Women in Business Research Papers (original) (raw)

This country report on the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is part of a regional project focusing on Bahrain, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates. The aim of this research study was to build the capacity of business women's... more

This country report on the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is part of a regional project focusing on Bahrain, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates. The aim of this research study was to build the capacity of business women's associations and research centers to better serve their members. In addition, this project intended to expand knowledge about women's entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region by conducting a survey of female-owned businesses in the five countries.

In the fall of 2017, social media erupted with the use of the hashtag #MeToo as women found courage and strength to speak up about sexual aggression and harassment following allegations against multiple powerful and highly visible men in... more

In the fall of 2017, social media erupted with the use of the hashtag #MeToo as women found courage and strength to speak up about sexual aggression and harassment following allegations against multiple powerful and highly visible men in the media. The authors use this social phenomenon as an argument that the media attention and visibility can become a catalyst for shining the spotlight on deeper, hidden, often ignored forms of gender bias that serve to perpetuate gender inequity within the workplace. They summarize a high-level review of current research on the stubborn gender gap within corporate executive ranks and draw a comprehensive, systemic analysis of the many variables that impact career advancement for women. They then demonstrate how these variables often serve as reinforcing and balancing feedback loops with each other, making the gender gap problem a " systemic mess " that cannot be solved by only addressing a singular intervention or limited programs such as diversity hiring, family leave and flexible work programs. Instead, the authors use Donella Meadows' (2008) model to identify leverage points within the system that are most likely to affect real change, including raising awareness of the effects of " benevolent sexism " and unconscious gender biases. The authors review research by Susanne Cook-Greuter (2013) who has evaluated cognitive and ego development across large populations, showing the majority of adults acting and thinking from immature paradigms. Finally, the authors summarize actions that individual men and women, and organizations can take to start " acting more like adults. " Increasing maturity around gender inequity requires a shift in thinking and behavior, increasing emotional intelligence and cognitive complexity by raising consciousness around deeply ingrained patriarchal power structures to diminish the subtle, perceptively hidden obstacles faced by women. This can be accomplished without " blaming " or challenging men who are also largely unconscious of their privilege and power within most social structures.

With the assistance of donors, the Government of Afghanistan has started to enact a wide-range of policy actions aiming to provide Afghan women with equal access to resources and opportunities for participation in the country’s economy.... more

With the assistance of donors, the Government of Afghanistan has started to enact a wide-range of policy actions aiming to provide Afghan women with equal access to resources and opportunities for participation in the country’s economy. However, the implementation of these women-centred policies remains weak and leaves women to fight alone against daily challenges due to the lack of their equal acceptance in society. The paper aims to shed light on some of the many issues that can only be addressed if peace is achieved. Overall, the paper is focused on Afghan women employability and entrepreneurship opportunities for engagement in economic development. Authors argue that in the context of Afghanistan, women’s economic empowerment requires better policymaking, which can in turn improve the level of policy implementation in different parts of the country. The paper highlights the need for rethinking government economic policies with an emphasis on the essential components of women’s e...

Women from all around the world have some difficulties in their daily and business lives. Most of the difficulties that women have faced with is about gender discrimination and patriarchal ideas. On the way of being a member of the EU,... more

Women from all around the world have some difficulties in their daily and business lives. Most of the difficulties that women have faced with is about gender discrimination and patriarchal ideas. On the way of being a member of the EU, Turkey tried to keep pace with the EU and its laws, but women were always faced with patriarchy, ideologies of closed minded society. While the laws and regulations should encourage women to work and give them opportunities to make them show up in society, some laws and regulations discourage women and give an idea of patriarchy. Studies are not enough to show this big problem and defend this topic, but they nearly focus on every issue that women has in daily life and in business life. My research gives some opinions and show some studies about the problems of women such as gender equality policies, patriarchal ideas of the society and gender based discrimination. The aim of my research is to give an information about the problems and obstacles which exists in Turkey about women, inequality of the genders and show that most of the women have been under controlled by men. Literature Review on the problems of gender based discrimination policies and its effects on women's employment and their daily life while Turkey is on the way of being a member of EU Women always had difficulties in life and they carry a lot of work on their shoulders. There are many researchs about this topic and the articles that I found while I was searching was impressive. They generally talk about the difficulties that women has in their life such as patriarchy, ideologies in society, work conditions, wages and education level. However, some laws and regulations made by Turkey especially to keep pace with EU or developmental countries about gender equality, good work conditions for women, economical laws etc. to make these problems solved. Time by time these issues were searched by students,

