States of Emergency Research Papers (original) (raw)
2009, Revista Enfoques: Ciencia Política y Administración Pública
Si se trata de entender la naturaleza del realismo político en el fondo no podemos obviar el rol que ha jugado la teología política así como también el voluntarismo en su configuración. La explicación del realismo político descansa... more
Si se trata de entender la naturaleza del realismo político en el fondo no podemos obviar el rol que ha jugado la teología política así como también el voluntarismo en su configuración. La explicación del realismo político descansa entonces en la presencia de la excepcionalidad que es en buena cuenta la manifestación permanente de la indeterminación. Esto se puede apreciar tanto en el mundo político (Schmitt) como en el mundo jurídico (Hart), lo que evidencia la amplitud de este fenómeno. Sin embargo, dada la magnitud de la modernidad y el desarrollo de la técnica es probable que la manifestación de la excepcionalidad se haga más permanente, lo que augura un periodo decisionista muy extenso, fenómeno que se inicia desde la revolución bolchevique y el nacional-socialismo y que continuará seguramente dentro de los actuales contextos de "guerra contra el terrorismo", de "crisis económica global" o de "emergencia ecológica".
Freedom of expression is a fundamental right in modern democratic societies, serving both individual autonomy and the collective pursuit of an open and informed society. However, the protection of this right is complex and shaped by... more
Freedom of expression is a fundamental right in modern democratic societies, serving both individual autonomy and the collective pursuit of an open and informed society. However, the protection of this right is complex and shaped by numerous factors, including the status of the speaker and addressee, the forum in which the exchange takes place, and the message conveyed. Civil servants, as both citizens and representatives of the State, occupy a unique position within this framework, and their freedom of expression is subject to special protection due to their duties and responsibilities. This chapter employs the doctrinal research method and the balancing approach of the European Court of Human Rights to explore the multifaceted dimensions of civil servants’ freedom of expression, including the significance and extent of this right within public employment, the duties and responsibilities of civil servants, the functional perspective of their unique positions and functions within the legal system, and the factors that influence the guarantees of free speech afforded to them. The chapter also examines the legitimate aims of interference with civil servants’ freedom of expression, general measures, and individual sanctions.
2014, Pensamiento Constitucional
dado lugar a un nuevo debate. Si bien un sector de analistas políticos sostiene la necesidad de retornar a la Constitución de 1979, otros la necesidad de una nueva Carta Magna, en el fondo lo que realmente se necesita es la consolidación... more
dado lugar a un nuevo debate. Si bien un sector de analistas políticos sostiene la necesidad de retornar a la Constitución de 1979, otros la necesidad de una nueva Carta Magna, en el fondo lo que realmente se necesita es la consolidación de su contenido material, es decir, un gran acuerdo entre los factores reales del poder. Sin él de poco servirá convocar una nueva asamblea constituyente.
2024, Critical Studies on Security
Contemporary literature on security measures interfering with the rights and liberties regime often relies on an exceptionalist approach grounded in the norm-exception dichotomy. This perspective oversimplifies the juridical conditions of... more
Contemporary literature on security measures interfering with the rights and liberties regime often relies on an exceptionalist approach grounded in the norm-exception dichotomy. This perspective oversimplifies the juridical conditions of exceptional security measures, where the law and politics coalesce, as the relationship between the norm and the exception is not necessarily dichotomous. Through an examination of Turkey's exceptional security measures from 1971 to 2002, this paper shows that the tension between political power and the law can unfold in diverse ways, even in countries where executive decision-making is constitutionally favoured, with norms and exceptions usually coexisting within the constitutional order. It argues that exceptional security measures are ingrained in state rule other than in the times of exception, challenging the limited explanatory power of the norm-exception dichotomy. Categorising every decision avoiding legal oversight as the Schmittian exception results in theoretically reductionist interpretations, overlooking the fact that such measures may have various juridico-political conditions. By analysing threat framing and the dispersion of political power, this study proposes a categorisation as to how norms and exceptions to the norms are created.
2024, Scandinavian studies in law
In this article, we analyze how the checks-and-balances principle in the Finnish Constitution regarding the declaration of the state of emergency. We first discuss the basic principles of the separation of powers and checks and balances,... more
In this article, we analyze how the checks-and-balances principle in the Finnish Constitution regarding the declaration of the state of emergency. We first discuss the basic principles of the separation of powers and checks and balances, and explicate how these principles are relevant to declaring a state of emergency (section 2). We then move on to analysing the Finnish legal order, de lege lata, regarding the declaration of the state of emergency, both on the level of the Constitution and on the level of the Emergency Powers Act (section 3). This section elaborates the role of the legislative branch in checking the executive and the authority of the executive(s) in declaring a state of emergency. By means of our theoretical discussion and legal analysis, we will evaluate critically the declaration requirement’s political entailments for the Finnish legal system and propose some changes for the future, de lege ferenda (section 4). This evaluation critically assesses the present legislation regarding the declaration and its recent practice during COVID-19 pandemic.
The notions of the state of exception and state of emergency have played an important role in 20 th century political philosophy. In spite of this, neither has been surveyed critically in the contemporary context, and their interrelation... more
The notions of the state of exception and state of emergency have played an important role in 20 th century political philosophy. In spite of this, neither has been surveyed critically in the contemporary context, and their interrelation has been under-elaborated by their originators, Carl Schmitt and Walter Benjamin, and the thinkers that came after them. I set out to establish the connection between the emergency and exception, subsequently transposing these concepts onto our times: revealing how they are manifest phenomenally and whether their structure has changed since the early 20 th century. Consequently, the viability of emancipatory practices of the past is re-evaluated, and their inadequacy to address the contemporary emergency is addressed.
