laboratorio de fisicoquimica Research Papers (original) (raw)

In this work the molecular weight of the camphor and a problem sample were determined from the cryoscopic constant (Kc) of a solvent defined as terbutanol (C 4 H 10 O). For the experimental design the temperature drop was measured until... more

In this work the molecular weight of the camphor and a problem sample were determined from the cryoscopic constant (Kc) of a solvent defined as terbutanol (C 4 H 10 O). For the experimental design the temperature drop was measured until reaching its freezing point with the benzoic acid (C 7 H 6 O 2 ) as the solute. In addition, the decrease in the freezing temperature of the solvent plus camphor and also in a mixture of terbutanol, benzoic acid and sample was measured, to be able
to identify experimental unit that indicated errors of 55.25%, 57.13% and 65.69% for salicylic acid, B-naphthol and acetylsalicylic acid; respectively.

In this work the molecular weight of different volatile liquid vapors was determined: hexane, chloroform and dichloromethane by the Dumas method. The values obtained in the experiment were: CH 2 Cl 2, 53.597 g/mol; CHCl 3, 98.543 g/mol; y... more

In this work the molecular weight of different volatile liquid vapors was determined: hexane, chloroform and dichloromethane by the Dumas method. The values obtained in the experiment were: CH 2 Cl 2, 53.597 g/mol; CHCl 3, 98.543 g/mol; y C 6 H 14, 71.65216 g/mol ; with an error rate of 36.89%, 19.96% and 16.86%; respectively, being compared with the theoretical values, in which a considerable difference is evidenced.

En este experimento se determinó la presión de vapor de un líquido que en este caso fue el agua, utilizando la relación presión y temperatura. Se evalúo diferentes temperaturas para calcular la entalpía de vaporización del líquido usado a... more

En este experimento se determinó la presión de vapor de un líquido que en este caso fue el agua, utilizando la relación presión y temperatura. Se evalúo diferentes temperaturas para calcular la entalpía de vaporización del líquido usado a partir de la ecuación de Clausius-Clapeyron, que permite graficar los datos de uno sobre la temperatura y el logaritmo natural de la presión del agua, datos que se obtuvieron a partir de diferentes ecuaciones con datos arrojados por el experimento. Los valores obtenidos en la práctica determinó una entalpía de vaporización del agua​ ​ de​ ​ 795,127​ ​ cal/gr​ ​ con​ ​ un​ ​ porcentaje​ ​ de​ ​ error​ ​ del​ ​ 47,25%. ABSTRACT In this experiment, the vapor pressure of a liquid, which in this case was water, was determined using the pressure and temperature relationship. Different temperatures were evaluated to calculate the enthalpy of vaporization of the liquid used from the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, which allows graphing the data of one on the temperature and the natural logarithm of the water pressure, data that were obtained from different equations with data thrown by the experiment. The values obtained in practice determined an enthalpy of vaporization of water of 795,127 cal/gr​ ​ with​ ​ an​ ​ error​ ​ rate​ ​ of​ ​ 47.25%.

En este trabajo se determinará la capacidad calorífica del vaso dewar. Además, se aplicará la Ley de Hess para evaluar el calor de neutralización para reacciones entre ácidos o bases fuertes con bases o ácidos débiles. Para éste... more

En este trabajo se determinará la capacidad calorífica del vaso dewar. Además, se aplicará la Ley de Hess para evaluar el calor de neutralización para reacciones entre ácidos o bases fuertes con bases o ácidos débiles. Para éste experimento se utilizó; como base, el hidróxido de sodio (NaOH) a diferentes concentraciones (0.2 N, 0.3N, 0.5N); y para los ácidos, el cloruro de amonio (NH​ 4​ Cl), compuesto que en presencia de agua se convierte en un ácido, el ácido acético (CH​ 3​ COOH)​ ​ ​ ​ y​ ​ ​ ​ ácido​ ​ sulfúrico​ ​ (H​ 2​ SO​ 4​)​ ​ a​ ​ ​ ​ 1.2​ ​ M. ABSTRACT In this work the heat capacity of the dewar vessel will be determined. In addition, the Hess Law will be applied to evaluate the heat of neutralization for reactions between strong acids or bases with weak bases or acids. For this experiment was used; as base, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) at different concentrations (0.2 N, 0.3 N, 0.5 N); and for acids, ammonium chloride (NH​ 4​ Cl), which in the presence of water is converted to an acid, acetic acid (CH​ 3​ COOH) and sulfuric acid (H​ 2​ SO​ 4​)​ ​ at​ ​ 1.2​ ​ M.

Laboratorio de fisicoquimica Gases Pantoja unmsm
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