Humans in the Loop: AI & Machine Learning in the Bloomberg Terminal | Bloomberg LP (original) (raw)

The rise of the machines

Prior to the 2000s, all tasks related to data collection, analysis, and distribution at Bloomberg were performed manually, because the technology did not yet exist to automate them. The new millennium brought some low-level automation to the company’s workflows, with the emergence of primitive models operating by a series of if-then rules coded by humans. As the decade came to a close, true ML took flight within the company. Under this new approach, humans annotate data in order to train a machine to make various associations based on their labels. The machine “learns” how to make decisions, guided by this training data, and produces ever more accurate results over time. This approach can scale dramatically beyond traditional rules-based programming.

In the last decade, there has been an explosive growth in the use of ML applications within Bloomberg. According to James Hook, Head of the company’s Data department, there are a number of broad applications for AI/ML and data science within Bloomberg.

One is information extraction, where computer vision and/or natural language processing (NLP) algorithms are used to read unstructured documents — data that’s arranged in a format that’s typically difficult for machines to read — in order to extract semantic meaning from them. With these techniques, the Terminal can present insights to users that are drawn from video, audio, blog posts, tweets, and more.

Anju Kambadur, Head of Bloomberg’s AI Engineering group, explains how this works:

“It typically starts by asking questions of every document. Let’s say we have a press release. What are the entities mentioned in the document? Who are the executives involved? Who are the other companies they’re doing business with? Are there any supply chain relationships exposed in the document? Then, once you’ve determined the entities, you need to measure the salience of the relationships between them and associate the content with specific topics. A document might be about electric vehicles, it might be about oil, it might be relevant to the U.S., it might be relevant to the APAC region — all of these are called ‘topic codes’ and they’re assigned using machine learning.”

All of this information, and much more, can be extracted from unstructured documents using natural language processing models.

Another area is quality control, where techniques like anomaly detection are used to spot problems with dataset accuracy, among other areas. Using anomaly detection methods, the Terminal can spot the potential for a hidden investment opportunity, or flag suspicious market activity. For example, if a financial analyst was to change their rating of a particular stock following the company’s quarterly earnings announcement, anomaly detection would be able to provide context around whether this is considered a typical behavior, or whether this action is worthy of being presented to Bloomberg clients as a data point worth considering in an investment decision.

And then there’s insight generation, where AI/ML is used to analyze large datasets and unlock investment signals that might not otherwise be observed. One example of this is using highly correlated data like credit card transactions to gain visibility into recent company performance and consumer trends. Another is analyzing and summarizing the millions of news stories that are ingested into the Bloomberg Terminal each day to understand the key questions and themes that are driving specific markets or economic sectors or trading volume in a specific company’s securities.

Humans in the loop

When we think of machine intelligence, we imagine an unfeeling autonomous machine, cold and impartial. In reality, however, the practice of ML is very much a team effort between humans and machines. Humans, for now at least, still define ontologies and methodologies, and perform annotations and quality assurance tasks. Bloomberg has moved quickly to increase staff capacity to perform these tasks at scale. In this scenario, the machines aren’t replacing human workers; they are simply shifting their workflows away from more tedious, repetitive tasks toward higher level strategic oversight.

“It’s really a transfer of human skill from manually extracting data points to thinking about defining and creating workflows,” says Mann.

Ketevan Tsereteli, a Senior Researcher in Bloomberg Engineering’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) group, explains how this transfer works in practice.

“Previously, in the manual workflow, you might have a team of data analysts that would be trained to find mergers and acquisition news in press releases and to extract the relevant information. They would have a lot of domain expertise on how this information is reported across different regions. Today, these same people are instrumental in collecting and labeling this information, and providing feedback on an ML model’s performance, pointing out where it made correct and incorrect assumptions. In this way, that domain expertise is gradually transferred from human to machine.”

Humans are required at every step to ensure the models are performing optimally and improving over time. It’s a collaborative effort involving ML engineers who build the learning systems and underlying infrastructure, AI researchers and data scientists who design and implement workflows, and annotators — journalists and other subject matter experts — who collect and label training data and perform quality assurance.

“We have thousands of analysts in our Data department who have deep subject matter expertise in areas that matter most to our clients, like finance, law, and government,” explains ML/AI Data Strategist Tina Tseng. “They not only understand the data in these areas, but also how the data is used by our customers. They work very closely with our engineers and data scientists to develop our automation solutions.”

Annotation is critical, not just for training models, but also for evaluating their performance.

“We’ll annotate data as a truth set — what they call a “golden” copy of the data,” says Tseng. “The model’s outputs can be automatically compared to that evaluation set so that we can calculate statistics to quantify how well the model is performing. Evaluation sets are used in both supervised and unsupervised learning.”

One of the reasons human involvement is so important across the ML algorithm lifecycle is due to data drift, which can occur when the data used to test and validate models changes over time.

