Sound of Noise (2010) (original) (raw)
The narrative revolves around police officer Amadeus Warnebring, tone-deaf scion of a distinguished musical family, and his attempts to track down a group of six guerilla percussionists whose anarchic public performances are terrorizing the city. The drumming set pieces correspond to an avant-garde score with four hilariously titled movements. Where the short involved the six drummers imaginatively using standard apartment furnishings as their instruments, the feature unleashes them on an unspecified city's civic and cultural institutions. Including an amusing backstory for each of the ...(more)
The narrative revolves around police officer Amadeus Warnebring, tone-deaf scion of a distinguished musical family, and his attempts to track down a group of six guerilla percussionists whose anarchic public performances are terrorizing the city. The drumming set pieces correspond to an avant-garde score with four hilariously titled movements. Where the short involved the six drummers imaginatively using standard apartment furnishings as their instruments, the feature unleashes them on an unspecified city's civic and cultural institutions. Including an amusing backstory for each of the soberly dressed drummers as well as their nemesis, music-hating investigator Warnebring, the film creates a treat for the eyes and ears from the dull, repetitive sounds of everyday life. (less)
Directors: Ola Simonsson, Johannes Stj�rne Nilsson
Writers: Ola Simonsson, Johannes Stj�rne Nilsson
Starring: Bengt Nilsson, Sanna Persson, Magnus B�rjeson, Ralph Carlsson, Peter Schildt, Anders Jansson
Review by Brian Orndorf, March 6, 2012
8 / 10
If you ever come across anyone squawking about the lack of originality in today�s cinema landscape, immediately sit them down with the Swedish musical comedy, �Sound of Noise.� Although it sweats to fill up 90 minutes of screentime, the picture is an immensely charming and startling effort that manages to contort the art of musical performance into a terrorist agenda. Clever and highlighting a hypnotic arrangement of rhythmic assaults, the feature keeps viewers on their toes, wondering just where directors Ola Simonsson and Johannes Stjarne Nilsson are going to take this wild adventure into in more...
| | My rating | 7.6094% like it | | ----------- | --------------- |
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