Delmas (original) (raw)

Asensio, O. I & Delmas, M. A., 2016. The Dynamics of Behavior Change: Evidence from Energy Conservation. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 126(A): 196-212

Delmas, M., Lim, J., and Nairn-Birch, N. 2016. Corporate Environmental Performance and Lobbying. Academy of Management Discoveries. 2(2): 1–23.

Delmas, M & Pekovic, S. Forthcoming. Organizational Configurations for Sustainability and Performance: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis approach. Business & Society.

Delmas, M & Pekovic, S. 2016. Corporate Sustainable Innovation and Employee Behavior. Journal of Business Ethics. doi:10.1007/s10551-016-3163-1

Delmas, M., Gergaud, O. & Lim, J. 2016. Does Organic Wine Taste Better? An Analysis of Experts’ Ratings. Journal of Wine Economics.

Delmas, M., Nairn-Birch, N., and Lim, J. 2015. Dynamics of Environmental and Financial Performance: The Case of Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Organization & Environment. 28(4): 374-393.

Asensio, O. I. and Delmas, M. 2015. NonPrice Incentives and Energy Conservation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. January. 112(6): E510-E515.

Chen, C-M., Delmas, M. & Lieberman, M. 2015. Production Frontier Methodologies and Efficiency as a Performance Measure in Strategic Management Research. Strategic Management Journal. 36: 19-36.

Chen V., Delmas, M., Kaiser, W., and Locke, S. 2015. What Can We Learn from High Frequency Appliance Level Energy Metering? Results from a Field Experiment. Energy Policy. 77: 164-175.

Delmas, M & Pekovic, S. 2015 Sustainability and Market Conditions: The Resource Efficiency Paradox. Long Range Planning. 48 (2): 80–94.

Delmas, M. & Lessem, N. 2015. Eco-Premium or Eco-Penalty? Eco-labels and Quality in the Organic Wine Market. Business & Society. doi:10.1177/0007650315576119.

Delmas, M., Gergaud, O. 2014. Sustainable Certification for Future Generations: the Case of Family Business. Family Business Review. 27(3): 206-227.

Delmas, M. & Lessem, N. 2014. Saving Power to Conserve your Reputation? The Effectiveness of Private versus Public Information. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 67: 353-370.

Blass, V. Corbett, C., Delmas, M. & Muthulingam, S. 2014. Top Management Involvement in the Adoption of Energy Efficiency Projects. Energy. 65: 560-571.

Chen, V., Delmas, M., & Kaiser, W.J. 2014. Real-Time, Appliance-Level Electricity Use Feedback System: How to Engage Users? Energy and Buildings. 70: 455-462.

Delmas, M. & Grant, L. 2014. Eco-labeling Strategies and Price-Premium: The Wine Industry Puzzle. Business & Society. 53(1): 6–44.

Delmas, M., Fischlein, M & Asensio, O. 2013. Information Strategies and Energy Conservation Behavior: A Meta-Analysis of Experimental Studies from 1975 to 2012. Energy Policy. 61: 729–739.

Delmas, M., Nairn-Birch, N. & Michaela Balzarova, M. 2013. How Managers Can Choose the Most Effective Eco-Labels? Sloan Management Review.

Delmas, M., Etzion, D., & Nairn-Birch, N. 2013. Triangulating Environmental Performance: What do Corporate Social Responsibility Ratings Really Capture? Academy of Management Perspectives. 27(3): 255-267.

Delmas, M. & Pekovic, S. 2013. Environmental Standards and Labor Productivity. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 34(2): 230-252.

Chen, C-M. & Delmas, M. 2012. Measuring Eco-inefficiency: A New Frontier Approach. Operations Research. 60(5): 1064-1079.

Delmas, M. & Burbano, V. C. 2011. The Drivers of Greenwashing. California Management Review. 54(1): 64-87.

