administrative proceedings Research Papers - (original) (raw)
2023, Review of European and Comparative Law
Nowadays solutions are sought for public adminis- tration to involve citisens in decision-making as one of the ways of promoting the development of civil society and thus to fos- ter democratic forms of government. Public administration... more
Nowadays solutions are sought for public adminis-
tration to involve citisens in decision-making as one of the ways
of promoting the development of civil society and thus to fos-
ter democratic forms of government. Public administration is
looking for efficient methods of resolving administrative dis-
putes. Administrative mediation serving the purpose of ensur-
ing proper communication between the parties to administra-
tive proceedings is one of such methods. Mediation in public
administration hinges upon the definition of communication
rules. The aim of this paper is to define communication from
the perspective of legal science and discuss its application in
the administrative mediation proceedings. In this article, we
discuss the essence, the subject matter and the object of medi-
ation as well as the legal regulations governing the mediation
procedure and consider the possibility of applying mediation
to the administrative procedure, as exemplified by the related
case law. The study has been conducted by means of the legal
research methods, in particular the legal-dogmatic approach
and the legal functionalism approach.
The use of personal data in administrative proceedings has become increasingly prevalent in modern digital age. Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL), as a comparatively new field, is still in the process of formation, accordingly, legal... more
The use of personal data in administrative proceedings has become increasingly prevalent in modern digital age. Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL), as a comparatively new field, is still in the process of formation, accordingly, legal mechanisms for controlling personal data processing also keep being an object of refinement.
As the applicability of PDPL and awareness about it is constantly raising, new challenges acquire relevance and states do have to implement corresponding activities. In countries of western democracy, protocols are distinguished with a high level of detailing. Such legal framework is associated with long procedures, but it is compensated with efficient protection of personal data.
The EU, Germany, and Georgia have all implemented legal frameworks regulating the use of personal data in administrative proceedings, and there are significant similarities in the way of legal provisions and their practical application. Besides, issues regarding the legality and proportionality of personal data processing by administrative bodies are typical challenges for countries of early democracy. Georgia is not an exception from the general picture with its post-soviet heritage. Such conditions, combined with the circumstance of EU integration, process unique conditions for the complex development of Personal Data Protection Law, and at the same time raises the need for effective mechanisms of control.
In the process of harmonization with the EU, as a result of legal reform in 2022, the Georgian model of personal data protection monitoring system was completely restructured and created a model similar to the ones in Germany and other EU member state countries. Before that, monitoring and investigative functions were fully concentrated under the power of Personal Data Protection Inspector.
As it is characteristic of administrative law, in the new legal frame of Georgia, there is a two-level control system for the legitimacy of Personal Data Processing – institutional (administrative) and judicial. The new-established Agency of Personal Data Protection Service has similar functions to the German Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI), while investigative functions are delegated to Special Investigation Service. Mechanisms of judicial control are also similar, as it is implemented by the System of General Courts and Constitutional Court of Georgia as by Federal Courts and Federal Constitutional Court in Germany.
In the process of institutional development of monitoring bodies judicial control plays a core role in setting effective and balanced administrative practice and making decisions of monitoring authorities predictable. Observing ongoing processes in the field of personal data protection gives sufficient background to assume that the judiciary should play a leading role in establishing efficient administrative practice in the process of legal harmonization with EU.
From the perspective of the presented research project the legal mechanisms of judicial control over personal data protection monitoring agencies will be explored. The research should answer a question: how courts should assess measures imposed by monitoring bodies from the perspective of proportionality and realization of discretional powers.
The authors investigated the issue of the peculiarities of the settlement of administrative disputes with the participation of a judge. The essence of the settlement of administrative disputes with the participation of a judge is... more
The authors investigated the issue of the peculiarities of the settlement of administrative disputes with the participation of a judge. The essence of the settlement of administrative disputes with the participation of a judge is revealed, in particular, through the features that allow distinguishing such a procedure among other ways of settling legal disputes. The peculiarities of legal regulation of the use of mediation, including judicial one, in foreign countries are established. It is established that among the countries in which this institute already functions today and has positive indicators, we can name France, Poland, and the USA. In Germany and Italy, on the other hand, the use of mediation in resolving legal disputes, including administrative disputes, is not seen as a court procedure but is the prerogative of the private service sector. The content of the current Ukrainian administrative procedural legislation, which regulates the settlement of administrative disputes ...
2022, Problems of Legality
Анотація У статті здійснено спробу визначити сутність принципу офіційного дослідження, який вважають загальним для адміністративної процедури та адміністративного (судового) процесу. Автори поставили собі за завдання виявити не тільки... more
Анотація У статті здійснено спробу визначити сутність принципу офіційного дослідження, який вважають загальним для адміністративної процедури та адміністративного (судового) процесу. Автори поставили собі за завдання виявити не тільки схожі прояви даного принципу в процедурі та процесі. Не менш важливим для розуміння сутності принципу, а значить і правильного застосування процедурних та процесуальних норм, є, за позицією авторів, виокремлення тих його несхожих проявів, які неможливо ігнорувати, адже мова про те, що він (даний принцип) формує основу для діяльності представників різних гілок влади-виконавчої та судової. Задля здійснення означеного завдання у статті вирізнено серед правил Закону України «Про адміністративну процедуру» та Кодексу адміністративного судочинства України ті, що характеризують розглядуваний принцип, у порівнянні продемонстровано, як ними послуговуються представники кожної з гілок влади. У результаті констатовано, що носії виконавчої та судової влади під впливом принципу офіційного дослідження демонструють помітну активність у провадженнях: вони уповноважені самостійно, без отримання згоди заінтересованих осіб вчиняти дії, які гарантують, що прийняте ними рішення у справі повністю відповідатиме вимогам, задекларованим на нормативному рівні. Разом із тим така активність забезпечується нормами, сформульованими з урахуванням характеру діяльності кожного із суб'єктів влади, а відтак, у своїх проявах вона не може бути визнана ідентичною. Ключові слова: адміністративна процедура; адміністративний процес; офіційність; офіційне дослідження всіх обставин у справі.
