Varvaria Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The tombstone of the Qeresii family came from Varvaria, and not, as it was earlier stated, from Bumurn. Members of that family belonged to recently romanized Liburnians. Volusia M. f . Aet(ria?), the mother of the family, has already been... more

The tombstone of the Qeresii family came from Varvaria, and not, as it was earlier stated, from Bumurn. Members of that family belonged to recently romanized Liburnians. Volusia M. f . Aet(ria?), the mother of the family, has already been a Roman citizen. perhaps of the second generation. This grant of Roman citizennship may be connected to L. Volusius Saturninus, governor of the province Dalmatia. T. Queresius Aet. f., the father, of Latin civil status, was granted Roman citizenship only after the birth of their son, C. Volusius Maximus, but before the two daughters (Queresia T. f. Marima and Queresia T. f. Tertia) were born. Consequentl, the son followed moter's civil status, while the daughters, already born in legaly recognized marriage of two Roman citizens, were submitted to patria potestas.
This is the only monument that mentions nomen Queresius, which might belong to native onomasticon. The most probable date is the middle of the first century A.D.

Nadgrobni spomenik obitelji Queresii potječe iz Varvarije, a ne, kako je prilikom prve objave obznanjeno, iz Burnuma. Članovi te obitelji su svježe romanizirani Liburni: Volusia M. f. Aet(ria?), majka, pripada barem drugoj generaciji s rimskim građanskim pravom, dodjela kojeg bi se mogla povezati s namjesnikom provincije Dalmacije L. Volusijem Saturninom. Otac, T. Queresius Aet. f., Latin, zadobija rimsko građansko pravo tek nakon rođenja sina, C. Volusija Maxima, a prije rođenja kćeri Queresiae T. f. Maximae i Queresiae T. f. Tertiae. Uslijed toga sin zadobija građanski status po majci, a kćeri, već rođene u zakonitom braku dvoje rimskih građana, potpadaju pod očevu vlast.
Gentilicij Queresius, koji bi mogao pripadati autohtonom imenskom fondu, prvi put se javlja na ovom spomeniku, koji se može datirati oko sredine 1. st. n. e.