Sports Ethics Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The Body-machine from Michael Phelps to Oscar Pistorius discusses in retrospection the utilitarian view about the body that should be productive. From a utilitarian perspective, the body is not personal belonging but is separated from the... more

The Body-machine from Michael Phelps to Oscar Pistorius discusses in retrospection the utilitarian view about the body that should be productive. From a utilitarian perspective, the body is not personal belonging but is separated from the human and transformed into a working machine. This view about the body raises many ethical problems especially for people that are not so productive such as handicapped people. Evidence for this can be found in professional sport. This process is essential for athletes. In the early 20 th century the athlete's body-machine was produced for the needs of professional sport. Those new athletic body-machines have become very important because they produced symbolic capital for their countries. The products, achievements, and especially the Olympic medals of athletes fulfill the nationalist agenda which, in Europe, was especially influential in that period. Athletes' achievements from international sport competitions produce symbolic capital in a similar way to archeological artifacts or the works of " national " writers. The gold medal and the world record can stimulate national dignity and consolidate people from a certain community. Top athletes are very famous and can become decision makers. However, very often this symbolic capital serves the purposes of state propaganda. Such examples are provided in this paper. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the inhumane practice of using athletes as gold producing machines rather than letting them develop fully their human potential.

In the Christian religious tradition, theological virtues of faith, hope and love have a central role. Along with the cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance they present the whole of the good human life. While... more

In the Christian religious tradition, theological virtues of faith, hope and love have a central role. Along with the cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance they present the whole of the good human life. While cardinal virtues can be cultivated by human will, faith, hope and love are given by God and therefore open 'natural' human life on Earth toward transcendent spiritual realities. Human beings as bio-psycho-social and spiritual beings incorporate theological virtues in all the activities of their life. In sport, faith, hope and love have an important, though often neglected, role. On a practical level faith can be recognized in any relation between athlete and coach. To trust one's coach, without any guarantee that the outcome of prescribed workouts will lead to the desired results, needs strong faith, trust and confidence. Moreover, faith is the virtue that makes sport so attractive also for spectators even to the point of being a 'secular' religion for the masses. Hope is the virtue of 'not yet' or of something 'being on its way'. For most athletes, daily workouts are not a goal, but just the means to that end. Any reason for doing sports needs a hope behind it in order to move or will oneself to action. Along with hope, understood as a golden mean, we find despair on the one hand and 'false hope' on the other. Both are corruptions of hope seen daily in the world of sport. To manage hope in sport practices correctly offers a path to success in sport at all levels. Love is at the apex of the theological virtues. There are many formulations of love both in ancient Greek and Roman times: eros, agape, caritas, amor. Each has its special characteristic meaning also in sport. In sport we can see laughter and tears because any love is connected with highest human joy and deepest depression. Yet, in summation, it is argued that love in sport must be understood as the binding force and source of cooperation and fulfilled life for any athlete qua human being.

Vprašanje človeške narave in športa.

Purpose: This paper examined ethic and institutionalization of code of professional practice in the Kano State School sports system. These codes of ethics include commitment to athletes, player, public, profession, employment practice and... more

Purpose: This paper examined ethic and institutionalization of code of professional practice in the Kano State School sports system. These codes of ethics include commitment to athletes, player, public, profession, employment practice and services that embodied personal integrity, dignity and mutual respect. Methods: Three [3] research questions were formulated, answered and tested at 0.05 level of Significance. The Sample comprised of 5 School Sports professionals management practitioners selected from secondary schools of Kano, from the total population of 105 through stratified Sampling technique. The instrument used in the research was the Self-Assessment Questionnaire [SAQ] developed by the researcher, data collected were analysed using rank ordered correlation. Results: The findings revealed the need for school sport management professionals to understand the different functions of codes and distinguished between the three types of codes namely, code of ethics, conduct, practi...

This chapter outlines the Love Fighting Hate Violence (LFHV) project: an anti-violence initiative aimed at inspiring reflection and generating pedagogical interventions within martial arts and combat sports. The goal of LFHV is to... more

This chapter outlines the Love Fighting Hate Violence (LFHV) project: an anti-violence initiative aimed at inspiring reflection and generating pedagogical interventions within martial arts and combat sports. The goal of LFHV is to harness the potential of these activities for educating people about violence, specifically with respect to understanding the principles of consent and violation. The chapter provides a theoretical overview of the project’s core philosophy by way of an interactionist reading of fights as social encounters. It then turns to discussing some of the practical materials already developed for use within LFHV. These draw on the aforementioned theory, as well as a values-based teaching methodology, to frame the potential contribution that this project can make to anti-violence education.

