Woman Studies Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Öz: Bu çalışmada; kadınla ilişkilendirilen toplumsal rollerin medyada temsil biçimi ve 'emtia olarak feminizm (commodity feminism)' ve 'feminist reklam (femvertising)' kavramları incelenmiştir. Kadının ekonomik bağımsızlığı ve esas... more

Öz: Bu çalışmada; kadınla ilişkilendirilen toplumsal rollerin medyada temsil biçimi ve 'emtia olarak feminizm (commodity feminism)' ve 'feminist reklam (femvertising)' kavramları incelenmiştir. Kadının ekonomik bağımsızlığı ve esas tüketici hedef kitlesi içerisinde yer alması, kadınlara yönelik program içeriklerinin ve reklamların niceliğini artırmıştır. Ancak medya içeriklerinde; çalışan-çalışmayan kadından beklenen, yerleşik rolleri pekiştirmeye yönelik, istisnalar dışında, çok da bir değişim yaşanmamıştır. Şirketler, hem kadına yüklenen yerleşik rolleri pekiştirmeye hizmet etmekte hem de yeni toplumsal eylem gruplarına da kayıtsız kalamamaktadır. Bu durum, markaların reklamlarında feminist söylemleri kullanmasıyla ve kendilerini feminist markalar olarak konumlandırmalarıyla somutlaşmaktadır. Çalışmada; bu eğilimin, üçüncü dalga feminizm hareketi ile yakın bir ilişki içerisinde olduğu belirtilen 'Emtia olarak feminizm' ve 'feminist reklamlar' kavramıyla açıklanması, alanda araştırma yapan akademisyenlere ve uygulayıcılara katkıda bulunması açısından önemlidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Toplumsal cinsiyet, öteki, emtia olarak feminizm, feminist reklamlar, medyada kadının temsili Abstract: In this research the social roles associated with women are examined with format of representation, commodity feminism and feminist advertising (femvertising) concepts in media. The women take part of economic independence and the main consumer target group have increased the amount of program content and advertisements about women. But there has not been much change, except few, reinforced the built roles that are expected from working and non working women in media content. The companies serve both to reinforce the built-in roles charged to women and not remain indifferent to new social action groups. This is embodied by the use of feminist discourses by brands in their advertisements and positioning themselves as feminist brands. In order to contribute to the field researchers and practitioners, this tendency is explained with the concept of 'commodity feminism' and 'femvertising', which are closely related to the movement of third wave feminism.

Ekonomik şartlar, coğrafi konum, evlilik ve çocuk sahibi olma kadınların yakın bir geleceğe kadar eğitimi ikinci plana atmalarına neden olmuştur. Ancak çağdaş ve refah düzeyi yüksek bir toplum seviyesine ulaşabilmek için kadının eğitimi... more

Ekonomik şartlar, coğrafi konum, evlilik ve çocuk sahibi olma kadınların yakın bir geleceğe kadar eğitimi ikinci plana atmalarına neden olmuştur. Ancak çağdaş ve refah düzeyi yüksek bir toplum seviyesine ulaşabilmek için kadının eğitimi kaçınılmaz derecede önemlidir. Kadının eğitiminin toplumsal açıdan bir diğer önemi ise artık toplumların gelişmişlik düzeyinin kadının eğitim düzeyine göre belirleniyor olmasıdır. Kadının toplumdaki yerinin daha iyi bir konuma gelmesi gelişen teknolojilerin yardımıyla da artık daha mümkün hale gelmektedir. Ayrıca kadınların hayatlarının her döneminde, istedikleri zaman ve istedikleri mekanda özgürce eğitim alabilmelerini sağlamak konusunda açık ve uzaktan öğrenme oldukça geniş bir kapı aralamıştır. Örgün eğitimin yetersiz ya da eksik kaldığı veya ulaşılmadığı durumlarda eğitimde açıklık, teknolojinin desteğiyle kadınlar için daha ulaşılabilir bir öğrenim ortamı sağlamıştır. Açık ve uzaktan öğrenme programlarından mezun olan kadınların işgücünde istihdam edilmesi ekonomik kalkınmada da pozitif etkiler gösterebilir. Açık ve uzaktan öğrenme programlarından mezun olan eğitimli ve bilinçli kadınlar tüm iş sahalarında yer alabilir ve ekonomik bağımsızlıklarını elde edebilirler.

