Stamp Seals Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This article responds to the research needs regarding 19th-and 20th-century sigillography, presenting the results of research on press advertisements of seal makers and sellers published in the Poznań press in the years 1815–1939. This... more

This article responds to the research needs regarding 19th-and 20th-century sigillography, presenting the results of research on press advertisements of seal makers and sellers published in the Poznań press in the years 1815–1939. This publication includes a list of people who produced seals and offered sales of the associated products, which made it possible to present information on the lives and activities of several dozen craftsmen and merchants from the period of the partitions and the interwar period in Poland. The personal data collected here allow for the development of research on craftsmanship and Poznań craftsmen working with metal.

A difícil relação entre “cultura popular” e “religião” é alvo recorrente de discussões nas Ciências da Religião e na História da Religião do Antigo Israel. Dentre as variadas aproximações ao tema, há dificuldades na categorização dos... more

A difícil relação entre “cultura popular” e “religião” é alvo recorrente de discussões nas Ciências da Religião e na História da Religião do Antigo Israel. Dentre as variadas aproximações ao tema, há dificuldades na categorização dos conceitos, assim como posições divergentes sobre o lugar dessas práticas dentre o quadro sócio-religioso mais amplo. O presente artigo, alimentado e reagindo à discussão, coopera através da conceituação de objetos de poder como mídia, i.e., como objetos que, ao encarnar “poder religioso”, tornam-se, em si, poder religioso, hibridizando alteridade e identidade últimas. Para tanto, é realizado breve panorama sobre a discussão de magia na História da Religião de Israel e uma discussão, a partir da filosofia de mídia e estudos de cultura material, para a conceituação de objetos de poder. Ao fim, é apresentado estudo de caso com análise de um selo de estampar de osso de tell en-Nasḅeh.

Due to the development of chancery forms in the 19th and 20th centuries, the activi-ty of seal makers and engravers began to develop dynamically. The increased activity of Krakow’s seal makers and dealers is confirmed by, among others,... more

Due to the development of chancery forms in the 19th and 20th centuries, the activi-ty of seal makers and engravers began to develop dynamically. The increased activity of Krakow’s seal makers and dealers is confirmed by, among others, press advertisements in which we can find a wide ranging offer of such enterprises. Technological development and ongoing economic and agricultural changes also had an impact on engraving firms. Mecha-nization became widespread, with rubber also being introduced into the production of seals, which enabled the faster delivery of more orders.In the discussed period, tens of seal makers and dealers operated in Krakow. The com-panies and craftsmen mentioned in the article do not constitute a whole, because there was no separate registration for them. Because of the lack of source material, it was difficult to find the dates on which some workshops were established or closed down. This also applies to the dates of company location and profile changes. We believe, however, that this previo-usly unexamined element of everyday life of Krakow’s residents should be presented and research into the unnoticed activities of local craft workers should be initiated.

The Hermitage collection of ancient jewellery is extensive and diverse. The greater part of it consists of exhibits found in the course of archaeological excavations that are now customarily published as whole sets together with other... more

The Hermitage collection of ancient jewellery is extensive and diverse. The greater
part of it consists of exhibits found in the course of archaeological excavations that are
now customarily published as whole sets together with other material. This catalogue
includes only ancient jewellery items acquired by the museum at various times from
private collections. They are assigned to a special group as they have no archaeological
context. We have selected for publication rings and seals made from precious metals
with the use of precious and semiprecious stones. The main section consists of gold artefacts
and significantly fewer silver, stone and gilded bronze rings.

The Golden Seal With Hermes Description From Harran Castle. As the Harran archeology excavation team, a gold seal was found during the archeological excavation work we carried out in Harran Castle in 2019. At first glance, this seal,... more