With the assistance of donors, the Government of Afghanistan has started to enact a wide-range of policy actions aiming to provide Afghan women with equal access to resources and opportunities for participation in the country’s economy.... more

With the assistance of donors, the Government of Afghanistan has started to enact a wide-range of policy actions aiming to provide Afghan women with equal access to resources and opportunities for participation in the country’s economy. However, the implementation of these women-centred policies remains weak and leaves women to fight alone against daily challenges due to the lack of their equal acceptance in society. The paper aims to shed light on some of the many issues that can only be addressed if peace is achieved. Overall, the paper is focused on Afghan women employability and entrepreneurship opportunities for engagement in economic development. Authors argue that in the context of Afghanistan, women’s economic empowerment requires better policymaking, which can in turn improve the level of policy implementation in different parts of the country. The paper highlights the need for rethinking government economic policies with an emphasis on the essential components of women’s economic empowerment such as security and innovative opportunities for women’s participation in national and local economic development.

The role of Arab women is often perceived one-sided in Western countries. In fact this perception must be revised when looking at the achievements of women in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This title tells the success stories of Emirati... more

The role of Arab women is often perceived one-sided in Western countries. In fact this perception must be revised when looking at the achievements of women in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This title tells the success stories of Emirati women in leadership positions.

This study focuses on lessons learned in the provision of business development services (BDS) that assist business growth for women-owned enterprises. The study consists of two parts. The first chapter is a review of the existing... more

This study focuses on lessons learned in the provision of business development services (BDS) that assist business growth for women-owned enterprises. The study consists of two parts. The first chapter is a review of the existing literature on the international experience ...

Dedicating his life to the welfare of children, Dr. J. Calvitt Clarke (1887-1970) was one of the twentieth century’s most successful charitable fundraisers. He was also a prolific author with many published novels, including love... more

Dedicating his life to the welfare of children, Dr. J. Calvitt Clarke (1887-1970) was one of the twentieth century’s most successful charitable fundraisers. He was also a prolific author with many published novels, including love novels, under his belt. In addition, he left many manuscripts, most in fragments. This complete manuscript, "The Richest Girl in the World," describes great wealth destroyed by the Great Depression. The heroine, who starts her own successful business, must ask what brings true wealth—money or loving relationships. As any good romance writer would, Clarke suggested the answer--loving relationships. Although, money earned through creative enterprise, hard work, and cleverness should be praised and could help bring self-fulfillment. On a more sociological note, Clarke's manuscript is a biting critique of American's economic system and the people who ran it before the Great Depression.

Women entrepreneurship is a recent approach in India which has enabled to utilize the 50% inactive resource-women of educated population of the country. Women have entered almost all industries as entrepreneurs. Whatever industry they are... more

Women entrepreneurship is a recent approach in India which has enabled to utilize the 50% inactive resource-women of educated population of the country. Women have entered almost all industries as entrepreneurs. Whatever industry they are working in, their business practices tend to be different from the male population. The study attempts to analyze the element of professional ethics in their business practices. Various companies which are being run by women at the top management will be studied for the purpose of this research. Secondary data available in the form of reports of various companies, work of previous scholars, articles from books and magazines. Primary data will be collected from employees of the companies which are being run by women entrepreneurs. At the same time consumers of the products or services marketed by these companies will also be contacted. Analysis of both the kinds of data will lead the researcher to certain findings which will be the basis of suggestions and recommendations to the decision makers. Such researches may give us a clear picture of business practices followed by the newly introduced gender at the top management. The new trend emerged in Indian economy has to be handled properly or we might not be in a position to make full use of this valuable resource of the economy. If the researcher can give one good recommendation for the same, then the effort of this research is worth it.

