Typology Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

In this paper I discuss in a critical manner what I believe to be some of the more interesting contributions of Anthony Steinbock’s book Home and Beyond: Generative Phenomenology after Husserl. I will thus refer mainly to his... more

In this paper I discuss in a critical manner what I believe to be some of the more interesting contributions of Anthony Steinbock’s book Home and Beyond: Generative Phenomenology after Husserl. I will thus refer mainly to his clarification of the constitution of familiar and alien objects or states of affairs through appropriation and transgression. In connection with this I will try to put forward some of the advantages and implications of a phenomenological approach to the problem of historicity in terms of generativity. However, I will also discuss some of the limitations and problems of Steinbock’s approach. I believe that most if not all of these problems are related to his understanding of the relationship between static, genetic and generative phenomenological methods. Therefore I will devote some lines to discuss this issue and to rethink some of Steinbock’s main theses under the light of another way of understanding the relationship between these methods as well as the task of the philosophical inquiry proposed by phenomenology.

Abstract The concept of pedophilia has traditionally been used as a homogeneous mental disorder by most authors and therapists. The present study, investigating different parameters in men who offend against children, shows that men who... more

The concept of pedophilia has traditionally been used as a homogeneous mental disorder by most authors and therapists. The present study, investigating different parameters in men who offend against children, shows that men who sexually offend against boys significantly differ from those who sexually offend against girls only. They are differences with respect to sexual orientation, prevalence, number of victims and being sexually abused during childhood. In the course of therapy, most men who sexually offend against boys turned out to be homosexual. These findings are discussed in relation to the life situation of young homosexual boys, and with regard to
therapeutic work with sex offenders.
Key words: pedophilia, sexual abuse of children, typology, childhood, sexual orientation, therapy

Isaiah 6 is filled with brilliant imagery, passion, and religious depth that stir the calling of God in the souls of believers, especially in the first eight verses of the chapter. But, the mood quickly changes, as Isaiah 6:9-13 records... more

Isaiah 6 is filled with brilliant imagery, passion, and religious depth that stir the calling of God in the souls of believers, especially in the first eight verses of the chapter. But, the mood quickly changes, as Isaiah 6:9-13 records the Prophet Isaiah’s eighth century declaration of desolation for his homeland, with specific warnings of God’s intent to remove the spiritual awareness of His people. This deadening of spiritual realization becomes critical to first century Jews and Christians as the presence of Christ and His testimony establish the New Covenant of the LORD God with believers. Isaiah 6 clearly warns Judah of the coming desolation and records God's promotion of obduracy, which highlights the relationship between understanding and redemption in the salvation process.

Può la densità essere lo strumento analitico di interpretazione dei fenomeni urbani e contemporaneamente un parametro progettuale di prefigurazione dello spazio architettonico? La densità nelle sue diverse accezioni e unità di misura,... more

Può la densità essere lo strumento analitico di interpretazione dei fenomeni urbani e contemporaneamente un parametro progettuale di prefigurazione dello spazio architettonico? La densità nelle sue diverse accezioni e unità di misura, costituisce un nodo di grande rilevanza per l'interpretazione dei fenomeni urbani e degli spazi architettonici. Incoraggia una riconciliazione dello sguardo quantitativo con quello mirato alla lettura qualitativa, riavvicina discipline disgraziatamente disgiunte nell'attuale pratica, suggerisce mezzi e stili di vita che sono alla base del nostro habitat. Ciò che infatti ha da sempre caratterizzato la città non è solo la sua dimensione ed il numero degli abitanti, ma un secondo fattore fondamentale: la densità appunto, o meglio un valore di densità minimo in grado di produrre divisione del lavoro, varietà di funzioni e attività, complessità della struttura sociale. L'architettura progetta distanze oltrechè volumi, la densità ne è quindi un parametro centrale; l'urbanistica e la progettazione urbana, utilizzando il calcolo della densità come livello minimo di pianificazione, dovranno tendere a configurare in futuro le città, influenzandone gli aspetti non solo numerici, ma anche tipologici, morfologici e spaziali. Riscattato dalla computistica, il fattore densità, si trasforma allora in una variabile urbana in grado di definire la forma attuale della città, divenendone strumento di misurazione e di progetto.

The lives and relationships between Kings Saul and David from 1 and 2 Samuel are examined in greater depth as symbolic representatives and typological figures. Saul personifies the Old covenant system, and David personifies both Jesus... more

The lives and relationships between Kings Saul and David from 1 and 2 Samuel are examined in greater depth as symbolic representatives and typological figures. Saul personifies the Old covenant system, and David personifies both Jesus and the New covenant system. Attention is given to the New Testament fulfillment of Jesus as the Son of David, to David's ability to drive out unclean spirits of Saul, and to Saul and David's roles as prophets, priests and kings.

A typological overview of Kayardild.