Tra i sintomi più preoccupanti che ci fanno temere per lo stato di salute dello sport c’è il diffondersi del doping amatoriale. Fenomeno che cresce di pari passo con quella che è stata definita «la cultura della pillola», ovvero l’idea... more

Tra i sintomi più preoccupanti che ci fanno temere per lo stato di salute dello sport c’è il diffondersi del doping amatoriale. Fenomeno che cresce di pari passo con quella che è stata definita «la cultura della pillola», ovvero l’idea che ogni forma di fragilità o di vulnerabilità , possa essere superata grazie ai progressi della tecnica farmaceutica. Da questo punto di vista il diffondersi del doping tra gli amatori deve essere colto come il sintomo di un malessere più profondo, che riguarda l’incapacità dell’uomo di far pace con i propri limiti, nella persuasione, errata, che una vita realmente felice possa darsi solo grazie al superamento di ogni limite e alla rimozione di ogni forma di fragilità.
Una volta che la «vita riuscita» è divenuta sinonimo di «vita perfetta» – efficiente e competitiva – tutti gli elementi difettivi della condizione umana appaiono esclusivamente come ostacoli lungo la via della piena realizzazione di sé. Non ci si deve sforzare di scorgere un senso o un valore nelle nostre fragilità; esse sono solo mali che, come tali, possono o essere subiti o essere rimossi.

Adapting Bernard Suits' account of game-play, we can show that, in games, competition can be converted into cooperation. Suits says that to play a game is to voluntarily take up unnecessary obstacles for the sake of overcoming them. Thus,... more

Adapting Bernard Suits' account of game-play, we can show that, in games, competition can be converted into cooperation. Suits says that to play a game is to voluntarily take up unnecessary obstacles for the sake of overcoming them. Thus, in games, we can become each others' desired obstacles. Others in the philosophy of sport have argued for such cooperation, but typically but the weight of conversion on player consent or player intention. I argue for a more distributed model of conversion, in which player consent, proper match-ups of player temperament and skill, features of game-design, and psychological fit of players with game design all contribute to the conversion process. As a result, conversion isn't guaranteed, even when all players have consented. Finally, I use the conversion model to argue against the popular view in philosophy of sports that the purpose of sport is the display or development of excellence; instead, the social function of converting competition into cooperation is just as plausible an account of the purpose of sport.

In a year in which Chris Hoy cemented his place as an Olympic icon, Bradley Wiggins made history on the roads of France and Andy Murray became a Grand Slam champion, the sports story which perhaps had greatest impact beyond the back pages... more

In a year in which Chris Hoy cemented his place as an Olympic icon, Bradley Wiggins made history on the roads of France and Andy Murray became a Grand Slam champion, the sports story which perhaps had greatest impact beyond the back pages was Lance Armstrong’s unseemly fall from seven-time Tour de France champion to serial drugs cheat....

El reciente partido amistoso disputado en Johannesburgo por la selección nacional española contra Sudáfrica como homenaje por el Campeonato del Mundo obtenido en 2010 ha generado una interesante controversia acerca del fair play en el... more

El reciente partido amistoso disputado en Johannesburgo por la selección nacional española contra Sudáfrica como homenaje por el Campeonato del Mundo obtenido en 2010 ha generado una interesante controversia acerca del fair play en el deporte y más en concreto en el fútbol, en el que incluso la redacción de esta revista se ha pronunciado. En cualquier caso, este episodio es una ocasión propicia no solo para discutir estas anómalas circunstancias sino también para plantearse el sentido que tiene una noción central al deporte y si fue correctamente aplicada por el seleccionador español y el árbitro del partido: la expresión fair play. Y es que a ella recurrió aludió Vicente del Bosque para justificar su petición al árbitro de permitir el séptimo cambio.
Para ello plantearé tres sentidos de fair play y analizaré a partir de ellos la decisión del árbitro (y la iniciativa de Del Bosque) para concluir que fue una remisión errónea en el caso concreto.