2023, Comparative Studies on Islamic and Western Law
Human Rights treaties which contain derogation clause, albeit allowing the derogation of some rights and freedoms in states of emergency, have provided some principles that must be observed by the States Parties for the derogation clause... more
Human Rights treaties which contain derogation clause, albeit allowing the derogation of some rights and freedoms in states of emergency, have provided some principles that must be observed by the States Parties for the derogation clause to be applicable. The purpose behind the prevision is the prevention from abuse of derogation right and gross violation of human rights by States under pretext of the existence of emergency situations. These principles can be divided into two general categories: substantive and procedural. The substantive principles are: the principle of exceptional threat, the principle of proportionality, the principle of observation of other international obligations, the principle of non-discrimination, the principle of good faith and the principle of non-derogable rights. The procedural principles are: the principle of proclamation and the principle of notification. Strict implementation of these principles requires their entry into domestic systems, especially in the constitutions of countries. Article 79 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran also deals with the application of necessary restrictions in times of war and similar emergencies. In the study, the issue of the status of emergency situations in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its compliance with the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) relating to the suspension of human rights in emergency situations has been examined comparatively. Findings indicate that Article 79 of the Iranian Constitution is slightly in line with Article 4 of the ICCPR and could be amended in a possible future revision.
The Hungarian government has been utilising emergencies to expand its political power instead of upholding constitutionalism and the rule of law. This strategy has given the government almost unlimited power to enact emergency decrees,... more
The Hungarian government has been utilising emergencies to expand its political power instead of upholding constitutionalism and the rule of law. This strategy has given the government almost unlimited power to enact emergency decrees, even when the state and the population are not in immediate danger. The ninth amendment to the Fundamental Law of Hungary has raised concerns about the government's use of emergency powers, granting the executive branch even more authority during exceptional times by allowing the government to prolong the 'state of exception' indefinitely and maintain pandemic-related emergency measures to respond to potential consequences of the war in Ukraine. As a result, the executive body has been able to exert significant political control without proper parliamentary oversight.
2020, Gaceta Gestión Publica & Control
El uso de las tecnologías de la información propone medios para fortalecer las acciones de las administraciones públicas a través de comunicaciones alternativas en el marco del Decreto Supremo Nº 044-2020-PCM, que declara estado de... more
El uso de las tecnologías de la información propone medios para fortalecer las acciones de las administraciones públicas a través de comunicaciones alternativas en el marco del Decreto Supremo
Nº 044-2020-PCM, que declara estado de emergencia nacional por las graves circunstancias que afectan la vida de la nación a consecuencia del brote de COVID-19 en que nos encontramos. Debemos entender preliminarmente que nuestro país es sometido no solo a este tipo de
emergencia sanitaria que hace difi cultoso que el Estado realice todos sus propósitos, sino también a grandes retos por la naturaleza y por nuestra propia realidad geográfi ca, por lo que se hace necesario estar preparado para realizar acciones a través de medios alternativos en todos los niveles
de gobierno, utilizando las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) con la fi nalidad de no paralizar acciones frente a este tipo de emergencias sanitarias solo por no tener habilitados otros
medios alternativos de comunicación que permitan dar solución y ayuden a tomar decisiones válidas frente a estas amenazas que pueden generar catastrófi cas pérdidas humanas y económicas al país.
2019, Verfassungsblog: On Matters Constitutional
On 14 October, the Venice Commission released an opinion on the scope of the power of the President of Albania to set the dates of elections. In Albania, the President is facing impeachment procedures due to his postponement of the local... more
On 14 October, the Venice Commission released an opinion on the scope of the power of the President of Albania to set the dates of elections. In Albania, the President is facing impeachment procedures due to his postponement of the local elections and the Albanian Assembly's Speaker requested the Venice Commission to issue its opinion on the President's actions. While the Commission was clear in its legal conclusions, the reactions of the Albanian public to the report illustrate that a reasoned legal opinion was not suited to calm the ongoing political battles in Albania.
The most remarkable and, in fact, the most curious thing in Greece’s case, as far as the impact of the ‘crisis’ on its Constitution is concerned —and also the opposite, the impact of the Constitution on the ‘crisis’— is that, in spite of... more
The most remarkable and, in fact, the most curious thing in Greece’s case, as far as the impact of the ‘crisis’ on its Constitution is concerned —and also the opposite, the impact of the Constitution on the ‘crisis’— is that, in spite of the terrible, unprecedented and unending fiscal crisis that is ravaging the country, the Greek Constitution has displayed an impressive resilience.
2024, Kürtler ve Cumhuriyet
2020, Revue des droits de l’homme
La Revue des droits de l'homme Revue du Centre de recherches et d'études sur les droits fondamentaux Actualités Droits-Libertés | 2020 Les mesures locales d'aggravation de l'état d'urgence sanitaire
2021, DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
This article addresses some of the main topics arising from the order issued by the Court of Bologna on 31 December 2020 which has declared the discriminatory nature of the work sessions' "self-service booking" system of the platform... more
This article addresses some of the main topics arising from the order issued by the Court of Bologna on 31 December 2020 which has declared the discriminatory nature of the work sessions' "self-service booking" system of the platform "Deliveroo". In the first part, the question of the applicability of anti-discrimination law to cases of discrimination on trade union grounds is positively resolved, on the basis of domestic, European and international legislation and case law. In addition, noting the strategic nature of the action, the hypothesis that antidiscrimination protection could be a more effective means of protection for those workers with a debated legal classification is outlined. In the second part, starting from the description of the discriminatory nature of the digital platform's algorithm system, it concludes with a broader reflection on Artificial Intelligence. This reflection stimulated by the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down harmonised rules on Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Act).