The aim of the article is to present the author’s proposition of typology of organizational network models. The considerations were based on the analysis of the literature on the subject of the described organizational network models and... more

The aim of the article is to present the author’s proposition of typology of organizational network models. The considerations were based on the analysis of the literature on the subject of the described organizational network models and their typology, and the main part of the article is a proposal of the typology of organizational network models. The starting point was the assumption that typologies play an important role in building theory, and the concept of network is ambiguously defined and described in network theory. The multitude of features and parameters describing organizational networks indicates a large diversity of their models. The article reviews the criteria for the division and types of organizational networks in light of the literature on the subject, and presents the characteristics of organizational network models by their origin, the main mechanism explaining the functioning of the network, the method of network coordination, and the author’s typology of organ...

Data mining, which is the exploration of knowledge from the large set of data, generated as a result of the various data processing activities. Frequent Pattern Mining is a very important task in data mining. The previous approaches... more

Data mining, which is the exploration of knowledge from the large set of data, generated as a result of the various data processing activities. Frequent Pattern Mining is a very important task in data mining. The previous approaches applied to generate frequent set generally adopt candidate generation and pruning techniques for the satisfaction of the desired objective. This paper shows how the different approaches achieve the objective of frequent mining along with the complexities required to perform the job. This paper will also look for hardware approach of cache coherence to improve efficiency of the above process. The process of data mining is helpful in generation of support systems that can help in Management, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Medical Science, Statistics, Mathematics, Banking, Networking and other Computer related applications. This paper proposes the use of both upward and downward closure property for the extraction of frequent item sets which reduces the tot...

This paper aims at exploring pattern of becoming highly skilled labor migrant from Turkey. It focused on pre-migration biographies in order to develop a typology of backgrounds of the highly educated migrants from Turkey in Germany. For... more

This paper aims at exploring pattern of becoming highly skilled labor migrant from Turkey. It focused on pre-migration biographies in order to develop a typology of backgrounds of the highly educated migrants from Turkey in Germany. For this purpose, 33 semi-structured interviews with ICT-specialists, who migrated from Turkey to work professionally in Germany, were analyzed. The paper treats highly skilled labor migration as a process involving the preparatory role of the family and education system. It highlights importance of geographical mobility, gender difference, socio-economic status of the family, cultural capital of the mother, high school preference, and warm-up exercises, as well as their correlation.

In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird die subjektive Wahrnehmung und Bewältigung von Armut im Kontext der strukturellen Einbindung der Betroffenen konzeptualisiert und erfasst. In einer reichen Gesellschaft arm zu sein, bedeutet nicht nur ein... more

In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird die subjektive Wahrnehmung und Bewältigung von Armut im Kontext der strukturellen Einbindung der Betroffenen konzeptualisiert und erfasst. In einer reichen Gesellschaft arm zu sein, bedeutet nicht nur ein materielles Problem, sondern auch die Infragestellung der sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Zugehörigkeit der Betroffenen. Um dem zu entgehen, sind die Akteure auf voneinander abgrenzbare Kontexte in ihrem Netzwerk angewiesen, in denen sie Anerkennung und Teilhabe generieren können. Wer in dieser Lage auf sich selbst zurückgeworfen ist, erfährt Armut als die Zerstörung seiner bzw. ihrer Identität als respektables Mitglied der Gesellschaft. Der Kampf gegen die Armut darf daher nicht gegen die Armen geführt werden, sondern muss ein Kampf um Orte und Gelegenheiten sein, an denen wir zeigen können, dass es (auch) auf uns ankommt. Es zeigt sich, dass materielle Knappheit in Abhängigkeit der sozialen Einbindung unterschiedlich wahrgenommen wird. Die Bewältigungschancen verschlechtern sich, je weniger Gelegenheitsstrukturen zur Erreichung von Anerkennung und Teilhabe den Befragten in ihrem sozial-räumlichen Umfeld zur Verfügung stehen.

My current research focuses upon the varied strands of the squatting movement in Rotterdam from the 1960s to the present day. Whereas Western European capital cities such as Amsterdam, Berlin and Copenhagen all have well established... more

Abstrakt. Dünyanın һüquq sistemlәrinin әksәriyyәtinin әsasında ümumi mәdәniyyәtin vә һüquq mәdәniyyәtinin elementlәri durur. Dövlәtlәrin һәr birinin öz milli һüququna malik olması onun sosial iqtisadi, siyasi vә mәdәni orijinallığını әks... more

Abstrakt. Dünyanın һüquq sistemlәrinin әksәriyyәtinin әsasında ümumi mәdәniyyәtin vә һüquq mәdәniyyәtinin elementlәri durur. Dövlәtlәrin һәr birinin öz milli һüququna malik olması onun sosial iqtisadi, siyasi vә mәdәni orijinallığını әks etdirir. Bu da öz növbәsindә onların milli һüquq sistemlәrinin bәrqәrar olması ilә nәticәlәnir. Milli һüquq sistemlәrinin mәzmununda һәm dövlәt formalarına xas olan, һәm dә bu vә ya digәr һüquq tipinә malik ölkә üçün sәciyyәvi olan xüsusiyyәtlәr nәzәrә çarpır. Müxtəlif birlәşmәlәr çәrçivәsindә һüquq ailәlәri qrupları vә ayrı-ayrı altqruplar fәrqlәndirilir. Belә һüquq ailәlәri qrupları vә altqruplar müxtәlif sәbәblәrә görә qarışıq xarakter daşıyan dövlәtlәrin orijinal һüquq sistemlәrindәn ibarәtdir.

