Visual Literacy Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This article explores the role of design in Ladakh, a remote region in northwestern India that was opened to tourism and trade only 35 years ago. The shift in the prevailing socio-economic structure is manifested within the region’s... more

This article explores the role of design in Ladakh, a remote region in northwestern
India that was opened to tourism and trade only 35 years ago. The shift in the prevailing
socio-economic structure is manifested within the region’s forms of visual communication, spanning a continuum from photographic advertising to hand-painted wayfinding systems. One questions the cumulative effects these graphic artifacts have on local people’s perception of the region and their identities integrated with it. Workshops were conducted in which participants were introduced to the abstract visual
language of maps then sketched their home villages. Content analysis of these externalized cognitive maps reveals a consistency of visual representation strategies across all participants. References to natural and manmade features reflect reverence for the land and an understanding of agrarian systems. Currently graphic design in Ladakh is in service to profit outside interests. The author seeks a role for design that values the local constituency as well.

The worlds which students inhabit is increasingly digital, multimedia and online. A pedagogy is urgently needed to prepare students to be effective authors and participants in such a world. Over the last three years, 40 upper primary... more

The worlds which students inhabit is increasingly digital, multimedia and online. A pedagogy is urgently needed to prepare students to be effective authors and participants in such a world. Over the last three years, 40 upper primary classes and their teachers have been participating in a project to develop students as effective authors of 3D multimodal narrative, and endeavor that embraces both English and ICT. This presentation provides an overview of the curriculum strategies and resources that have been developed.

O presente poster apresenta a investigação em curso, de natureza qualitativa e exploratória, que surge da aparente ausência de recursos digitais e analógicos adequados à idade cronológica de alunos adolescentes com Necessidades Educativas... more

O presente poster apresenta a investigação em curso, de natureza qualitativa e exploratória, que surge da aparente ausência de recursos digitais e analógicos adequados à idade cronológica de alunos adolescentes com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE) – mais especificamente, alunos com Dificuldades Intelectuais e Desenvolvimentais (DID). A maioria dos recursos utilizados por professores e familiares para o desenvolvimento de competências (incluindo as funcionais), apresenta temas, conteúdos, formas e uma linguagem gráfica próprios para a infância.
Pretende-se, através da metodologia do design participativo, a construção colaborativa de materiais inclusivos, direcionados a adolescentes com DID, que frequentem o 2º e 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB). Neste estudo participam dois Agrupamentos do distrito de Aveiro, nos quais está a ser feito um levantamento dos recursos utilizados com estes alunos, com o intuito de proceder à análise e estudo comparativo entre os materiais existentes e os construídos. Das conclusões retiradas emergirá a proposta de uma metodologia de construção sustentável de materiais para este público. Tem-se assim como objectivo, investigar e apresentar um conjunto de estratégias e metodologias de apoio aos professores, aos profissionais de saúde e aos cuidadores que lhes permitam, no futuro, a criação e adequação de materiais ajustados às idiossincrasias de alunos adolescentes com DID.

In the article three dimensions of photographic education are distinguished: 1) practical, through which I understand learning of photo technologies, aesthetics, and visual conventions; 2) reflective, which focuses of knowledge how images... more

In the article three dimensions of photographic education are distinguished: 1) practical, through which I understand learning of photo technologies, aesthetics, and visual conventions; 2) reflective, which focuses of knowledge how images are used in cultures and how they circulate; and 3) communal that develops competencies of social communication through activities based on photography.
In the text a wide range of visual practices is considered: scientific
researches (as glaciology and aerial archaeology), educational workshops and visual projects by students of photography at University of Arts in Poznań and cultural studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
I distinguish three basic function of photography, where the medium serve as: 1) a tool in gathering knowledge about world; 2) a reflection on medium itself; 3) image that let to communicate with others and share an everyday experience. I advance a thesis that the main goal of photographic education today is developing an ability to construct and interpret visual messages.

