Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos | Reformer, Enlightenment, Enlightenment Spain | Britannica (original) (raw)

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November 27, 1811, Veja (aged 67)

Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos (born January 5, 1744, Gijón, Spain—died November 27, 1811, Veja) was a Spanish statesman and author, one of the most important figures of the 18th-century Spanish Enlightenment.

After studying law, Jovellanos was appointed to judicial posts at Sevilla (1767) and Madrid (1778). He gained fame for his literary and scholarly activities and for his personal integrity, but from 1790 to 1797, after unsuccessfully intervening on behalf of a disgraced friend, he was banished from Madrid to his native province of Asturias. There he founded an institution to promote Asturian reform and completed his most influential work, Informe de la sociedad economica de Madrid al real supremo consejo de Castilla en el expediente de ley agaria (1795; “Report on . . . Agarian Law”). In it he argued for Spanish agricultural reform on the basis of liberal economic principles.

In 1797 Jovellanos served for eight months as minister of justice. His political views, especially his opposition to the Inquisition and advocacy of the emancipation of the Spanish national church from Rome, contributed to his fall and his imprisonment in Majorca in 1801. Released in 1808, he refused office under the French invaders and committed himself to the patriotic party. He then played an important role in the central junta, the national governmental group opposing the French, and played a part in convoking a Cortes, or national assembly. He believed in monarchical sovereignty but advocated a Cortes as a check on arbitrary regal power. After the dissolution of the central junta, he returned to Asturias but died fleeing the province in the face of the French advance.

This article was most recently revised and updated by Encyclopaedia Britannica.