impairment have difficulties such as limitations in the ability to hear, but also have the potential for hearing impaired children need to be optimized, one of which is the ability to hear. To improve listening skills can be done in various ways, including methods to play a role. Hearing loss deaf children often regarded as an obstacle in the development of listening, but with the help of treatment that can be done early, then the chances are it can be minimized. Through role playing can be used to improve hearing deaf children. Research into the subject disturbed deaf children in aspects of articulation, intonation and rhythm of harmony SLB Negeri Surakarta. Overall samples taken graders VI amounted to 6 students. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence played a role in enhancing the ability of deaf children in classes VI SLB Negeri Surakarta. Research using designs or design a class action research using two cycles. Technical analysis of the data used descriptive statistical analysis techniques formula qualitative score. The analysis showed a positive improvement in the ability of deaf children to hear through role play. This is indicated by positive and significant improvement in listening skills in aspects of articulation, intonation and rhythm through playing the role of class VI SLB Negeri Surakarta.

Globally, people with disabilities are among the poorest. Traditional development programs often fail to meet their needs for instance, by building new schools that are not accessible and in relation to resource provision, both human and... more

Globally, people with disabilities are among the poorest. Traditional development programs often fail to meet their needs for instance, by building new schools that are not accessible and in relation to resource provision, both human and material (UNESCO, 1993). The visual system can be justly considered as the dominant sensory modality in humans. Almost half the brain is devoted to sight, and about 70% of the total capacity of the brain devoted to processing sensory information is devoted to handling visual information. Studies of visual perception have revealed that there tends to be an antinational bias towards the visual modality (Shams, 2000). Less well known, perhaps, is that where there is conflict between visual inputs and other sensory inputs, either the overall perception is determined by vision, or else the nature of the perception in the other conflicting modality is modified by the visual information, rather than vice versa (Shore, et al., 2000).

RESUMO: a ocorrência do burnout em professores pode afetar também suas práticas educativas, seu repertório de habilidades sociais e o comportamento de alunos. Na literatura tais variáveis são abordadas de forma independente, o que... more

RESUMO: a ocorrência do burnout em professores pode afetar também suas práticas educativas, seu repertório de habilidades sociais e o comportamento de alunos. Na literatura tais variáveis são abordadas de forma independente, o que dificulta sua compreensão. Este estudo teve como objetivos correlacionar e predizer as variáveis: condições de trabalho do professor, indicadores de burnout, práticas educativas do professor e o repertório de habilidades sociais e de problemas de comportamento dos alunos. Participaram 94 professores do ensino regular de um curso de aperfeiçoamento (EAD), com turmas com a inserção de alunos com deficiência e/ou salas de recursos multifuncionais. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados: 1) Questionário sobre a percepção dos professores sobre o trabalho docente, 2) Maslach Burnout Inventory – MBI, 3) Questionário de Habilidades Sociais Educativas para Professores e 4) Inventário de Comportamentos Pró-sociais. Os dados foram analisados com estatística descritiva (média e desvio padrão), correlação (Teste Spearman) e análises de regressão lineares. Os resultados indicaram que as práticas negativas influenciam o nível de burnout dos professores, o qual, por sua vez, é influenciado pelas condições de trabalho, interferindo na saúde emocional do professor. Conclui-se para a importância de múltiplas medidas para avaliar trabalho e saúde do professor, bem como da necessidade de intervenções que favoreçam melhores condições de trabalho e práticas educativas. ABSTRACT: The occurrence of burnout in teachers can also affect their educational practices, their repertoire of social skills and the behavior of students. In the literature, such variables are approached independently of each other, which makes it difficult to glean a full understanding of the issue. This study aimed to correlate and predict these variables: teacher working conditions, burnout indicators, educational practices of teachers, student repertoire of social skills and behavior. Ninety four regular education teachers, responsible for classes with students with disabilities or resource classroom who attended an improvement course participated in this study. Data was collected by applying: 1) a Questionnaire about teacher perceptions of the teaching profession; 2) the Maslach Burnout Inventory – MBI; 3) a Questionnaire of Educational Social Skills for Teachers; and 4) a Pro-social Behavior Inventory. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation), correlation (Spearman test) and linear regression analysis. Results indicated that negative practices influence the level of burnout of teachers, which, in turn, is influenced by working conditions, affecting the emotional health of teachers. The conclusion pointed to the importance of multiple measures to assess work and health of teachers, as well as the need for intervention promoting better working conditions and educational practices.