Mixed martial arts (MMA), as a combat sport, is frequently criticized both within the academic literature and society more generally; dismissed as barbaric and inhumane. This stands in stark contrast with the booming popularity of the... more

Mixed martial arts (MMA), as a combat sport, is frequently criticized both within the academic literature and society more generally; dismissed as barbaric and inhumane. This stands in stark contrast with the booming popularity of the sport, not only among men but also increasingly women (see Weaving 2014). MMA is not new, however, with roots that stretch back far into Ancient Greece and China (see Stenius 2013; Acevedo and Cheung 2010). Indeed, Plato himself is said to have practiced martial arts in his youth, which is what earned him the name Plato, meaning 'broad-shouldered'. 1 He, along with Socrates and other Greek philosophers, repeatedly emphasized the need for physical education, even for those who should eventually occupy the role of philosophers within society. 2 Despite this, however, MMA has received almost no contemporary philosophical attention; a glaring omission in the literature that is being remedied in this volume. What little has been written typically depicts MMA as an activity that is inherently wrong (Dixon 2015) or at least problematic (Weimer 2017; Kershnar and Kelly 2020). Contrary to these foregoing analyses, we argue that MMA is not only permissible, but an intrinsically praiseworthy and virtuous endeavor, one that is required to fully develop one's moral character. We thus argue for a return to the Hellenic recognition of an intimate connection between body and mind that is closer to the first school of thought that MacDonald (2012) so elegantly described:

Lo sport è una scuola di vita che ha bisogno di volontà e con- sapevolezza, impegno e determinazione; può rappresentare una preziosa agenzia educativa al servizio del bene comune, ma non è affatto scontato che lo sia davvero. Troppo... more

Lo sport è una scuola di vita che ha bisogno di volontà e con- sapevolezza, impegno e determinazione; può rappresentare una preziosa agenzia educativa al servizio del bene comune, ma non è affatto scontato che lo sia davvero. Troppo spesso la pratica sportiva è associata all’idolatria della vittoria e del successo: come non perdere il senso umano del gioco? Quali virtù coltivare per crescere adulti nello sport e nella vita?

The NCAA’s purported philosophical justifications for its ‘‘Collegiate Model of Athletics’’ are embedded within its seven stated ‘‘Core Values’’ and ‘‘Principles’’, which are based on a distribution principle of strict, or radical,... more

The NCAA’s purported philosophical justifications
for its ‘‘Collegiate Model of Athletics’’ are
embedded within its seven stated ‘‘Core Values’’ and
‘‘Principles’’, which are based on a distribution principle of
strict, or radical, equality in which it is believed societal
benefit or the ‘‘greater good’’ is achieved if universities can
lawfully conspire to compensate all athletes at the same
level. From this theoretical perspective, the authors scrutinize
two ethical frameworks most often asserted by the
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) to justify
exploitation of profit-athletes in the revenue-generating
sports of Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) football and
Division I men’s basketball: Classical Utilitarianism and
Paternalism. From an analysis of several court rulings over
the past 40 years involving challenges to the NCAA’s
‘‘amateurism’’ principles, the authors found, in rulings
favoring the NCAA, the judges implicitly supported their
decisions utilizing the NCAA’s utilitarian and paternalistic
justifications for its Collegiate Model of Athletics. They
recommend courts should balance considerations of utilitarianism
and paternalism against normative principles of
honesty, harm, autonomy, justice, and an adult individual’s
fundamental right to maximize economic value and selfworth
free of conspiratorial restraints.

Purpose: This paper examined ethic and institutionalization of code of professional practice in the Kano State School sports system. These codes of ethics include commitment to athletes, player, public, profession, employment practice and... more

Purpose: This paper examined ethic and institutionalization of code of professional practice in the Kano State School sports system. These codes of ethics include commitment to athletes, player, public, profession, employment practice and services that embodied personal integrity, dignity and mutual respect. Methods: Three [3] research questions were formulated, answered and tested at 0.05 level of Significance. The Sample comprised of 35 School Sports professionals’ management practitioners selected from secondary schools of Kano, from the total population of 105 through stratified Sampling technique. The instrument used in the research was the Self-Assessment Questionnaire [SAQ] developed by the researcher, data collected were analysed using rank ordered correlation. Results: The findings revealed the need for school sport management professionals’ to understand the different functions of codes and distinguished between the three types of codes namely, code of ethics, conduct, pra...

