Women's History Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Oi Christianoi - Sezione antica, n. 26 ----- Su Ipazia di Alessandria e su Sinesio di Cirene molti hanno già scritto: Ipazia, una nota antica scienziata e filosofia, Sinesio, un nobile, suo allievo e poi vescovo cristiano; Ipazia, da... more

Oi Christianoi - Sezione antica, n. 26 ----- Su Ipazia di Alessandria e su Sinesio di Cirene molti hanno già scritto: Ipazia, una nota antica scienziata e filosofia, Sinesio, un nobile, suo allievo e poi vescovo cristiano; Ipazia, da alcuni presa in considerazione unicamente come vessillo del femminismo, Sinesio, spesso trascurato a fronte di più famosi Padri della Chiesa. La peculiarità del libro, che è frutto di un accurato studio critico delle relative fonti primarie e secondarie, consiste nel tipo di approccio: le due figure e le loro opere sono esaminate sullo sfondo dei differenti ambiti culturali in cui si sono sviluppate le vicende della loro vita, pur nella contemporaneità: la differenza di ambiti culturali consente di evidenziare di questa donna e di questo uomo non solo la validità del loro lungo rapporto amicale, testimoniate da alcune lettere di Sinesio a noi pervenute, ma anche l'alto valore interculturale di tale rapporto.

Over the last thirty years we have witnessed the emergence, formation and consolidation in Australia of the field of futures studies and foresight. Given its relative population size and geographic isolation from major centres of... more

Over the last thirty years we have witnessed the emergence, formation and consolidation in Australia of the field of futures studies and foresight. Given its relative population size and geographic isolation from major centres of intellectual activity in Europe and North America, Australia has more than its fair share of futures researchers and practitioners (often called Futurists or Foresight Practitioners). Perhaps even more surprising to some is what the unwritten history reveals. This short piece shows that a significant number of the pioneers and shapers of Australian futures studies were women. Furthermore, a large proportion of futurists, researchers and foresight practitioners in Australia today are women.
The following “annotated time line” covers the last three decades from 1985 to 2015. It has been sectioned into three phases, roughly corresponding with the decades of “Pioneers”, “Institution Building” and “Professional Consolidation”. As we now move into a fourth decade of Australian futures practices we can ask “How will the contributions of Australian women futures researchers and foresight practitioners contribute to, and further develop, the complex futures for Australia and our global society?”

In an unpublished manuscript about exemplary women, Cristofano Bronzini described a visit to the Tuscan court by Giovanna Garzoni while she was still in her teens, and transcribed a poem written there in her honour. This new documentary... more

In an unpublished manuscript about exemplary women, Cristofano Bronzini described a visit to the Tuscan court by Giovanna Garzoni while she was still in her teens, and transcribed a poem written there in her honour. This new documentary evidence has important implications for understanding Garzoni’s artistic development in the early 1620s.

The aim of this project is to compile names and biographies of women attached to the military forces of the War for American Independence, 1775 to 1783; Whig (Continental), French, Spanish, British, German, and Loyalists. This... more

The aim of this project is to compile names and biographies of women attached to the military forces of the War for American Independence, 1775 to 1783; Whig (Continental), French, Spanish, British, German, and Loyalists. This includes females (and their offspring) who followed the troops on campaign, or served in a camp, garrison, or other settled military post (including artificers and other military support groups). Spouses and retainers of both enlisted men and officers are eligible. The project will begin with Continental army and Whig militia female followers. Eventually, my hope is to convince people with special knowledge of the other nations’ armies involved to participate.
Material may be sent to the editor at ju_rees@msn.com or via Facebook messaging (John U. Rees). Names must be accompanied by supporting source material and a transcription of the same. Please include available pension narratives and as much detail from other sources as is available. Contributors will be listed with their submissions.

Vittoria Colonna marquioness of Pescara was involved in the Catholic Reform during the first half of XVI century. She was very close to cardinal Gasparo Contarini and cardinal Reginald Pole. Also she had paintings by Titian and... more

Vittoria Colonna marquioness of Pescara was involved in the Catholic Reform during the first half of XVI century. She was very close to cardinal Gasparo Contarini and cardinal Reginald Pole. Also she had paintings by Titian and Michelangelo who was one of her best friend. She invested an enormous ammount of money in Venice and her legacy was astonishing. Her poems were very popular and the new holy images invented by Michelangelo for her were diffused all around Europe througouth the "spirituali".