1978, Revista De Estudios Politicos
«No existe característica más general del pensamiento del siglo XVH que la noción de la no-resistencia a la autoridad.» JOHN NEVILLE FIGGIS (*) El recurso de rebeldía frente a la opresión ha sido reputado como la médula misma del ilustre... more
«No existe característica más general del pensamiento del siglo XVH que la noción de la no-resistencia a la autoridad.» JOHN NEVILLE FIGGIS (*) El recurso de rebeldía frente a la opresión ha sido reputado como la médula misma del ilustre Ensayo sobre el gobierno civil (1). Si bien las investigaciones de Peter Laslett (2) revelan que el grueso de esa obra, publicada en 1960, no fue escrito-según se creía-bajo los frescos entretelones de la Revolución Gloriosa ni constituye una legitimación directa de la misma, el propio Laslett ha mostrado cómo la urdimbre del texto resulta bastante anterior y estaba íntimamente ligada a justificar el alzamiento whig contra Carlos II. Por otra parte, cabe admitir que la filosofía política del Segundo Tratado sobrepasa sus límites circunstanciales primigenios y sirve, con ciertos añadidos, no sólo para respaldar los ulteriores sucesos incruentos de 1688 y el sistema de monarquía limitada, sino también, a pesar suyo, para motivar secuelas independentistas como la de Estados Unidos, casi un siglo después, cumpliendo, en diversos aspectos, un papel más o menos permanente en la fundamentación de las democracias liberales. Los capítulos finales del libro en cuestión hallaríanse destinados a plantear la validez del levantamiento contra las autoridades, siendo sus últimas
Central and Eastern European Migration Review
The Covid-19 pandemic is having an unprecedented impact on health systems, on many economic sectors and on the labour market. This critical situation is also accompanied by social destabilisation, which has exacerbated inequalities and... more
The Covid-19 pandemic is having an unprecedented impact on health systems, on many economic sectors and on the labour market. This critical situation is also accompanied by social destabilisation, which has exacerbated inequalities and severely affected the most disadvantaged population groups, such as migrant workers. This study provides insights into the consequences of the first wave and the lockdown period in Spring 2020 of the Covid-19 pandemic on Romanians living in Italy, using data collected by the International Association Italy-Romania ‘Cuore Romeno’, within a project financed by the Romanian Department for Diaspora and developed to support actions while strengthening the link with Romanian institutions during the pandemic. Findings show that, during the lockdown, two opposite situations occurred among Romanians. Workers in the ‘key sector’ become indispensable and experienced only small changes, while others lost their job or experienced a worsening of working conditions,...
Latino Studies
A 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Puerto Rico on 7 January 2020, adding a new episode to the multilayered political, economic, and humanitarian crisis affecting the island since 2006. This article demonstrates how the recovery efforts and... more
A 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Puerto Rico on 7 January 2020, adding a new episode to the multilayered political, economic, and humanitarian crisis affecting the island since 2006. This article demonstrates how the recovery efforts and management of the emergency constitute a state crime. The analysis draws from governmental and journalistic investigation and engages with legal and critical discourse analysis to provide a criminological and sociolegal analysis of state crimes in Puerto Rico-which feature prominently in US colonial and racialized history and anticorruption policies in PR-and of the genealogy of colonial violence that generates these and other legalized and state-facilitated harms. The article analyzes legally contrived states of exception and executive orders used to manage the earthquake emergency, the cases of corruption and criminal negligence (so salient in the public conscience that structural critiques of incompetent, unethical, and extractive governance have been coalesced by popular movements under the hashtag #wandalismo), the legislative public hearing on the case of the government hoarding and stalling distribution of disaster supplies, and the anticorruption mobilizations of January 2020. The article articulates the timeliness and urgency of prioritizing research and theorizing of state crimes within the burgeoning field of Latina/o/x criminology.
2024, The Journal of Legislative Studies
What happens in a state of emergency that is prolonged and unrelated to security with respect to the powers afforded to or used by the executive, checks and balances, and cooperation between the government, parliament, and sub-national... more
What happens in a state of emergency that is prolonged and unrelated to security with respect to the powers afforded to or used by the executive, checks and balances, and cooperation between the government, parliament, and sub-national authorities? This article investigates the variation in ‘executive aggrandisement’ (a temporary reduction in influence and oversight capacity of formal institutions vis-à-vis the executive) during the COVID-19 pandemic in six parliamentary democracies. We theorise that this variation can be in part explained based on path dependence. We explore how pre-pandemic levels of executive dominance and policy centralisation affect executive aggrandisement during the 2020–2022 emergency across our sample of countries. We show that Canada and Germany experienced little to no aggrandisement. In France, Israel, Italy, and the United Kingdom, government rule increased throughout the crisis at the expense of parliament and sub-national authorities. In line with our expectations, we find that most facets of the process of executive aggrandisement in a state of emergency can be interpreted in view of prior institutional arrangements. The outlier elements can be explained by considering circumstantial factors. Our evidence contributes to the literature on the political consequences of COVID-19 by filling some gaps regarding the roots of executive aggrandisement.
