Textbook Analysis Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

This study focuses on how textbook signatures can be formulated to represent similarities and differences in mathematics textbooks across different countries. In this paper, we examine the teaching of gradient (Grade 8) in Germany,... more

This study focuses on how textbook signatures can be formulated to represent similarities and differences in mathematics textbooks across different countries. In this paper, we examine the teaching of gradient (Grade 8) in Germany, Singapore, and South Korea by characterising the textbooks in terms of contextual (educational factors), content, and instructional variables. Findings suggest an alignment between these variables and the respective curriculum emphases.

This chapter discusses critical approaches in the examination of representation in language coursebooks in an effort to debunk two educational myths in relation to language teaching materials: the notions that they are neutral and... more

This chapter discusses critical approaches in the examination of representation in language coursebooks in an effort to debunk two educational myths in relation to language teaching materials: the notions that they are neutral and apolitical. First, a review of the main concerns of critical research on representation in language coursebooks is presented. The chapter then advocates for a turn to political economy in the studies of representation in language materials. Political economy refers to the relationships between social, political and economic factors within a capitalist economy. Later, an example of critical analysis of representations in language coursebooks from a political economy perspective is provided. In particular, the analysis is based on a sample of Catalan language coursebooks and the specific concern will be on the representation of housing, against the backdrop of the recent political and economic transformations in Spain in this area. The chapter concludes with suggestions to researchers, materials developers, publishers, teachers and teacher educators interested in applying critical approaches in language education.

The article first introduces the special issue on the topic of Linguistic Dimensions of Inclusion in Educational and Multilingual Contexts. Key aspects of inclusive education are outlined and applied to the realm of language,... more

The article first introduces the special issue on the topic of Linguistic Dimensions of Inclusion in Educational and Multilingual Contexts. Key aspects of inclusive education are outlined and applied to the realm of language, communication and language learning. The concept "linguistic barrier," a collective term for linguistic practices and communicative aspects that may pose obstacles to language learning, communicative success or a successful integration of individuals in multilingual contexts, is discussed. Focal points of the individual contributions to the special issue are briefly outlined. In the second part, the article hones in on non-nativeness as a dimension of inclusion in foreign language teaching. Processes of exclusion and inclusion are illustrated through a multimodal critical discourse analysis of representational practices in units from the German EFL textbook series Navi Englisch. The main focus of analysis lies on verbal and visual cultural indexes that allow for conclusions on the representation of native and non-native social actors as well as ENL, ESL and EFL cultures. Based on the finding that the material shows a strong predominance of native language user representation , it is argued that a mainstreaming of second language identities and English as an international lingua franca in ELT can foster higher levels of inclusion that are likely to have positive, empowering effects for learners of English and non-native English language teachers alike. KEYWORDS critical discourse studies, EFL textbooks, English as a lingua franca, foreign language teaching, inclusion, language learning, linguistic barrier, non-nativeness

Zusammenfassung: Die veränderten Rahmenbedingungen des kompetenzorientierten Geographieunterrichts stellen gemeinsam mit den technischen Möglichkeiten digitaler Medienträger wie Tablets und Smart-phones das Verbundmedium Schulbuch vor... more

Zusammenfassung: Die veränderten Rahmenbedingungen des kompetenzorientierten Geographieunterrichts stellen gemeinsam mit den technischen Möglichkeiten digitaler Medienträger wie Tablets und Smart-phones das Verbundmedium Schulbuch vor Herausforderungen. Während die ersten iBooks bereits auf dem Markt sind, setzte sich die Geographie-didaktik bislang weder in Forschung noch in der Praxis (z.B. in Form von Bewertungsrastern für Praktiker und Praktikerinnen) mit iBooks aus-einander. Vor diesem Hintergrund nahm sich diese Arbeit vor zu prüfen, inwiefern digitale Schulbücher oder iBooks den fachspezifischen Erwar-tungen des kompetenzorientierten Geographieunterrichts bei gleichzeitiger Ausschöpfung technischer Möglichkeiten entsprechen. Der Schwerpunkt lag zunächst auf dem letzteren Aspekt. Zwei iBooks für das Fach Geographie wurden einer qualitativen und quantitativen Analyse unterworfen. Eine erweiterte und adaptierte Fassung der gängigen Raster zur Schulbuchbe-wertung bildete das Instrument. Neben den allgemeinen und besonderen Merkmalen von iBooks wurden Aspekte der Gestaltung und Ausstattung bewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine grundsätzliche Neukonzipierung der Lehrwerke unter der Berücksichtigung der Funktionen von Tablets noch nicht erfolgt ist. Auch zeigen die Ergebnisse die Herausforderungen, denen sich Autorenteams mit homogenem fachlichem Hintergrund stellen müssen. Abstract: Educational media are challenged by a number of new factors shaping formal education, such as skill-based constructivist paedagogies and digital media (e.g. tablets, smartphones). While the first iBooks already entered the market, both research in Geography Education on educational media and widely-used literature on textbook evaluation require a transition into the digital age. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to verify to what extent the digital textbooks or iBooks match the 83 iBooks für den Geographieunterricht standards of skills-based Geography Education and utilze simultaneously the possibilities offered by digital media. The latter aspect remained at the heart of this paper. The two Geography textbooks, which constituted the sample, were subjected to qualitative and quantitative text analysis. The research instrument consisted of an updated version of the established rasters of textbook evaluation and focused on the general features of iBooks along with their design and layout. The preliminary results show on the one hand that textbooks have not been adapted yet to the features of tablet and smartphones. On the other hand, results reflect a number of challenges emerging from homogenously constituted authors teams with a background either in Geography or Design.

