Viral Marketing Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The paper describes user behavior as a result of introducing monetization in the freemium educational online platform. Monetization resulted in alternative system growth mechanisms, causing viral increase in the number of users. Given... more

The paper describes user behavior as a result of introducing monetization in the freemium educational online platform. Monetization resulted in alternative system growth mechanisms, causing viral increase in the number of users. Given different options, users choose the most advantageous and simple ones for them. System metrics in terms of the K-factor was utilized as an indicator of the system user base growth. The weekly K-factor almost doubled as a result of monetization introduction. Monetization and viral growth can be both competing and complementary mechanisms for the system growth.

The main objective of this paper is to highlight the importance of social networking platforms in viral marketing and the word spoken electronically. The revolution of modern technology with social media platforms offers new opportunities... more

The main objective of this paper is to highlight the importance of social networking platforms in viral marketing and the word spoken electronically. The revolution of modern technology with social media platforms offers new opportunities for communication between consumers and marketers. Organizations need to always have a way to stay in touch with customers and achieve this through the platforms of social communication, which is still the first in the world about disseminating information and communication. Therefore, the importance of social communication platforms increased with their impact on customers through the electronic word of mouth and viral marketing. The results of this study provide insights for decision-makers, marketers, and organizations to focus on the social communication platforms and the opinions shared between consumers to stay updated for any comment. It also emphasizes the effectiveness of marketing through social networking platforms, especially if it is a...

The scale-free degree distribution and community structure are two significant properties shared by numerous complex networks. In this paper, we investigate the impact of these properties on a stochastic SIR epidemic which incorporates... more

The scale-free degree distribution and community structure are two significant properties shared by numerous complex networks. In this paper, we investigate the impact of these properties on a stochastic SIR epidemic which incorporates the stochastic nature of epidemic spreading. A two-type branching process is employed to approximate the early stage of epidemic spreading. The basic reproduction number R0 is obtained. And the influences of scale-free property and community structure on R0 are analyzed by numerical simulations.

The paper describes user behavior as a result of introducing monetization in the freemium educational online platform. Monetization resulted in alternative system growth mechanisms, causing viral increase in the number of users. Given... more

The paper describes user behavior as a result of introducing monetization in the freemium educational online platform. Monetization resulted in alternative system growth mechanisms, causing viral increase in the number of users. Given different options, users choose the most advantageous and simple ones for them. System metrics in terms of the K-factor was utilized as an indicator of the system user base growth. The weekly K-factor almost doubled as a result of monetization introduction. Monetization and viral growth can be both competing and complementary mechanisms for the system growth.

Il marketing virale è una tecnica di promozione a basso costo in cui i consumatori sono indotti a farsi vettori della comunicazione, prestando al messaggio la propria credibilità. Negli ultimi anni questo modo di comunicare,... more

Il marketing virale è una tecnica di promozione a basso costo in cui i consumatori sono indotti a farsi vettori della comunicazione, prestando al messaggio la propria credibilità. Negli ultimi anni questo modo di comunicare, particolarmente adatto a viaggiare su Internet, è stato sperimentato con successo nell'industria discografica. Per indagare le ragioni di questo successo e le condizioni che lo hanno reso possibile, si presentano sei esperienze, da cui risulta il perfezionamento delle tecniche di controllo della comunicazione peer-to-peer tra consumatori. Si ipotizza che esista una relazione tra forma della concorrenza nel mercato discografico e decollo del marketing virale: esso consentirebbe di aggirare le barriere strategiche all'entrata del settore, e sarebbe dunque una formidabile arma competitiva per gli outsiders. Ci si pone poi il problema delle condizioni di funzionamento di queste tecniche, e si conclude che assai importante è abbinare la presenza di adeguati fattori motivanti (incentivi, identità, esperienza ludica) a un basso costo individuale di partecipazione alla campagna.