The Golden Seal With Hermes Description From Harran Castle.
As the Harran archeology excavation team, a gold seal was found during the archeological excavation work we carried out in Harran Castle in 2019. At first glance, this seal, which looks like a ring with a stone, was determined to be unique as a result of the research. The handle of this seal is bronze, the frame is gold, and the stone is amethist. The depiction of Hermes (Mercury) sitting on its stone is engraved (intaglio).
The seal stone depicts naked Hermes sitting on the rocks facing right. He holds a kerykerion (caduceus) in his right hand and a purse in his left hand. At the short groundline under the purse, the rooster stands outward. The Hermes figüre, which is compared with its similar examples and carving style, is dated to the Roman Empire period.
The discovery of this unique stamp seal depicting Hermes in the city of Harran/Carrhae, located between in the cities of Seleukeia on the Euphrates (Zeugma) and Seleukeia on the Tigris, where the belief of Hermes Trismegistus is seen and where the world’s largest examples of gyliptic art are found, is seen as the forerunner of the Harran archives.
In this artical, after the seal is introduced, the Hermes depicted on the seal was compared with similar example and the carving style, and the kontext where it was found and the Hermes Trismegistus belief seen in Harran were evaluated.
Key Words: Harran, Carrhae, Seal, Hermes, Hermes Trismegistus, Roman, Glyptic.
Harran arkeoloji kazı ekibi olarak, Harran İçkale’de 2019 yılında yaptığımız arkeolojik kazı çalışmasında bir mühür bulundu. İlk bakışta taşlı yüzük görünümüne benzeyen bu mührün yapılan araştırma neticesinde ünik olduğu belirlendi. Tutamağı tunç, çerçevesi altın olan bu mührün ametist taşına, oturan Hermes (Merkür) betimi oyuludur.
Mühür taşında çıplak Hermes kayalıklara sağa dönük oturur. Sağ elinde kerykerion (caduceus), sol elinde para kesesi tutar. Kesenin altında kısa taban çizgisinde horoz dışa dönük durur. Benzer örnekleriyle ve oyma üslubuyla karşılaştırılarak anılan Hermes figürü Roma İmparatorluğu dönemine tarihlendi.
Hermes Trismegistus inancının görüldüğü ve Dünyanın en büyük glyptik sanatı örneklerinin bulunduğu Seleukeia Euprates (Zeugma) ve Seleukeia Tigris kentleri arasında yer alan Harran/Carrhae kentinde Hermes betimli ünik formlu bu damga mührün ele geçmesi Harran arşivlerinin de habercisi olarak görülmektedir.
Bu makalede, mühür tanıtıldıktan sonra, mühürde betimlenen Hermes, benzer örnekleriyle ve oyma üslubuyla karşılaştırılarak, bulunduğu birim, ve Harran’da görülen Hermes Trismegistus inancı ele alınarak değerlendirilmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Harran, Carrhae, Mühür, Hermes, Hermes Trismegistus, Roma, Glyptik

Zygmunt Weinkrantz (1837–1889) belonged to the group of prosperous Warsaw seal workers of the second half of the 19th century. From 1859 he ran three specializing factories in small prints, stamping and drawing materials. Based on the... more

Zygmunt Weinkrantz (1837–1889) belonged to the group of prosperous Warsaw seal workers of the second half of the 19th century. From 1859 he ran three specializing factories in small prints, stamping and drawing materials. Based on the conducted query in Polish museums, available catalogs and studies on sphragistic collections and indexes, books and address yearbooks, and finally, after reviewing the company's press advertisements, the operations of the Warsaw seal works factory were preliminarily recognized. The owners of the seals, made by Zygmunt Weinkrantz, were mostly state and church authorities of the higher and lower levels. This clearly indicates that Z. Weinkrantz's seal factory enjoyed a reputation in the Kingdom of Poland. In addition, the Warsaw craftsman made medals and tokens. The article also presents illustrations of the remains of the company, the producer's signatures and a list of seal matrices, medals and tokens.

Öz: Medeniyet tarihinin en önemli eserlerinden olan mühürler, tarih öncesi dönemlerden itibaren kullanıla gelmiştir. Türk Tarihi'nde damga veya tamga olarak adlandırılan ve ilk örneklerine Orta Asya'da rastladığımız mühür, Türkler' in... more