The learner's guide reflects the tendencies of modernization of educational space and the adoption of the Third Generation Federal State Education Standard of the Higher Professional Education. The system concept of the youth healthy life... more

The learner's guide reflects the tendencies of modernization of educational space and the adoption of the Third Generation Federal State Education Standard of the Higher Professional Education.
The system concept of the youth healthy life style presupposes the necessity of its adequate value and meaning orientation, the substantial analysis of such aspects, as the regime of life-sustaining activity, food hygiene, pernicious habits prevention, and motion activity. Considerable attention has been given to health-improving physical training. Techniques, exercises, forms of trainings are under consideration. Various kinds of physical training, innovative technologies of health-improvement, training analysis with special medical group are presented. To gain a better perception of the material it is illustrated by tables and drawings. Theoretical aspects are combined with practical recommendations, fragments of scientific researches. The learner's guide will be useful for teachers of physical training, instructors, students, and also for everybody who wants to be healthy.
Учебное пособие отражает тенденции модернизации образовательного пространства, перехода к ФГОС ВПО третьего поколения. Системный взгляд на здоровый образ жизни молодежи предполагает необходимость ее адекватной ценностно-смысловой ориентации, содержательного анализа таких аспектов, как режим жизнедеятельности, гигиена питания, профилактика вредных привычек, двигательная активность. Большое внимание уделяется оздоровительной физической культуре. Рассматриваются методики, упражнения, формы организации занятий. Представлены разнообразные виды физической культуры, инновационные технологии оздоровления, особенности работы со специальной медицинской группой. Для лучшего восприятия материал иллюстрирован таблицами и рисунками. Теоретические аспекты сочетаются с практическими рекомендациями, фрагментами научных исследований. Учебное пособие будет полезно преподавателям физической культуры, инструкторам, студентам, а также всем, кто хочет быть здоровым.

Mixed martial arts (MMA) is frequently criticized as barbaric and inhumane. This stands in stark contrast with the booming popularity of the sport. What little has been written depicts MMA as something inherently wrong (Dixon 2015) or at... more

Mixed martial arts (MMA) is frequently criticized as barbaric and inhumane. This stands in stark contrast with the booming popularity of the sport. What little has been written depicts MMA as something inherently wrong (Dixon 2015) or at best merely permissible (Weimer 2017; Kershnar and Kelly 2019). Contrary to these foregoing analyses, this chapter argues that MMA is not only permissible, but a morally praiseworthy and virtuous endeavour in virtue of developing moral character and recognizing the intimate connection between body and mind.

This theme issue has the founding ambition of landscaping Data Ethics as a new branch of ethics that studies and evaluates moral problems related to data (including generation, recording, curation, processing, dissemination, sharing, and... more

This theme issue has the founding ambition of landscaping Data Ethics as a new branch of ethics that studies and evaluates moral problems related to data (including generation, recording, curation, processing, dissemination, sharing, and use), algorithms (including AI, artificial agents, machine learning, and robots), and corresponding practices (including responsible innovation, programming, hacking, and professional codes), in order to formulate and support morally good solutions (e.g. right conducts or right values). Data Ethics builds on the foundation provided by Computer and Information Ethics but, at the same time, it refines the approach endorsed so far in this research field, by shifting the Level of Abstraction of ethical enquiries, from being information-centric to being data-centric. This shift brings into focus the different moral dimensions of all kinds of data, even the data that never translate directly into information but can be used to support actions or generate behaviours, for example. It highlights the need for ethical analyses to concentrate on the content and nature of computational operations—the interactions among hardware, software, and data—rather than on the variety of digital technologies that enables them. And it emphasises the complexity of the ethical challenges posed by Data Science. Because of such complexity, Data Ethics should be developed from the start as a macroethics, that is, as an overall framework that avoids narrow, ad hoc approaches and addresses the ethical impact and implications of Data Science and its applications within a consistent, holistic, and inclusive framework. Only as a macroethics Data Ethics will provide the solutions that can maximise the value of Data Science for our societies, for all of us, and for our environments.

Le sfide che vanno al di là dell’umanamente possibile sono diventate il pane quotidiano degli sportivi che cercano in tutti i modi di superare i limiti imposti dalla natura e dalla scienza. Ma quali sono questi limiti? Siamo in grado di... more

Le sfide che vanno al di là dell’umanamente possibile sono diventate il pane quotidiano degli sportivi che cercano in tutti i modi di superare i limiti imposti dalla natura e dalla scienza. Ma quali sono questi limiti? Siamo in grado di riconoscerli? E se li riconosciamo, siamo in grado di capire quando è giusto fermarsi?

