Battle Girl High School (2017) (original) (raw)
Set in 2045, humanity struggles to survive in a world overrun by mysterious invaders called the Irousu. The Earth's only hope lies with the students of Shinjugamine Girls' Academy, a school where Star Guardians train to fight the Irousu. Together, these brave girls work to develop their skills to fight against the invaders� provided they can pass class first!
Set in 2045, humanity struggles to survive in a world overrun by mysterious invaders called the Irousu. The Earth's only hope lies with the students of Shinjugamine Girls' Academy, a school where Star Guardians train to fight the Irousu. Together, these brave girls work to develop their skills to fight against the invaders� provided they can pass class first! (less)
Director: Noriaki Akitaya
Writer: Y�suke Kuroda
Starring: Sora Amamiya, Aya Suzaki, Ayane Sakura, Nao T�yama, Sumire Uesaka, Saori Hayami
Blu-ray reviews
Season 1
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