B.A.M.C.-About (original) (raw)

Blue Angels M.C.®

are the oldest 1% motorcycle club in Europe.

Established in 1963 in Glasgow and still as strong today.
Blue Gang Forever.

History of Blue Angels M.C.® Belgium

It all started when some members of the Black Panthers M.C. in the region of Herzele decided in 1978 to form a new motorcycle club, named the Blue Angels not knowing that the Blue Angels was a motorcycle club in Scotland since 1963 and in England since 1970. In 1992, during a run in Belgium the Scots Blue Angels heard that there were Blue Angels in Belgium too, so they went to Herzele to meet the famous Belgian Blue Angels. An agreement was signed between both clubs to wear the same colors and the Blue Angels became an International club. To celebrate the 50 th Anniversary of the club, the Blue Angels colors changed to top and bottom rocker from the country with the deadhead skull in the middle, up to the next 50 years. B.G.F. Blue Gang Forever. A few of the founding members of Blue Angels Belgium are still active in the club, Walter, Maurits, Marc V.C. and Djo.

Blue Angels M.C. Europe


National, Ghent,

South West,Lake District, Border, North East,
West Corner, Antwerp,
West Side, Central

In The Beginning

As with other cities of the swinging sixties Glasgow had it's share of newly opened clubs and coffee bars in the Hillhead area of Glasgow and it's Kings road, Byres rd which was the happening scene of the era. There was a particular coffee bar and an offshoot, Ashton rd called the Papingo which had over it's door arch, coffee and jazz. One of the Papingo's many attractions was it's late hours which appealled to the beatniks, artists and rockers who populated the Hillhead districts. Within the rocker element a group of like minded guys got together and decided that a change of image from the brandon boys of the rockers was called for.
Over many cups of coffee, cokes and the new joints of marijuana the new ideas were discussed and decided that a uniform of blue denim wrangler suits would be their attire and their motorbikes would be stripped down triumph nortons(tritons) without lights and painted sky blue to blend with their uniforms. Only a name was required and they all agreed on a name, "THE BLUE ANGELS", for various reasons. Alan Morrison and Lenny Reynolds because blue was Scotland's national colour and Tommy Howells who had worked out the letters of blue stood for bastards, lunatics, undesirables and eccentrics of which he said just about summed them up.
Over a period of time the image attracted others who liked the sunday runs which the blue angels organised to race on the hill roads around Glasgow and every so often trips into the western highlands which were quite near the city. It was also about this time that the mod gang culture was starting to take off and gangs like the maryhill fleet, the calton tongs, the townhead shamrock,the gorbals cumbie, the govan team,the drumchapel buck,the pollock bundie and the partick cross boys were starting to carve out their territory, literally, while other gangs and sub gangs would proliferate the big boys would go on to organise protection rackets shebeens, (illegal drinking dens) and some even prostitution.
The phenomenon had always existed in Glasgow but this time the gangs did not spawn from poverty but the pull of getting a share of the large amounts of money which were floating about in Glasgow. The different cultures would soon clash and while the top of Byres rd was accepted Fleet turf and the bottom was indeed Partick Cross and the turf of the gang of the same name, the middle was accepted as neutral and the styles and fashions on the whole mixed in harmony.