The understanding in the differentiation between spaces and places is vital in architecture. One deals with the physical dimensions that constitute the physical form and boundary while the other is an edifice that contributes to the... more

The understanding in the differentiation between spaces and places is vital in architecture. One deals with the physical dimensions that constitute the physical form and boundary while the other is an edifice that contributes to the narrative of the user and is people-centric. Spaces and Places are not mutually exclusive owing to the fact that any place intrinsically stems from a space. However the components that define each of these phenomena differ in intent during their creation. All spaces employ the use of metrics to generate lines, planes, volumes. Well-designed spaces combine these tangible metrics with creativity and a keen focus on aesthetics that bear positively on the physical manifestation and composition of these forms. Places go beyond creating purely aesthetic spaces and engage the user/s in a dynamic dialogue that helps the user forge an emotional and/or spiritual connect to the place. There are several elements which aid in the creation of such place. Of these, authoritative elements may be considered to lend authenticity to design. This paper tests the hypothesis that authoritative elements are key influencers of Placemaking in Architecture.

Deux dépôts de haches à talon de la fin du Bronze moyen ont été découverts entre 2005 et 2006 dans la forêt de Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Yvelines). Très probablement incomplet, le premier dépôt est représenté par quatre outils alors que le... more

Deux dépôts de haches à talon de la fin du Bronze moyen ont été découverts entre 2005 et 2006 dans la forêt de Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Yvelines). Très probablement incomplet, le premier dépôt est représenté par quatre outils alors que le second, considéré comme complet, en comporte 17. Distants de 5 km d'est en ouest, ils étaient positionnés dans la boucle de la Seine et sous le couvert forestier actuel. Parmi les 21 haches, 12 sont fonctionnelles et semblent avoir effectivement servi. Une hache dans chaque dépôt est issue d'un même moule, cinq haches du deuxième dépôt ont été coulées à partir d'un autre même moule et montrent des similitudes dans le type de martelage. Un autre dépôt provenant du Val-d'Oise sera décrit succinctement. Cette présente étude propose une analyse descriptive à partir d'observations macroscopiques détaillées, et présente des remarques d'ordre typologique et technique sur l'étape de préparation. Abstract Two deposits of palstaves dating to the end of the Middle Bronze age were discovered in 2005-2006 in the forest of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Yvelines). The first deposit, which is probably not complete, contains four objects and the second, considered as being complete, contains 17 objects. They were both found about 5 km apart in a meander of the Seine in woodland. Of the 21 palstaves, 12 are considered as having been used. One palstave from each deposit has been cast from the same mould and 5 palstaves from the second deposit also derive from a same casting and have been identically hammered. A third deposit from Val d'Oise will also be touched upon. Our study proposes a descriptive analysis using macroscopic observations and typological and technological remarks relating to each production stage.

The cross-linguistic investigation of semantic categories has a long history, spanning many disciplines and covering many domains. But the extent to which semantic categories are universal or language-specific remains highly... more

The cross-linguistic investigation of semantic categories has a long history, spanning many disciplines and covering many domains. But the extent to which semantic categories are universal or language-specific remains highly controversial. Focusing on the domain of events involving material destruction (“cutting and breaking” events, for short), this study investigates how speakers of different languages implicitly categorize such events through the verbs they use to talk about them. Speakers of 28 typologically, genetically and geographically diverse languages were asked to describe the events shown in a set of videoclips, and the distribution of their verbs across the events was analyzed with multivariate statistics. The results show that there is considerable agreement across languages in the dimensions along which cutting and breaking events are distinguished, although there is variation in the number of categories and the placement of their boundaries. This suggests that there are strong constraints in human event categorization, and that variation is played out within a restricted semantic space.

Tokyo Metropolis, with some exclusive features such as the experience of land readjustment, high level of technology, great economical centralization, and high density of information, presents a type of complicated, crowded, and instable... more

Tokyo Metropolis, with some exclusive features such as the experience of land readjustment, high level of technology, great economical centralization, and high density of information, presents a type of complicated, crowded, and instable architecture and city planning. Such a status is a problem for determining the architectural typology and makes it practically hard for introducing the contemporary architecture and the viewpoints concerning it. Understanding the formal types in architecture, makes it possible to gain theoretical and practical ideas and plans for city growth and promotion. The hypothesis of this article declares that among the space and visual instability and the wide variety of architectural forms, there is a special tendency in residential architectural forms in Tokyo that could be studied. To prove the hypothesis, the article's research methodology starts with determining and understanding the uniqueness of Tokyo and influential factors in the city's form...