La communication porte sur la dimension satirique d’une gravure de Jaspar Isaac intitulée « La Belle Helena. Cléopatre. Lucrèce », étudiée à la lumière du discours burlesque et misogyne qui voit le jour dans l'art et la littérature de la... more

La communication porte sur la dimension satirique d’une gravure de Jaspar Isaac intitulée « La Belle Helena. Cléopatre. Lucrèce », étudiée à la lumière du discours burlesque et misogyne qui voit le jour dans l'art et la littérature de la Renaissance.

Örgün ve yaygın din hizmetlerinde çalışan kadınların sorunları, görüşme tekniği kullanılarak sunulmuştur

In England, all over the 17 th century, some women contributed to the reshaping of the female identity. By means of literary and debating skills, they drew attention to their intellectual richness, in spite of their obvious lack of... more

In England, all over the 17 th century, some women contributed to the reshaping of the female identity. By means of literary and debating skills, they drew attention to their intellectual richness, in spite of their obvious lack of preparation in many fields. In this paper we propose to contrast the traditional, mainstream feminine view with new attitudes, from the women themselves. Francisco Manuel de Melo's Carta de Guia de Casados, translated into English at the close of the 17 th century by Edgar Prestage under the title The Government of a Wife, will enable us to understand the prevalent ideas of women in general and their role within the family circle. Simultaneously, different female voices will be recalled. These voices question their own condition as opposed to the traditional feminine assignments they were attributed by men. Margaret Fell Fox's defence of women rights and Lady Mary Chudleigh's denouncement of masculine narrow-mindedness towards women will stand as examples of the new perspectives they held, both in the private and the public sphere. Far from the organized movements, which were to rise in time, these isolated gestures from 17 th -century authoresses helped to build a new female identity.

Home / Phụ nữ mang thai / Bà bầu nên và không nên ăn gì, chế độ dinh dưỡng cho bà bầu 3 tháng đầu Bà bầu nên và không nên ăn gì, chế độ dinh dưỡng cho bà bầu 3 tháng đầu  December 4, 2015  Phụ nữ mang thai  25 Views Mang thai là thời... more

Home / Phụ nữ mang thai / Bà bầu nên và không nên ăn gì, chế độ dinh dưỡng cho bà bầu 3 tháng đầu Bà bầu nên và không nên ăn gì, chế độ dinh dưỡng cho bà bầu 3 tháng đầu  December 4, 2015  Phụ nữ mang thai  25 Views Mang thai là thời kỳ vô cùng quan trọng và thiêng liêng đối với mỗi phụ nữ vì thế chế độ dinh dưỡng cho bà bầu lại càng cần được quan tâm. Khi mang thai lần đầu hầu hết tất cả các mẹ bầu đều có câu hỏi chung là Bà bầu nên và không nên ăn gì, chế độ dinh dưỡng cho bà bầu 3 tháng đầu, các tháng sau đó. Điều đó không có gì là lạ cả vì khi mang bầu sinh lý của mẹ sẽ thay đổi rất nhiều, có nhiều thực phẩm cần phải bồ sung cho sự phát triển của bé những cũng cần hạn chế những thực phẩm không tốt. Hãy cùng Mẹo Vặt Cuộc Sống tìm hiểu điều này nhé. Bà bầu nên ăn gì khi mang thai? Hãy cùng điểm danh một số loại thực phẩm không thể thiếu trong chế độ dinh dưỡng cho bà bầu hàng ngày nhé. – Sữa và các thực phẩm từ sữa: Trong sữa có chứa rất nhiều dưỡng chất cần thiết cho mẹ cũng như bé vì vậy bà bầu nên sử dụng hàng ngày. Sữa tươi tiệt trùng, sữa chua, sữa bà bầu là các loại mẹ nên cho vào danh sách ngay nhé, vì trong sữa có chứa nhiều canxi và protein tốt cho sự phát triển cả bé. Sữa và các thực phẩm từ sữa – Các loại đậu: Trong các loại hạt đậu chứa rất nhiều protein và chất xơ cần thiết, ngoài ra đậu còn chứa nhiều sắt, folate, canxi và kẽm Món ngon: Cháo bí ngô converted by Web2PDFConvert.com