2021, African Human Rights Law Journal
Pandemi covid-19 adalah gejala penyakit yang melanda berbagai negara, tak terkecuali negara indonesia. Akibat dari gejala covid-19 ini, banyak negara yang kewalahan dalam menangani covid-19. Dalam konteks negara republik indonesia, untuk... more
Pandemi covid-19 adalah gejala penyakit yang melanda berbagai negara, tak terkecuali negara indonesia. Akibat dari gejala covid-19 ini, banyak negara yang kewalahan dalam menangani covid-19. Dalam konteks negara republik indonesia, untuk mengatasinya tidak cukup hanya ditangani oleh pemerintah pusat semata-mata. Di perlukan kerjasama antara pemerintah pusat dan daerah untuk menanggulangi pandemi covid-19 ini. Dalam tataran praktiknya, pemerintah pusat membuat kebijakan berupa pembentukan berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan untuk memberikan kemudahan bagi pemerintah daerah dalam rangka menanggulangi pandemi covid-19. Dalam pendekatan hukum administrasi pemerintahan, ada kebijakan diskresi yang memberikan mandat kepada aparat pejabat pemerintah untuk menggunakan kewenangannya dalam situasi yang sangat genting. Dengan adanya diskresi ini, setidaknya memberikan keleluasaan bagi pemerintah, baik pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah untuk mengupayakan mengatasi pandemi covid-19 yang melanda seluruh daerah-daerah di indonesia ini.
2020, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies
President Erdoğan and the AKP government initiated a comprehensive restoration process immediately after the failed coup in mid-July 2016. In fact, the country has been experiencing a very comprehensive and violent regime transformation... more
President Erdoğan and the AKP government initiated a comprehensive restoration process immediately after the failed coup in mid-July 2016. In fact, the country has been experiencing a very comprehensive and violent regime transformation since this time. I assert that recent political developments paved the way for institutionalization of a 'plebiscitary presidential regime' that depends on a particular combination of supreme power of the leader, an extremely weak parliament, and elections of a plebiscitary character. In this context, the paper aims to shed light on the role of the new strategic legalism which allows rule of law to be replaced by a rule by law approach, the executive prerogative principle to be dominant, and the law to be used for demobilization, all playing a highly critical role in the suppression of democratic opposition.
2020, Wiener klinische Wochenschrift
SummaryThis is a report on the first identified cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Austria. The first documented case was a person who stayed in Kühtai, Tyrol, from 24 to 26 January 2020, and had been infected by a Chinese... more
SummaryThis is a report on the first identified cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Austria. The first documented case was a person who stayed in Kühtai, Tyrol, from 24 to 26 January 2020, and had been infected by a Chinese instructor in Starnberg (Germany) between 20 and 22 January. This counts as a German case since her diagnosis was eventually made in Munich (Germany) on 28 January. On 25 February, two cases imported from Italy were diagnosed in Innsbruck but again no secondary cases were identified in Austria. The first three infections of Austrian inhabitants were detected on 27 February in Vienna. The two resulting clusters finally included 6 (source of initial infection unknown) and 61 cases. Most likely, Italy was the source of the latter cluster. On 12 March the first fatal case of COVID-19 in Austria was reported, a 69-year-old Viennese who died in a Vienna hospital after returning from a cruise ship tour in Italy. On 6 March three autochthonously acquired case...
International Scientific Conference ERAZ - Knowledge Based Sustainable Development
The worsening healthcare emergency with the COVID-19 pandemic has demanded a prompt reaction from authorities to contain the damage related to the spread of the virus. Our aim is to provide a bioethical contribution, with a careful... more
The worsening healthcare emergency with the COVID-19 pandemic has demanded a prompt reaction from authorities to contain the damage related to the spread of the virus. Our aim is to provide a bioethical contribution, with a careful analysis about the balance of individual rights with those of the whole community. The protection of the right to health in the emergency phase, with the restriction of the right to work and other rights, can have long-term negative consequences on the economy, with fallout affecting funding for the healthcare system as well. The right to health in its community dimension can sometimes clash with the protection of the sacrosanct dignity of the individual. Choices to protect health may have social and economic repercussions that could undermine the stability of many national governments.
2008, Meridiano 47 - Journal of Global Studies
Pengelolaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) mendapatkan dampak dari keadaan darurat yaitu harus ada pengelolaan APBN pada keadaan darurat. Pengelolaan APBN pada masa darurat tak
2021, African Sun Media eBooks
Albania was hit the by Covid-19 pandemic, although it seems not as gravely as some of its neighbours. Starting from 10 March 2020 the Albanian Government adopted several measures aiming to limit the spread of the pandemic in the country.... more
Albania was hit the by Covid-19 pandemic, although it seems not as gravely as some of its neighbours. Starting from 10 March 2020 the Albanian Government adopted several measures aiming to limit the spread of the pandemic in the country. Most of those measures have been continuously reviewed, following the development of the pandemic.
2020, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies
President Erdoğan and the AKP government initiated a comprehensive restoration process immediately after the failed coup in mid-July 2016. In fact, the country has been experiencing a very comprehensive and violent regime transformation... more
President Erdoğan and the AKP government initiated a comprehensive restoration process immediately after the failed coup in mid-July 2016. In fact, the country has been experiencing a very comprehensive and violent regime transformation since this time. I assert that recent political developments paved the way for institutionalization of a 'plebiscitary presidential regime' that depends on a particular combination of supreme power of the leader, an extremely weak parliament, and elections of a plebiscitary character. In this context, the paper aims to shed light on the role of the new strategic legalism which allows rule of law to be replaced by a rule by law approach, the executive prerogative principle to be dominant, and the law to be used for demobilization, all playing a highly critical role in the suppression of democratic opposition.