In this article, the author analyses the activity of colonial institutions in the Philippines during the Spanish period with references to its ethnic particularities. In this sense, the “Consultas y resoluciones varias, teológicas,... more

In this article, the author analyses the activity
of colonial institutions in the Philippines during
the Spanish period with references to its ethnic
particularities. In this sense, the “Consultas y
resoluciones varias, teológicas, jurídicas, regulares
y morales” (1687) was an illustrative example of
work about the judicial and extrajudicial resolution
of conflicts in the Philippines under the Habsburgs.
In its pages reflects the academic and colonial
career of its author, named Juan de Paz. The
casuistry and the projection of Thomist thought
are two important characteristics of his juridical
dissertation. The purpose of this paper is the study
of the “Consultas” in regard to his legal, doctrinal
and social considerations about women.

Mormon Women’s History: Beyond Biography demonstrates that the history and experience of Mormon women is central to the history of the Church and to histories of American religion, politics, and culture. Yet the study of Mormon women has... more

Mormon Women’s History: Beyond Biography demonstrates that the history and experience of Mormon women is central to the history of the Church and to histories of American religion, politics, and culture. Yet the study of Mormon women has mostly been confined to biographies, family histories, and women’s periodicals. The contributors to Mormon Women’s History engage the vast breadth of sources left by Mormon women—journals, diaries, letters, family histories, and periodicals as well as art, poetry, material culture, theological treatises, and genealogical records—to read between the lines, reconstruct connections, recover voices, reveal meanings, and recast stories.

Au tournant des années 1970, on assiste à l’émergence d’un renouveau féministe au Québec, marquée par la création du Front de libération des femmes du Québec en 1969. Une part du mouvement féministe envisage alors les activités... more

Au tournant des années 1970, on assiste à l’émergence d’un renouveau féministe au Québec, marquée par la création du Front de libération des femmes du Québec en 1969. Une part du mouvement féministe envisage alors les activités domestiques non plus comme faisant partie d’une « nature féminine », mais comme un véritable travail. Cette démarche s’inscrit dans la recherche d’une oppression commune à toutes les femmes et dans l’idée d’une « communauté de situation ». Le travail ménager non rémunéré apparaît alors comme le « plus petit dénominateur commun » de la condition de toutes les femmes, et ce peu importe leur statut civil, leur classe sociale ou leur occupation. Durant les années 1970 et et 1980, plusieurs débats ont lieu quant à la reconnaissance de ce travail. Si certaines féministes défendent la revendication d’un salaire au travail ménager, plusieurs d’entre elles revendiquent plutôt une socialisation de ce travail par la mise en place de services collectifs (garderies populaires, cantines, etc.). D’autres féministes, enfin, demandent la mise en place de certaines réformes gouvernementales afin de réduire la précarité financière des mères et des ménagères. Dans la présente étude, nous proposons une analyse des discours sur le travail ménager, ainsi qu’un examen des différentes avenues de reconnaissance envisagées par les féministes québécoises. En analysant les publications de collectifs féministes, de groupes de femmes et d’organismes liés à la condition féminine, nous pouvons dès lors affirmer que le travail ménager a été un thème marquant pour le cheminement théorique et militant du mouvement des femmes. Bien qu’omniprésent dans les discours féministes des années 1970 et 1980, des collectifs plus radicaux aux associations féminines réformistes, il a été bien rapidement oublié dans les bilans et dans l’historiographie. Nous tenterons alors de mettre de l’avant les discours féministes sur la reconnaissance du travail ménager comme élément de continuité au sein du mouvement féministe.

This is the catalogue to an exhibition of the same name, which took place at the Worshipful Company of Mercers and Leeds University Art Gallery. It presents fifty outstanding artworks by fifty British Women artists working between 1900 -... more

This is the catalogue to an exhibition of the same name, which took place at the Worshipful Company of Mercers and Leeds University Art Gallery. It presents fifty outstanding artworks by fifty British Women artists working between 1900 - 1950. There is an introductory essay by curator, Sacha Llewellyn, and fifty commentaries about each picture by fifty different writers. The exhibition marks the centenary of the Representation of the People's Act, and aims to readdress the dominant 'master' narrative of British art history.