Delmas, M. & Montes-Sancho, M. 2011. US State Policies for Renewable Energy: Context and Effectiveness. Energy Policy. 39(5): 2273-2288.

Delmas, M, Hoffman V. & Kuss, M. 2011. Under the Tip of the Iceberg: Absorptive Capacity, Environmental Strategy and Competitive Advantage. Business & Society. 50(1): 116-154.

Chen, C-M. & Delmas, M. 2011. Measuring Corporate Social Responsibility: An Efficiency Perspective. Production and Operations Management. 20(6): 789-804.

Delmas, M. & Montes-Sancho, M. 2011. An Institutional Perspective on the Diffusion of International Management System Standards: the Case of the Environmental Management Standard ISO 14001. Business Ethics Quarterly. 21(1): 103-132.

Delmas, M. & Montes-Sancho, M. 2010. Voluntary Agreements to Improve Environmental Quality: Symbolic and Substantive Cooperation. Strategic Management Journal. 31(6): 576-601.

Delmas, M. & Doctori-Blass, V. 2010. Measuring Corporate Environmental Performance: The trade-offs of Sustainability Ratings. Business Strategy & the Environment. 19: 245-260.

Delmas, M., Montes-Sancho, M. & Shimshack, J. 2010. Mandatory Information Disclosure Policy: Evidence from the electric utility industry, Economic Inquiry. 48(2): 483–498.

Delmas, M. & Montiel, I. 2009. Greening the Supply Chain: When is Customer Pressure Effective? Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. 18(1): 171-201.

Delmas, M & Toffel, M. 2008. Organizational Responses to Environmental Demands: Opening the Black Box, Strategic Management Journal. 29(10): 1027-1055.

Conti, J. A. Killpack, K., Gerritzen, G., Leia Huang, L., Maria Mircheva, M., Delmas, M., Herr Harthorn, B., P. Appelbaum, R.P., and Holden, P.A. 2008. Health and Safety Practices in the Nanomaterials Workplace: Results from an International Survey. Environmental Science & Technology Journal. 42(9): 3155-3162.

Delmas, M. & Montiel, I. 2008. The Diffusion of Voluntary International Management Standards: Responsible Care, ISO 9000 and ISO 14001 in the Chemical Industry, Policy Studies Journal. 36(1): 65-93.

Delmas, M., Russo, M. & Montes-Sancho, M. 2007 Deregulation and Environmental Differentiation in the Electric Utility Industry, Strategic Management Journal. 28(2):189- 209.

Delmas, M. & Keller, A. 2005. Strategic Free Riding in Voluntary Programs: the case of the US EPA Wastewise Program, Policy Sciences. 38: 91-106.

Delmas, M. & Tokat, Y. 2005. Deregulation, Efficiency and Governance Structures: The U.S. Electric Utility Sector, Strategic Management Journal. 26: 441-460.

Rivera, J. & Delmas, M. 2004. Business and Environmental Protection: An Introduction, Human Ecology Review. Special issue on Business and Environmental Policy.

Delmas, M. & Marcus, A. 2004. Firms’ choice of Regulatory Instruments to Reduce Pollution: a Transaction cost approach, Business and Politics: 6(3), Article 3.

Delmas, M. & Toffel, M. 2004 Stakeholders and Environmental Management Practices: An Institutional Framework, Business Strategy and the Environment. 13: 209-222.

Delmas, M. 2002. The Diffusion of Environmental Management Standards in Europe and in the United States: an institutional perspective, Policy Sciences. 35 (1): 1-119.

Delmas, M. & Terlaak, A. 2002. Regulatory Commitment to Negotiated Agreements: Evidence from the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, and France, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis. 4(1): 5-29.

Delmas, M. 2002. Innovating against European rigidities: Institutional Environment and Dynamic Capabilities, Journal of High Technology Management Research: 13(1): 18-42.

Delmas, M. 2001. Stakeholders and Competitive Advantage: the case of ISO 14001, Production and Operation Management. 10(3): 343-358.