Literal literacy can be used as a vantage point for the reconstruction of intricate relations between three further kinds of literacy. Pictorial literacy can be contrasted with literal literacy at least in phenomenological and... more

Literal literacy can be used as a vantage point for the reconstruction of intricate relations between three further kinds of literacy. Pictorial literacy can be contrasted with literal literacy at least in phenomenological and epistemolog-ical regards. This contrast helps to separate different modes of representation as issues of information literacy. Information literacy relies on a productive concurrence of different types of literacies, while visual literacy is neither restricted to the search for information nor to pictorial signs. After some preliminary remarks on different kinds of literacies in the first section, the second section discusses technologically and linguistically biased approaches to information literacy with regard to a proposal by the UNESCO. Section three will then explicate certain epistemic features of pictorial literacy in regard of informative pictures, which can show us how things are looking. The broader significance of visual literacy and its relation to multi-modal articulations and artefacts is then examined in section four.

In the context of today’s changing sociosemiotic landscape of discourse interactions, in this paper we outline a proposal for critical visual literacy of multimodal texts in language education. Two models are used to analyze a single... more

In the context of today’s changing sociosemiotic landscape of discourse interactions, in this paper we outline a proposal
for critical visual literacy of multimodal texts in language education. Two models are used to analyze a single text; the first one, Magariños (1991), offers the possibilities for thorough visual readings in nine relations that encompass form, existence and value. The other, a sociosemiotic model by Kress and van Leeuwen (1996), breaks down the visual space into four quadrants that account for the ideal, real, new and given dimensions in the design of multimodal discourse. Results indicate that Magariños’ model proved to be more effective in exploring signs and their overarching cultural meanings, as constructed inmultimodal texts. In turn, Kress and van Leeuwen’s offered more possibilities for the analysis of the structure and organization underlying the design and text-image relations in multimodal texts. Through the application of these models it was possible to evaluate the pedagogical potential of critical visual literacy and its contribution to develop new competences that aim at both raising learners’ critical thinking and fostering new strategies in language learning and teaching.

If visualization is to be democratized, we need to provide means for non-experts to create visualizations that allow them to engage directly with datasets. We present constructive visualization a new paradigm for the simple creation of... more

If visualization is to be democratized, we need to provide means for non-experts to create visualizations that allow them to engage directly with datasets. We present constructive visualization a new paradigm for the simple creation of flexible, dynamic visualizations. Constructive visualization is simple—in that the skills required to build and manipulate the visualizations are akin to kindergarten play; it is expressive— in that one can build within the constraints of the chosen environment, and it also supports dynamics — in that these constructed visualizations can be rebuilt and adjusted. We describe the conceptual components and processes underlying constructive visualization, and present real-world examples to illustrate the utility of this approach. The constructive visualization approach builds on our inherent understanding and experience with physical building blocks, offering a model that enables non-experts to create entirely novel visualizations, and to engage with datasets in a manner that would not have otherwise been possible.

A study of the two largest Greek-speaking newspapers, which existed at the time in the USA, Atlantis and the National Herald, reveals how the record industry began using images as a means to expand the market for their products. This... more

A study of the two largest Greek-speaking newspapers, which existed at the time in the USA, Atlantis and the National Herald, reveals how the record industry began using images as a means to expand the market for their products. This article is the result of my long study of the Greek 78rpm gramophone record industry and related parameters. One of these parameters concerns the marketing of Greek music in the USA in the period 1910 – 1930, as the time when of the new phenomenon of illustrations in record catalogues and advertisements in the Hellenic-American press.
Printed media play an important role in my research into the development of popular culture in America in the early years of the 20th century, when marketing options were rather limited. The recordings of Greek performers and Greek repertoire occupied a prominent place in the two most important newspapers of Hellenism in America, mentioned already.
The rectangular frames and images were designed to catch the eye of the readers. These drawings had to appeal to potential customers, the immigrants, who lived far away from their mother country. In 1921 an important historical anniversary was celebrated: the centenary of the Greek Revolution of 1821, in which a part of present-day Greece freed itself from Ottoman rule. Of course, this special occasion influenced and shaped the themes of the images. Similar images were used to adorn the covers of the record catalogues, which were regularly issued by the companies. Their themes were identical or almost identical to the images used in the ads. Gradually the growing interest in gramophone records also led to a more modern
form of illustrations: Portraits of singers and musicians.
All the material will be interpreted and analysed further, on the basis of anthropological studies, where we can conclude these images as what characterized by what Sherry Ortner, “summarizing symbols” and “elaborating symbols.” They contain, at least subconsciously, highly sacred and emotional meanings for the Greek population in general and the Greek immigrants of the USA in particular.