Recuperando una rica tradición de libros de viajes escritos por mujeres, Mónica Szurmuk nos muestra una dimensión insospechada de la construcción de la identidad nacional argentina. Este brillante estudio de relatos de viajeras argentinas... more

Recuperando una rica tradición de libros de viajes escritos por mujeres, Mónica Szurmuk nos muestra una dimensión insospechada de la construcción de la identidad nacional argentina. Este brillante estudio de relatos de viajeras argentinas y de mujeres extranjeras en Argentina entre 1837 y 1930 revela cómo ellas, al enfocarse en los aspectos de la experiencia viajera relacionados con su papel femenino, la vida doméstica, la maternidad, la enseñanza, introdujeron importantes matices en la imagen de la argentinidad. Al salir de casa, de lo familiar, para encontrarse con lo ajeno, estas mujeres tuvieron que modificar las ideas recibidas de identidad y otredad, pero lo hicieron sin apartarse de lo que sus lectores esperaban de una escritora de su clase y raza. Especialmente sugestivo en este sentido es el análisis de la descripción del paisaje como el escenario de la construcción del sujeto autorial en su encuentro con lo otro. De igual manera reveladoras son las reflexiones de Szurmuk acerca del ambiguo significado de las fronteras de todo tipo para las mujeres que escribieron acerca de sus viajes. Este libro ofrece además importantes planteamientos acerca de la interacción de las diferencias de raza, género, clase y etnia en la formación de las ideas dominantes de la nación argentina.

На основу идејне, тематске и уметничко-стилске срод- ности која је уочена у књижевном деловању неколико београдских ауторки, у овом раду се њихов књижевни корпус и континуитет стварања одређује терминолошком синтагмом ангажована женска... more

На основу идејне, тематске и уметничко-стилске срод- ности која је уочена у књижевном деловању неколико београдских ауторки, у овом раду се њихов књижевни корпус и континуитет стварања
одређује терминолошком синтагмом ангажована женска проза и посматра као издвојен и целовит феномен. Циљ рада је да апстрахује основне карактеристике ове књижевноисторијске појаве која је имала ненарушен континуитет од 30-их до 50-их година 20. века и постави један од могућих појмовно-теоријских оквира за даља читања, тумачења и компаративна истраживања датог и сличних књижевних корпуса. Методолошки ослонац за опис и објашњење ангажоване женске прозе делом се може пронаћи у ранијим књижевноисториографским и теоријским
разматрањима југословенског покрета социјалне литературе, затим у Сартровом одређењу ангажоване књижевности, као и у феминистичким истраживањима историје жена, феминистичких покрета и женске књижевности. Циљ рада управо и јесте да укаже на нужност повезивања три наведена методолошка усмерења када је реч о проучавању контуинираних процеса еманципације жена којем припада и дати књижевни ток.
Тачније, Сартров концепт ангажоване књижевности артикулисан после Другог светског рата узет је као везивна нит излагања: он се примењујe на ранију, односно женску, прозу, и обратно, тумачења те прозе обогаћују дати концепт, придодајући му један дијахронијски дубљи и један потенцијални феминистички аспект. Коначно, резултати истраживања и разматрања могли би да нађу примену и у оквиру студија ангажованости које се у домаћем контексту обликују у последњих неколико година
као друштвено-хуманистичка поддисциплина

This is a bibliography of primary sources in translation prepared as a guide for students doing research projects for my undergraduate course, HST 362, on concepts of sex and gender in the Middle Ages. The version posted here was last... more

This is a bibliography of primary sources in translation prepared as a guide for students doing research projects for my undergraduate course, HST 362, on concepts of sex and gender in the Middle Ages. The version posted here was last revised in 2011.

The book provides ample evidence to show that the women who were ordained to the diaconate during the first millennium had been sacramentally ordained. The second half of the book offers the text of the full ordination rite from six of... more

The book provides ample evidence to show that the women who were ordained to the diaconate during the first millennium had been sacramentally ordained. The second half of the book offers the text of the full ordination rite from six of the oldest manuscripts. Canterbury Press, London 2002;
Women Deacons in the Early Church. Historical Texts and Contemporary Debates, Herder & Herder Crossroad, New York 2006;
Vrouwen tot diaken gewijd. Historische feiten en actueel debat, Herne Heeswijk 2006 (Netherlands) and Altiora Averbode 2007 (Belgium).

