Albi Tourist Office: good deals, visits, stay, blog, agenda (original) (raw)
Factory of emotions
Albi and its episcopal city do not leave you indifferent! Whether you are a visitor or an Albigensian, the emotion is strong and still intact even if it is no longer the first visit.
For families
Albi with the family offers many happy moments to share: in treasure hunter mode, following fun tours, discovering, having fun to enrich your memories Albi, a ...
UNESCO heritage
Discover the imposing Sainte-Cécile cathedral, the Berbie palace, an episcopal palace of rare power, the Pont-vieux and the banks of the Tarn... Albi is a UNIQUE city by ...
Factory of experiences
To those who know how to stop for a moment, Albi reveals its architectural treasures, its true art of living and its legendary sense of hospitality of the South-West. Nature overflows here in the city and suggests breaks in a privileged environment.
Albigensian words
MEETING WITH… Bernard Gisquet, chef of the restaurant “La Forge du Vieil Alby”
Discover a cuisine that is both traditional and innovative, where fresh, local produce combines with unexpected flavors in pre...
Highlights & Agenda