ABSTRACT The use of the English language has been on increase with the increase of new discoveries, modern technology and increasing international relations. Due to the increase in usage of the English language at these levels, its use in... more

The use of the English language has been on increase with the increase of new discoveries, modern technology and increasing international relations. Due to the increase in usage of the English language at these levels, its use in education is also increasing day by day. Many countries in the world use English as a medium of instruction. In Pakistan also English is taught as a second language. The textbooks of English are an important tool in teaching learning process of English language. The textbooks of English taught at higher secondary schools have remained under the control of political and religious ideologies. This study is conducted to know the viewpoints of teachers and students teaching and studying at technical colleges dealing with Diploma of Associate Engineer. This study evaluates the textbook of English (112) for Diploma Of Associate Engineer (DAE) used by TEVTA (Technical Education Vocational Training Authority) Punjab. The study examines the role of textbook of English taught in 1st year of Diploma of Associate Engineer. A textbook plays a very important role in the teaching-learning process so a book has to be designed, selected, evaluated and enhanced according to the needs of learners of the targeted area. The education department of Punjab keeps on revising the textbooks at the school level from grade 1 to 10. But at the DAE level, the textbook has not been revised for the last number of years. The study aims to find out whether the purposes of books are well served or not. The contents are examined whether they fulfil the innovations and skills of modern language necessities or they are just dealt with as the subject. The data is collected by examining the textbook of Diploma of Associate Engineer and it is also collected through the questionnaire distributed among the teachers and the students. The data is represented in the form of tables and charts. The study reveals that the textbook does not fulfil the general objectives of the target language. The findings show that the book has a lot of negative points. The major problem areas are a balance of four major skills of language i.e reading, writing, listening and speaking. The general appearance and content of the book are also not up to the mark. The teachers also feel reluctant to recommend this book for coming learners. The recommendations are also made at the end to improve the standards and flaws of the book. It is concluded at the end that the book needs to be revised so that it can come up to the demands of the learners and teachers of the English language. The results also demand that more attention is needed to be given to the English textbook of the present program.
Keywords: Text-book evaluation, Curriculum Evaluation.

Der Band setzt sich intensiv mit einer bislang kaum beachteten »Diskursarena« der Gestaltung von Schulbüchern auseinander: dem Zulassungsverfahren. Untersucht werden u.a. die Akten von über sechzig Zulassungsverfahren in Bayern sowie... more

Der Band setzt sich intensiv mit einer bislang kaum beachteten »Diskursarena« der Gestaltung von Schulbüchern auseinander: dem Zulassungsverfahren. Untersucht werden u.a. die Akten von über sechzig Zulassungsverfahren in Bayern sowie Schulgeschichtsbücher, die von 1949 bis in die 1970er Jahre erschienen sind. Der Autor arbeitet die institutionellen Verhältnisse und normativen Bedingungen im Hinblick auf die historische Deutungsmacht sowie die Interessen von Verlag und Ministerium bei der Strukturierung der Verfahren heraus. Auch die zeitgenössischen fachlichen Überzeugungen und thematischen Konfliktlinien zum Nationalsozialismus werden erörtert. Es zeigt sich eine normierende Funktion der jeweiligen Zulassungsverfahren, deren gleichzeitige Kontingenz durch den hohen Einfluss der Gutachter bestimmt war, die als »Torhüter« offizieller Geschichtskultur mit Autoren und Verlagen um historische Deutungen rangen.