2023, Studia Prawnicze KUL
The dilemmas of automated decision making in administrative proceedingscomments in the context of § 14 1b of the Administrative Procedure Code Dylematy automatycznego podejmowania decyzji w postępowaniu administracyjnymuwagi na tle art.... more
The dilemmas of automated decision making in administrative proceedingscomments in the context of § 14 1b of the Administrative Procedure Code Dylematy automatycznego podejmowania decyzji w postępowaniu administracyjnymuwagi na tle art. 14 § 1b Kodeksu postępowania administracyjnego Дилеммы автоматического принятия решений в административном производстве-комментарии к статье 14 § 1b Административногопроцессуального кодекса Дилеми автоматичного прийняття рішень в адміністративному провадженніуваги з перспективи ст. 14 § 1б Кодексу адміністративного провадження
2018, Studia Prawa Publicznego
Mediacja w postępowaniu administracyjnym ogólnym i podatkowym Wprowadzenie Z dniem 1 czerwca 2017 r. weszła w życie duża nowelizacja Kodeksu postępowania administracyjnego 1. Uchwalony w 1960 r. Kodeks nie był po 1980 r. poddawany... more
Mediacja w postępowaniu administracyjnym ogólnym i podatkowym Wprowadzenie Z dniem 1 czerwca 2017 r. weszła w życie duża nowelizacja Kodeksu postępowania administracyjnego 1. Uchwalony w 1960 r. Kodeks nie był po 1980 r. poddawany gruntownym zmianom, a kluczowe dla postępowania administracyjnego instytucje pozostały w wersji nadanej im przez tekst pierwotny ustawy. Warto przy tym przypomnieć, że wzór dla większości uregulowań stanowiły rozwiązania przyjęte w rozporządzeniu Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej z mocą ustawy z dnia 22 marca 1928 r. o postępowaniu administracyjnem 2. Ten akt został przygotowany na podstawie jednego z projektów austriackiej ustawy o postępowaniu administracyjnym z 1925 r., która z kolei kształt swój zawdzięczała poglądom wypracowanym w orzecznictwie wiedeńskiego Trybunału Administracyjnego, działającego już od 1875 r. 3 Można zatem powiedzieć, że rodzimy Kodeks postępowania administracyjnego zawierał w większości uregulowania charakterystyczne dla dziewiętnastowiecznych poglądów na prawo i postępowanie administracyjne. Nie da się zaprzeczyć, że od tego czasu wiele się zmieniło. Ewolucja poglądów dotyczących relacji pomiędzy państwem a społeczeństwem, stałe zwiększanie się zadań publicznych, rozrost
Studia Prawnicze KUL
Problematyka automatycznego podejmowania decyzji administracyjnych wywołuje wiele wątpliwości związanych z regulacją podstaw prawnych takich rozstrzygnięć oraz zapewnieniem odpowiednich gwarancji procesowych stronom. W doktrynie brak... more
Problematyka automatycznego podejmowania decyzji administracyjnych wywołuje wiele wątpliwości związanych z regulacją podstaw prawnych takich rozstrzygnięć oraz zapewnieniem odpowiednich gwarancji procesowych stronom. W doktrynie brak jest zgodnych ocen co do interpretacji treści art. 14 § 1b Kodeksu postępowania administracyjnego przewidującego możliwość załatwiania spraw z wykorzystaniem pisma generowanego automatycznie. W opracowaniu, przy zastosowaniu metody dogmatycznej dokonano analizy i oceny tej regulacji pod kątem możliwości wydawania decyzji automatycznie przy użyciu sztucznej inteligencji oraz ich wpływu na pozycję prawną jednostki. Przedstawiono również postulaty dotyczące regulacji trybu algorytmicznego podejmowania decyzji jako odrębnego trybu postępowania jurysdykcyjnego.
The authors investigated the issue of the peculiarities of the settlement of administrative disputes with the participation of a judge. The essence of the settlement of administrative disputes with the participation of a judge is... more
The authors investigated the issue of the peculiarities of the settlement of administrative disputes with the participation of a judge. The essence of the settlement of administrative disputes with the participation of a judge is revealed, in particular, through the features that allow distinguishing such a procedure among other ways of settling legal disputes. The peculiarities of legal regulation of the use of mediation, including judicial one, in foreign countries are established. It is established that among the countries in which this institute already functions today and has positive indicators, we can name France, Poland, and the USA. In Germany and Italy, on the other hand, the use of mediation in resolving legal disputes, including administrative disputes, is not seen as a court procedure but is the prerogative of the private service sector. The content of the current Ukrainian administrative procedural legislation, which regulates the settlement of administrative disputes ...
2018, Białostockie Studia Prawnicze
Th e article presents a number of opportunities and risks to the Europeanisation of administrative proceedings law. Th is process may in particular lead to: the development of a system of institutions of administrative proceedings law in... more
Th e article presents a number of opportunities and risks to the Europeanisation of administrative proceedings law. Th is process may in particular lead to: the development of a system of institutions of administrative proceedings law in European terms, the more eff ective implementation of substantive law rules determined by EU law, the improvement of complex proceedings based on the cooperation of national administration authorities and EU institutions, the modernisation of national institutions of administrative proceedings law under the infl uence of European models and the strengthening of the standards of the protection of individual rights in administrative proceedings. However, at the same time it is open to a number of challenges, which may be perceived as risks to Europeanisation. Th ese include, inter alia, the atomisation and disintegration of administrative procedure from the perspective of national legal systems, adoption by the EU legislator of procedural solutions incompliant with national models of administrative procedure, diffi culties with the appropriate implementation of EU acts determining procedural solutions into national law, the appropriate co-application of national and EU procedural rules by administration authorities, and the diversifi cation of the standards of protection for individuals in various cases. Additionally, the measures used to partially eliminate the risks of Europeanisation in the area of administrative proceedings law and increase the chances off ered by this process for the development of administrative law and improving the standards for the protection of individual rights have also been pointed out.
2023, Հրատարակվում է ՀՀ ոստիկանության կրթահամալիրի գիտական խորհրդի երաշխավորությամբ Լրատվական գործունեություն իրականացնող` ՀՀ ոստիկանության կրթահամալիր ՊՈԱԿ, գրանցման վկայական 03Ա085891` տրված 15.09.2009թ.
2021, DIXI
The article is devoted to the analysis of scientific concepts and the legal framework of the concept of information support for administrative legal proceedings. Features and peculiarities of information provision for administrative legal... more
The article is devoted to the analysis of scientific concepts and the legal framework of the concept of information support for administrative legal proceedings. Features and peculiarities of information provision for administrative legal proceedings are studied; its differences from information support for the administrative court are stressed. The author’s definitions of the concept of information support for the administrative procedure and information support for the administrative court are proposed. Three stages of formation of national legislation regulating information provision of administrative legal proceedings are singled out. The system of laws and regulations, which provisions consolidate legal fundamentals of information support for administrative legal proceedings, is clarified. Prospective directions for the development of scientific inquiry in the field of information support for administrative legal proceedings and its legal regulation are revealed.
