Workforce Ageing Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This report is a literature Review on the factors influencing employment in older age in the United Kingdom. It was written for the European Commission Joint Project Initiative Fast Track Activity, 'Understanding employment participation... more

This report is a literature Review on the factors influencing employment in older age in the United Kingdom. It was written for the European Commission Joint Project Initiative Fast Track Activity, 'Understanding employment participation of older workers'.

The authors quantitatively analyse the long-term dynamics of technological progress from 40,000 BCE and offer projections through the 22nd century. We provide one method to measure technological progress over that time period, using a... more

The authors quantitatively analyse the long-term dynamics of technological progress from 40,000 BCE and offer projections through the 22nd century. We provide one method to measure technological progress over that time period, using a simple hyperbolic equation, yt = C/(t0 – t), as our model. We define yt as the
technological growth rate, measured as number of technological phase transitions per unit of time. Our method measures the worldwide technology dynamic growth
with an accuracy of R2 = 0.99. We find the singularity date occurs in the early 21st century and expect a new powerful acceleration of technological development
after the 2030s followed by a slow-down in the late 21st and early 22nd centuries. The authors discuss the role of global ageing as one of the main factors in both the technological acceleration and the subsequent deceleration.

Blended working, a term we recently introduced, combines on-site and off-site working, enabled by the utilization of information and communications technologies (ICTs) that provides workers with almost constant access to job-relevant... more

Blended working, a term we recently introduced, combines on-site and off-site working, enabled by the utilization of information and communications technologies (ICTs) that provides workers with almost constant access to job-relevant information and coworkers. In this commentary, we respond to three articles on blended work that appeared in the October 2016 issue of Work, Aging and Retirement. We agree that both characteristics of the worker and characteristics of the organization determine the effectiveness of blended working to the employability of older workers, retirement timing, and bridge employment. We conclude that blended work practices may suit any worker at any career stage and at the final stages of workers' career in particular.

The Vietnamese population is ageing rapidly. Thus, the Vietnamese government faces many financial challenges in terms of health care, welfare, and pension, and in terms of ensuring common goods in public policy implementation. The paper... more

The Vietnamese population is ageing rapidly. Thus, the Vietnamese government faces many financial challenges in terms of health care, welfare, and pension, and in terms of ensuring common goods in public policy implementation. The paper discusses long-term vs short-term solutions to the Vietnamese ageing population.

Among different important issues, which are discussed in Political Demography the issue of global ageing becomes more and more pressing every year. It is sufficient to take into account the point that within two forthcoming decades a... more

Among different important issues, which are discussed in Political Demography the issue of global ageing becomes more and more pressing every year. It is sufficient to take
into account the point that within two forthcoming decades a rapid global increase in the number of retirement-age persons will lead to its doubling within this fairly small historical
period. The concerns about population ageing apply to both developed and many developing countries and it has turned into a global issue. In forthcoming decades the population
ageing is likely to become one of the most important processes determining the future society characteristics and the direction of technological development.

Online-Dokumentation eines Workshops an der LMU München im Oktober 2013. Mit Beiträgen von Andrea Bayer, Hannelore Buls, Esther Gajek, Maren Glander, Irene Götz, Anna Hokema, Franz Kalde, Katrin Lehnert, Winfried Leisgang, Stephan... more

Utilizing quantitative research methods, this study surveyed 834 Central Kentucky employees of various industries to investigate the relationship between generational cohorts and their attitudes towards work related issues. While the... more

Utilizing quantitative research methods, this study surveyed 834 Central Kentucky employees of various industries to investigate the relationship between generational cohorts and their attitudes
towards work related issues. While the research confirmed some significant differences between the generational cohorts of Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y as reported in
managerial literature, the study also found some beliefs in common among the cohorts. These have implications for working relationships as well as recruitment and retention. Further, the
study observed that surveyed workers’ attitudes were in line with previous research from various parts of the world.