T he concept of viral marketing has been discussed in the literature for over 15 years, since Jeffrey Rayport first introduced the term in 1996. However, the more widespread use of social media has recently pushed this idea to a whole new... more

T he concept of viral marketing has been discussed in the literature for over 15 years, since Jeffrey Rayport first introduced the term in 1996. However, the more widespread use of social media has recently pushed this idea to a whole new level. We provide insight into the relationship between social media and viral marketing, and illustrate the six steps executives should take in order to dance the social media/viral marketing waltz. We define viral marketing as electronic word-of-mouth whereby some form of marketing message related to a company, brand, or product is transmitted in an exponentially growing wayâ€"often through the use of social media applications. We consider the three conditions that need to be fulfilled to create a viral marketing epidemic (i.e., giving the right message to the right messengers in the right environment) and present four different groups of social media viral marketing campaigns (nightmares, strokes-of-luck, homemade issues, and triumphs). We conclude Purchase Export Previous Previous article Next Next article Check if you have access through your login credentials or your institution.

This paper discusses an alternative conceptualization of Entrepreneurial Marketing that can be understood as "marketing with an entrepreneurial mindset". By combining the definition of marketing of the American Marketing Association (AMA)... more

This paper discusses an alternative conceptualization of Entrepreneurial Marketing that can be understood as "marketing with an entrepreneurial mindset". By combining the definition of marketing of the American Marketing Association (AMA) and two conceptualizations of entrepreneurship (entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial management), we arrive at a definition of Entrepreneurial Marketing as the the organizational function of marketing by taking into account innovativeness, risk taking, proactiveness and the pursuit of opportunities without regard for the resources currently controlled. This definition must not be restricted to young and small ventures, but can equally be applied to larger firms. We illustrate the concept of Entrepreneurial Marketing by highlighting Guerrilla Marketing, Buzz Marketing and Viral Marketing.

Учебно-методический комплекс «Web маркетинг» включает 4 раздела: теоретический, практический, контроля знаний и вспомогательный, которые содержат тезисы лекций для теоретического изучения учебной дисциплины, вопросы и задания для... more

Учебно-методический комплекс «Web маркетинг» включает 4 раздела: теоретический, практический, контроля знаний и вспомогательный, которые содержат тезисы лекций для теоретического изучения учебной дисциплины, вопросы и задания для обсуждения на практических занятиях, контрольные вопросы аттестации, учебную программу дисциплины и рекомендуемую литературу.

Resumo: O presente estudo tem como objetivo fazer uma análise da narrativa de um audiovisual publicitário na internet. Por esse viés, nota-se a relevância dos aspectos da construção narrativa para atrair a atenção de seu público-alvo no... more

Resumo: O presente estudo tem como objetivo fazer uma análise da narrativa de um audiovisual publicitário na internet. Por esse viés, nota-se a relevância dos aspectos da construção narrativa para atrair a atenção de seu público-alvo no ambiente digital. Assim, o presente projeto pretende analisar o vídeo publicitário da marca Heineken “The Cliché”, de 2016, que atingiu mais de 17 milhões de visualizações em sua publicação oficial. É possível considerar certo sucesso nesta campanha, todavia, houve também certas críticas por meio de usuários que descobriram que os personagens do comercial não eram pessoas ‘reais’, mas atores. Desta forma, fica a reflexão sobre a construção narrativa que se esforça em representar o real pela utilização de diversas linguagens. Este trabalho, estabelece um caminho metodológico a partir do referencial teórico de João Carrascoza, Henry Jenkins, Jerome Bruner e Erich Auerbach.

Desde sus orígenes a mediados de los noventa, la aplicación del concepto de viralidad a la comunicación comercial ha representado para las marcas una oportunidad para franquear las tradicionales barreras de la audiencia ante la publicidad... more

Desde sus orígenes a mediados de los noventa, la aplicación del concepto de viralidad a la comunicación comercial ha representado para las marcas una oportunidad para franquear las tradicionales barreras de la audiencia ante la publicidad y convertirla en transmisora activa de los mensajes de la marca. El marketing viral se basa, desde entonces, en dos principios básicos: ofrecer al individuo contenidos gratuitos y atractivos que disfrazan su finalidad comercial y usar un sistema de difusión de usuario en usuario. La transformación del espectador pasivo en usuario activo que difunde mensajes de tipo publicitario promovidos por anunciantes, responde a una serie de necesidades y motivaciones de los individuos y a una serie de características de los contenidos que han sido descritos por la investigación previa en este campo, principalmente a través de metodologías de tipo cuantitativo basadas en las percepciones de los usuarios. El presente artículo analiza, a través de la metodología del análisis de contenido, la presencia de los elementos que trabajos de investigación anteriores han señalado como favorecedores de la acción de compartir en los 25 vídeos publicitarios virales con más «shares» entre 2006 y 2013. Los resultados obtenidos muestran las características más comunes en este tipo de vídeos y la presencia destacada de la sorpresa y la alegría como emociones dominantes en los vídeos virales más exitosos.