Despite showing remarkable rates of female education, a factor usually leading to higher levels of employment, Jordan continues to have one of the world’s lowest rates of women’s formal workforce participation at only 15%. Among Jordan’s... more

Despite showing remarkable rates of female education, a factor usually leading to higher levels of employment, Jordan continues to have one of the world’s lowest rates of women’s formal workforce participation at only 15%. Among Jordan’s unemployed women, the majority are university graduates. Many studies have been conducted to elaborate main barriers, such as the mismatch between
education and the needs of the labor market, particularly in the private sector; the lack of child-care infrastructure and public transportation; limited employment opportunities and low salaries; and conservative social and cultural norms regarding gender roles in households and society in general. These factors are reinforced by legal and social limits on women, and by a lack of effective policies
to promote women’s inclusion and participation in economic life. An untapped potential for Jordan’s struggling economy, as ILO studies show, is the inclusion of a female labor force which is crucial for economic development. Nevertheless, success stories of Jordanian women who managed to overcome these barriers and establish their own businesses do exist.
How could they succeed? What were the main factors motivating and supporting them? What should be improved from their perspectives and experiences?
With this article we would like to draw attention to positive examples of Jordanian businesswomen, as they have the power to motivate and inspire others.

In Jordan, where female participation rates in the labor force are among the lowest regionally and globally, entrepreneurship can offer new opportunities for women to generate their own income, and accordingly to support their families.... more

In Jordan, where female participation rates in the labor force are among the lowest regionally and globally, entrepreneurship can offer new opportunities for women to generate their own income, and accordingly to support their families. Through face-to-face interviews and surveys with 444 female business owners representing women's businesses in Jordan, this report provides policy makers, financial institutions and entrepreneurial support organizations with new insights into the attitudes, challenges and needs of women business owners and their firms in Jordan.

Εν έτει 2020 ο αγώνας για την πραγματική ισότητα των δικαιωμάτων μεταξύ γυναικών και ανδρών διενεργείται πιο επίμονα από ποτέ. Λες και με το πέρασμα των χρόνων, μαζί με τη γυναικεία διεκδίκηση και την εξασφάλιση όλο και περισσότερου χώρου... more

Εν έτει 2020 ο αγώνας για την πραγματική ισότητα των δικαιωμάτων μεταξύ γυναικών και ανδρών διενεργείται πιο επίμονα από ποτέ. Λες και με το πέρασμα των χρόνων, μαζί με τη γυναικεία διεκδίκηση και την εξασφάλιση όλο και περισσότερου χώρου αναγνώρισης των γυναικείων δικαιωμάτων, εξελίσσονται παράλληλα και οι καταβολές του βαθιά αφομοιωμένου ανδροκρατούμενου κόσμου. Ενός κόσμου που παραχωρεί με εξαντλητικό, ψυχοφθόρο τρόπο, το ανθρωπολογικά δεδομένο και αυτονόητο πεδίο στη γυναικεία ελευθερία.

Wzór dla cytowań: Skala, A., Kruczkowska, E., & Olczak, M. (2015). Polskie Startupy. Raport 2015. Publikacja pierwszego Raportu o polskich startupach oznacza rozpoczęcie cyklicznych badań nad przedsiębiorstwami należącymi do sektora... more

