Alexander Vasiliyevich Samsonov | Russian military officer | Britannica (original) (raw)
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Battle of Tannenberg
In Battle of Tannenberg: Initial developments on the Eastern Front Alexander Samsonov. The two armies formed a group under the higher control of Zhilinsky. Zhilinsky’s plan was that Rennenkampf should advance against East Prussia from the east, drawing upon himself the German defending forces, and then, two days later, Samsonov was to cross the German… Read More
World War I
In World War I: The war in the east, 1914 …2nd, or Warsaw, Army under A.V. Samsonov, were to converge, with a two-to-one superiority in numbers, on the German 8th Army in East Prussia from the east and the south, respectively. Rennenkampf’s left flank would be separated by 50 miles from Samsonov’s right flank. Read More