Козачук Д. А. Пропорційність як засада здійснення адміністративного судочинства у світлі оновлення процесуального законодавства в Україні / Д. А. Козачук // Правові та інституційні механізми забезпечення розвитку України в умовах... more
Козачук Д. А. Пропорційність як засада здійснення адміністративного судочинства у світлі оновлення процесуального законодавства в Україні / Д. А. Козачук // Правові та інституційні механізми забезпечення розвитку України в умовах європейської інтеграції : матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (м. Одеса, 18 травня 2018 р.) У 2-х т. Т. 2 / відп. ред. Г.О. Ульянова. – Одеса : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2018. – С. 29-31
2021, Tobacco Induced Diseases
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references,... more
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references, abstract and key points of the article, whilst references should not exceed 36. Review Papers Comprehensive, authoritative, reviews within the journal's scope. Review articles provide a review of the literature. There are two types of review papers:-systematic review papers: respond to a specific research question, accrue from criterion-based selection of sources, include a quantitative synthesis that includes a statistical method (meta-analysis) and should adhere to PRISMA guidelines. Guidelines used for abstracting data and assessing data quality and validity should be noted in methods section.-narrative reviews: the research question may be broad, and the scope of this review is to discuss a specific topic and keep the readers up-to-date about it. This type of review does not necessarily include a methodological approach and its synthesis is usually qualitative. Narrative reviews should include a "developments" section, with details regarding data sources used, keywords applied, time restrictions and study types selected. All review papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50 unless on a topic that has an extensive evidence base. The conclusion of the reviews must be specific and stem from the findings. Short Reports Brief reports of data from original research. Short reports are shorter versions of original articles, may include one table or figure, should not exceed 1500 words and 15 references. Short reports are suitable for the presentation of research that extends previously published research, including the reporting of additional evidence and confirmatory results in other settings, as well as negative results. Authors must clearly acknowledge any work upon which they are building, both published and unpublished. Study Protocols Articles describing a research protocol of a study. This article type can be for proposed or for ongoing research and should contain the background, research hypothesis, rationale a detailed methodology of the study. The SPIRIT 2013 Checklist guidelines ideally should be applied. Study protocols submitted for publication must have received ethics approval. Protocols of randomized trials should follow the CONSORT guidelines and must have a trial registration number, while observational studies should follow STROBE guidelines. Methodology Papers Papers that present different methodological approaches that can be used to investigate problems in a relevant scientific field and to encourage innovation. It is suggested that case studies or practical examples, which can be existing ones, are included to demonstrate the consistency and applicability of the methodology. Methodology papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50. Letters to the Editor A letter to the Editor is a brief report that is within the journal's scope and of particular interest to the community, but not suitable as a standard research article or as a short report. Letters to the editor may also report original research data, if the sample size is small. A maximum of ten articles may be included in the references. Letters intended for publication should be a maximum of 500 words, contain 10 references, and up to one table or figure. These rules apply both for research letters, and letters that respond to articles published in the journal. Letters to the editor are subject to editorial editing so as to streamline with the journal's style. Editorials Editorials are written by members of the Editorial Board or by invited topic experts and may reflect current articles within TID
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references,... more
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references, abstract and key points of the article, whilst references should not exceed 36. Review Papers Comprehensive, authoritative, reviews within the journal's scope. Review articles provide a review of the literature. There are two types of review papers:-systematic review papers: respond to a specific research question, accrue from criterion-based selection of sources, include a quantitative synthesis that includes a statistical method (meta-analysis) and should adhere to PRISMA guidelines. Guidelines used for abstracting data and assessing data quality and validity should be noted in methods section.-narrative reviews: the research question may be broad, and the scope of this review is to discuss a specific topic and keep the readers up-to-date about it. This type of review does not necessarily include a methodological approach and its synthesis is usually qualitative. Narrative reviews should include a "developments" section, with details regarding data sources used, keywords applied, time restrictions and study types selected. All review papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50 unless on a topic that has an extensive evidence base. The conclusion of the reviews must be specific and stem from the findings. Short Reports Brief reports of data from original research. Short reports are shorter versions of original articles, may include one table or figure, should not exceed 1500 words and 15 references. Short reports are suitable for the presentation of research that extends previously published research, including the reporting of additional evidence and confirmatory results in other settings, as well as negative results. Authors must clearly acknowledge any work upon which they are building, both published and unpublished. Study Protocols Articles describing a research protocol of a study. This article type can be for proposed or for ongoing research and should contain the background, research hypothesis, rationale a detailed methodology of the study. The SPIRIT 2013 Checklist guidelines ideally should be applied. Study protocols submitted for publication must have received ethics approval. Protocols of randomized trials should follow the CONSORT guidelines and must have a trial registration number, while observational studies should follow STROBE guidelines. Methodology Papers Papers that present different methodological approaches that can be used to investigate problems in a relevant scientific field and to encourage innovation. It is suggested that case studies or practical examples, which can be existing ones, are included to demonstrate the consistency and applicability of the methodology. Methodology papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50. Letters to the Editor A letter to the Editor is a brief report that is within the journal's scope and of particular interest to the community, but not suitable as a standard research article or as a short report. Letters to the editor may also report original research data, if the sample size is small. A maximum of ten articles may be included in the references. Letters intended for publication should be a maximum of 500 words, contain 10 references, and up to one table or figure. These rules apply both for research letters, and letters that respond to articles published in the journal. Letters to the editor are subject to editorial editing so as to streamline with the journal's style. Editorials Editorials are written by members of the Editorial Board or by invited topic experts and may reflect current articles within TID
2021, Tobacco Induced Diseases
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references,... more
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references, abstract and key points of the article, whilst references should not exceed 36. Review Papers Comprehensive, authoritative, reviews within the journal's scope. Review articles provide a review of the literature. There are two types of review papers:-systematic review papers: respond to a specific research question, accrue from criterion-based selection of sources, include a quantitative synthesis that includes a statistical method (meta-analysis) and should adhere to PRISMA guidelines. Guidelines used for abstracting data and assessing data quality and validity should be noted in methods section.