NO FEAR ACT (original) (raw)
Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to the No Fear Act
Section 301 of the Notification and Federal Employee Anti-discrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (the No FEAR Act), requires each federal agency to post summary statistical data pertaining to complaints of employment discrimination filed against it by employees, former employees and applicants for employment under 29 C.F.R. Part 1614. The specific data to be posted is described in section 301(b) of the Act and 29 CFR 1614.704. The required summary statistical data for EEO complaints filed against the Department of the Army available below.
Pursuant to Title III of the No FEAR Act, federal agencies are required to post quarterly on their public Web sites certain summary statistical data relating to equal employment opportunity complaints filed against the respective agencies. In compliance with this provision of the No FEAR Act, the Department of The Army posts cumulative statistical data for equal employment opportunity complaints for the entire department. Individual Commands have been instructed to post on their own respective public Web sites statistical data for equal employment opportunity complaints that originate in their commands. This data is updated on a quarterly basis. The posting of EEO data on agency public web sites is intended to assist Congress, Federal agencies and the public to assess whether and the extent to which agencies are living up to their equal employment opportunity responsibilities.