BBC - Cute animal babies (original) (raw)
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Cute animal babies
Fluffy and furry, adorable and endearing - the world of animal babies can be seriously cute.
A mysterious sound eminates from a coastal cave.
Duration: 2:02
Female Komodo dragons can reproduce without a male.
Duration: 2:11
The snow monkeys of Hell's Valley find the perfect winter resort.
Duration: 2:44
Conspicuous orange fur attracts attentive babysitters.
Duration: 1:33
A Skomer Island warden weighs and measures a puffin chick.
Duration: 2:09
Newborn captive panda twins spend their early days in intensive care.
Duration: 1:23
Skill development lies at the heart of the family for chimpanzees.
Duration: 2:15
In big families, it’s not always possible to worry about individuals.
Duration: 2:59
Learning to climb is an important step for young black bears.
Duration: 0:35
A fox family plays on the lawn in Heligan.
Duration: 1:43
A family of grizzly bears emerge from the den after a winter sleep.
Duration: 3:00
Young koalas stay dependent on their mothers for a whole year.
Duration: 3:00
Abbotsbury's mute swans rear their broods of up to six cygnets.
Duration: 1:13
An old silverback is left to care for his young daughter when her mother deserts the group.
Duration: 2:32
Wolf pups make a rare summer appearance in Yellowstone.
Duration: 1:13
Urban foxes have an easier time of it than their country cousins.
Duration: 1:31
Female caiman make excellent babysitters.
Duration: 6:05
A South American grey fox mother moves her cubs to a new den.
Duration: 1:00
Martin Hughes Games helps assess the Amur leopard cubs.
Duration: 1:57
Cubs see the world for the very first time as the Arctic winter ends.
Duration: 1:58
Playful cubs make hunting a real challenge.
Duration: 1:47
Hand rearing baby Tasmanian devils can be tricky.
Duration: 2:30
A red fox family set up a home next door to a landfill site in Essex.
Duration: 1:52
A baby Coquerel's sifaka worries the Duke lemur centre's vets.
Duration: 2:06