Öz: Medeniyet tarihinin en önemli eserlerinden olan mühürler, tarih öncesi dönemlerden itibaren kullanıla gelmiştir. Türk Tarihi'nde damga veya tamga olarak adlandırılan ve ilk örneklerine Orta Asya'da rastladığımız mühür, Türkler' in İslamiyet'i kabulü ile birlikte farklı bir boyut kazanmıştır. Mühürler, İslamiyet'le birlikte hat sanatının farklı alanlardaki kullanımını gösteren en güzel örnekler olmuştur. Kendi dönemi için imza niteliği taşıyan bu eserler bazen bir yüzük üzerinde, bazen bir kolye, bazen de kösteğe takılan veya özel kese içinde taşınan yönetim, kamu veya şahsa özel niteliklerde karşımıza çıkmakla birlikte koruma veya uğur getirmesi için tılsım olarak da kullanılmıştır. Araştırma konumuz Niğde Müzesi'nde yer alan Osmanlı Dönemi mühürlerinin okunuşu, gruplaması, tasnifi ve tanımlanması kapsamında bilimsel değerlendirmelerinin ortaya konulmasıdır. Bugüne kadar Osmanlı Dönemi mühürleri ile ilgili çalışmalar yapılmasına rağmen, standart bir kalıp vermeyen mühürlerin taşra örneklerinin incelenmesi ve bilim dünyasına tanıtılması araştırmanın temel amacını oluşturmaktadır. Bu kapsamda, Niğde Müzesi'nde yer alan Osmanlı Dönemine ait mühür örnekleri incelenmiş, detaylı fotoğrafları çekilmiş, tasnif edilip gruplandırılmış ve genel bir değerlendirmeye tabi tutularak özellikleri ortaya konulmuştur. Abstract:Seals, as one of the most important works of the history of civilization, has been used since the prehistoric periods. Seal, which was named as damga or tamga (stamp) in Turkish history and first examples of which were seen in Central Asia, has gained a new dimension with Turks' adopting Islam. Seals has been the best examples of calligraphy in different fields with Islam. These works, which has signature value for their own period, besides appearing in administrative, public or personal characteristic sometimes on a ring, sometimes on a necklace, and sometimes hung to a watch chain or carried in a special pouch, were used as charm for protection or luck, as well. Our research topic is the presentation of scientific evaluations in terms of reading, grouping, classification and identification of Ottoman period seals in Nigde Museum. Until today, although there are studies on Ottoman period seals, the main purpose of this study is the examination of rural examples of seals which does not give a standard mold and presentation of them to the world of science. In this regard, Ottoman period seal examples in Nigde Museum are examined, their detailed photos are taken, classified, grouped and their characteristics are presented with a general overview.

Riassunto: dei signacula ex aere con l'oggetto marcato. Per illustrare la grande varietà esistente di forme, rendere evidente la frequenza di alcuni tipi rispetto ad altri, si propone uno schema tipologico delle lamine dei signacula... more

Riassunto: dei signacula ex aere con l'oggetto marcato. Per illustrare la grande varietà esistente di forme, rendere evidente la frequenza di alcuni tipi rispetto ad altri, si propone uno schema tipologico delle lamine dei signacula bronzei.

This second part of the study of Daoist seals focuses on types, building on Wang Yucheng’s earlier studies. They come in four: 1) seal script; 2) heavenly scripts; 3) talisman-inspired; and 4) graphic. The underlining criterion is the... more

This second part of the study of Daoist seals focuses on types, building on Wang Yucheng’s earlier studies. They come in four: 1) seal script; 2) heavenly scripts; 3) talisman-inspired; and 4) graphic. The underlining criterion is the Daoist strategy of image-making: it sheds light on the interlocking relationship of Daoist texts and images. The first type is purely script-based, while the fourth is purely graphic. Between the two is the core zone of Daoist visual culture as it blends image with text.

The paper probes the distribution of the various stamped and incised Judahite jars with two criteria in mind: (1) their estimated date; (2) the assumption that in addition to Jerusalem, sites that yielded large quantities of stamped... more

The paper probes the distribution of the various stamped and incised Judahite jars with two criteria in mind: (1) their estimated date; (2) the assumption that in addition to Jerusalem, sites that yielded large quantities of stamped handles (mainly lachish and Ramat Ra el) served as major collection centres while sites that yielded only a few dozen stamped handles served as secondary administrative centres of the kingdom. Based on their findings, the authors reconstruct the evolution of the royal administrative system in the late 8th through the early 6th centuries BCe.

This handbook entry on seals and sealings, with a focus on the ancient Southern Levant, was initially drafted in 2009-11. Revisions were suggested by the editors in 2015, and the authors have added occasional updates since without however... more

This handbook entry on seals and sealings, with a focus on the ancient Southern Levant, was initially drafted in 2009-11. Revisions were suggested by the editors in 2015, and the authors have added occasional updates since without however aiming to be comprehensive.
We understand that an ambitious publication project such as the "Encyclopedia of the Material Culture of the Biblical World" takes time to be completed and will certainly not blame those who work hard toward that aim. That said, the entry might be of some use to fellow researchers even in the present, preliminary form. However, the main reason for uploading our manuscript here is yet another one: It should have been part of a new research application, but the funding agency's rulings do not allow unpublished manuscripts to be submitted with the application proper.