The focus of the study is to highlight the problems of working women in formal sector in Bahawalnagar. Sample of 100 formally employed women are selected from four public sector departments as 20 police women, 40 nurses, 20 school... more

The focus of the study is to highlight the problems of working women in formal sector in Bahawalnagar. Sample of 100 formally employed women are selected from four public sector departments as 20 police women, 40 nurses, 20 school teachers and 20 college lecturers using stratified random sampling. Descriptive analysis is used for highlighting the problems faced by working women in said departments. Results reveal that police women are facing low social status and non-recognition of their jobs. Nurses face unscheduled working hours and low wages and school teachers want higher wages for their work. Unavailability of transport is also a major problem to all formally employed women in our sample.

This report narrates the conditions and experiences of the women that are detained in the Syrian prisons unlawfully.

Recentemente, a pesquisa em jornalismo tem se dedicado a verificar a presença das mulheres e de pautas relacionadas ao gênero em diversos âmbitos da profissão, seja a partir da produção dos diferentes suportes e veículos ou nas redações... more

Recentemente, a pesquisa em jornalismo tem se dedicado a verificar a presença das mulheres e de pautas relacionadas ao gênero em diversos âmbitos da profissão, seja a partir da produção
dos diferentes suportes e veículos ou nas redações jornalísticas. Nesse cenário, este trabalho propõe contribuir com os estudos ao se debruçar sobre a presença das mulheres como fontes de informações nos telejornais Jornal Hoje e JMTV 1ª Edição. A pergunta a ser respondida aqui é: “quando e como as mulheres são usadas como fonte de informação no Jornal Hoje e no JMTV 1ª Edição”. Para isso, foi utilizado como método científico a Análise de Conteúdo (BARDIN, 2006), inspirado na pesquisa do Global Media Monitoring Project, que verifica a presença da mulher no jornalismo de todo o mundo. O corpus do estudo compreende uma amostra (SOUSA, 2004) de 24 edições do Jornal Hoje e 24 edições do JMTV 1ª Edição, que foram transmitidas no ano de 2019. Assim, foram analisadas 429 matérias que contavam com 1.119 fontes de informação. Além disso, foi realizado uma revisão de literatura com diversos autores e autoras para discutir gênero e comunicação, fontes de notícias e telejornalismo. Como resultado, verificou-se discrepâncias ao se comparar a presença de homens e mulheres no telejornal de
diferentes abrangências. Algumas delas referem-se a menos entrevistadas, principalmente quando se olha fontes oficiais e especialistas. Ademais, quando presentes, elas servem apenas
para fornecerem opiniões pessoais e ilustrarem as matérias, o que pouco contribui para a construção da narrativa jornalística. Além disso, a quantidade de notícias que se propõe a inserir perspectivas de gênero é irrisória. Entretanto, algum avanço nesse sentido foi observado no
telejornal regional, o JMTV 1ª Edição, que apresentou um cenário mais positivo para as mulheres enquanto fontes de informação.