We propose a computational framework to predict synchrony of action in online social media. Synchrony is a temporal social network phenomenon in which a large number of users are observed to mimic a certain action over a period of time... more

We propose a computational framework to predict synchrony of action in online social media. Synchrony is a temporal social network phenomenon in which a large number of users are observed to mimic a certain action over a period of time with sustained participation from early users. Understanding social synchrony can be helpful in identifying suitable time periods of viral marketing. Our method consists of two parts-the learning framework and the evolution framework. In the learning framework, we develop a DBN based representation that includes an understanding of user context to predict the probability of user actions over a set of time slices into the future. In the evolution framework, we evolve the social network and the user models over a set of future time slices to predict social synchrony. Extensive experiments on a large dataset crawled from the popular social media site Digg (comprising ~7M diggs) show that our model yields low error (15.2+4.3%) in predicting user actions during periods with and without synchrony. Comparison with baseline methods indicates that our method shows significant improvement in predicting user actions.

Although viral marketing has garnered a great deal of attention in the trade press, almost nothing is known about the motivations, attitudes, and behaviors ofthe people (those sending the email to others) that constitute the essential... more

Although viral marketing has garnered a great deal of attention in the trade press, almost nothing is known about the motivations, attitudes, and behaviors ofthe people (those sending the email to others) that constitute the essential component of any such strategy. This articie reports the results of three studies that examine consumer responses and motivations to pass along emaii. Impiications for target selection and message creation are discussed for advertising practitioners interested in implementing viral efforts, and suggestions for future research relating to computer-mediated consumer-to-consumer interactions are presented for academic researchers.

Web 2.0 has enabled a whole new way for companies, user communities and others to engage each other. Social Media (SM) platforms (i.e. blogs, micro-blogs, social networks, video/photo upload sites), in particular, comprise a flourishing... more

Web 2.0 has enabled a whole new way for companies, user communities and others to engage each other. Social Media (SM) platforms (i.e. blogs, micro-blogs, social networks, video/photo upload sites), in particular, comprise a flourishing new set of eWOM and viral marketing mechanisms that are growing exponentially. More and more global companies are using SMsome because they know it works, others because they're afraid not to use it. How much they spend, and how long they continue to spend it, will depend on how effective SM proves to be in the long run. The measurement of social media effectiveness, or return on investment (ROI), is a key factor in the long term success of SM marketing and management programs. This paper provides a summary overview of the SM ROI literature where there is a vast range of opinions/models/calculations in both academic and trade journals. It suggests that the SM ROI issue is far more complex than most report, and provides a business "unit of analysis" framework for better understanding this complexity. It also discusses SM ROI measurement within the context of business process/performance management basics and suggests guidelines and principles for how and when to proceed with such measurement.

Participation of Adam “Nergal” Darski, the leader of the death metal band Behemoth, in the television talent–show The Voice of Poland in autumn 2011 caused a media storm and fierce public debate in Poland . This story has focused as in a... more

Participation of Adam “Nergal” Darski, the leader of the death metal band Behemoth, in the television talent–show The Voice of Poland in autumn 2011 caused a media storm and fierce public debate in Poland . This story has focused as in a lens Polish social, political and religious life. Here heavy metal intersects with the popular media and culture, controversial stage image with court trials, Nergal’s fight against leukemia with advertising, Satanism and its symbols with Christianity, political struggle during the parliamentary election campaign with religious life, freedom of speech and artistic expression with religious freedom. This paper aims to answer two fundamental questions about those events: (1) How various discourses involved influenced each other?; (2) Which communication mechanisms have been used? Methodologically I use the Critical Discourse Analysis approach of Norman Fairclough (2003, 2005) and the case study method (Gerring, 2007; Stacks, 2005, 2011) to identify three intertwining and interacting processes of communication: (1) Nergal’s shockvertising/publicity in the death metal niche; (2) Nergal’s shockvertising/publicity in TVP when promoting The Voice of Poland to mass audience; (3) political and religious scandalization performed by specific activists (various political, church and religious organizations, bishops etc.)