Purpose – The objective of this paper is to examine the potential for and barriers to older enterprise as well as the role and contribution of specific enterprise support policy, focusing in particular on socially disadvantaged older... more

Purpose – The objective of this paper is to examine the potential for and barriers to older enterprise
as well as the role and contribution of specific enterprise support policy, focusing in particular on
socially disadvantaged older people.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper takes the form of a single case study of the Prince’s
Initiative for Mature Enterprise (PRIME) with multiple data sources, including a synthesis of current
literature, PRIME self-evaluation reports, interviews with PRIME personnel and results of a recent
survey of 283 individuals who had contacted PRIME for enterprise advice and support.
Findings – The paper finds that, with respect to older enterprise support policy, the tentative results
presented in this study seem encouraging in terms of a positive social and economic role for older
enterprise support work. However, due to the limitations of the data, a number of questions need
additional clarification in future research. Longitudinal research designs are required to investigate in
more detail the additional social benefits generated by older enterprise support as well as concerns
regarding deadweight and over-investment.
Originality/value – The paper brings the experience of enterprise support practitioners into the
debate about older entrepreneurship.
Keywords Entrepreneurialism, Business support, Business policy, United Kingdom

This article investigates the impact of perceived age norms on the formation of entrepreneurial intentions in the third age. Age norms refer to those social norms that determine whether establishing and running a business is considered... more

This article investigates the impact of perceived age norms on the formation of entrepreneurial intentions in the third age. Age norms refer to those social norms that determine whether establishing and running a business is considered appropriate behavior for a mature individual. A representative empirical analysis of 496 Finnish individuals aged 45-64 years shows that norms perceived as permissive of enterprising activity in the third age exert a significant positive influence on entrepreneurial intentions in this segment, even when controlling for the general level of entrepreneurship in the 55 Western Finnish municipalities included in the analysis. This influence is partially mediated by whether the individual has a positive attitude toward entrepreneurship, by how the individual perceives their own ability to start and run a business, by the extent of support from their family and friends they perceive, and also by the importance of that support to them. Thus, if there were a policy aim to increase enterprising activity in the third-age segment, the portfolio of instruments should include measures that address people’s general awareness of third-age entrepreneurship as a viable, positive and attractive late-career option.

Population ageing is a common and ongoing demographic phenomenon in developed countries, across most of the world. It means the increase of older adults, both in absolute terms and in proportion to the rest of the population. It is... more

Population ageing is a common and ongoing demographic phenomenon in developed countries, across most of the world. It means the increase of older adults, both in absolute terms and in proportion to the rest of the population. It is produced by an increase in life expectancyand a decrease in fertility in the same population.
Focusing on the increased social expenditure needed to maintaina growing inactive elderly population, there is increasing concern among intellectuals and politicians, in public opinion and in international organisations, about the economic ‘burden’ of ageing.
This paper aims to discuss the diagnosis of ageing as a serious problem in itself, and then deny that it is either essential or desirable to increase fertility or decrease pension protection.
The fundamental hypothesis is that the demographic transition is not a negative phenomenon in itself, but quite the opposite. It is the result of important social progress, and a phenomenon with inherent potential for even greater opportunities. It is under particular distributional contexts that it becomes a problem: contexts characterized by polarised income distribution and contributory social protection systems.

Ageing is an inevitable phenomenon in human beings. Senior citizens with increasing age get surrounded with many issues, among which socio-psychological problems have become a chief topic in the current anthropological debate. The... more

Ageing is an inevitable phenomenon in human beings. Senior citizens with increasing age get surrounded with many issues, among which socio-psychological problems have become a chief topic in the current anthropological debate. The objective of the study was to explore the socio-psychological issues faced by senior citizen at community level. To undertake the research a sample inclusive of 271 elders was selected. The methodology employed was exploratory, and data collection tools included interview guide and informal interviews. The current study reveals that older persons become victims of many socio psychological issues in their later life which includes depression, bereavement, inactive sexual life, economic dependence, social exclusion and dementia. These socio-psychological issues have strong impact on the health and life of older persons.

The issue of the ageing workforce within the field of librarianship – across a range of library types including academic, private, public, school, special and state libraries – is one that is deceptively straightforward: the workforce is... more

The issue of the ageing workforce within the field of librarianship – across a range of library types including academic, private, public, school, special and state libraries – is one that is deceptively straightforward: the workforce is ageing and will soon need to be replaced by a younger cohort of information professionals. The issue, however, harbours a range of complexities such as: managing workplace change; recruitment as well as training and re-training; discrimination based on age and gender; conflict within a workforce with shifting demographics; and the provision of flexible working practices (especially for those older workers who have caring responsibilities such as the need to care for elderly parents). Another aspect of the discussion around ageing within the profession is around retention – attrition is not the exclusive prerogative of the retiree and an intake of younger librarians does not guarantee the meeting of workforce needs within libraries. This article looks at some of these issues in addition to providing an overview of the debate around how serious the issue of an ageing workforce really is for library leaders.