Within a globalized scientific community, sciences are changing to worldwide perspectives and multidisciplinary approaches. The authors of this book illustrate this trend by looking at different study areas of the social sciences. They... more

Within a globalized scientific community, sciences are changing to worldwide perspectives and multidisciplinary approaches. The authors of this book illustrate this trend by looking at different study areas of the social sciences. They pay attention to economic developments in the context of globalization such as industry 4.0, new manufacturing methods, socio-technical modeling, cloud technology and accounting, international taxation, and financial literacy. Furthermore, the collection of articles covers issues of communication, media, and women's studies.

Translation from Montagu's An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear (1769) into Turkish

El español o castellano es una lengua romance formada a partir de la evolución del latín en la península ibérica y por la probable fusión de diversos dialectos o modalidades que, debido principalmente al proceso de conquista de América... more

El español o castellano es una lengua romance formada a partir de la evolución del latín en la península ibérica y por la probable fusión de diversos dialectos o modalidades que, debido principalmente al proceso de conquista de América llevado a cabo por españoles, es hoy la segunda lengua más hablada del mundo (por detrás del chino mandarín). Los primeros textos en castellano (Cartularios de Valpuesta) se encuentran en el norte de Castilla, en el siglo IX. Por razones de economía del lenguaje, el español ha preferido la utilización del masculino plural como modalidad genérica cuando el conjunto descrito incluye elementos masculinos y femeninos. El diccionario panhispánico de dudas de la RAE[3] aclara que la reiteración de masculino y femenino en la formación del plural contradice el principio de economía del lenguaje y obedece a razones extralingüísticas, por lo que se desaconseja, salvo que expresamente sea necesario distinguir ambos géneros o la forma femenina sea distinta de la masculina. Frente a ello, una importante corriente doctrinal de estudiosos del género[4] reclaman la desaparición del plural genérico (masculino) por una doble razón: en primer lugar se argumenta que el lenguaje no es casual ni ajeno a la ideología que lo conforma y por tanto una lengua que generaliza el masculino refleja de manera inconsciente una sociedad machista que silencia a las mujeres, pero además de ello, se reclama que se realice el esfuerzo de incluir expresamente el género femenino (incluso en sustitución del plural genérico masculino) para visibilizar la presencia de la mujer en la vida pública.

Alice Walker Annelerimizin Bahcesinin Arayisinda (1983) adli eserinde acikladigi kadincilik teorisiyle siyah feminizme yeni bir boyut getirmistir. Amaci; irk, toplumsal cinsiyet ve etnik farkliliklara bakmaksizin mucadelesini dunyadaki... more

Alice Walker Annelerimizin Bahcesinin Arayisinda (1983) adli eserinde acikladigi kadincilik teorisiyle siyah feminizme yeni bir boyut getirmistir. Amaci; irk, toplumsal cinsiyet ve etnik farkliliklara bakmaksizin mucadelesini dunyadaki tum insanlari kapsayarak evrensellige erismektir. Bunun icin, Walker’a gore, insanlarin tarihini, ana soyunu ve onlara mucadele etmeleri icin ilham veren siyahi ve siyahi olmayan yazarlarin eserlerini kabullenip bilmesi gerekir. Walker, Kadinin Hasi Kolay Ezilmez (1981) baslikli eserindeki “Elethia” ve “Ilkbahar’da Eve Ani Yolculuk” baslikli iki oykusunde kadinci anlayisini temsil etmektedir. Walker’in kadin sorunsalina iliskin evrimlesen durusunu yansittigi icin adi gecen oykuler calismada incelenmektedir. “Elethia” ’nin baslik karakteri ve “Ilkbahar’da Eve Ani Yolculuk” oykusundeki Sarah sorunlariyla yuzlesir ve onlarla nasil savasabilecegini anlar. Boylece, calisma, Walker’in secilen oykulerini inceleyerek, yazarin Elethia ve Sarah adli karakterler...