Since approval of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2016, it has been widely and repeatedly claimed that a 'right to explanation' of decisions made by automated or artificially intelligent algorithmic systems will be... more

Since approval of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2016, it has been widely and repeatedly claimed that a 'right to explanation' of decisions made by automated or artificially intelligent algorithmic systems will be legally mandated by the GDPR. This right to explanation is viewed as an ideal mechanism to enhance the accountability and transparency of automated decision-making. However, there are several reasons to doubt both the legal existence and the feasibility of such a right. In contrast to the right to explanation of specific automated decisions claimed elsewhere, the GDPR only mandates that data subjects receive limited information (Articles 13-15) about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of automated decision-making systems, what we term a 'right to be informed'. Further, the ambiguity and limited scope of the 'right not to be subject to automated decision-making' contained in Article 22 (from which the alleged 'right to explanation' stems) raises questions over the protection actually afforded to data subjects. These problems show that the GDPR lacks precise language as well as explicit and well-defined rights and safeguards against automated decision-making, and therefore runs the risk of being toothless. We propose a number of legislative steps that, if taken, may improve the transparency and accountability of automated decision-making when the GDPR comes into force in 2018.

lla pratica sportiva: fatica, impegno, coraggio, agonismo, amicizia, lealtà, sfida personale; ma anche imbroglio, doping, egoismo, narcisismo. Come un equilibrista, sempre esposto al rischio della caduta, l’atleta deve infatti dimostrarsi... more

lla pratica sportiva: fatica, impegno, coraggio, agonismo, amicizia, lealtà, sfida personale; ma anche imbroglio, doping, egoismo, narcisismo. Come un equilibrista, sempre esposto al rischio della caduta, l’atleta deve infatti dimostrarsi capace di contemperare i molti valori che rendono gustosa la pratica sportiva, senza lasciarsi tentare da ricette troppo semplici.

Este artículo defiende que las narraciones míticas griegas deben tener un papel importante en la enseñanza de la filosofía del olimpismo. Se mostrará, primero, que el olimpismo, como ideología, surgió de los mitos y como mito en sí mismo.... more

Este artículo defiende que las narraciones míticas griegas deben tener un papel
importante en la enseñanza de la filosofía del olimpismo. Se mostrará, primero, que el
olimpismo, como ideología, surgió de los mitos y como mito en sí mismo. Para ello,
ofreceremos un análisis del concepto de mito centrándonos en su dimensión existencial.
Segundo, mostraremos que el deporte actual aún se asienta en las narraciones míticas
griegas ya que está fundado en ciertos valores que ya se encontraban en los mitos antiguos.
Con ello, se mostrará la relevancia que tienen las narraciones míticas para la enseñanza de
la filosofía del olimpismo.

Lo sport rappresenta un potente veicolo formativo, capace di incidere sugli stili di vita e sulle modalità di pensiero delle persone. Affinché la lezione dello sport sia realmente positiva, è però necessario che tale ruolo educativo sia... more

Lo sport rappresenta un potente veicolo formativo, capace di incidere sugli stili di vita e sulle modalità di pensiero delle persone. Affinché la lezione dello sport sia realmente positiva, è però necessario che tale ruolo educativo sia riconosciuto e incoraggiato. Se ciò non avviene, la pratica sportiva continua a veicolare valori, ma corre il serio rischio di favorire il diffondersi di quelli negativi. Vincere diventa così l’unica cosa che conta e questo apre la strada a tutta una serie di pratiche e comportamenti palesemente antisportivi, doping in primis. Il volume, dedicato al rapporto tra sport, valori e inclusione sociale, vuole contribuire alla promozione di una rinnovata cultura sportiva. A tal fine si propone di mettere al servizio di associazioni, scuole e istituzioni sportive le competenze necessarie a fare della pratica sportiva una reale occasione di crescita umana e civile.