This study sought to determine the sequence of L2 morpheme presentation, as well as to determine whether or not the sequence of morpheme presentations correspond with the recognized natural order of morpheme acquisition in English... more

This study sought to determine the sequence of L2 morpheme presentation, as well as to determine whether or not the sequence of morpheme presentations correspond with the recognized natural order of morpheme acquisition in English Language Teaching course books utilized with young adult learners at a public sector vocational education institution in Thailand. Qualitative analysis was employed in the scrutinizing of twelve beginner and elementary level ESL and EFL learners course books that have been utilized as the primary teaching material for over a decade by the general education department of the institute. This examination revealed that the morpheme presentation sequence within the selected ELT course books was not analogous with the conclusions in the supporting literature. The findings further indicated that the widely accepted viewpoint of natural order morpheme acquisition was likewise not substantially reflected within the analyzed texts. Albeit, earlier studies have found that an unnatural sequence of morpheme presentation in EFL course books may hamper communicative competence in English, further study is required to establish if this may be a contributing factor for the overall low English proficiency of adult L2 learners in Thailand.

„Kriterien und Normen bei der Evaluation von Lehrwerken: Grundzüge eines diskursanalytischen Modells.“ In Wolfgang Börner / Klaus Vogel eds. Lehrwerke im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Lernbezogene, interkulturelle und mediale Aspekte. Bochum:... more

„Kriterien und Normen bei der Evaluation von Lehrwerken: Grundzüge eines
diskursanalytischen Modells.“ In Wolfgang Börner / Klaus Vogel eds. Lehrwerke im
Fremdsprachenunterricht. Lernbezogene, interkulturelle und mediale Aspekte. Bochum:
AKS-Verlag, 1999, 117-144.

هر تلاشی برای طراحی، تولید و ارزشیابی کتاب‌های درسی مستلزم آشنایی با جایگاه و نقش کتاب درسی در نظام‌های آموزشی است. درهمین راستا، فصل اول این بخش به دنبال ارائۀ دیدگاه صاحب‌نظران این حوزه در ارتباط با اهمیت کتاب درسی، تعریف و تاریخچۀ آن،... more

هر تلاشی برای طراحی، تولید و ارزشیابی کتاب‌های درسی مستلزم آشنایی با جایگاه و نقش کتاب درسی در نظام‌های آموزشی است. درهمین راستا، فصل اول این بخش به دنبال ارائۀ دیدگاه صاحب‌نظران این حوزه در ارتباط با اهمیت کتاب درسی، تعریف و تاریخچۀ آن، نقش کتاب درسی در کلاس درس و کارکردها و ویژگی‌های کتاب درسی است. در فصل دوم، ساختار و عناصر تشکیل دهندۀ کتاب‌های درسی مطرح شده است. در ادامه و به‌منظور آشنایی با روش‌های ارزشیابی کتاب‌های درسی، فصل سوم به این مطالب مهم اختصاص دارد. در این فصل، خوانندگان با سه روش عمده در ارزشیابی کتاب‌های درسی آشنا می‌شوند و مزایا و محدودیت‌های هر کدام، از جمله روش تحلیل کتاب‌های درسی، را مشاهده می‌کنند.

This article reports on a qualitative study which sought to explore how people and cultures are represented in English Language textbooks used in Libyan secondary schools. The study involved the analysis of passages and images used in... more

This article reports on a qualitative study which sought to explore how people and cultures are represented in English Language textbooks used in Libyan secondary schools. The study involved the analysis of passages and images used in these textbooks. In this article, the discussion is limited to the analysis of a passage and an image in one of the textbooks – the Social Sciences Year Two textbook. The analysis reflects and draws upon the discourse of racism. The language used in the textbooks was analysed using an adapted framework of Fairclough’s (1989) approach to Critical Discourse Analysis. The study established, among other things, that the role of the textbooks is not just to support educational processes, but to convey, implicitly and explicitly, the dominant culture in a systematic way. The article revealed that the language structures indicate a positive picture of white people, ‘Us1’, and those non-whites, ‘Them1’, are presented in a negative way. Overall, the article argues that altering existing misrepresentations, whether linguistically or visually, has a key role to reducing and eliminating misconceptions, categorisations and essentialisations of non-white subjects, ‘the Other ’.