Introduction: Consequence of the development of social network, viral marketing has become a new popular pattern of consumption for Subang Jaya consumers. Foodpanda is the German mobile food delivery market headquartered in Berlin,... more

Introduction: Consequence of the development of social network, viral marketing has become a new popular pattern of consumption for Subang Jaya consumers. Foodpanda is the German mobile food delivery market headquartered in Berlin, Germany, which operates in a few countries and territories including Malaysia. Methodology: The data was collected using a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed following a wide review of the literature n viral marketing. It was divided into four parts. The first part was based on personal profile of the consumers. (M Eltaj, 2017). Findings: The five factors; i) perceived informativeness, ii) perceived entertainment, iii) irritation perception, iv) perceived source credibility and v) incentive perception, have significant effects on attitudes of consumers towards viral marketing in Subang Jaya. Conclusions / and Recommendations: Online business website companies need to propose some rules or regulations to protect costumers' rights. When conflicts occur, e-vendors can follow these rules to provide solutions that are reasonable and satisfying for consumers.

The paper describes user behavior as a result of introducing monetization in the freemium educational online platform. Monetization resulted in alternative system growth mechanisms, causing viral increase in the number of users. Given... more

The paper describes user behavior as a result of introducing monetization in the freemium educational online platform. Monetization resulted in alternative system growth mechanisms, causing viral increase in the number of users. Given different options, users choose the most advantageous and simple ones for them. System metrics in terms of the K-factor was utilized as an indicator of the system user base growth. The weekly K-factor almost doubled as a result of monetization introduction. Monetization and viral growth can be both competing and complementary mechanisms for the system growth.

Le marketing non conventionnel représente un ensemble d’approches alternatives tendant à renouveler la com- munication des entreprises et des organisations. Dans cet ensemble, les actions dites de street marketing semblent... more

Le marketing non conventionnel représente un ensemble d’approches alternatives tendant à renouveler la com-
munication des entreprises et des organisations. Dans cet ensemble, les actions dites de street marketing semblent
particulièrement adaptées pour toucher une cible précise de consommateurs lors de leurs déplacements urbains.
Cependant, ces actions de marketing de rue confrontent les agences et les annonceurs à un risque inédit, la
mobilisation du bien commun à des fins de communication n’étant pas sans poser des problèmes règlementaires.
Sur la base d’une recherche menée avec 8 annonceurs et 10 agences, cet article met en évidence les pratiques
transgressives des entreprises face à la réglementation française, articule les trois grandes dimensions d’une
décision de transgression pour agences et annonceurs et détaille les façons de contourner la règle et/ou de gérer
la transgression à la règle.

Seeding strategies have strong influences on the success of viral marketing campaigns, but previous studies using computer simulations and analytical models have produced conflicting recommendations about the optimal seeding strategy.... more

Seeding strategies have strong influences on the success of viral marketing campaigns, but previous studies using computer simulations and analytical models have produced conflicting recommendations about the optimal seeding strategy. This study therefore compares four seeding strategies in two complementary small-scale field experiments, as well as in one real-life viral marketing campaign involving more than 200,000 customers of a mobile phone service provider. The empirical results show that the best seeding strategies can be up to eight times more successful than other seeding strategies. Seeding to wellconnected individuals is the most successful approach because these attractive seeding points are more likely to participate in viral marketing campaigns. This finding contradicts a common assumption in other studies. Well-connected individuals also actively use their higher reach but do not have more influence on their peers than do less well-connected individuals.

In this modern day, viral marketing is one of the trends for marketers to promote their product worldwide. Viral marketing has become a promotion tool for marketers in creating awareness of their products (Kusumadjaja, 2014). Viral... more

In this modern day, viral marketing is one of the trends for marketers to promote their product worldwide. Viral marketing has become a promotion tool for marketers in creating awareness of their products (Kusumadjaja, 2014). Viral marketing is a marketing technique whereby the information about the company’s goods or services is passed electronically from one internet use to another medium (Kusumadjaja,2014). Apparently, the effectiveness of viral marketing in achieving its goals in promoting brand and products has become commonly used in Malaysia. This research was accomplished to study the impact of viral marketing through Instagram on consumer brand knowledge of fashion designer clothing line Maatin Shakir. The fashion designer himself, Maatin Shakir, utilizes viral marketing through Instagram platforms to increase consumer brand knowledge regarding his latest clothing line. Therefore, understanding the impact of viral marketing on consumer brand knowledge will help derive the most effective management approaches for the company. A different social
media platform examined is Facebook. Apart from that, the goal for this research is to determine which social media application that most applicable for the company to practice viral marketing in boosting the company sales. Most of the marketers have turned to viral marketing to promote their brands and dive into reputation management as now the area is evolving rapidly (Kusumadjaja, 2014). Therefore, for this research, 100 questionnaires have been distributed to the client of Maatin Shakir which are also the active users of social media applications. The results concluded that the company’s viral marketing activities through social media really have an impact on its consumer brand knowledge.