-narrative reviews: the research question may be broad, and the scope of this review is to discuss a specific topic and keep the readers up-to-date about it. This type of review does not necessarily include a methodological approach and its synthesis is usually qualitative. Narrative reviews should include a "developments" section, with details regarding data sources used, keywords applied, time restrictions and study types selected. All review papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50 unless on a topic that has an extensive evidence base. The conclusion of the reviews must be specific and stem from the findings. Short Reports Brief reports of data from original research. Short reports are shorter versions of original articles, may include one table or figure, should not exceed 1500 words and 15 references. Short reports are suitable for the presentation of research that extends previously published research, including the reporting of additional evidence and confirmatory results in other settings, as well as negative results. Authors must clearly acknowledge any work upon which they are building, both published and unpublished. Study Protocols Articles describing a research protocol of a study. This article type can be for proposed or for ongoing research and should contain the background, research hypothesis, rationale a detailed methodology of the study. The SPIRIT 2013 Checklist guidelines ideally should be applied. Study protocols submitted for publication must have received ethics approval. Protocols of randomized trials should follow the CONSORT guidelines and must have a trial registration number, while observational studies should follow STROBE guidelines. Methodology Papers Papers that present different methodological approaches that can be used to investigate problems in a relevant scientific field and to encourage innovation. It is suggested that case studies or practical examples, which can be existing ones, are included to demonstrate the consistency and applicability of the methodology. Methodology papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50. Letters to the Editor A letter to the Editor is a brief report that is within the journal's scope and of particular interest to the community, but not suitable as a standard research article or as a short report. Letters to the editor may also report original research data, if the sample size is small. A maximum of ten articles may be included in the references. Letters intended for publication should be a maximum of 500 words, contain 10 references, and up to one table or figure. These rules apply both for research letters, and letters that respond to articles published in the journal. Letters to the editor are subject to editorial editing so as to streamline with the journal's style. Editorials Editorials are written by members of the Editorial Board or by invited topic experts and may reflect current articles within TID
2021, Tobacco Induced Diseases
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references,... more
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references, abstract and key points of the article, whilst references should not exceed 36. Review Papers Comprehensive, authoritative, reviews within the journal's scope. Review articles provide a review of the literature. There are two types of review papers:-systematic review papers: respond to a specific research question, accrue from criterion-based selection of sources, include a quantitative synthesis that includes a statistical method (meta-analysis) and should adhere to PRISMA guidelines. Guidelines used for abstracting data and assessing data quality and validity should be noted in methods section.-narrative reviews: the research question may be broad, and the scope of this review is to discuss a specific topic and keep the readers up-to-date about it. This type of review does not necessarily include a methodological approach and its synthesis is usually qualitative. Narrative reviews should include a "developments" section, with details regarding data sources used, keywords applied, time restrictions and study types selected. All review papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50 unless on a topic that has an extensive evidence base. The conclusion of the reviews must be specific and stem from the findings. Short Reports Brief reports of data from original research. Short reports are shorter versions of original articles, may include one table or figure, should not exceed 1500 words and 15 references. Short reports are suitable for the presentation of research that extends previously published research, including the reporting of additional evidence and confirmatory results in other settings, as well as negative results. Authors must clearly acknowledge any work upon which they are building, both published and unpublished. Study Protocols Articles describing a research protocol of a study. This article type can be for proposed or for ongoing research and should contain the background, research hypothesis, rationale a detailed methodology of the study. The SPIRIT 2013 Checklist guidelines ideally should be applied. Study protocols submitted for publication must have received ethics approval. Protocols of randomized trials should follow the CONSORT guidelines and must have a trial registration number, while observational studies should follow STROBE guidelines. Methodology Papers Papers that present different methodological approaches that can be used to investigate problems in a relevant scientific field and to encourage innovation. It is suggested that case studies or practical examples, which can be existing ones, are included to demonstrate the consistency and applicability of the methodology. Methodology papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50. Letters to the Editor A letter to the Editor is a brief report that is within the journal's scope and of particular interest to the community, but not suitable as a standard research article or as a short report. Letters to the editor may also report original research data, if the sample size is small. A maximum of ten articles may be included in the references. Letters intended for publication should be a maximum of 500 words, contain 10 references, and up to one table or figure. These rules apply both for research letters, and letters that respond to articles published in the journal. Letters to the editor are subject to editorial editing so as to streamline with the journal's style. Editorials Editorials are written by members of the Editorial Board or by invited topic experts and may reflect current articles within TID
2021, Tobacco Induced Diseases
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references,... more
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references, abstract and key points of the article, whilst references should not exceed 36. Comprehensive, authoritative, reviews within the journal's scope. Review articles provide a review of the literature. There are two types of review papers: -systematic review papers: respond to a specific research question, accrue from criterion-based selection of sources, include a quantitative synthesis that includes a statistical method (meta-analysis) and should adhere to PRISMA guidelines. Guidelines used for abstracting data and assessing data quality and validity should be noted in methods section. -narrative reviews: the research question may be broad, and the scope of this review is to discuss a specific topic and keep the readers up-to-date about it. This type of review does not necessarily include a methodological approach and its synthesis is usually qualitative. Narrative reviews should include a "developments" section, with details regarding data sources used, keywords applied, time restrictions and study types selected. All review papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50 unless on a topic that has an extensive evidence base. The conclusion of the reviews must be specific and stem from the findings.
2021, Tobacco Induced Diseases
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references,... more
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references, abstract and key points of the article, whilst references should not exceed 36. Review Papers Comprehensive, authoritative, reviews within the journal's scope. Review articles provide a review of the literature. There are two types of review papers:-systematic review papers: respond to a specific research question, accrue from criterion-based selection of sources, include a quantitative synthesis that includes a statistical method (meta-analysis) and should adhere to PRISMA guidelines. Guidelines used for abstracting data and assessing data quality and validity should be noted in methods section.-narrative reviews: the research question may be broad, and the scope of this review is to discuss a specific topic and keep the readers up-to-date about it. This type of review does not necessarily include a methodological approach and its synthesis is usually qualitative. Narrative reviews should include a "developments" section, with details regarding data sources used, keywords applied, time restrictions and study types selected. All review papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50 unless on a topic that has an extensive evidence base. The conclusion of the reviews must be specific and stem from the findings. Short Reports Brief reports of data from original research. Short reports are shorter versions of original articles, may include one table or figure, should not exceed 1500 words and 15 references. Short reports are suitable for the presentation of research that extends previously published research, including the reporting of additional evidence and confirmatory results in other settings, as well as negative results. Authors must clearly acknowledge any work upon which they are building, both published and unpublished. Study Protocols Articles describing a research protocol of a study. This article type can be for proposed or for ongoing research and should contain the background, research hypothesis, rationale a detailed methodology of the study. The SPIRIT 2013 Checklist guidelines ideally should be applied. Study protocols submitted for publication must have received ethics approval. Protocols of randomized trials should follow the CONSORT guidelines and must have a trial registration number, while observational studies should follow STROBE guidelines. Methodology Papers Papers that present different methodological approaches that can be used to investigate problems in a relevant scientific field and to encourage innovation. It is suggested that case studies or practical examples, which can be existing ones, are included to demonstrate the consistency and applicability of the methodology. Methodology papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50. Letters to the Editor A letter to the Editor is a brief report that is within the journal's scope and of particular interest to the community, but not suitable as a standard research article or as a short report. Letters to the editor may also report original research data, if the sample size is small. A maximum of ten articles may be included in the references. Letters intended for publication should be a maximum of 500 words, contain 10 references, and up to one table or figure. These rules apply both for research letters, and letters that respond to articles published in the journal. Letters to the editor are subject to editorial editing so as to streamline with the journal's style. Editorials Editorials are written by members of the Editorial Board or by invited topic experts and may reflect current articles within TID