Bu çalışmada Avrupa Birliği’nin neoliberal aktif yaşlanma söylemi eleştirel perspektifle değerlendirilerek bu söylemin yaşlıları nasıl yeniden çalışmaya ittiği ve kapitalizmin yapısal dinamiklerini nasıl gizlediği analiz edilecektir. Bu... more

Bu çalışmada Avrupa Birliği’nin neoliberal aktif yaşlanma söylemi eleştirel perspektifle değerlendirilerek bu söylemin yaşlıları nasıl yeniden çalışmaya ittiği ve kapitalizmin yapısal dinamiklerini nasıl gizlediği analiz edilecektir. Bu amaçla öncelikle aktif yaşlanmanın bir çözüm olarak ileri sürüldüğü “yaşlılık krizi” ele alınacaktır. Ardından aktif yaşlanma söyleminin ortaya çıkışı ve gelişim süreci tarihsel ve ekonomik açıdan değerlendirilecektir. Son olarak ise neoliberal politikalar ile dönüşen sosyal politika, emeklilik sistemleri, sosyal güvenlik ve istihdam politikaları ile aktif yaşlanma söylemi arasındaki ilişki incelenecek ve 2008 krizi sonrası bu politikaların etkisi değerlendirilecektir.

Immigration has been a “hot button” issue in Singapore in recent years. This paper provides an overview of the key policies, trends, and issues relating to immigration, population, and foreign workforce in the city-state. The paper begins... more

Immigration has been a “hot button” issue in Singapore in recent years. This paper provides an overview of the key policies, trends, and issues relating to immigration, population, and foreign workforce in the city-state. The paper begins by looking at Singapore’s current immigration landscape, and then examines the city-state’s foreign manpower regime,
which constitutes the institutional foundation for immigration to Singapore. The highly intertwined immigration and foreign labour policies are then explained along two fundamental underlying dimensions – economy and demography. The paper ends by looking at local grassroots society’s reactions to the influx of immigrants in recent times, and the ways in which the Singapore government has since tried to address such concerns.

Ageing population in the developed regions of the world is considered as one of the most important trends in influencing the practices of HRM. This demographic challenge raised generational diversity into hot topic, however the contextual... more

Ageing population in the developed regions of the world is considered as one of the most important trends in influencing the practices of HRM. This demographic challenge raised generational diversity into hot topic, however the contextual factors of this issue are hardly researched by international comparison. A large number of brilliant papers focus on both diversity management and ageing population, but only a few of them consider the connection between generation trends and conscious organizational decisions.
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the differently ageing societies and special HR focuses of the firms. The issue is analysed by using the latest (2014-16) database of a large-scale Cranet survey among 6,801 organizations worldwide. The analysis considers the influencing factors of action programs provided for older and younger workers in recruitment, training and career progression. The SPSS database is examined by descriptive and more advanced statistics to reach the intended aim.

A major challenge in effective active ageing support is to iden- tify/design new organizational structures, approaches, and mechanisms so that on one hand older people do not feel excluded, and on the other hand they have the... more

A major challenge in effective active ageing support is to iden-
tify/design new organizational structures, approaches, and mechanisms so that
on one hand older people do not feel excluded, and on the other hand they have
the chance to make valued contributions to the communities where they live.
Collaborative networks involving a variety of stakeholders, e.g. senior profes-
sionals, intermediary entities, and beneficiaries have the potential of inducing
more effective integration of seniors in the socio-economic system. It is particu-
larly relevant to characterize the various stakeholders to be involved in this
process as well as their roles and inter-relationships. Departing from the analy-
sis of current and emerging organizational forms, this paper identifies the chal-
lenges and suggests new directions for active ageing.