Entrepreneurial marketing is a new phenomenon in the marketing history. It displays a nexus between entrepreneurship and marketing. This study depicts why and how any firm uses entrepreneurial marketing instead of traditional marketing.... more

Entrepreneurial marketing is a new phenomenon in the marketing history. It displays a nexus between entrepreneurship and marketing. This study depicts why and how any firm uses entrepreneurial marketing instead of traditional marketing. Here, single case study is used as this case is considered unique and unusual. AKASH DTH is the new and only legal firm working in the DTH Satellite Pay TV industry of Bangladesh. This firm is using entrepreneurial marketing through the combination of digital marketing, content marketing, word-of-mouth marketing, interactive marketing, guerilla marketing, relationship marketing and viral marketing. This paper focuses on the practical application of entrepreneurial marketing which might be worth of future research.

Many of the so called “viral contents” spreading in the social web undeniably deal with a rethoric of irony and parody. The popularity of texts is deeply related to the ability of drawing upon different yet interconnectd practices... more

Many of the so called “viral contents” spreading in the social web undeniably deal with a rethoric of irony and parody. The popularity of texts is deeply related to the ability of drawing upon different yet interconnectd practices regarding inter-semiotic translation, intertextuality, transmediality while fostering audiences' playful engagement. A very interesting yet disregarded phenomenon concerns the political use of such tactics of resemantization of pre-existing contents, with some of the most effective protests regarding the ability of non governmental organizations in causing distress to renowed brands.
The article focuses on the evolution of subervertising tactics in the social web domain where parody and remix are largely used to denounce the lack of credibility of international firms. An exemplary case is the Greenpeace's campaign “Everything is NOT awesome” against the contract between Lego and Shell, a very popular and effective protest whose effectiveness is based on the ability to overturn the brand values distorting and remixing copyrighted materials.

Viral marketing uses electronic communications to trigger brand messages throughout a widespread network of buyers. The process is often portrayed as a random ground-up phenomenon over which marketers have little control. But an... more

Viral marketing uses electronic communications to trigger brand messages throughout a widespread network of buyers. The process is often portrayed as a random ground-up phenomenon over which marketers have little control. But an examination of successful viral marketing cases identifies a number of strategies underpinning this chaotic phenomenon, providing insight into how marketers can use it to position their brands, change their image, and increase adoption rates. Successful viral marketing campaigns are comprised of an engaging message that involves imagination, fun and intrigue, encourages ease of use and visibility, targets credible sources, and leverages combinations of technology.

Günümüz rekabet ortamında şirketler ve organizasyonların ürettikleri mal, hizmet ve fikirleri satabilmesi geçmişe oranla çok daha zorlaşmıştır. İletişim ve üretim teknolojisindeki gelişme ve yaygınlaşma, üretilen mamülün süratle taklit... more

Günümüz rekabet ortamında şirketler ve organizasyonların ürettikleri mal, hizmet ve fikirleri satabilmesi geçmişe oranla çok daha zorlaşmıştır. İletişim ve üretim teknolojisindeki gelişme ve yaygınlaşma, üretilen mamülün süratle taklit edilebilmesini kolaylaştırdığından, pazarlama adına yürütülen her faaliyette müşteri odaklı olmak ve müşteri değeri yaratmak çok önemli hale gelmiştir. Bugün artık özellikle bir mal veya hizmeti üreten şirketler, satışla her şeyin bitmediğinin farkındadırlar ve stratejik yönetimin bir unsuru olarak tutundurmayı pazarlamanın en önemli unsurlarından bir tanesi olarak kabul etmektedirler.