Este libro pretende ser una pequeña introducción a los principales autores y corrientes que podemos encontrar dentro del ámbito de la ética del deporte. En un momento del texto afirmo que “es la introducción que nunca tuve en castellano”... more

Este libro pretende ser una pequeña introducción a los principales autores y corrientes que podemos encontrar dentro del ámbito de la ética del deporte. En un momento del texto afirmo que “es la introducción que nunca tuve en castellano” cuando yo me inicié en este terreno.He de aclarar que no se trata de un texto centrado en el contenido concreto de la ética del deporte –dopaje, comercialización, mejoramiento genético, cuestiones de sexo e identidad– sino en las diversas metodologías que han tratado de desarrollar una visión ética de dicho fenómeno. Para contrarrestar la predominancia de lo filosófico-metodológico sobre lo deportivo he tratado de elaborar dos análisis filosóficos de casos concretos, titulados "El espíritu del deporte: Rafael Nadal, Zinedine Zidane y Michael Jordan" y "Guardiola y Mourinho:la excelencia y la victoria". El papel del intelectual en nuestro tiempo no es el del arquitecto o el capitán de barco que indica al resto cómo se deben hacer las cosas o hacia dónde hemos de ir, sino que debe tratarse de una voz más que trata de enriquecer y mejorar los debates públicos sobre las cuestiones que nos preocupan. Este libro es un intento de generar un debate así

A common refrain in and outside academia is that prominent sports figures ought to engage more in the public discourse about political issues. This idea parallels the idea that athletes ought to be role models in general. This paper first... more

A common refrain in and outside academia is that prominent sports figures ought to engage more in the public discourse about political issues. This idea parallels the idea that athletes ought to be role models in general. This paper first examines and critiques the " athlete as role model " argument and then applies this critique to the " athlete as political activist " argument. Appealing to the empirical political psychological literature, the paper sketches an argument that athlete activism might actually do more harm than good.

The European Medical Information Framework (EMIF) project, funded through the IMI programme (Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking under Grant Agreement No. 115372), has designed and implemented a federated platform to connect... more

The European Medical Information Framework (EMIF) project, funded through the IMI programme (Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking under Grant Agreement No. 115372), has designed and implemented a federated platform to connect health data from a variety of sources across Europe, to facilitate large scale clinical and life sciences research. It enables approved users to analyse securely multiple, diverse, data via a single portal, thereby mediating research opportunities across a large quantity of research data. EMIF developed a code of practice (ECoP) to ensure the privacy protection of data subjects, protect the interests of data sharing parties, comply with legislation and various organisational policies on data protection, uphold best practices in the protection of personal privacy and information governance, and eventually promote these best practices more widely. EMIF convened an Ethics Advisory Board (EAB), to provide feedback on its approach, platform, and the EcoP. The most important challenges the ECoP team faced were: how to define, control and monitor the purposes (kinds of research) for which fed-erated health data are used; the kinds of organisation that should be permitted to conduct permitted research; and how to monitor this. This manuscript explores those issues, offering the combined insights of the EAB and EMIF core ECoP team. For some issues, a consensus on how to approach them is proposed. For other issues, a singular approach may be premature but the challenges are summarised to help the community to debate the topic further. Arguably, the issues and their analyses have application beyond EMIF, to many research infrastructures connected to health data sources.

Love Fighting Hate Violence is a campaign aiming to raise awareness of the important moral difference between sport-based combat, and violence. It seeks to encourage practitioners and fans of martial arts and combat sports to reflect on... more

In our information societies, we increasingly delegate tasks and decisions to automated systems, devices and agents that mediate human relationships, by taking decisions and acting on the basis of algorithms. Their increased intelligence,... more

In our information societies, we increasingly delegate tasks and decisions to automated systems, devices and agents that mediate human relationships, by taking decisions and acting on the basis of algorithms. Their increased intelligence, autonomous behavior and connectivity are changing crucially the life conditions of human beings as well as altering traditional concepts and ways of understanding reality. Algorithms are directed to solve problems that are not always detectable in their own relevance and timeliness. They are also meant to solve those problems through procedures that are not always visible and assessable in their own. In addition, technologies based on algorithmic procedures more and more infer personal information from aggregated data, thus profiling human beings and anticipating their expectations, views and behaviors. This may have normative, if not discriminatory, consequences. While algorithmic procedures and applications are meant to serve human needs, they risk to create an environment in which human beings tend to develop adaptive strategies by conforming their behaviour to the expected output of the procedures, with serious distortive effects. Against this backdrop, little room is often left for a process of rational argumentation able to challenge the results of algorithmic procedures by putting into question some of their hidden assumptions or by taking into account some neglected aspects of the problems under consideration. At the same time, it is widely recognized that scientific and social advances crucially depend on such an open and free critical discussion.