Introduzione, traduzione italiana con testo latino a fronte a cura di Paola Casali. La donna non è solo “tanto gentile e tanto onesta”. Anche il nostro medioevo, come ogni età e troppe culture, non è immune alla misoginia. La raccolta... more

Introduzione, traduzione italiana con testo latino a fronte a cura di Paola Casali. La donna non è solo “tanto gentile e tanto onesta”. Anche il nostro medioevo, come ogni età e troppe culture, non è immune alla misoginia. La raccolta delle nove favole del maestro Adolfo di Vienna, tramandata con il titolo «Doligamus» (gli inganni delle donne), e pubblicata ora in ebook in traduzione italiana e in latino da Paola Casali, è un testo in versi che si inserisce nel pieno della tradizione misogina, da quella occidentale della commedia latina e degli «exempla» medievali a quella delle raccolte novellistiche orientali, come «Le mille e una notte», fino a giungere a Boccaccio e oltre. Con l’intento dichiarato di mettere in guardia contro la malizia e la scaltrezza femminile, tutte le storielle narrate dipingono la donna, moglie e madre (in particolare delle donne!) secondo il repertorio misogino più classico, indugiando sui particolari anche licenziosi della donna traditrice come Dalila, feroce come Medea, mutevole come Proteo, fonte di tutti i mali e di tutte le disgrazie dell’uomo. L’edizione critica, a cura di Paola Casali, con un puntuale commento e traduzione per ciascuna favola, è stata pubblicata a stampa nel 1997 dalle stesse Edizioni del Galluzzo.

The Balkan Women during the Transition to Democracy

The portrayal of woman in art is a much debated issue and revisited again and again, after the advancement of feministic ideology. In early Indian paintings, woman is often equipped to evoke sensual pleasure for the onlookers. This... more

The portrayal of woman in art is a much debated issue and revisited again and again, after the advancement of feministic ideology. In early Indian paintings, woman is often equipped to evoke sensual pleasure for the onlookers. This phenomenon of female objectification has been particularly observed as a socio-cultural issue from 19th century onwards. The depiction of woman in contemporary scenario has been entirely changed compared to the ancient times because female artists are subverting those objectified narratives into significant forms. The bias of representation has been connected from the very dawn of the civilization and reached on its zenith in 17th century. In this way, the historical representations could be a better medium to evaluate the role of women in Indian paintings. The paper aims to discuss the portrayal of woman from ancient to pre-colonial times, in which the non-significant roles of womanhood have been critically analyzed.

In this paper an analysis of the transformation of Hungarian birth culture and midwifery are given. The research is based on the professional objects and diaries of a midwife from Rinyaújlak, Somogy County (now the property of the City... more

In this paper an analysis of the transformation of Hungarian birth culture and midwifery are given. The research is based on the professional objects and diaries of a midwife from Rinyaújlak, Somogy County (now the property of the City Museum of Nagyatád) and on interviews with a midwife from Nagyatád. The main argument of the paper is that in the middle of the last century a hybrid birth culture can be observed that is a mixture of traditional midwifery and the modern medicalized culture of birth identified with hospital care.

Papasyrou, M., Baldini, C., & Luke, D. (Eds.)(2019). Psychedelic mysteries of the feminine: Creativity, ecstasy and healing. Rochester, VT: Park Street Press.

Transnational exchange has been an inseparable part of both the ancient and modern Silk Road. This paper shows how Rumi (1207-1273), a famous Persian Sufi poet, travels along the Silk Road in the 21st century. With the birth of a Rumi... more