In recent decades, the consideration of Māori law in Aotearoa New Zealand state law has taken on a new momentum. Law schools are improving their teaching of tikanga and Māori law in compulsory and specialist law papers. The judiciary more... more

In recent decades, the consideration of Māori law in Aotearoa New Zealand state law has taken on a new momentum. Law schools are improving their teaching of tikanga and Māori law in compulsory and specialist law papers. The judiciary more often cites Māori law as relevant to legal decisions. The Māori Land Court has normalised the use of tikanga and Māori law in its deliberations, and the District Court has new expectations for the use of tikanga Māori in its processes. This is not to say that the way Māori law is incorporated in or recognised by these institutions of the state, and state law itself, is a settled matter, however. A conversation on this is taking place in Aotearoa New Zealand, and this thesis is intended to contribute to that conversation. This thesis explores the questions of what Māori law is and what some of the objects of Māori law are. It reviews what the non-written visual means of documenting Māori law might be and how these means help to communicate Māori law...

Having completed three courses: " Seeing the Art in Art, " " Informed Perception " , and " Traditions in Art, " provided by the Violette deMazia Foundation, an offshoot of the Barnes Foundation, I was struck by how closely its approach to... more

Having completed three courses: " Seeing the Art in Art, " " Informed Perception " , and " Traditions in Art, " provided by the Violette deMazia Foundation, an offshoot of the Barnes Foundation, I was struck by how closely its approach to perception —as it pertains to understanding art and the visual world— resembles many of the tenets and objectives of visual literacy scholars, proponents, and the International Visual Literacy Association (IVLA). This paper offers an introductory overview of the Barnes / [John Dewey] /deMazia concepts as they were presented in 2009. In addition to minor updates, the other offers a 2018 addendum. Background The Barnes Foundation, long located in suburban

Becoming commercially available in the mid 1960s, video quickly became integral to the intense experimentalism of New York City's music and art scenes. The medium was able to record image and sound at the same time, which allowed... more

Becoming commercially available in the mid 1960s, video quickly became integral to the intense experimentalism of New York City's music and art scenes. The medium was able to record image and sound at the same time, which allowed composers to visualize their music and artists to sound their images. But as well as creating unprecedented forms of audiovisuality, video work also producedinteractive spaces that questioned conventional habits of music and art consumption. This book explores the first decade of creative video work, focusing on the ways in which video technology was used to dissolve the boundaries between art and music.

"What is currently being done by art and design researchers and educators to engage learners in the pursuit of visual and media literacy? This paper looked specifically at visual arts education and related fields to determine what trends,... more

"What is currently being done by art and design researchers and educators to engage learners in the pursuit of visual and media literacy? This paper looked specifically at visual arts education and related fields to determine what trends, motivations and criticisms exist that either encourage or dissuade scholars from taking up or promoting visual literacy. Several prominent themes were found under the banner of ‘Visual Literacy’ that are discussed in detail; The Rise in Visual Information and Consumption, The Inseparability of Visual Literacy and Popular Visual Culture, The Importance of Learning to Deconstruct our Visual World and The Role of Technologies and New Media. The major themes are then followed by further discussion on The Benefits of Visual literacy as well as implications for future study.