2021, Tobacco Induced Diseases
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references,... more
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references, abstract and key points of the article, whilst references should not exceed 36. Review Papers Comprehensive, authoritative, reviews within the journal's scope. Review articles provide a review of the literature. There are two types of review papers:-systematic review papers: respond to a specific research question, accrue from criterion-based selection of sources, include a quantitative synthesis that includes a statistical method (meta-analysis) and should adhere to PRISMA guidelines. Guidelines used for abstracting data and assessing data quality and validity should be noted in methods section.-narrative reviews: the research question may be broad, and the scope of this review is to discuss a specific topic and keep the readers up-to-date about it. This type of review does not necessarily include a methodological approach and its synthesis is usually qualitative. Narrative reviews should include a "developments" section, with details regarding data sources used, keywords applied, time restrictions and study types selected. All review papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50 unless on a topic that has an extensive evidence base. The conclusion of the reviews must be specific and stem from the findings. Short Reports Brief reports of data from original research. Short reports are shorter versions of original articles, may include one table or figure, should not exceed 1500 words and 15 references. Short reports are suitable for the presentation of research that extends previously published research, including the reporting of additional evidence and confirmatory results in other settings, as well as negative results. Authors must clearly acknowledge any work upon which they are building, both published and unpublished. Study Protocols Articles describing a research protocol of a study. This article type can be for proposed or for ongoing research and should contain the background, research hypothesis, rationale a detailed methodology of the study. The SPIRIT 2013 Checklist guidelines ideally should be applied. Study protocols submitted for publication must have received ethics approval. Protocols of randomized trials should follow the CONSORT guidelines and must have a trial registration number, while observational studies should follow STROBE guidelines. Methodology Papers Papers that present different methodological approaches that can be used to investigate problems in a relevant scientific field and to encourage innovation. It is suggested that case studies or practical examples, which can be existing ones, are included to demonstrate the consistency and applicability of the methodology. Methodology papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50. Letters to the Editor A letter to the Editor is a brief report that is within the journal's scope and of particular interest to the community, but not suitable as a standard research article or as a short report. Letters to the editor may also report original research data, if the sample size is small. A maximum of ten articles may be included in the references. Letters intended for publication should be a maximum of 500 words, contain 10 references, and up to one table or figure. These rules apply both for research letters, and letters that respond to articles published in the journal. Letters to the editor are subject to editorial editing so as to streamline with the journal's style. Editorials Editorials are written by members of the Editorial Board or by invited topic experts and may reflect current articles within TID
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references,... more
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references, abstract and key points of the article, whilst references should not exceed 36. Review Papers Comprehensive, authoritative, reviews within the journal's scope. Review articles provide a review of the literature. There are two types of review papers:-systematic review papers: respond to a specific research question, accrue from criterion-based selection of sources, include a quantitative synthesis that includes a statistical method (meta-analysis) and should adhere to PRISMA guidelines. Guidelines used for abstracting data and assessing data quality and validity should be noted in methods section.-narrative reviews: the research question may be broad, and the scope of this review is to discuss a specific topic and keep the readers up-to-date about it. This type of review does not necessarily include a methodological approach and its synthesis is usually qualitative. Narrative reviews should include a "developments" section, with details regarding data sources used, keywords applied, time restrictions and study types selected. All review papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50 unless on a topic that has an extensive evidence base. The conclusion of the reviews must be specific and stem from the findings. Short Reports Brief reports of data from original research. Short reports are shorter versions of original articles, may include one table or figure, should not exceed 1500 words and 15 references. Short reports are suitable for the presentation of research that extends previously published research, including the reporting of additional evidence and confirmatory results in other settings, as well as negative results. Authors must clearly acknowledge any work upon which they are building, both published and unpublished. Study Protocols Articles describing a research protocol of a study. This article type can be for proposed or for ongoing research and should contain the background, research hypothesis, rationale a detailed methodology of the study. The SPIRIT 2013 Checklist guidelines ideally should be applied. Study protocols submitted for publication must have received ethics approval. Protocols of randomized trials should follow the CONSORT guidelines and must have a trial registration number, while observational studies should follow STROBE guidelines. Methodology Papers Papers that present different methodological approaches that can be used to investigate problems in a relevant scientific field and to encourage innovation. It is suggested that case studies or practical examples, which can be existing ones, are included to demonstrate the consistency and applicability of the methodology. Methodology papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50. Letters to the Editor A letter to the Editor is a brief report that is within the journal's scope and of particular interest to the community, but not suitable as a standard research article or as a short report. Letters to the editor may also report original research data, if the sample size is small. A maximum of ten articles may be included in the references. Letters intended for publication should be a maximum of 500 words, contain 10 references, and up to one table or figure. These rules apply both for research letters, and letters that respond to articles published in the journal. Letters to the editor are subject to editorial editing so as to streamline with the journal's style. Editorials Editorials are written by members of the Editorial Board or by invited topic experts and may reflect current articles within TID
2021, Tobacco Induced Diseases
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references,... more
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references, abstract and key points of the article, whilst references should not exceed 36. Review Papers Comprehensive, authoritative, reviews within the journal's scope. Review articles provide a review of the literature. There are two types of review papers:-systematic review papers: respond to a specific research question, accrue from criterion-based selection of sources, include a quantitative synthesis that includes a statistical method (meta-analysis) and should adhere to PRISMA guidelines. Guidelines used for abstracting data and assessing data quality and validity should be noted in methods section.-narrative reviews: the research question may be broad, and the scope of this review is to discuss a specific topic and keep the readers up-to-date about it. This type of review does not necessarily include a methodological approach and its synthesis is usually qualitative. Narrative reviews should include a "developments" section, with details regarding data sources used, keywords applied, time restrictions and study types selected. All review papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50 unless on a topic that has an extensive evidence base. The conclusion of the reviews must be specific and stem from the findings. Short Reports Brief reports of data from original research. Short reports are shorter versions of original articles, may include one table or figure, should not exceed 1500 words and 15 references. Short reports are suitable for the presentation of research that extends previously published research, including the reporting of additional evidence and confirmatory results in other settings, as well as negative results. Authors must clearly acknowledge any work upon which they are building, both published and unpublished. Study Protocols Articles describing a research protocol of a study. This article type can be for proposed or for ongoing research and should contain the background, research hypothesis, rationale a detailed methodology of the study. The SPIRIT 2013 Checklist guidelines ideally should be applied. Study protocols submitted for publication must have received ethics approval. Protocols of randomized trials should follow the CONSORT guidelines and must have a trial registration number, while observational studies should follow STROBE guidelines. Methodology Papers Papers that present different methodological approaches that can be used to investigate problems in a relevant scientific field and to encourage innovation. It is suggested that case studies or practical examples, which can be existing ones, are included to demonstrate the consistency and applicability of the methodology. Methodology papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50. Letters to the Editor A letter to the Editor is a brief report that is within the journal's scope and of particular interest to the community, but not suitable as a standard research article or as a short report. Letters to the editor may also report original research data, if the sample size is small. A maximum of ten articles may be included in the references. Letters intended for publication should be a maximum of 500 words, contain 10 references, and up to one table or figure. These rules apply both for research letters, and letters that respond to articles published in the journal. Letters to the editor are subject to editorial editing so as to streamline with the journal's style. Editorials Editorials are written by members of the Editorial Board or by invited topic experts and may reflect current articles within TID