The paper probes the distribution of the various stamped and incised Judahite jars with two criteria in mind: (1) their estimated date; (2) the assumption that in addition to Jerusalem, sites that yielded large quantities of stamped... more

The paper probes the distribution of the various stamped and incised Judahite jars with two criteria in mind: (1) their estimated date; (2) the assumption that in addition to Jerusalem, sites that yielded large quantities of stamped handles (mainly lachish and Ramat Ra el) served as major collection centres while sites that yielded only a few dozen stamped handles served as secondary administrative centres of the kingdom. Based on their findings, the authors reconstruct the evolution of the royal administrative system in the late 8th through the early 6th centuries BCe.

The paper probes the distribution of the various stamped and incised Judahite jars with two criteria in mind: (1) their estimated date; (2) the assumption that in addition to Jerusalem, sites that yielded large quantities of stamped... more

The paper probes the distribution of the various stamped and incised Judahite jars with two criteria in mind: (1) their estimated date; (2) the assumption that in addition to Jerusalem, sites that yielded large quantities of stamped handles (mainly lachish and Ramat Ra el) served as major collection centres while sites that yielded only a few dozen stamped handles served as secondary administrative centres of the kingdom. Based on their findings, the authors reconstruct the evolution of the royal administrative system in the late 8th through the early 6th centuries BCe.

Even though Egypt was politically divided between the 17th and the late 16th centuries BCE, relations with the Levant did not come to a halt after the political takeover of the Nile Delta by the Hyksos. This is reflected by the... more

Even though Egypt was politically divided between the 17th and the late 16th centuries BCE, relations with the Levant did not come to a halt after the political takeover of the Nile Delta by the Hyksos. This is reflected by the distribution pattern of Second Intermediate Period seal-amulets (scarabs, scaraboids, cowroids) in the Levant. Previous research on glyptic from this period focused on present-day Israel, Lebanon and Syria and this paper aims at complementing this geographical area by assessing and interpreting the finds from Jordan.

Attribution of Two Lead Seals Belonging to the First Prince of Polotsk Rogvolod (ca. 962-978). Авторами анализируются данные, позволяющие сделать вывод о первом случае уверенной идентификации материальных свидетельств существования... more

Attribution of Two Lead Seals Belonging to the First Prince of Polotsk Rogvolod (ca. 962-978). Авторами анализируются данные, позволяющие сделать вывод о первом случае уверенной идентификации материальных свидетельств существования родоначальника династии полоцких князей — летописного варяга Рогволода, пребывавшего примерно с 962 до 978 года в Полоцке, где он был убит по приказу Владимира Святославича. Атрибутируемые Рогволоду I печати свидетельствуют о том, что князь был крещен под именем Василия.

This sigillographic (sphragistic) study will review the historic and archaeological two-knight seals of the Templars, and the investigation of a curious and probably unique seal die or matrix. Our accurately molded (though slightly... more

This sigillographic (sphragistic) study will review the historic and archaeological two-knight seals of the Templars, and the investigation of a curious and probably unique seal die or matrix. Our accurately molded (though slightly altered) two-knight Templar design seal matrix was recently acquired from an old collection. The matrix consists of a silver die with a reverse-side iron spike, apparently for insertion into a wooden handle. We determined that the exact item that was molded to produce the silver die is a wax seal apparently used by German Templar Master Friedrich Wildgraf in 1289, and now held by the Munich State Archives. The original seal matrix used to make that seal is not believed to exist, and the present recreated matrix is likely to be the only one of its type, still able to impress wax seals as made by the Templars.

In this article, 13 cylinder and stamp seals are examined. They were found at Tatarlı Höyük during the 2008–2012 excavations. The interesting and significant collection of cylinder and stamp seals of the second millennium BC reveals the... more

In this article, 13 cylinder and stamp seals are examined. They were found at Tatarlı Höyük during the 2008–2012 excavations. The interesting and significant collection of cylinder and stamp seals of the second millennium BC reveals the importance of Tatarlı Höyük in the archaeology of Kizzuwatna. Stamp seals from earlier periods were found out of context and shed light on prehistoric Tatarlı Höyük. We believe that Tatarlı Höyük is ancient Lawazantiya – the famous ‘lost’ city of the Hittites and of Kizzuwatna.