O artigo discorre sobre a impossibilidade de neutralidade da informação a partir de autores que abordam a retórica e a filosofia da linguagem. Apesar de existirem estudos em outras áreas que contradizem essa concepção, ainda vigoram no... more

O artigo discorre sobre a impossibilidade de neutralidade da informação a partir de autores que abordam a retórica e a filosofia da linguagem. Apesar de existirem estudos em outras áreas que contradizem essa concepção, ainda vigoram no campo do Design discursos com forte herança funcionalista, que advogam por um design neutro. Apresenta-se um estudo transdisciplinar que se apropria dos estudos da linguagem e observa o caráter discursivo que a constitui para se apontar a impossibilidade da neutralidade. Ao se tratar a linguagem pelo viés do discurso e da retórica, argumenta-se que a eleição dos termos que compõem um enunciado reflete as visões de mundo de quem os enuncia, portanto mesmo um discurso que se diz neutro assume uma postura ideológica. Autores como Bakhtin e Burke fundamentam este pensamento em relação a linguagem verbal e fomentam a discussão também acerca dos elementos não verbais. Com a discussão, pretende-se expor as bases teóricas e evidenciar que o Design da Informação, ao ser tratado como discurso, não pode ser neutro pois manifesta, reforça ou refuta aspectos ideológicos presentes em nossa sociedade.

More and more students are content creators in the 21st Century, with much of the content being created in Video format. Using a popular online website, this article discusses the academic uses of movie creation within webkinz, using... more

More and more students are content creators in the 21st Century, with much of the content being created in Video format. Using a popular online website, this article discusses the academic uses of movie creation within webkinz, using webkinz studio.

Infographics, or simply graphical representations of data, have been around for decades. But with the rise of social media and web 2.0 tools, they are being created and distributed like never before. In fact, there are even websites like... more

Infographics, or simply graphical representations of data, have been around for decades. But with the rise of social media and web 2.0 tools, they are being created and distributed like never before. In fact, there are even websites like or pages on pinterest dedicated to sharing infographics. Motivated by the instructional potential of infographics, we analyzed a group of popular infographics to investigate what makes an effective infographic.

Social media skills are used in nearly every organization so students should be prepared in a strategic way to compete in this environment where their careers are enhanced or eliminated by their social media use (Preston, 2012). One... more

Social media skills are used in nearly every organization so students should be prepared in a strategic way to compete in this environment where their careers are enhanced or eliminated by their social media use (Preston, 2012). One social media platform in the news for preparing students for work is Pinterest (Kimm, 2012; Delello, 2012). Pinterest. McWhorter (2010) described how Virtual HRD has emerged over time beginning with the use of information technology (IT) and progressing to sophisticated technologies that create spaces for meeting through and within the technology. Such innovation allows for “technology-mediated work, learning and development that are strategic and innovative” (p. 624) necessitating the field of HRD to develop an understanding of how these technologies are expanding the workplace. McWhorter (2011) defined Virtual HRD as: “the process of utilizing technologically integrative environments for increasing learning capacity and optimizing individual, group, community, work process, and organizational system performance” (p. 3) which is advantageous for considering Pinterest as a facilitator to prepare higher education students for the workplace.

After their middle school developed a curriculum on comics, six students met with a teacher-researcher for a year to continue the critical conversations that started in language arts class. In this article, we explore how students... more

After their middle school developed a curriculum on comics, six students met with a teacher-researcher for a year to continue the critical conversations that started in language arts class. In this article, we explore how students purposefully used superhero texts to engage in critical inquiries related to gender and sexism.

AUDIENCIA Y MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN. pp. 189 - 196. Universidad de Salamanca, 2003.

Darcy Hicks and Cyra Levenson present their findings from their partnerships between the Yale Center for British Art and the New Haven Public Schools. Together with the Child Studies Center they present a model for guiding the creative... more

Darcy Hicks and Cyra Levenson present their findings from their partnerships between the Yale Center for British Art and the New Haven Public Schools. Together with the Child Studies Center they present a model for guiding the creative process in the classroom, called P.I.E. (Perception, Interpretation and Expression). Hicks outlines her use of the Doorways to Thinking approach in order to meet the goals of the P.I.E. model in the classroom, and it's place in the Visual Literacy process.