Wzór dla cytowań: Skala, A., Kruczkowska, E., & Olczak, M. (2015). Polskie Startupy. Raport 2015.
Publikacja pierwszego Raportu o polskich startupach oznacza rozpoczęcie cyklicznych badań nad przedsiębiorstwami należącymi do sektora gospodarki cyfrowej w Polsce. Jest to pierwsze badanie, które ma na celu dostarczenie informacji, które pozwolą określić znaczenie branży cyfrowej w gospodarce oraz kierunki i tempo jej rozwoju w Polsce.
Raport dzieli się na sześć części:
• Metryka startupów – w której przedstawiono lokalizację, okres działalności i formę prawną startupów, które wzięły udział w ankiecie;
• Modele biznesowe i rozwój – wskazano główne kategorie klientów, najpopularniejsze rodzaje produktów, etap i tempo rozwoju działalności, plany na przyszłość oraz wycenę spółek;
• Zasoby – w dwóch podrozdziałach omówiono źródła finansowania kapitału w startupach oraz potrzeby względem zasobów niefinansowych;
• Zatrudnienie – gdzie przyjrzano się zespołom założycielskim oraz wielkości i perspektywom zatrudnienia w startupach;
• Eksport – omówiono obecność startupów na rynkach zagranicznych i scharakteryzowano ich działalność
• Innowacyjność – gdzie wskazano źródła inspiracji oraz nośniki i sposoby wdrażania innowacji w startupach.

Abstract – Credit is one of the most crucial inputs in the process of development. By extending small loans to poor individuals, microcredit, specially SHGs enables its borrowers to take up income earning activities that lead to a series... more

Abstract – Credit is one of the most crucial inputs in the process of development. By extending small loans to poor individuals, microcredit, specially SHGs enables its borrowers to take up income earning activities that lead to a series of improvements in their economic situation. In addition to the improved income earning ability, microcredit has been increasingly promoted for its positive impact on empowerment, especially for women borrowers. Present study is an attempt to evaluate the same.

Having a metaphorical image helps catalyze conversations. Everyone has the ability to communicate visually. Being 'an artist' is not the core capability of the visual journalist. Visual communication involves images and words, entwined in... more

Having a metaphorical image helps catalyze conversations. Everyone has the ability to communicate visually. Being 'an artist' is not the core capability of the visual journalist. Visual communication involves images and words, entwined in an intuitive yet intentional way that makes more of each. Visuals work. They are archetypes. We see not only our own point of view: we also make a picture of the connections. Everyone sees something different while agreeing that it looks the same.

Many poor women around the world earn their livelihoods supporting themselves and their families through microenterprises in the informal economy. Therefore, supporting women microentrepreneurs is important to the well being of poor... more

Many poor women around the world earn their livelihoods supporting themselves and their families through microenterprises in the informal economy. Therefore, supporting women microentrepreneurs is important to the well being of poor households. Moreover, women microentrepreneurs make important contributions to the local and national economies through their products and services. Supporting their
economic activities has benefits for the economies at large. And there are benefits at the individual level, as women entrepreneurs gain confidence, decision-making experience, and a greater sense of control over their lives through their businesses.
This study focuses on lessons learned in the provision of business development services (BDS) that assist business growth for women-owned enterprises. The study consists of two parts. The first chapter is a review of the existing literature on the international experience in BDS and the major findings of research on lessons learned in BDS as they apply to women clientele and growth in their enterprises. The second part concentrates on deriving lessons from two local BDS initiatives, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) Sericulture Program and Independent Business Enrichment Center (IBEC)
Enterprise Training Program in South Africa.

Women have historically played an important hidden role in family firms, and a great deal of research is now shedding light on this role. In spite of the more formal nature of female work at the present day, still a considerable volume of... more

Women have historically played an important hidden role in family firms, and a great deal of research is now shedding light on this role. In spite of the more formal nature of female work at the present day, still a considerable volume of women's contributions in family firms is unregistered and unpaid, even in developed regions. A questionnaire was administered in 2011 to 396 women working in small and medium-sized family firms located in Andalucia, a Southern European region, characterized by familialism and a large informal economy. Our results confirm the persistence of subordinate forms of unpaid family collaboration due to the neutrality assigned to female contributions under the traditional gendered division of work. But also this study shows how some of the women voluntarily embrace subordinate roles as a temporary way to gain professional experience, useful for their future work inside or outside the family firm.