This study empirically tests and compares the influence of friends' recommendations on social media and anonymous reviews on shopping websites in the context of online purchase intention. For this purpose, we analyse the impacts of these... more

This study empirically tests and compares the influence of friends' recommendations on social media and anonymous reviews on shopping websites in the context of online purchase intention. For this purpose, we analyse the impacts of these two platforms based on the components of information adoption model (IAM) which are borrowed as information quality, information credibility, information usefulness and information adoption. We conduct a survey and find anonymous reviews as more influential on consumer' online purchase intentions than friends' recommendations on social media. However, as this result was contrary to that expected, we conduct another study through in-depth interviews in order to enlighten our results found in the first study. In Study 2, we find the reasons why consumers prefer anonymous reviews rather than friends' recommendations. Information quantity, information readiness, detailed information and dedicated information are factors which make shopping websites superior than social media in terms of the impact of electronic word of mouth (eWOM). Academic and managerial implications are discussed.

Consumption of fast-food in Sri Lanka is becoming an increasingly important component of the food market. The aim of this study is to assess the Personal Factors that influencing on Fast Food Consumption in relation to Burger King, KFC,... more

Consumption of fast-food in Sri Lanka is becoming an increasingly important component of the food market. The aim of this study is to assess the Personal Factors that influencing on Fast Food Consumption in relation to Burger King, KFC, McDonald's, and Pizza Hut. To achieve the goals of this research, the data were collected from convenience sample of 200 customers in Colombo Divisional Secretariat Division. The respondents provided the data by means of a close-ended questionnaire. Pearson's Correlation was used for testing the hypotheses. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS Software. This study empirically examines the significant relationship between Personal Factors (PF) as the independent variable and Fast Food Consumption (FFC) as the dependent variable. The correlation coefficient between PF and FFC indicates that the PF is useful to explain the variation in FFC.

The article focuses on recent development and trends in the Social

Social media has been found to have created a paradigm shift in the digital marketplace by giving a new technological face to marketing highlighting the concepts of brand awareness and brand effectiveness. Social media is now the most... more

Social media has been found to have created a paradigm shift in the digital marketplace by giving a new technological face to marketing highlighting the concepts of brand awareness and brand effectiveness. Social media is now the most prominent voice of every stakeholder where communication takes place in the form of posting messages (texts, videos, pictures etc). This phenomenon has lead to the use of such viral spread of messages across social media-platforms, companies have to resort to this mode of marketing to increase their sale of products as well as highlight their brands. In this digital marketplace, emotions are backing every activity of the users leading them to like or dislike, share or not to share, in the form of messages and thus such viral spread of messages are evoking, influencing and shifting public opinions on everything from political parties ,corporate reputations, brands ,products etc. It is important to know and understand how emotions and content makes these messages go viral and take the form of the word of the mouth phenomenon. In-depth interviews with the college-going students (18-22) are conducted to explore the relationship between emotions and social media that get converted into word of the mouth phenomenon. The results helped generate a Emo-Cog (emotion-cognition) induced decision tree model which the generation Y consumers frequently use whenever they are connected to people in the social media that aids them in the decision making process. The discussion section would unveil future avenues where emotions in the social media can facilitate digital marketplace users to bring to better marketing strategies and improve upon their brand value effectiveness.

Viral marketing is one of the contemporary strategies and it is one of the most important strategies that organizations must rely on in marketing their products and services. Viral marketing is important in times of crisis for the... more

Viral marketing is one of the contemporary strategies and it is one of the most important strategies that organizations must rely on in marketing their products and services. Viral marketing is important in times of crisis for the organization to maintain its continuity in providing its products and services, and viral marketing depends on the strength of social relations between the organization and its customers. The higher the levels of trust by the public towards the organization, the more successful it will be in viral marketing. Progress in the field of information technology and the disappearance of electronic trade restrictions have contributed to the expansion of viral marketing.

This research paper is mainly focused on how viral marketing affects the global market nowadays. And thanks to the evolution of technology such as the internet, the shifts of advertisement changed from traditional marketing methods... more

This research paper is mainly focused on how viral marketing affects the global market nowadays. And thanks to the evolution of technology such as the internet, the shifts of advertisement changed from traditional marketing methods (email, pamphlets), to guerrilla marketing methods (social networking). In order to become successful in the competitive marketing world, marketers need to be able to analyse and understand which method to use in order to increase their brand or product or services. Therefore in this paper, it will be discussed thoroughly about the elements and factors of a good viral marketing strategy and what benefits, problems and challenges face them.