Dialogue interpreter education has paid little attention to the importance of non-verbal clues on interaction. This paper reports on a training experiment where student interpreters were asked to perform a set of activities aiming at... more

Dialogue interpreter education has paid little attention to the importance of non-verbal clues on interaction. This paper reports on a training experiment where student interpreters were asked to perform a set of activities aiming at raising awareness of the importance of non-verbal behaviour for the co-construction of meaning in interpreter-mediated interaction. At the end of the experiment the students reported that they had become more aware of the impact of their own and others’ non-verbal clues in the co-construction of meaning during interaction.

Given the growing interest and representation of superheroes in comics and other media, we are interested in the ways young people read superhero texts and how those readings influence their conceptualisations of gender within and outside... more

Given the growing interest and representation of superheroes in comics and other media, we are interested in the ways young people read superhero texts and how those readings influence their conceptualisations of gender within and outside educational spaces. In this article we explore students’ responses to (re)presentations of gender in superhero texts (which include graphic novels, comic books, films, YouTube, and more), and examine how they reproduce and/or challenge assumptions about gender identity. This ethnographic study focuses on six seventh-graders across a school year in the United States. Our findings suggest that (1) students employ superhero texts as a multimedia resource for inquiring into gender, (2) superhero texts contribute to students’ complex and evolving understandings of gender, and (3) students both critique and reify gender ideologies that are surfaced through their transactions with comics and related media.

There is an increasing number in dropouts from high school students from the educational institutions in Puerto Rico. Educational reports by (Swanson, 2008) and (Bridgeland et al., 2006) have revealed a certain correlation between... more

There is an increasing number in dropouts from high school students from the educational institutions in Puerto Rico. Educational reports by (Swanson, 2008) and (Bridgeland et al., 2006) have revealed a certain correlation between dropouts and lack of engagement in the classroom. In addition, a report by (The department of education, 2012) has revealed that less than half of the students score within basic level performance in standardized testing. These findings contribute towards the possibility that if the issue of class engagement was resolved, it would help close the gap of high school dropout which in turn calls for a critical evaluation of the current pedagogy used in Puerto Rico along with the creation of a multi-modality classroom. Studies by (Kress, 2003) and (Frey & Fisher, 2008) agree that visual media is an essential tool in order to lead multi-modality classroom and which supports student’s engagement in class and benefits their internalization of information.
The purpose of this research is to perform a qualitative case study in a classroom setting where using a teaching unit which makes use of Anime as a visual form of text triggers students into reading and interpreting this “visual text” in order to gain insights about different thematics and issues which affect their person, community, and/or culture among other factors. The main problem which the researcher wishes to address is the lack of engagement in the classroom which results from older teaching strategies which rely on canonical texts and standardized testing which does not encompass for all the different kinds of mindsets which a teacher can encounter in the modern classroom. Using data collection methods of non-participant observation, interviews with the teacher and collecting artifacts from student’s work throughout the semester, the researcher can address if the use of visual media in the classroom does help with engagement in the classroom and students develop complexity in their interpretations of the thematics and issues discussed in class. This study may reveal important details about the use of visual media in the classroom setting. Lastly, it might reveal whether current pedagogy which does not make use of visual media gauges class engagement effectively.

This paper details a multimodal practice of response and transmediation, called a Thought Chronicle, which I employ in my undergraduate work with preservice teachers. I position this intervention in relation to the theoretical discourses... more

This paper details a multimodal practice of response and transmediation, called a Thought Chronicle, which I employ in my undergraduate work with preservice teachers. I position this intervention in relation to the theoretical discourses of multimodality, social semiotics, and psychoanalytic ideas of dreaming and play.