Delmas, M. & Heiman, B. 2001. Government Credible Commitment in the French and American Nuclear Industry, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 20(3): 434-456. 45. Delmas, M. & Terlaak, A. 2001. A Framework for Analyzing Environmental Voluntary Agreements, California Management Review. 43(3): 44-63.

Delmas, M. 2000. Barriers and Incentives to the adoption of ISO 14001 in the United States, Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. Fall: 1-38.

Delmas, M. 1999 Exposing Strategic Assets to Create New Competencies: The Case of Hazardous Waste Management Industry, Industrial and Corporate Change vol. 8(4) p. 635- 672.

Bonardi, J.P. & Delmas, M. 1996. The Impact of Regulatory Uncertainty on Strategies of Hazardous Wastes Processing: The Example of Chemical Companies in Europe, Gérer et Comprendre, 46: 4-15 (Published in French). BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS

Delmas, M. & Toffel, M. 2011. Institutional Pressures and Organizational Characteristics: Implications for Environmental Strategy. In A. J. Hoffman & T. Bansal (Eds). Oxford Handbook of Business and the Environment. Oxford, UK. 50. Delmas, M. & Young, O. 2009. Governance for the Environment: New Perspectives. Edited volume. Cambridge University Press.

Delmas, M. & Montiel, I. 2009. The Diffusion of Voluntary International Management Standards: Responsible Care, ISO 9000 and ISO 14001 in the Chemical Industry, in deLeon, P., & Rivera, J. (Eds.). Voluntary environmental programs: Potentials and assessments. Maryland: Lexington Books for the Policy Studies Organization.

Delmas, M., Russo, M., Montes-Sancho, M. & Tokat, Y. 2009. Deregulation, Efficiency and Environmental Performance: Evidence from the Electric Utility Industry, in Regulation, Deregulation & Reregulation. Edited by Michel Ghertman & Claude Menard. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Delmas, M. & Toffel, M. 2004. Institutional Pressure and Environmental Management Practices in New Perspective in Research on Corporate Sustainability: Stakeholders, Environment and Society. Edited by Sanjay Sharma and Mark Starik. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing: 230-245.

54. Delmas, M. & Mazurek, J. 2004. A Transaction Cost Perspective on Negotiated Agreements: The Case of the U.S. EPA XL Program in Voluntary Approaches to Climate Protection. An Economic assessment of Private-public Partnerships. Edited by Andrea Baranzini and Philippe Thalmann. Edward Elgar publishing.

Delmas, M. 2002. Environmental Management Standards and Globalization. in Dynamics of Regulatory Change: How Globalization Affects National Regulatory Policies. Edited by David Vogel and Robert Kagan. University of California Press/University of California International and Area Studies Digital Collection, Edited Volume #1.

Delmas, M. & Terlaak, A. 2002. The Institutional Environment of Voluntary Agreements in Organizations, Policy, and the Natural Environment. Edited by Andrew Hoffman and Marc Ventresca. Stanford University Press: 346-366.

Delmas, M. & Terlaak, A. 2001. Voluntary Agreements for the Environment: Institutional Constraints and Potential for Innovation in Environmental Contracts: Comparative Approaches to Regulatory Innovation in the United States and Europe. Edited by Kurt Deketelaere and Eric Orts. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers: 349-367.

Delmas, M., Heiman, B. & Ghertman, M. 1997. Institutional Environment Effects on Transaction Costs: A Comparative Analysis of the U.S. and French Nuclear Power Industry in Strategy, Structure and Style. Edited by H. Thomas, D. O’Neal and M. Ghertman. John Wiley & Sons: 283-299.

Delmas, M., Ghertman, M. & Obadia, J. 1997 Logistic Regression, Segmentation Modeling and Governance Choice in the Waste Management Industry in Statistical Models for Strategic Management. Edited by Ghertman, M., J. Obadia, & J-L. Arregle. Kluwer Academic Publishers: 261-275.