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Search results 1 to 1 out of 1 for_AT3G51790_



Type Details Score
Gene [ AT3G51790 | locus:2074363 G1 transmembrane protein G1P-related 1 ](;jsessionid=AF95EE310AB90E514476E25FC1C1884F?id=5105260&trail=%7c5105260) Length: 1335 Chromosome Location: Chr3: 19209515-19210849 Organism . Short Name: A. thaliana TAIR Computational Description: transmembrane protein G1P-related 1;(source:Araport11) TAIR Curator Summary: Encodes a heme-binding protein located in the mitochondrial inner membrane that is involved in cytochrome c maturation. TAIR Short Description: transmembrane protein G1P-related 1 TAIR Aliases: AtCCME, ATG1, G1 • • • • •

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