The purpose of this paper is to try to determine to what extent and in what way four Swedish textbooks on Spanish as a foreign language (SFL) treat pragmatic aspects, as well as to evaluate the potential and relevance of the metapragmatic... more

The purpose of this paper is to try to determine to what extent and in what way four Swedish textbooks on Spanish as a foreign language (SFL) treat pragmatic aspects, as well as to evaluate the potential and relevance of the metapragmatic information and activities related to pragmatic aspects provided by the textbooks, for the development of pragmatic awareness and competence in Spanish. This study parts from the notion of pragmatic competence as a skill of knowing how to create and understand meanings in interaction effectively (Thomas, 1995), which in intercultural interaction probably requires extra-linguistic knowledge more than language skills (cf. Bravo, 2005). The hypothesis postulated at the beginning of the study was that the manuals would not fully explain why certain language is being used in certain contexts, that the pragmatic content would be scarcely varied and rather difficult to assimilate and that the exercises would not be designed primarily to develop a pragmatic competence. To some extent it can be said that the hypothesis is confirmed: the manuals could have been more comprehensive in terms of the topics covered, they could also have varied and explained those issues further. Despite the fact that there seems to be an effort to incorporate extra-linguistic information and communicative activities, the results indicate that there is a lack of emphasis on or progression on how to treat these issues. For example, there are no didactic models or suggestions in the teacher’s guide, nor is additional information provided elsewhere; usually the metapragmatic information is not combined with any activities, and the activities that aim to develop communicative skills are not combined with further metapragmatic information.

Despite policies from Japan’s education ministry (MEXT) designed to promote communicative language teaching (CLT), Japanese teachers of English (JTEs) have tended to continue using yakudoku (grammar-translation) (Nishino, 2011). This... more

Despite policies from Japan’s education ministry (MEXT) designed to promote communicative language teaching (CLT), Japanese teachers of English (JTEs) have tended to continue using yakudoku (grammar-translation) (Nishino, 2011). This phenomenon may be partly due to the lack of CLT-oriented activities in the MEXT-mandated textbooks (Rosenkjar, 2009). However, to date there is a lack of research on the differences between MEXT-mandated and CLT-oriented textbooks. In the context for this study, while grade 10 classes continued to use the regular textbooks, grades 11 and 12 began using materials from a Western publisher. In order to understand the change, the researcher analyzed the textbooks using a framework designed by Littlejohn (1998). Results indicated that a shift was necessary from the teacher-centered transmission paradigm to learner-centered interpretative ways of learning.

The aim of this dissertation is to analyze if history textbooks in Swedish primary school are up to date or contain the main archaeological viewpoints of today. Four textbooks have been chosen and the perspectives analyzed in the... more

The aim of this dissertation is to analyze if history textbooks in Swedish primary school are up to date or contain the main archaeological viewpoints of today. Four textbooks have been chosen and the perspectives analyzed in the textbooks are gender, ethnicity, political views and how archaeology and prehistory is interpreted in the textbooks. Only chapters about prehistory have been analyzed.
The analysis shows that history textbooks in primary school are woefully outdated in chapters about prehistory. Firstly it is clear that the textbooks use theories and interpretations of the past that in many cases are ten or twenty years old. Another result is that the analyzed textbooks do not follow the curriculum to its full extent and often have male dominant perspective rather than an equal one. Ethnic minorities also suffer as two of the textbooks do not mention them at all.

У раду се испитује функционалност приручника и практикума проф. др Јордане Марковић. Аутори најпре дефинишу појам приручника и практикума, а затим применом модификованог теоријског обрасца за евалуацију јединица уџбеничког комплета... more

У раду се испитује функционалност приручника и практикума проф. др Јордане Марковић. Аутори најпре дефинишу појам приручника и практикума, а затим применом модификованог теоријског обрасца за евалуацију јединица уџбеничког комплета анализирају њихово дидактичко-методичко обликовање. Резултати евалуације показују да анализирани приручници и практикуми, захваљујући својој методичкој апаратури, представљају функционална наставна средства, због чега су врло добро прихваћени од стручне јавности, средњошколаца и студената.