Children with mild mental disability have limitations to their intelligence and competency. It affects their capability in doing activity of daily living (ADL). Therefore, then, they depend on others and feel difficult to be independent... more

Children with mild mental disability have limitations to their intelligence and competency. It affects their capability in doing activity of daily living (ADL). Therefore, then, they depend on others and feel difficult to be independent individuals. Self-development learning is given to solve it. Where self-development learning in school, followed by professional teachers in their specific fields and using relevant strategy, method, and guidelines, is expected that children are able to do their activity of daily living independently, minimally for their simplest and personal activity of daily living. On the other hand, at least, they only rather need help from others. Therefore, then, the children do not depend on others and they can live independently.

Hearing-impaired individual experiences a great obstacle in their hearing system. One characteristic of hearing-impaired people is regarding the inability to receive the information verbally. Thus, the information which comes to them... more

Hearing-impaired individual experiences a great obstacle in their hearing system. One characteristic of hearing-impaired people is regarding the inability to receive the information verbally. Thus, the information which comes to them should be transferred to the front of them. In addition, hearing-impaired people tend to receive the information through visual, tactile, a kinaesthetic approach. This study aims at examining the improvement of reading ability of hearing-impaired students using multimedia learning. This study employed single subject research approach using multielement-design. The subject of this study was five hearing-impaired students. This study was conducted in 19 meetings and consisted of baseline and intervention stages, by imposing 100 vocabularies. The results of this study showed that (1) the use of three-dimensional learning media improves the reading ability of the subject. (2) The use of two-dimensional learning media improves the reading ability of the subject. (3) The use of word guessing animation improves the reading ability of the subject. (4) The use of multimedia learning in the form of artificial and original object, three-dimensional media, and word cards and word guessing animation improves the reading ability of the five subject tested.

One important aspect of Bahasa Indonesia teaching in elementary role is reading, especially read aloud. Bahasa Indonesia learning geared to improve the ability of learners to communicate in Bahasa Indonesia properly, whether oral or... more

One important aspect of Bahasa Indonesia teaching in elementary role is reading, especially read aloud. Bahasa Indonesia learning geared to improve the ability of learners to communicate in Bahasa Indonesia properly, whether oral or written, create appreciation of human literacy in Indonesia. Indonesian language learning according to the author's experiences during this time by verbal learning, students just listen to teachers lecturing from day to day and it make students bore. This situation can be resolved by creating fun and friendly teaching and learning activities. Teachers, in delivering the material, can use word card. The delivery of learning, especially in Bahasa Indonesia needs strategy to increase the ability of the 2nd grade students especially in read aloud a simple sentence. This strategy can be done through observation of concrete objects, using simple examples in real life, using simple language, conducted in interesting and fun situations, so that children are motivated and not easily bored. With the application of such methods, it is expected to improve the ability to read aloud of 2nd grade students in SDN Pajang 1 No. 93. The researchers used a qualitative approach of classroom action research type. The result of this study shows an increase in the ability to read aloud by average score of 68.6 with 100% pass. The result of the evaluation of Cycle II shows the study achievement study until 100%. It is proven that the method of word card in loud reading is suitable to enhance reading skills of 2nd grade students at SDN Pajang 1 No. 93 Surakarta.

This case study analyzed a special education (SE) teacher's activity within his workplace community and external professional network in a Finnish special education context. The nature of the SE teacher's networks and his networking role... more

This case study analyzed a special education (SE) teacher's activity within his workplace community and external professional network in a Finnish special education context. The nature of the SE teacher's networks and his networking role were examined using an interview and a questionnaire, completed by the teachers working in the community investigated; the methods of social network analysis (SNA) were employed. In addition, the SE teacher's social embeddedness to his new workplace community was investigated, using event sampling and three interviews. The data were analyzed by qualitative content analysis. The results indicated that the principal participant utilized an SE-related multi-professional network and had very significant roles both as a knowledge source and collaborator. The results also revealed various challenges and obstacles related to his professional portrait, the new workplace and his position within the teacher community. It was concluded that this SE teacher may be characterized as a networked expert, who appears to work at boundary zones between school communities and the outside world, and to rely on hybridized expertise. The study also presents an innovative methodology that can facilitate researchers' collection of data from SE teachers' professional communities and complex environments. (Contains 1 table and 4 figures.)