This study proposed and investigated a model of retirement in which successful retirement in Australia is achieved by sustaining community connections. A total of 650 participants (360 men, Mage=61.08, 290 women, Mage=58.39) from the... more

This study proposed and investigated a model of retirement in which successful retirement in Australia is achieved by sustaining community connections. A total of 650 participants (360 men, Mage=61.08, 290 women, Mage=58.39) from the general community, over the age of 45, participated in the study. The participants completed online questionnaires including the Sense of Community Index (SCI-2), the DASS-21, and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). Consistent with the proposed model, this study found that sense of community for retirees was positively related to life satisfaction and negatively related to anxiety. Retirees who were members of community groups were happier than those who were employed, independent of the employed person’s community membership. For retirees, having a sense of community remained a significant predictor of happiness, even after controlling for self-rated health. The results suggest that community connections are important for a successful and healthy retirement, and therefore that retirement planning should include advice about creating positive connections with family, friends, and community.

Due to population ageing, Western societies' future economic growth may have to rely on the capacity of older workers in the labour market(Ilmainen, 2009). However, research suggests that stereotyping, age discrimination and negative... more

Due to population ageing, Western societies' future economic growth may have to rely on the capacity of older workers in the labour market(Ilmainen, 2009). However, research suggests that stereotyping, age discrimination and negative manager attitudes may lead to early retirement and workforce losses(Furunes & Mykletun, 2007, 2010). Previous research indicates that there exist several stereotypes of how workers' capabilities change with age. To our knowledge this study is the first to profile managers' perceptions of age-related changes of the workforce and how these perceptions relate to both prevailing stereotypes of ageing workers and also to research outcomes describing older workers' adaption to the workplace. Whereas previous studies on stereotypes of older workers show an extensive list of negative characteristics, this study shows that managers perceive ageing as contributing to increased managerial and interpersonal skills, creative problem solving capacities, and work moral. On the negative side, age contributes to impaired learning capacities and basic functions. The findings of this study are closer to results of extensive research on older workers' capabilities and only partially in line with prevailing stereotypes of older workers. It is likely that managers working with older workers will develop conceptualisations of this part of the workforce that are closer to the characteristics demonstrated by research on actual behaviour, hence prevailing stereotypes of these workers may not be so general and persistent as argued by extant, Phone: +47 53 81 37 62 The exclusive license for this PDF is limited to personal printing only. No part of this digital document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted commercially in any form or by any means. The publisher has taken reasonable care in the preparation of this digital document, but makes no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of information contained herein. This digital document is sold with the clear understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, medical or any other professional services.

Bank ćwiczeń STAY zawiera 22 przykładowe ćwiczenia zgodne z koncepcją STAY, które mogą zostać wykorzystane w trakcie szkoleń z pracownikami 50+ i ich pracodawcami. publikacja podzielona została na dwie części. W części pierwszej,... more

Bank ćwiczeń STAY zawiera 22 przykładowe ćwiczenia zgodne z koncepcją STAY, które mogą zostać wykorzystane w trakcie szkoleń z pracownikami 50+ i ich pracodawcami. publikacja podzielona została na dwie części. W części pierwszej, zatytułowanej Wsparcie szkoleniowe utrzymania aktywności zawodowej osób 50+ – perspektywa MODELU STAY, zawarto informacje na temat wypracowanej w projekcie koncepcji wsparcia utrzymania aktywności zawodowej pracowników MŚP po 50. roku życia – MODELU STAY – oraz uwarunkowań szkolenia pracowników 50+. Część druga Banku, zatytułowana Trenuj, rozwijaj i działaj! Karty ćwiczeń PAKIETU STAY, składa się
z przeglądu ćwiczeń realizowanych w ramach Akademii STAY, służących wzmacnianiu
proaktywnych postaw pracodawców i pracowników wobec utrzymania aktywności zawodowej po 50. roku życia.
Bank ćwiczeń STAY stanowi opracowanie komplementarne względem Banku wdrożeń
STAY, opublikowanego równolegle w ramach projektu STAY. Głównym odbiorcą Banku
ćwiczeń są instytucje szkoleniowe oraz prowadzące działania szkoleniowe instytucje
otoczenia biznesu i działy HR. Publikacja może też stanowić źródło inspiracji dla innych podmiotów i jednostek. Żywimy nadzieję, że trafi również do rąk decydentów odpowiedzialnych za politykę rynku pracy oraz politykę społeczną i gospodarczą, w tym za wspieranie przedsiębiorczości – zarówno na poziomie lokalnym, regionalnym, jak i krajowym. Do lektury zachęcamy również środowisko naukowe i studentów.
Publikacja opracowana w ramach projektu "STAY. Wsparcie aktywności zawodowej osób 50+ w przedsiębiorstwie. Zdrowy i zmotywowany pracownik – zadowolony pracodawca (STAY. SupporTing ActivitY for people 50+ in the company. Healthy and motivated employee – satisfied employer)", współfinansowanego ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego.