Transnational exchange has been an inseparable part of both the ancient and modern Silk Road. This paper shows how Rumi (1207-1273), a famous Persian Sufi poet, travels along the Silk Road in the 21st century. With the birth of a Rumi phenomenon in the West, Silk Road artists have rediscovered and adapted him for different purposes. Elif Shafak, the Turkish-British novelist and women’s rights activist, espouses feminist beliefs in her bestseller, The Forty Rules of Love (2010). Benefiting from the views of feminist theorists like Woolf, de Beauvoir and Friedan, this paper reveals how Shafak appropriates Rumi for her feminist purposes. Forty Rules of Love’s protagonist, Ella Rubinstein is analyzed, compared and contrasted with her former literary counterparts Pinhan and Zeliha, heroines of Shafak’s previous novels. By adapting Rumi’s definition of equality, Shafak shows how egalitarianism must pervade the relationship between women and men. The adaptation of Rumi’s ideas regarding the equality of sexes finds a different dimension when Shafak reveals that all humanity possesses femininity and masculinity at the same time. By means of ideas prevalent in the ancient Silk Road, the five classical elements theory, and the yin and yang principle, Shafak portrays unity within contradictions. It is concluded that although individuals might belong to different typologies of the five symbolic elements of nature, they can at the same time complement one another’s inharmonious personalities
peacefully. The process of integration of female and male sexes can be
expedited by opening up one’s heart to a universal love.

“All people are born equal, their rights and dignities are equal.” (PembeHayat ve Kaos GL, 2014:4). In the context of the first sentence of the Yogyakarta Principles, LGBTI + people should benefit from health institutions equally and... more

“All people are born equal, their rights and dignities are equal.”
(PembeHayat ve Kaos GL, 2014:4). In the context of the first sentence of
the Yogyakarta Principles, LGBTI + people should benefit from health
institutions equally and fairly. Indeed, there are still problems in practice
within countries that have adopted and have not adopted these principles.
Turkey is among the countries that do not accept the Yogyakarta
Principles. Therefore, LGBTI+’s in Turkey face many problems because
of insufficiency of health policies and fobic attitudes by people working
in health institutions. Transsexual women who are one of the people who
cannot get enough services in the transition process due to the health
policies implemented by the state, cannot receive an equal and fair service
due to their invisibility under the Constitution and the Law and othering
attitudes they face in health institutions. As is known, the policies which
is oriented LGBT people in Turkey as long as it continued to be ignored
in the framework of the Constitution and the law; this situation causes
LGBTI + people to face many problems in practice. As one of these
problems, the right to health is neglected by health institutions in the
context of services and policies when it comes to LGBTI + people.
Turkey is among the countries that signed the European Declaration of
Human Rights and it is known that Turkey did not make concrete
statements in the Constitution and laws and left the comments to the
courts(Yeşiltepe,2015:19-20). Due to the gaps in the Constitution and
Law articles, LGBTI + people have problems in many issues.
LGBTI + people are not under the guarantee of the Constitution and Law,
causing transsexual women to face various problems in the health sector.
For this purpose, the study addresses the problems that transgender
women face in the health sector in practice. First of all, the health policies
of LGBTI + people within the framework of the Constitution and Law
were discussed. Afterwards, how much LGBTI + people can benefit from
health institutions and their experiences are transferred. In the next part of
the study within the scope of the Constitution and the Law frame
specified and transgender women's health policies in Turkey; Problems
experienced by these people in health institutions were explained and
solutions and suggestions were presented.

Titian’s so-called Flora is a picture that is as well-known as it is controversial for its iconography, characterized by the nude breast and a handful of flowers. Thus, in the seventeenth century the woman portrayed in this masterpiece... more

Titian’s so-called Flora is a picture that is as well-known as it is controversial for its iconography, characterized by the nude breast and a handful of flowers. Thus, in the seventeenth century the woman portrayed in this masterpiece was related to the realm of prostitution under the name of Flora, an interpretation that has been maintained by some scholars until today. More recently, in the late twentieth and twenty-first centuries, researchers are mainly divided between those who consider it a portrait-like image of an ideal beauty and those who associate it with the context of marriage. This article explores in greater depth the marital symbolism of the painting, especially of the nude breast, and argues that it should be considered a portrait, as other similar contemporary works. To this end, I review the origins of its interpretation as Flora meretrix or goddess, the importance of beauty in the cinquecento and its relation with the ritratto al naturale, the marital iconography rooted in Renaissance nuptial rituals and its debts to Roman antiquity, and the Aristotelian concept of true friendship as an essential element of the Renaissance ideal of marriage. The aim is to propose an interpretation of Flora that integrates all of its attributes and allows us to reconsider the painting as the portrait of a novella sposa who shows herself as a virtuous wife, a vera amica.