Numerous children are exposed to traumatic events early in life, referred to as early childhood trauma. The adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) study documented several events that can have lasting negative health and life outcomes for... more

Numerous children are exposed to traumatic events early in life, referred to as early childhood trauma. The adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) study documented several events that can have lasting negative health and life outcomes for children; these events, broadly defined, include various forms of abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction. Whereas school-based outcomes were initially solely concerned with academics, schools have increasingly begun to recognize the importance of dealing with the whole child. Effectively supporting children includes addressing mental health concerns and helping children to cope with trauma. Children also experience various historical and systemic traumas, including racism and oppression, poverty, and economic insecurity, among many others. The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated these traumas and has disproportionately affected historically marginalized groups. An effective trauma-informed approach requires teacher participation. Yet, there is little research on teachers' perspectives on helping children who have experienced trauma, including historical and systemic traumas. Through a qualitative case study design, this study explored how educators perceive their role in helping to address historical and systemic traumas in the elementary school classroom. The findings of this case study indicated that there is a lack of role-clarity between general education and special education teachers as to addressing students' trauma; the pandemic has exacerbated trauma and mental health concerns among students and disproportionately impacted marginalized groups; addressing historical and systemic traumas is an evolving process that will require continued efforts to engage and hold accountable educators who are less receptive to anti-racism and other equity-focused training.

Η συγκεκριμένη εργασία σκόπο της έχει να διερευνήσει τις απόψεις των εν ενεργεία εκπαιδευτικών ειδικής εκπαίδευσης για τον ρόλο του υλικού στη διδασκαλία των Μαθηματικών και των Φυσικών Επιστημών. Για τη διερεύνηση του εξεταζόμενου... more

Η συγκεκριμένη εργασία σκόπο της έχει να διερευνήσει τις απόψεις των εν ενεργεία εκπαιδευτικών ειδικής εκπαίδευσης για τον ρόλο του υλικού στη διδασκαλία των Μαθηματικών και των Φυσικών Επιστημών. Για τη διερεύνηση του εξεταζόμενου θέματος χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ερωτηματολόγια, τα δεδομένα των οποίων αναλύθηκαν με το στατιστικό πρόγραμμα Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Από τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας διαπιστώθηκε ότι οι εκπαιδευτικοί ειδικής εκπαίδευσης είχαν θετική στάση ως προς την ένταξη υλικών που εμπλέκονται στη διδασκαλία και των δύο επιστημονικών πεδίων. Ωστόσο, αν και γνώριζαν τον ρόλο του υλικού στη μαθηματική εκπαίδευση και ήταν σε θέση να προτείνουν δραστηριότητες εντός πλαισίου με εξειδικευμένα υλικά, δεν φάνηκε να συμβαίνει το ίδιο και για τη διδασκαλία των Φυσικών Επιστημών.
Λέξεις Κλειδιά: απόψεις, διδασκαλία Μαθηματικών, διδασκαλία Φυσικών Επιστημών, εκπαιδευτικό υλικό, εκπαιδευτικοί ειδικής εκπαίδευσης
The purpose of this study is to explore the views of in-service special education teachers about the role of educational material involved in Mathematics and Science Education. Questionnaires were used to collect the answers. The data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The outcomes showed that special education teachers had a positive attitude towards the inclusion of materials. However, although they acknowledged the important role of educational material in Mathematics and were able to propose contexted activities with specialized materials, that did not happen for Science Education teaching too.
KeyWords: views, Mathematics, Science Education, educational material,
special education teachers

This study was conducted to explore the learning of special needs students in reading and writing; determine their preferred teaching approaches; and obtain their suggestions to improve the teaching of both reading and writing modules.... more

This study was conducted to explore the learning of special needs students in reading and writing; determine their preferred teaching approaches; and obtain their suggestions to improve the teaching of both reading and writing modules. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted in obtaining pertinent information. Results regarding what the learners learned; and the best approach for teaching English revealed interesting insights which could guide special needs teachers. Suggestions which aimed at improving English teaching were also provided.

