Van Der Waals Research Papers (original) (raw)

Triplet state sublevel spectroscopy using optical detection of magnetic resonance (ODMR) in zero magnetic field can be successfully employed to study (i) the environment of tryptophan (Trp) residues in a protein by observing the position... more

Triplet state sublevel spectroscopy using optical detection of magnetic resonance (ODMR) in zero magnetic field can be successfully employed to study (i) the environment of tryptophan (Trp) residues in a protein by observing the position and structure of phosphorescence spectra, zero field ODMR transitions and triplet state sublevel kinetics, (ii) the energy transfer among Trp residues, and (iii) whether any

The surging demand for energy and staggering pollutants in the environment have geared the scientific community to explore sustainable pathways that are economically feasible and environmentally compelling. In this context, harnessing... more

The surging demand for energy and staggering pollutants in the environment have geared the scientific community to explore sustainable pathways that are economically feasible and environmentally compelling. In this context, harnessing solar energy using semiconductor materials to generate charge pairs to drive photoredox reactions has been envisioned as a futuristic approach. Numerous inorganic crystals with promising nanoregime properties investigated in the past decade have yet to demonstrate practical application due to limited photon absorption and sluggish charge separation kinetics. Twodimensional semiconductors with tunable optical and electronic properties and quasi-resistance-free lateral charge transfer mechanisms have shown great promise in photocatalysis. Polymeric graphitic carbon nitride (g-C 3 N 4) is among the most promising candidates due to fine-tuned band edges and the feasibility of optimizing the optical properties via materials genomics. Constructing a two-dimensional (2D)/2D van der Waals (vdW) heterojunction by allies of 2D carbon nitride sheets and other 2D semiconductors has demonstrated enhanced charge separation with improved visible photon absorption, and the performance is not restricted by the lattice matching of constituting materials. With the advent of new 2D semiconductors over the recent past, the 2D/2D heterojunction assemblies are gaining momentum to design high performance photocatalysts for numerous applications. This review aims to highlight recent advancements and key understanding in carbon nitride based 2D/2D heterojunctions and their applications in photocatalysis, including small molecules activation, conversion, and degradations. We conclude with a forward-looking perspective discussing the key challenges and opportunity areas for future research.

I. INTRODUCTION The technology of wafer direct bonding has made signi-ficant advances over the last decade. Consequently, there is an extensive and rapidly expanding body of literature on all aspects of wafer direct bonding. It is beyond... more

I. INTRODUCTION The technology of wafer direct bonding has made signi-ficant advances over the last decade. Consequently, there is an extensive and rapidly expanding body of literature on all aspects of wafer direct bonding. It is beyond the scope of this overview to cover all ...

In 1873, Van der Waals modified the Ideal Gas Equation and formulate Van der Waals equation of state for real gases. PiVi = RT By incorporating the size effect and intermolecular attraction effect of the real gas. These above two effects... more

In 1873, Van der Waals modified the Ideal Gas Equation and formulate Van der Waals equation of state for real gases. PiVi = RT By incorporating the size effect and intermolecular attraction effect of the real gas. These above two effects are discussing under the Volume Correction and Pressure Correction of the Ideal Gas Equation. Volume Correction by Van der Waals Molecules are assumed to be a hard rigid sphere and in a real gas, the available space for free movement of the molecules becomes less then V. let us take the available space for free movement of 1-mole gas molecules, Vi = (V-b) Where V is the molar volume of the gas and b is the volume correction factor. Vi = molar volume of the ideal gas where the gas molecules are regarded as point masses. Let us take, r is the radius of the molecule and σ = 2r is the diameter using the molecule as a rigid sphere.

Do ponto de vista da Termodinâmica, gás ideal é aquele para o qual vale, para quaisquer valores de P e T, a equação de estado de Clapeyron: P i V i = nRT em que colocamos índices para enfatizar que as propriedades correspondentes estão... more

Do ponto de vista da Termodinâmica, gás ideal é aquele para o qual vale, para quaisquer valores de P e T, a equação de estado de Clapeyron: P i V i = nRT em que colocamos índices para enfatizar que as propriedades correspondentes estão associadas aos gases ideais. Do ponto de vista da Teoria Cinética, gás ideal é aquele cujas moléculas não interagem entre si e têm apenas energia cinética de translação.

We propose distinct element method modeling of carbon nanotube systems. The atomic-level description of an individual nanotube is coarse-grained into a chain of spherical elements that interact by parallel bonds located at their contacts.... more

We propose distinct element method modeling of carbon nanotube systems. The atomic-level description of an individual nanotube is coarse-grained into a chain of spherical elements that interact by parallel bonds located at their contacts. The spherical elements can lump multiple translational unit cells of the carbon nanotube and have both translational and rotational degrees of freedom. The discrete long ranged interaction between nanotubes is included in a van der Waals contact of nonmechanical nature that acts simultaneously with the parallel bonds. The created mesoscopic model is put into service by simulating a realistic carbon nanotube ring. The ring morphology arises from the energy balance stored in both parallel and van der Waals bonds.

We present a review of the main aspects of geometrothermodynamics, an approach which allows us to associate a specific Riemannian structure to any classical thermodynamic system. In the space of equilibrium states, we consider a Legendre... more

We present a review of the main aspects of geometrothermodynamics, an approach which allows us to associate a specific Riemannian structure to any classical thermodynamic system. In the space of equilibrium states, we consider a Legendre invariant metric, which is given in terms of the fundamental equation of the corresponding thermodynamic system, and analyze its geometric properties in the case of the van der Waals gas, and black holes. We conclude that the geometry of this particular metric reproduces the thermodynamic behavior of the van der Waals gas, and the Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole, but it is not adequate for the thermodynamic description of Kerr black holes.

The well-known equation of state Soave-Redlich-Kwong and two of its modifications are applied to describe vapor-liquid equilibrium in binary asymmetric mixtures, which contain supercritical carbon dioxide and a heavy component. Several... more

The well-known equation of state Soave-Redlich-Kwong and two of its modifications are applied to describe vapor-liquid equilibrium in binary asymmetric mixtures, which contain supercritical carbon dioxide and a heavy component. Several mixing rules including the classical van der Waals mixing rules with one and two interaction parameters, non-quadratic mixing rules, and the used of a Gibbs free energy model, are used with these equations. Seven mixtures containing supercritical carbon dioxide are considered in the study. The experimental data were obtained from literature sources and the adjustable parameters were found by minimizing the errors between predicted and experimental data of the concentration of the solute in the liquid phase. The work allows concluding on the advantages, disadvantages and expected accuracy of these equations of state and mixing rules for correlating vaporliquid equilibrium data in asymmetric systems as those studied.