A brief summary and analysis of Malcolm Gladwell's "The Tipping Point"

The main objective of this paper is to highlight the importance of social networking platforms in viral marketing and the word spoken electronically. The revolution of modern technology with social media platforms offers new opportunities... more

The main objective of this paper is to highlight the importance of social networking platforms in viral marketing and the word spoken electronically. The revolution of modern technology with social media platforms offers new opportunities for communication between consumers and marketers. Organizations need to always have a way to stay in touch with customers and achieve this through the platforms of social communication, which is still the first in the world about disseminating information and communication. Therefore, the importance of social communication platforms increased with their impact on customers through the electronic word of mouth and viral marketing. The results of this study provide insights for decision-makers, marketers, and organizations to focus on the social communication platforms and the opinions shared between consumers to stay updated for any comment. It also emphasizes the effectiveness of marketing through social networking platforms, especially if it is a piece of information or advertising among consumers. This study will contribute to the development of broad lines for the future to help decision-makers in marketing plans and strengthening academic literature in this field.

Viral marketing is a newer version of "Word-of-mouth" paradigm. In present days, for retailers who intend to promote their products in market through various online marketing strategies, viral marketing strategy has been one of the most... more

Viral marketing is a newer version of "Word-of-mouth" paradigm. In present days, for retailers who intend to promote their products in market through various online marketing strategies, viral marketing strategy has been one of the most referred implications. A strong effect of viral marketing messages towards the consumers is widely establish by many researchers in order to purchase the products. It is very important for the marketers to understand the significance of viral marketing messages towards consumer purchase intention. Therefore, in this research, a questionnaire of entertaining, informative and credible viral marketing messages was asked from 100 respondents to examine the significance of viral marketing messages on consumer purchase intention. In addition, to examine consumer purchase intention, questions were asked to the same 100 respondents to evaluate the level of agreement and disagreement to related statements. Through the honest responses by the respondents, the study concludes with probable suggestions for the retailers who intend to introduce their products in market through viral marketing messages.

In the Web 1.0 era users were passive consumers of a read-only web. However, the emergence of the Web 2.0 redefined a way people use information and communication services -users evolved into prosumers which actively participate and... more

In the Web 1.0 era users were passive consumers of a read-only web. However, the emergence of the Web 2.0 redefined a way people use information and communication services -users evolved into prosumers which actively participate and collaborate in the ecosystem of a read-write web.

In recent years, designers, activists and businesspeople have started to navigate their social worlds on the basis of concepts derived from the world of computers and new media technologies. According to Otto von Busch and Karl Palmås,... more

In recent years, designers, activists and businesspeople have started to navigate their social worlds on the basis of concepts derived from the world of computers and new media technologies. According to Otto von Busch and Karl Palmås, this represents a fundamental cultural shift. The conceptual models of modern social thought, as well as the ones emanating from the 1968 revolts, are being usurped by a new worldview. Using thinkers such as Michel Serres, Gilles Deleuze and Manuel DeLanda as a point of departure, the authors expand upon the idea that everyday technologies are profoundly interconnected with dominant modes of thought. In the nineteenth century, the motor replaced the clockwork as the universal model of knowledge. In a similar vein, new media technologies are currently replacing the motor as the dominant 'conceptual technology' of contemporary social thought. This development, von Busch and Palmås argue, has yielded new ways of construing politics, activism and innovation. The authors embark on different routes to explore this shift. Otto von Busch relates the practice of hacking to phenomena such as shopdropping, craftivism, fan fiction, liberation theology, and Spanish social movement YOMANGO. Karl Palmås examines how publications like Adbusters Magazine, as well as business theorists, have adopted a computer-inspired worldview, linking this development to the boom of the late 1990s. Hence, the text is written for designers and activists, as well as for the general reader interested in cultural studies.