2024, European Journal of Risk Regulation
Previous research has neglected how repeated declarations of states of emergency (SsoE) in response to the same emergency may combine with executive overreach and underreach within a single jurisdiction, undermining the authority of the... more
Previous research has neglected how repeated declarations of states of emergency (SsoE) in response to the same emergency may combine with executive overreach and underreach within a single jurisdiction, undermining the authority of the SsoE as a legal institution and increasing the vulnerability of the constitutional system as a result. This article examines how decision-makers’ commitment to a culture of justification is central to avoiding emergency mismanagement via underreach, overreach or their combination. The simultaneous instances of executive overreach and underreach as emergency management failures are studied via the Slovak case, which was celebrated for its initial response to the COVID-19 pandemic but castigated for its failure to contain the subsequent waves. The analysis of the legal framework of the SsoE and the justifications for SsoE declarations uncovers the lack of justifications for the patterns of simultaneous executive underreach and overreach, underscoring the elusiveness of these categories. The limited justifications for the decisions demonstrated by the “government in panic” point to the undermining of the SsoE as a legal institution. The article concludes with highlighting how leaders’ role conceptions as democratic emergency managers might be necessary to sustain the authority of the SsoE.
2022, Teoría y realidad constitucional
I. Presentación con alguna aportación personal. II. La contribución de las teorías de la Razón de Estado. III. Locke y su noción de prerrogativa. IV. Modelos de regulación de las situaciones de excepción en el Estado constitucional. V. El... more
I. Presentación con alguna aportación personal. II. La contribución de las teorías de la Razón de Estado. III. Locke y su noción de prerrogativa. IV. Modelos de regulación de las situaciones de excepción en el Estado constitucional. V. El estado de necesidad y su problemática relación con el Derecho Constitucional. La influencia de Carl Schmitt. VI. Reflexión final sobre el modelo español. Resumen: El artículo examina los diferentes modelos de poderes de emergencia y sus relaciones con la
2023, UCC Law Journal
Aside from public health devastations, one aspect of Nigeria's national life that was severely hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, was the economic space. As part of the government's mitigating measures, an economic stimulus package was put... more
Aside from public health devastations, one aspect of Nigeria's national life that was severely hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, was the economic space. As part of the government's mitigating measures, an economic stimulus package was put together to help those most hit by the crisis. However, a key item was left out i.e., legislation enacted by the Parliament, to ensure the protection of the socioeconomic rights of the people. This article analyses how the Nigerian legislature could have triggered relevant provisions of the Constitution to adequately protect this class of rights, as a response to the devastating impact of the pandemic. This analysis is carried out against the backdrop of the existing non-justiciable status of socioeconomic rights in the country. The article makes the point that there is a great deal of potential in the country's constitutional framework regarding legislative powers, that could have been creatively deployed by the Parliament to enact legislation that would serve as a 'Shield' for socioeconomic rights in the pandemic, notwithstanding the clog of non-justiciability. The article concludes that the legislature as the people's representative ought to have better executed its constitutional powers, by demonstrating uncommon courage at a time when it mattered most.
2023, University of Ghana Law Journal
The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked unfathomable havoc across the globe, overwhelming governments and health systems. Economic activities worldwide were severely hit, making wealth generation almost impossible while creating... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked unfathomable havoc across the globe,
overwhelming governments and health systems. Economic activities worldwide
were severely hit, making wealth generation almost impossible while creating
unpredictable global health situations for stable social interactions. Thrust
into the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic were health workers who had
to deliver care in the face of a disease which then did not have a cure. The
jobs of health care workers in Nigeria were even made more difficult by the
scarcity of personal protective equipment due to government unpreparedness
or restrictive practices by producing countries. While the virus has greatly
impacted several aspects of human life, the most lethal attack has been on human
rights, with much of the scholarly focus being on how mitigation measures
have impacted a range of human rights issues. This article, however, looks in
a different direction. Using Nigeria as a case study, this paper examines how
governments, in their response to the pandemic, have trampled on the right to
dignity of health workers. This article highlights the conflict between managing
a public health emergency and safeguarding the rights of workers in a pandemic
to propose law and policy changes in the post-COVID-19 era.
2023, Intersections, Reinforcements, and Cascades
This paper contributes a rethinking of crisis government, starting from two observations. First, nearly all prior political theorizing about crisis focuses on imminent or already-present threats, rather than more amorphous forecasted... more
This paper contributes a rethinking of crisis government, starting from two observations. First, nearly all prior political theorizing about crisis focuses on imminent or already-present threats, rather than more amorphous forecasted risks. Historical theories justify drastic responses only when an actual, present threat exists, and are silent about how to approach the risk of total societal destruction on the basis of uncertain forecasts and longer time scales. Second, prior theories rely on a legitimacy principle based on retrospective, ex post approval of norm violations that stopped an observed threat or a directly experienced emergency. These theories give little guidance about whether crisis governments can operate instead based on foresight and anticipation. If their interventions succeed, such governments would prevent forecasted disasters from occurring, but the actual presence of an emergency-which extant theory requires to legitimate crisis government-would then be unobserved. Such a government's very success would prevent the actualization of its legitimacy, presenting a paradox for present theory. Drawing on the Talmud's discussion of how to preclude a civilization-scale catastrophe, this paper contributes a new theory of crisis government that answers how we can legitimately act on the basis of foresight to address the anticipated exigencies of existential risks.