In partnership with the Ontario Centre for Workforce Innovation (OCWI), the Ontario Home Builders’ Association (OHBA) collaborated with EnerQuality (EQ) to test the suitability of a shared apprenticeship model (SAM) in meeting the labour... more

In partnership with the Ontario Centre for Workforce Innovation (OCWI), the Ontario Home Builders’ Association (OHBA) collaborated with EnerQuality (EQ) to test the suitability of a shared apprenticeship
model (SAM) in meeting the labour force needs of Ontario’s construction sector. This model was conceived based on the assumption that a shared apprenticeship model for small and medium-sized employers (SMEs) would facilitate more apprenticeship opportunities in Ontario’s construction industry and stimulate innovation in the economically vital housing sector. With this aim, proponents decided to launch the OHBA
SAM pilot project in the London and Durham regions of Ontario.The pilot was supported with key funding, staffing, and research inputs but was never fully implemented. Due to several challenges addressed in this report, the pilot project was never delivered to employers and
apprentices in Ontario’s construction sector. As such, this report offers an analysis of the process of designing and implementing this pilot for stakeholders in Ontario’s construction sector.

As projecções demográficas até ao ano 2050 indicam que apenas o grupo dos maiores de 65 anos crescerá em Portugal. Esta tendência de quase inversão da pirâmide demográfica significa que urge reabilitar o parque habitacional onde os idosos... more

As projecções demográficas até ao ano 2050 indicam que apenas o grupo dos maiores de 65 anos crescerá em Portugal. Esta tendência de quase inversão da pirâmide demográfica significa que urge reabilitar o parque habitacional onde os idosos residem, para que aí possam permanecer enquanto autónomos, evitando a sua transferência para equipamentos institucionais. Isto significa introduzir adaptações e complementos nos apartamentos e edifícios, de modo a aproximá-los do modelo das residências assistidas, com mais funcionalidade e maior conforto para os seus residentes nas diversas fases da vida: elevador ou plataformas elevatórias, sala de convívio, sala de refeições, cozinha (para apoio à sala de refeições), sala de tratamentos/consultas, instalações sanitárias. São apresentadas soluções desenhadas para as reabilitações e remodelações propostas.

The global population is ageing. In the UK for example, it is projected that people aged 65 and over will account for 23 per cent of the total population by 2035, with women continuing to outlive men (ONS 2019). This population change... more

The global population is ageing. In the UK for example, it is projected that people aged 65 and over will account for 23 per cent of the total population by 2035, with women continuing to outlive men (ONS 2019). This population change raises a number of social and economic challenges in a pattern shared across much of the Western world. The preferred solution to these challenges is to extend working lives and, in some cases, raise the state pension age to ease pressure on public spending. Gender, Ageing, and Extended Working Life applies a gendered lens to the issue of longer working lives, and in doing so, demonstrates that many of these neoliberal policies disproportionately jeopardise women.

ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı nüfusun yaşlanmasına bağlı olarak işgücünün yaşlanmasının Türkiye için bir sorun teşkil edip etmediği, eğer böyle bir sorunla karşı karşıya kalma olasılığı varsa bugünden alınması gereken önlemlerin neler... more

ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı nüfusun yaşlanmasına bağlı olarak işgücünün yaşlanmasının Türkiye için bir sorun teşkil edip etmediği, eğer böyle bir sorunla karşı karşıya kalma olasılığı varsa bugünden alınması gereken önlemlerin neler olabileceği sorularına cevap ara-maktır. Nüfusun demografik özellikleri aynı zamanda emek arzının da temel belirleyicisi olan aktif nüfusun yapısını belirler. Bu nedenle demografik yapıda meydana gelen değişimler emek piyasasının da etkilenmesine neden olmaktadır. Özellikle son 50 yıldır yaşanan demografik dönüşüm gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan pek çok ülkede nüfusun yaşlanmasına dolayısıyla yaşlı işgücü oranının artmasına neden olmuştur. Daha çok gelişmiş ülkeler için bir sorun gibi görünen bu durum, demografik geçiş sürecini tamamlamaya başlayan bütün ülkeler için yakın bir gelecekte sorun olmaya başlayacaktır. Bu çalışmada Türkiye'nin demografik dönüşümünün emek arzı üzerindeki etkileri 55-64 yaş arası yaşlı işgücü çerçevesinde incelenmektedir. Çalışmada yöntem olarak demografik geçiş kuramı doğrultusunda geliştirilen nüfus projeksiyonları incelenmektedir. Aynı zamanda demografik geçiş sürecini tamamlayan OECD ülkelerinin mevcut durumu ve yaşlı işgücünün istihdamına yönelik geliştirdikleri politikalar incelenerek Türkiye için çıkarım-larda bulunulmaktadır. Bu çerçevede, mevcut genç işgücünün önümüzdeki dönemlerin yaşlı işgücü olduğu gerçeği ile yaşlanan nüfusla birlikte daha fazla oranda yaşlı işgücünün istihdam edilmesi zorunluluğu birlikte ele alındığında, mevcut genç işgücünün eğitim seviyesinin arttırılmasının zorunluluğu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu nedenle öncelikli olarak mevcut formel eğitim seviyesinin arttırılması ve yaşam boyu öğrenme programlarının geliştirilmesi gerekmektedir. Diğer yandan yaşlı işçilerin istihdam edilebilirliği-ni arttırıcı kamu sübvansiyonlarının uygulanması gerekmektedir. Özellikle yaşları nedeniyle eğitim programlarına katılamayan ve bu nedenle istihdam olanağı bulmakta zorlanan gruplar desteklenmelidir. Ayrıca, yaşlı işçiler için daha uygun bir çalışma olanağı sunan ve bu suretle emek piyasasından ayrılma sürelerini uzatan kısmi süreli çalışmanın teşvik edilmesi gerekmektedir. ABSTRACT This study aims to seek an answer to the questions about whether ageing of labour force based on the ageing of active population poses a problem for Turkey and if there is such a possibility, what can be the precautions to be taken today Demographic characteristics of the population also determine the active population that is the principal determinant of labour supply. For this reason, the changes occurring in the demographical structure also influence labour supply. Especially the demographic transformation occurred in the last 50 years has caused an increase in the rate of aged labour force in many developed and developing countries. This situation , seeming more of a problem for the developed countries, will soon become a problem for the countries which have begun to complete their demographical transition period. In this study, the effects of democratic transformation on labour supply in Turkey are analysed within the frame of the aged labour force, whose ages range from 55 to 64. For the method of the study, population projections developed within the frame of demographical transformation theory are analysed. At the same time current situation of the OECD countries, having completed their demographical transition period, and the policies they have developed towards aged labour force's employment are analysed and inferences are made for Turkey. Within this scope, when the fact that today's current young labour force are the future's aged labour force and the obligation that more aged labour force will be employed as a result of the aged population are approached together, it is clear that present young labour force's educational level must be increased. For this reason, existing formal education's level should be primarily enhanced and lifelong learning programs should be developed. On the other hand, public subventions increasing the employability of aged labourers should be implemented. Especially the groups who cannot attend educational programs because of their ages and cannot find chance of employment for this reason should be supported. In addition, part time working that provides more appropriate working opportunities for aged labourers and consequently extends the time of leaving the labour market should be promoted.