However one night the Blue Angels were drinking in the "curlers tavern" which was exactly in the middle of Byres rd and was one of the first places for the drug culture to blossom which made for good nights and great parties and was the place to be when a crowd of suits came in and as the time went on dirty looks started and the insults followed, soon a bar brawl of John Wayne proportions started which spilled out from the bar to the street. The suits ran in, slashing with their razors and the Blue Angels retaliated with flick knives, switch blades and tyre levers; there was bawling and shouting,guys were slashed and stabbed and several guys collasped with weapon wounds. Soon the police arrived in droves and waded into all and sundry andmaking no distinctions, some were captured and some got away. Many of the Blue Angels were incensed and the what was to become a pillar of policy "Retaliation, out of proportion" followed in the weeks to come with cafes and bars petrol bombed and sneak attacks done in the night by both sides. Soon wiser heads decided thet guys getting injured and imprisoned was not conducive to a good lifestyle, and soon talks took place to end the strife, by the end of the night drinks were exchanged and many of the suits were introduced to the joys of shit (cannabis resin)promises were made to help fix cars and scooters, while individual fights would break out over the period, the two gangs held each other in mutual respect and never carried out hostilities againsts each other again. The Blue Angels were Glasgow`s premier because of the reputation they had built in the war with the Maryhill Fleet and whilst some like Lenny Reynolds were shot, slashed and stabbed in a very short period,this did not detract from the style of the bikes, the image and the penchant for violence which saw the Garthamlock Blackhawks join with the Blue Angels and later some of the roadburners. After a battle in an Asian Restaurant the nickname "The Blue Gang" became prevalent and the walls of Glasgow and it`s outskirt towns began to see alongside local gang grafitti, slogans such as Blue Angels OK, Blue Angels, Best in the west,the slogans started to appear on the hill roads, on mountain passes and as the Blue Gang travelled the slogans appeared in places like the Ace Cafe, the Busy Bee, various truck stops and transport cafes and further afield like the Eiffel Tower and the Necropolis in Athens.

This design was unique then and even today there are not many similar designs throughout the biking world, such is the pride of the insignia that the Blue Angels copywrited their colours in 1997. Time went on and on holiday in Scarborough a crowd of Yorkshire boys asked if they could become Blue Angels as well and the two groups got on so well that even today many of the older members are still great friends and uniquely the Blue Angels Leeds Chapter is the only other group in the UK outside the Scots. The travelling would go on, time would go on, some died but fresh blood would replace them, more wars came,biker wars this time, as savage as biker wars are, but yesterdays enemies are todays friends and yesterdays foes look down their noses at the new kids on the block who don`t have the wounds and scar tissue or the traditions of the old combattants. The reputation and the history has spread from Frisco Bay to Sydney Harbour, 28 have died for and because of the lifestyle including one on a life sentence. Names of the legends are spoke of with reverence, Billy Rolling Stone, Sammy the Fox,Shannie, Nasty Bob,Mad Fitsy, Big John Herne, Danny Tha Fish, Scoobie,Chaza, Bunker Tha Coalman, Bugsy. The talk of the dead and what they done creates today`s pride, brotherhood and loyalty and the men today know what is expected of them. Blue Gang Forever

About the Blue Angels M.C.

The Blue Angels began in 1963. With guys like you and with guys like me.
We drove around and spoke the others. They listened and became blue brothers.
We drove around cafés, clubs and bars. Got into fights and gave out scars.
We let people know they better take heed. If they fucked with us they would bleed.
On our Triumphs and Nortons and B.S.A. We drove around along our righteous way.
With sex and drugs and rock'n'roll. Being a Blue Angel is good for your soul.

Brothers don't care if you're rich or poor. Brothers for them I will open the door.
Brothers for them I will open my heart. Seeing a brother hurt tears apart.

I will fight with my brothers side by side. Proudly stand tall we will never hide.
No retreat no surrender. We are the keepers the true deffenders.

Touch my brother and I will touch you. That's the Blue Angels way to do.
Fuck the rules we don't care. Blue as fuck anytime anywhere.

Don't fuck with us or you'll regret. We'll make you pay and beat you to death.
Read this words and keep in mind. Know that Blue Angels are here all the time.

Now you turn your back and walk away. And maybe you'll wake up for another day.
If you don't you better run. What you call trouble Blue Angels call it fun.
Now to all of you for once and for all. We're Blue Angels we're heeding the call.

Videos Blue Angels M.C.

International Run Belgium 2017. Start at Erpe-Mere.

International Run Belgium 2017. Start at Leopoldsburg.

* Full Screen available when video playing on the right bottom corner.

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