Ancient Greek poetess Sappho is widely regarded as the oldest known lesbian and feminist in the Western literary history. However, this common notion represents just one in the millennia-long series of reinventions of her persona, since... more

Ancient Greek poetess Sappho is widely regarded as the oldest known lesbian and feminist in the Western literary history. However, this common notion represents just one in the millennia-long series of reinventions of her persona, since before the fin de siècle her heterosexuality was viewed as an almost indisputable truth. This paper
argues that, throughout the history, the reception of Sappho’s poetry was inevitably faced with the question of her sexuality, which was addressed in very divergent ways. It first uses the theoretical concepts of “Trojan horse” and “compulsory heterosexuality” as outlined by feminist critics Monique Wittig and Adrienne Rich to demonstrate that (homo)erotic sentimentality of Sappho’s magnificent poems produced a moral complex in Western heteropatriarchal societies, which sought to tame and reclaim that poetry by heterosexualizing it. The paper then turns to a diachronic analysis of various discursive strategies of heterosexualization within the Western literary and philological discourses from antiquity to modernity and contrasts them with the contemporary discourse of homosexualization, thus showing that the reception of Sappho’s poetry can be conceptualized as an ideological battle between traditional epistemological regime of compulsory heterosexuality on the one hand and modern political aspiration for women’s and lesbian emancipation, on the other hand. Finally, the article illustrates how contemporary philological and historical research on Sappho, in an attempt to escape that ideological battle, unconsciously falls victim to this millennia-long misogyny.

Monica H. Green, “Bodies, Gender, Health, Disease: Recent Work on Medieval Women’s Medicine,” Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, 3rd series, vol. 2 (2005), 1-46. Abstract: This long essay review summarizes work in the field... more

Nel secolo dei Lumi il nome di Maria Gaetana Agnesi affiora largamente nelle discussioni in atto sulla validità delle teorie newtoniane, sul calcolo infinitesimale di Leibniz e Newton, sull’istruzione femminile e il ruolo della donna... more

Nel secolo dei Lumi il nome di Maria Gaetana Agnesi affiora largamente nelle discussioni in atto sulla validità delle teorie newtoniane, sul calcolo infinitesimale di Leibniz e Newton, sull’istruzione femminile e il ruolo della donna nell’indagine scientifica. Nel confronto a distanza con Algarotti, la scienziata milanese promuove un newtonianesimo, delle donne e non “per le donne”, dai tratti marcatamente neostoici. La pubblicazione delle Instituzioni analitiche, che le procurò fama e prestigio in Europa, segnò poi una svolta. Ammirata da Goldoni e detta immortale da Pietro Verri, Agnesi volle costruire una propria identità di scienziata e di donna autonoma nella dimensione etica dell’impegno sociale e dell’esperienza di fede, influenzata dalla spiritualità teatina e dalla religiosità di Muratori.

Given the prominence of Muslim veils—in particular the hijab and full-face veil—in public discourse concerning the place of Muslims in Western society, we examined their impact on non-Muslims’ responses at both explicit and implicit... more

Given the prominence of Muslim veils—in particular the hijab and full-face veil—in public discourse concerning the place of Muslims in Western society, we examined their impact on non-Muslims’ responses at both explicit and implicit levels. Results revealed that responses were more negative toward any veil compared with no veil, and more negative toward the full-face veil relative to the hijab: for emotions felt toward veiled women (Study 1), for non-affective attitudinal responses (Study 2), and for implicit negative attitudes revealed through response latency measures (Studies 3a and 3b). Finally, we manipulated the perceived reasons for wearing a veil, finding that exposure to positive reasons for wearing a veil led to better predicted and imagined contact (Study 4). Practical and theoretical implications are discussed.

It is sometimes argued that the non-therapeutic, non-consensual alteration of children’s genitals should be discussed in two separate ethical discourses: one for girls (in which such alterations should be termed ‘female genital... more

It is sometimes argued that the non-therapeutic, non-consensual alteration of children’s genitals should be discussed in two separate ethical discourses: one for girls (in which such alterations should be termed ‘female genital mutilation’ or FGM), and one for boys (in which such alterations should be termed ‘male circumcision’). In this article, I call into question the moral and empirical basis for such a distinction, and argue that all children—whether female, male, or intersex—should be free from having parts of their genitals removed unless there is a pressing medical indication.