En el ámbito del trabajo existen muchos desafíos en la actualidad. El aumento de la esperanza de vida de la población en nuestro país demanda acciones diversas desde la perspectiva de las políticas públicas puesto que la vida laboral se... more

En el ámbito del trabajo existen muchos desafíos en la actualidad. El aumento de la esperanza de vida de la población en nuestro país demanda acciones diversas desde la perspectiva de las políticas públicas puesto que la vida laboral se extiende y las condiciones en que se realizan las actividades debieran considerar lo que implica el envejecimiento en toda su magnitud. Se presenta a continuación una revisión actualizada de diversos estudios que abordan este tema, que puede servir de insumo para la discusión en el área de la salud laboral

Medical Anthropology is the key discipline which address the boundaries of medication, culture, and healthiness and comprising cultural perceptions into clinical situations and community health projects. Health specialists need to... more

Medical Anthropology is the key discipline which address the boundaries of medication, culture, and healthiness and comprising cultural perceptions into clinical situations and community health projects. Health specialists need to understand the culture and cross-cultural associated skills because health facilities are more effective when receptive to cultural necessities [1].The main objective of this ageing study is to find the relationship between the health status of older persons and social/familial care provided by children of older persons. This cross-sectional study is executed in Rawalpindi city. Data was collected through structured interviews. This research clearly illustrates that there is a significant impact of care and attention from children or other family members (of older persons) on the health of older persons. Respondents were distributed in two main groups, first one having proper care and attention from children and second group is without such kind of care and attention. Statistical data shows that group of older persons with care is less vulnerable to chronic diseases (hypertension, hepatitis, asthma, arthritis, diabetes, heart problem), only 16.6% older persons prevailed these diseases. On the other hand, the results of second group with no social care from children shows that 83.4% percent older persons are suffering from chronic diseases. Advancements in expertise and medical sector brought increase in life expectancy of the people. So ageing became a phenomenon of present time. Older persons in developed countries having services and facilities and living a comparatively better life. While in the case of underdeveloped countries, older persons don’t have proper social care, social support or social security. They are suffering from poor living conditions, malnutrition, poor health and they are vulnerable to chronic diseases significantly.

The age profile of immigration to Australia can be altered by public policies. This article applies a method of valuing long term population paths in order to evaluate alternative immigrant age profiles based on a proxy indicator of... more

The age profile of immigration to Australia can be altered by public policies. This article applies a method of valuing long term population paths in order to evaluate alternative immigrant age profiles based on a proxy indicator of living standards over time for Australia. Results show that the variation in value of the population path follows an inverted U‐shape by immigrant's age. The strength of preference between immigrants aged 20–29 years and older working age immigrants reduces as the social discount rate increases. Higher life expectancy and lower fertility accentuate preference for younger working age immigrants.

Little is known about the perspectives of health-care workers when it comes to prolonging their working lives. This exploratory paper focuses on physiotherapists and aims to offer new insights into the underlying processes that may... more

Little is known about the perspectives of health-care workers when it comes to prolonging their working lives. This exploratory paper focuses on physiotherapists and aims to offer new insights into the underlying processes that may influence perceptions of ageing and how they impact on motivation to work longer. Data gathering took the form of focus groups with 43 National Health Service physiotherapists. A thematic analysis was used to characterise and articulate key concepts and meanings. The analysis applied interpretive techniques. The six headline themes to emerge were: worry over physical capability and ability to cope; the need to maintain a professional image; work, retirement and exit norms; beliefs about ageing; extrinsic job demands; organisational support – line management; and organisational support – career progression. The key findings suggest that the current unchanging context of high job demands is very salient, consequently resulting in negative and pessimistic feelings about capabilities when it comes to being an older worker and having an extended working life.

Previous research on age and entrepreneurship assumed homogeneity and downplayed age-related differences in the motives and aims underlying enterprising behaviour. We argue that the heterogeneity of entrepreneurship influences how the... more

Previous research on age and entrepreneurship assumed homogeneity and downplayed age-related differences in the motives and aims underlying enterprising behaviour. We argue that the heterogeneity of entrepreneurship influences how the level of entrepreneurial activity varies with age. Using a sample of 2566 respondents from 27 European countries we show that entrepreneurial activity increases almost linearly with age for individuals who prefer to only employ themselves (self-employers), whereas it increases up to a critical threshold age (late 40s) and decreases thereafter for those who aspire to hire workers (owner-managers). Age has a considerably smaller effect on entrepreneurial behaviour for those who do not prefer self-employment but are pushed into it by lack of alternative employment opportunities (reluctant entrepreneurs). Our results question the conventional wisdom that entrepreneurial activity declines with age and suggest that effective responses to demographic changes require policy makers to pay close attention to the heterogeneity of entrepreneurial preferences.