2021, Tobacco Induced Diseases
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references,... more
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references, abstract and key points of the article, whilst references should not exceed 36. Review Papers Comprehensive, authoritative, reviews within the journal's scope. Review articles provide a review of the literature. There are two types of review papers:-systematic review papers: respond to a specific research question, accrue from criterion-based selection of sources, include a quantitative synthesis that includes a statistical method (meta-analysis) and should adhere to PRISMA guidelines. Guidelines used for abstracting data and assessing data quality and validity should be noted in methods section.-narrative reviews: the research question may be broad, and the scope of this review is to discuss a specific topic and keep the readers up-to-date about it. This type of review does not necessarily include a methodological approach and its synthesis is usually qualitative. Narrative reviews should include a "developments" section, with details regarding data sources used, keywords applied, time restrictions and study types selected. All review papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50 unless on a topic that has an extensive evidence base. The conclusion of the reviews must be specific and stem from the findings. Short Reports Brief reports of data from original research. Short reports are shorter versions of original articles, may include one table or figure, should not exceed 1500 words and 15 references. Short reports are suitable for the presentation of research that extends previously published research, including the reporting of additional evidence and confirmatory results in other settings, as well as negative results. Authors must clearly acknowledge any work upon which they are building, both published and unpublished. Study Protocols Articles describing a research protocol of a study. This article type can be for proposed or for ongoing research and should contain the background, research hypothesis, rationale a detailed methodology of the study. The SPIRIT 2013 Checklist guidelines ideally should be applied. Study protocols submitted for publication must have received ethics approval. Protocols of randomized trials should follow the CONSORT guidelines and must have a trial registration number, while observational studies should follow STROBE guidelines. Methodology Papers Papers that present different methodological approaches that can be used to investigate problems in a relevant scientific field and to encourage innovation. It is suggested that case studies or practical examples, which can be existing ones, are included to demonstrate the consistency and applicability of the methodology. Methodology papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50. Letters to the Editor A letter to the Editor is a brief report that is within the journal's scope and of particular interest to the community, but not suitable as a standard research article or as a short report. Letters to the editor may also report original research data, if the sample size is small. A maximum of ten articles may be included in the references. Letters intended for publication should be a maximum of 500 words, contain 10 references, and up to one table or figure. These rules apply both for research letters, and letters that respond to articles published in the journal. Letters to the editor are subject to editorial editing so as to streamline with the journal's style. Editorials Editorials are written by members of the Editorial Board or by invited topic experts and may reflect current articles within TID
, authoritative, reviews within the journal's scope. • Short Reports-brief reports of data from original research. • Policy Case Studies-brief articles on policy development at a regional or national level. • Study Protocols-Articles... more
, authoritative, reviews within the journal's scope. • Short Reports-brief reports of data from original research. • Policy Case Studies-brief articles on policy development at a regional or national level. • Study Protocols-Articles describing a research protocol of a study. • Methodology Papers-Papers that present different methodological approaches that can be used to investigate problems in a relevant scientific field and to encourage innovation. • Tobacco Industry Monitoring Letters-brief articles on tobacco industry tactics. • Letters to the Editor-a response to authors of an original publication, or a very small article that may be relevant to readers. • Editorials-articles written by members of the Editorial Board. • Editorial notes from the field-articles written by relevant NGOs working on tobacco control that present regional or international work from the field. These usually are linked to full NGO reports. NEW FOR 2020 Research Papers Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references, and abstract and key points of the article, whilst it is recommended that the number of references should not exceed 30. The Title page should list the title of the article and suggestions for a short running title of no more than 60 characters (including spaces). Also include the authors names, affiliations and contact details including email address for the corresponding author. Affiliations should contain each author's department, institution (institute, university), city, country. The Title of the article should be clear, concise and highlighting the research topic. It should not include rhetorical questions, literary language, quotations and special symbols.
2021, Turk Turizm Arastirmalari Dergisi
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references,... more
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references, abstract and key points of the article, whilst references should not exceed 36. Comprehensive, authoritative, reviews within the journal's scope. Review articles provide a review of the literature. There are two types of review papers: -systematic review papers: respond to a specific research question, accrue from criterion-based selection of sources, include a quantitative synthesis that includes a statistical method (meta-analysis) and should adhere to PRISMA guidelines. Guidelines used for abstracting data and assessing data quality and validity should be noted in methods section. -narrative reviews: the research question may be broad, and the scope of this review is to discuss a specific topic and keep the readers up-to-date about it. This type of review does not necessarily include a methodological approach and its synthesis is usually qualitative. Narrative reviews should include a "developments" section, with details regarding data sources used, keywords applied, time restrictions and study types selected. All review papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50 unless on a topic that has an extensive evidence base. The conclusion of the reviews must be specific and stem from the findings.
2021, REVER: Revista de Estudos da Religião
Transcrição traduzida ao português de sua palestra em inglês, com o mesmo título, para a aula magna do PPG em Ciência da Religião da PUC-SP, ocorrida em 7 de outubro de 2021. Por se tratar de uma palestra, não há citações e outros... more
Transcrição traduzida ao português de sua palestra em inglês, com o mesmo título, para a aula magna do PPG em Ciência da Religião da PUC-SP, ocorrida em 7 de outubro de 2021. Por se tratar de uma palestra, não há citações e outros elementos típicos da língua acadêmica escrita. Transcrição e tradução por Fábio L. Stern.
2021, Tobacco Induced Diseases
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references,... more
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references, abstract and key points of the article, whilst references should not exceed 36. Comprehensive, authoritative, reviews within the journal's scope. Review articles provide a review of the literature. There are two types of review papers: -systematic review papers: respond to a specific research question, accrue from criterion-based selection of sources, include a quantitative synthesis that includes a statistical method (meta-analysis) and should adhere to PRISMA guidelines. Guidelines used for abstracting data and assessing data quality and validity should be noted in methods section. -narrative reviews: the research question may be broad, and the scope of this review is to discuss a specific topic and keep the readers up-to-date about it. This type of review does not necessarily include a methodological approach and its synthesis is usually qualitative. Narrative reviews should include a "developments" section, with details regarding data sources used, keywords applied, time restrictions and study types selected. All review papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50 unless on a topic that has an extensive evidence base. The conclusion of the reviews must be specific and stem from the findings.
