Fra Angelico | Biography, Art, & Facts (original) (raw)

Quick Facts


“Angelic Brother”

Original name:

Guido di Pietro

Also called:

Fra Giovanni da Fiesole and Beato Angelico


c. 1400, Vicchio, republic of Florence [Italy]


February 18, 1455, Rome

Fra Angelico (born c. 1400, Vicchio, republic of Florence [Italy]—died February 18, 1455, Rome) was an Italian painter, one of the greatest 15th-century painters, whose works within the framework of the early Renaissance style embody a serene religious attitude and reflect a strong Classical influence. A great number of works executed during his career are altarpieces and frescoes created for the church and the priory of San Marco in Florence while he was in residence there.

San Domenico period

Baptized Guido di Pietro, he appeared in a document of 1417 as a lay painter. Later, between the years 1420 and 1422, he became a Dominican friar and resided in the priory of San Domenico at Fiesole, there taking the name of Fra Giovanni da Fiesole. At Fiesole he was probably influenced by the teachings of Giovanni Dominici, the militant leader of the reformed Dominicans; the writings of Dominici defended traditional spirituality against the onslaught of humanism.

Angelico was also influenced by his fellow friar St. Antoninus Pierozzi, who became the archbishop of Florence when Fra Angelico refused the post and who may have consolidated Angelico’s faith. It is believed that Antoninus also may have inspired some of Angelico’s compositions.

According to the painter and biographer Giorgio Vasari, Angelico was trained by the greatest painter and miniaturist of the Gothic tradition, Lorenzo Monaco, whose influence may be seen in the clear, painstaking delicacy of execution and the vibrant luminosity that seem to spiritualize the figures in Angelico’s paintings. These qualities are notably apparent in two small altarpieces, Madonna of the Star and The Annunciation.

"The Birth of Venus," tempera on canvas by Sandro Botticelli, c. 1485; in the Uffizi, Florence. Britannica Quiz Who Painted the Most Expensive Paintings in the World?

Angelico’s Deposition for Santa Trinità in Florence was once attributed to Monaco, who had begun it before he died in 1425. Monaco had divided it into a triptych and executed the pinnacles. Angelico, however, made it a unified altarpiece with a vast landscape dominated by a varicoloured hill town. It is perhaps an imaginative evocation of Cortona, where Fra Angelico spent some time and where some of his important works are to be found. Against that background are sharply outlined human figures in interconnected groups; their features are so delicately traced that attempts have been made to identify them as portraits. These arrangements of figures attest to Angelico’s deep knowledge of the formalism that characterized the art of the early Renaissance.

Two strands were interwoven in Angelico’s life at Fiesole: the pious life of a friar and continuous activity as a painter. Vasari described him as “saintly and excellent,” and, not long after his death, he was called angelico (“angelic”) because of his moral virtues. This subsequently became the name by which he is best known, often preceded by the word beato (“blessed”).

Angelico knew and followed closely the new artistic trends of his time, above all the representation of space by means of perspective. In works such as the large The Last Judgment (1440–45) and The Coronation of the Virgin (c. 1430–32), for example, the human figures receding toward the rear themselves create a feeling of space similar to that in the paintings of Angelico’s great Florentine contemporary Masaccio. The earliest work by Angelico that can be dated with certainty is a triptych of huge dimensions that he painted for the linen merchants’ guild (or Arte dei Linaiuoli; hence its name, the Linaiuoli Altarpiece); it is dated July 11, 1433. Enclosed in a marble shrine designed by the Florentine sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti, this altarpiece represents the Virgin and Son facing forward, monumentally, and, surrounding them in a minor key, charming angels, developing the motif of the “Madonna of the Star.” The group has affinities with the Florentine Maestà (i.e., Madonna and child enthroned in majesty) of the 14th century, but the influence of Masaccio may be seen in the formalism of the construction and in the innovative use of light and colour. Angelico finished the work with a predella, or narrow strip of paintings along the bottom of the altarpiece; this group of paintings includes The Adoration of the Magi and The Martyrdom of St. Mark, which are lucid and compact in their narrative and have a strictly defined perspective, a technique that is even more effective in the small painting depicting the naming of John the Baptist.

In the early 1430s, Angelico was commissioned to paint the Deposition for the sacristy of the church of Santa Trinità as a companion piece to Gentile da Fabriano’s Adoration of the Magi. As mentioned above, Angelico took over this painting after the death of Lorenzo Monaco in 1425. In Angelico’s painting, the dead Christ is gently lowered from the cross and is mourned in silent grief by the Virgin Mary and a group of women on the left of the composition. On the right, a group of men clothed in contemporary Florentine dress stand in mute contemplation. One of these figures might be a portrait of Palla Strozzi, the patron of the chapel and of the altarpiece. Strozzi, who was at the time one of the richest men in Europe and a rival to Cosimo de’ Medici, was exiled in 1434. The altarpiece might have been finished after his exile, possibly about 1440. The Deposition is one of the first paintings in the Italian Renaissance to depict figures in a receding landscape rather than in a space set as a foreground stage. In the background, Angelico depicted the city of Jerusalem.

Also in the 1430s, Angelico painted one of the most inspired works of the Florentine Renaissance, The Annunciation, an altarpiece significantly superior to his two other paintings on the same subject. It shows the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve being driven out by the Angel yet also under the sway of the radiant messenger and pure maiden who are portrayed in the space of a Renaissance-style portico. The predella is skillfully divided into stories of the Virgin Mary, naturalistically portrayed—especially the Visitation, which has a realistic panorama. Angelico always followed reality closely, even when he used a miniaturist technique. Occasionally, he resorted to medieval techniques, such as a gold background, in deference to the taste of those who commissioned the work, but his figures still emerge quite distinctly from the panels, in the Renaissance manner, revealing the painter’s increasingly sure and harmonious pictorial idiom. Angelico’s Annalena Altarpiece, also of the 1430s, is, so far as is known, the first sacra conversazione (i.e., “sacred conversation,” a representation of the Holy Family) of the Renaissance.