The Portuguese Women Writers Project, in which I have a scholarship, aims to make the survey about the women's literary production in Portuguese between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries. In addition to identify the women authors,... more

The Portuguese Women Writers Project, in which I have a scholarship, aims to make the survey about the women's literary production in Portuguese between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries. In addition to identify the women authors, also seeks to discover their works, as well as those for which they contributed, as it is the case of translations or adaptations. This means that, in addition to the authors, it also received attention the reception of works in Portugal produced in other countries. It is, therefore, and in a historical perspective, to understand also the cultural diffusion and somewhat

Este trabalho visa demonstrar a baixa representação da mulher na literatura brasileira contemporânea, através de uma análise do mercado editorial. Tomando como ponto de partida o cânone literário, mais especificamente a Academia... more

Este trabalho visa demonstrar a baixa representação da mulher na literatura brasileira contemporânea, através de uma análise do mercado editorial. Tomando como ponto de partida o cânone literário, mais especificamente a Academia Brasileira de Letras, o objetivo é mostrar como a exclusão feminina foi um movimento proposital e político, e suas consequências ainda são sentidas na contemporaneidade. Com o tempo, as escritoras mulheres conquistaram, com muito esforço, espaço dentro do meio literário, mas sua representação ainda é baixa. Analisando dados do mercado editorial, é possível perceber que as escritoras mulheres são menos publicadas, seus livros ganham menos prêmios e sua presença em eventos literários é menor, evidenciando que a escritora mulher e suas obras são menos valorizadas que seus pares masculinos.

Abstract The literature on Turkish modernization presumes a linear and positive relationship between modernization and women’s liberation. According to this literature, the process that began in the 19th century has increasingly improved... more

The literature on Turkish modernization presumes a linear and positive relationship between modernization and women’s liberation. According to this literature, the process that began in the 19th century has increasingly improved the social position of women by establishing a secular order and making women legal subjects as well as equal citizens. Such a positive perception neglects the contradictory nature of the modernization process The modernization process could be seen as a contradictory process which brings not only rights but also new types of obligations and subordinations as well as a contadictory movement conducted by the struggles of women. Thus, “new women” is not a political project just imposed from above but a consequence of a contradictory process on three levels. The first level signifies the change in women’s position in the relations of production, that is, their process of becoming a productive labor force. The second level indicates their position at home which is the change in their reproductive functions. The third level comprises the change in the position of women as mothers manifesting itself in reproducing the nation. This article argues the process of women liberation by referring to the contradictions in these three levels at the beginning of 20th century and by addressing the journal Kadınlar Dünyası (Women’s World) published between 1913-1921 and known as the first feminist journal of Ottoman women.
Keywords: Women, Liberation, Contradiction, Labor, Production, Reproduction, Work, Nation.

Le teorie filosofiche di Marx ed Engels furono le prime a mettere in luce il nesso inscindibile tra l'emancipazione della donna ed il superamento della famiglia monogamicaborghese. Infatti, i due sostenevano che il dominio dell'uomo sulla... more