2023, yidinekachew
በሻለቃ ዳዊት አንደበት እንደተነገረው፣ የፋኖ ትግል ተቀዳሚ ግብ በአማራ ክልል የተዘረጋውን የብልጽግና መዋቅር በማፈረስ አማራን ከተላላኪ አመራሮች ነጻ ማድረግ ነው፡፡ በመቀጠል፣ የፋኖ ትግል ተከታይ ግብ በቀሪው የኢትዮጵያ ክፍል የሚገኘውን መንግስታዊ መዋቅር ከብልጽግና አገዛዝ ነጻ ለማውጣት እና መንግስታዊ ስልጣን ለማግኘት የሚደረግ ነው፡፡ የፋኖ ትግል ርዕዮተ-ዐለም... more
በሻለቃ ዳዊት አንደበት እንደተነገረው፣ የፋኖ ትግል ተቀዳሚ ግብ በአማራ ክልል የተዘረጋውን የብልጽግና መዋቅር በማፈረስ አማራን ከተላላኪ አመራሮች ነጻ ማድረግ ነው፡፡ በመቀጠል፣ የፋኖ ትግል ተከታይ ግብ በቀሪው የኢትዮጵያ ክፍል የሚገኘውን መንግስታዊ መዋቅር ከብልጽግና አገዛዝ ነጻ ለማውጣት እና መንግስታዊ ስልጣን ለማግኘት የሚደረግ ነው፡፡ የፋኖ ትግል ርዕዮተ-ዐለም መነሻው አማራ መዳረሻውን ኢትዮጵያ ተደርጓል፡፡ ይህን አስተሳሰብ መፈተን የዚህ ጽሁፍ አላማ ነው፡፡
እንደዚህ ጽሁፍ አቅራቢ በኢትዮጵያዊነት ማዕቀፍ ውስጥ አማራን ማቆየት ትግሉን ያዳክማል፡፡ ስለሆነም፣ የኢትዮጵያዊነት ርዕዮተ-ዐለም በአማራ ርዕዮተዐለም መስተካከል እንደሚኖርበት ይሞግታል፡፡ በጽሃፊው አመለካከት፣ የአማራ ትግል መሆን ያለበት በክልሉ የሚገኘውን አማራ እና በብሄርግዛቶች ውስጥ የሚገኘውን አማራ ከህልውና ስጋት አላቆ አስተማማኝ ደህንነትና ፖለቲካ ተሳትፎ መብት እንዲኖረው ለማስቻል መሆን ይጠበቅበታል፡፡ ስለዚህ ከአማራ አንጻር የኢትዮጵያዊነትን ፖለቲካዊ አዋጭነት መገምገም ተገቢ ይመስለኛል፡፡ በተጨማሪም፣ በወረቀቱ ለህዝባዊ ሃይሉ ፋኖ የተሻለ የማታገያ ንድፍ ለማፍለቅ ተሞክሯል፡፡
2020, Staatsrecht: Indonesian constitutional law journal
Implementation of the state in practice, sometimes experiencing abnormalities (emergency). The legal system, which is generally used, is often unable to accommodate the interests of the state or society, so a separate arrangement is... more
Implementation of the state in practice, sometimes experiencing abnormalities (emergency). The legal system, which is generally used, is often unable to accommodate the interests of the state or society, so a separate arrangement is needed to move the functions of the state to run effectively. This paper discusses the constitutional emergency law in Indonesia according to statutory regulations and state of emergency constitutional principles fiqhiyah perspective. This research uses a qualitative method with a conceptual approach. The data in this study came from the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Perppu No. 23 of 1959 and Law No. 24 of 2007 and the Fiqhiyah Rule. The results of the study stated that the policy in the state administration of Islam must be eliminated emergency conditions, both those that come from the internal state and external. The state of state emergency in Indonesia is regulated in such a way as to protect all its citizens in order to realize the ideals of the proclamation.
The British Protectorate of the Ionian Islands, and particularly Corfu, was a nodal point in maritime communications. Since its very creation under the Treaty of Paris (November 1815), it gave the British a significant advantage in terms... more
The British Protectorate of the Ionian Islands, and particularly Corfu, was a nodal point in maritime communications. Since its very creation under the Treaty of Paris (November 1815), it gave the British a significant advantage in terms of information gathering. When a general uprising broke out in the Greek mainland, the British authorities put the islands in a state of emergency. Strict Ionian neutrality was declared and harsh measures were justified, which aimed to maintain 'public tranquility' and to secure the islanders from any revolutionary ideas coming from the mainland. The implications of this neutrality are little studied, perhaps because of the perceived peripheral role of the Ionian Islands in the Greek struggle. Yet, as this paper shows, the islands were deeply affected by developments taking place in the mainland, such as the rebellion of Ali Pasha of Ioannina between 1819 and 1822, when the British increased military presence in the region. Instead of discouraging the ties between the islanders and the Greek Revolution as intended, British reactions produced the opposite result. They further alienated the Anglo-Ionian state from the Ionian society. The present article analyses how British officials utilized disproportionate fears over the spread of revolutionary ideas in the islands, as well as military escalation in the region, to impose harsh measures on the islands and to 'normalize' emergency strategies. It builds upon relevant literature not only on the movement of information in the Mediterranean, but also on British policy over the so-called 'Greek Question'.
The British Protectorate of the Ionian Islands, and particularly Corfu, was a nodal point in maritime communications. Since its very creation under the Treaty of Paris (November 1815), it gave the British a significant advantage in terms... more
The British Protectorate of the Ionian Islands, and particularly Corfu, was a nodal point in maritime communications. Since its very creation under the Treaty of Paris (November 1815), it gave the British a significant advantage in terms of information gathering. When a general uprising broke out in the Greek mainland, the British authorities put the islands in a state of emergency. Strict Ionian neutrality was declared and harsh measures were justified, which aimed to maintain 'public tranquility' and to secure the islanders from any revolutionary ideas coming from the mainland. The implications of this neutrality are little studied, perhaps because of the perceived peripheral role of the Ionian Islands in the Greek struggle. Yet, as this paper shows, the islands were deeply affected by developments taking place in the mainland, such as the rebellion of Ali Pasha of Ioannina between 1819 and 1822, when the British increased military presence in the region. Instead of discouraging the ties between the islanders and the Greek Revolution as intended, British reactions produced the opposite result. They further alienated the Anglo-Ionian state from the Ionian society. The present article analyses how British officials utilized disproportionate fears over the spread of revolutionary ideas in the islands, as well as military escalation in the region, to impose harsh measures on the islands and to 'normalize' emergency strategies. It builds upon relevant literature not only on the movement of information in the Mediterranean, but also on British policy over the so-called 'Greek Question'.