Over the past decades, regional integration in Africa has not involved a purely trade liberalization agenda, but rather been based on a pillar of collective self-reliance or, in current terms, been a step towards a peaceful, prosperous,... more

Over the past decades, regional integration in Africa has not involved a purely trade liberalization agenda, but rather been based on a pillar of collective self-reliance or, in current terms, been a step towards a peaceful, prosperous, and integrated continent. The African Continental Free Trade Area is expected to be a game changer for development ambitions in Africa. The design of the Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area reflects an explicit commitment to create a framework for deeper socioeconomic integration and improved
cooperation that enables trade, investment, and the mobility of people, to support industrialization and the development of a dynamic services sector. Such achievements could ultimately generate decent jobs and increase revenue and thereby contribute to inclusive growth on the continent. A greater emphasis on deeper intra-regional trade, cross-border investments in infrastructure and fostering “made in Africa” trade and industrialization policies is key to the continent’s future
prosperity and resilience to global financial, food-related, climatic, and pandemic-related shocks. For the African Continental Free Trade Area to be a game changer, countries in Africa need to adopt policies that enhance consistency between trade measures, diversification objectives
and inclusivity. Unless this is accomplished, the Free Trade Area may be restricted to a trade liberalization agenda and thereby not fulfil the hopes and aspirations of the people of Africa. If effectively implemented, the African Continental Free Trade Area can help address challenges
emanating from the excessive reliance in Africa on the supply of primary commodities and goods embodying limited value added to world markets.
This paper seeks to build on existing literature on inclusive growth through trade liberalization in the context of African Continental Free Trade Area and how economic growth can contribute to poverty reduction and foster inclusive development. It acknowledges that the
launch of the African Continental Free Trade Area accords countries in Africa a unique opportunity to promote inclusive growth and accelerate the achievement of both the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2063 by boosting intra-African trade and welfare gains among the population.
To this end, we have conducted extensive research both quantitative and qualitative with international organizations, the business community, as well as policymakers and representative of development institutions in the continent to understand the opportunities the continental free trade accords for inclusive growth.

While a good deal of effort may go into the planning and design of change initiatives, relatively few people see change as an unalloyed good thing.

Women at Work: Insights on Employment & Entrepreneurship in Mediterranean Partner Countries

Reputation management is a contemporary offshoot of public relations, but reputation has long had economic currency in British culture. Less well studied is the way commercial reputation consolidated around ideas of the brand. This case... more

Reputation management is a contemporary offshoot of public relations, but reputation has long had economic currency in British culture. Less well studied is the way commercial reputation consolidated around ideas of the brand. This case study of the London career of the Swiss‐born artist Angelica Kauffman (1741‐1807) examines the development of the ‘Angelica' brand: from stage‐managed debut, studio establishment and performance, and self‐promotion through self‐portraiture to market positioning, diffusion lines and pricing strategy. It tests the success of Kauffman's efforts by examining critical reception, consumer response and, finally, damage limitation, concluding that the Angelica brand was the painter's cleverest creation.

Presentation “Barriers to Successful Entrepreneurship for Women in Ukraine” presented at the USAID meeting “Розширення підприємницьких та лідерських можливостей для жінок» [Expanding the entrepreneurial and leadership capacities for... more

Presentation “Barriers to Successful Entrepreneurship for Women in Ukraine” presented at the USAID meeting “Розширення підприємницьких та лідерських можливостей для жінок» [Expanding the entrepreneurial and leadership capacities for women], Kyiv, Ukraine.

The literature on Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCAs), commonly known as tandas in Mexico, indicates a higher participation of women but generally fails to detect the reasons thereof. This chapter partially bridges the gap... more

The literature on Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCAs), commonly known as tandas in Mexico, indicates a higher participation of women but generally fails to detect the reasons thereof. This chapter partially bridges the gap by considering the role of social capital in these organizations. The findings of this study show that socioeconomic factors, the gender of the member majority, and acceptance levels in the group influence the higher participation of women. However, access to formal credit markets does not influence this behavior. Moreover, trust in women-based groups and the benefits obtained from membership further contribute to higher participation of women. The participation of men in ROSCAs seems to be related to motivational factors that are different from those for women. For women, social capital is especially relevant for gender-based group formation.