Le teorie filosofiche di Marx ed Engels furono le prime a mettere in luce il nesso inscindibile tra l'emancipazione della donna ed il superamento della famiglia monogamicaborghese. Infatti, i due sostenevano che il dominio dell'uomo sulla donna nella famiglia moderna era uno degli elementi costitutivi di un assetto gerarchico ed autoritario. Il punto di vista femminile nella storia e nella storia del pensiero filosofico del XX sec è una delle più importanti conseguenze dello sviluppo delle idee socialiste nelle società capitalistiche avanzate e della riflessione sulla vita promossa dall'esistenzialismo. L'esistenzialismo il cui termine è stato coniato nel 1930 indica quel complesso di filosofie e di riflessioni contemporanee anche politiche, letterarie e pittoriche, che assumono la concreta esistenza individuale come caratteristica fondamentale dell'uomo contro ogni sua riduzione positivistica (o scientistica o logicistica di matrice hegeliana) tipica delle culture del capitalismo maturo della seconda rivoluzione industriale. La nascita del ruolo politico della donna (femminismo) nella società contemporanea e del pensiero femminile nel campo della filosofia occidentale hanno comportato alcuni importanti eventi: a) L'ingresso delle donne nei parlamenti e nelle carriere un tempo riservate agli uomini. b) La presenza femminile nel campo della produzione filosofica e, in senso lato, nel mondo scientifico e tecnologico. In questo senso sono principalmente da ricordare come protagoniste la filosofa tedesca Anna Arenat che nel suo saggio del 1958 Vita Activa, la condizione umana ha ripensato la tradizione politica dell'Occidente alla luce dell'Olocausto, e la filosofa francese Simone Weil il cui forte impegno politico-sociale (combatté contro il nazismo e il franchismo e volle condividere la vita della classe operaia facendosi assumere in fabbrica) si coniuga ad una riflessione mistico-religiosa originale nel panorama del pensiero occidentale. La scesa in campo delle filosofie con il loro portato particolare ha prodotto. L'approfondimento dello specifico tema relativo al genere / "differenza" smascherando così l'equivoco secondo il quale l'uomo è identificato come genere che continua il maschile ed il femminile. Si rinnovava così il tema dell'esistenza di una diversità sessuale (nel mondo antico, aristotelicamente, la donna era un maschio non ben riuscito: identità sessuale e, biblicamente, la femmina era nata da una costola di Adamo dando luogo così ad una interpretazione regressiva dell'identità sessuale, aristotelica, come superiorità gerarchica del maschio). Engels nella seconda metà dell'800 affermava: "Nella famiglia l'uomo è un borghese, la donna il proletario", indicandone così la sottomissione della donna all'uomo-proprietario. La filosofa e psicoanalista belga Luce Irigaray, nata a Blanton nel 1930, sostiene in opere come Speculum, l'altra donna (1974) e Questo sesso che non è un sesso (1977), che la rivendicazione in positivo della diversità sessuale implica un ripensamento di tutta la storia filosofica dell'Occidente, nata non per caso solo dopo la fine del più arcaico culto della Dea Madre. Secondo lo storico del XIXsec. J.Bachofen, nell'opera Il Matriarcato nel 1861, la prima forma di organizzazione sociale dell'umanità del periodo pre-storico (dal 700 al 2500 a.C. circa) sarebbe stata una sinocrazia, governo delle donne, centrata appunto sul culto della Dea Madre. L'autore considera la società

Artículo que estudia la participación política y asociativa de la derecha femenina durante la Segunda República a través del partido conservador y católico Acción Femenina Leonesa (AFL). Esta agrupación, encuadrada en la CEDA... more

Artículo que estudia la participación política y asociativa de la derecha femenina durante la Segunda República a través del partido conservador y católico Acción Femenina Leonesa (AFL). Esta agrupación, encuadrada en la CEDA (Confederación Española de Derechas Autónomas), fue fundada por la diputada e Inspectora de Primera Enseñanza Francisca Bohigas Gavilanes. Se abordan aspectos como el discurso ideológico y de género, la organización y expansión de la AFL, sus problemáticas internas, así como el pensamiento de su presidenta y lider.

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Giacomo Vignodelli Per stemmata regum. Parentela e legittimità nel regno italico post-carolingio Discussant: Manuel Fauliri venerdì 24 maggio, ore 9.30 Marta Romani Amicizie, parentele, fedeltà a nord e sud delle Alpi: la rete di relazioni dell'imperatrice Adelaide Maddalena Betti Esperimenti di dinastizzazione a Roma nel X secolo: il ruolo delle senatrices Romanorum

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