PASCH-Schülerinnen und -Schüler aus der ganzen Welt erstellten gemeinsam einen Comic, der den Abenteuerroman „In 80 Tagen um die Welt“ von Jules Verne adaptiert. Dass es sich lohnt, im fremdsprachlichen Deutschunterricht diesen Webcomic... more

PASCH-Schülerinnen und -Schüler aus der ganzen Welt erstellten gemeinsam einen Comic, der den Abenteuerroman „In 80 Tagen um die Welt“ von Jules Verne adaptiert. Dass es sich lohnt, im fremdsprachlichen Deutschunterricht diesen Webcomic durch ein eigenes Kapitel zu erweitern, zeigt der folgende Beitrag.

This paper focuses on the urban graffiti painted with a political message by different movements of the Italian political radicalism in the cities of Rome, Florence, Massa, Carrara, Verona and Udine. For the purpose of this article,... more

This paper focuses on the urban graffiti painted with a political message by different
movements of the Italian political radicalism in the cities of Rome, Florence, Massa,
Carrara, Verona and Udine. For the purpose of this article, during the period from June
2011 to June 2012, a total of 165 graffiti have been photographed, of which 83 painted by
neo-fascist groups, 72 by extreme left groups and 10 by anarchist groups. These three
macro communities, made of different subgroups, emerged as the most active in expressing
their antagonism towards the parliamentary parties with their graffiti that combine semantic
(words) and semiotic (images) elements. An analysis of the collected graffiti’s language
form, meaning and context allows for the identification of the variety of styles of
communication adopted by the different political antagonisms and the different contents of
their communication through graffiti as well as the key elements of their political identities.
Key words: political radicalism, graffiti, linguistics

This article reports findings from a diverse third grade classroom that integrates a literacy through photography (LTP) curriculum as a central component of writing instruction in an urban public school. A case study approach was used in... more

This article reports findings from a diverse third grade classroom that integrates a literacy through photography (LTP) curriculum as a central component of writing instruction in an urban public school. A case study approach was used in order to provide an in-depth, multi-dimensional consideration of phenomena by drawing on multiple data sources to examine and describe the LTP program in this third grade classroom. Data were gathered, on average twice a week, throughout a full school year. The findings of this study demonstrate how utilizing different forms of communication, such as photography, alongside traditional school literacies, such as writer's workshop, expands the options that children have of processing and expressing their understanding.

Graphic Novels nutzen als Hybridmedien die Bild- und Formensprache des Comics sowie Perspektiven und Darstellungskonventionen des Films, um ihre Geschichten in »Romanform« zu erzählen. Ihre unterrichtliche Behandlung schult visual... more

Graphic Novels nutzen als Hybridmedien die Bild- und Formensprache des Comics sowie Perspektiven und Darstellungskonventionen des Films, um ihre Geschichten in »Romanform« zu erzählen. Ihre unterrichtliche Behandlung schult visual literacy (Bildkompetenz) und trainiert Lesestrategien, die auch für das Erschließen anderer ästhetischer Texte hilfreich sind.

The purpose of this article is to introduce text sets of picture books that address 10 ancient civilizations commonly taught in middle school and also offer instructional strategies that could be used for critical and multicultural... more

The purpose of this article is to introduce text sets of
picture books that address 10 ancient civilizations commonly
taught in middle school and also offer instructional strategies that
could be used for critical and multicultural literacy exploration.
Beginning with discussion of the importance of picture books and
text sets in the middle school classroom, the article highlights the
importance of reading pictures along with words. Additionally, this
article showcases 10 ancient civilizations by providing picture book
titles that will engage students and concludes by sharing literacy
strategies and reflection that will assist social studies teachers in
implementing the various text sets described throughout.