Bireyselleştirilmiş Eğitim Programları (BEP) özel öğretim alanında öğretmenlere yol göstermesi açısından önemli bir araçtır. Bu araştırmanın amacı, sınıf içi uygulamalarda özel eğitim öğretmenlerinin BEP ile ilgili karşılaştıkları... more

Bireyselleştirilmiş Eğitim Programları (BEP) özel öğretim alanında öğretmenlere yol göstermesi açısından önemli bir araçtır. Bu araştırmanın amacı, sınıf içi uygulamalarda özel eğitim öğretmenlerinin BEP ile ilgili karşılaştıkları sorunları belirlemek ve çözüm önerileri sunmaktır. Bu araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntem olarak belirlenmiştir. Öğretmen görüşlerini belirlemek için veri toplama aracı olarak yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu kullanılmıştır. Görüşme formu altı sorudan oluşturulmuştur ve görüşme 15 öğretmen ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veri analizinde içerik analizi ve betimsel analiz teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan öğretmenlerin çoğunluğu BEP'i hazırlama ve geliştirme aşamalarında bilgilerinin yetersiz olduğunu, BEP kullanımının gerekli olduğunu belirtmişlerdir. Öğretmenlere BEP hazırlama konusunda hizmet içi eğitim verilmesi önerilebilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bireyselleştirilmiş eğitim, özel eğitim

This study aims at evaluating the status quo of using ICT among special education teachers in Amman- Jordan schools. The study describes the extent to which ICT has been made available to teachers and stuendts, and obstacles that hinder... more

This study aims at evaluating the status quo of using ICT among special education teachers in Amman- Jordan schools. The study describes the extent to which ICT has been made available
to teachers and stuendts, and obstacles that hinder their use. A questionnaire was developed and sent to 137 teachers who participated in the study. 97 questionnaires were returned, representing 70% of the total population. Results indicated that availability of tools and devices was limited. Educational programs available in resource rooms were Word Processor, PowerPoint, graphic related programs, and educational games. Difficulty in accessing the internet, lack of educational programs for students with special needs, and lack of educational devices were the obstacles encountered by special education teachers. On comparing use of ICT by special education teachers in public and private schools, private schools made significantly greater use. Results showed significant differences among special education teachers based on their educational qualifications. Teachers with Doctorate or Master degrees used ICT more often than teachers holding Bachelor degrees.

This study assessed tutor training on the use of adaptive technology in the instruction of Visually Impaired (VI) student teachers in primary Teachers Training Colleges (TTCs) in Kenya. The study was based on the diffusion of innovation... more

This study assessed tutor training on the use of adaptive technology in the instruction of Visually Impaired (VI) student teachers in primary Teachers Training Colleges (TTCs) in Kenya. The study was based on the diffusion of innovation theory by Rogers which gives a basis for adoption of innovations in institutions and other settings. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The study population included administrators, tutors and Visually Impaired (VI) student teachers in three primary teacher training colleges which admit student teachers with visual impairment in Kenya. Purposive sampling technique was used to select three deans of curriculum in the colleges while simple random sampling method was used to select nine Heads of Departments (HOD’s) and 93 tutors making a sample of 105 respondents. The instruments used for data collection were questionnaires and interview schedules. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages were used to analyse the data. The findings of this study revealed that tutor training on the integration of adaptive technology for VI student teachers in primary TTC’s was wanting since tutors’ expertise in the integration of adaptive technology was insufficient or totally lacking. This study recommended in-service training of tutors on the use of adaptive technology devices especially on the use of braille and preparation of tactile diagrams so as to effectively teach VI student teachers in primary TTCs. In addition, the college administration should fully support the use of adaptive technology for VI student teachers and the tutors should be exposed to ways of integrating adaptive technology during the instruction of VI student teachers. The findings of this study are of importance in policy development and implementation on integration of technology in the instructional process for learners with special needs and specifically for those with visual impairments in Kenya and other parts of the world.