2021, Canadian Medical Association Journal
2021, International Conference Knowledge Based Organization
From spring onwards 2020 has been irrevocably interwoven with words such as "pandemic", "emergency", "crisis", "urgent measures", etc. The usage of the pandemic language to describe the outbreak of COVID-19 derives from the etymologies of... more
From spring onwards 2020 has been irrevocably interwoven with words such as "pandemic", "emergency", "crisis", "urgent measures", etc. The usage of the pandemic language to describe the outbreak of COVID-19 derives from the etymologies of these words. However, it could also be rooted in political motives. There are instances of how specific terms could be mobilized to support policy aims. This is the main reason why more attention should be paid to the strength of the language used and more awareness of the usage of particular terms within a political and security context. It could be considered necessary to take extraordinary "urgent" measures to save lives as a result of a global "pandemic", but at the same time, it is vital to be careful how exactly these terms are used to justify political principles, which were in operation even before the outbreak of COVID-19.
2022, Jurnal justicia sains
Penelitian ini termasuk dalam kategori penelitian hukum normatif karena hanya menggunakan bahan kepustakaan atau data sekunder. Dalam masa Konstitusi RIS 43 Undang-Undang Daruta yang dibentuk kebanyakan merupakan Undang-Undang terkait... more
Penelitian ini termasuk dalam kategori penelitian hukum normatif karena hanya menggunakan bahan kepustakaan atau data sekunder. Dalam masa Konstitusi RIS 43 Undang-Undang Daruta yang dibentuk kebanyakan merupakan Undang-Undang terkait jalannya suatu pemerintah dan peradilan pada masa Konstitusi RIS. Pada tahun 1953 masa Konstitusi UUDS dibentuk Undang-Undang Darurat Sembilan peraturan darurat. Kemudian pada tahun 1954 terdapat 12 Peratuan Darurat, pada tahun 1955 terdapat 20 peraturan darurat yang di bentuk, pada tahun 1956 sembilan peraturan yang dibuat, pada tahun 1957 terdapat 27 peraturan darurat yang dibuat, dan pada tahun 1959 terdapat tujuh peraturan darurat. Kemudian dalam masa Konstitusi UUDS Peraturan Pemerintah yang keadaan darurat dibentuk sebanyak sebelas Peraturan pemerintah dan satu Keputusan Presiden terkait kedaruratan.
Justicia Sains: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Hukum Tata Negara Darurat merupakan konsep hukum yang secara terpaksa, harus dijalankan oleh Negara, dimana Negara berada dalam keadaan bahaya dan/atau darurat. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini bagaimanakah Hukum Tata... more
Hukum Tata Negara Darurat merupakan konsep hukum yang secara terpaksa, harus dijalankan oleh Negara, dimana Negara berada dalam keadaan bahaya dan/atau darurat. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini bagaimanakah Hukum Tata Negara Darurat Pada Masa Republik Indonesia Serikat (RIS 1949) dan Hukum Tata Negara Darurat Pada Masa Undang-Undang Dasar Sementara (UUDS 1950)? Kemudian Hukum Tata Negara Darurat pada masa konstitusi RIS 1949 dan UUDS 1950 banyak mengeluarkan Undang-undang terkait darurat pemerintahan pada masa RIS 1949 dan UUDS 1950. Tetapi terdapat perubahan Undang-undang Darurat Militer pada masa UUDS 1950. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam kategori penelitian hukum normatif karena hanya menggunakan bahan kepustakaan atau data sekunder. Dalam masa Konstitusi RIS 43 Undang-Undang Daruta yang dibentuk kebanyakan merupakan Undang-Undang terkait jalannya suatu pemerintah dan peradilan pada masa Konstitusi RIS. Pada tahun 1953 masa Konstitusi UUDS dibentuk Undang-Undang Daru...
2022, Obiter
This article provides a theoretical and factual-legal analysis of South Africa's response to the COVID-19. The state of disaster and its related COVID-19 regulations are interrogated from a constitutional and human rights perspective. It... more
This article provides a theoretical and factual-legal analysis of South Africa's response to the COVID-19. The state of disaster and its related COVID-19 regulations are interrogated from a constitutional and human rights perspective. It is conceded that public health emergencies call for a limitation of certain rights to control or curb the spread of the pandemic. However, the measures adopted by the South African government were in some respects disproportional and violated the constitutional and human rights principles. This article carefully examines the South African approach in instances where the constitutional and human rights of its people were brought into contention. For purposes of clarity, the focus is on documented accounts of the violations of fundamental human rights during the declaration and the operation of Lockdown Regulations in terms of the Disaster Management Act 2002.
2020, UNES Law Review
Penanganan Covid-19 secara nasional merupakan kesatuan tindakan yang lahir dari kebijakan strategis komprehensif. Kebijakan ini harus mengatasi kondisi terkini dan mengantisipasi dampaknya di kemudian. Upaya-upaya yang saat ini dilakukan... more
Penanganan Covid-19 secara nasional merupakan kesatuan tindakan yang lahir dari kebijakan strategis komprehensif. Kebijakan ini harus mengatasi kondisi terkini dan mengantisipasi dampaknya di kemudian. Upaya-upaya yang saat ini dilakukan oleh pemerintah adalah: kebijakan social distancing/physical distancing, perlindungan bagi tenaga kesehatan sebagai garda depan, pembatasan sosial berskala besar, transparansi pemerintah dalam penanganan pandemi Covid-19, validitas data hasil pemeriksaan. Untuk penanganan wabah Covid-19 ini, penegakan hukum menjadi salah satu langkah yang dipilih oleh pemerintah. Aparat kepolisian bertugas dalam membubarkan kerumunan massa, menangani penyebar berita bohong atau hoax, serta penimbun bahan pokok. Selain itu pihak kepolisian juga telah mempersiapkan ancaman pidana bagi masyarakat yang melanggar, sanksi tersebut terdapat dalam Maklumat Kapolri Nomor Mak/2/III/2020 tentang Kepatuhan terhadap Kebijakan Pemerintah dalam Penanganan Penyebaran Virus Corona (...