Bu çalışmada, medya endüstrisinin beslendiği en önemli kaynaklardan biri olan reklam; tüketim kültürü ve metalaşma bağlamında incelenmiştir. Reklama genel bir bakış başlığı altında ürün kavramı tanımlanmış, reklamın tanımı ve işlevleri... more

Bu çalışmada, medya endüstrisinin beslendiği en önemli kaynaklardan biri olan reklam; tüketim kültürü ve metalaşma bağlamında incelenmiştir. Reklama genel bir bakış başlığı altında ürün kavramı tanımlanmış, reklamın tanımı ve işlevleri özetlenerek reklamcı etkisinin ne olduğu açıklanmıştır. Reklamın modern toplumlarda yaşayan insanlara sahte istekler üretmedeki rolü vurgulandığından bölümün eleştirel bir yaklaşıma sahip olduğu söylenebilir. Değişen mecra, değişen hedef kitle, değişen reklamlar başlıklı bölümde reklamcılıktaki dönüşüme değinilmiş, reklam türleri gelenekselden alternatiflere olmak üzere bir tablo halinde sunulmuştur. Aaa bu reklam mıymış?: Gerilla reklam, viral reklam ve diğer yeniler başlıkları altında da sektördeki değişim örneklerle ve son durumun tahlili yapılarak aktarılmıştır. Klasik televizyon reklamlarının yapısı ile yeni reklamların yapılarının incelediği bu bölümlerde, reklam senaryolarının anlatı, çekim teknikleri ve kullandıkları kodlar bağlamında farklılıkları açıklanmıştır. Yeni reklam türleri tanıtılırken, henüz kavramsallaşmamış olan bazı türlerin sınıflandırılmasına hizmet etmek amaçlanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, reklamcılığın yakın geleceği ile ilgili bazı genellemeler yapılmıştır. Reklam görsel açıdan teknik kusursuzluk ve sinemasal estetiğin bir arada olduğu bir noktaya gelmiştir. Dijitalleşen dünyada, rekabet, seçici izleyici ve bilgili tüketici üçlemesi ile karşı karşıya kalan reklam, büyük bir dönüşüm içerisindedir

Shifting from traditional marketing into online marketing has allowed people to share their experiences about various aspects of those products using textual comments known as Product Reviews. As a result of this shifting, people are able... more

Shifting from traditional marketing into online marketing has allowed people to share their experiences about various aspects of those products using textual comments known as Product Reviews. As a result of this shifting, people are able to access various websites where they can find reviews for all kind of products, even the rare ones. Thus, these reviews act as a supplementary information and help people to make the right decision before buying products. Reviews that influence one's decision are considered influential reviews, as they provide truthful experiences. Given the list of reviews for a certain product, each user can vote for any given review as helpful or unhelpful. As a result, each review would be given a number that represents how many users found this review helpful. This would indicate how influential each review is. As a result, buyers rely on these reviews and those who wrote these reviews. This study emphasizes on the importance of using user votes as an important source of information for new users. The contribution of this work lies in two aspects. First, it provides a comprehensive statistical analysis of a previously-published dataset containing Amazon reviews. Second, this study insists on the importance of using user votes. This study is the first phase for many future interesting directions. It was shown that the relationship between the number of reviews and the percentage of votes is an inverse relationship.

From time to time, marketers have concentrated on adopting various marketing techniques to attract consumers. Viral Marketing through internet is one such approach which breaks the traditional brick-and-mortar model of marketing. The... more

From time to time, marketers have concentrated on adopting various marketing techniques to attract consumers. Viral Marketing through internet is one such approach which breaks the traditional brick-and-mortar model of marketing. The objective is to build a suitable model that will explain the various determinants involved in designing viral marketing campaigns and its outcome in terms of consumer response. While the popular seeding approach is known to spread the marketing word, this paper will focus on the survey method to identify patterns of consumer responses towards viral marketing. To substantiate this study, a strategic model will be created so that the prospective customers can be targeted the right way on an online forum. There is clearly more to explore from the perspective of viral marketing to enhance the experience of customers about the online media. This paper focuses on the concept of viral marketing as a tool to influence consumer's purchasing decisions which positively, may impact on sales. This paper will bring out some of the factors influencing the choice of consumers in making a purchasing decision. In addition, it would also bring out some marketing insights on how to attract new consumers through a strategic approach.

The focus of this paper is viral marketing – the process of creating, receiving, according to which the passing on of viral marketing messages depends on consumers, category, company, content (of message) and context. Viral messages can... more

The focus of this paper is viral marketing – the process of creating, receiving, according to which the passing on of viral marketing messages depends on consumers, category, company, content (of message) and context. Viral messages can be created by both the representatives of a company and consumers (like individuals or in communities), but they are being passed on by consumers. When a company creates all viral communications (related to the company) in a desired direction.