Integrated Language Skills: Writing is a resourceful book for learning and teaching of writing skill by Dr. Naginder Kaur and Ms. Noorazalia Izha Haron, two lecturers at the Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Technologi MARA (UiTM).... more

Integrated Language Skills: Writing is a resourceful book for learning and teaching of writing skill by Dr. Naginder Kaur and Ms. Noorazalia Izha Haron, two lecturers at the Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Technologi MARA (UiTM). The book is tailor made for students pursuing pre-intermediate or intermediate level English language courses and a practical guide for anyone who wants to teach English writing skill at the pre-intermediate or intermediate level.

Μαργαρώνη, Μ. (2008). «Προσλήψεις του “εαυτού” και του “άλλου” στα νέα σχολικά εγχειρίδια γλωσσικής διδασκαλίας της Γ΄ Δημοτικού. Ζητήματα εθνοπολιτισμικής “ταυτότητας” και “ετερότητας” από ανθρωπολογική σκοπιά», στο: Π. Γεωργογιάννης... more

Μαργαρώνη, Μ. (2008). «Προσλήψεις του “εαυτού” και του “άλλου” στα νέα σχολικά εγχειρίδια γλωσσικής διδασκαλίας της Γ΄ Δημοτικού. Ζητήματα εθνοπολιτισμικής “ταυτότητας” και “ετερότητας” από ανθρωπολογική σκοπιά», στο: Π. Γεωργογιάννης (επιμ.), Πρακτικά 2ου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου «Νέο Εκπαιδευτικό Υλικό του ΥΠΕΠΘ – Αξιολόγηση και Διοίκηση Α΄/βάθμιας και Β΄/βάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης». [Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών – Π.Τ.Δ.Ε. – ΚΕ.Δ.ΕΚ., Άρτα 14-16 Μαρτίου 2008], τόμ. II, σσ. 478-487. [Margaroni, M. (2008). «Receptions of “Self” and the “Other” in the new Language Textbooks for the third Grade of Primary School. Discussion of ethno-cultural “Identity” and “Otherness” from an anthropologic Perspective». Presentation at the 2nd International Conference, entitled «New Educational Material of the Hellenic Ministry of Education – Evaluation and Administration of Primary and Secondary Education». Organizing Institution: University of Patras – Intercultural Education Centre. Arta, 14-16 March 2008. Publication in the conference proceedings (ed. P. Georgogiannis, Vol. II, pp. 478-487)]

This presentation highlights how MEXT-approved senior high school English textbooks have interpreted and translated the goals of the new Course of Study. It compares the newly released textbooks with those from the previous Course of... more

This presentation highlights how MEXT-approved senior high school English textbooks have interpreted and translated the goals of the new Course of Study. It compares the newly released textbooks with those from the previous Course of Study in order to contrast the degree to which they align with curriculum objectives. The presenters will also discuss ways for teachers to approach textbook selection and materials development in their schools to negotiate the objectives of the new curriculum.

Despite the limitations frequently pointed out by instructors and researchers, language textbooks continue playing a central role in foreign language education. Investigations of cultural representations in pedagogical resources suggest... more

Despite the limitations frequently pointed out by instructors and researchers, language textbooks continue playing a central role in foreign language education. Investigations of cultural representations in pedagogical resources suggest that textbooks tend to essentialize culture and scholars have called for the inclusion of diverse linguistic and cultural perspectives. Nevertheless, change has been slow. This article first summarizes findings of language textbooks analyses in relation to cultural representations. Next, implications of the findings of textbook analyses in relation to the teaching of culture in language courses are considered. Finally, concrete pedagogical suggestions for language educators are proposed to socialize beginner language learners into practices of reflection and interpretation utilizing the available pedagogical resources.

Headnote Critical linguistics has been widely influential and successful in documenting the connection of linguistic and social practices. It has the potential to provide a detailed theoretical account of the operation of ideology in all... more