One of the most pressing issues that most countries, including Malaysia and Singapore, are facing today is meeting the needs of their children with special needs. Teachers in mainstream schools (as well as special schools) have seen more... more

One of the most pressing issues that most countries, including Malaysia and Singapore, are facing today is meeting the needs of their children with special needs. Teachers in mainstream schools (as well as special schools) have seen more and more children with special needs in their regular classroom settings and these children are unable to cope with the regular curriculum. Families with children with special needs are also desperate for help from the schools their children are attending as they are unable to cope with them at home. As the community begins to see more and more children with special needs in their midst, there is now a conscious awareness of the need to provide adequate services and appropriate resources to support these children. In this paper, the authors have attempted to raise this issue by exploring and questioning what kind of support teachers, family and community can provide in terms of services and resources for children with special needs, if there is, indeed, such a support available.

The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of self-directed learning by using group worksheet in science subjects for hearing impaired students. This is a quantitative research. Method used in this research is... more

The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of self-directed learning by using group worksheet in science subjects for hearing impaired students. This is a quantitative research. Method used in this research is pre-experimental method and its design is one group pretest-posttest design. This design uses one or a group of subject that is given pretest before treatment and it is given posttest after treatment. Subject used in this research is 4 hearing impaired students in SLB B YRTRW Surakarta. Data is collected by using simple essay test. Data analysis technique used is Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test and it is processed by using SPSS version 22. Result of this research shows that mean of self-directed learning by using group worksheet after treatment is 78.75. It is higher than result of pretest, namely 43.75. Based on the data analysis, the value of Z is-2.000bwith Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) is 0.046 on significance level (α) is 0.05 or 5%. It can be concluded that there is positive effect on the implementation of self-directed learning by using group worksheet in science subjects for hearing impaired students in SLB-B YRTRW Surakarta.

The aim of this research is to identify the influence of leather puppet picture on the improvement of retelling story ability of 7th grade mental retardation students in SLB C Setya Darma Surakarta. All 7th grade students in SLB C Setya... more

The aim of this research is to identify the influence of leather puppet picture on the improvement of retelling story ability of 7th grade mental retardation students in SLB C Setya Darma Surakarta. All 7th grade students in SLB C Setya Darma Surakarta are used as the population and sample for this research. This research is a kind of experimental research with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Technique of collecting data is conducted by using oral test as the way to collect the students' ability of retelling story. To analyze the data, Statistical Quantitative non Parametric is used as the technique. This technique is also called Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test, which is given a Z symbol. Wilcoxon test is used to test 2 variables, items: before treatment and after treatment, with 0.05 significance level. The result of this research proves that the using of leather puppet picture are effect for the improvement of retelling story ability of 7th grade mental retarded students in SLB C Setya Darma Surakarta 2016/2017.

The Education Quarterly Reviews is an Open Access publication. It may be read, copied, and distributed free of charge according to the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. The Asian Institute of... more

The Education Quarterly Reviews is an Open Access publication. It may be read, copied, and distributed free of charge according to the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. The Asian Institute of Research Education Quarterly Reviews is a peer-reviewed International Journal. The journal covers scholarly articles in the fields of education, linguistics, literature, educational theory, research, and methodologies, curriculum, elementary and secondary education, higher education, foreign language education, teaching and learning, teacher education, education of special groups, and other fields of study related to education. As the journal is Open Access, it ensures high visibility and the increase of citations for all research articles published. The Education Quarterly Reviews aims to facilitate scholarly work on recent theoretical and practical aspects of Education.

The purpose of this study was to examine the opinions of in-service and pre-service special education teachers on the undergraduate special education programs, field competencies, and their own professional competence. Participants’... more

The purpose of this study was to examine the opinions of in-service and pre-service special education
teachers on the undergraduate special education programs, field competencies, and their
own professional competence. Participants’ suggestions for improving undergraduate special
education programs and in-service training programs including topics they need for their own
professional development were also obtained. The study designed as a survey model included 107
special education teachers and 160 seniors in the undergraduate special education programs of 4
different universities. The data were gathered using an information form and the Special Education
Teacher Program Field Competencies Scale which were developed by the researchers. Results
showed that the teachers who graduated from an undergraduate special education program perceived
themselves and their teaching education more sufficient than both subject matter teachers
and teachers with a special education teaching certificate. Teaching academic skills, classroom
management, teaching speech, and language skills and autism were the topics on which the majority
of participants found themselves inadequate and requested in-service training. Extending
the duration of the practicum, spreading it over the whole duration of the program, and making
the courses more field-oriented were the most frequently suggested changes by the participants
to be made in the undergraduate special education programs. Based on the results of the study,
implications for practice were discussed.