NSA Legislation Since the Leaks Began | ACLU (original) (raw)

Since the Guardian published the FISA Court order mandating Verizon Business Network Services hand over all its customers' phone records to the National Security Agency in early June, Congress has responded with bill after bill to rein in the NSA's surveillance programs, increase transparency, and reform how the secret FISA Court is staffed and operates.

Currently there are 19 bills pending in Congress with more expected to be introduced. The legislation can be broken down into four broad categories: 1) substantive reforms to the laws the NSA believes allow it to conduct its surveillance programs, 2) disclosure of the FISA Court opinions that determined the programs were legal, 3) general reporting of the number and types of surveillance orders received by recipients and how many users affected, and 4) reforms to the FISA Court.

(For more on NSA surveillance, click here.)

With the recent narrow defeat of the Amash Amendment to defund the bulk phone records' collection program, and more disclosures coming, Congress is more engaged on the issue of the government's suspicionless collection and surveillance of Americans' communications than it ever has been over the last decade. The ACLU will continue to work with Congress to stop the government's spying on innocent people as well as force disclosure about how these programs are used and the secret court rulings that support them. (This list will be updated as events dictate.)


LEAD (total 8.2.13)

Conyers-Amash (51)
H.R.2399: LIBERT-E Act
215 Orders:

Gag Orders:


Leahy (11)
S.1215: FISA Accountability and Privacy Protection Act of 2013
215 Orders:

Pen Register and Trap and Trace Devices: Application requires statement of facts and circumstances and min. procedures

FAA Order: must provide description "with particularity" if identity of target unknown

Delayed Notice Search Warrants: notice after 7 days

Judicial Review of Production and Gag Orders:



Udall-Wyden (9)
S.1182: A bill to modify the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 to require specific evidence for access to business records and other tangible things, and provide appropriate transition procedures, and for other purposes.
215 Orders:

Sanders (1)
S.1168: Restore Our Privacy Act
215 Orders:

Reporting: Semiannual AG reports to Congress (and consistent w/nat'l sec. make available to public) detailing:

Paul (1)
S.1121: Fourth Amendment Restoration Act of 2013
4th Amendment shall be interpreted to require gov't to obtain a probable cause warrant to search Americans' phone records

Ross (1)
H.R.2603: Relevancy Act
215 Orders: Requires that records sought in application are "related to a specific person that is the subject of an investigation: and that any investigation must "be conducted of a specific person or specific group of persons"

Holt (1)
H.R.2818: To repeal the USA PATRIOT Act and the FISA Amendments Act of 2008, and for other purposes.
Repeals the Patriot Act and the FISA Amendments Act

FISC Reform:

Warrant Requirement: Requires probable cause warrant to obtain info. on USP under FISA

CALEA: Gov't cannot require companies to build in access

Whistleblower Complaints: Gov't employee or contractor can file complaint on FISA violation/mismanagement to Comptroller or Intel. Committees; retaliation prohibited

Reports: GAO conducts annual FISA compliance reviews

Lynch (3)
H.R.2684: Telephone Surveillance Accountability Act of 2013
Searches of Telephony Metadata: Requires judge to issue order to FBI Dir. finding "reasonable, articulable suspicion that the basis of the search is material and specifically relevant to an authorized investigation and enters an order authorizing such search" before searches through collected metadata may be conducted


LEAD (total 8.2.13)

Schiff-Rokita (29)
H.R.2475: Ending Secret Law Act
215 Order and FAA Opinion Disclosure: Declassify and make publicly available:

Merkley-Lee (15)
S.1130: Ending Secret Law Act
215 Order and FAA Opinion Disclosure: Declassify and make publicly available:

Jackson-Lee (13)
H.R.2440: FISA Court in the Sunshine Act of 2013
215 Order and FAA Opinion Disclosure: Declassify and make publicly available:


LEAD (total 8.2.13)

Larsen-Amash (4)
H.R.2736: Government Surveillance Transparency Act of 2013
FISA order recipient may report every 90 days on:

Lofgren (10)
H.R. 3035: Surveillance Order Reporting Act of 2013
Public Reporting of Orders Under FISA (50 USC 1801 et seq.), NSLs (18 USC 2709), RFPA (12 USC 3414(a)(5)(A)), FCRA (15 USC 1681u(a),(b), and v(a)), and Nat'l Sec. Act (50 USC 436(a)): Allows electronic service providers to, on a quarterly basis, publicly report estimates, rounded to the nearest 100, of:

Franken (11)
S.1452: Surveillance Transparency Act of 2013
Reporting on FAA: Annual reports to AOUSC and Congress must include

Reporting on 215 Orders: Annual unclassified reports to Intel. and Judiciary Committees and available to public w/in 7 days, include:

Reporting on FAA: Annual unclassified report to Congress available to public w/in 7 days on total number of FAA orders issued, and good faith estimates of number of:

Pen Registers and Trap and Trace Device Reporting: Annual unclassified reports to Congress and available to public w/in 7 days on:

Aggregate Reporting by Companies: Every 6 months, a person receiving order under FISA Sections 105,402, 501, 702-704, may publicly disclose about the preceding 6 months:


LEAD (total 8.2.13)

Blumenthal (9)
S.1460: FISA Judge Selection Reform Act of 2013
Reforms Appointment Process and Make-Up of FISC:

Appointment to FISA Court of Review: Chief Justice appoints judges from district or circuit courts, but must have approval of at least 5 associate justices

Report on Diversity and Representation of FISC: Committee on Intercircuit Assignment of the Judicial Conference of the US will carry out study and issue report w/in 1 year of enactment

Blumenthal (16)
S.1467: FISA Court Reform Act of 2013
Office of the Special Advocate in executive branch:

Disclosures of Opinions: AG must disclose all FISC decisions w/significant construction or interpretation of law issued after July 10, 2003, and all FISC decisions appealed by Special Advocate, including FISCR decisions. Disclosures can include (un)redacted order, summary of order, or (un)redacted application/brief/other materials, and must include public document sufficient to:

Special Advocate Report to Congress: Annual report on implementation of Act, detailing activities of Office, assessment of Act's effectiveness, and proposals of new legislation on FISC

Schiff (10)
H.R.2761: Presidential Appointment of FISA Court Judges Act
Designation of FISC Judges: Appointment of FISC judges by the "President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate"

Cohen (12)
H.R.2586: FISA Court Accountability Act
Designation of FISC Judges: 11 judges

Limitations on FISC

Disclosures to Congress: Requires AG to submit all FISC opinions to Congress; and an unclassified summary of each decision, order, or opinion

Lynch (2)
H.R.2849: Privacy Advocate General Act of 2013
Creates Office of the Privacy Advocate General (PAG):

Surveillance Authority Pending Gov't Appeal of Denial of FISC Application: FISC Judge may authorize emergency electronic or physical surveillance, or installation of a pen register or trap and trace device, pending gov't appeal of denial of application if there is:

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