Headnote Critical linguistics has been widely influential and successful in documenting the connection of linguistic and social practices. It has the potential to provide a detailed theoretical account of the operation of ideology in all aspects of texts (see, e.g., Hodge and Kress, 1979, 1993; Fairclough, 1985, 1989, 1991, among many others). One such aspect is sexist uses of language in texts. Of course, language (usage) is essentially a neutral vehicle of communication which can be used to convey a range of attitudes and values. However, language (use) plays a major role in strengthening sexist attitudes and values which, it seems to us, is less widely understood and acknowledged. This article examines some of the specific ways in which sexist attitudes and values are conveyed through the language in texts. Though limited to two books and country specific, it deals with the wider issues and problem of sexism in ESL/EFL textbooks, how it is manifested, with what consequences, and how it can be tackled. The findings of this study suggest that there are a number of problem areas in recent ESL/EFL textbooks and that any attempts to force a linguistic change in the absence of its corresponding social change seem to be unworkable and futile. The most satisfactory solution seem to be a critical pedagogy after all: Abstract This study was an attempt to explore the status of sexism in current ESL/EFL textbooks. To this end, two types of analysis were performed to examine the manifestation(s) of sexist attitudes and values in two textbooks (Right Path to English I & II) that are locally designed to cater for and respond to the English language needs of Iranian students at secondary schools. First, a systematic quantitative content analysis was carried out with reference to (a) sex visibility in both texts and illustrations and (b) female/male topic presentation in dialogs and reading passages. Secondly, a qualitative inquiry was made into (a) sex-linked job possibilities, (b) sex-based activity types, (c) stereotyped sex roles (d) firstness and (e) masculine generic conception. Results revealed that Right Path to English I & II can be considered sexist textbooks that present students, in their early exposure to the English language, with an unfair and inexcusable picture of women. It is suggested that this sexism, though embarrassing and undesirable, seems to mirror the institutionalized unfair sex discrimination to the disadvantage of women in society.

The aim of this paper is to analyze History teaching at primary school level in Spain through daily class work (textbook activities) and the exams taken by pupils. Over 1,000 exam questions and almost 3,000 textbook activities by three... more

The aim of this paper is to analyze History teaching at primary school level
in Spain through daily class work (textbook activities) and the exams taken
by pupils. Over 1,000 exam questions and almost 3,000 textbook activities
by three publishers were analyzed in total, in six schools. The resulting information
was entered into an Access database for quantitative analysis
(with subsequent encoding using the SPSS statistics package), and qualitative
analysis based on textual analysis. The insistence observed in most exams
and textbooks on particular historical content instills in students knowledge
that is often biased, and mainly based on memorizing facts, concepts, and

Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkçe ders kitaplarındaki (1-8. sınıf) etkinlikleri Yenilenen Bloom Sınıflandırması'nın (YBS) bilişsel süreç boyutu bağlamında incelemektir. Çalışmada incelenen Türkçe ders kitapları 2019-2020 eğitim-öğretim yılında... more

Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkçe ders kitaplarındaki (1-8. sınıf) etkinlikleri Yenilenen Bloom Sınıflandırması'nın (YBS) bilişsel süreç boyutu bağlamında incelemektir. Çalışmada incelenen Türkçe ders kitapları 2019-2020 eğitim-öğretim yılında Milli Eğitim Bakanlığınca onaylanan Türkçe ders kitapları arasından amaçlı örnekleme yöntemlerinden ölçüt örnekleme yoluyla seçilmiştir. Etkinliklere ilişkin veriler, belge (doküman) incelemesi yöntemiyle toplanmış ve verilerin çözümlenmesinde içerik çözümlemesi kullanılmıştır. İncelenen Türkçe ders kitaplarında 4643 etkinliğin 1450'sinin (%31.23) anımsama, 1286'sının (%27.70) anlama, 771'inin (%16.61) uygulama, 227'sinin (%4.89) çözümleme, 648'inin (%13.96) değerlendirme ve 261'inin (%5.62) yaratma basamağında yer aldığı bulgulanmıştır. Yapılan incelemede Türkçe ders kitaplarında YBS'ye göre alt düzey bilişsel becerileri karşılayan etkinliklere (%75.53) daha çok yer verildiği saptanmıştır. Bu sonuçtan yola çıkarak Türkçe ders kitaplarındaki etkinliklerin öğrencileri düşünmeye ve beceri kazandırmaya yönlendirecek nitelikte hazırlanması gerektiği yanı sıra etkinliklerde YBS'nin bilişsel sürecindeki tüm basamaklara dengeli bir biçimde yer verilmesi önerilmektedir.