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references,... more
Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references, abstract and key points of the article, whilst references should not exceed 36. Comprehensive, authoritative, reviews within the journal's scope. Review articles provide a review of the literature. There are two types of review papers: -systematic review papers: respond to a specific research question, accrue from criterion-based selection of sources, include a quantitative synthesis that includes a statistical method (meta-analysis) and should adhere to PRISMA guidelines. Guidelines used for abstracting data and assessing data quality and validity should be noted in methods section. -narrative reviews: the research question may be broad, and the scope of this review is to discuss a specific topic and keep the readers up-to-date about it. This type of review does not necessarily include a methodological approach and its synthesis is usually qualitative. Narrative reviews should include a "developments" section, with details regarding data sources used, keywords applied, time restrictions and study types selected. All review papers should be generally less than 6000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references. References should not exceed 50 unless on a topic that has an extensive evidence base. The conclusion of the reviews must be specific and stem from the findings.
2021, Problems of Legality
Currently, the institute of typical and exemplary cases is represented by the norms of only one of the national procedural laws, namely, the norms of the Code of Administrative Proceedings of Ukraine. This is completely justified because... more
Currently, the institute of typical and exemplary cases is represented by the norms of only one of the national procedural laws, namely, the norms of the Code of Administrative Proceedings of Ukraine. This is completely justified because the probability of similar legal disputes between individuals and subjects of authoritative powers is extremely high. Subjects of authoritative powers apply the same rules of law to a wide range of persons. Such application may be based on misunderstanding of general mandatory rules resulting in violation of the rights of individuals or restriction of these rights implementation. Besides, in most cases, the legal disputes to be considered under the rules of administrative proceedings need to be decided as soon as possible. Referring to the institute of typical and exemplary cases makes it possible to ensure the necessary rapid decision-making: the decision at exemplary case gives reference points in considering typical cases. In other words, the jud...
, authoritative, reviews within the journal's scope. • Short Reports-brief reports of data from original research. • Policy Case Studies-brief articles on policy development at a regional or national level. • Study Protocols-Articles... more
, authoritative, reviews within the journal's scope. • Short Reports-brief reports of data from original research. • Policy Case Studies-brief articles on policy development at a regional or national level. • Study Protocols-Articles describing a research protocol of a study. • Methodology Papers-Papers that present different methodological approaches that can be used to investigate problems in a relevant scientific field and to encourage innovation. • Tobacco Industry Monitoring Letters-brief articles on tobacco industry tactics. • Letters to the Editor-a response to authors of an original publication, or a very small article that may be relevant to readers. • Editorials-articles written by members of the Editorial Board. • Editorial notes from the field-articles written by relevant NGOs working on tobacco control that present regional or international work from the field. These usually are linked to full NGO reports. NEW FOR 2020 Research Papers Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references, and abstract and key points of the article, whilst it is recommended that the number of references should not exceed 30. The Title page should list the title of the article and suggestions for a short running title of no more than 60 characters (including spaces). Also include the authors names, affiliations and contact details including email address for the corresponding author. Affiliations should contain each author's department, institution (institute, university), city, country. The Title of the article should be clear, concise and highlighting the research topic. It should not include rhetorical questions, literary language, quotations and special symbols.
2020, Правовые презумпции в судебном административном процессуальном праве: [монография] / С.П. Грубцова. - Москва : Статут. 2020. - 233 с.
ISBN: 978-5-8354-1681-3 Legal Presumptions in Judicial Administrative Procedural Law: [Monograph] / S.P. Grubtsova. – Moscow : Statut. 2020. –233 p. Настоящая монография посвящена исследованию конструкций правовых презумпций в рамках... more
ISBN: 978-5-8354-1681-3 Legal Presumptions in Judicial Administrative Procedural Law: [Monograph] / S.P. Grubtsova. – Moscow : Statut. 2020. –233 p. Настоящая монография посвящена исследованию конструкций правовых презумпций в рамках судебного административного процессуального права в условиях выделения на современном этапе административного судопроизводства как самостоятельной формы осуществления полномочий судебной власти. С целью выявления специфики правовых презумпций в данной сфере правового регулирования автором подробно рассматриваются вопросы, касающиеся места норм, регулирующих административное судопроизводство, в системе российского права, их правовая природа. Анализируются такие предлагаемые в юридической науке подходы к решению данного вопроса, как понимание указанных норм в качестве самостоятельной отрасли права, института административного права, подотрасли гражданского процессуального права. Значительная часть исследования касается теоретической основы правовых презумпций в судебном административном процессуальном праве, раскрываются их сущность, правовая природа, признаки, функции, анализируется действие на отдельных стадиях судебного административного процесса, предлагается собственное определение понятия. Кроме того, основываясь на действующем процессуальном законодательстве об административном судопроизводстве, судебной практике, юридической доктрине, автором предложены наиболее оптимальные модели, касающиеся видов правовых презумпций в обозначенной сфере. Монография предназначена для научных сотрудников, преподавателей, аспирантов, студентов юридических вузов и факультетов, практикующих юристов.
2021, Grubtsova, S.P. (2021) Differentiation of the Procedural Form in Administrative Legal Proceedings: Theoretical Aspects. European and Asian Law Review. 4 (1), 23-27.
The Russian judicial administrative procedural law has in a relatively short period of time been replenished with a number of special institutes devoted to independent types of proceedings for considering administrative cases or... more
The Russian judicial administrative procedural law has in a relatively short period of time been replenished with a number of special institutes devoted to independent types of proceedings for considering administrative cases or transforming existing types of proceedings according to new requirements adding features to the consideration of administrative cases. The goal of this study is to gain a theoretical understanding of the processes of differentiation of the procedural form in administrative proceedings and their assessment from the standpoint of their compliance with the goals and objectives of legal proceedings. The conclusion based on an analysis of the current legislation on administrative proceedings is that the differentiation of the procedural form does not always meet the specified goals and objectives, and therefore, as a result of the study, the author points out that the model of differentiation of the procedural form in administrative proceedings should be built depending on the protected substantive rights, the nature of material legal relations and with the orientation towards the optimization of legal institutions.