Książka śledzi losy kobiet w Polsce lat 1945-1989 na szerokim tle komunizmu i historii powojennej Europy. Oparta o obszerną i najnowszą światową literaturę przedmiotu oraz kwerendy różnorodnych źródeł historycznych, zainteresuje... more

Książka śledzi losy kobiet w Polsce lat 1945-1989 na szerokim tle komunizmu i historii powojennej Europy. Oparta o obszerną i najnowszą światową literaturę przedmiotu oraz kwerendy różnorodnych źródeł historycznych, zainteresuje czytelniczki i czy-telników pragnących zapoznać się z historią kobiet w komunizmie i historią Polski, szeroko rozumianymi studiami nad problematyką genderową, historią feminizmu i historią społeczną. Przybliża naj-ważniejsze badania i ukazuje znaczenia historii gender/kobiet dla Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Porusza zagadnienia aktywności kobiet w polityce, doświadczeń kobiet pracujących w mieście i na wsi, gospodarstwa domowego, ról kobiet w rodzinie, dorastania i awansu edukacyjnego, biopolityki oraz kultury urody. Zostały one zaprezentowane w kontekście tytułowych pojęć nowoczes-ności i równouprawnienia, aby ukazać komunistyczne projekty kierowane do kobiet na tle doświadczeń drugiej połowy XX wieku w innych krajach. Z pewnością książka ta ma wszelkie szanse na miano kanonicznej historii kobiet powo-jennej Polski i nie dlatego, że dostarcza go-towych odpowiedzi, ale właśnie dlatego, że wskazuje na konieczność stawiania nowych pytań, kwestionowania utrwalonych sche-matów myślowych, rewizji dotychczasowej wiedzy. [Z recenzji dr hab. Dobrochny Kałwy] Książka jest świetnie napisana, lekkim języ-kiem dyskutuje czasem bardzo skompliko-wane tematy. (…) Bardzo interesujące są analizy źródeł, które pozwalają prześledzić myślenie autorów oraz ich metody pracy ze źródłami. Dużym atutem tej pracy jest bo-gactwo cytatów i indywidualnych historii, które pozwalają zrozumieć życiowe dylematy czy problemy.

Translation of my CUM LAUDE dissertation (2003).

Artikkelin aiheena on köyhäintalon johtajan ammatti, joka syntyi 1800-luvun lopussa kunnallisen köyhäintalojärjestelmän myötä. Valtiovalta pyrki rakentamaan köyhäintalon johtajan ammatista sivistyneiden naisten ammatin tekemällä... more

Artikkelin aiheena on köyhäintalon johtajan ammatti, joka syntyi 1800-luvun lopussa kunnallisen köyhäintalojärjestelmän myötä. Valtiovalta pyrki rakentamaan köyhäintalon johtajan ammatista sivistyneiden naisten ammatin tekemällä rajatyötä, jonka perustana olivat tiedolliset, sosiaaliset ja sukupuoliset hierarkia-asemat paitsi ammattiin pyrkijöiden myös eri ammattiryhmien välillä. Valtiovallan projekti epäonnistui, koska vaatimukset olivat johtajan työn käytäntöihin nähden epärealistisia ja koska johtajan ammatti rakentui myös köyhäintaloja ympäröineiden maalaisyhteisöjen todellisuuksissa, joissa edellä mainittuja hierarkia-asetelmia käytettiin osin eri tavoin kuin valtiovallan tasolla. Köyhäintalon johtajan ammatin kehittyminen on esimerkki sosiaalialan varhaisesta valtiojohtoisesta rakentamisesta – ja sen rajoista.

Afstaða kvennanna KatrínarThoroddsen og
Guðrúnar Lárusardóttur tilfóstureyðingafrumvarpsins 1934.

The text aims to present the main stages of the bibliography course about the figure of Queen Nzinga (1583-1663), since the first images described in her time until the present day. The seventeenth-century records and the colonial... more

The text aims to present the main stages of the bibliography course about the figure of Queen Nzinga (1583-1663), since the first images described in her time until the present day. The seventeenth-century records and the colonial literature are still prevalent in the way that represented her as a woman warrior, evil and cruel. The most recent studies have emphasized the methodological problems about building the trajectory of Queen Nzinga. Today, most of the uses made of the figure of the Mbundu queen are related to the search to strengthen the construction of identity, both in Angola and Brazil. The history of Queen Nzinga illustrates narratives of ancestral ties between Africa and Brazil, and also brings great didactic elements to understand the universe of people in the Americas and Africa.