Textbooks are one of the essential types of materials that are extensively used in English as a second language classroom instruction. The current study tries to evaluate the textbook SUNRISE 9 based on six categories. This study intends... more

Textbooks are one of the essential types of materials that are extensively used in English as a second language classroom instruction. The current study tries to evaluate the textbook SUNRISE 9 based on six categories. This study intends to cover how those categories are represented in SUNRISE 9. The categories are the layout and design, activities, skills, language type, subject and content and conclusion. The present study aims at answering the questions about SUNRISE 9 from teachers' and students' opinions and finding out whether there is a statistically significant difference between the teachers' and students' responses with regard to the strengths and weaknesses of the textbook which are used in language classrooms in all basic schools in the Northern Iraq. Two data collection tools were carried out in the current study. The quantitative data were obtained using questionnaire for teachers and students with a total number of 375 9 th grade students and 40 9 th grade teachers. They were chosen randomly from Sulaimanyah city in the North of Iraq. The qualitative part of the study, semi-structured interviews were held among 13 teachers to gather more neccessary data. The findings reveal that the teacher participants have negative opinions towards most of the sections of the textbook and some others have not stated any opinions but the student participants generally have positive opinions about SUNRISE 9. For this English textbook SUNRISE 9, an empirical evaluative study and an in-depth method evaluation are also suggested to be conducted to find out more important results. Introduction A textbook is basically one of the essential types of materials that are extensively used in English as a foreign language or English as a second language classroom instruction. More importantly; a textbook can be seen as the most excellent source for practical users (teachers and students) and also plays a vital role in the process of English Language Teaching.

The appropriate use of pragmatic markers – non-propositional well, you know, of course, etc. – is necessary for successful business communication (which is, for the most part, cross-cultural communication), however, pragmatic markers take... more

The appropriate use of pragmatic markers – non-propositional well, you know, of course, etc. – is necessary for
successful business communication (which is, for the most part, cross-cultural communication), however,
pragmatic markers take a back seat in TEFL, TESL, and most notably, in TESP contexts. In our paper we will,
first of all, discuss the major issues related to the concept of communicative competence as well as the role of
PMs in shaping EFL and ESL speakers’ communicative competence. Next, some remarks will be made about the
possible sources of the difficulties that may hinder the acquisition and/or learning of PMs, finally, the results of a
case study will be presented, which aimed at mapping the functional spectrum of PMs as they are used in
selected General Business English textbooks.

Eine Fallstudie zu einem äußerst populären österreichischen Schulbuch des 21. Jahrhunderts führte zu dem erstaunlichen Ergebnis, dass auf einer einzigen Schulbuchseite 19 sachliche Fehler vorhanden sein können. Das Thema dieser einen... more

Eine Fallstudie zu einem äußerst populären österreichischen Schulbuch des 21. Jahrhunderts führte zu dem erstaunlichen Ergebnis, dass auf einer einzigen Schulbuchseite 19 sachliche Fehler vorhanden sein können. Das Thema dieser einen Seite war der transatlantische Sklavenhandel. Dennoch hat die Darstellung des Sklavenhandels in der Schulbuchforschung bisher kaum Beachtung gefunden. Innerhalb der Rassismusforschung wurde das Thema im Kontext von Analysen des Afrikabilds in deutschen und österreichischen Schulbüchern gestreift. Die bis jetzt vorliegenden Studien weisen darauf hin, dass die Darstellung Afrikas in Schulbüchern ein sensibles Thema darstellt. Es besteht die Gefahr, dass koloniale, rassistisch gefärbte Diskurse (oft unbewusst und sogar in Darstellungen mit kritischer Absicht) fortgeschrieben werden, indem Afrika aufbauend auf nicht-triftige Deutungen lediglich als Kontinent der Katastrophen und Afrikaner/innen als die Geschichte erleidende Opfer ohne eigene Geschichte dargestellt werden – in der Literatur wird der Begriff „Afro-Pessimismus“ für solche Darstellungen gebraucht. Eine umfassende fachwissenschaftliche Untersuchung der Kapitel zum transatlantischen Sklavenhandel in Schulbüchern, ist daher ein Desiderat der geschichtsdidaktischen/historischen Forschung und ein entsprechendes Projekt in einer deutsch-österreichischen Kooperation ist in Vorbereitung.
In diesem Beitrag soll explorativ ein Aspekt der Thematik behandelt werden – namentlich die Vorstellung und Visualisierung des transatlantischen Sklavenhandels als „Dreieckshandel“ und die damit im Zusammenhang stehenden Diskurse. Für diesen Beitrag wurde ein Corpus von sechs deutschen und zehn österreichischen Schulbüchern erstellt. Diese Untersuchung wurde als explorative Studie konzipiert und erhebt keinen Anspruch den Diskurs in österreichischen und deutschen Schulbüchern vollständig repräsentativ abzubilden. Es wurde vielmehr explorativ erkundet ob aus Sicht der Fachwissenschaft problematische Diskurse in Schulbüchern anzutreffen sind, um auf diese Weise erste Einblicke in ein bisher schlecht aufgearbeitetes und wenig reflektiertes Problem der Schulbuchforschung zu ermöglichen.

