State crime Research Papers - (original) (raw)
“Hell is empty, and all Statesmen/women, their lawyers, and ass-kissers are here.” (War-Worshiper Shakespeare’s The State: Act 1 Scene 2) Synopsis This paper presents some researches and documents concerning... more
“Hell is empty, and all Statesmen/women, their lawyers, and ass-kissers are here.”
(War-Worshiper Shakespeare’s The State: Act 1 Scene 2)
This paper presents some researches and documents concerning State violence and criminality inside as well as outside of so-called State jurisdiction, which means all earth and cosmos parallel to the development of State science and art depending on State criminality. State brutality has indeed embraced many increasing aspects in existence, thanks to unlimited authority, hierarchy, punishment, secrecy, spy, misinformation, lie, deception, brainwashing, propaganda (especially, through religion, education, the mass media, and the Internet and its Géants du Web), wealth, technology, science, art, as well as intellectual and artistic complicity and crime. For instance, intellectual and artistic violence is perpetuated by the countless gangs of artists, journalists, scientists, philosophers, law professors, and lawyers acting as State watchdogs, covering agents, or lobbyists: the artistic, intellectual, and governmental prostitutes, or criminals. They are genuinely participating in both “State soft power” (functioning as an abominable machine of propaganda, brainwashing, and control like State censorship, the Government control of the media and the Internet) and “State hard power” (e.g., inventing and increasing the weapons of mass destruction), which means they are perfectly materializing and legalizing all forms of State brutality against all existence.
In contrast to their crusade against nongovernmental violence or petty criminals who must be maximally suffered, avenged, or tortured by the legal system, they are doggedly aiming at rejecting, minimizing (partly by a mystified terminology like collateral damage, State wrongdoing, and political sexual scandals), banalizing (e.g., Durkheim’s sacred rule: “crime as a normal phenomenon”), camouflaging, manipulating, beautifying, romanticizing (e.g., revolutionary violence), justifying, theorizing (“State monopoly on violence” as divinized by Weber, among many other examples), defending, legalizing, or acquitting, through the national and international laws, all forms of State violence against humanity and non-humanity at any time and space, according to the circumstances. As a result, State violence is mercilessly and impunitively de facto or de jure (such as diplomatic immunity, legal immunity, judicial immunity, State responsibility, amnesty by the State Criminals themselves!) imposed on all humanity and non-humanity by some sacred, governmental, and prestigious gangsters everywhere: war, genocide, imperialization, colonization, occupation, unethical human experimentation, trafficking (like uranium trafficking, arms trafficking, drug trafficking, human trafficking, and organ trafficking matched with organ harvesting), corruption, taxation, terrorism, mass murder, torture, rape, forced disappearance, forced labor (e.g., prison slavery), espionage, legal and illegal immigration, the Internet (e.g., cyberterrorism and cyberwarfare), money laundering and tax haven (e.g., Switzerland nicknamed as “le receleur de Hitler”, the USA, Canada and its Godmother or the UK) plundering natural resources, corporate violence, environmental violence, and so on. This is perfectly matching the Governors’ “psychopathic personality” or an extreme form of “criminal personality”: Government or State personality supported and worshipped by the Mafia intellectuals.
Human history has actually proved two principal aspects of State violence. On the one side, all States, regardless of their titles and ideologies from so-called democratic to despotic ones, have unlimited capacity to impose mass suffering and humiliation on humanity and non-humanity altogether through their violence and luxury in the name of God (i.e. a fictional, omnipotent, violent, bloodthirsty, and white-collar animal), nationalism, democracy (a generic and magical expression for covering all forms of governance and organized criminality or State Evil from, for example, the People’s Republic of China, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, and the Islamic Republic of Iran, or the Eastern Empires, to la République Française, Her Majesty’s Government, and the Federal Government of the United States of America, or the Western Empires), justice, prosperity, liberty, liberation, national interest, “la raison d’État”, international interest, just war, sacred defense, and so on. On the other side, this phenomenon is causing unlimited happiness for the Statesmen/women as well as for their clans, acolytes, and gangs by providing them with all sources of safety in peace as well as in war: impunity or very ridiculous sanctions (if there would exceptionally be any funny proceedings orchestrated by the Statesmen/women themselves!), capital (such as extremely luxury home and travel), sex, and celebrity orchestrated by the complicity of the mass media and literature, among many others. These aspects are consequently satisfying the Statesmen/women’s complexities of superiority, racism, narcissism, or sadism. The masses are simultaneously educated, encouraged, or even awarded to massacre, brutalize, or plunder their so-called enemy for the sake of motherland or other reasons like revolutionary terror and war, while polluting and destroying the environment without any sense of thought, doubt, or morality.
The Statesmen/women are thus the “white-collar criminals” whose destructive power and authority recognize no limit in space and time. They not only destroy human existence, but also pollute and annihilate non-human existence: “I am absolutely and shamelessly able to commit all forms of crime against all person, society, nation, property, animals, environment, and eventually against all galaxy through the State and His Intellectuals, Lawyers, Mass Media, Police, Army, and Judge who are awfully teaching, wonderfully camouflaging, excellently strengthening, permanently protecting, or perfectly and simply acquitting me of all charges.” (The Mafia State 4:13) “All white-collar gangsters indeed belong to the State, and to Him they will indeed return.” (The State Godfather 2:156) “In reality, the State is the Greatest Spy, the Biggest White-Collar Criminal, the First and the Last Criminal, the Master of All Criminals, and He and His Gangsters are finally with existence wherever.” (The Holy and Criminal State 16:70, 57:3, 1:4, 57:4) “Fight, massacre, terrorize, and plunder in the way of the State against the enemy of the State, because the State does love the warlike people, terrorists, professional and mass murderers.” “Do not call dead those who are killed in the cause of the State. They are in fact living, but you cannot perceive that life: the State shahid.” “And if you are killed in the cause of the State, then the State terrorists are certainly far better than all anarchists and Statists who are happily amassing worldly, heavenly, or scholarly capitals.” (The State War 2:190, 2:154, 3:157)
In short, State violence, as the most perfect and dangerous form of unlimited and organized crime (legally as well as illegally!), is omnipresent, systematic, theorized, justified, camouflaged, and unpunished. In other words, the State and its gangsters, i.e. the Statesmen/women or the wildest and greediest animals, constitute unlimited and organized crimes against all humanity, nature, and cosmos, thanks to the use of all means, because the political end is absolutely justifying all means, without any sense of shame, absolutely any: “Then you will know that I am the State or the Lord your God, and my gangsters shall absolutely never be ashamed.” (State Crime 2:27)
State Crime, State Corporate Crime, State Organized Crime, State Violence, State Terrorism, Political Violence, Terrorism, White-Collar Criminals, White-Collar Crime, Corporate Crime, Corruption, Cyberterrorism, Cyberwarfare