2019, Грубцова, С.П. Правовая природа презумпций в судебном административном процессуальном праве / С.П. Грубцова // Арбитражный и гражданский процесс. – 2019. - № 1. – С. 43-45 // The Legal Nature of Presumptions in the Judicial Administrative Procedural Law
Grubtsova S. P. The Legal Nature of Presumptions in the Judicial Administrative Procedural Law / S. P. Grubtsova // Arbitrazh-Civil Procedure. – 2019. – No. 1. – P. 43-45. The article deals with the general legal and procedural legal... more
2019, Грубцова С.П. Действие правовых презумпций на отдельных стадиях судебного административного процесса / С.П. Грубцова // Бизнес, менеджмент и право. – 2019. - № 4. – С. 42-45 // The Effect of Legal Presumptions at Certain Stages of the Judicial Administrative Procedure
Grubtsova S. P. The Effect of Legal Presumptions at Certain Stages of the Judicial Administrative Procedure / S.P. Grubtsova // Business, Management and Law. – 2019. – No 4. – P. 42-45. The article deals with the effect of legal... more
Grubtsova S. P. The Effect of Legal Presumptions at Certain Stages of the Judicial Administrative Procedure / S.P. Grubtsova // Business, Management and Law. – 2019. – No 4. – P. 42-45.
The article deals with the effect of legal presumptions in dynamics at certain stages of the judicial administrative procedure, in particular, at such stages as the stage of initiation, preparation and trial. The author analyzes the actions of the court and other participants in cases considered in administrative procedure in accordance with the rules of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation. Attention is focused on the importance of applying the rule of law enshrining the legal presumptions in force in administrative proceedings for the correct and timely consideration and resolution of a case in court.
2018, Грубцова С.П. Виды правовых презумпций в административном судопроизводстве / С.П. Грубцова // Арбитражный и гражданский процесс. – 2018. - № 3. – С. 42-47. //Types of Legal Presumptions in Administrative Proceedings / S. P. Grubtsova / / Arbitrazh-Civil Procedure. – 2018. – No. 3. – P. 42-47.
The article deals with the most widely recognized classification of legal presumptions in the law science in relation to judicial administrative procedural law. Keywords: legal presumptions, administrative litigation, judicial... more
2017, Грубцова С.П. Независимость суда от оснований и доводов стороны по делам об оспаривании нормативных правовых актов и об оспаривании решений, действий (бездействия) субъектов, наделенных отдельными государственными или иными публичными полномочиями
Грубцова С.П. Независимость суда от оснований и доводов стороны по делам об оспаривании нормативных правовых актов и об оспаривании решений, действий (бездействия) субъектов, наделенных отдельными государственными или иными публичными... more
Грубцова С.П. Независимость суда от оснований и доводов стороны по делам об оспаривании нормативных правовых актов и об оспаривании решений, действий (бездействия) субъектов, наделенных отдельными государственными или иными публичными полномочиями / С.П. Грубцова // Материалы XV Всероссийской научной конференции молодых ученых и студентов «Эволюция российского права», Екатеринбург, 27-28 апреля 2017 г. С. 444-447.
Grubtsova S. P. Judicial Independence From the Party’s Grounds and Arguments in Cases of Challenging Normative Legal Acts and Challenging Decisions, Actions (Inaction) of Persons Endowed With Specific State or Other Public Powers / S.P. Grubtsova // Materials of XV All-Russian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists “The Evolution of Russian Law”, 27-28 April 2017, Yekaterinburg. P. 444-447.
2017, Грубцова С.П. Место норм о доказательствах в судебном административном процессуальном праве Российской Федерации / С.П. Грубцова // Арбитражный и гражданский процесс. – 2017. - №6. – С. 37-41 //Place of Rules of Proof in Judicial Administrative Procedural Law of the Russian Federation
Grubtsova S. P. Place of Rules of Proof in Judicial Administrative Procedural Law of the Russian Federation / S.P. Grubtsova // Arbitrazh-Civil Procedure. – 2017. – No 6. – P. 37-41. The article deals with the place of institute of... more
2017, Грубцова С.П. О подотрасли судебного административного процессуального права / С.П. Грубцова // Российский юридический журнал. – 2017. - № 3. – С. 103-111. // On Judicial Administrative Procedural Law / S.P. Grubtsova // Russian Juridical Journal. – 2017. – No 3. – P. 103-111.
The article deals with the legal nature of judicial administrative procedural law as a sub-branch of civil procedural law in the context of the current legal regulation of administrative litigation that has emerged since the adoption of... more
2018, Грубцова С.П. Правовые презумпции в судебном административном процессуальном праве / автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата юридических наук / Уральский государственный юридический университет. Екатеринбург, 2018
Grubtsova S.P. Legal Presumptions in Judicial Administrative Procedural Law / Abstract of the Dissertation for the Candidate of Legal Sciences / Ural State Law University. Yekaterinburg, 2018
2018, Грубцова С.П. Правовые презумпции в судебном административном процессуальном праве / Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата юридических наук / Уральский государственный юридический университет. Екатеринбург, 2018
Grubtsova S.P. Legal Presumptions in Judicial Administrative Procedural Law / Dissertation for the Candidate of Legal Sciences / Ural State Law University. Yekaterinburg, 2018
2021, Грубцова С.П. Процессуальная активность суда в административном судопроизводстве РФ и административного судьи в США / С.П. Грубцова // Арбитражный и гражданский процесс. – 2021. - № 8. - С. 4-5
The author examines the issues of an active role of Russian courts in the administrative proceedings according to the Code of administrative proceedings of the RF and a hearing officer of an agency in the United States. The article... more
2021, Revista Ratio Juris
Resumen Este artículo está dedicado al análisis de conceptos científicos y el marco legal del concepto de soporte informativo para procesos judiciales administrativos. Se estudian las características y peculiaridades de la provisión de... more
2020, European Public Law
This article examines the 'full jurisdiction' requirement under Article 6 European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and its implementation within European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) case law. It first analyses the theoretical... more
This article examines the 'full jurisdiction' requirement under Article 6 European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and its implementation within European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) case law. It first analyses the theoretical foundations for 'full jurisdiction' which implies, in principle, a substitutive review of the merits of administrative decisions. It then focuses on the ECtHR case law, highlighting its ambivalence and inconsistencies: while the Court generally requires a substitutive review in criminal cases and in cases involving complex technical assessments, it tends to accept a less exacting standard of review in civil cases, especially when administrative discretionary choices or policy determinations are at issue. This article suggests that the ambivalence and inconsistencies within ECtHR case law can be explained in terms of the principle of separation of powers, which still underpins most legal systems of signatory states to the ECHR.
2021, Problems of Legality
The paper presents the analysis of the provisions of procedural law, the study of corresponding court decisions. Taking this into consideration an attempt is made to identify to what extent the implementation of the institute of typical... more
The paper presents the analysis of the provisions of procedural law, the study of corresponding court decisions. Taking this into consideration an attempt is made to identify to what extent the implementation
of the institute of typical and exemplary cases has influenced the unification of Ukrainian courts judging the public-legal disputes that can be considered the most common.