The research aimed to review and evaluate one of the five competencies of the National Curriculum for English Language (NCEL) 2006, Ministry of Education, Pakistan. The competency studied in this paper was "appropriate ethical and social... more

The research aimed to review and evaluate one of the five competencies of the National Curriculum for English Language (NCEL) 2006, Ministry of Education, Pakistan. The competency studied in this paper was "appropriate ethical and social development" through the Punjab Textbook Board Grade VIII English textbook in the light of standard learning outcomes (SLOs). To equip the students with English language competencies, academic and social communicative competence, NCEL-2006 intends to embed appropriate ethical and social development. Keeping in mind the competency five, standards, benchmarks and student learning outcomes, the findings revealed that the textbook covered the themes of tolerance and humanism. However, it does not furnish the intended student learning outcomes to develop students' moral and social competencies, ignoring that both the aspects are essential in a multicultural and civilised society. Values and attributes have also not been incorporated in the textbook to be inculcated amongst the students through the reading of texts. The findings also showed that students are unable to recognise and practice values and attributes such as tolerance, humanism, patience, equity, justice, honesty, empathy which are relevant for peaceful coexistence between individuals, groups,

This article covers how the history of Islam and the Middle East is covered in the latest K-12 Texas textbooks. The study examines three world histories, four world cultures and geography and six American history textbooks published by... more

This article covers how the history of Islam and the Middle East is covered in the latest K-12 Texas textbooks. The study examines three world histories, four world cultures and geography and six American history textbooks published by major publishers. This article demonstrates that Islamophobic attempts to present Islam as a violent religion has been successful in Texas textbooks. On the other hand, the " Islam spread by sword " narrative is contradicted by the same textbooks with a recognition of non-Muslim communities that have lived in the Islamic world throughout Islamic history. The study aims to guide publishers and educators before the next cycle of textbook renewal is initiated in 2019.

A number of studies have highlighted the important role of textbooks in promoting language learners' linguistic and intercultural communicative abilities. Responding to the aforementioned investigations, this research paper aims at... more

A number of studies have highlighted the important role of textbooks in promoting language learners' linguistic and intercultural communicative abilities. Responding to the aforementioned investigations, this research paper aims at exploring intercultural representation in the dialogues compiled from two specially chosen EFL (English as a Foreign Language) textbooks used in Thailand and Laos. More specifically, the current work has investigated two major cultural models which play a crucial role in intercultural communication, namely Individualism and Collectivism, to see how they manifest themselves in the textbooks for Thai and Lao EFL learners. In so doing, results obtained from the analysis are capable of revealing in addition its possible link to some cultural problems, such as gender bias or inequality of power in both Thai and Lao societies. As one may recognize, EFL textbooks can be one of the great impacts in contributing to intercultural prejudices and biases that learners can, unfortunately, absorb in their learning.

For the past two decades or so, the world has witnessed the global craze of learning Chinese as foreign language and the mushrooming of Confucius Institutes through the efforts of promotion of the Chinese government. By the end of 2010,... more

For the past two decades or so, the world has witnessed the global craze of learning Chinese as foreign language and the mushrooming of Confucius Institutes through the efforts of promotion of the Chinese government. By the end of 2010, there have been more than 690 Confucius Institutes/Schools established in 96 countries/regions, most of which are with English as a dominant language. There is a growing concern and critique about the Chinese ideology and culture emerged with this rapid expansion may affect the world view of non-Chinese speakers. This study thus attempts to examine the issue from a perspective of corpus-based critical discourse analysis of Chinese textbook materials used in Confucius Institutes. The analysis will look at how the ideology and culture embedded in the reading materials have been reflected in the Chinese textbooks commonly used in Confucius Institutes around the world, and what culture images they have been projected to the learners. We will firstly build a corpus of reading texts to collect a dozen of Chinese textbooks widely used in those Confucius Institutes. Following on corpus annotation and content analysis, we hope our findings can capture the patterns of language use and cultural images identified and distributed in the texts. We believe that the selected teaching materials in the textbooks reflects an ideology that serves the interests of particular groups in society to the exclusion of others, and thus contributes a lot to the attitude of the learners towards the ideology and culture carried by the language itself.