Tom Laufer, Head of Data Sourcing in Bloomberg’s Data department, explains how this can happen:

“If GE has a 6% movement in margin, that’s a major occurrence, because it’s a massive, mature, and stable company. Now, take a fledgling pharmaceutical company that’s just hitting the market. You might see an 80% margin change quarter-over-quarter. That might be normal. But, as that pharmaceutical company gets bigger and bigger, the tolerance for margin in this example needs to get tighter and tighter. You have to be constantly reviewing the company, its size and nature, to understand that the tolerance for swings in certain data points needs to be adjusted as the company matures.”

The nature of the data coming into the Terminal is outside Bloomberg’s control, so the Terminal’s engineers and data scientists must utilize the latest advances in ML, along with deep industry knowledge, to keep models as relevant as possible.

Occasionally, anomalous behavior can’t be explained by previously known and understood factors. In these cases, when dealing with a true anomaly, that data point can be surfaced to Terminal users as a notification or as breaking news.

“Most of the time, we repair the data,” says Laufer. “But when it’s actually a true anomaly, we send that right off to the journalist who covers that company and say, ‘This is newsworthy. You should write about this.’ And we help them do that.”

Deep domain knowledge

To understand how engineering and domain expertise work together, we can look at Bloomberg Law, a news and information platform for attorneys and other legal professionals. ML is used to identify and aggregate relevant information from sources like legal briefs, contracts, court opinions, and dockets. Traditional legal research is a time-consuming process that relies heavily on a lot of manual keyword searching of primary sources, as well as references to editorially-created secondary sources.

“Manual keyword searching of primary sources involves a lot of perseverance and luck, in terms of determining the universe of keywords that could potentially retrieve relevant results,” says Tseng. “And reliance on editorially-created secondary sources is equally fraught with a lot of uncertainty and risk, as it places a lot of dependence on third-party editors who could be providing an incomplete or biased view of the data.”

Bloomberg uses ML to identify legally-significant language from millions of court opinions and aggregates that language so it’s searchable and discoverable by customers.

“We use ML to identify features within court opinions, like citations, that indicate a statement’s salience,” says Tseng. “We also use ML to parse those citations to find other court opinions that express the same legal concept and determine whether statements are semantically similar to each other in a legal context. This enables our customers to see trends they wouldn’t ordinarily see. For example, they may be able to determine the most persuasive language to use in their legal arguments on behalf of their clients based on how often that language is used or cited by judges in their rulings.”

Tseng compares traditional research without ML to an impressionist painting made up of many individual dots. With ML, you can “connect” those dots to get a higher resolution image of the data, allowing you to spot imagery in the painting that would otherwise not have been visible.

“We’re trying to connect those dots for our customers, so they can make educated, data-driven decisions based on an aggregation of data, rather than anecdotal data,” says Tseng.

Speed and scale at the frontier

ML models are most often used in tandem with traditional rules-based programming.

“We start with the problem and then find the right tools to solve the problem, versus starting with the tool and then finding where we can apply it,” says Hook. “We try to use whichever tool is most effective to increase our automation rates, performance, and speed, and that improves our ability to cover as much as possible. But it’s not a one-size-fits-all-approach.”

Iterative implementation of the latest ML techniques have led to massive improvements in the speed and scale at which data can be transformed into insights.

“The time between when a document is published to when it’s available to clients has, in some cases, been reduced from months to minutes,” says Mann. “It used to be that one person’s reach was limited by the number of hours in the day that they could be looking at documents. Now, if you can set up and describe your test precisely, you can set it up for many different tests. The coverage and the amount of data that is available has dramatically changed, and the ability for our domain experts to set up these systems and deploy them is really phenomenal.”

“The best example we have of this is our MODL function,” says Hook. “It shows you analysts’ estimates for a company’s financial performance, along with the company-reported numbers and the differences between the actuals and estimates. Five years ago we were looking at a handful of numbers per company and it would take six to 24 hours to input company-reported numbers into our system. We’re now comparing hundreds of financial metrics per company, and it takes less than a minute to ingest.”

As we discover more about how machines learn, machines are better able to understand how we think, too.

“One frontier is enabling clients and our own internal experts to ask more flexible and ad hoc questions,” says Mann. The other, he explains, is enabling machines to reason across data sets.

“How can you use data that might have been effective for one task and transfer what you’ve learned in that task?” asks Tsereteli**.** “Let’s say we’ve built a model for understanding when a news story talks about when a CEO is stepping down. Can we use the information the model has learned to make it easier to determine whether there’s going to be a merger or acquisition?”

“When you can combine datasets easily, you can detect insights across them,” notes Hook. “We’re looking to improve and invest in that, and I think it’s going to allow our aggregate data to be greater than the sum of its parts.”