The visual dimension is very important in children’s lives, especially nowadays given that modern society bombards children and adolescents with visual stimuli. Although images have a stronger communicative impact on young people than the... more

The visual dimension is very important in children’s lives, especially nowadays given that modern society bombards children and adolescents with visual stimuli. Although images have a stronger communicative impact on young people than the written word, few teachers and educators employ resources and educational spaces that foster the critical, visual, aesthetic and artistic competences that would help their pupils become careful observers and critical users. This essay presents an educational experiment conducted by the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology at the University of Padua. It involved three-to-fourteen-year-olds from the Veneto region’s schools and was based on a multidisciplinary approach that intertwined children’s illustration, history of contemporary art and visual education. The result was an original illustrated horn-book that reinterprets twenty-six contemporary works of art. The horn-book was also converted into a portable interactive art installation to be enjoyed at school.

"This article studies one chapter from the Guaman Poma's "Nueva Corónica y buen Gobierno" referenced to the Spanish Towns and villes founded in the peruvian viceroyalty. It focusses on the ways that the indian chronicler made his... more

"This article studies one chapter from the Guaman Poma's "Nueva Corónica y buen Gobierno" referenced to the Spanish Towns and villes founded in the peruvian viceroyalty. It focusses on the ways that the indian chronicler made his drawings, by using two artistic tools: a kind of compositional aims that developed in all the iconographic structures; and the use of iconographic models and prototypes for the construction of the structures (plaza, iglesia, casa).

In this article we highlight analyses conducted in two qualitative literacy studies to discuss various implications of a blended, or hybrid, approach to multimodal analysis. By investigating several prominent frameworks commonly used... more

In this article we highlight analyses conducted in two qualitative literacy studies to discuss various implications of a blended, or hybrid, approach to multimodal analysis. By investigating several prominent frameworks commonly used together for the purpose of analyzing multimodal data, and describing our own experiences blending these frameworks, we determine that a hybrid approach is not necessarily ineffective at producing data interpretations, but that it is insufficiently reflexive of the role researcher positionality plays in multimodal analysis. We conclude the article by offering recommendations for supplementing hybrid analytical approaches through data co-construction and increased attention to researcher positionality.

The field of literacy education encompasses many different modalities of reading and writing the world, including those of drama, theatre, and performance practiced in both school and community settings. As contemporary theatre practices... more

The field of literacy education encompasses many different modalities of reading and writing the world, including those of drama, theatre, and performance practiced in both school and community settings. As contemporary theatre practices have broadened performance creation approaches available to literacy and arts educators working with youth and adults, playbuilding and devising offer two modes of creating student-authored collective performance. Although the processes of playbuilding and devising overlap, they differ in both intention and practice. Both approaches include important frameworks and possibilities for work across literacy education. Following a discussion on the connections between literacy and drama in education, this paper introduces the forms of playbuilding and devising, followed by step-by-step illustrations of the practices at work in classrooms. This article, then, acts as an invitation to explore these two vehicles of performance creation in educational and literacy contexts.

Quali origini ha avuto la media education? Che cos'era prima dell’avvento del digitale? Chi faceva educazione ai linguaggi audiovisivi, in che modo, e ispirandosi a quali orientamenti o teorie? Senza la pretesa di costruire una storia... more

Quali origini ha avuto la media education? Che cos'era prima dell’avvento del digitale? Chi faceva educazione ai linguaggi audiovisivi, in che modo, e ispirandosi a quali orientamenti o teorie?
Senza la pretesa di costruire una storia esaustiva dei rapporti tra educazione e cinema, il volume cerca di rispondere a queste domande attraverso una serie di studi e testimonianze su come l’educazione al linguaggio filmico si sia sviluppata in diversi contesti e forme, dal cineforum ai giocattoli, dalle guide per gli insegnanti al film making scolastico.
L’«educare al cinema» che dà titolo al libro, allora, non è da intendersi come l’espressione di un complemento di luogo, bensì di scopo, poiché si parla di educare alla lettura, scrittura e senso critico di testi e linguaggi audiovisivi, secondo pedagogie e didattiche progenitrici di quelle che riscontriamo tuttora per la digital & media literacy. L’ipotesi, infatti, è che sul cinema la pedagogia abbia messo a punto le categorie concettuali e i modelli d’azione che ancor oggi utilizziamo per tutti gli altri media.