This report is a literature review examining the influence of financial factors on employment in older age in the EU. It was written for the European Commission Joint Project Initiative Fast Track Activity 'Understanding Employment... more

This report is a literature review examining the influence of financial factors on employment in older age in the EU. It was written for the European Commission Joint Project Initiative Fast Track Activity 'Understanding Employment Participation of Older Workers'

Organisational responses to the post BREXIT referendum may be protracted by organisational interpretations of issues. Thus seeking new ways to re-think the role of organisations, in this respect reflects the challenging and exposing of... more

Organisational responses to the post BREXIT referendum may be protracted by organisational interpretations of issues. Thus seeking new ways to re-think the role of organisations, in this respect reflects the challenging and exposing of the norms, organisations have come to represent. Telling stories in response to a scenario, may allow for the uncovering of any ‘cognitive gap’ and reveal how employees have interpreted the changing nature of their workplace. By exploring through such a methodology allows realities to be revealed and facilitates re-thinking. Story completion has not previously been applied widely to researching the business context.
The paper contributes to understanding meaning making by way of where participants are asked to provide stories in response to a briefing stimulus or cue story about a meeting they have attended. Collected stories imitate the realities of the workforce through their life worlds. Stories act as a mirror to illustrate the sophisticated combination of sense-making and imagination. The paper reflects particularly through the works of Boje, Weick and Maitlis since the imagination can be recognised as a providing sense making. This might then contribute also towards enabling the rethinking of any relationship between the psychic and the social. Imagining from story completion is further reflected upon in order to develop new ways for organising alongside sense making.

Faced with a phenomenal growth of population the world has embarked upon a population stabilization policy that has led the fertility rate to fall and the work-age population for the future to shrink, pushing the world to a serious... more

Faced with a phenomenal growth of population the world has embarked upon a population stabilization policy that has led the fertility rate to fall and the work-age population for the future to shrink, pushing the world to a serious economic crisis more particularly after 2050 when only a decreasing size of the work-age population will be available to look after an increasing size of dependent population. The paper argues that to maintain a sustainable economic growth and support the associated technological advancements in the future there will be demand for a larger labor force. It notes that the industrialized countries are now managing with the migrant population drawn mostly from the high fertility low income countries. But in the world context this is only a zero-sum game without increasing the stock of world's total labor force. Therefore world population needs to grow to meet the growing demand for a larger labor force for economic sustainability. It also argues that since the earth's population carrying capacity largely depends on the technological capability and the life style of the society the world should not be scared of a planned population growth. The paper concludes that in the future the social engineering and technological innovations may give birth to an ethics and environment friendly 'slim-green' life style founded on the principle of 'simple living and high thinking', which will increase the earth's population absorption capacity. Along with the issue of increasing earth's population absorption capacity, the issue of producing more food in the regions where it is needed should be addressed with political will and resolutions of the global community.

Objectives: To explore the existing theoretical contexts of the job and environmental demands of the nursing profession in the National Health Service (NHS) and to investigate how these job and environmental demands impact on the personal... more

Objectives: To explore the existing theoretical contexts of the job and environmental demands of the nursing profession in the National Health Service (NHS) and to investigate how these job and environmental demands impact on the personal constructs of older nurses within the NHS. Background: Nursing is the single most widely practiced profession in the healthcare sector in the United Kingdom. However, nurses contend with challenging job and environmental demands on a daily basis, which deplete them of personal constructs (or resources) required to stay in the profession. Methods: A multilevel exploratory qualitative research design was employed. Ten managers were interviewed for the preliminary study, based on which the three characteristics of an age-friendly NHS workplace were established: health, retirement, and flexibility. Then an in-depth literature review revealed that the most adversely affected job within the NHS was the nursing profession. Finally, a focus group study was undertaken with six older nurses working in the NHS. Results: The most compelling finding of this study is that older nurses would generally not want to stay on the job if they had to work in the ward area. The physical, cognitive, and sensory constructs of older nurses are negatively affected by the job and environmental demands of the ward areas. Conclusions: Understanding how these job and environmental demands of the workplace affect an older nurse's personal constructs may help support a better design of nurse work and the wards and help extend the working lives of older nurses in the NHS.