Queen Emeraldas (1998 - 1999) (original) (raw)
The story revolves around a race that seeks to dominate the galaxy. A lone mysterious female warrior, known to others as Emeraldas sails the endless planets of the universe- in her Seas of Star ship- fighting the tyranny of that merciless race. She is tormented by the memory of her lost love.
The story revolves around a race that seeks to dominate the galaxy. A lone mysterious female warrior, known to others as Emeraldas sails the endless planets of the universe- in her Seas of Star ship- fighting the tyranny of that merciless race. She is tormented by the memory of her lost love. (less)
Director: Y�ji Asada
Writer: Leiji Matsumoto
Starring: Megumi Hayashibara, Ken'ichi Ogata, Y�ko Asagami, Makio Inoue, J�r�ta Kosugi, Yuko Miyamura
Composer: Michiru Oshima
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