[MAJOR UPDATE: TL TEST RESULTS] Object study of a pottery amulet, ostensibly from Israel/Palestine, which came to light in a deceased estate. While its iconography suggests an origin in Late Antiquity, almost every aspect of this pendant... more

[MAJOR UPDATE: TL TEST RESULTS] Object study of a pottery amulet, ostensibly from Israel/Palestine, which came to light in a deceased estate. While its iconography suggests an origin in Late Antiquity, almost every aspect of this pendant is unexpected. Its shape – a three-armed star – lacks amuletic precedents. Its surfaces bear crude figurative images which seem to have been incised after the clay was fired. On one face, three male anthropomorphic figures – reminiscent of figurae magicae from the Greek Magical Papyri (PGM) in their crudeness, disposition and ambiguity – surround a central five-pointed star. On the other face appears another male anthropomorph together with two horned deer or antelopes, two canine or feline predators, and a fish; the man and the animals all seem at peace together. The bucolic scene continues onto one edge thickness, where an additional stag-like beast appears with two more of the predators. The scenes do not conform to known templates, such as the repertoire from magical gems, and resist interpretation. The two other edge thicknesses contain pseudo-inscriptions. THERMOLUMINESCENCE DATING (performed in 2025, seven years after the initial publication of this paper) INDICATES THAT THE OBJECT WAS FIRED IN 1655-1775 CE.

Lucrarea este dedicată unor artefacte ceramice care caracterizează centrul de producţie de la Porolissum: vasele de lux decorate prin ştampilare. Studiul a demonstrat că la Porolissum a existat cel mai mare centru de producere a vaselor... more

Lucrarea este dedicată unor artefacte ceramice care caracterizează centrul de producţie de la Porolissum: vasele de lux decorate prin ştampilare.
Studiul a demonstrat că la Porolissum a existat cel mai mare centru de producere a vaselor cu decor ştampilat din Imperiul Roman, de unde s-a răspândit şi în Barbaricum.
Concepută ca un înlocuitor al vaselor terra sigillata, producţia de ceramică ştampilată va atinge apogeul în Dacia romană, influenţând centrele din provinciile vecine (Pannoniile şi Moesiile), dar mai ales pe cele din Barbaricum.

Four seal impressions uncovered at Level III (701 BC) at Lachish.

Different ideas have been put forward by the researchers for the functions of the seals made of baked clay, stone and metal. The most common view among these is that particularly beginning from the Early Bronze Age, seals were used for... more

Different ideas have been put forward by the researchers for the functions of the seals made of baked clay, stone and metal. The most common view among these is that particularly beginning from the Early Bronze Age, seals were used for expressions of ownership and registration. Another view is that seals could be stamping tools used on the body or in textile printing. The pottery with seal impressions recovered in excavations is important archaeological evidence demonstrating that the find termed a 'seal' was used also for decorative purposes. A total of 11 stamp seals dated to the Early Bronze Age were recovered from Küllüoba Höyük between the years of 1996 and 2019. It could be observed that the stamp seals uncovered in Küllüoba share many common characteristics with those unearthed in other contemporary settlements in Anatolia. Particularly, the close resemblance of the motifs seen on the stamping surfaces of the seals gives rise to the thought that there was a common sealing tradition in Anatolia in the Early Bronze Age. Towards the end of the Early Bronze Age, an organized trade had developed as a result of the close relations with distant regions. This study aims to examine the seals that have been found in the excavations at Küllüoba Höyük, located in Western Central Anatolia, which lay along a significant trade route and which has provided important data on urbanization and trade in the EBA.

In her book “Early Dilmun Seals From Saar” Harriet Crawford published 93 seals and 13 tokens found in Saar. Just 3 of them, like the one above, show “a love scene.” I think that these “love scenes” were not pornographic images, but... more

In her book “Early Dilmun Seals From Saar” Harriet Crawford published 93 seals and 13 tokens found in Saar.
Just 3 of them, like the one above, show “a love scene.”
I think that these “love scenes” were not pornographic images, but visualized the creation of the seal owners.