2023, Transformácia súčasnej politickej paradigmy a jej význam pre chápanie slobody podľa Giorgia Agambena
Príspevok sa zaoberá nedávno publikovanými teoretickými úvahami G. Agambena viažucimi sa k meniacej sa politickej paradigme v čase pandémie COVID-19. Agambenove úvahy nadväzujú na jeho teóriu výnimočného stavu a koncept biopolitiky, ktorú... more
Príspevok sa zaoberá nedávno publikovanými teoretickými úvahami G. Agambena viažucimi sa k meniacej sa politickej paradigme v čase pandémie COVID-19. Agambenove úvahy nadväzujú na jeho teóriu výnimočného stavu a koncept biopolitiky, ktorú považuje za novú mocenskú technológiu. Princípom, ktorý vo zvláštnej vzťahovej dialektike spája mechanizmy biopolitiky a výnimočného stavu, je dehumanizovaný ľudský život vyjadrený prostredníctvom konceptu homo sacer. Agambenove stanovisko je provokatívnym zhodnotením súčasného politického smerovania, ktoré redefinuje pojem slobody.
As Slovakia is one of the least affected countries in terms of the spread of the disease, except for doctors and employees in social services facilities, there was no serious threat to the health of employees. However, this is not due to... more
As Slovakia is one of the least affected countries in terms of the spread of the disease, except for doctors and employees in social services facilities, there was no serious threat to the health of employees. However, this is not due to the economic consequences of the pandemic, which threaten the competitiveness of employers. The new government tried to respond to the situation with legislative measures, which were adopted in quick succession, without discussion with the social partners and often in the form of indirect amendments, which in turn it makes it more difficult in orientation in the legislation. However, thanks to the intervention of the social partners, no measures have been taken that would worsen the position of employees in employment relations. The promised financial assistance for job retention is running very slowly.
Covid-19 telah menjadi wabah yang mendunia, tak terkecuali Indonesia. Dalam menangani pandemik Covid-19, Pemerintah telah melakukan langkah dan menerbitkan berbagai regulasi, salah satunya PERPPU No. 1 Tahun 2020. Hadirnya PERPPU tersebut... more
Covid-19 telah menjadi wabah yang mendunia, tak terkecuali Indonesia. Dalam menangani pandemik Covid-19, Pemerintah telah melakukan langkah dan menerbitkan berbagai regulasi, salah satunya PERPPU No. 1 Tahun 2020. Hadirnya PERPPU tersebut dimaksudkan untuk mengatasi keadaan pandemik Covid-19 yang materi muatannya mengatur mengenai dukungan kebijakan keuangan negara dalam menangani Pandemik Covid-19. Namun, ternyata PERPPU ini hanya bersifat parsial bila ditinjau dari konsep hukum tata negara darurat, karena secara formil dan materiil PERPPU tersebut tidak merujuk dalam konsideran mengingatnya pada Pasal 12 UUD 1945 yang menjadi dasar hukum kedaruratan. Karena itu, penelitian ini akan mengkaji PERPPU No. 1 Tahun 2020 dalam perspektif hukum tata negara darurat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa PERPPU No. 1 Tahun 2020 Menurut tinjauan Hukum Tata Negara Darurat. Metode Penelitian ini deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif dan analisanya mengg...
The Portuguese Constitution encompasses both the suspension of basic rights and the restriction thereof as instruments to deal with states of exception. However, and in contrast with German law, the absence of a systematic normative... more
The Portuguese Constitution encompasses both the suspension of basic rights and the restriction thereof as instruments to deal with states of exception. However, and in contrast with German law, the absence of a systematic normative framework to face the current pandemic crisis and the legal reaction to its consequences demonstrate the importance of preparedness also in the world of law and rights, and lead to reflections which go straight to the very core of constitutionalism.
2023, Nasza konstytucja. Ustrój III RP lat 2015–2022, red. M. Zubik, J. Podkowik
Stany nadzwyczajne są konstytucyjnym sposobem przezwyciężania szczególnych zagrożeń dla państwa. W latach 2015–2022 były co najmniej dwa takie zagrożenia: pandemia SARS-CoV-2 oraz sytuacja na granicy polsko-białoruskiej od 2021 r.... more
Stany nadzwyczajne są konstytucyjnym sposobem przezwyciężania
szczególnych zagrożeń dla państwa. W latach 2015–2022 były co
najmniej dwa takie zagrożenia: pandemia SARS-CoV-2 oraz sytuacja
na granicy polsko-białoruskiej od 2021 r. Zarządzanie tymi kryzysami
przez Radę Ministrów budzi wątpliwości. Rząd nie wprowadził stanu
wyjątkowego w celu walki z pandemią. Kryzys ten był zwalczany przez
rozporządzenia. Rada Ministrów wprowadziła coś w rodzaju niekonstytucyjnego stanu wyjątkowego. Kryzys na granicy jest również rozwiązywany za pomocą wątpliwych rozwiązań prawnych.